#hello dear les mis fandom we are so fucking back
mothtaire · 3 months
maturing is realising that valvert old man yaoi is just as good as enjoltaire
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carphoegras · 1 year
I don’t ship most of these myself , but your rant/ramble posts on Les Mis ships are funny so I genuinely wanted your opinion on these 👁
1. Enjoltaire
2. Valvert
3. Enjonine
4. Marisette (or whatever Marius x Cosette was called)
5. Javonine (Javert and…Eponine 😭)
6. Marionine (A name a just guessed for Marius x Eponine because I wasn’t bothered to look it up)
7. and uhhh.. Granjonine (I think that was the name)
well hello darling! i live to entertain lol lets get into it i might have to put this under a cut because i think its obvious i have a rambling issue
Enjoltaire : a classic for good reason. they seemed really base level to me at first because i watched the movie first, but once i read the brick and really saw their dynamic i fell for them HARD. for me the beauty of this pairing is really rooted in the substance of their individual characters as opposed to like a romantic relationship. idk its so difficult for me to verbalize why i love them so much i think i just love the idea of finding common ground despite difficulties. enjolras and grantaire mirror each other in such a beautiful way that i feel the musical/movie couldn't really capture without demoting it to a puppy love grantaire/mean enjolras dynamic idk i have such an issue with some portrayals of them because i feel like they create a victim/abuser situation where there wasn't one but that's like a whole post within itself anyway i feel like im getting incoherent i love exr with every fiber of my fucking being just read the brick if you don't get it ok the movie and musical just dont do it justice and for the love of god avoid the fics written in 2012/2013 after the movie hype its all wRONGGGG (i love you george blagden but you created a twink grantaire movement) (they pull each others pigtails okay its a mutual obsession) (enjolras why don't you just ignore him baby? glutton for punishment my dear we all know if you hated him you wouldn't let him hang around) (anyway) i should make a seperate post about my exr feelings bc i could talk ab them for hours
2. Valvert: okay this is where i feel like i can be unpopular with the fandom. i fucking hate this ship. like physically, spiritually, all that. its one of those that i kinda lose respect for the person bc its literally a cop/prisoner thing. its not enemies to lovers. its not a hate love thing. javert's a fucking cop. valjean is his victim. the whole idea of people romanticizing this makes me feel so insanely icky and i think the point of the story has just gone RIGHT over some folks' heads please take a step back and think about it. neolib behavior sorry not sorry
3. Enjonine: enjolras is gay. just like, straight up in the brick enjolras is a gay man. this ship is spawned from straight girls who saw aaron tveit and use eponine as their not like other girls posterchild. just a whole bunch of hetero nonsense. same behavior as the joseph quinn enj x reader bs. honey thats a homosexual man and can we please stop reducing eponine to needing a boyfriend she needs a stable home and a goddamn therapist fucking hell
4. Marisette: okay. i LOVE THEM. i'm a cosette stan myself, and i'm a huge fan of a gooey love at first sight situation. they contrast my love for exr in the sense that they're a very easy love. their parts in the book literally make me SWOOOOOON i can put aside my beef with marius as a combeferre kin to appreciate how sweet they are
5. Javonine??: im sorry wh aht. did the snape x hermione shippers leak into the lm fandom or am i being fucking punked im not discussing this its obvious why this is wrong please tell me its obvious y'all are NASTY
6. Marionine: eh. eh. i mean, like i said with enjonine eponine's problems are not gonna be solved with a dude. i'm really not opposed to them, persay, its just that eponine's love for marius is so incredibly dependent and rooted more in her personal trauma than actual love, so i feel a little weird with them sometimes. sometimes it just gives anti cosette vibes (cough cough bc of the bullshit love triangle angle that the musical markets cough cough) so i tread very carefully with them
7. Granjonine: again what in the damn hell. i'm not dignifying this shit they could be besties but for the love of god george blagden did a number on the straight girls. STOP PROJECTING ONTO EPONINE IM GONNA LOSE MY FUCKING MIND LEAVE HER ALONE
thanks for the ask lovely, i do love rambling even though these ships are baffling lmaoooo
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sleepyfan-blog · 5 years
power suppression either error or nightmare, or both i'm just curious what would happen if either of them get their powers suppressed
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Power Suppression
Fandom: Underverse
Characters: Nightmare, Error, Ink, XGaster
Warnings: Power Suppression
Word count: 2,111
Summary: Error and Nightmare wake up in cells facing one another, in an AU that neither of them recognize.
Nightmare knew as soon as he opened his eyes that something was terribly wrong. For one thing, he could see clearly out of both of his eye lights, the second… He felt lighter than he had in a very long time. The third thing was that it was very dark wherever the hell he was currently. The last thing that he remembered was fighting Dream and Cross - the two of them escaping to places unknown as he and Killer just barely failed to go through the portal after them. Once he got his hands on Cross, that miserable fucking traitor was going to regret ever betraying him - then again, he’d been fucked around with by that Gaster of his timeline, so his decisions might not have entirely been his own.
He stood up, moving towards the pale source of light, stumbling a little and hissing as he realized that the source of the light was a magical force field that when touched - forced him back a couple of inches and stung.
In the pale white, flickering light, Nightmare glanced down at his hands, realizing that he was no longer covered in the tarry substance of the corruption that the negative apples had. His bones were white and he was… He was wearing his original outfit. Including - as he felt the top of his head - the golden circlet with the crescent shaped cut in the middle of it. Panic filled him as he tried to summon his tendrils, feeling something shift just outside of his full perception and agony shock through him, originating from his neck, wrists and ankles, driving the lord of darkness to his knees. He choked back the shriek of agony - not wanting to give his captors the satisfaction of hearing him react in pain.
Once the pain faded from his body and Nightmare could move - the fallen guardian of Negativity sat up, scowling as he tried to figure out just where he was. From what he could see of the hallway outside of his cell, all he could see was a white hallway in black trim. The color of the force field was strange - as in every AU he’d visited that had such magical tech, they were either light blue if they were a tale or a swap based AU, or red if he was in a fell or swapfell based AU. Occasionally it would be a light shade of violet in swap fells, but that was unusual. But never this over-bright white color.
Nightmare studied the magical shackles on his wrists, using the light to get a better look at them - noting the intricate carving of the runes that kept his powers suppressed and locked away. At least it meant that they hadn’t somehow taken the powers of the many apples he’d consumed from him. He had his power, though it was out of reach. He sat down and looked at the shackles on his ankles, finding much the same. Both sets of restraints were completely smooth - there wasn’t a groove or keyhole revealing a weakness that he might be able to exploit in trying to get them off. Not that there was much in the cell he’d been locked into - just a small cot fused to the floor, the material dark in color - and when Nightmare dragged the mattress he’d been laying on, it revealed to be the same flat black color as was on the trim on the walls outside.
Nightmare could very dimly sense someone close by. Having literally nothing else to do - and deciding that he was going to see if there was someone in the cell facing his - he called out (hating how light and soft his voice sounded in this weak form) “Hello? Is there anyone else down here?” Perhaps he could play the innocent, confused victim and con his captors into letting him go. Then he would make them suffer for daring do this to him. He knew for a fact that Dream hadn’t done this to him - for one thing, the other would never think to suppress his powers - and the second is that the other would be hovering at his side, waiting for the very moment that he woke up in order to try to talk.
He heard an agonized groan from the cell opposite of his, and the familiar figure of one glitchy outcode came into view. “WhErE tHE fUCk Am I? WhO aRE yOu?”
“I have no idea where we are - as for who I am… I’d rather not get into that right now.” Nightmare responded, not wanting to reveal who he was to Error just yet. “What’s important is - can you access your powers? I have some sort of… Restrictors on me that keep me from trying to teleport out of here - and there’s nothing in here that I can use to try to get out of them, either.” He’s never seen such an achromatic place like this before. Is… Was he dragged to an AU he’s never known before? By who, and for what purpose? Nightmare hated the lack of control, but was doing his best to suppress his emotional reactions. He won’t give them the satisfaction. “I have just a little bit of my passive abilities, but nothing more, as far as I can tell.”
“Of coUrSe I-” Error started, voice rough and staticky with irritation, before pausing for a moment. Less then a second later, the other let out a glitched yell of pain, and Nightmare noted that the other had fallen over backwards, completely stiff his arms and legs stiff and straight.
The lord of negativity waited patiently for the other to wake up, tapping one of his bare feet against the cool tile, keeping a regular beat inside his mind, finding that it took the other at least ten minutes to start to react again, groaning and shuddering on the floor, and another five to struggle up into a sitting position “I am sorry - I had just been about to warn you not to try to use your powers too much - the cuffs that they put on both of us caused me pain when I tried to use them.” He wasn’t really sorry - but pretending otherwise would hopefully encourage a sense of camaraderie between the both of them - so that if the other managed to escape his cell, it was less likely that Error would leave him to rot.
“HoW cOmE I didn’t h-hear yoU scReAmIng eArLIer?” Error demanded, squinting at him through the force fields “yOu LoOk LiKe A sWaP iN stRAnGe cLOtheS? WhAt Au ArE yOU fRoM?”
“You wouldn’t have heard of it, even if I told you. None of the outcodes have ever visited my AU… Not that there’s much left of it. It was destroyed long ago.” Nightmare responded factually. He sincerely doubted that Dream would have ever brought Ink to the shattered remains of their timeline - and while he did use it as his main base, he didn’t trust any of the outcodes enough to even think about taking them there. “I… I didn’t scream when the pain hit me. I-I didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of hearing me in pain.”
“fAIr eNOUgh. HoW dO yOU knOW whO I aM iF nO oNe HaS bEEn tO yoUR tIMELinE?” Error pressed, continuing to squint at Nightmare, arms crossed over his chest as he glared at him suspiciously. “I wILl fINd A wAY oUT anD tHEn I wIlL mUrdEr thE wOrtHLEss gLIitcHEs WhO cAUghT mE.”
Nightmare was about to give a version of the truth - something about Dream having visited his timeline on his own before - when both of them  heard the sound of a door opening, and two sets of footsteps.
“And I am telling you, with Overwrite and your knowledge of their powers, neither one of them has had the ability to escape, my dear friend.” A smooth, low voice that neither of the two caged and currently powerless beings recognized reassured. “Their code is unusual - it will take me time to reprogram them into more useful tools. If you would allow me to look at the negative one’s other half, I am sure that I would be able to reshape both of them. I am unsure if I can fix… Nightmare? I believe that’s what you called him? Without Dream being present as well. They are bound together in a way that I have never seen anywhere in the multiverse before.”
“And I told you, XGaster, he’s in the omega timeline, and having both of them in the same timeline will cause issues that you cannot handle easily. Dream is by far the weaker of the two of them, but his positive aura will win over your people to his side. It’s part of how his powers work - and Nightmare will be far more stubborn if we have Dream here. And Dream won’t trust me if I bring him here.” Ink responded, shaking his head a little.
Error screamed at Ink “YOU SON OF A BITCH LE-LE-LET ME OUT OF HE-HERE RIGHT NOW! G-GET THESE F-FUCKING CUFFS OFF OF ME, AND YOUR D-DE-DEATH WILL BE FAST YOU MIS-MISERABLE SQUID! I WILL TEAR APART YOUR FA-FA-FAVORITE AUS LI-LINE BY LI-LINE!” He threw himself repeatedly at the force field of the cage, as if hoping to bash through it by sheer force of will, hissing in pain with every strike.
“I had given you a chance to join our game, Error. You refused to play.” Ink responded, his eye lights, flat white circles as he stared down at the other, as the glitch trembled and thrashed on the floor. He glanced over at Nightmare, a small twitch of his lips upwards, as if feeling a pale shade of amusement. Not that the other was actually feeling anything. “You really do look a lot like Dream. You’re almost… Sweet in this form, Nightmare.” The guardian of creativity walked over, staring at him.
“Why is Dream’s trust something that you are after, friend? I can give you what it is you truly want and desire. His aura is only effective when you are in his presence, and the light emotions make you weak.” The Gaster pointed out, resting a hand lightly on one of Ink’s shoulders.
“Dream’s presence helps to bolster my positive popularity, which allows me greater access to the AUs that we visit. He is also the best healer I have encountered in the entire multiverse and his gentle nature makes him an excellent companion.” Ink answered. “Why he seems to think that Nightmare can be redeemed, I do not know. But his hope to find a cure for whatever happened to him - as well as his belief that Nightmare can be redeemed is what keeps him going. You take either of those things away from him and Dream will shatter.”
“Oh, please do elaborate on that.” XGaster responded with a small smirk playing on his face as the two of them started to walk.
Nightmare growled, his eye lights flashing in anger as he stepped closer to the bars of the cell he’d been forced into “If you dare touch Dream, I will rip you apart. You can only hold me here for so long. Dream may trust you for now, but I know him better than you ever will, you arrogant, soulless bastard. If he ever hears so much of a hint of what you’ve done in this world, he won’t ever trust you again… And Cross is with him in a place where you can’t directly approach the both of them to keep Cross silent.” Despite his irritation, the fallen guardian was smirking a little. The truth would will out sooner or later - and there was no way that Ink would be able to keep Dream out of this AU - and the other would be drawn to his presence. He just needed to be patient.
Error started to thrash against the force field again, screaming obscenities until he suddenly went down hard, his eye sockets covered in errors - his whole body glitching out wildly. A loading bar popped up over the other’s prone body, ever so slowly inching towards full.
Gaster and Ink left the both of them, unconcerned. “With his magic suppressed, I suspect he’ll be rebooting for hours. Just after a reboot is when he’s most malleable.” Ink supplied, staring at the prone form of his long-time enemy.
XGaster nodded “Very well, let us continue speaking, while I show you what I have added since the last time this world was RESET.” The pair of them were silent until after they vanished out of Nightmare’s sight and hearing range.
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Foxhole Court, Chapter 2 - Twinyards!
In which we reveal Exy’s origin story, my namesake appears, Andrew has some Serious Issues™ and the Twinyards pull off the oldest twin trick in the book of twin tricks, however their punny name totally redeems them.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Foxhole Court.
Not gonna lie – I’ve been dying to read on since the last chapter. God, I just wanna sit down and burn through the entire book in two days. No. Patience, Nicki.
We start off the second chapter with yet another new character – Aaron Minyard, who is an all-black unfriendly fucker like his twin, minus the murder tendencies.
              “Neil,” Aaron said in lieu of hello, and he pointed. “Baggage claim.”
            “Just this.” Neil tapped the strap of the duffel bag hanging off his shoulder. The bag was small enough to be a carry-on and large enough to carry everything Neil owned.
What the fuck, this is the saddest thing I’ve read all day.
Aaron proves to be exactly the same shade of Extra and Dramatic as everyone else so far as he doesn’t give a flying hoot about lung cancer, polite conversation, or basic traffic regulations.
            “It’s too nice of a car to wreck,” [Neil] said pointedly.
            “Don’t be so afraid to die,” Aaron said as the car kept gliding across the four-lane road to an exit ramp. “If you are, you have no place on our court.”
Literally chill out, Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way.
Neil, unbothered by the waves of Extra currently rolling around, takes this car ride as an opportunity to talk about his favourite subject: Kevin.
            “Kevin stays on campus?” he asked.
            “Where the court is, Kevin is. He can’t exist without it,” Aaron said derisively.
What a nerd. I love it.
However, Kevin’s immense nerd-love for Exy is actually explained shortly after and answers my most burning question from last chapter: WHAT THE FUCK IS EXY IT MAKES NO SENSE SPORTS DON’T GET FAMOUS THAT FAST BLA BLA BLA.
Shut up, past!me. Nora Sakavic is gonna learn you a thing.
            Kevin’s mother Kayleigh Day and Riko’s uncle Tetsuji Moriyama created the sport roughly thirty years ago while Kayleigh was studying abroad in Fukui, Japan. What started as an experiment spread from their campus to local street teams, then across the ocean to the rest of the world. Kayleigh brought it home with her to Ireland after completing her degree and the United Stated picked it up soon after.
OKAY. First of all, thirty years is a long time and it’s fully plausible for a sport to develop this kind of following and news’ coverage in that time. For example, snowboarding was only developed in the late 70s/early 80s, yet today it’s even a Olympic discipline.
(Also, my comparison with competitive cheerleading from last chapter might have been unfair. Cheer counts as a minority sport in the US as well, yet fangirl/boy-level stalking is fully possible with American teams. Soz.)
I’d be an arrogant son of a bitch too if that had happened to me. Holy fucking what.
            Riko and Kevin were the face of the Ravens. To many, they were considered the future of Exy. (…) Except Kevin Day signed with the Foxes in March – not as a coach, but as a striker.
[fergie’s ‘london bridge’ voice] OH SHIT.
            His fans went from feeling heartbroken to feeling betrayed. Palmetto State hat borne the brunt of that rage since. The university and stadium had been vandalized upwards of a dozen times and there’d been numerous fights on campus. It would only get worse when the season started and people saw Kevin wearing the Foxes’ colours.
Fictional Sports World gets Actual Sports World’s obsessive fan violence spot on.
Also, I feel sorry for the students going to Palmetto State Uni who don’t give a fuck about Exy. Like, can y’all crazy sportsballheads stop vandalizing our campus like some people are trying to get an education here thank you. It’s like going to Hogwarts and just trying to live a chill regular life. Not happening.
As they arrive at Wymack’s house, a much-needed ray of sunshine appears: Nicky Hemmick.
            Nicholas Hemmick was the only one who looked genuinely happy to see Neil. (…) “I’m Nicky.” Nicky gave Neil’s hand another hard squeeze before letting go. “Andrew and Aaron’s cousin, backliner extraordinaire.”
            (…) “By blood?”
            Nicky laughed. “Don’t look it, right?”
I would like to point out that this is the first time a character genuinely laughs in this entire book. And we’re on page 22.
What a guy. I’m honoured to be his namesake (with minor spelling differences). Please don’t turn out to be an aggressive fuckwit as well please.
Some predictions on Nicky’s character:
- his kink is bein’ friendly and havin’ a good time
- drama kid
- g l i t t e r
- super open abt his sexuality, just loves love, essentially pansexual
- can fuck u up but does it nicely because he wants to support you and help you grow as a person
- would die for his friends (and dogs)
- essentially my headcanon courfeyrac from les mis okay shut up
Ahem. Moving on.
            “You have a nice car for someone who thinks he’s poor,” Neil said. (…)
            “Aaron’s mother bought it for us with her life insurance money,” Andrew explained.
Okay but - Aaron’s mother? What? Surely Aaron’s mother is Andrew’s mother as well if they’re twins?
I don’t believe this is lazy writing. What is going on there.
            “It’s not the world that’s cruel,” Neil said. “It’s the people in it.”
I don’t even want to know how many fangirls use this as their blog headline/Facebook status/moodboard caption/wrist tattoo.
            [Neil] was too busy staring at Aaron’s pants pockets. They were much too flat to be hiding a pack of cigarettes, but Neil had seen Aaron put the pack away before crossing the street at the airport.
Are you telling me Neil is too busy staring at Aaron’s ass (which is actually Andrew’s ass, spoiler alert) to notice when to walk into Wymack’s apartment because that might be the best thing that’s happened so far.
(Unless we’re talking about front pockets, in which case, nevermind).
And then this happens:
            “What was that all about?“
            Neil’s blood turned to slush. It wasn’t the words that got him but the language Nicky used. German was Neil’s second language thanks to three years spent living in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.
GERMANY! The mothercountry! Land of beer, sausage, and superfluously-stocked hardware stores!
Now the only thing I can imagine is Aaron and Andrew as coldmirror’s Torsten und Torben. I’m not even sorry.
            “Team’s still split fifty-fifty on whether or not [Coach Wymack and Abby] are boning. Andrew refuses to vote, which means you’re the tiebreaker. Let us know ASAP. I’ve got money riding on it.”
To no one’s surprise, Nicky is Ultimate Shipping King. I love him more by the minute.
However, these short moments of glee are immediately overridden because this happens:
          Too late, Neil remembered Nicky’s exasperated accusion in the living room: “What the hell did you say to him, Andrew?” Neil had assumed Nicky was referring to their first meeting in Millport, but Nicky had been talking about the car ride from the airport. It wasn’t Aaron who picked Neil up from the airport after all.
I mean… this is the oldest twin trick in the book, really. What is this, the Parent Trap?
No kidding, I’d pay to see the Twinyards with ginger pigtails dressed in early 20s fashion.
Also, Twinyards!! How did I not see that before!! Thank you, fandom, for finding the punniest names for everything ever.
(If you’re wondering whether I’m still laughing over this name as I type this: I am.)
Apparently, Andrew has some serious anger management issues and enough court-regulated drugs in his system to kill a small child, effectively making him a hardcore drug addict against his will.
The angst just does not stop, you guys.
Also, Wymack is back!
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          Neil looked down at the key in his palm, at the security Wymack so easily and unquestioningly gave him. Maybe Neil wouldn’t get any sleep tonight, and amybe he’d spend the next couple weeks waking up every time Wymack snored a little too loud, but maybe Neil really was okay here for now.
Oh don’t mind me I’m just crying in the corner whilst stabbing myself with my own materialized emotions.
What. A. Dude.
On a last note: How sexual was the elevator scene. I can’t even quote anything or I’d need to just slap the entire thing here because dear god, the gay is not even subtle at all.
          Neil couldn’t anticipate Kevin. (…) But Andrew was just a psychotic midget, and Neil had grown up around violence. Handling him would be easy.
Two things:
1. 20 bucks says it’s not gonna be fucking easy ho boy
2. Maybe chill on the m word, my dude.
Ughhhh. Is it Sunday already?
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