#hello and welcome to “del is bad at summaries”
delopsia · 8 months
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"Why did you pick me?" "Because you have the kindest eyes I've ever seen."
It's Rookie Season. That time of year when aspiring fighters get their chance at being chosen by big-name beast fighters for their chance at fighting by their side in the famous Rookie Circuit. Drawn in by circumstance, Bob Floyd never expected himself to be chosen by one of the most elusive fighters in the business, and he certainly never anticipated falling head over heels for her in their quest to win this year's season. But what happens when he learns the secret lurking behind her winning streak?
A moodboard for the fic idea that spontaneously popped into my head while I was driving the other day. Will I actually write it? Who knows.
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divinemare · 1 year
Hello!! I loved your fic Back to December (love the Taylor Swift reference) and it had me in tears. Is there any way you could write a Liam x reader where they meet on the day on the parapet and then become friends and it slowly turns into a friends to lovers situation? I love your writing and I can’t wait for more Fourth Wing fan fics <3
thank you so muuuuch! you’re so sweet, and thank u for your request!
sorry if this took so long, but I did my best so I hope you like it!
Snow On The Beach
FOURTH WING ONE SHOTS: Liam Mairi x reader
summary: well…need I to explain it? Snow On The Beach - Taylor Swift ft. More Lana Del Rey, duh
tw: none
“It’s gonna be ok, it’s gonna be ok, it’s gonna be ok…”
You repeated over and over again trying to calm the nerves in the erratic beats of your heart.
But was it? You were about to cross the parapet, the most fucking deranged way of welcoming students into their first year. Yet you had actively, willingly chose to be here, to do this.
“Why am I so impulsive,” you murmured under your breath, whining internally about the series of bad choices that had led you to this very moment in your life.
It had all begun with your awful, hating sisters making a passive-aggressive comment about how you couldn’t actually ever survive becoming a dragon rider, how you wouldn’t even survive crossing the parapet to begin with. They were two of the best healers with the best ranks, coming from a long family of the best healers; in the best ranks. All your family had ever done was try to brainwash you into becoming a healer, but you had never actually found the profession interesting at all, you had been obsessed with dragons since the day you learned to talk.
But you had just read about dragons, you had never actually seen one up close, only when they occasionally overflew your city, but that was it, that had been the closest you had ever gotten to a dragon in all your 20 years of life, how were you supposed to survive bonding one? Yeah, you had made a biiig mistake.
First it had been your sisters comments, then everything went downhill when your ego got bruised and offended, and that same day you sent your application to Basgiath for the Riders Quadrant.
An now you were here after your stupid, impulsive decision to shut your sisters mouths up, in the line of stupid people that were about to cross the stupid parapet.
“Hey,” someone touched your arm, but you were so focused in your prayer to the Gods you did not noticed the guy standing in front of you talking, so you jumped in surprise by his touch.
Good Gods, those were some deep blue eyes.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t meant to startle you,” his smile was just as beautiful as his eyes, and just as beautiful as his blond hair as well.
“No worries, I’m just in a perpetuate state of paranoia right now,” he laughed slightly, and you couldn’t help but smile at the deep rich sound.
“You dropped this,” he extended you something, and you looked down at his palm.
You couldn’t help but grimace at the awful necklace that stared right back at you. It had been a “gift”, supposedly.
“You can keep it, my big sister gave it to me, and I’m not entirely sure that she didn’t curse it to give me bad luck,” the guy lifted an amused eyebrow, and you sighed in defeat. “Forget it, I guess I will know if it’s cursed when I fall into my death hearing Malek’s and my diabolic sister’s laugh in my head,” but just as you were about to take the necklace from him, he snatched it back, and you stared up at him with a furrowed brow.
“Now, we don’t want that to happen, do we? I’ll keep it and clean the bad vibes off it for you until you cross the parapet safe and sound,” he put in his pocket, and you couldn’t help but look at him with confusion and amusement at the same time.
“And how do you pretend to do that, exactly?”
“With my charming good vibes, of course,” you stared at him with an eyebrow raised for a second in total silence, but then inevitably laughed out laud.
You saw the guy’s smile lighting up as you tried to cover up your laugh with your hand.
“Liam, by the way,” he extended his hand towards you again, this time with the purpose of introducing himself.
“That’s such a sweet name,” Liam arched an eyebrow with a pleased smile on his thin lips.
“Well thank you, and may I know your sweet name?” You extended your hand to him to go for a shake, and he immediately accepted it with his.
“Y/N,” he breathed when you both released each others hands, like tasting your name in his mouth.
“Next,” you both heard someone say behind Liam, and your gazes, that had been held on each other, finally turned towards the guy behind.
Liam’s face fell instantly pale, and you saw how he sucked in a breath for a split second.
You peaked over his shoulder to see the guy standing in front of Liam, and you saw, hands down, the most intimidating man you had ever seen in your life.
In the most arousing way, for some strange reason.
The guy’s face flinched just a split second as well, and you didn’t got to read the looks in their eyes before Liam gave his full name to the man and rushed away, looking back at you and winking an eye before stepping into the parapet.
The weather outside had to be fucked up today, seems like your sister had done a really good job cursing that necklace.
“Name?” The intimidatingly hot guy asked, and you took your eyes away from the blond hair of Liam to set it on the guy’s onyx eyes.
Your eyes couldn’t help but drift to the tattoo peaking out of his shirt.
“Last chance to take a step back,” the dark-haired guy, the Marked One, said.
Through your mind crossed every passive aggressive word your sisters had said, the look of disappointment in your parents eyes when you told them you would not become a Healer. And then, before you could stop your mouth or think outside your pride:
“Y/N Y/L,” you replied, sucking in a breath.
The guy nodded slightly, and the other guy beside him wrote your name on the list he was trying to protect from the rain.
“Good luck,” you saw sincerity in his harsh onyx eyes, and with one last nervous, but thankful smile, you turned around from him.
You took a deep breath, braced yourself, and stepped onto the parapet.
You were so close, so so close, you could already see the end of the parapet, feel it, yet the wind was making those last steps harder than the whole way.
Liam’s blonde, wet hair was the first thing you noticed, then his encouraging smile, and then his hopeful eyes.
He stood near the entrance, as if…as if waiting for you.
When you arched your brows slightly, and he deepened his smile, you confirmed it; he was waiting for you.
“You did it, seems no curse is strong enough to stop you,” when you finally stepped into safety, his words were the first thing that greeted you.
With the inicial panic, and overall fear of the parapet finally over, after you gave your name to the girl with the beautiful red hair, you were able to take him in completely. And Holy Gods, your mouth went instantly dry at how gorgeous that man was.
His intense blue eyes, his white sideways smile, his ruffled and wet blond hair, his wide, big shoulders and muscular arms, his height…Gods he was tall. And…and that rebellion relic. You hadn’t seen it before, hadn’t noticed it at the beginning of his wrist and disappearing under his sleeve.
He noticed your eyes lingering on it, and his cocky demeanor immediately changed into an uncomfortable one. You hadn’t meant to make him uncomfortable, it’s just that you had never interacted this much with Marked One, your parents had always told you Marked Ones were awful people, rude and brutal and violent and dangerous. But this guy had been the opposite to all those words they had used to describe him. It didn’t surprise you tho, that your parents had only been full of venom and no truth at all.
Then you started laughing, out of the blue. You just laughed out laud, making everyone around you turn to look at you as if you had grown another head. You may as well have, for how insane you were looking right now.
“I’m sorry,” you tried to say over your laugher. “I’m sorry, I just…I…” But you couldn’t stop laughing.
Liam raised an eyebrow in utter bafflement, but his lips slightly twitched upwards in amusement when you couldn’t help but put a hand on his chest to support your shaking body.
He laughed slightly with you then, your laughter being contagious, and both of you laughed with everyone around you starting to worry you had already lost your marbles.
“I’m sorry, it’s just…oh, my mother is going to have a heart attack,” you laughed, tears already streaming down your face. “And my sisters, good Gods, my sisters are gonna choke in their gasps!”
“Are you ok?” Liam asked with amusement, raising a blond eyebrow.
“I did it!” You beamed.
“You did,” he nodded.
“I did!”
You had survived the parapet, you had actually survived. And it felt so damned good.
“Here, I cleaned the bad vibes for you,” Liam took out your sister’s necklace and gave it to you.
You thanked him, and sighed while looking at the horrible thing.
“At least we’ll know how to recognize your body with this,” those had been your sister’s words, accompanied with faked sorrow and a quick hug.
You looked at Liam with a smile, and then turned around, walking again towards the edge of the end of the parapet and tossed the damned thing out.
“It can rot in hell, for all I care,” you said going back to Liam’s side, and sighing with deep relief.
Liam laughed, and you both made your way to where cadets were being gathered now.
Your new life started right here and right now, and you couldn’t have been more grateful than to start it with a mischievously handsome new friend.
“Ouch!” you complained as the healer cleaned your bloodied lip.
“Sorry,” the tiny guy apologized, and you sighed as he continued to clean one of your many wounds.
The mat had been brutal today, probably the most brutal you’ve had so far. Ivana Harlow was a ruthless, massively tall girl who had already killed two of her opponents on the mat, and today, she had almost kicked your ass back to your mother’s womb as well. Luckily for you, Liam had taught you just the right way to break someone’s leg, and even tho every inch of your body was in pain right now, at least your pride was intact.
“Where is she? Is she ok? Can you please let me see her?” A voice you had grown to know so well spoke behind the closed door of the treating room.
You tried to stand from the stretcher, but your body instantly protested in waves of intense pain that made you moan.
“Told you to stay still,” the healer warned you, and you huffed and ok.
The door flew open seconds later, and an extremely concerned looking Liam entered with panted breaths.
“Are you ok?” He sighed in partial relief when he saw you awake, and you tried to smile without a grimace to calm his worries down.
“I’m fine.”
“She’s not,” the healer answered, and you shot him a look that he ignored.
“She’s not?” Liam’s worry came back in a second.
“I am,” you said again, but he was now not paying attention to you but to the healer.
“She has a broken rib.”
“Nothing a mender can’t fix,” you tried to say to calm Liam a little, but his face had already gone pale.
“And a broken ankle.”
“Again, a mender.”
“And her stomach was one punch away from bleeding internally.”
“But it did not happen!”
“And can you stop? Before he passes out,” you signaled Liam with your head, who looked so pale you started to worry he may replace you in this stretcher.
“I’ll leave you two,” the healer said, disposing of the bloodied cotton with which he had been cleaning the blood off your lip. “Don’t try to stand up,” he warned you with an accusatory finger, and you only nodded and murmured your thanks.
When it was only you and Liam in the treating room, you smiled at him.
“I’m fine, I am,” he sighed and rubbed his eyes, approaching you with a frown of worry in his beautiful face.
“When Ridoc went to look for me and told me Ivana had left you passed out I ran. I should’ve been there, I’m sorry,” you shook your head and went to grab his hands with yours.
“You had other things to do, besides, Ridoc’s an overly dramatic idiot, I didn’t pass out. Besides, you would’ve been proud, I broke that bitch’s leg after she broke my rib,” Liam finally laughed slightly, and you smiled at the sound.
“I am proud,” your smile turned into a slight blush, and he let go of one of your hands to take it to your cheek and softly, being extra careful not to touch the red spots that were already turning purple, rubbed sweet circles in it.
“Thank you, for what you taught me,” you said to fill that beating gap in your chest that was making it really hard to breath.
You’ve been lately feeling that way around Liam, specially since he’d been changed to the Flame Section, and you’ve stopped seeing each other as much since then. But every chance he got, he looked for you, and you were grateful he hadn’t yet forgotten about you.
But now every time you got together was even more special than the last one, every training session or glance across the dinning room or time together during class. It hadn’t been until you stoped having him next to you every time that you started noticing the effects of his absence. You missed him more than you thought you would, and you realized you probably liked him more than you thought you did.
It was complicated, he was your friend, and there were yet a lot of things he hid from you, you knew for the way he stoped himself while speaking sometimes or avoided certain topics.
“You don’t have to thank me, Y/N, you know I would do anything to…” Again, as he now usually did, he stoped himself.
“To what?”
He didn’t answer, only stared into your eyes with his deep blue ones. Every time he looked at you, you felt like you could drown in his ocean eyes and you wouldn’t mind one bit. But you couldn’t explain that, because he was your friend, and nothing else. Or at least he had never hinted he would be up to being something else at all, and you’d seen him flirt, a lot.
“Liam, to what?” You insisted a little more, and when he lowered his head, you released his hand and moved your head away from his other hand.
“To keep you safe, Y/N, I would to anything to keep you safe.”
You stared at him with an open mouth, not knowing exactly what to say, or think of his words. He looked so unlike him with his serious expression and tormented gaze, you couldn’t help but to grab his hand and squeeze it.
“I know,” you murmured in a low, much rasp voice you thought you had at the moment.
“You scared the shit out of me,” he got closer to you, drawing circles in the back of your hand with his thumb, and making your heart stupidly speed up.
“I know, I’m sorry,” he wasn’t looking up from your hands, but he got slowly closer to you until your legs instinctively parted to let him get between them.
“She could’ve killed you, she has already killed opponents,” his other hand went to cup your cheek again, and you felt how the air got trapped on your throat as his intense blue eyes met yours.
“But she didn’t.”
“You broke her leg,” he stroke your cheek delicately, and you couldn’t help but to close your eyes and lean into his sweet touch.
“I did,” you confirmed with a devilish grin, and Liam let out a shaky breath, like he was too having trouble breathing this close to you.
“Gods, Y/N, I can’t believe you’re doing this to me.”
You arched your eyebrows in confusion and pursed your lips, unable to think with clarity at all.
“What? What am I doing now?”
Then Liam backed away from you, so far that you couldn’t reach him now. Suddenly you felt too cold, too unprotected of the harsh breeze that went between you two. You were absolutely confused and out of words, his eyes now didn’t let out a single feeling for you to try to read, and before you could get words out of your already opened mouth, he spoke.
“Get some rest, the mender should be here in no time,” and just like that, he was gone.
What the actual fuck. You asked yourself as you stared at the door with an astonished expression, and a disappointed, turned-down heart.
You were fine now, after a week of rest, the pain had completely disappeared, and your energy was back at the top as you excitedly tied the laces of your riding boots, getting ready to finally be able to go on a ride without the ultimate danger of your pain making it way too difficult to hold on. It had been Luainthr, your dragon, who suggested you didn’t step a foot on one of his scales before you fully recover. He had been worried for you, even if he wouldn’t straightforwardly say it.
The door of your bedroom sounded with three simple knocks, and so you strapped your last dagger on your boot before you stood up from your bed and walked towards the door.
Once open, Liam’s tall frame and beautiful eyes looked down to yours, and you abstained yourself from frowning as he took a deep, nervous breath.
You hadn’t seen him since that day in the treating room, when he had you left so abruptly with a knot on your heart and head.
“Liam, what-”
“I made you this,” he didn’t even let you finish speaking when he handed you a little wood-carved necklace.
You almost gasped at the beauty of the hand made magnolia.
Your favorite flower.
“Liam, this is…” You looked up at him with stars of gratitude shining in your eyes, making him smile as well. “Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. To replace the cursed one, I guess,” you couldn’t help but laugh while putting on the beautiful necklace.
Magnolias symbolized endurance and perseverance, both things you had clung onto so tightly since you got here. In one of your late night talks, you had told Liam about your love for magnolias, you hadn’t thought, tho, that he remembered up till now.
“Liam…” You said with a sigh, watching as his shoulders were tense and he sucked in a breath, there was something bothering him, you saw how his blue eyes mimicked a relentless ocean and knew immediately something was up with him. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m sorry,” he said with a sigh, finally getting something he apparently really needed out of his chest. “For how I left the other day, and for not coming to visit you. I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“Why did you leave like that?” He looked away from you, only giving you more reasons to be curious. “Liam, what is it?”
“Because…” He blurted out, seeming to struggle with his words.
Watching Liam flustered like this was something you had never expected to see. He was overly confident, cocky. He flirted his way out and in of everything. He was the best cadet in your year, the best fighter, simply; the best. But here he was, at your door, all flustered and appearing to be a wreck of nerves.
“Because I had to leave you,” there was a certain pain in his eyes that made you feel a crush in your own heart.
“Why?” Your voice was more of a whisper than you anticipated.
“Because I didn’t wanted to kiss you when you were like that, and I desperately wanted to.”
The words struck late in your head, and your eyes widened as they finally did.
You saw it then, how he so desperately wanted to kiss you now too, but you hadn’t said it yet. That you wanted it just as bad.
So you grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and dragged him inside your room, closing your door with your boot before you pushed your lips to his.
His hands wrapped around your waist immediately as yours grabbed both sides of his face. And the most wild, desperate kiss you had ever given took all the rational thoughts completely out of your head.
“Fucking hell, Y/N,” he moaned in a rasp voice when you both needed some desperate air, nipping your lower lip and making you moan as well.
“Took you long enough,” your voice was just as shaky and out breath when you spoke.
Liam smiled in your mouth, and kissed you deeply again, once, twice, grabbing the back of your neck and tilting your head up, stroking gently but somewhat so possessively your jaw.
“It sure as hell did,” his low voice sent a shiver down your entire body, the sound reverberating in yours, causing heat to rush from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, curling them up, and building an insufferable pulse between your legs.
And he made sure to make up for all that time after that, bringing you to the depths of a pleasure you never thought possible before you had him worshiping every inch of your body.
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tomatoswup · 1 year
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smut❤️‍🔥. | angst🌧️ | fluff🫧 | Request💙 | 🫀Hurt/Comfort
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-Trigun and Perfumes : A Headcanon 🫧
-phonecalls (VashxReader)🌧️
summary: two old rotary phones begin the connection between two souls. One from the past and another from the future.
hello? (vash plushie series! :D) 🫧 Part 2 Part 3
summary: walking through the deserts of No Mans Land, you encounter an odd creature in the sand
summary: you couldn't help but remember those memories of your sweet boyfriend and that sweater of his that smelled so good
kiss my wounds sweetheart⋆。° 🫧(WolfwoodxReader)
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summary: the when's and development of your feelings for a certain typhoon.
-the only(VashxReader) 🌧️🫧
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a gift ♡ ❤️‍🔥(VashxReader)
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Love, Vash 🌧️(VashxReader)
summary: one last letter to the love of his life
el chico del apartamento 512⋆ ˚。⋆୨💌୧⋆ ˚。⋆ (VashxReader)🫧
summary: that new boy-next-door Vash from 512 sure is cute! Maybe you should write him a letter~
sweet spot -`♡´- ❤️‍🔥(VashxReader)
summary: curiosity killed the cat they say at first, but it definitely brought it back. At the heat of the moment, you find a pretty hidden sweet spot of Vash's that you'll remember forever! Such a delicious face!
"Can I get uh-"(Part 1) | Lunch Time!(Part 2)
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Would you?🐠 (VashxReader)🫧
summary: you’re laying in bed with your boyfriend one day and he gets serious. What’s wrong?
Cheer up!📣(VashxReader)
summary: a cheerleading injury sure does hurt, and theres no one to cover you! Oh dear who else could help you in these daring times!
|Requests Completed|
Confess!(VashxReader)🫧 💙(Drabble)
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summary: being a runaway teen sure has it troubles. But when a wacky group comes around, maybe it doesn't feel so bad.
Home(VashxReader) 🫀(Manga Spoilers)
summary: After the escape from The Ark, Vash needs to be held and maybe that blanket is big enough for the two of you.
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fandomficsnstuff · 4 years
A love left behind - Part 2
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Summary: Your dad owns a ranch in between Thieves Landing and Armadillo, doing business with both Blackwater, Armadillo and Tumbleweed. One day three strange men show up on your land, a man with a scar across his face, an old bearded man whose horse has a literal mustache, and a tall and handsome man, both black and indian you think. What are they doing here and how will you deal with them?
(This is longer than the first part, put your seatbelt on folks!)
Charles Smith x Reader
You sat on a bench outside the stables, looking through an old journal of yours that your mother had given you before she died, it was hers once. You were reading what she wrote down when she was younger, she didn’t write much, so there was still a lot of space left to be filled out. You came upon an entry of your mother meeting your father, and you couldn’t help the small smile that came across your face, the way she described your father wasn’t at all how he was today. You were, however, interrupted by three horses entering the ranch, the three horses from earlier today. The three men had come back from Thieves Landing, surprisingly still alive and seemingly well. You closed the old journal and got up, walking towards them, your father still inside the house, apparently not having heard them.
“Well, you’re alive” you said with a small surprised tone, looking between the three men, your eyes unintentionally lingering on the tall one of the three, his arm was bleeding and you frowned “you’re bleeding, Mr…?”
“Charles Smith, but Charles is just fine” you nodded slowly at his words “well, Charles, my father is inside, why don’t you two go on inside” you nodded to John and the old bearded man, whose name you still didn’t know, and then looked back to Charles “and I’ll patch you up?” you could swear he blushed a bit at your words, but responded nonetheless “thank you, that’s very kind of you miss but-”
“That sounds like a great idea!” John interrupted, both Charles and you looking towards John, and you missed the way Charles looked at John confused. “Come on Uncle, let’s go inside,” John said, walking inside the house with this ‘Uncle’ fella. You looked back up at Charles “come on sir, let’s patch you up” you walked with him towards a small house on the property, walking inside you set him down at the dining table and began to look at his arm. “Who lives here?” he asked after a while, you barely glanced away from his wound “me” you shrugged slightly “I’m going to have to clean it, but other than that it’s not too bad” you got up to get your supplies, mainly bandages and some rubbing alcohol.
“You live here? Why not in the house with your father?” Charles asked casually, you glanced at him and he frowned “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to intrude-”
“My father can be a bit… much, sometimes. Living in this house was my choice, I can still help out on the ranch but I have my own space here” you interrupted him, not wanting him to think he had overstepped a boundary that wasn’t there. You got back to him with your supplies, looking at him before clearing your throat “you’re gonna have to-... uhm… take off your shirt…” you said quietly, and once again, you saw him blush, but he did as told. You looked away as he pulled off his shirt, but once you turned around you’re quite sure your face went red like one of the tomatoes you were growing here. He was built like a brick house, a fact that was a bit easy to miss under his shirt. You cleared your throat once again, distracting yourself in patching him up.
You poured some rubbing alcohol on a clean cloth, giving him an apologetic look before gently cleaning his wound, he hissed slightly at the pain but kept quiet otherwise. Once that was done you inspected the wound once again, beginning to take out the bandage, “you’re good at this, who taught you?” Charles asked quietly, studying you as you slowly and carefully bandaged his arm, “well, I have learnt from experience, the Del Lobos did a lot more than steal our cattle or destroy our crops… once or twice, if one of us got too brave, they’d beat my father, so I had to learn in order to patch him up” you shrugged, not noticing the sympathetic look he gave you “did they ever… hurt you?” he asked carefully, not wanting to bother you or make you uncomfortable in any way. You gently shook your head at his question “no, not really, one of them slapped me once or twice, but nothing I couldn’t handle” you said calmly, finishing off his bandage, looking up at him,your hands still resting on his upper arm, over the bandage. You noticed the worried look in his eyes “I always paid them back” you gave him a smirk and a small wink and he smiled slightly, looking down. 
Once Charles had put his shirt back on you both walked outside, just in time to see John and Uncle exit the house with your father, both laughing, though John looked rather uncomfortable. John noticed both Charles and you talking as you headed their way, and couldn’t help but smirk a bit.
“Well as I said you’re welcome any time, Mr. Marston! We could sure use more of ya!” your father laughed, giving John a rough pat on the back, until your father noticed you and Charles standing together “the hell’s going on here?” he asked in a rough voice, you shrugged “Mr. Smith got injured helping us with that gang, so I just patched him up” you glanced up at Charles to find him already looking at you, to which you blushed and looked down, not noticing the way your father glared at Charles, who immediately walked to his horse, his tiny smile gone.
After the men had left you went inside of your own house, sitting down in an armchair and began to read from your mother’s journal again. After a while your father walked in, you glanced at him before going back to reading “hello pa” you said calmly, not noticing the look on his face, at least not until he didn’t respond, causing you to look up at him “pa? What’s wrong?” you put your mother’s journal on a small side table next to you, looking at him with a frown. He didn’t answer you once again, simply just walking to a chair next to the armchair you sat in, just glaring at you, causing you to think for a second, you hadn’t skipped any chores at all, so you couldn’t think of anything he would be mad at you for.
“The hell were you doin’ with that man?” he suddenly said in a cold tone, you looked at him confused for a few seconds, “Charles? I told you, he got injured and I-”
“Yeah, so you say, but what the hell were you doing alone with him?” now you were even more confused, “I was… helping him?” you almost couldn’t help the annoyance in your tone, having no idea what your father was getting at. “Helping him? That’s what you were doing alone?”
“What are you hinting at, pa?”
“You know what. I know you wanna live your own life but you need to focus on other things, (Y/N)” your father sighed, looking to the floor before back up at you “you’re almost thirty, honey, you need to find yourself a husband, have some children” your father shrugged as you rolled your eyes “no, I don’t, and I’m not ‘almost thirty’, pa, I’m twenty five” you countered, giving him a small glare before going back to your mother’s journal, “your mother and I got married when we were a lot younger, we were just nineteen” your father countered back to you, making you sigh, on the verge of ignoring him.
“Listen honey, I know how you felt about Albert, I-”
“Don’t, just don’t” you snapped, closing your mother’s journal and glaring at him “I don’t ever wanna hear about him again. Ever” you snapped at him again, your father sighing, frowning at you concerned “(Y/N), it’s been three years… honey you have got to move on. What about that boy in Armadillo, the one who’s so sweet on ya?” you father tried, he really did, and you knew he only wanted the best for you, but still you couldn’t help but feel as though you were chained and tied down, even though you weren’t. “Hector, pa, his name is Hector, and no” you shut his offer down quickly, ignoring his pleading look, “honey, I’m old, and I ain't gettin’ younger. One day I won’t be here and I want you taken care of by that time” your father’s voice wavered a bit, making you sigh, feeling back about snapping at him “I don’t want to get married, pa… not to anyone” you looked at him, a frown still present on your face, “you did with that Albert fella, he was so sweet on ya darlin’, he was such a good lad-”
“Yes such a very good man that he slept with other women while we were engaged” you snapped, “I don’t wanna hear about him, I don’t wanna hear about any of them! I was stupid enough once to think that there were any good men out there” you looked down, tears burning your eyes “not anymore.” You heard your father sigh “I saw the way you were blushin’ with that black or indian fella… I just don’t think he’s right for you honey, I mean…-”
“Stop. Just stop, pa… I don’t even know him, and I don’t care to” you said coldly, a single tear fell down your cheek, and you felt your father’s hand wipe it away. ''Honey, I hadn't told you before but… I ain’t well” you snapped your head towards your father, waiting for him to explain “I’m sick honey, real sick” your father leant towards you, looking into your eyes with worry, watching the tears silently fall down your cheeks. “I still have a long way to go still, so don’t worry about that, but I want you to be happy, safe, taken care of.” You gently shook your head “you’re sick? How long have you known?” 
“For a little while, but as I said I still got a long way to go, a lot of years that I can spend with you” you nodded slightly at his words, looking down and wiping your eyes. You heard your father get up, extending his hand to yours, helping you to stand up and embracing you. You couldn’t remember the last time your father had hugged you like this. After a while he let go “now, those fellas are gonna be back with some more money, would you mind helping them with the sheep?” he asked with a small smile on his lips, you nodded and sighed, giving him one last hug before wiping your eyes, going outside to wait for the men. Your father stood back in the living room of your house, looking towards a table which had a picture of your mother with you as a small baby in her arms, your father felt tears in his own eyes well up, blinking them away as he looked at the portrait “we raised a good woman, you and I, (Y/M/N). She’s a fine lady” he gently caressed the picture’s face, admiring your mother before going outside himself.
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harleenfleck · 4 years
Don’t forget me (Part. 4 and finale)
Arthur Fleck/Joker x Reader fic
Summary: After your reunion with Arthur, you feel the luckiest and happiest person on earth, you will believe that things cannot be better and you are just waiting for the day when Joker comes for you and takes you with him. However, things don't go as you both planned.
Warnings: Angst, description of violence, language, little bit of fluff  
NSFW Warnings (FINALLY): Smut, unprotected sex
Words: 6.6k
Part one here <3, Part two here <3, Part three here <3
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A/N: Well folks, this is the finale part of this fanfic that was born from my heart 🥺I hope you liked these series 💖 well, I wanna say some things, I looked for a lot of references about how to do sex scenes (On Tumblr with that naughty blogs it was pretty easy HAHAHA), and recently around here I saw an image of a long-haired boy carrying a girl, and just you could see the boy's back, we all went crazy with that image because the boy looked too much like our Arthur, so that image inspired me a lot to do a scene like this 🤭 I’m inspired a LOT of songs too, Inspired in “Haunted” & “Gingerbread man” by Melanie Martinez and “Sad Girl” & “Love” by Lana del Rey (Lana it’s my eternal muse ) also if you remember the previous part, Arthur mentions a lot about a necklace that he wants to give to the reader, so this is the necklace (And of course, I’m gonna buy it) and well, I hope that Tumblr no longer caused me more problems like the previous part. Well, to finish this A/N I’m sorry if I make some grammatical, spelling or writing mistakes, English is not my native language. Enjoy this final part! :3 I hope you like it and thank you for read me! <3
Your life had become happier those last days. There was a splendid shine in your eyes, people could see the happiness as you walked the streets of Gotham, and when you were alone in your apartment, you put some music and danced all over the room, imagine your partner of dance on your side, dancing with you.
Of course, you were so happy, because the boy you love had come back to you, and he'll do it again. It was only a matter of time before you got back in his arms, and you kissed those lips again, whether were covered in clown-paint or not.
In your work, you ate a little sweet cupcake, thinking impatiently about his return. Once again, another delivery man arrived with another bouquet of lilies. Your heart melted like frosting when you saw those flowers reach you. You took the bouquet with great affection, but your eyes noticed a small note. You took it between your fingers and read it.
"Do you think it's too early to say we'll be together soon? I don't know, but I can't wait. Wait for me soon. J"
“J?” Celeste was behind you reading the card too “Who’s J? It’s your secret admirer, Y/N?”
“Maybe” You said it with a smile. Celeste get enthusiastic again.
“Oh! Think in all boys you know who name starts with J! Jonathan, John, maybe Jack”
You giggled with Celeste's words, you don’t know any boy who his name starts with J, just only one. You wondered what her face would look like if you told her what your secret admirer's real name was. Maybe you'd give the poor woman a heart attack. “The true is you look so happy Y/N, I’m really wondering who’s gonna be that boy, have he dared to come out of anonymity?” Your chance to scare her appeared, but you had a lot of appreciation for your boss, you decided to give her a pious little lie "No, not yet, but I'm waiting for him to do it”
“Well, almost it’s a word, J… Well, back to work” Celeste entered again to the kitchen while you stay in the corner again. Before you notice him, Peter was in front of you, seeing you, his gaze was making you uncomfortable. It would be amazing if Arthur arrived at that moment and made his original plan. Suddenly, you began to daydreaming, with him coming to you, with another bouquet of flowers and the necklace that he was so enthusiastic to give you. You'll run to him to kiss him passionately, in the middle of all the sweets and desserts around.
“Ok, my little princess, you catch me”
“Huh?” Peter interrupted your daydreaming; you didn't understand what he meant “What you said?”
“You catch me Y/N, I can’t stay hide anymore. I am your secret admirer”
“What?!” Your face must look so confused you when you heard the words of Peter, but what the fuck was that idiot saying? You can’t help thought it. That was a very bad joke, and it was a joke, where the fun is?
“I’m the guy who send you all that flowers”
“Oh… I see… Peter, why you say that bullshit?” Peter stunned; it was the first time you said rudeness to him “My secret admirer… He's definitely not you, I know he's someone else. And I’ve told you many times I’m not interested in you.  Please don't do that again."
“Oh, c’mon Y/N, you really know who is he? And why he doesn’t appear? What are he waiting for? He’s afraid? If I were him, I wouldn’t hide of you, I wouldn’t be a coward like that idiot, you know what Y/N? Why you don’t forget him and come with me tonight? For a drink, what you say? I know a nice place where… “
You can’t believe what Peter said it to you. His words made you angry, how he dared to offend the man you love? How he dared even compare himself to him? He would definitely never be like Arthur, not even like Joker. Totally mad, beating the corner with your fist, made his mouth shut up. Peter looked at you little afraid, like some else replaced you, some else were in your place.
“Watch your mouth Peter, be careful with your worlds, with you talking to me”
“Y-Y/N? Princess?” He asked full of fear.
“First, stop call me princess, I’m not your princess. Second, you think you know me; you think you know what I want, but you don't know nothing about me. Nothing. And by the way, he’s not a coward, my fucking god, you haven’t seen my man to say those shit about him.  If only you saw it in person, I’m pretty sure he would terrify you”
“W-W-W-What the fuck Y/N?” More feared and confused, Peter was petrified with your words.
“I told it, and please, stop bothering me, or I’ll call my boyfriend to teach you to respect what’s not yours”
“O-O-Ok, ok, I don’t know he was already your b-boyfriend. I’m sorry Y/N, I’ll not bother you again… I’ll with Celeste I-if you need s-something”
And before you knew it, Peter ran out of your sight into the kitchen, almost running, you really intimidated him, but you were sick of him and his absurd flirtations. Your heart belonged only to one person in the world, and graciously, you hoping Peter suspect too who your "Boyfriend" was. You smiled, referring to Arthur as your boyfriend, he already was, wasn't it?
A customer walked into the store, with that smile provoked by Arthur, you raised your gaze to the customer. But the look of that client gave you a bad feeling. He looked like someone dangerous. The smile disappeared. That man was observing around the store, looking for something, you thought he was going to rob at any moment, but what he could steal besides money, cakes and cookies?
The guy set his gaze on your lilies, then his gaze turned to where you stayed. You tried to give him a kind smile and a welcome like all the customers, but this time you felt very bad. “Hello, can I help you?” you asked to him. The guy doesn’t say nothing, only seeing you with an intimidating stare. You thought in any moment he was going to pull out a gun and point it at your head. He looked you for almost a minute. Definitive he was a bad guy. Getting nervous, you only waiting the moment when he leaves the shop.
Looking at you once more, finally he leaves the place, and your back to breathe again.
“Y/N! Y/N! Are you okay?!” Celeste and Peter run to you “We looked that guy, we thought he was assaulting the place, are you okay darling?” Celeste took you for the shoulders and hugged you.
“I’m fine, thank you Celeste, I thought the same" You trembled a little, you were really scared of what had happened. You didn't want to live something similar again in your life. You even came to think if Joker could take care of the guys like that, only if they bothered you again.
“I hope that jerk won’t back again” Peter took a look out the street, but the strange guy was already gone “That guy is one of the savages who keep rotten this poor city. If he will back, I’m gonna punch his face”
“No Peter! Probably that guy had a gun, don’t you dare do something like that!” Celeste reproached to Peter. You stopped listening to them, you could only feel helpless. Could you tell Arthur what happened that day?
You came out of your work with mixed emotions. You wanted to have the same joy you felt in the morning, but so many things were going on in your mind at high speed. First, Peter's immaturity for not accepting the fact you were not in love with him, and then that stranger who had perhaps studied the cake shop to assault it in the next few days. Celeste, worried about you and what might happen, decided to close the bakery for a few days, hoping that, if they were planning an assault, the bakery would no longer be an option for them.
You were walking worried, watching your back, the bouquet of lilies held it tightly in your hand, you were making yourself the idea that you had to pull those flowers in case something went wrong. Before you knew it, you got to that dark street you hated having to cross to get home. Looked everywhere and cursed that the street lighting was failing, you took your bouquet and walked faster. You didn't know if it was your instinct or your paranoia, but if was the second thing, it was right. You turned back, and you realized two guys started following you. You increased the speed of your steps, the problem? They did too.
“She is, it’s the girl of the bakery, the girl with the flowers”
Your ears sensed the conversation of the guys and realized he was the same bad guy who'd gone into the bakery. No, they weren't studying the store to rob it, they were looking for you, you became their target. With pain in your heart, you dropped the bouquet of lilies and started running for your life. The men started running too, they weren't going to let go the prey so easy that night.
It didn't matter if some car could get over you or if you ended up on the other side of the city, you didn't want to be a crime victim, and to know what they wanted to do with you, all you knew was that they will do bad things and that if they caught you, maybe you'd end up in a dumpster. You ran down a lot of blocks, looking for help, but nothing that could save you, to your bad luck, the streets were empty, and the few people there were had no interest in saving the life of a girl in danger.
They caught you and took you by the arms. You yelled "Fire!" like you were once taught at school when you were in danger, but your screams were quieted when one of they hit your face. "Shut the fuck up!" he put a huge knife in your face as they dragged you into an alley. You were paralyzed for a few seconds, but you couldn't let them get away with it. You struggled again and managed to free yourself, not without first kicking one of them in the balls. Freeing you, ran again and this time you lost them. But you knew that kind of men wouldn't rest until hurt you.
You decided to cross an avenue, no matter if that was a risky thing, you just wanted to get out of there safe. The moment you ran on the asphalt, you were illuminated by the lights of a car, it what was missing, being hit by a car. You fell backwards and fortunately the car stopped before hit you. Started with the horn as you got up and ran again. “Hey! Hey!” You heard a yell of the car but you ignored it, you turned back and looked at the person inside the car getting out and it looked like it was coming for you too. Are you fucking kidding me?!, You thought when you still running for your life. In your desperation, you tried to hide in an alley, but it was a dead end.
“Wait! Hey wait!” That person finally caught you and you screamed full of terror “Y/N calm down! It’s me!” And you felt ridiculous for not recognizing that voice before. You looked into his face and all of a sudden, you felt protected. Joker was here “What happened Y/N?! Are you okay?!” You hugged him, you didn't want to be unprotected, to be helpless, you embraced him so tightly, as if he decided to leave you alone at any time, even you knew he wasn't going to do it. You cried heartbrokenly on his shoulder, while he gently stroked your hair and comforted you “Shhh, shhh, it’s okay Y/N, you’re with me, nothing gonna hurt you anymore” His voice calms your fears, feeling in home.
“Arthur…” in sobs, you said his name.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m here Y/N, I’m here…”
You kept crying, but slowly the feeling was calming down. You looked his face, making sure it was him. Yes, it was him, it was Arthur, it was right there next to you. "Arthur, how... How you know it?"
"That's not important, tell me what happened, please" Passed a finger down your cheek, cleaning your wet and salty face.
“T-those were some men who wanted to hurt me. O-One of them went to the bakery today and I thought he was going to rob the place, but he was looking at me. A c-couple of streets before, I-I had been caught for they, but I can-“
“What? They hurt you Y/N?! They touch you?!”
“W-well, a little… In my face, and they threatened me with a knife… I, I..." As soon as you remembered that, you wanted to cry again. Joker took your face and noticed the blow under the eye. He hugged you back much harder, feeling guilty for not protected you before.
“Hey! I can hear the bitch in the alley!” you heard the voice of those men who wanted to hurt you in the distance, Joker only hugged you more tightly, and you noticed that his body became rigid. You heard those men's footsteps go into the alley and how they stopped instantly. They realized were already dead men, as found the girl who they wanted to injury and damaged in the arms of the Clown Prince of Crime.
Joker looked at them frighteningly as he kept hugging you.
“Baby, listen me, I don’t want you get hurt in this, go back, protect yourself and don’t look”
“Okay…” You said in a brittle low voice, and before you do what Joker asked you to do, he took your face and planted a kiss on your forehead, all while still seeing those bad guys. While you hidden of the scene, Joker started his show.
"Good night gentlemen, it seems to me that we had seen before, you know, in previous businesses, and it seems to be that this will be a second meeting not so friendly … May I ask you two something?" The guys didn't answer, they just lowered their heads "What you planning do to my wife?"
You were trying not to listen to the conversation because any moment could become dangerous, but you couldn't help hear those words that came out of Joker's mouth, the way he referred to you, and those feelings in your stomach.
“Y-Your wife?! You have a wife?!”
“Yeah, that beautiful girl it’s mine, and you, fucking bastards, you trie-“
“We don’t know she was yours! We never see her by your side before! We wouldn’t have done anything to her if we’d know she was your wife!”
Bad decision of them of interrupting Joker, very bad idea.
"Do you think I'm an idiot to risk my lovely girl to an environment like my job? I would never put her in danger, just because of this" He took the gun out of his pockets, the guys tried to defend themselves, but they knew it was useless "For fuckers like you who think they have the right to bother her, to hit her and to try to hurt her!”
“Sorry J! We really don’t had idea-“
“No, you don’t have idea, you were really don’t had idea, bastards, and you don’t have idea of the consequences of messing with what belongs to me!”
The gunshots were heard all over the alley until his gun was unloaded. Of course, you screamed scared, you hated having to go through situations like that. A few steps you heard until Joker came to you, kneeling quickly “Y/N, are you alright?” You looked at him and you didn't say anything. You just hugged him one more time. "Let's get out of here, but first" Joker cover your eyes with his hand "I don't want you to see my mess." Very carefully, he took you out of the alley until there was no danger. You walked to where his black car was, opened the co-pilot's door for you, and as he got in his car, you were trying to think about everything that had happened. Joker got in the car.
“Yes Y/N?”
And then, you pounced on him, kissing him hard. He didn't expect you, but he received you anyway, surrounding you with his arms, making you come closer to him. You and he showed in that kiss how much both missed each other
“Thank you, Arthur… Thank you for save me”
“It was the least I could do for you, my love. Let’s go home Y/N”
Sitting in your place again, he turned on the car and started driving, you looked back, and you noticed there was a bouquet of lilies in the back seats. "Again our plans were ruined?" You asked him smiling. Arthur laughed a little with the personal joke between you two.
"No... That bouquet I found on the street. I saw and I realized that was one of those send you" You saw the bouquet again and I told you that some flowers were stained with mud "I knew something bad was happening, and I drove around like crazy, looking you until I found you".
"Oh... I'm so glad you found me again... Hey Arthur…”
“Yes Y/N?”
“I… I know you tell me I don’t hear about, you know, what happened with that two guys, but…”
“I’m sorry if I scared you”
“No, I’m fine Arthur I just… Why you said I’m your wife?” You asked full of curiosity and in a good way, Arthur laughed at your question.
"I must have really scared them or the threat wouldn't have worked. Besides, it's possible in my future plans I want you to be. Of course, if you want it"
You raised your eyebrows when Arthur said that "Wait, is this a marriage proposal or something?"
“Not exactly that, I just plan for the future "
“Well, keep planning” Arthur gave you a gaze full of love and confidentiality, you just smiled at his cute face. “Arthur? Where we go?”
“I told you darling, we go home”
Got to the place where Arthur used to hide, or, rather, where he now lived. It was in a building that apparently looked abandoned, yet he was being watched by his men. Some wore clown masks, others similar makeup to what Joker wore. “So… This is your home”
“Wow… It’s elegant”
Joker laughed with your words "Just a little" go into the place, got out of the car, and he grabbed you by back with his arm. Some clowns looked you in the distance, being surprised, never imagined seeing their boss accompanied by a woman. Both come into the building and you looked carefully. Was an elegant place, very decorated, Joker had a good taste and knew how to hide all that from Gotham's gaze. He offered you to sit down, and that's what you did. At the end of the day, you were finally by his side. But that couldn't leave you calm. A lot of things happened that day, you didn't realize the magnitude of the problem you could get into. You barely realized you could have died.
You noticed that he walked away from you, you didn't know why. Your mind was still rambling "So… Now they call you Joker”
“Yeah” Joker said as he took off his red blazer and left it on the back on a mint-colored sofa, similar to his shirt. You only saw him walk back and forth as you were still sitting in one of the dining room chairs drinking a glass of water, you needed it.
"Should I also call you that?"
“If you prefer, you can call me that, you can call me Joker, but I like more when your voice says my other name"
A little smile under the clown makeup was created “Yeah… You're the only one who can call me that way” Joker went to one of the rooms. You kept thinking again while you were done drinking. Suddenly, Joker came back with a little red box and a couple of white lilies to you"Take it, this is for you”
“For me?” You smiled at him as you took the box and the flowers, you smelled the scent of flowers, as sweet as he “What it’s?
“Open it”
Animated, you opened the little box to discover inside a white necklace with a small drop of pearl hanging from it. “Arthur… This is…?” You couldn't help smile, it was the necklace Arthur so much wanted to give you, and for which he almost got into trouble.
“Yes, finally I got it for you Y/N”
“Oh Artie, it’s so beautiful, thank you” you started laughing next to him. You missed that too, you missed sharing a laugh with him. However, seconds later, you stopped doing so, Joker noticed that.
“I’m sorry, I just… Was too much today, you know? I had a bother day in the job, and well, those idiots… I’m sorry, I’m not supposed to be sad, I should be happy” you didn't want to cry at that moment right in front of him.
“You only had a long day Y/N, take your time baby, okay?” Joker passed a hand in your hair and cheeks, you got carried away by the feeling of his touch “I’ll back. I’ll take a shower”. Those words took you by surprise and your cheeks get in red color, but you tried to hide in front of him, was that an invitation? You didn't say anything, just said yes with your head. Joker gave your cheek a slight squeeze with his fingers and went to the bathroom.
The truth is, it wasn't just everything that day had happened, it was all you've been through since Arthur and you split up for over a year. It was so strange to see Arthur there, in person, just for you. Before he wouldn't let you sleep, because you only thought of Arthur before bed, and when he let you sleep, he'd sneak into your dreams. That ghost that throwing you finally became real in front of you, and it wasn't a menace. For some strange reason, all the feelings you wanted to give Arthur were hidden in your heart and you didn't want to show them, and you don’t have an idea why your mind and heart were making that move to you.
You must have gone around that in your head because you were a little startled when the bathroom door opened, you saw Arthur again, but no more as Joker, just Arthur. Shirtless, only with his red pants, his wet hair, and some blows to his torso and one on his face. Of course, your mind focused on those blows and you were going to ask what had happened to him, maybe it was the result of his criminal life, but of course, you didn't go unnoticed seeing him shirtless. Those thoughts came back to you.
“Arthur…” You got up from your seat and go to him “What is that blow Arthur?” and without any permission, you put your hand on the blow to his chest, causing Arthur to tremble with your unexpected touch.
“That’s nothing Y/N, don’t worry”
“Oh really? And this?” with your other hand, you put it in the blow of his face “Arthur, don’t lie to me again, please”
Arthur looked at the ground, remembered the first time when he had lied to you because he didn't want to worry you, but Arthur knew that if he hid the truth from you, you were going to worry more about him "It was a work thing, it's nothing, I had problems with some guys, it got out of hand, but don't worry, that's already solved" Arthur took your hand off his face and put a kiss in your knuckles. Again, you and Arthur were so close together at the time, could both feel your breaths, you could feel Arthur's heart under your hand as fast as it was beating. Yes, you two had shared a kiss before, but that had been a kiss of thanks. You wanted to kiss him differently this time. Arthur however appeared to doubt yet of that moment. He took your two hands and kissed again "You should take a bath Y/N, you worked today, you ran a lot, too many emotions in your body, you should relax".
You nodded at him, it seemed that he too was hesitating a lot whether to take the next step with you. The truth is when Arthur saw your face, he felt guilty, that blow you had in your face was still visible, and he was ashamed he hadn't found you before you were wounded. "There are some clothes I got for you, they're in the bathroom too. We can go for your things in your apartment another day"
“Yes, I’m okay with that you said, darling. Thank you, Arthur”
You got up with the tips of your feet and kissed him on his cheek. You went into the bathroom, not without looking at Arthur one more time, which had his hand on his cheek, and blushed. Gradually, as the water-filled the bathtub, you took off your clothes, looking in the big mirror, soaked in sweat, was a very long night for you. Inside of the bathtub, a lot of things cross your mind, about you, your relationship with Arthur, and what you really want of him. Of course, you want to be with Arthur, they had to plan everything they would do together because you were sure they could never separate again.
But that night, just that night, you wanted to feel Arthur, and go back to what you two left on in that old bed.
You came out of the bathtub, dry yourself, went to the clothes he got for you and just put on white lace panties, opened the red box and put that special necklace, wrapped your body in a white towel you found, looked you in the mirror one last time and left the bathroom. Arthur was sitting, writing in his journal, and smoking a cigarette. For a moment you had a charming memory of that old Arthur who was shy, that everyone rejected, what they considered a freak, when you were his best and only friend, when you were Carnival and Night Mime. You smiled caringly at the memory. Slowly you would go to him, expect him to notice your presence, soon he felt it, and turned his gaze to you, and was speechless when he looked you were only in that white towel.
“W-what are you--"
You didn't let him continue, because, at that moment, you approached him, and slowly passed a leg over his knees, sitting on his lap. You took his face, slowly caressing his lips and finally, kiss him again, in a very burning kiss. Arthur took you by the waist, feeling you. "You know something, Arthur? All these months I hadn't stopped thinking about what we almost did in that bed, you remember?" You stop to kiss him, looked him with love, but with desire too.
"... There's no day I won't forget that, not even by mistake" He touched your shoulders, passing his fingers in your collarbone, playing with the drop of your white necklace.
“… You want to continue?”
Arthur saw you with a look you had never seen in him, a deep and dark gaze, full of lust “What you think?”
You both smiled and kissed again. Arthur was carrying you down your waist while you were holding on to him. The kiss started slowly, but soon; the desire reappeared and began to consume both as the cigarette remained in the ashtray of the table. You passed your hands behind his back, feeling his skin burning, while you stopped to kiss his lips and started to kiss his chest, Arthur He felt some tickles in the start, but it didn't take long for the feeling was pleasurable for him. You kissed his chest and went to his neck, kissing it too. Arthur, starting to go into ecstasy, stopped you gently, and kiss your lips again.
“I love you Y/N” He whispered between kisses “I love you too much, and you don’t know how I want you, how I need you”
“I love you too, Arthur, and I need you too, I need your love Art… Please, love me” With the red color in your cheeks, you separated a little from him, and with nervous but with flirtation too, you took the material of the towel, and without thinking much, you removed it, revealing your body to Arthur. Him, dumbfounded and amazed, look every centimeter of your skin, he always imagined that intimate and warm moment with you, but he never believed would happen, not even when he became Joker, but you were there, loving him the same way he wanted to love you. He looked at your body, your chest, your breasts, your abdomen, and those lace panties, hiding the most intimate part of you. Hypnotized, he wanted to kiss all you, started kissing your neck, and you couldn't help moaning, more when he came down to your breasts and began to kiss them, “Arthur… Arthur…” you were moaning his name and caressed his hair when his lips and tongue delighted with your taste. and unconsciously, you started to move on him. Without you expecting it, Arthur began to be a little rougher, sucking the skin of one of your breasts, you almost yelled, but he wanted to leave a mark on you, something that every time you looked in the mirror and saw that mark you would remember him with a smile.
“Y/N, you’re so fucking beautiful…” He kept kissing your chest “Your face, your body, you… You look like an angel… My own angel…”
He went back up to your neck, and of course, left little marks on you. He looked at you and saw how you were losing, with your eyes closed. So, he decided to kiss you by surprise. In the middle of the kiss, you felted a slight bulge in your entrance, you decided to provoke him more. You moved over him again, but this time you did it consciously, massaging his member with your pussy, knowing that turned him on. Arthur tried to suppress a moan, but he failing, put his head on your shoulder, trying to be quiet, breathing hard. You moved slowly and quickly at the same time when Arthur threw his head back, you could see his expression and smiled. And then he made that move on you. He took your jaw, forcing you to look at him, you smiled naughtily, but you didn't expect him to put a hand into your underwear. “Oh fuck!” you yelled, hugging his shoulders. His touch was gentle, rubbing his fingers in your pussy, taking you to heaven, feeling on the edge of your sanity. Arthur decided to put his fingers in you, and you started screaming louder, moving the toes of your feet on the floor. He took his hand away from you and brought his fingers to his tongue, that image excited you more than you imagined. “You taste so sweet Y/N, wanna try?” put his fingers in your mouth, and you tasted them. Desperate, Arthur began to take the elastic of your panties, wanting to remove them from you. But you took his hands away from there and put on your butt.
“Hold on to me” He whispered on your ear “You are driving me crazy”
“More?” You laughed a little and he smiled. You did what he asked you, you hugged him by his shoulders and your legs surrounded his torso. Taking you under your thighs, Arthur rose from the chair, carrying you, while you kissed him in the air. All the ecstasy of the moment made him very strong, perhaps he was stronger since his dark part of him came to light. Slowly left you on a couch, making you sit. He knelt down and you knew what his intentions were the moment he did. He went back to your panties and this time, he got them off you. Arthur caressed your crotch while you felt his fingers touched your skin, and gradually he made you opened your legs for him. He looked at you completely in love and lust, and without warning, he went straight to your entrance, kissing it. “Arthur!” you yelled his name once more. He used his tongue inside you, tasting you sweet as he pressed his thumbs tightly to your thighs, one more way to mark you, something that said you were his. You squirm on the couch while feeling his tongue and his breath, he wanted to take you to the same madness that he was in. In your delirium, you heard a strange noise, opened your eyes and tilted your head, to find that Arthur had his hand inside his unbuttoned pants, moving it frantically, an image that turned on more than you were.
Arthur left one last kiss there and was leaving kisses on your body until he reached your mouth, you took his jaw, while he continued caressing your entrance with his fingers. He wanted to prepare you, he wanted you don’t feel pain. He lowered his pants and his boxers, and you observed his member, it was hard, big and hot, being you amazed and a little scared, but having Arthur like this made you love him so badly, and before he could do something with you, you took it and you started to masturbate him so softly. Again, there was that delirious and frail face on Arthur, he never imagined that one day you would touch him that way, feel your fingers around him, your gentle touch on his member, and then, you started kissing his neck. It was his turn to moan, the girl who loves giving him pleasure, the feeling was better than he had thought, “Y/N… Y/N” you saw his chest grow rapidly, his face imploring you, biting his own lips. He wasn't going to hold it anymore. He softly took your hand from him and pulled it away, kissing it first, and slowly began to settle into the space between your legs.
Your faces were flushed, he caressed your cheek, as he slowly got closer to you. “Please Y/N, if you feel pain you have to tell me” You nodded with your head, your voice had been lost in all the sighs that you dedicated to him. Took his erection with his hand, starting to direct it to your entrance “Oh Y/N, you have no idea how I'm gonna adore you” And without waiting, he entered you. He did it softly, while you felted him inside you, moaned very loud. Arthur started to move inside of you, you felt a little pain, but that pain was disappearing, being replaced by pleasure, Arthur looked at your reddened face, how many nights had he dreamed of that, and at the same time, he observed how his member went in and out of your pussy, covering with your love. In delirious, you were tilting, falling backward on the couch. He went behind you, laying on top of you, and continued to adore you in his own way. You stroked his hair with one hand, and with the other hand you took his back, burying your fingers in his skin. He couldn't stop kissing you, he was almost glued to your lips, being addicted to your taste. He couldn't describe the sensation of feeling your soft and warm walls around him. You couldn't describe what it was like to feel Arthur inside you. You definitely love him. Arthur looked into your eyes, those green eyes had you haunted, and every time you saw his eyes you fell in love with him again. You were breathless, moaning his name. You just felt every thrust of him, how his pelvis fit so well on you, how he was so desperate to show you all his love.
“Y/N, you’re mine?” He asked in the middle of everything, forcing yourself to open your eyes and try to answer, which seemed impossible.
“You... You will always be mine?” He said while he kept penetrating you and left kisses in your mouth, cheeks and neck.
“I-I’m yours Arthur! Only yours!” you almost cried of all the pleasant sensations that he put you through. You heard his moans, how he too suspires your name. He went back to your neck, leaving marks there too, and decided to left a few bites. You hugged him so tightly, wanted him to be closer to you, even though at that moment both were one. You were burning inside. Arthur took one of your hands and laced his fingers with yours, your and his screams were heard throughout the room, your heart was going to explode with love. The little drop on your necklace moved to the rhythm of Arthur hitting on you
“A-Arthur, Arthur! I-I’m…!” you couldn't help moan so loud his name, and when he felt your orgasm around him and your body shaking under him, he lost his mind.
“Oh Y/N! Oh!” And in a big yell, you felted his warm cum, feeling every drop fall inside you. He stayed for minutes inside you until his erection went down, and when he came out, you felt how his cum was coming out of you.
He dropped his forehead until it lightly hit with yours, breathing deeply and harder, falling in pieces. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer to you, felt his heartbeat. Arthur separates from you just a moment, just only to appreciate the beautiful woman who loves, lying down from him. He closed to you to kiss your forehead, kiss your cheek and kiss your lips once more. "I love you Y / N ... I love you ..."
“Art… I love you too…” You said in a fragile voice, which worried Arthur.
“Y/N? Are you okay darling?” He asked to you because get little worried, you breath deeply too and stay with your eyes closed.
“Yes Art… I just…” You giggled and he smiles. He really loves you more when you smile.
“What happened baby?” He took a pair of wet tufts of your hair. You, opened your eyes and tried to explain yourself, but you had a little difficulty doing it, until you finally could.
“I just… I can’t feel my legs” both started to laugh. Arthur again took you for your cheeks and kiss you. He got up and knowing that your legs couldn't react, he carried you back into his arms, taking you to the bedroom and laying down on the bed, immediately he lay down next to you and hugging you. Until that moment the bites and the marks that it had left began to burn a little, but that pain did not matter to you. That night you were finally going to sleep in Arthur's arms, it didn't matter if he was now Joker, if he was a dangerous person, you waited for that moment for a long time and it was the only thing that mattered to you.
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The Guy Who Saved My Life
Summary: This is an alternate epilogue to The Sun ending I wrote after several days of joking that I could’ve written a better plot (I'm not saying this actually is better it's just a silly little wish fulfilment piece I thought I would share). There are a few things that don’t exactly adhere to the world of 2077 simply because I think the stuff in the original TTRPG and Cyberpunk Red is cooler. This is also a reminder to everyone to go and read or re-read Never Fade Away.
Words: 2.6k
Warnings: Spoilers for several character deaths, as well as events that lead up to The Sun ending.
A/N: Is this a crappy first draft with minimal editing? Did I pressure myself to finish and post it before 2020 ends? Did I spend valuable time writing this when I have three unwritten essays due in soon? The answer to all of these questions is yes.
Also on AO3 here
‘Hello, Night City! Drag your asses out of your sad sack and turn to face the sky!’ The radio chirped as V pulled herself out of bed, greeted by the afternoon sun. She was on autopilot, completely lost to the chaos of the city below until the cold shock of the shower snapped her back to reality, if that’s what you want to call it.
‘But for all you sitting in the gutter, looking up at the smog, here’s someone you ain’t heard in a while - Johnny Silverhand!’
‘Off.’ V barked, but it came out ragged and broken. She coughed. Blood. The radio fell silent.
‘Good afternoon, V. I trust you had a restful sleep.’ Alva’s voice was flat, empty, it scratched at the back of V’s skull and sent tension down into her fists.
‘Not now, Alva.’ A quiet chirp and the AI fell silent. Obedient.
Finally, a moment to herself - she hated it. Hard to be alone when you don’t recognise the bitch in the mirror.
She remembered the stench of loneliness that had bombarded her at Kerry’s mansion. There was only one thing in this damn apartment that didn’t smell just the same. She pulled the first clothes she saw off the floor and managed to dress herself before reaching for the samurai jacket Rogue had given her.
She hadn’t worn it all week, but then again, she hadn’t done much that warranted getting dressed since everything had happened, since everything had gone wrong.
It didn’t make any sense. Johnny had been a construct in her head; he’d never worn the jacket and she’d never been able to smell the guy, but instinct told her it smelt of him - cigarettes and tequila and something she couldn’t even place. She pulled the sleeves down as far as they would reach, hoping to cover the tattoo.
Reality called again, or rather Emmerick did. ‘Ey, boss.’ Hearing a familiar voice helped more than she thought it would; hurt a hell of a lot more too though.
‘Em, shit. Couldn’t ask a favour, could I?’
‘For you? Anything.’
‘Tell him the job’s off the table.’ V waited for a response but wasn’t surprised that she didn’t get one. ‘No renegotiating, not some other time, just call it off.’
‘Sure thing,’ Emmerick replied. ‘Couldn’t come and do the honours yourself?’
‘I got something else I wanna do, besides, you can handle him; don’t be afraid to put some lead in him if he starts anything; fed up of that schmuck.’
‘I’ll keep that in mind.’
‘Call me with anything urgent; I’ll drop by in a day or two. Oh, and call off Del, I won’t be needing that ride.’
‘Will do, boss, and no worries, take your time.’
Her agent flickered off as she hung up. Before heading out she grabbed the pistols, Pride and the Malorian, and donned Johnny’s aviators to hide her bloodshot eyes.
It wasn’t far to the alley behind Misty’s - V’d made sure she stayed in the neighbourhood, even if she didn’t amble about it the way she used to. The kids loitering on the steps gave her a wide berth, staring wide-eyed at NC’s newest legend, snickering behind their hands when she stumbled and slipped on a flyer. She managed to catch herself, but her heart sank as she waited for a snide comment that never came.
Viktor wasn’t shocked to hear the door open or the metal grate give way, but he sure was surprised to see V stood there before him. Neither he nor Misty had heard from her other than a quick call to say that she was alive, and rumour had it she’d only shown her face at The Afterlife, her own damn club, once or twice.
‘What can I do for ya, V?’ Viktor stood from his chair and welcomed her in.
V’s eyes scanned over the room for a moment, eyebrows creasing in confusion.
‘Fuck, Vik… I dunno.’ It hit her that she had no idea why she’d come here. ‘Don’t know why I’m anywhere anymore.’ V perched on the end of Viktor’s desk and closed in on herself; eyes cast downwards, shoulders hunched.
‘Sorry for bothering ya, Vik.’
He stepped forward and put a sturdy hand on V’s shoulder, crouching to make eye contact. She started a little at the touch but didn’t pull away.
‘Don’t worry about it, you’re always welcome here kid.’
‘Thanks.’ The gratitude was hushed and heavy with regret.
Viktor pulled his friend into a hug, and, for a long moment, there was only the muffled drone of the city above them.
Tears began to creep down V’s face, emerging from behind the glasses.
‘What the fuck am I gonna do, Vik?’ V posed a question they both knew he couldn’t answer.
She kept talking just to fill the silence of the clinic. ‘I killed ‘em all Vik. Rogue’d be alive if it weren’t for me.’
Viktor kept his arms tight around her, scared if he let her go she would crumble. ‘Rogue was great; she just had bad luck, nothin’ anyone could have done. Blood isn’t on your hands.’
V’s memories of that night were hazy but one stood out, crystal clear. Rogue’s body, limp and contorted in the bowels of Arasaka tower, Pride still clutched in her hand, finger on the trigger. The thought of it made her feel nauseous.
‘Isn’t it Vik? Whose is it on? What about Jackie and T-Bug? Evelyn Parker? Takemura? Scorpion?’
Her final question was choked out in a whisper. ‘What about Johnny?’
Viktor knew what he could say - Johnny Silverhand died 55 years ago to a bunch of greedy corpos - but he knew that wouldn’t do jack shit with the state she was in right now.
The heavy grate screeched open again. Nerves fried to shit, paranoia scratching at the nape of her neck, V turned, in one swift movement pulling the Malorian on whoever had intruded. She held the pistol in her left hand.
Misty froze, raising the cups of coffee she held in each hand. ‘Only me, V.’
V holstered the gun, cursing under her breath as Misty approached, setting down one of the cups beside Viktor.
‘Sorry, shouldn’t’a barged in like that.’
‘Nah Misty, shit, I’m the one who pulled iron on ya.’ V removed the aviators and pulled her hands across her face. Her eyes were bloodshot and bruised, her skin gaunt and lifeless. Calling her a living legend might be a bit of an overstatement.
The buzz of NC set in again. The silence between the three friends was oddly comfortable, considering none of them had a damn clue what to say to each other.
A minute of shuffling and sparse eye contact passed before V put the glasses and a brave face back on.
‘I’m gonna head outta the city for the night.’
‘V...’ Misty wanted to stop her but knew she was pushing her luck.
‘I can’t stand it here; it’s all so loud. I gotta delta.’
‘Shit, can’t pretend to know what’s going through that head of yours. Just take care of yourself out there, kid.’ Viktor downed the last of his coffee before it had a chance to go cold.
‘I’ll drop by again tomorrow, promise.’ V’s voice was laced with guilt, desperate for her friends to stop worrying about her. ‘Managed to get some sleep last night, ya know.’
Misty and Viktor saw a familiar blank look set on V’s face as she gazed passed them, looking for something no one else saw.
‘Hey, that’s great V.’ Misty chirped.
‘Just as I was slippin' outta my head, finally, I-‘ Fuck. What was she doing? What did she think she’d say next?
There are some things you don’t tell anyone. The fact that, just as she lost consciousness, right arm stretched out across the empty bed, she could've sworn she’d felt cool, smooth chrome resting in her hand? That was top of the list.
Scrambling, tripping over her own words, V was quick to change the subject
‘You guys ain’t gotta word about me.’ She gave a single, hollow laugh. ‘Hell, I stormed Arasaka and made it out alive, or so I’ve been told - I’m untouchable.’
Viktor and Misty mustered their goodbyes. They wanted to reach out, ask if she wouldn’t stay in the city for tonight, they could all grab a pizza and talk crap until the sun came up again. But V had said it best herself; she was untouchable.
Jackie’s Arch was waiting for her back up in the alley. Sure, it wasn’t the safest place, but V preferred to keep it locked up back here. Besides, I wasn’t like keeping something in a garage has ever deterred a thief, she knew that from personal experience. She dragged the bike out onto the street and it revved to life, radio crackling over the noise of the engine.
‘-Significant roadblocks up in Northside. NCPD are aiming to clear the roads quickly but that’s about all the information we have. For now, we’d advise against any unnecessary travel through the district and we’ll keep you up to date with any breaking information.’ The announcer’s voice fizzled out and a song took its place. V sat for a moment, calculating, before speeding off ‘round a corner, cursing under her breath.
Autopilot set in again, and V was barely sure of where she was until a red light flashed up ahead of her. She considered just running it, but at the last moment, the bike came to a screeching halt.
Looking around, V recognised a few buildings, washed out and faded. She hated this part of town – never any good jobs and always tinged by some sad shadow of the past.
The lights turned orange but V’s eyes were instead cast down an alleyway, and she couldn’t resist the pull that drew her in.
Resting the Arch against a wall, V’s slow steps took her deeper into the shadows. The buildings here were old, concrete beginning to crumble, plants sprouting through the cracks – it was odd to see anything in this state. Sure, it wasn’t V’s favourite place to be but it was hardly bad real estate, and wild plants growing in the middle of NC? Not a typical sight.
Enchanted by the story this place wanted to tell her, V pushed on until she met the end of the alley. Looking up at the building before her, a memory stung in her chest. She’d never been here before.
There were no signs left to indicate what this place might’ve been, but plants burst from every escape they could find, moving gently in the wind to beckon V inside.
Then it hit her. She half expected that blue, glitching static, ‘Relic malfunction detected’ flashing across her vision, but there was only silence.
It was too quiet for Night City, even the noise and chaos seemed to have abandoned this place.
The doorway had collapsed in on itself a long time ago, a tree now twisting its way around the rubble, barring V from entering. She clambered up a rusted, crumbling fire escape, working on a muscle memory that wasn’t hers until she was two floors up, facing a boarded window.
It didn’t take V much effort to pry the brittle wood away from the building, which was just as well considering she had little left.
Through the window, V stood in a small entrance hall, remnants of a staircase falling away behind her. Putting a hand against the door before her, every ounce of strength evaporated from V’s body. She took a deep breath, a moment to calm herself down. In a weird twist of fate, she’d’ve given the world to see his flickering blue form right now.
Putting her weight against the door, V pushed into a larger room. Plants had escaped from their ornamental pots and weaved across the floor, a few even daring to entangle themselves in the gaudy chandeliers that hung from the high ceiling. Beneath the plants and long-settled dust, booths with plush, syn-leather seats were scattered with bottles and glasses, a few cheap pistols even scattered about.
Whoever abandoned this place was quick to delta. Probably had no idea they wouldn’t be coming back.
In the centre of the room sat a grand bar with a pale marble countertop. V pulled herself up to sit atop in, tucking her legs under her as she looked down onto the lower counter. It didn’t take her long to find what she was looking for.
A skewered receipt confirmed what she already knew:
        3:16AM, MARCH 8TH 2024
The order was cheap vodka shots and a slew of cocktails she’d never even heard of, but that didn’t matter.
Dismounting to rain the cabinets below, V pulled out a bottle, the label long since faded and worn away. V tossed the lid onto the floor and took a long swig. Even then she couldn’t put a finger on the strange liquid, but it burned her throat and that was good enough.
V set the bottle down, trading it for a rusted corkscrew that had been abandoned half a century ago.
‘If these walls could talk…’ With that she deltaed, jumping down from the fire escape and pacing back over to the bike.
Somewhere along the way, the city gave out to dusty open fields, old Petrochem plants dotting the barren landscape. V pulled the bike off to the side of the road and began wading through the scrap and rubble to a familiar slab of concrete.
V wondered if anyone had been here since their visit; the metal sheet lay undisturbed bearing her messy inscription:
        JS 2023
She flipped the sheet over – there was less graffiti on this side – pulled out the corkscrew, and got to work.
The sun had long since set by the time V was finished. She carved a thin channel and stuck the cool metal into the dirt at the edge of the concrete. After propping it up with a few worn-out tyres, she took a step back to admire the new inscription. Her penmanship, if you could even call it that, was shoddy, but she couldn’t care less if anyone else could read it.
Across the bottom were four names; T-BUG, SCORPION, EVELYN PARKER, GORO TAKEMURA, each with 2077 scratched below them. Above them were three more. On the left of the sheet;
The right-hand side read;
She’d left the central space blank until last, as if leaving it unwritten made it any less true. But eventually, she’d managed it, tears falling onto the metal as the night’s chill crept into her bones;
Finally, V dug a small hole in front of her plaque, dirt embedding itself beneath her nails. She drew Pride and placed it in the earth before her. The Malorian sat heavy in her hand, and as much as she willed her hand to set it down beside Rogue’s pistol, every inch of her body resisted. The gun found its way back to the holster at her hip.
After burying Pride, V laid back on the concrete, looking up at the few stars that were visible once you left the city. She pulled a cigarette from a pack in one of the jacket's pockets – she certainly didn’t put them there – and lit it.
Closing her eyes, V tried not to think about the body below her. She pulled the jacket tight around her against the chill of the Badlands, alone.
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inactiveblog261838 · 7 years
tomorrow never came (richie tozier x reader)
requested: yes (requests are open guys)
summary: richie stands up the reader, leaving town without any warning, and months later sends a letter explaining himself and what happened.
a/n: i tried but i really had no idea how to go about writing this and making it go along with the song (tomorrow never came- lana del rey) so sorry for this being sub-par. also, i had to shorten it a little bit in order to fit the text block limit.
reader uses female pronouns.
Y/N strolled up her street, incredibly excited to be coming home from her final day of high school. The early summer sun was beaming down, warming and illuminating everything it touched with pale gold. The bright green grass of everyone’s lawn, the vivid cerulean of the sky, and the pure white of the wisps of clouds scattered across the sky boosted her already elated mood. It was a beautiful and almost surreal day, and she couldn’t be happier.
She stopped to check the mailbox as she turned into the walkway of her house, grabbing the pile of envelopes and heading inside. As she came in, she placed the mail in front of her mother, who sat at the counter on the phone with a friend.
“Welcome home, dear,” her mom said with a smile.
Y/N smiled back before heading upstairs to her room to relax and marvel at the fact she’d finally graduated, and go over the details of her weekend plans.
She was lost in thought, when a knock at her bedroom door brought her back to earth.
“Come in,” she called, sitting upright.
Her mother smiled happily, but a little awkwardly, holding up an envelope. “You’ve got some mail, Y/N.”
“Do I?” Y/N replied excitedly, but a little confused. She didn’t know of anyone who’d be sending her mail, but she got up from her bed and grabbed the envelope anyways. “Thanks, ma.”
Her mother nodded and shut the door, and Y/N fell back onto her mattress and turned on the radio, but as she read the envelope, it became nothing more than a distant background noise. She felt her stomach drop at the name, one she never thought she’d see again, and had tried her hardest to forget.
Richard Tozier, the letter read.
She couldn’t believe what was before her eyes and she simply placed the letter on her nightstand, her mind being too focused on what happened just shy of a year ago. She and Richie had been best friends, and she distinctly remembered the last day she’d spoken to him.
Hey, what ya doin? Not a lot
Shakin’ and movin at my local spot
Baby don’t ask me why, don’t ask me why
It had been one of the last days of their last summer break, and she’d met up with Richie at the arcade. They spent the afternoon together, playing games and stuffing their faces with junk food as if they were 13 again. Richie had been a lot nicer than usual, and a little off, but Y/N didn’t pry too much after he shook his head the first few times she asked if there was something wrong.
Y/N sighed, placing her hands over her face as her mind replied her last memory with Richie. It had been a great day, and one that Y/N held dearly even still, even when she wanted to forget Richie had ever been a part of her life. He’d left her, and that made her want to hate him, but she could only feel longing when she thought of him.
At 10, as the arcade was closing up, the two of them had been standing outside, leaning against the wall, just talking and laughing, when Richie leaned closer to her, nudging her with his elbow.
“What’s on your schedule for tomorrow, ma’am?” he asked, in one of his weird, corny voices.
She rolled her eyes. “Nothing that I know of, why?”
“Great. Meet me in front of the City Center tomorrow at…” he paused for a moment, thinking, “Eleven. Eleven o’clock sharp, ok? Don’t be late, asshole.”
Y/N nodded. “Alright, Richie. I’ll see you then. How about you don’t let me down, huh? You’re the asshole that’s always late.”
He scratched the back of his neck. “It takes time to look this good, okay? But yeah, I’ll see you then.”
“Yeah, I’m sure,” Y/N rolled her eyes again.
“Wait, I’ll walk you home,” Richie said, reaching for her arm as she began to turn away.
The two of them walked back to Y/N’s house together, with Richie leaning his arm around her shoulders loosely. They stopped at the top of the stairs leading to the front door, and Richie stood in front of Y/N, staring down at her with a serious expression and his hands on her wrists.
“Don’t forget to meet me tomorrow.”
Y/N nodded, “I won’t.”
Richie half-smiled, looking kind of sad, before hugging her tightly.
He pulled away, getting ready to leave and head back to his own house. “I really wish I didn’t have to leave, Y/N. I’m sorry.”
She laughed, not thinking much of it at the time. “It’s no big deal, Richie. It’s not like we’ll never see each other again, it’s just a few hours.”
Richie laughed, but didn’t seem to find it very funny. “Yeah, that’s right. Goodnight.”
I waited for you, in the spot you said to wait
In the city on the park bench, in the middle of the pouring rain.
Cause I adored you, I just wanted things to be the same.
You said to meet me up there tomorrow
But tomorrow never came
Y/N got up early the next morning to shower and grabbed her wallet. Knowing Richie, they’d almost certainly go somewhere to eat.
She had been at the City Center at 10:55, waiting for Richie and making sure that he couldn’t accuse her of being late. She sat on the bench, staring up at the storm clouds and hoping that Richie would arrive before the rain started to fall.
10:55 became 11:00, and she looked up and down the streets, but Richie was nowhere in sight. She laughed, already planning to give him a hard time for being late to a meeting he decided on. 11:00 became 11:05, 11:10, 11:30, and then the rain started to fall, as did her mood. As the hand on the big clock on the city center front neared the 12, it became apparent that Richie wasn’t coming. But still, she waited. Maybe he’d overslept, it was a bad habit of his.
As the rain intensified, she gave up and decided to go home. If he needed to see her, he could come to her house. As much as she wanted to spend another day with him, she wasn’t going to get soaked by rain while standing around looking for him.
She walked home upset, knowing she shouldn’t have gotten her hopes up about the amount of time she’d been spending with Richie. She should’ve known better.
Hey, what ya thinkin?
Penny for your thoughts
Those lights are blinking on that old juke box,
But don’t ask me why, just swallow some wine.
Forcing herself out of her thoughts before she started to cry, she sat up and grabbed the letter from her nightstand. She opened the envelope carefully, and unfolded the letter inside. The writing was a little messy, but for Richie, it was kind of neat. She read through it, the reality of everything hitting her harder with every sentence.
In the letter, Richie had apologized, and explained that his parents had made him get up, and they left Derry just as the sun was coming up, despite his protests. He didn’t knowingly stand her up– he would never.
He’d also mentioned that a song they’d always sing together had come on the radio and said that the song was what got him to finally write and send the letter he’d been to afraid to send before. ‘It’s pretty pathetic that it took some nostalgic song I heard by chance to get me to man up and write this, huh? I feel more like a fucking loser right now than I did in middle school.’
As she continued reading, Y/N felt the tears she’d tried to avoid begin to form in her eyes. At the end of the letter he left a number, asking her to “please, please, give it a call”.
Y/N stared at the words on the page, trying to sort out the turbulence in her heart. She didn’t know if she really wanted to talk to him again. Of course she missed him, but they hadn’t seen or spoken to each other in so long. Hearing his voice would hurt and she knew it. She had done her best to leave him in the past, as much as it pained her to do so, but here was his number and him begging him to call her.
She decided to go out for a walk, wandering around Derry to clear her head. As soon as she got back inside her house, Y/N felt a strong compulsion to go call Richie.
Her mother was gone for work, so she could make her phone call in peace. Grabbing the letter once again, she headed downstairs to use the phone. As she made her way down to the kitchen, her mind swam with thoughts, and she became painfully anxious.
With shaking hands, she dialed up the number written carefully at the bottom of the stationary. On the third ring, someone picked up.
“Hello?” Y/N said quietly. There was a pause, and then she heard a painfully familiar voice say her name.
Roses in your country house,
We played guitar in your barn
And everyday felt like Sunday
And I, I wish we had stayed home.
The phone call lasted for much longer than Y/N had expected. Richie had tried his best to apologize for everything, after Y/N told him how that day played out and how much it hurt her.
In between sentences, when neither knew what to say, there was an uncomfortable and almost deafening silence. When they did speak, they awkwardly reminisced on their time together, reminding each other of everything they’d done before he left. The way they spoke of all of their childhood and teenage escapades almost brought them both to tears from the nostalgia, as it all felt like a different lifetime.
At the end of the call, Richie had told her, “I wish we could’ve stayed, Y/N. I really didn’t want to leave you behind. Derry is a weird fuckin place with some weird fuckin people, and when I first learned I was moving I didn’t think I’d miss it so damn much.”
“I wish you could’ve stayed too, Richie,” Y/N said.
“I really am sorry that you had to wait on me, and that I was too chicken to tell you goodbye when I had the chance.”
“It’s alright, Richie. That was like a year ago, it’s all fine now,” she assured him, though it felt more like she was convincing herself. Then, they’d said their goodbyes and Y/N headed back to her room, feeling as though she was dreaming.
As she lay in bed, staring out of the window at the streetlights and occasional passing cars, she found that the anger she thought she’d felt towards Richie was gone, dissipated by the hurt she heard in his voice over the phone. For the first time, there was no genuine laughter, no crude jokes, no name-calling. He had been hurt too, and even though that didn’t change the hour she’d spent waiting for him in the rain and the heartbreak she felt for months afterwards, it was enough for her to forgive him.
She only wished that he’d told her he was sorry and that he was coming home to Derry to be with her, and that he’d never leave her again.
Richie, who sat with his head in his hands, wrapped tightly around his hair and the phone in front of him, now silent, where Y/N’s voice had once been, could only think about how he wished he’d been able to say it.
I could keep waitin’ for you
In the spot we always wait
In the city, on the park bench
In the summer, in the pourin’ rain
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