#hellooo sorry i think i’ve been absent for like two days? unsure but i haven’t been able to watch streams so i’ve probs missed lore
poltergeist-coffee · 8 months
Heyy, it's me again
The one and only
Kameto coming back yesterday was the most unexpected thing
And he's a spy???
In any case, we also got favela interactions:D
Bagi was going to show her secret base only to Pac(It didn't expect to like their dynamic so much) but then Cellbit just going "let's go together" was so funny and Kameto just coming and distracted them from the discussion and someone on Pac's chat just said "KAMETO LEAVE I WANT TO SEE THE FIGHT"
And Pac stole the tvs when they were leaving that place where they found Kameto
That's my streamer
Oh yeah, and Forever somehow got along into the ride to go to Bagi's secret base
B: "Apparently my brother liked chess and worms"
F: "I like chess but I don't like worms"
C: "I like chess and I like worms but I'm not your brother"
He's not beating the sibling allegations
And there was Pac who was: "I don't like neither"
(And right now Bagi is trying to get rid of a considerable amount of milk and I don't even know where it come from
She's going to be lactose intolerant after drinking that amount of milk)
Now, stopping my rambling for a moment, do you have any Favela six + Richas(and perhaps the honorary brazilians) headcanons?
(Or insane duo cuz you slightly looks like that you like them, y'know, just very slightly ashuksksks)
- 🍽️
HELLO!! YEAH YESTERDAYS STREAM WAS KINDA CRAZY KWMKNFIJS what a twist for kameto to come back as a federation spy!! tbh i’m vv excited to see what he does and all the devious things he can get up too >:3c esp since he has etoiles like- etoiles is someone everyone trusts so is etoikes trusts kameto then i feel like kameto is just going to get whatever knowledge he wants you know? it will be so easy for him
pac never stopped being a thief <33 hell yeah king take all those tv monitors or whatever collect that shit
I LOVED THE CONVO OF BAGI TRYING TO ASK CELLBIT THINGS FROM HER BOOK TO SEE IF HES HER BROTHER KMAKNVJND cellbit didn’t even question it he’s like alright q&a time what do you want to know maknkfnkja
i will ramble about some Favela Six hcs under the cut for anyone interested in them >:3c also!! anon i don’t like insaneduo what makes you think that i like them <- lying
my personal hc for q!cellbit is that he’s a phantom OR maybe just a silly human who’s incredibly deranged… (i don’t want him to be a catboy as much as i think it fits him bc i remember cc!cellbit saying he isn’t super fond of it. idc that people do this is just a me thing aknfjhjsn)
mayhaps he and bagi are both humans…
q!mike to me is a creeper and he is terrified of cats (cellbit) and will make the creeper hissing sound (like about to explode) when under a lot of stress
he and pac have matching earrings :)) like they have two sets of earrings one green and one blue but they both share it? like pac has one green and one blue earring!! so mike has the other pair to the set
qforever is trans (to me) and a werewolf and you can’t convince me otherwise. he is so dogboy coded it’s fucking insane he is a werewolf and you can’t convince me otherwise
qpac is not human but i don’t know what he is specially… haven’t come up with it yet… i just know he can’t be human…
oh and qfelps ofc is a magma cube <33 my fav ever
i think that before the insaneduo divorce arc qforever would go to the order base very often and just fall asleep in there while cellbit worked
i remember seeing a clip of him saying the office and the music cellbit played there was very comforting to him so he often goes there if he can’t sleep at night and curls up on the couch falling asleep to the sound of cellbit typing away on his keyboard u-u
i feel like richas has multiple bedroom everywhere. like all his parents have their own homes and he can sleep there so every mornign all the brazilians will text each other like “who had richas? who’s taking care of him today?” you know??
when richas meets bagi i believe strongly that he would steal one of her extra hats and wear it around + brag to everyone like he has SO MANY DADS and also TWO MOMS!! which is more moms then most of the eggs u-u he continues to remain unmatched in “having the most parents” department
i think after richas helped forever build the ocean (i’m sorry i don’t remember the name) with forever he was sort of sick of sand/beaches in general for a while MKANJHCIJLAM he shakes his head and sand is flying EVERYWHERE
richas is also wearing his jersey backwards and no one has yet to make a comment about it to him
richas would carry around markers/pens with him at all times and when he’s bored he’d doodle on his arms or legs + anyone he’s with who lets him (his favorite person to draw on is forever only because forever acts super annoyed about it and chases him around)
i like the idea of all the streamers chats taking the form of an animal or something like that so i don’t think it’s uncommon to see a bunch of diff animals around the favela or richas just hanging out with one another :))
i think it might be canon that qfelps can marry people?? like that job?? he can officiate weddings?? if it’s not them i’m sorry fanon got to me but he totally officiated qinsaneduos wedding on that boat they crashed
okay i think that’s enough for now MKANHFJNSK thanks for listening <33
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