kerubimcrepin · 3 months
ANALYSIS: Joris Jurgen, Mage-Slayer, Bearer of Grougalorasalar's Black Fire.
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For quite a while I had wanted to make this post, concentrating my personal pet theory/something I noticed, but as of recently, it has been made especially relevant with to the role Grougalorasalar, as well as the Jurgen-Crepin family, may play in the manga.
This post touches on the following topic: Joris is probably mostly/fully incapable of using magic due to Grougalorasalar's possession, and there may be other consequences too, for his psychology.
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"At the time of the Dofus film, we saw [Joris] as a mage-killer. Someone who does not practice magic, nor is attuned to it."
Note: Some parts of this were already proven true (or true-in-the-past-but-now-reconned) by this tweet, but I would like to go more in depth, and talk about why Joris is not practising or attuned to magic.
Black Fire, Stasis, and Dragons:
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The magic of the world is based upon the Quadramental Breeze (the elements of Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind), Black Fire (Stasis, energy of destruction), and White Fire (Wakfu, energy of creation).
All of these forces originate from the three dragons of Osamodas: the elemental dragon Spiritia, the white fire dragon Helioboros, and the black fire dragon Ouronigride.
The descendants of Spiritia became the four elemental primordial dragons.
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Dofus MMO Book "Dragon Era - Found Fragments III"
Ouronigride had three descendants, of whom only two are extremely relevant to this post: Grougalorasalar (ebony dofus), and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, who refused a physical body, and therefore, remained without one, unlike all the other dragons.
Helioboros had three descendants, two of whom are important to keep in mind: Dardondakal (ivory dofus, his guardians used to be Joris, as well as Leorictus Sheran-Sharm), and Croulakrakoss, a dragon that has a history with Grougalorasalar.
Possession & violence:
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"Young Lukruh… You don't know that I'm watching over you… From the shadows!"
Joris is not the first person in the history of the World of Twelve to be possessed by a Black Fire dragon — albeit his possession was less planned, and ended far less tragically for him.
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While Grougalorasalar only resorted to possessing a body and mind that would not resist him, in order to save his own life — his sibling, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, had always yearned to possess and overtake, and for that end, he chose a man named Lukruh.
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"Go ahead! Set them on fire! Oh yes! Lukruh! Your hatred gave the two of us wings! Keep going, and then nothing will stand in our way!"
He spent a long time slowly weakening his defences to overtake his body and mind (the downside of possessing someone who is not a newborn, and actually has a free will and a mind to overwrite, I suppose), and fed on his anger, at some point even giving him wings.
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Feeding on anger to increase control over the body, something isn't unique to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.
It is unknown whether possession is something only Black Fire dragons are capable of, but we do know the dire consequences it has for the possessed — because Joris has opinions on this story, and he voices in the Dofus MMO questline for the Ivory dofus.
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During the first Crimson Dawn, he took the life of Dardondakal, and some time after, died himself. What really happened is murky (perhaps in part because this is not my lore area of expertise), but we know that Hyrkul ended up as an undead lich, before being abandoned by the dragon.
Joris explains that:
1. Dragons of black fire are not evil, but merely drawn to destruction. While I personally believe him, the fact that he mentions this immediately and unprompted may point to this being an insecurity of his.
2. The He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named kept Hyrkul alive, or turned him into a lich, using black magic. Then, in response to being asked whether it is possible that Hyrkul could have recovered his free will, Joris says the following:
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This implies that 1. Joris views the condition of being possessed as one you can't recover from, and 2. that he still does not entirely possess a free will of his own. His mind has forever been tainted by/muddled with Grougalorasalar's, and that is simply not something that can be changed or healed from.
...Perhaps Black Fire stirs his thoughts too. No wonder he would mention this not being an evil thing, then.
(To be honest, one of my own darker thoughts on this topic is that Joris as we know him has been possessed since infancy, so if Grougalorasalar overwrote his brain fully with his own personality without any memories, we'd just never know. Though, considering there wasn't really a personality to overwrite, it's a bit of a chicken-and-egg dilemma. Sorry for becoming a conspiracy theorist for a sec.)
Joris also elaborates further on their relationship in the Ebony dofus questline:
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This reveals multiple things:
Joris may be implying that he and Grougalorasalar did not part on good terms.
The alternate explanation for his words here, is that Joris knows what Grougalorasalar feels due to his influence over his psyche — meaning that he also neither forgives nor forgets. While it is a fun possibility that fits in with the rest of the post, I am inclined to believe that the shorter and easier explanation for his words is the one meant by the developers. Occam's razor.
The conflict that led to their separation was based in their world-view and morals — but here Joris says something that is very interesting:
The thing about possession, is that it affects both parties, whether they like it or not.
(Imagine two pieces of clay. Imagine pushing them together, and then tearing them apart. There would still be a bit of colour from the other piece of clay, on both of them, you know? I suppose it works the same way with souls.)
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Whatever their relationship used to be, Grougalorasalar no longer respects Joris's opinions. Joris still seems to feel protective of the Ebony Dofus — even if he couldn't fulfil his promise of keeping it safe forever.
Joris the Powerless:
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The Black Fire eats away at all magic and life, like rust; and rules the thoughts and impulses of those affected by it, like hunger.
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But it's not an evil energy — merely the yin to Wakfu's yang. It destroys without a malicious intent.
Even if we've seen the consequences that an abundance of it has, in season 4 of Wakfu...
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*relevant parts of the quotes are marked with a red tint
It is not a secret that Joris was first conceptualized to be a character who had no innate powers of his own — instead drawing them from his magic wand/hand-held tree stump. (Well, the first idea was a warrior with a woman's voice, but Xa disregarded that brief and made up a whole new guy...)
It was the idea they had during the making of Wakfu season 1 — which is why he always held his magic wand back then — and it was the idea they had during the development of the cancelled spin-off game "Joris the Powerless".
It is also why he has seldom been shown with the tree stump afterwards — it has lost its relevance to his character outside of being his preferred weapon.
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The reason I bring it up is that, while ideas change — when something is so integral to a character that you almost name a game after it, even multiple rewrites may not get rid of an idea entirely.
If black magic is a hunger that corrodes other magic, then wouldn't it make sense, if Joris could not use magic to begin with?
His situation is far different from Julith, who used black magic to try and resurrect Jahash. Black Fire is a part of Joris the same way it is a part of Black Fire Dragons, — it's not just a tool to him.
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...Though, he does make use of it.
All of this together would explain why Joris was envisioned, and could still turn out to be, someone who neither practices nor is attuned to magic, and how the idea of him being a powerless individual may have evolved.
It is important to note, that while I think he is mostly incapable of magic, he can probably still preform simple spells:
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Joris is shown using some type of magic in the Wakfu series, though we don't know what sort of magic it is, and what is its source.
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And, this is a bit more shaky, but he may be shown using some sort of electricity magic in Dofus MMO's battles — to enhance his mobility/melee attacks. The only reason I am unsure is that it could just be game-specific animations, to make the fight more interesting.
Either way it would make sense — Black Fire Dragons are living beings attuned to Stasis, but they are not devoid of Wakfu, (if they were, they would either be dead or necromes...) and Joris is simply an individual whose body was warped — capabilities for branching out into other types of magic could be limited, instead of being gone.
From possession to possessiveness:
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While the main point of this post was to analyse the fact that the possession probably affected his magical capabilities, it is also important to note, that I don't think his psychology was untouched.
We have multiple sources claiming that dragons are, in general, emotionally unstable, as well as textual evidence of said fact (via Arty's Burning of Bonta, which is mentioned by Qilby; Grougalorasalar's... Grougalorasalarness, as well as Adamai's many crises.)
As well as an interesting quote by Qilby, in regard to Grougaloragran. But it comes with a preface:
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While we don't know whether the vocabulary of "white fire/black fire" applies to the Eliatropes, it is important to consider this:
It was said by Tot that six dofus are required to create a world.
The appearance of a new primordial black fire dragon (Rotalström) in the necroworld could signify that having six primordial dragons for the four elements, as well as stasis and wakfu, is a constant between various worlds.
According to Tot, Rotalström was the last dragon defeated by Toross. Could it be that Primordial black fire dragons play an important role in keeping the world safe? And is this why Grougalorasalar is very active in the new manga?
This would probably make Grougaloragran a black fire dragon. It would also explain why he is both impulsive, and very keen on self-control and trying to be a kind person. But this isn't outright canon — just my speculation.
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(It would also explain why Adamai knows how to use stasis magic at such a young age, having been raised by him.)
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Which brings me to this point: it is interesting to think about the way Grougaloragran craves violence and destruction as a baby (cute), and how this quote about impulsiveness and jealousy also fits Grougalorasalar:
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Many people may not know it, but there is a lot of lore pertaining to Grougalorasalar in the Dofus MMO — and especially to his child, Crocoburio.
Crocoburio and Grougalorasalar tried to devastate and control the lands, slaughtering countless people, and Grougalorasalar was madly obsessed with his offspring: whispering him advice in the dark, supporting him every step of the way, giving him enchanted items.
These aren't necessarily normal behaviours for a dragon — but his son was so much like him, that it bewitched him for centuries, even after he was gone.
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The quests in the MMO involve Grougalorasalar wanting to ressurect his offspring, even if it damages Crocoburio's soul irreparably — and the player trying to ressurect Crocoburio without hurting him, to use as a bargaining chip.
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What I am saying is that:
Joris is a very impulsive person, a misantrope prone to poor decision making, involving himself in situations that don't concern him, and anger issues. He is also obsessed with his family — his so called "sons" (they aren't, but the three of them love playing pretend).
And maybe it's just how he was born — but maybe, just maybe, this too, is something that can be in some way traced to Grougalorasalar.
But maybe Joris also relishes in having posessive control over Kerubim and Atcham. Maybe he also hates everyone else besides them, and barely tolerates some people outside the family unit, with his brief friendships with others. Maybe its just like Grougalorasalar, and his love for Crocoburio.
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striehart · 8 months
i need money
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haven't been able to work 'cause family's got covid
can't borrow money from my stepdad 'cause he's been jobless last 2 months after the project his team was working on finished. he's got interviews lined up but i got bills. commissions for money are a no-go i've been so mentally ill the past two years i have an insane backlog and besides that my tablet pen's buttons broke and the cord's finicky and i hurt my drawing shoulder today. (honestly i should open donations for a tablet too but bro i need to get out of the red first)
reblogs appreciated. don't feel pressure to give to me if there's someone else in greater need and all that.
if you play ffx!v i will straight up sell you g!l for money i am not kidding hit me up. its better than losing phone service irl or some shit
$striehart pp helioboros
edit: i got money. still not 100% solidamius cause the future is always grim but don't need donations so urgently. still offering to sell g!l cause. well.
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uelman · 3 years
The Krosmoz’s Month Protectors
I recently did a summary for each Month Protector in the lore of Dofus and Wakfu and I thought, heck, why not post it here too for anyone interested.
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First of all, some context.
When Xelor used the 6 dofus to tune his Divine Clock, he divided it in 11 months, and asked his fellow gods to recommend guardians charged with ensuring that each month lasts and proceeds as intended.
But Rushu took notice of Xelor's Clock, and got hold of it. With his claws he carved a twelfth month into the clock, inserted black larvae to slow it, to finally force the gods into acceptin a demonic month protector of his own choosing.
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Jiva is the Protector of Javian. She's the one that announces the new year while pushing back the cold of Descendre. Only she is powerful enough to beat the demon Djaul! But she can only manage the feat after a real battle of titans, which inevitably repeats every year. What's her secret for winning? She moves as quick as a thought… and gives Djaul a hell of a pantsing.
She is one of Bonta's original founders, who the Order of the Salvatory Spirit follows. She wields the power of ice magic, and is the one who offered the Ice Dofus to Harebourg leading to Frigost's Curse.
She took the title of Protector of Javian after her lover and previous holder, Solar, was killed by Djaul.
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Solar was the first Protector of Javian. The extent of his power depended on the height of the sun in the sky, so he was a maestro at midday, but a sissy at sundown! That's why Djaul chose to attack at twilight. That day, night enveloped not only the World of Twelve, but also... Solar's life!
His death brought down a terrible winter that lead to Sacrier's ascension. He was revived as a Veriun Dead by Raval in his attempt to fight against the Gods.
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Silvosse is the Protector of Flovor. He roams the World of Twelve to free all the souls of plants done in by the cold. And then he takes a bud here, a branch there, and gets to work replanting and tending to them, getting ready for the nicer weather. It's said that he personally knows each of the plants of the world and calls them all by nicknames: Rosita, Chanvroune, Bulbishoo…
He is an old friend of the Soft Oak, and created the Treechnids from the souls of remorseless lumberjacks.
The bontarian Order of the Sharp Eye follows him. When Djaul extended his month after killing Solar, it was Silvosse who put a stop to him.
Ulgrude is the Protector of Martalo… and his temperament is positively electric! Not surprising, considering his shocking power! In a flash, he can strike down an adventurer, just on a whim or out of irritability. But this power also allows him to breathe the spark of life into the seeds of sleeping vegetation. Because Ulgrude presides over the return of springtime and the resurrection of nature.
He is in love with Jiva and chases after her unrelentlessly. He obtained the title of Protector after finishing off Hyrkul, the murderer of his predecessor Menalt, inheriting along with it the power of white lightning that Helioboros had blessed his predecessor with.
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Menalt was the first Protector of Martalo. He was the leader of the Centorors and one of Bonta's founders, who the Order of the Valiant Heart follows. He was beheaded by Hyrkul, Brakmar's greatest fighter, during the events of the Crimson Dawn, the first battle between Bonta and Brakmar.
His faithful centorors became Perceptors in order to find his lost head, which sits atop Raval's scepter.
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Silouate is the Protector of Aperirel. His sulfurous breath helps him melt the frost and ice covering the World of Twelve. His secret: a powerful de-icing liquid made from an herbal base and bovine fluids which he consumes before each of these interventions. It's said that he always keeps a barrel at hand, which he shares with his friend Sumens, during their little nights out…
 Brumaire once sabottage his de-icing reserves searching to weaken him, but Silouate instead became unsatiably hungry and turned into a trool, eating everything in his way. This lasted for two years, until Rosal was able to turn him back to normal.
 When the Pet Pest killed all the pets in the World of Tweleve, Silouate was able to bring them back and tie their lifeforce to the twelvians' in order to avoid something like this to happen again.
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Rosal is the Protector of Maysial. Thanks to his telepathic gifts and his profound empathy, he can feel the emotions and read the thoughts of other living creatures. A power which lets him help others to come out of their shells, but which is, frankly, not a walk in the park.
He is nicknamed "the Flower Master", and is an expert when it comes to antidotes and other panaceas. He also has elemental vision, allowing him to see a creature's elemental sensibilities.
Rosal does not care for the concepts of good or evil, and cares most of all for all creatures to grow and mature, no matter the choices they take.
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Sumens is the Protector of Junssidor. A fervent servant of Enutrof, he was given a rather particular gift: the ability to transform everything he eats into precious stones. A power that lets one make something noble and precious out of something foul? Hard to swallow! And even harder to digest… Since his intestinal singularity is far from painless…
But what is less known is that his powers do not stop there, as he truly is a living athanor, capable of turning whatever cheap thing into fine precious things, prestigious weapons, or other exceptional items.
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Hecate is the Protector of Jullier. A shadow demon, said to have been a minor divinity that people prayed to keep away the particularly virulent Moskitos on hot summer nights. Gifted with the incredible power of metamorphosis, she now roams the world in various guises and creates various relationships, depending on her ever-changing mood…
She was recommended by Sram to fill the position as Month Protector, as he believed that as a minor goddess of the night she could one day become a threat to him. She has the power of shapeshifting, which she uses to roam the world and spy on anyone.
She is one of Brakmar's original founders, who the Order of the Unsound Mind follows, but despite it has sometimes worked against Brakmar's interests due to her love for Ulgrude.
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Pouchecot is the Protector of Frauguctor. "The Fruitcake", as he's known, has an extraordinary sense of humour and never misses a chance to go bananas! He knows how to knuckle down, though, especially when it comes to making sure that the World's fruit ripens at the right rate every year. All in all, he's not a bad apple!
As one of the world's oldest souls, he is immensely knowledgeable. One of his jokes once made Sadida laugh harder than any god had laughed before, for which he offered Pouchecot to turn him into one of his disciples. Pouchecot declined, to Sadida's disappointment, but the god decided to bless him with great power over plants that he now uses as a Protector.
He is one of Bonta's original founders, but has no order of his own.
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Raval is the Protector of Septangel. When autumn shakes its leafy golden head, Raval criss-crosses the World of Twelve, sucking the life out of all its plants and animals. It's a bit of a morbid task, but a necessary one, and he does it without question. Unless...? In any case, if he feels bad about it, it certainly doesn't show!
He is the son of two necromancers, Euph and Agony. He worked together with his mother to create the Veriun Dead, but ultimately turned his mother into one and sealed her in the Mineral Tower.
He helped Vil Smisse found the Rogue Clan, in exchange for the clan's worship. But when Sram heard of it, he took down the protector and took the mantle of Eugor, claiming that Raval had been nothing but his representative.
During the Crimson Dawn, as Hyrkul was leading Brakmar to victory, Raval could feel hours from his month being stolen, so he brought back Bonta's dead soldiers as undead to turn the tide of the battle. He also stole Menalt's head, which he uses to empower his necromancy.
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Maimane is the Protector of Octolliard. He weans the World of Twelve off the last of the warm weather to prepare its occupants for Novamaire's arrival little by little. Easy does it... Easy... Maimane is the master of tact, which is why he sealed the human emotions into totems - so the World can stay cool, calm and relaxed... just like him!
He created his totems after witnessing the Crimson Dawn, searching to bring peace to the war between Bonta and Brakmar, and for this Feca granted him the title of Maimane the Stabiliser. He also founded the Imps Village, searching to give Bonta's and Brakmar's war orphans a new home.
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Brumaire is the Protector of Novamaire. He takes the World of Twelve in his icy grip, freezing everything he can lay his hands on. Nothing and nobody is spared, because his heart is as cold as the ice he spreads. His glacial demeanour might be somewhat unpleasant, but at least you can't accuse him of being a drip!
He is one of Brakmar's great protectors and a follower of Rushu, who the Order of the Putrid Eye follows. He is titled "the Macabre Blord" and is able to turn his body into mist.
Djaul is the Protector of Descendre. He has one dream and one dream alone: to plunge the World of Twelve into an eternal winter. How? By prolonging his month ad infinitum, of course! Every year he battles with Jiva in hope of purloining a few of her precious days. Fortunately for us, the Protector of Javian is having none of it!
He is a demon, one of the closest to Rushu. He tricked Aguabrial into laying a second Turquoise Dofus, but the ruthless Bolgrot was born from it before he could get his hands on it.
When Djaul discovered that Jiva and Harebourg had collaborated and stole days from him, he cursed Frigost with an eternal winter. In an attempt to extend the curse to the rest of the world, he separated a bit of land from Frigost and sent it away, creating Kwismas Island.
He is Brakmar's original founder, who the Order of the Bleeding Heart follows. He created the Dark City to expand the cult of Rushu through the World of Twelve.
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I hate having to ask for help like this on tumblr but anything anyone can contribute would be greatly appreciated.
I’m Soren, a trans gay PTSD-having weirdo, and I’m currently taking an intensive bootcamp in order to try to get a good job that’ll be able to support me and with which I can repay my debts.
I live with my aunt who has been slowly becoming more and more toxic and abusive with time. She refuses to accommodate me for extreme mental strain this class puts on me (imagine if you will 80+ hours weekly of coding, and then working on your days off, while coping with PTSD and ADHD), nor does she show me any compassion - often having verbally abusive outbursts where I am literally unallowed to respond, and then gets offended when I draw away from her or am afraid to talk to her. She has sworn up and down that she would support me throughout this course, but has decided that she would rather spend her time on certain personal pursuits, and has cut me off of transportation and food.
I can work one day a week between 40 hours of class and 40 hours of homework, but it’s barely enough to keep my head above water with my monthly tuition payments. My savings are nearly gone due to the rigorous entry requirements for this - it’s a coding bootcamp and required a powerful enough laptop and a hefty down payment. What I have left I’m saving for a doctors’ appointment in July.
My paypal is [email protected]. You don’t have to donate or signal boost this if you don’t want to. But I would be grateful if you did, and after my graduation in August, when I manage to get a better paying job, I’ll do everything in my power to pay everyone back.
Thank you.
EDIT: My squarecash is $helioboros, if you do not have paypal and still want to help.
tl;dr: I’m working 90 hours a week in order to try to land a good job in a few months, and my aunt’s behavior has changed from toxic to possibly abusive. Any side money for food or transportation that I was previously promised from her would be greatly appreciated and I’ll try to pay back anyone who contributes once I’ve got a stable job.
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Analyse des données du tournoi - avant le début de la première bataille
Au total, 199 équipes de 51 serveurs différents ont participé au tournoi, ce qui signifie qu'il y aura une confrontation féroce entre les 796 joueurs.
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Le premier jour après la période d’inscription, Ankama a annoncé la liste et la composition de toutes les équipes participantes sur le site officiel. Jetons un coup d'œil à la sélection des différents serveurs par l'équipe: utiliseront-ils la même stratégie? Augmentera-t-il la proportion de choix pour cette combinaison en raison de la synergie entre deux classes? Vous avez toujours la capacité d'innover et de créer différentes composantes de l'équipe?
Server et son team building Ce Goultarminator couvre 51 serveurs, chacun permettant à 4 équipes au maximum de participer à la compétition, mais seulement 199 équipes. Parce qu'il y a 3 serveurs qui n'ont pas assez de 16 joueurs, ce sont Helioboros (3 équipes), Aermine (2 équipes) et Zatoïschwan (2 équipes).
Il y a un total de 124 compositions différentes et jusqu'à 199 en fonction du nombre d'équipes. En termes simples, il existe de nombreuses compositions différentes dans ce jeu et il est probable que la plupart des équipes ont développé des stratégies uniques pour vaincre leurs adversaires. Ils choisissent tous d'acheter des dofus kamas sur iGameGold.
Environ les deux tiers des équipes ont choisi la seule configuration. Cela signifie que les autres tiers de l'équipe ont le même concept d'installation, ce qui est susceptible de s'appuyer sur l'expérience des équipes champions et des joueurs de la communauté des tournois précédents. Les détails seront décrits ci-dessous.
Sans surprise, huit équipes ont choisi la soi-disant équipe S.E.X.I (Sacrieur, Ennutrof, Xelor, Iop): Allister, Bolgrot, Djaul, Li Crounch, Menalt, Pouchecot, Rykke-Errel et Silouate. Nous voyons souvent une analyse de cette combinaison dans les forums, et l’excellente synergie entre les quatre classes leur permet de faire face à tous les adversaires et même de remporter une victoire écrasante sur certaines combinaisons. Toutefois, il convient de noter que, selon les règles de ce tournoi, 16 joueurs par serveur ne peuvent pas choisir la même classe. L'utilisation de cette combinaison dans une équipe peut entraîner une force insuffisante des autres équipes sur le même serveur. Si ces équipes ne peuvent obtenir une note plus élevée, cela peut constituer une faiblesse fatale pour le serveur dans son ensemble.
La deuxième combinaison populaire est également construite autour de Xelor, mais est davantage axée sur le blocage d’adversaires et la compétition pour des victoires ultérieures - Xelor, Ecaflip, Cra, Sadida (peut-être que la soi-disant équipe S.E.C.X apparaîtra à l’avenir). Cette combinaison est populaire parmi les joueurs hors de France, Edass, Ereziah, Nehra, Rosal, mais Hécate, Mylaise et Ulette ont choisi cette configuration.
La combinaison classée au troisième rang est considérée comme une «équipe de détritus» aux yeux de la plupart des joueurs, et peut également être appelée un «outsider». En fait, elle a été commandée historiquement par les moins bons parcours au-dessus de Goultarminator (Eniripsa), ainsi que les cours ayant déjà été joués pendant un long moment (bombes du Roublard, poupées du Sadida, sortes à charge du Cra) Etant peu de synergies avec les alliés. Les serveurs choisis sont: Aguabrial, Allister, Domen, Li Crounch, Menalt et Pouchecot.
Il est intéressant de noter que quatre serveurs ont choisi une combinaison de deux extrêmes (SEXI et «outsiders»): Allister, Li Crounch, Menalt et Pouchecot. Ceci est largement dû aux restrictions sur les choix de classes dans les règles de ce tournoi. Mais la dernière étape du qualificatif repose principalement sur les performances globales du serveur plutôt que sur le score d’une seule équipe. Vont-ils payer pour ce choix? laissez-nous attendre et voir!
Si vous êtes un joueur fidèle de Dofus et suivez les dernières nouvelles de Dofus, alors iGameGold sera votre meilleur ami. Ici, vous pouvez non seulement voir une variété de guides et d'articles sur Dofus, mais vous pouvez aussi acheter kamas les moins chers.
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factoides-yajan · 3 years
Factoide #3324
Factoide Semanal: Los 6 Dofus Primordiales (#3324)  Dardondakal y el Dofus Marfil Dardondakal, dicen los sabios, es uno de los dragones blancos, hijo de Helioboros , que encarnó por novena vez en su existencia celestial cuando se creó el Mundo de los Diez . Más tarde engendraría el Dofus Marfil del amor que sentía por Ibago, una de las muñecas de Sadida Dardondakal murió frente a Hyrkul en el año 132. Su cráneo quedó expuesto en la ciudad de Brakmar. Se dice que su Dofus esta oculto en la dimensión divina del Dios Zurcarak y el dragón, cual alma en pena, cuida su Dofus Este es el Dofus más difícil de conseguir dentro del juego, ya que tiene un prerrequisito de unas 200 misiones, acceso a muchas zonas especificas, y mucha paciencia y poder Si tenemos lo necesario, nos daremos a la titánica tarea de convencer a los amos del destino que el dragón blanco es digno de volver al reino de los mortales Este Dofus confiere a su portador una mayor resistencia en los combates, hasta hace sentir a su portador que el daño recibido es menor de lo normal
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[Publicado originalmente el 15 de Diciembre del 2020]
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iamkoury-blog · 8 years
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●Wakfu Dragons● •A few of the dragons from Wakfu. The top two are my favorites. Hence the gifs. Lol. °Helioboros - Light Dragon °Ouronigride - Dark Dragon °Aguabrial - Water Dragon °Aerafal - Wind Dragon °Ignemikal - Fire Dragon °Terrakourial - Earth Dragon
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striehart · 3 years
my job let me go
they don’t have room for inexperienced people like myself right now
my c*sh*pp and p*yp*l are helioboros
i have some debt and i pay the phone bill among other things so any help will be appreciated as i go around applying for unemployment and snap
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striehart · 3 years
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hey so, i lost my job three days before my birthday, and i'm still needing to find some way to pay my bills because they're past due.
my unemployment certification is pending and until then i need to make some money.
my commissions are open. i can do character designs as well as artwork like seen above. dm me if you are interested and we can negotiate on rates.
if you want to just donate:
paypal: helioboros
cashapp: $helioboros
reblogs appreciated as well. thank you
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(emoji base credit to astrelle)
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striehart · 3 years
new name new intro post hours
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(It's "western" because the Ninuan sea is sort of southwesty and usually gets "thought of" as to the west.)
carrd link
Anyway. Hi. I'm Striehart. That's my online moniker and Ninuan name. (What is a Ninuan name? Hey that's like your URL. Cool. Thank you for noticing! Please look into Dr. Jenna Moran's Glitch and get back to me. Love you!) You can refer to me with the other name I use online as well, but I prefer Striehart to sort of separate my public persona from the one I use with friends. I use it/its pronouns.
I'm in my mid-late 20s (Valentines Birthday) and am a currently unemployed software tester, web developer, and artist based in New York. Am white-coded Cree (mixed but raised in White Household) and Jewish to boot. All of these are very important to my identity.
I enjoy making stories and characters and encourage questions about all of them. Aesthetically and spiritually I feel a deep connection to the sea (and to a lesser extent, to freshwater) and imagery and the wildlife that live below the surface of the water.
My paypal is helioboros, my cashapp is $striehart, and my art blog is at strieh-art. I'm trying to save up money because I have bills, student loans, moving out etc on my plate.
Let me know if you need anything tagged.
I appreciate if those who have read this like the post or otherwise reply, but it's not a rule by any means. Thanks for your time. Enjoy my ... selection of internet content.
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striehart · 4 years
i should probably make an intro post for myself
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tanisi! i'm soren, 26, white/cree, and i'm a software tester (hoping to become an engineer soon!~)
i really like marine biology, particularly cephalopods, to the point that my fursona is a blanket octopus as seen above. i like writing and roleplaying, and playing lots of video games - and if i'm in a good mental place for it, drawing too.
i'm saving up to move out, and also dealing with an annoying af private student loan, so if you ever feel like hitting me up on cashapp or paypal, i'm helioboros on both, just like my art account - @helioboros
i'm happy to tag any trigger necessary, just let me know :) and if i follow you i request that you tag eye trauma, fandoms (im just a hater and have to blacklist them for a time if i get overwhelmed with content for somethin i don't follow), and alcohol/alcoholism.
this post will be updated as more stuff comes to mind!
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striehart · 4 years
pls support my art @helioboros i know engagement isnt everything but its always rather saddening to spend hour(s) working on a piece and then for it to go completely ignored :( i know most of it is oc content but i crave validation all the same ;(
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also my art blog is @helioboros if you wanna see more of my shit
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im gonna advertise my artblog one more time bc i havent drawn much lately but am trying to get back into the swing of things and i crave attention its @helioboros
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i greatly crave more validation on my artblog if people care to follow or rb my content; its @helioboros
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Analyse des données de Goultarminatord: l'impact de la composition de l'équipe sur le pourcentage de victoire
Goultarminatatord de cette année est sur le point de commencer. Actuellement, les joueurs peuvent déjà deviner et parier sur les résultats de la première bataille, et vous pouvez Acheter Dofus Kamas bon marché sur iGameGold, tout le monde est plein de passion! Avant cela, afin d'éviter l'ennui lors de la conférence de presse qui attendait le début du jeu, l'équipe Dofus a publié des données sur l'équipe du jeu et procédé à des analyses. Quelles professions ont la meilleure synergie? Quelle profession est la principale priorité de l'équipe? Lisez cet article et vous trouverez certainement la réponse.
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Serveur et ses composants Au total, 52 serveurs ont participé au concours cette année. Comme l'année dernière, il y avait quatre serveurs qui n'avaient pas quatre équipes, ce qui leur faisait perdre l'espoir de remporter le championnat alors que le jeu n'avait pas encore commencé. Il y a un total de 203 équipes participantes, donc 812 joueurs se montreront sur la scène.
Ces équipes ont produit une composition différente de 104. Il est difficile de comparer cela à la situation de l'année dernière, car le jeu a beaucoup évolué au cours du jeu. Elles suffisent à influencer le choix de carrière de l'équipe. Par exemple, l'arrivée du nouveau professionnel Eliotrope, Sacrieur a remplacé Féca comme pilier, Sadida Il a été considérablement revu, et il y a aussi Xelor. Il est à noter que la diversité des portefeuilles a considérablement diminué. En fait, l’équipe Dofus comptait 124 structures d’équipes différentes l’année dernière, 82 équipes choisissant chacune une composition différente de celle des autres équipes. Cette année, seules 67 composantes sont uniques et 37 combinaisons de 137 équipes ont été sélectionnées au moins deux fois.
Au cours de la dernière année, aucune combinaison n'a été sélectionnée par plus de 8 équipes. Et cette année, une combinaison a été sélectionnée par 16 serveurs à la fois: Sacrieur, Feca, Sadida, Sram. Les serveurs choisis pour cette combinaison sont: Agride, Bowisse, Buhorado, Danathor, Djaul, Goultard, Jiva, Maimane, Pouchecot, Raval, Rosal, Rykke-Errel, Silouate, Silvosse, Spiritia et Vilsmisse.
Il s’agit d’une combinaison fiable, basée sur des cartes et offrant de bonnes synergies, qui pourrait avoir été prise en compte cette année, car les nouvelles règles éliminent la loterie.
Cette combinaison est très fiable, avec une variété d’options de combat pour le terrain et une bonne synergie entre les carrières. La raison principale pour laquelle de nombreuses équipes ont choisi cette composition peut être que les règles de cette année ont changé et que le résultat de la rencontre a été annulé. Tant que la bataille n'est pas finie, elle continuera.
Dans l'équipe autour de Xelor, il y a deux composants représentatifs, ils sont très proches, le but de ces combinaisons est principalement d'essayer de créer beaucoup de dégâts en quelques tours, en ajustant et en préparant la position. Il y a 8 équipes sélectionnées: Xelor, Zobal, Roublard et Pandawa. Il y a 6 équipes au choix: Xelor, Zobal, Roublard et Steamer.
Les différentes combinaisons basées sur Osamodas ont également été favorisées par de nombreuses équipes. Il existe également deux combinaisons très similaires qui sont les plus populaires. Ces combinaisons sont très fortes dans le jeu et peuvent causer beaucoup de dégâts à l'ennemi à longue distance. Les deux combinaisons sont: Osamodas, Ecaflip, Eliotrope, Cra et Osamodas, Ecaflip, Eliotrope, Zobal.
Enfin, chez les Eniripsa, ce ne sont pas moins de 5 compositions très diverses qui sont choisies par au moins 5 équipes. Plus que les compositions, il sera donc intéressant de regarder les affinités avec les autres classes.
Mention spéciale aux serveurs Alma, Helioboros, Nehra et Zatoishwan, qui ont tous réussi à aligner 4 compositions auxquelles aucun autre serveur n'a pensé.
Vous pouvez obtenir les dernières mises à jour et nouvelles sur Dofus sur iGameGold. Non seulement cela, mais si vous voulez renforcer votre personnage, vous pouvez acheter Dofus Kamas sur https://www.igamegold.com/ ce qui peut vous aider au mieux.
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