#hellinois thursday
echo-echo31 · 3 days
Domestic One-Shots | Illinois x Heist
18. deciding what takeout to order
MASTERPOST | Based on these prompts
No warnings :)
"What about Thai food?"
This is the fourth suggestion Illinois has made in the last 10 minutes, and he might just break something if his husband doesn't choose it.
Markus sighs, looking up at the ceiling as if pondering a deep philosophical question - leg swinging lazily from where it's dangling off the edge of the sofa. He doesn't even look up from his phone, instead continuing to lay nonchalantly whilst Illy's grasp on his armchair gets uncomfortably firm.
"Um...you know, I don't think I'm in the mood for-"
"Oh, for Christ's sake Markus!"
Finally, his husband looks up, startled. The expression on his face almost makes Illinois feel guilty; he looks like a dog that's just being kicked. But he's got the anger in him now.
"Seriously? You've been lyin' there like a moody teenager distracted by that fuckin' phone all evenin'! They better've solved the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle because if you're textin' some other guy I swear to god-"
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!' Markus sits up for the first time, his look of shock morphing into something decidedly more insulted. "Just because I'm taking my time to answer your stupid questions, doesn't mean I'm suddenly Bill Clinton!"
Illy's rage is quieting now, the sudden outburst allowing the pot to go back to a gentle simmer. It's one of the traits Illinois likes most about himself; the fact that anger is never a long-term guest in his body.
"Okay...okay," He breathes out sure and steady, and when he speaks again, the southern drawl is slightly less harsh. "It's just I'm findin' your attitude a little bit irritating at the moment, baby."
Markus seems to consider this, the hackles on his back metaphorically lowering as he leans back against the arm of the sofa.
" Yeah, well..." Marcus begins to fiddle with something at the hem of his t-shirt looking down. "Maybe I just want-"
He mumbles something that Illinois can't quite hear.
"What, honey?"
Marcus sighs, looking at the wall as he speaks a fraction louder this time.
'I said maybe I just want your cooking"
Illinois is stunned for a moment before a grin creeps up his face, and a deep laugh climbs up from his chest.
"You want my cookin'"?
Markus, again, grumbling, let's out a nearly inaudible Yeah.
Illinois leans his head on one hand, the smirk growing wider by the second.
"You mean you like my cookin' so much that you tried to get me so frustrated that I'd give up on the idea of takeout?"
Markus finally raises gaze. He looks annoyed and yet there's a ghost of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he looks at his husband.
"Love you, darlin'"
Again, Markus speaks in a low grumble but Illinois knows him well enough to be able to hear the words I love you too no matter how annoyed he's pretending to be.
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frostbite-fics · 2 years
Happy Hellinois Thursday, y'all. (Borrowing the occasion from Echo) This ship has a death grip on me. Not dad content this week, I wanted to explore how I thought they'd end up settling in together.
Words: 1400+
Content warning: mention of injury and blood (nothing graphic, just mentioned)
It started as a joke, it really did. When they parted ways the first time Illinois had given his usual ‘sorry if you fell in love with me’ speech. Markus hadn’t missed a beat in response. “Projection much?” He called after him.
Illinois had ignored him then. He didn’t think he’d ever see Markus again anyway. His associates usually didn’t last to the end of an adventure; The ones who did he rarely, if ever saw again.
To his surprise they crossed paths again. Markus managed to stick around till the end of the adventure again. “Gotta say, I’m impressed,” Illinois said. “My associates never last long, yet here you are. Kept up with me twice now. Hope you didn’t fall in love with me though. Married to the job, you know? Sorry if you did. They always do.”
“You wish I did,” Markus sneered.
“Right, sure,” Illinois chuckled as he walked away.
Illinois couldn’t sleep. He kept thinking about what Markus had said. He stared up at the ceiling of the cheap motel room he rented. He’s playing hard to get. Too proud to admit it, that’s all. Illinois tried to rationalize Markus’ complete lack of affection towards him. Why do I even care?
The next time they met it was in a museum at midnight. They stared at each other in disbelief.
“I know why I’m here, but why are you here?” Markus asked.
“I’d imagine a similar reason as you,” Illinois responded, “I’m here to steal something.”
“Look,” Illinois sighed, “I’m normally against stealing things. Not my style, I’m not that kinda guy. But they stole it first, and if there’s one thing I do it's return artifacts to their rightful place.”
“How noble,” Markus rolled his eyes. “Just stay out of my way. And don’t expect me to bail your ass out of a sticky situation if you screw up.”
“Wouldn’t dream of getting in your way, darlin’,” Illinois laid the charm on thick. Markus was a puzzle he was trying to suss out. He really didn’t plan to get in Markus’ way, but things never go according to plan.
They were after the same artifact.
He expected a fight, honestly. An argument about morals or nobility or something. What he wasn’t expecting was Markus to silently hand over the statuette and turn his back on him.
“Go, before I change my mind.”
“...Thanks.” The word hung heavy in the air, and for a moment Illinois thought to continue speaking. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he spun on his heels and left. He was starting to understand why he cared that Markus held no affection for him.
Illinois thought a lot about what Markus had said. His snide comment was probably just to get under Illinois’ skin, but that simple “You wish I did” was on repeat in his mind every time he thought about Markus.
Yes. He did wish, because at least then he wouldn’t be alone in this. Illinois was very much regretting all the shameless flirting and abandoning of his previous partners. If they felt half as bad as he was feeling about Markus then he put them through hell. Illinois was secretly elated when Markus asked to meet.
Markus peered across the table at Illinois. “I need your help. Rumor has it you’re the guy to go to for information on archaic forms of languages.”
It took Illinois nearly a month of constant research to decrypt the map Markus gave him. Not only was it in an archaic language, it was in a regional dialect of that language.  When the time came, they set out from a rural village at dawn. Illinois’ rough estimate put them at two days of travel time through the jungle on foot in order to get to the place the map marked. Markus kept up with Illinois, effectively cutting their travel time to a day and a half. Illinois was expecting to go slower, given Markus’ attitude. To his credit, Markus really only complained in the last few hours of travel. He was about to launch into another round of complaints about the oppressive humidity when they crossed through a thicket and came face to face with the ruins they had worked so hard to find. His complaints died on the tip of his tongue as they stared at the structure before them.
It was overgrown, yes, but it stood proud. The outer walls were in good condition considering their age and the way the jungle reclaimed the land it stood on. “This sure is something, it’s a proper temple,” Illinois said. “Stay sharp, Markus. There could still be traps.”
The deeper into the temple they ventured, the more well preserved the rooms were. The traps they did find were easy enough to avoid. Illinois led the way through the halls. They passed through a hall with more traps than the others and came out the other end in a small library.
This must have been a place for the scholars to write and compile their findings. Most of the books were damaged beyond any recognition, but there were three in good enough condition to take. Markus excitedly took the books, carefully packing them so they wouldn’t be damaged on the long hike back to town. He was so excited that he was a few steps ahead of Illinois on the way out. Markus was talking about how happy he’d be to get back home and have a long shower. He was paying very little attention to his steps as they approached the exit. Just a few more steps and they’d be back in the camp they set up.
He tripped a pressure plate. Illinois realized it precious seconds before Markus stepped off it and rushed into action. Their eyes met for a brief moment as Illinois shoved Markus out of the way. Markus’ eyes were wide with fear. He realized at that moment that he probably would have died had Illinois not saved him.
Illinois’ eyes were wide with pain.
He stumbled forward, hand instantly going to his side. He knew he was bleeding, but it didn’t seem to be a deep wound. Hurts like a bitch though.
Markus panicked, “Shit! Shit… What the hell, Illinois? Why the fuck did you do that?”
“You think I’d just let you die?” Illinois panted. He felt weak. Markus grabbed his shoulders and guided him to sit in their little camp.
“Your associates usually die on your adventures. I figured if I was ever stupid enough to get into that situation I’d just be on my own. I wouldn’t be the first person you didn’t save, anyway.” Markus was frantically searching for their medical kit.
“No… no. I couldn’t do that.” Illinois winced. His head was throbbing in time with the beating of his heart.
Markus whirled around with the medical kit, “Why the hell not?!”
“Urgh, ‘cause, Treasure. I could save you. I think I love you.” Illinois closed his eyes and silently begged the blood rushing in his ears to quiet down. Everything felt dim and shaky. Markus said something, but it was like his head was underwater; he couldn’t understand what the words were.
When he woke up the first thing he noticed was the sound of a crackling fire. The second thing he noticed was the searing pain in his side. The third thing was that he was well and truly alive. He opened his eyes and turned his head, eyes falling on Markus. He had his knees pulled tight against his chest.
Markus’ head whipped towards Illinois with wide, teary eyes. He scrambled over and immediately began fussing and asking questions.
“Treasure,” Illinois said weakly, “One thing at a time, okay?”
“You are so stupid. You know that?”
“I think I might be realizing that,” Illinois laughed breathlessly, wincing at the way it irritated his wound.
“You are so lucky. You have no idea. Holy shit, don’t scare me like that again. I love you too much to see you get hurt like that again.”
“Well,” Illinois smiled, “I think it might be time I go full time at the university after this little mishap. It’d be awfully lonely coming back to an empty home though.”
“You did not just ask me to move in with you with a cheesy fucking bit line.” Markus laughed.
“Did the line work?”
“Someone needs to make sure you don’t stay up all night researching. I guess that’d be easier for me to do if I stayed there.”
“So yes.”
“Yes,” Markus smiled.
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echo-echo31 · 9 days
happy hellinois thursday
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they're gay
p.s. sugar pt2 is simmering nicely :3
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echo-echo31 · 1 month
Domestic One-Shots | Illinois x Heist
16. Exercising together.
MASTERPOST | Based on these prompts
Warnings: unwanted/misunderstood flirting, jealousy, possessive behaviour, promises of sex.
Illinois is seething.
He honestly can't remember ever being this enraged and possibly, possibly it's because he can't remember, think, see or hear anything past the fog that's descended around him. Of course, that's apart from the motherfucker that's currently flirting with his husband.
"No, come on! You can't have just started coming here, look at you!"
The sound of his laughter makes his teeth hurt - but that might just be the way he's clenching them.
The guy's hand only has to move an inch towards Markus' shoulder before Illinois snaps like a garage door spring.
"Right, that is enough," He states, stepping forwards to physically put himself between the two men.
The gym rat looks affronted, as if he wasn't even aware that Illy was here. It's the kind of look you give someone for cutting you off in traffic. The archaeologist might just run him over.
"Sorry, dude. Can we help you?"
Oh, this guy is gonna need a nose job.
"Yeah, Illy. What's the deal?" His husband chimes in, and he might just be bursting a vein trying to stop himself from shoving Markus out the door right now.
"No, you can't help us. Me or my husband. In fact, maybe you might want to go to hell and back the fuck off,"
He didn't plan such obvious aggression, but then again, he's never been one for being subtle.
"Wow, Mark. This guy is your husband?" The rat continues, looking past him to find Markus' gaze with an air of pity. Mostly to avoid having to look up to Illinois - he thinks with satisfaction - who has a good 3 inches on him.
"No wonder you were enjoying my attention so much,"
There's a moment where Illy literally sees himself punching the guy - sees him holding his nose, eyes wet with tears. It's so real he thinks he might actually be doing it but then Markus grabs his bicep, and pushes past him.
"Hey! You think you're fucking smart, huh? So smart your flirting didn't even fucking register on my radar? Yeah, you can fuck right off. 'Cause if my husband doesn't deck you I sure as hell will,"
The guy looks between them, clearly sizing them up. But two strong men over 6 foot and willing to bleed for the other's dignity seems enough to put him off.
"Whatever, man. You're not even that hot anyway,"
He walks away, grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder like that means he's won the fight.
"Fuck. What an ass. I'm sorry, love. I really didn't think he was-
Markus doesn't get to finish his sentence. Instead, he's suddenly crowded against the treadmill near to them, Illinois pinning him in with his arms and hips as he clashes their lips together in a possessive, desperate kiss.
A minute without breathing, and then they're both panting with mere inches between each other. Markus' hands have someone ended up in his husband's hair, making it dishevelled and only adding to the pure, dark lust in those eyes.
"I'm going to fuck you so hard you can't walk straight, Indigo,"
It doesn't affect him any less this time around.
Last time he heard those words - with his real first name - Illy had him pinned against a police car after providing an unexpected alibi for the thief when they were still playing cat and mouse.
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echo-echo31 · 30 days
Domestic One-Shots | Illinois x Heist
17. Deep cleaning the house
MASTERPOST | Based on these prompts
Warnings: brief mentions of homophobia, reference to the care system
Markus' arch nemesis is the stain on the kitchen floor.
He's pretty sure his hands are sore and maybe even starting to blister, but honestly, the ex-thief can't really feel anything. Not with the way thoughts are fogging up his brain.
When will the social worker get here? What if they find mould? What if they don't think we're right for her? What if they're homophobic?
The feeling of a hand on his shoulder makes Markus jump, managing to shock both himself and his husband in the process.
"Hey, now! It's alright, you're alright, darlin'" Illinois soothes him like a spooked horse. Somehow it sparks a painful fire in Markus, irritation burning his skin.
"Yeah, well don't sneak up on me maybe?" He snaps back sarcastically.
Illinois could easily take the bait. He could easily get angry. God, Markus wants him to get angry. He needs to put his energy into something, he needs-
"Do you want to dance?"
It's such a random and unexpected response that Markus shocks himself with a sudden, loud bark of laughter.
"W-what?" He questions, looking up to see Illy with a soft smile pulling at the corners of his lips.
"Come on, darlin'. Don't leave a man hanging,"
And then he's offering his hand and Markus is smiling, oxygen finally filling his lungs as it should, heart settling into the familiar rhythm it's had since he met his husband.
"I'm really being ridiculous, huh?" He says, quietly enough that it could be to himself.
He looks back down to the stain that he's not quite certain isn't part of the pattern of the floor. He feels Illy's warm, strong hand rub his back, making him close his eyes.
"Yeah...but it's only because you care. We both do," Illinois says, and the timbre of his voice washes over Markus like a wave of calm.
They do care, so much. About each other. About the life they could have. About Rosa.
And any idiot social worker that doesn't see that would be even more ridiculous than someone trying to wash the grain pattern out of the floor.
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echo-echo31 · 2 months
a teaser for Hellinois domestic one-shot on this Hellinois Thursday
Illinois is seething.
He honestly can't remember ever being this enraged and possibly, that's because he can't remember, think, see or hear anything past the red fog that's descended around him. Of course, that's not including the motherfucker that's currently flirting with his husband.
"No, come on! You can't have just started coming here, look at you!"
The sound of his laughter makes his teeth hurt - but that might just be the way he's clenching them.
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echo-echo31 · 3 months
Domestic One-Shots | Illinois x Heist
MASTERPOST | Based on these prompts
14. Reparing a broken appliance
Warnings: Suggestive :3
The air conditioning unit broke half an hour ago on this sweltering summer's day. Oddly enough, it's not this inconvenience - or the fact that the temperature is slowly rising towards 82.4 degrees inside -that's causing him the most discomfort. He's not the one fixing the appliance.
Markus is currently half-bent over the kitchen table, a screwdriver in hand, silently focusing on his work. Shirtless. Illinois can't take his eyes off him.
The sweat gleams off back muscles that reflect the years of parkour, abseiling and other activities necessary for a thief. His husband is a full two inches taller than him, which has been the subject of many jokes and much teasing. Sometimes though, Illinois feels and appreciates the difference. Right now is one of those times.
"Just gotta…tighten the bolt," Markus says aloud, apparently thinking his husband is paying attention to the method with which he's fixing the air conditioner.
"Mmhmm," He replies, eyes not straying from the way Markus' muscles tighten and move as he continues his work.
"Just a bit more…got it!" He exclaims in triumph, rising up with a screwdriver in hand, stretching out his neck as he looks proudly down at his work.
Once he turns, the goofy smile morphs into something altogether more hungry as soon as he sees the state of his husband. That is when his gaze leaves his face to focus on something further down.
When Markus' gaze flicks up again, there's a smirk to match the smugness in his eyes.
Illinois' arms fold tighter over his chest as Markus slowly approaches; almost as if he's irritated at how easily his husband has affected him. His heartbeat still hammers in his chest, however, as the thief gets close enough to where he's leaning against the doorframe. The adventurer is shocked at his own intake of breath as Markus lifts one arm to place it above his head on the doorframe. Crowding into his space, leaning down with nothing but pure, intentful arousal in his eyes.
"Like what you see, baby boy?"
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echo-echo31 · 4 months
Domestic One-Shots | Illinois x Heist
MASTERPOST | Based on these prompts
13. Leaving notes for them around the home
No warnings apply :)
If you're squinting you forgot your glasses dumbass.
Illinois grumbles as his vision relaxes after trying to read his husband's message on the post-it note. Muttering something under his breath, he walks back towards their room, looking for the reading glasses he now realises he's left on the bedside table.
When he gets there, he finds a similar note stuck on the brown leather case.
Upon closer inspection, it reads:
Also you look sexy.
Illy smirks despite himself, picking up the case and folding the post-it before placing it in his pocket.
"Ridiculous thief," He shakes his head, with no one else around in to hear to affection in his voice. Markus will be back by the time he gets home from lecturing, no doubt snoring on the sofa after a night's work.
Illinois keeps the note in his pocket all day, smiling to himself every time he puts his hand in his pocket.
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echo-echo31 · 4 months
💣Domestic Hellinois Masterpost 🔥
Here you'll find all the domestic one-shots I've written for Hellinois Thursdays :3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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echo-echo31 · 7 months
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happy hellinois Thursday!
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echo-echo31 · 7 months
Hellinois thoughts! Illinois is older than Markus by at least five years, so he was the first to go grey. At first he tried to hide it by dyeing it until Markus finally caught on and said he thought the grey streaks look sexy. Then Illinois started letting his hair stay its natural color 🥰
Also, silver fox Illy? 😍😳
~ @sammys-magical-au
okay but yes
actually very much yes
am I writing a thing for this? did you inspire a while Sugar Daddy Illy x Markus braincell in me?
also yes
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echo-echo31 · 9 months
Domestic One-Shots | Illinois x Heist
MASTERPOST | Based on these prompts
12. Saying goodbye over and over because they keep forgetting things and coming back.
No warnings apply :)
When the sound of keys in the door signals Illinois has come back in the house once again, Markus actually looks up from his phone. He's grateful to see the tailored, brown chequered suit once more, however it does make him question just how much sleep was acquired last night, as the archaeology professor picks up his briefcase from the table.
The first time he comes back, it's because he's forgotten his glasses. Markus definitely thinks this is a valid reason to return, as his husband looks almost devastatingly sexy in them. Also he can't see shit but that's slightly less important.
It's when Illinois returns for a third time that Markus gets suspicious.
"Alright, what's happening?" He accuses, letting his phone drop onto the sofa as he crosses his arms, staring at his husband.
"I'm...I've got a meeting today with the faculty head...can I...good luck kiss?" He stumbles over his words and Markus takes a moment to appreciate the sight of the usually over-confident treasure hunter looking so goddamn cute.
Illinois remains standing, seemingly not looking for anything, but instead just hovering nervously.
Then, he rises, a smug but soft smile on his face as he takes advantage of the 2 inches he has on the 6 foot man, taking his hat off carefully to card a soothing hand through his hair. Illinois' eyes close, a small sigh leaving him before Markus takes his face in his hands, manoeuvring to allow for the perfect position to capture his lips.
A few delightful seconds later, they part. Illinois' eyes slowly flutter open as Markus places his hands on his shoulders.
"You'll do great, baby."
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echo-echo31 · 10 months
Domestic One-Shots | Illinois x Heist
MASTERPOST | Based on these prompts
9. Preparing/packing for and going on a picnic.
Markus' favourite sandwich is tuna fish. The whole household finds this problematic, to the extent that when packing for their usual picnics, Illinois and Rosa like to treat his sandwich as some kind of radioactive contaminant.
"The substance is in motion. I repeat, the substance is in motion," Illinois announces, holding his nose both for dramatic effect and to make it sound like his voice is coming from a radio.
Rosa laughs, the twelve year old making over-the-top disgusted faces as her Papa carries the zip bag by its corner, over to the basket.
"Roger that, Captain," She replies, in a similar radio voice.
"You two deserve to be in the theatre. And that's not a compliment," Markus states, watching this familiar performance whilst leaning against the wooden table.
Illinois drops the bag unceremoniously to its intended location. Then, he turns towards his daughter, as if not acknowledging his husband exists is an inside joke.
"I think Dad's just jealous of us superior sandwich enjoyers, don't you?"
Rosa giggles, not catching the smile it creates on Markus' face.
"Yeah! PB&J rules!"
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echo-echo31 · 10 months
Domestic One-Shots | Illinois x Heist
MASTERPOST | Based on these prompts
10. Doing the laundry.
Warnings: Suggestive
His boyfriend isn't so relaxed about this.
For Markus, the laundry was a simple task. Working nights, as it were, meant that he rarely had to keep up apperances with his choice of clothing. Plus, nearly everything he owned was a shade of black. Due to this, washing his clothes simply consisted of throwing whatever pile had accumulated on the bedroom floor into the machine and pressing start. Sometimes he even threw a detergent pod in there as well.
He hears his name posed like a question. Having been on some all-night mission, Markus gives some non-committal noise from where he is lounging on the sofa. Apparently this isn't enough for Illinois, as moments later he hears the thud of feet on the wooden floor and something block out the light seeping in through the blinds.
"Remember when you said you'd wash my shirts?"
Out of either tiredness or rebellion, Markus decides not to raise his gaze at this moment. Instead, he sighs, trying to find an excuse that might make his boyfriend take pity on him.
"Listen…I've just got back from an all-nighter. I'm tired and had to take a 3 hour detour to get the cops off my back. I promise I'll…" Markus' words trail off as he finally looks up at Illinois, and the issue becomes clear.
Well, he wouldn't really call it an issue. In so much as seeing his boyfriend bare-chested and a little mad in front of him wasn't something he felt particularly annoyed about.
"Well…hello, handsome,"
Illinois scoffs, clearly not impressed with Markus' attitude towards this particular problem.
"I've literally got no more clean shirts for work, Markus. Because you said you'd clean them…so are you gonna rectify that?"
Markus considers this, before a smirk creeps upwards on his lips.
"Well, I can think of a few ways I could make it up to you,"
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echo-echo31 · 1 year
Domestic One-Shots | Illinois x Heist
MASTERPOST | Based on these prompts
5. Reading to them late into the night
It was their nightly routine. Illinois would lay on one side of the tiny bed, Rosa giggling when he complained that she was taking up the most room. He always made sure to take his boots off, left neatly beside the bed. Somehow though, Markus still manages to trip over them as he comes in, meaning both father and daughter both end up laughing as he makes a show of acting extremely annoyed.
"Daddy is so clumsy!" Rosa exclaims, whilst Markus makes his way to the armchair on the other side of the bed.
"No, Papa is just messy and leaves his things everywhere," The former thief complains, making sure to raise his eyebrows at his husband, letting him know that there is some form of real discontent behind the words.
Around twenty minutes later, and Illinois is coming to the end of the story. He's reading her favourite about an adventurer who gets adopted by the crew of a pirate ship. He's just got to the part where they decide between the Island of Golden Treasure or the Island of Treasured Gold, when a loud sound makes them both jump where they lie on the bed.
Looking over to the source of the noise, Illinois sees that it was not in fact thunder or a backfiring truck, but Markus. His husband, who currently has his eyes shut and is snoring rather loudly in his armchair.
"I think Daddy is sleepy," Rosa whispers to him and Illinois chuckles quietly, making sure to tease him about how cute he looks whilst napping later.
"Yeah...what about you, mischief? You feeling sleepy?" He asks, looking down into his daughter's wide, brown eyes.
"No! We haven't even got to the part with the cannibal yet!"
Illinois makes a mental note to pre-read the next story book they buy online.
"Okay, sweetheart. I'll keep reading. We just need to make sure not to wake Daddy up," He whispers dramatically, smiling fondly when Rosa nods her head with a serious look.
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echo-echo31 · 11 months
Domestic One-Shots | Heist x Illinois
Warnings: Insomnia, mild implied reference to trauma.
A/N: I reworked the prompt because I started writing it and forgot the prompt..
7. Cuddling late at night.
Illinois has always found it difficult to sleep. Too many nights spent in the wilderness or a possibly cursed temple. Too many nights needing to be awake at a moment's notice.
His husband is the same. Even since semi-retiring from his infamous heists, Markus still can't stay asleep for very long during the night.
So instead, the couple have a lot of time to themselves in bed...which usually ends up in cuddles.
Their bodies intertwine in the moonlight, creating a space just for them. A space where all past adventures and heists can settle around then like dust - as light as air.
"You okay, love?" Illinois whispers into his husband's ear, as if not to disturb the night.
"Yeah," Markus replies.
It's all they need.
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