#hellfire and brimstone (aesthetic; creed)
offrozenmemoirs · 11 months
Creed Bio
Nelia "Creed" of House Zarin is the wayward second-born of her family. House Zarin are known for their connection to the infernal realm, as their matriarch originally entered a contract with a devil to give her bloodline the blessing of the fiends of Avernus. Nelia herself is particularly blessed by Asmodeus, clear through her fiery nature as well as the fact that she already exhibits the strength of fiends through her kicks in particular. Despite being blessed with the blood of the fiend, unlike her family, she cannot practice traditional magic. To her family, that meant that she was seen as a failure. Despite this, she was still sent to the Academy of Drakeshadow, where she would take up the studies of alchemy.
She was a quiet child, and often this was because of her concerningly low self-esteem, combined with not feeling comfortable in her body, meant that she often hid away when not in classes. Were it not for the librarian, Ghost Whisker, the gnome Maise Doscedar, and the elf Aimon Elrose, she might've simply gone through Drakeshadow unknown. With those three by her side however, she found herself coming to enjoy her time at Drakeshadow, despite people being rather surprised to see her befriend Aimon, given that in some circles, there was bad blood between their families.
During her time in the academy, she would later meet a dwarven woman, known as Ramona Hammerfist, in Seboko, and it was there she was inspired by the woman to become a monk, or at least begin training her body for the rigorous activity that would go into such a path. Still, she hadn't joined outright, not feeling confident enough yet. Though the years seemed to pass by quickly, and she wound up graduating with her degree in alchemy, she would later fall off the grid for the most part, after seeking out Ramona.
Nowadays within Nihiran, she's known as a particularly rowdy labor lawyer, fighting for the rights of workers who are seeking better conditions after the fall of the Graneyean empire. Still, despite her newfound confidence and boisterous personality, it's obvious she holds a lot of herself back. Not out of lack of confidence, but simply because she has no desire to return to House Zarin.
Why would she? When all she wants is to finally be free of the burden and bloody history her name brings her? Unfortunately...She might not have much of a choice in the matter.
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