#hell yeah short king go throw that gut off the roof!!!
borealiszero · 2 years
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Mike Crew design by starfleetrambo
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agentmothman18 · 5 years
During high school, many kids go though many changes. From facial features to their overall outlook. The ugly girls that got picked on, well they blossomed and became the center of attention. And even some jocks, bullies once, had changed into more of gentle giants. So when Dib Membrane went from gothic alien loving freak to gothic bad boy, it wasn't much of a surprise. The geek that everyone hated was now either feared because of his looks or thought to be the coolest guy ever.
And then there was Zim. Who, after finding out about the truth, started to express his defective emotions. He practically became the school's flower child, one with a bad temper of course. As a way to cope with being banished and defective, Zim had thrown everything out that wasn't from earth, except Gir. He redecorated with anything vibrant in color and took a great liking to earth plants. Hint as to why he was called 'flower child.'
The two were completely different from when they first met. But they still talked, sometimes argued, and sometimes just ignored each other all together. With how their looks and personalities had changed, many students thought their little rivalry would get worse. It didn't, in fact, the change was probably the healthiest thing to have happened to them.
"Dib!" Oh, and then there's Keef. The once chaoticly hyper child was now mellowed out. Taking on more of 'I dont care' type of persona. Though the boy was still quite hyper and easily excited about certain things.
Dib glanced up from his sketch book and watched as Keef pranced over. He knew this could only mean the boy was excited about something and was going to tell him everything. Sometimes, Dib had to wonder how Keef and him became friends.
"My 18th birthday party is the same night as prom!" Keef sat on the bench next to Dib, glancing at the drawing only momentarily before closing the book for Dib. "You now have to come to prom." Keef stated, shaking Dib's shoulder. Some kids where watching them, the ones that believed Dib was like how he dressed. Dangerous and ready to snap someone in half. So they had curious and shocked expressions as they watched a preppy guy shake a scary guy like it was normal.
"Keef, buddy." Dib started, scooting away as to hint he didn't want to be shook anymore. "As much as I want to go to prom, I'm not." He was sarcastic, looking at Keef with a blank expression. Dib would like to spend time with his friend for their birthday, but going to prom to do so was a no go. If one thing has stayed the same, it would be Dib's hatred for crowds. Sure he has done many things involving crowds and all attention to be on him, but that doesn't mean he likes it.
"Prom is boring anyway. Why not throw a house party instead?" Zim questioned, jumping into the conversation as he plopped himself between them. He had plans for Friday night, and that was to yet again, throw the control brains guards off his back. Zim may have thrown everything Irken away, but he still did stupid and illegal things. Like steal secret information about the tallests.
Keef then went on to whine about how everyone would be at prom. Or how they needed to go and support him to become prom king. Neither boys cracked under the pressure, until certain things were brought up into the pleading. Keef was using blackmail, even though he didn't want to, he really wanted them to go. This was the only way, at least that's what he thought. It worked, both finally agreeing to go to prom.
"That was low." Zim hissed, crossing his arms and legs. Dib only nodded and open his sketch book.
Prom was loud and annoying. To many people were there, talking and dancing and eating. Dib had hid in the corner of the gym, by the food and punch and was glaring at everyone. He hated the tux he had to wear, and loudness of the music and chatter, and it was pretty hot with. Dib had only seen Keef once, telling him happy birthday before the boy disappeared in the crowd. And Zim has yet to arrive.
"You're being antisocial." Dib quickly looked down at Zim, completely thrown by his outfit. Instead of a tux, the short alien was wearing a loose blue dress and 2 inch heels. And surprisingly, Zim looked really good in it.
"You're wearing a dress." Dib stated back, still confused. Well he shouldn't be all that confused, for nearly 3 years he got to see Zim in that irken dress thing.
Zim looked down at himself, lightly dusting off his dress even though it wasnt dirty. The only reason he was wearing a dress was because he found the female clothing cute and fun. And much better then men clothing. "Yes. Zim likes this dress." He looked back to at Dib, then looked him over. Like most teen boys he was wearing a tux but with a dark blue button up and a white tie.
"Aw!" Both jumped at hearing Keef. "You two didn't tell me you were coming together, and with matching colors!" Keef wrapped his arms around their neck, giving them this awkward hug. Both Zim and Dib looked at themselves then at each other, only now realizing just how ironic their color choices were.
"Coincidence." Dib said, slipping from Keefs hold. He brushed himself off and glanced around. Most were standing around and talking instead of dancing to the music. He then noticed someone he hadn't seen at school before. They were dressed appropriately but something felt off about them to Dib.
"Let's all dance!" Keef cheered, quickly pulling the two out into the crowd. It didn't take much for Keef to convince Zim to dance, but Dib refused. He could dance but doing it in front of people was a no for him.
Though he did tap his foot and sway just a bit to the music. Nothing compared to the other teens who danced as if at a rave. But soon the song slowed down, and Keef took this as his sign to go find a dance partner. Leaving the two boys alone in a slightly uncomfortable silence.
Though, Dib finally decided he wanted to dance. "Wanna dance?" He questioned Zim, holding out his hand for the alien. Zim was only shocked of a seconded before taking the boys hand letting him lead. Unlike others that danced to the slow song, the two talked about random things and kept a little distance between them.
As the song came to the end, the two hesitated before separating. Smiling nervously at each other before turning their attention to the principal on stage. It was time to announce the king and queen of prom, and if it wasnt for Keef Dib would have left at this time.
"Think he's going to win?" Zim asked, folding his arms over his chest. He knew this was going to take forever because the principal will give a long speach about safety.
"Yeah." Dib nodded, glancing around. He was searching for that person again, curious to know who they were. His gut was telling him to yo search for them but he wouldn't.
The principal talked on and on about safe driving after prom and even safe sex. Which no one would probably listen to. Soon enough it was time for him to announce the king and queen. Starting with the queen, it was some popular girl Dib didn't care about. Keef had been announced king, no surprise, but everyone still cheered and wished him happy birthday.
Everything was going pretty normal until the roof of the gym was ripped off. A bunch of screaming filled the air and everyone trying to get through the doors. When Dib saw the irken symbol on the ships above, he immediately glared at Zim.
"What the hell did you do?!" He exclaimed, irritation bubbling up.
"I didn't do anything!" Zim hissed back at him, watching irken soldiers dropping down. "Okay maybe Zim stole important data, not the point!" Zim quickly grabbed Dibs arm, pulling him through the crowd of people.
More screams erupted from the crowd, teens being kidnapped by the irken soldiers. The two continued pushing through the crowd, picking up Keef along the way.
"What's going on??" Keef questioned, scared like any normal teen as he followed his two friends.
"Zim fucked up, that's what." Dib grumbled, earning a slap from the alien. He would have slapped him back if it wasnt for the lazer like bullet shooting between them.
Zim picked up his pace, ripping the long part of the dress off to make running easier. He may be shorter than the two humans but he was still fast enough to keep up.
They weren't fast enough though, an alien ship landing in front of them and easily cornering them. The three surrendered, knowing it would be death if they didn't.
Dib had long since stripped from the tuxjacket and tie. Pacing around the small cell as he thought of many different plans to escape. All seemed good enough but he couldn't think to far ahead because he didn't know the layout of this ship. Plus he would also have to save all the other teens that were kidnapped. He didn't mind, but this all brought him back to a few years ago. Leaving him with the strong urge to say 'I told you all.'
"Could you stop that?" Keef questioned, his nervous already on edge. Watching Dib pace around only made it worse. The taller boy sighed but stopped, sitting down on the metal floor. Across from their cell was an empty one that would probably be used later. Their cell at least had a bed. "Thank you." Keef sighed, glancing around.
Ever since they were taken, neither of the boys had seen Zim. This raised more questions in Dibs mind. Last he checked, the Tallest hated Zim and told him off. Now they probably had him locked up away from the humans or worse, erased.
As Keef was going to voice his concerns, their attention turned to the door opening. A big alien stepped in front of the door, obviously not an irken, and pointed at Dib. "Come." The alien ordered, stepping out of the way of the door. Dib glanced at Keef before getting up and leaving the cell. He felt a bit bad leaving Keef behind but there was no telling what was going to happen from here.
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