hellfiremunsonn · 2 months
inspired by Cherrys ( @ceriseheaven) high!Eddie blurb it got me thinking
because I love to push buttons of my partner, just to get a little rise out of them, to make them giggle, I feel like eddies is the same.
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Never leaving your side, especially when he's high and for a split moment when he loses you, you've just gone to pee. But without him?!
he can't have that, so he walks to the bathroom, and rattles on the door handle going "Baaaaabee"
"What do you want?" you'd laugh, because this is just routine now.
"Let me in I miss you"
"No! go away I'm trying to pee!"
"Lemme in! let me watch you pee"
"Lets pee together" he'd jokingly suggest.
"Oh my god Edward" you're laughing into your hands, elbows leaning on the top of your knees as you try your hardest to just focus on peeing.
"You can stay sitting and pee, and I'll pee through your legs, it'll be like a party trick"
"I can't pee with you standing so close to the door!"
and he'd shove his fingers under the bottom of the door and wiggle them at you.
"If you don't love me, you can just say it" he says dramatically, you can tell he's talking through the crack of the door, probably laying on the floor to do so. "Wont let me watch her pee, wont even let me pee with her" a large sigh. "SHE HAAATTEESSS MEEEE"
And when you finally do manage to pee, flushing the toilet and washing your hands, you swing open the door to see him laying on the floor, looking up at you with a big smile, knowing he got to bug you for a few extra minutes.
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hellfiremunsonn · 4 months
Eddie is the type to be so grossed out by pimples but he also loves it so much
he walks in on you in the bathroom examining your face and you're like "where the fuck did this pimple come from?"
and he's immediately like "EW DONT TOUCH IT" and leaves and then when you're quiet for too long he's like "did you pop it?" and you're like "No?"
more silence and then "can I watch?" and he's peaking his head around the corner of the doorway
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