#hell I got messaged about a job I am not qualified for XD
vunoirien · 2 years
Thinking about writing, drawing, music, study and jobs and tattoos.
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simplyleez · 7 years
If you pretend so much it feels real - Archie/Betty/Veronica - Part 1/7
Betty really doesn't want to be forced into a relationship by her mother so when she's forced to a formal event to find a significant other she lies. She tells the suitors that she's taken only she isn't consistent with her story, telling one she has a boyfriend and the other that she has a girlfriend. In her time of trouble she turns to the only people she can think of who can pretend to be her boyfriend and girlfriend - Archie and Veronica.
For the Riverdale Kink Meme - Betty fends out an unwanted suitor by saying she has a girlfriend. She fends off another by saying she has a boyfriend. The unwanted suitors each discover what she said to the other, and one or both of them confronts her and accuses her of lying. Betty insists that she does have a boyfriend AND a girlfriend, that she's part of a happy "throuple," and she ropes in Archie and Veronica to back her up. This can go one of two ways: A. Smutty one-shot, maybe all taking place at a party, and ending with Betty, Archie, and Veronica hooking up for real (possibly getting caught). Doesn't have to lead to them dating for real, but could. B. Story with more plot that actually does lead to them becoming a proper triad. Smut would be welcome but not necessary. Also it would be fine to make Veronica the one fending off the unwanted suitors at the beginning.
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Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 (to come)
Betty resented her life now. Sure she was bright, had all of her qualifications, had a fabulous job which earned her a decent wage. Yet, here she was. 23 years old, single, still living with her parents, and utterly miserable. And when she thought it couldn't get worse it did.
Her mother noticed, obviously, that she was lonely, well not necessarily, but she knew Betty was single. Alice attempted to talk boys, and on a few odd occasions girls, at any point in conversation in some hope that her daughter had finally found someone. She didn't want her daughter alone forever, and some more grandchildren would be a plus.
And so her mother invited her to some formal event to celebrate some important date of some important event in the town. According to Alice ‘absolutely everyone’ was attending, but having ranted to her friends she found that it was a niche upmarket event full of rich people who all pretended to want to celebrate the event but had alternative intentions of wedding their young off with some other rich ponce.
The thought of being in a ball room in a posh frock with rich pricks everywhere made Betty’s skin crawl and she visibly shivered from her place on her bed. It was around nine at night, her computer open on a spreadsheet long forgotten as she stared into space thinking of her day to come. With a frustrated groan Betty flung herself back into the bed so she was lying down, her hand reached to her bedside for her phone and as soon as it was in her reach she was complaining to the group chat.
Betts: I. Am. Ready. To. Die. This. Event. Will. Kill. Me.
Archiekins: XD XD XD
Juggie: well same but
Ronnie: It’s not going to be that bad, you’ll survive.
Betts: Will I though?!?! All those hours in a room full of pricks I don't think I'll manage.
Juggie: you survived for years with pricks as friends so I'd say you've had qualified training \_(^ ^)_/
Betts: That's not the same. You guys are nice pricks :)
Ronnie: Aw how sweet of you, you've won my heart.
Archie: Just idk think happy thoughts??
Juggie: not thoughts of murdering everyone in the room.
Ronnie: Just get wasted.
Archiekins: Ronnie no.
Betts: Ronnie yes.
Juggie: WOW great advice…
Archiekins: Just get some sleep rn then go out and face your fears!!!
Juggie: how inspirational
Betts: Ugh fine Arch, night guys.
Archiekins: Night.
Ronnie: Good night.
Juggie: night.
Betty wanted to throw her phone against the wall but thought best of it, instead putting it on charge along with her laptop. She quickly changed into her pyjamas and got into bed, hoping an early night would remove her worrying thoughts of tomorrow.
Betty woke to the sound of silence. No one was up yet, all sounds of birds and lawnmowers muted by her window. Half of her thoughts suggested she go back to sleep but the other thoughts were already up, jumping around her head shouting ‘today's the day!’ Her stomach sank, today is the day. The day her mother will force her to find someone that she should spend her life with.
Her heartbeat quickened, her palms grew sweaty. She flung the covers off her body before she felt like she would explode from overheating.
This was a life changing decision. A big, massive decision. A decision that will impact her future.
Unless she lied.
She could lie to her mother, the the suitors, to their parents. Say she's already taken. But Betty can't. She's a bad liar and her conscience is too moral for her own good.
“Betty dear, are you up?” Alice’s voice was muffled from behind the door, “Yeah Mom I'm up.” Betty eventually stood up, stretching her hands above her head, and walked over to open her window. She let in the noise of outside, it didn't help her calm realising the world was still functioning normally so nothing would disrupt her perfect evening.
Her phone pinged with a text message notification but she decided to ignore it, instead opening her wardrobe. She picked out plain grey leggings and a pastel pink tank top, remembering her mother booked a beautician to do their hair and makeup later so there was no reason to dress to impress, well not yet.
Passing back past the window, movement caught her eye. Betty moved backwards until she was looking out of the window, there in the house over was her long term best friend (one of) and golden boy - Archie Andrews. He’d been moving about with a music company recently, them ‘giving him a try’ before bringing up any contracts, but he'd come back to Riverdale for a break, for his friends, and to help his dad out at work.
Archie was currently standing in his room, that bright smile constant on his face, he was gesturing to his phone. Betty got the message, holding a finger up to gesture that she'd be a minute, and grabbing her phone from the bedside table.
Archie had privately messaged her.
Archie: Good luck for today, sending you good vibes.
Betty couldn't help but smile at his text, Archie always tries to be supportive and he's succeeding so far today. She walked back over to the window, smiling at Archie who was still there.
Betty: Thanks for the vibes Arch I'm definitely going to be needing them today :/
Archie: I'm sure you’ll b fine. You can text me for moral support :)
Betty: I'm sure I will if I don't die first.
Archie: You're so dramatic but I love you for it :)
Betty decided not to reply, her heartbeat jumping as she read and reread the text, Archie said he love her but her rational side told her he was being sarcastic. She looked back up to see Archie watching her intensely, she held her phone up to the window in an animated fashion showing Archie that she was locking it then throwing it onto her bed. He gave an over exaggerated frown but quickly smiled and gave Betty a thumbs up to show his support. She rolled her eyes it return and stuck her middle finger up at him before moving out of view.
Betty resisted going back to see if Archie was still there, instead she tied her hair up in her usual ponytail and grabbed her phone before making her way downstairs. Alice was standing against the kitchen worktop, Betty assumed she would be doing nothing today but waiting for the beautician.
“Morning Mom,” Betty commented, walking past Alice to make herself some toast. “Don't forget Chloe is coming later, you're going first because you need to look perfect for this evening,” Alice spoke nervously but didn't command Betty, as if she was giving her daughter a way out. Betty felt obliged not to take the way out, instead just nodding as she buttered some toast.
Around two hours later there was a knock at the door, Alice made a move to open the door to reveal, who Betty assumed was, Chloe. Betty gave her a tight smile, attempting to be polite even though she'd rather be anywhere other than here.
Betty decided to share her worries with Veronica, even though the other girl will be squealing with joy over her friend getting a proper makeover.
Betty: Beautician is here. It's oh so real.
Veronica: Yessss B!! You’re going to look so good.
Betty: Still… it’s going to be hell >:(
“Betty.” Her mother's voice broke her away from her texting; Chloe set up her equipment on the kitchen bench, a stool pulled out for Betty to sit on.
Betty: OMG. The tools look scary af. Save me.
Veronica: They're not scary they're magical. They'll transform you into a new woman.
Betty: Are you saying I'm not fine the way I am?!?!
Veronica: No B ur beautiful <3
Betty could feel her face flushing as she put her phone down, sitting on the stool she was mentally preparing herself for the treatment that was to come.
It took a drastic, long hour just to do her makeup, then another half an hour to do her hair but Betty had to admit it looked good. Her foundation was flawless, her eyeshadow a light grey, and her lipstick a rosy pink. Meanwhile, her hair was curled and she was sure there was half a bottle of hairspray in it.
“Go put your dress on Betty, we’ve got just under few hours but I want us to be ready early and get there before the others.” Her mother’s voice got more distant as Betty ascended the stairs, trying not to touch her face or move her hair too much. She felt the need to flop onto her bed, already emotionally exhausted, but she resisted, instead pulling open her wardrobe to reveal her dress she was to wear tonight.
Among the pastel blues and pinks, the creams and whites, stood a long black mermaid dress. Betty inwardly cringed at the contrast of colours, black wasn’t her usual go to option it was more Veronica’s style but Betty had little say in the matter, her mother ordering it online and defending her purchase when it arrived saying it’d make Betty look ‘slimmer’ and ‘irresistible’. Quite frankly Betty didn’t want to be any of those things, she just wanted to be herself.
But today wasn’t exactly about her, it was about finding her the perfect person to spend eternity with. Just then her phone pinged in her hand, another private message from Archie.
Archie: You ok? You’ve been staring at the same place for ten minutes now…
Betty: Stalker.
Betty: I’m still just worried I guess. Looking at my dress just makes it all feel so real, I’m really going to try and find the ‘love of my life’ ew.
Archie: If you don’t want to go then don’t your mom can’t drag you there.
Betty: I don’t know about that. I’d bet she would try.
Archie: True.
Archie: Just go don’t overthink things, if you don’t like anyone there then at least you can tell your mom you tried.
Betty: Too true my friend, well wish me luck.
Archie: Good luck even though you don’t need it. Call or text if you need anything.
With that Betty put her phone back onto charge, closing her blinds as she passed the window. She quickly stripped of her casual clothing, then struggled to get into the tight dress. The dress was plain and strapless, it trailed on the ground without her heels on yet, and it left little room for movement. Messing around, for more minutes than she should have, putting her essentials into an impractically tiny clutch purse and putting on her heels, then Betty was all set to go.
“Mom,” Betty called from the stairs, attempting not to fall down them in what must have been 6-inch high shoes, “I’m ready… I guess.” Upon not receiving a reply Betty sat on the sofa, pulling her phone out of her clutch, and texted the group chat.
Betts: Makeup check. Hair check. Dress check. Heels check. Clutch check. Will to live. No can’t find it.
Juggie: since when did you replace me in being the miserable one
Ronnie: OMG YESSSSSSS. B send a selfie please, I NEED to know what you look like rn.
Betts: Omg Ronnie no.
Ronnie: Please B :’(
Betts: FINE!
Betts: *click to view image*
Ronnie: YES B! You look fantastic anyone would be lucky to have you.
Archiekins: It’s a great look Betts.
Juggie: glad to see you’re embracing the dark colours
Ronnie: I also appreciate the dark aesthetic ;)
Betts: For one night then I’m back to myself again thank god!
Betts: Got to go rn, wish me luck!!!
Archiekins: Good luck!
Juggie: luck is overrated
Ronnie: You don’t need luck with that outfit B.
Betty slid her phone back into her clutch, her mother having come downstairs and was putting her own bag together. “The car should be here any minute so we’ll get their slightly after doors have opened but we can get prime spots to search for potentials” Alice’s tone was somewhat playful but it still couldn’t dislodge the feelings of disgust and regret in Betty’s stomach of agreeing to go to such an event.
Okay, Betty would admit she’s being somewhat melodramatic but when Betty doesn’t want to do somethings then she really doesn’t want to do something. But if it made her mother happy that she’d at least try and not be single for the rest of her life what is one stupid event in the grand scheme of things.
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