#hence the blue da ba dee joke
art-of-pluton · 8 months
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Blue da ba dee
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321spongebolt · 5 months
Rio's appearance in "Rio 2"
Before the movie starts, the screen fades from black revealing Rio wearing RealD 3D glasses and holding a clapperboard in his wings. He introduces the audience to the theatrical short film, "Almost Home" (which was also shown before the previous 20th Century Fox/Blue Sky Studios/DreamWorks Animation movie, "Mr. Peabody and Sherman") and closes the clapperboard, with the screen fading to black on cue.
Rio: Hi everybody, Rio here. Keep your 3D glasses on, because before we start the movie, here's an exclusive theatrical short called "Almost Home". (Closes the clapboard and the screen fades to black)
"Almost Home" starts playing with the short variants of the 20th Century Fox logo, the Blue Sky Studios logo with Scrat holding onto the "B" in "Blue", and the short DreamWorks Animation logo. After "Almost Home" ends, the movie begins with a Samba version of the 20th Century Fox logo, the 2013 Blue Sky Studios logo introduced in "Epic" (with a logo joke where Rio lands on the "e" in "Blue" and sits until it breaks off), and the DreamWorks Animation logo, which transitions to the moon shown as a reflection from the Atlantic Ocean.
The opening of the movie starts with Rio singing the Will.I.am version of "I Like To Move it Move it" from the last "Rio" movie, this time, with Rio singing all of the opening verses. Pedro and Nico join the former king and sing with him, until the humans and birds (in separate locations) shout "Move it!". On cue, the music transitions to "I'm Blue (Da Ba Dee)", with the first part sung by Rio until his "To listen" echoes. After a brief moment of silence, Rio encourages his son to sing something as Jewel and the other birds stare at him.
Rio: Well don't stand there. Sing something.
The music continues after King Blu says "I'm Blu" and repeats "Da ba de da ba die", not knowing what else to say. Ultimately, Pedro approved what Blu was saying, and everyone else continued singing "I'm Blue (Da Ba De)" as King Blu and Queen Jewel take the dance floor, with Rio singing in the background. After the musical number is over, the song repeats instrumentally with King Blu and Queen Jewel still dancing until they notice Rafael dancing with his wife. He was supposed to babysit Carla, Bia, and Tiago. Luiz dances to the king and queen telling them that Tiny is watching them.
When Rio, King Blu, and Queen Jewel return to find Tiago lighting a match and saying "Here we go!" only for Rio to land and say "Whoa, whoa whoa! Hold up there, little squirt!" Rio turns to the camera and tells the audience that that he'll be with them in just a minute. And as King Blu and Rio remind the princesses and prince the royal oath, "Birds of blue feathers have to stick together", Rio starts to feel a burn and runs around screaming while he's on fire. He accidentally lights the fireworks and frees Tiny, only for Rio to be tied to the rocket Tiny was tied to, and Rio gets launched into the air. Rio falls and land on the arm of the statue, and Blu checks his dad to see if he's okay.
Rio: That... was... (Springs up joyously) AWESOME! Let's do it again!
King Blu: (Puts his wings on his dad's shoulders) Let's not.
Prince Tiago: Oh man! How come Grandpa gets to have all the fun?
Princess Carla: Look, it worked!
The Rio family see the fireworks in the sky and watch in awe.
King Blu: Well... this year's off to a great start.
Rio: It sure is, sonny boy! And cue logo!
The title appears and Rio pauses the movie, jumping up from the bottom of the screen welcoming everyone back and discussing a brief recap of the last movie's events.
Rio: Ha-ha! I love the number two! Love it! For those of you who don't know me, my name's Rio. Hence the name, "Rio 2". For those of you who saw the last movie, I passed down the crown to my son, Blu. And so far, he and Jewel are running a pretty sturdy kingdom. But enough about that. On with the movie!
(Rio jumps down and continues the movie)
After we see the first part of Linda and Tulio's journey to the Amazon, Rio narrates the house son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren live. Jewel catches Rio doing another one of those "fourth wall breaks" or monologues (whatever you think sounds better) and asks where Blu is. Rio explains, "He's in the house. He's cooking my grandchildren some royal breakfast.". And that's exactly what happens in the next scene, as Blu cooks his son and daughters blueberry pancakes. After Blu kicks a blueberry on top of the whipped cream, Rio comes in while chanting.
Princess Carla and Princess Bia: Goal!
King Blu (While dancing): Oh yeah! I've got it. I'm good.
Rio (Chanting): B-L-U! Who's that spell? Blu that's you!
Princess Carla and Princess Bia: Grandpa!
Rio: (Laughs and enters the window) Morning, little munchkins Morning, sonny boy! (Sniffs the scent from the pancakes) And you managed to cook breakfast for yourself! (Sees the pancakes)
Rio (Dreamy): Ah! My favorite.
King Blu: Well, dig in, dad. Help yourself.
Rio: Oh, don't mind if I do. (Bows to his son) Your highness.
Tiago kicks some blueberries to Blu and Blu accidentally launches the pancake from the pan as it hits Tiago, with Rio remarking "Saved by the bird!", and Jewel comes in with a Brazil nut and Carla shows Rio, Blu, and Jewel Tulio and Linda on the news with their discovery of another blue spix macaw feather. After the discovery, Jewel feels remorseful and apologizes to Rio for how she treated him when he took her in. All in forgiven, as Rio still mentions his promise to find Jewel's family after she marries his son, which was what they agreed to. So after seeing there are more blue spix macaws, Rio feels like his end of the bargain has been fulfilled. Later, Rio goes back to the rainforest announcing that he'll be leaving Rio to see the Amazon, entrusting his wife to take charge.
As the Rio family prepare to leave, Rafael, Nico, and Pedro join them as they fly to the Amazon. And during their flight, we see how Nigel's doing during his exile by Rio. Nigel has been reduced to a bird who picks up fortune-telling cards. When he sees the Rio, we see a flashback from the first movie when Rio banished Nigel.
King Rio (Mad): Nigel, for assaulting the princess, and attempting to hurt my son, I sentence you to exile! Take it away. son!
After the scene where Nigel gets attacked by the propeller coming towards him, we see another flashback where three surgeons operate on him, announcing that he won't be able to fly again. Back in reality, Nigel angrily shouts "That blue monarch caused my misery!" and goes a rampage, resulting in the freedom of Gabi, whose glass jar breaks open. After the uncut music number, "Poisonous Love", Rio pauses the movie at the end of the song and rises up in disgust.
Rio: (Jumps up from the bottom of the screen) Ugh! That is disgusting! Although, I will give you kudos on that final note there. Ugh. Love's disgusting.
(Rio jumps back down and continues the movie)
On the boat, Nigel sees Rio sleep-singing "I Like To Move it Move it", and prevents Gabi from dropping her poison into Blu's beak.
Nigel: Stop!
Gabi: Oh.
Nigel: This one is mine.
(In his sleep, Rio thinks Nigel is Queen Rio and stands.)
Rio (Sleeping): Oh, but of course, honey. Let's dance.
Nigel: Wait. Not-not you! (Rio holds Nigel's wing while wrapping his other wing around Nigel's hip) Hey! Stop! Let-let go!
Rio waltzes with Nigel like they're a couple, with Nigel annoyed and having a hard time keeping balance due to Rio sleep-dancing and laughing while he's still asleep.
Nigel: Even when you're sleep-walking, you're annoying.
Rio (Sleeping): (Laughs) You're funny. Wanna go for a spin?
Nigel: N-no spinning! No spinning! (Rio twirls him around until Nigel stops him) Stop!
With Rio now sleeping standing up, Nigel orders him to leave, which is what Rio does.
Nigel: Leave.
Rio (Sleeping): Um, yeah. Sure, whatever you say, queen.
(Nigel gets a confused look on his face)
Though, I gotta tell ya, your voice sounds weird. Need a cough drop?
Nigel now focuses his attention to the king with a little nursery rhyme.
Nigel: Twinkle, twinkle, little Blu. How I wondered where were you? Up above the world so high, are you ready... (Unsheathes his talons) to die?
Rio (Sleeping): Die? (Wakes up in shock) Die? DIE!?
Blu (Sleeping): You have bad breath.
Nigel: Even in sleep, you mock me, just like your dad!
Charlie the Anteater gets his nose stuck in the jar and pulls it off, resulting in the foghorn blaring and waking everyone up. The next morning, the Rio family, Rafael, Nico, and Pedro continue flying as they enter the Amazonian jungle. After Rio and Blu get lost, and reunite with the rest, they see all the blue spix macaws in the Amazon. When Blu chokes on the pack of Tic Tacs, two blue spix macaws perform the Heimlich Maneuver, resulting in the pack hitting Rio's head, then being caught by Eduardo, who is revealed to be Jewel's father.
Eduardo: I've looked everywhere for you.
Queen Jewel: I'm here. (Hugs Eduardo and cries happy tears) Daddy!
King Blu and Rio: "Daddy"?
Rio: Wait a minute, wait a minute. You mean to tell me you're a king too?
(Eduardo turns to Rio confused)
If you're a king, then where's your crown? I've got a crown. (Extends his wing to Blu) And I gave it to my son. (Points to Blu's head) On his head.
Eduardo: I can see that.
Queen Jewel (Crying happily): I missed you. (Sniffles)
Jewel goes on to explain to Eduardo that Rio found him and made her a princess. Then she met Blu and became the new king and queen of Rio. Eduardo hugs the king, thanking him for protecting his daughter. And after Nico and Pedro cry, Rio tells them to suck it up and turns to Eduardo reminding him he's supposed to bow, only Eduardo to tell Rio that he's a king too, and he doesn't need to bow to anyone. Then he finds out that Carla, Bia, and Tiago are his grandchildren and tells Bia to call him "Pop-Pop". They later meet Jewel's mother, and an old childhood friend, Roberto. After Roberto sings the uncut version of "Welcome Back", Rio is moved by the end of the song and cries in tears.
Rio (Crying happily): (Sniffles) Wow! That... was the most beautiful singing... I ever heard!
(Rio breaks down into tears and cries hysterically)
Pedro: And he tells us to suck it up.
Roberto: Who's that guy?
Rio (Crying happily): Rio. (Sticks his wing out) Pleased to meet you.
(Roberto looks at Rio's wing filled with mucus and is disgusted)
Sorry. I got a little mucus on my wing. (Wipes his wing on the leaves) Call me.
Roberto: (Turns back to Jewel) Wow, you look great!
After the uncut version of the song, "Beautiful Creatures", Blu watches his dad, wife, and kids enjoying themselves with the blue spix macaw tribe. After Rio cheers, "Yay! Let's do it again! On me!", he inhales to start singing again, only for the next scene to reveal, Nigel, Gabi, and Charlie in the jungle forest. After Nigel announces his revenge (like in the teaser trailer), Roberto grants Rio, Blu, and Jewel access to his home.
Roberto: What is this crazy talk? No, you guys are staying my nest. I'm on patrol tonight. Mi casa es su casa.
Rio (Flattered): Well, thank you very much, except for Blu is the king, so you're going to have to give him royal treatment.
Roberto: Anything. Just so long as doesn't interfere with my night job.
Rio: Well, I have an entire list of things that I normally would go through when I was king. (One of Rio's former advisors pulls out a long scroll from Rio's fanny pack) So now, this is Blu's schedule. I just hope you and your servants can follow this... well...
(The long scroll unravels open while the camera follows it rolling until it stops)
Roberto: Hey, anything you say.
Queen Jewel: That's really nice, Beto.
King Blu: (Wraps his wing around Jewel) Thank you, but we're fine. Besides, our whole family couldn't possibly fit in your bachelor pad.
We cut to inside Roberto's tree and Rio, Blu, and Jewel are in awe.
King Blu: Real estate must be pretty cheap around here.
Rio: "Cheap"? It's heaven! If only I could I have more servants to fit in this place. Maybe I should've had my wife come.
Queen Jewel: Wow! This place is incredible.
Bia, Carla, and Tiago claim their bunks, and Roberto swears to Rio and King Blu that he'll always protect the family no matter what. He wishes everyone good night and flies out the tree.
Roberto (While flying): Good night, Ju-ju!
Queen Jewel (While waving): Good night!
Rio: Wait, no "good night" from your number one fan?
Roberto (Off-screen, from a distance): You too, Rio! Night-night!
Rio (Satisfied): I think he gets it.
The next morning, Eduardo take Rio and Blu out for some training. During the uncut version of "It's a Jungle Out There", Eduardo and Rio show Blu how to be part of the jungle. Now matter how hard Blu tries, he can't do anything right. And when they meet Felipe, the leader of the Red Macaw Tribe, Rio tells them that Blu is the next King Rio and they should treat him with respect. Eduardo joins Rio in telling them off and they soon see men in hardhats down below. Blu mentions finding Linda and Rio clarifies that he was with one when he found Jewel. He pulls down a projector sheet and shows Blu and Eduardo a slideshow with stills from "Rio", further clarifying the events of the last movie.
Rio (Satisfied): So there you have it, clean and simple. (Rolls the projector screen up out of view) I think I've proven my point.
Eduardo (Mad): You don't understand. You do not bring humans into our tribe. That is the only reason we're still alive. You two cannot be confused about this. Understood?
Blu begins to have a debate in his head about whose side to choose.
King Blu (Thinking): What should I do? As a king, I should just say I don't. If I say yes, he would never understand.
King Blu (Out loud): Yeah. Got it.
Eduardo: (Turns to Rio) How about you? Anything to say for yourself?
Rio: I think I get the memo.
Eduardo: Very good. Sightseeing is over.
Eduardo brings Blu and Rio back to the tree, and after we see Nigel put Gabi's poison on a quill, Rio pauses the movie.
Rio: (Jumps up from under the screen and sees the poisoned quill in the Blu dummy) "To die for"? This can't be good. Do you think we could get back to me?
(Rio walks to the right until he leaves the room, where the screen cuts back to Rio guiding a group of birds carrying a giant boombox.)
Rio (Calling): That's it, a little more! Stop!
(The flock comes to a halt)
Now gently lower it down!
(They all slowly descend until the boombox touches the ground.)
Perfect! And not a single scratch. Now, all I need is a USB cord or a Bluetooth device to connect to my iPhone and bam! Instant background music for all in the Amazon.
Queen Rio: But what about if the humans hear us? You know this isn't Rio, Rio.
Queen Jewel (While flying): Mom! (Hugs her) I thought you weren't coming.
Queen Rio: I wasn't, until I thought in my head that my husband would have been homesick without his music. And well, I had a few workers carry this boombox for days.
Queen Jewel: Boombox? Dad, you know my dad wouldn't like this!
Rio: Why wouldn't he? This is about the most harmless tool in the world. Nothing comes out but music and audio, and it's got a volume dial, a disc player, and an AUX port for your earpieces or Apple devices.
Queen Jewel: Alright, it can stay, but keep it on low volume. If the humans hear what you're playing, they'll find us and hunt us down.
Rio: …Which isn't going to happen at all. So far, no humans have seen or heard us during our trip. Except the ones in the audience watching.
Queen Jewel: I still don't know how you always do that.
Rio's wife: Never question my husband, sweetie. Why don't you check to see if Blu's doing fine. I'm sure he must be finding it hard to fit it since you got here.
Queen Jewel: Maybe I will. (Flies up to Blu, who is shown packing his stuff.)
Later that night, Blu and Eduardo debate about each other from opposite perspectives, even going as far Blu mentioning that as much as he wants to be like his dad, Rio has his head in the clouds. That night, Blu gets an idea and asks his dad for help.
King Blu (Whispering): Dad? Dad? Dad?
Rio (Sleeping): Son, no. I don't wanna dance right now.
King Blu (Whispering): Dad, this is serious!
Rio (Sleeping): Tell me in the morning, son.
King Blu (Whispering): You're gonna miss the Super Bowl.
Rio: (Wakes up) Super Bowl? I'm gonna perform in the Super Bowl? Okay.
(Rio and Blu sneak out of the tree quietly)
King Blu (Whispering): I'll be the one to surprise her. Breakfast in bed, coming up.
Rio (In Realization): Oh, a role-reversal. Okay, okay. Son, do you really wanna do this? (Points down) I've got a boom box down there.
King Blu: Okay, perfect.
The next morning as Blu looks for a Brazil nut, Blu winds up on the Red Macaw Tribe's territory, and Felipe tells the king to meet him at the Pit of Doom for a showdown. Eduardo finds out about this and tells Roberto to look for his best birds. And when he tries to look for Rio, he finds him with a boom box.
Eduardo (While flying): I've gotta find Rio.
(Eduardo finds Rio with a boom box)
Hey, Rio.
(Eduardo stares at the boom box)
What is that thing? I told you, no human stuff allowed!
Rio: But, if you please, this is actually harmless. It's a music player.
Eduardo: Music? Fine. For the Pit of Doom. And the Pit of Doom only.
(Eduardo flies off)
Rio (Bitterly): He shouldn't have to tell me what to do, I'm the king! Or, used to be. I sound like my son.
(We cut back to Roberto flying)
Roberto: Let's go, let's go, let's go! Pit of Doom, now!
At the Pit of Doom, before the games begin, Rio shouts "WAIT!", and talks to both sides.
Rio: WAIT! What about the joy of good sportsmanship? The truce between enemies? You know this is only fair play. Why, you don't even have a halftime show!
Eduardo (Confused): Halftime? What's "halftime"?
Rio: Only the greatest little show on Earth! Come on, where's your spirit? You mean you don't know what halftime is?
Rio calls out to his wife and Blu's current servants.
Rio: Bring in the boombox!
Rio's wife and the other birds from Rio arrive while carrying the boom box and set it down.
Rio: I'm gonna play you a little song. Queen, drop a beat!
Rio's wife turns on the boombox, playing an instrumental version of the JXL version of the Elvis Presley song, "A Little Less Conversion" as heard in other DreamWorks Animation films like "Shark Tale" and "Megamind". The crowd joins in on Rio's singing, and after the song ends, the crowd cheers for Rio's performance as he exits the play zone.
Rio: Drop a mic, and bam! Now you can start your game.
With Blu stuck as the waterboy, he gets jealous when his dad is picked by Eduardo to carry on the team. While no one pays attention to Rio, he eventually catches the nut with his open mouth, only for one of the other blue spix macaws to spit it out of Rio's mouth and make the score tied.
Rio (While flying): Got it!
(The Brazil nut lands in Rio's mouth)
Rio (Muffled): I got it! I got it! I got it!
(A blue spix macaw does the Heimlich Maneuver on Rio, making the nut in his mouth fly into the goal.)
Tapir Game Announcer: GOAL!
Rio: Huh! I did it! And someone gave me CPR!
Porcupine Game Announcer: We are tied in the Pit of Doom.
Porcupine Game Announcer (Off-screen): Whoever scores next...
Tapir Game Announcer: Wins it all!
(Rio sees the Brazil nut fly over his head and fall into the water)
Rio (While flying): I got it! (Dives down) I got it! I got it! I got it!
Queen Jewel (Worried): Come on, dad.
(Rio dives for the nut, only for a piranha to jump out of the water and snag it. Rio kicks it around and gets bit in the leg.)
King Blu (Shocked): Dad!
Porcupine Game Announcer: Wow! Rio is suddenly playing like a pro!
Unfortunately, Rio fired the nut into the wrong goal, and Eduardo let out a scream of anger while Rio cheers for himself.
Eduardo assaults Rio and beats him up, much to the horror of Blu, who's still on water boy duty. He could have a flashback of how Rio saved his life in the last movie, and do what Rio did to Nigel. Blu intervenes and breaks up the fight while angrily calling out Eduardo.
King Blu (Mad): LEAVE HIM ALONE!
Rio: Son, stay out of this.
King Blu (Mad): No! I'm doing this for you, dad. (Turns to Eduardo) You are not to lay a talon on my father! And whether you want me to be experienced or not, I am the king! My first order of business...
(The crowd turns to Blu and we cut to a closeup of his beak)
The crowd gasps in horror, and the blue spix macaws are saddened by the fact that Blu stripped Eduardo from his title as king of the amazon. And after Felipe talks to Eduardo about starting a nut-free diet, Blu apologizes to his father and Eduardo.
King Blu (Sad): Dad, that come out of nowhere! I'm sorry!
Eduardo (Coldly): I shouldn't have expected more from a spoiled brat! (Flies away, accepting Blu's orders.)
With the Pit of Doom emptied out, Jewel asks Rio and Blu what had happened, only for Blu to confess that he had to banish Eduardo for attacking Rio.
Queen Jewel: We should talk about this.
King Blu: Talk about what?
Rio: Son, I get it. You were trying to save my life. And banishing someone is hard. Believe me, I've been through a lot worse. It's not easy.
Queen Jewel: Blu, look around. The kids are thriving. They love being in the wild. Maybe this place is home.
King Blu (Mad): Home? How could this be home? I have done everything I can to fit in and help out, but no matter what I do is wrong. That's not home, Jewel. Maybe for you, but not for me. And certainly not for dad.
Blu takes off his father's crown and gives it back to his dad in remorse.
King Blu: I'm sorry, dad. I'll never be able to live in your footsteps.
Rio: But, son...
Queen Jewel: (Mad at Blu) You know what? You need to figure out what you want. And maybe stop thinking about yourself and think about us. (Looks down to Rio) Dad, I know what my dad did was uncalled for. I'll still talk to him about it, but you need to do the same.
Jewel flies off, and Blu, after kicking a rock, puts his fanny pack back on and activates his GPS.
King Blu: Come on, dad. We're going back to Rio. Together.
Jewel watches our titular characters fly off, and Rio and Blu make it to Linda and Tulio's campsite, only to see nothing.
King Blu: Goodbye, Linda.
Rio: Goodbye, Tulio. Thank you again for your promise. You stuck to your word.
King Blu: (Unbuckles his fanny pack and sets it on the table) Goodbye, fanny pack.
GPS: Turn around, when possible.
King Blu (Embarrassed): Sorry, GPS Lady. It's not you, it's me.
Rio: (Takes off his crown and hands it to Blu) Aren't you gonna goodbye to your... I mean, my crown?
King Blu (Confidentially): Not this time, dad. (Takes the crown back and puts it back on his head) If I want to be king, I'm gonna run things my way. Goodbye, pancakes. Goodbye, coffee.
Blu spits out the coffee, and he sees a broken radio. Then he and Rio are jump-attacked by Roberto, who calls them traitors. Rio comes to Blu's defense about siding with humans and jump out of the way of an incoming bulldozer. Blu takes charge by ordering Roberto to warn the others while Blu tries finding Eduardo to unbanish him. Rio stops Blu and asks if he should apologize to Eduardo before unbanishing him. Blu accepts on the condition that his dad hand him back his crown. Rio gives Blu his crown back, and Rio flies off until he sees Linda and Tulio tied to a tree. Rio frees them and flies up to see the horror of what the men in bulldozers are doing.
King Rio (While flying) (Worried): I wish Blu was here right now. This place is a wasteland! (Turns to the screen) I mean, just look at it, it is! Even those of you with the 3D glasses, Look at this! I certainly wouldn't want to live in this.
Back with Blu, Blu flies to Eduardo and apologizes for losing it at the Pit of Doom and banishing him, but while Eduardo is satisfied that he's no longer banished, he coldly responds, "This does not mean I accept your apology. It's gonna take a lot more than "I'm Sorry" and unbanishing me to change my mind.". While Blu acknowledges this, he and Eduardo see Roberto going crazy and telling them that Rio was with the loggers.
Roberto: The loggers are coming! And Rio is with them!
Eduardo: Rio? (Gets angry) Traitor!
King Blu (Retorting back): Hey! Don't make me banish you again!
Roberto: No, King Blu is right! Rio is trying to help us!
Queen Jewel (Shocked): What!? By himself?
Eduardo: Let's evacuate! (Turns to Blu) Blu, what should we do?
King Blu: We've gotta go after my father! He could be in terrible trouble!
Eduardo: Then let's go! Everybody move out!
(The Blue Spix Macaw tribe fly away by Eduardo's orders)
Go! Go! Go!
Queen Jewel: Dad! No, not this time. I'm not going with you!
Eduardo: You have to go with me! (Puts his wings on Jewel's shoulders) I will not put my family in danger again.
Queen Jewel: Rio is my family too! He's my dad-in-law!
King Blu: And Jewel's my family too. We're not leaving him behind!
Rio (Off-screen): And you don't have to.
Blu and Jewel turn to see Rio back, and they rush towards him.
Rio (On-screen): You okay, princess?
Queen Jewel: Rio!
(Rio hugs Jewel)
Rio hugs his daughter-in-law and he watches Blu give a rousing speech about how he knows humans as much as Eduardo knows the jungle. A crippled blue spix macaw yells "I'm with you!" and falls off the tree.
Rio: O... kay. Anyone else agree with my son?
When the blue spix macaws are lined up on the trees, Eduardo puts his trust in Blu, and Blu announces his royal oath, "Birds of blue feathers...". Rio and the other birds continue the rest of the oath, "have to stick together!", and they fly into battle. Eduardo is hit with a claw crane, and Linda shows up using a bulldozer to block the crane.
Linda: Pick on someone your own size!
Rio: (Shouting to Eduardo) See? What did I tell ya? Linda is a good person!
Tulio picks up Eduardo and throws him into the air, allowing Eduardo to fly away. Eduardo and Blu watch Linda dance victoriously, and he owes Blu an apology. He even forgives him to boot, only for Blu to tell him to hold off on that until after the war, which Eduardo respects. After the humans retreat, Blu sees dynamite tied to the trees and flies past Big Boss to remove them. Nigel tackles Big Boss, allowing him to get eaten by a snake, and Nigel chases after the king. Blu throws the dynamite into the air and Nigel and takes Blu with him as the TNT explodes. Nigel and Blu wake up, and Nigel attacks Blu's face with his wings, which actually tickles him.
Nigel: A flurry of furious feathers in your face!
King Blu: Hey, you don't have to do this!
Nigel: No, I just want to!
King Blu: Ow! Ow! Ow!
Rio pauses the movie and springs up laughing.
Rio: Okay, obviously, that should've been me. But I'll admit, (Laughing) that's pretty funny!
Rio (Laughing hysterically): That's a pretty funny fight between them!
Rio jumps down and continues the movie. After Nigel is hit with the quill with Gabi's poison on it, Rio shows up surprised that Nigel died and thanks his son.
Rio: Wow. I'd say Nigel is down and out! Good work, son.
King Blu: Um, that wasn't me though, dad.
Gabi screams "No!" in horror and tries kill herself with her own poison, only for her and Nigel to learn that Gabi isn't toxic, allowing her to actually touch Nigel and kiss him. After she drags him off, King Blu appears on the news with Linda. Tulio even has Nigel and Gabi caged, announcing that he'll take them back to Rio for a continuing observation.
The movie ends with the Amazon Untamed show, with Rio and the others singing the "Afro Circus" version of "I Like To Move it Move it" (from another DreamWorks Animation movie, "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted"), but combined with Will.I.am's version, and without any mentions of "Afro Circus". Rio raps out how to spell "Rio", which (like in the last movie) reveals the title before the list of voice talents are shown for the remainder of the song. At the end of the first set of credits, right when Rio is about to finish his theme song with his "3... 2... 1!", Pedro and Nico appear next to Rio on cue with the last note of the music when Rio says "1!". A few seconds later, Claira the Capybara appears saying "Hi, my name is Claira the Capybara, and that's the end!". She exits with Pedro asking "That's the end?" in confusion.
Nico takes his cap off and he and Pedro fly up out of the shot, leaving Rio behind as he says, "We're just getting started." while the leaves open. Now Rio can be heard singing "More" by Usher, but with Usher singing just the hook and backing vocals. After Rio's cover/collab with Usher on "More", the credits play "Rio Rio" by Ester Dean ft. B.O.B. and Rio and Blu's cover of "Alex on the Spot" (from "Madagascar 2: Escape Africa") from the last movie.
At the end of the credits, Rio congratulates the audience and gives them a reward while saying goodbye.
Rio: (Jumps up from the bottom of the screen) You're still here? I'm impressed. You must've been dancing to those songs in the credits. As a reward, here's a deleted scene we wished was in the movie. For me, I gotta get back to the Fox Studio to talk about my third movie. Enjoy.
(Walks out of the scene to the left, with his wing holding the remote extended as he clicks the remote and slides it out of the way.)
The reward is this deleted scene from "Rio 2", which plays before the closing text, "The making and authorized distribution of this film supported over 12,000 jobs and involved over one million work hours.", followed by the closing 20th Century Fox logo, the closing Blue Sky Studios logo with Scrat holding onto the "B" in "Blue", and the closing DreamWorks Animation logo.
Rio/King Rio © 321SPONGEBOLT (Me) for "Rio"
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