#hello yes this is the story cambridgemadness has talked about a couple times this week
corbenic · 5 months
Princess Imperial: The Abu Dhabi Tour
Over on the other blog, Julien and Evie (better known as Their Imperial Highnesses The Prince and Princess Imperial) recently finished a two-day tour of Abu Dhabi.
On Day One, they visit a mosque, chair a business council meeting, attend a luncheon at the French embassy, visit the Alliance Française and the Université Sorbonne Abu Dhabi, and open a new exhibit at the Louvre Abu Dhabi.
On Day Two, they visit a coral reef, where Evie is very disappointed that her morning sickness (that's right, the big plot twist from last week is an unexpected pregnancy!) stops her from snorkeling. Julien gives a speech to the Emirati legislature while Evie attends a women's empowerment luncheon. The couple reunite to visit a literature festival and the Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital, then attend a gala dinner honoring 50 years of the French business community in the Federation of Arab Emirates (the storyworld’s name for the UAE).
They return to France the next morning.
Next on their calendar: an accession anniversary and a short trip to Edinburgh.
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