#hendrik wuest
hendrikwuestsegnet · 2 years
Hendrik Wuest segnet die #IHK
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captainbobbin · 7 months
Day 13 of Bobbin's February Challenge:
Time for some more sylvendrik... the world is healing, connections are being made, and Sylvando decides its time to do what he does best.
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link to the fic - link to the one-fic-a-day challenge so far
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beardedmrbean · 28 days
FRANKFURT (Reuters) -German police said they were holding a 26-year-old Syrian man in custody on Sunday after a knife attack in the city of Solingen in which three people were killed and eight injured, adding that they were looking into the suspect's possible links with Islamic State.
The incident, along with the militant group's claim of responsibility, sparked concern among some politicians who urged enhanced security, tighter curbs on weapons, stiffer punishment for violent crimes, and limits to immigration.
The attack occurred during a festival on Friday evening in a market square where live bands were playing to celebrate Solingen's 650-year history. Mourners made a makeshift memorial near the scene.
The suspect turned himself in late on Saturday and admitted to the crime, Duesseldorf police and prosecutors said in a joint statement early on Sunday.
German federal prosecutors identified the Syrian man as Issa Al H., omitting his family name because of German privacy laws, and said he was suspected of being a member of Islamic State.
Prosecutors said "due to his radical Islamist convictions" he tried to kill as many people as possible that he considered to be non-believers, stabbing them repeatedly in the neck and upper body.
Friedrich Merz, a prominent politician who leads the opposition, centre-right CDU party, said the country should stop admitting further refugees from Syria and Afghanistan.
"It's enough!" he said in a letter on his website.
The suspect came from a home for refugees in Solingen that was searched on Saturday, North Rhine-Westphalia's interior minister, Herbert Reul, said.
Der Spiegel magazine, citing unidentified security sources, said the suspect had moved to Germany late in 2022 and sought asylum.
The Islamic State group described the man who carried out the attack as a "soldier of the Islamic State" in a statement on its Telegram account on Saturday.
On Sunday, the group posted two clips on its Telegram account of what it said was the attacker. The first purportedly showed the masked man pledging allegiance to the Islamic State leader, and the second, in which his face was blurred, allegedly showed him speaking moments before the attack.
Hendrik Wuest, premier of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia where Solingen is located, on Saturday described the attack as an act of terror.
Germany's Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) has said there have been around a dozen Islamist-motivated attacks since 2000. One of the biggest was in 2016, when a Tunisian drove a truck into a Christmas market in Berlin, killing 12 and injuring dozens.
"The risk of jihadist-motivated acts of violence remains high. The Federal Republic of Germany remains a direct target of terrorist organizations," the BKA said in the report earlier this year.
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cahirsmommy · 3 years
consider this: hendrik wüst
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alexander-flocke · 3 years
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... als neuer Ministerpräsident in Nordrhein-Westfalen hat Hendrik Wüst ab sofort auch verstärkt Auftritte auf dem spiegelglatten Berliner Polit-Parkett ... Bild: Wüst kommt am Morgen (2.11.2021) zur Vorstandssitzung im Konrad-Adenauer-Haus und fordert rasche Klarheit in der Führungsfrage seiner taumelden Partei, der CDU ...
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velojournalist · 7 years
NRW Verkehrsminister besichtigt Metropolradruhr Station in Essen
Velo Journalist #nextbike #Metropolradruhr #bikesharing #bike sharing #ruhrbahn @nextbike @ruhrbahn @hendrikwuest
NRW Verkehrsminister besichtigt Metropolradruhr Mobilität Station in Essen
Am Dienstag den 24.10.2017 war es soweit, Vertreter von NextBike ( Metropolradruhr ), der Stadt Essen und der Ruhrbahn ( Essen ) zeigten dem neuen NRW Verkehrsminister Hendrik Wüst die neue Mobilisation am Essener Landgericht.
Die Idee der Mobilität wurde hier gut und überschaubar umgesetzt. Ankommen mit dem ÖPNV und…
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f1 · 2 years
F1 great Michael Schumacher's protective wife breaks down in TEARS during emotional awards ceremony
F1 great Michael Schumacher’s protective wife breaks down in TEARS during emotional awards ceremony F1 legend Michael Schumacher was awarded a top German prize for his contribution to German communities The 53-year-old's wife Corinna cried after the crowd gave him a standing ovation Schumacher has been sheltered in his private Switzerland home since 2013 By Stirling Taylor For Daily Mail Australia Published: 23:11 EDT, 23 July 2022 | Updated: 23:11 EDT, 23 July 2022 F1 legend Michael Schumacher's wife Corinna broke down in tears on July 20 as her husband was honoured with a community award during a hugely emotional and moving ceremony. The 53-year-old has been cloaked in secrecy from the public scene since his 2013 skiing accident, and his long-time wife Corinna and daughter Gina attended the ceremony in Cologne to pay tribute to her husbands contribution to life outside of sport.  Corinna, who has been fiercely protective of her husband - something that has been criticised by many of Schumacher's friends - was visibly emotional on stage.   She was there alongside family and friends to receive the State Prize of North Rhine-Westphalia, which acknowledges Schumacher's generosity and commitment to his native state, Germany.  Corinna Schumacher (left) and daughter Gina Schumacher (centre) with former Ferrari boss Jean Todt at the awarding of the North Rhine-Westphalia State Prize to Michael Schumacher  Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia Hendrik Wust presented the award to the sobbing Mrs Schumacher, who has sheltered and cared for the former driver in his recovery.  'Today we pay tribute above all to the person. A person with a big heart and for which it has always been important to think about others,' the Prime Minister said.  'Michael Schumacher also thought of those who are not wealthy. He quietly helped them with extremely generous donations and his family continues this charitable endeavour.' Michael Schumacher jumps for joy after winning the French GP in 2004 Most notably, the German star donated $10million in 2005 to support the rebuild of communities affected by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.  He also pledged $2.2million to the UNESCO and has funded many clinics and education systems for poor schools.  F1 Haas driver and superstar son, Mick Schumacher, was unable to attend the event due to feeling unwell.  Former Ferrari boss, and close friend of his star driver, Jean Todt, joined the two women on-stage and said Schumacher never forgot about his roots, regardless of his success and fame. Corinna Schumacher (left) breaks down in tears alongside daughter Gina Those who attended the ceremony gave a standing ovation to the star, which overwhelmed Mrs Schumacher, breaking out in tears.  'An emotional ceremony in Cologne to honour Michael Schumacher's outstanding career and charitable streak with Corinna, Gina and Prime Minister Hendrik Wuest. I met Michael 30 years ago, with Ferrari, living his passion and bringing joy to millions of us! Keep fighting', Todt tweeted. Former Ferrari F1 boss Jean Todt was at the ceremony that honoured Schumacher Todt told German TV channel RTL that he is hopeful Schumacher will recover one day, saying he still sees the former driver and is close friends with the family.  Schumacher's former manager Willi Weber have accused the family of telling 'lies' surrounding the icons health, saying he has been ignored hundreds of times when wanting to get in touch with Michael.  Advertisement Share or comment on this article: F1 great Michael Schumacher's protective wife breaks down in TEARS during emotional awards ceremony  via Formula One | Mail Online https://www.dailymail.co.uk?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490
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claudiagaertner · 2 years
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https://rp-online.de/nrw/landespolitik/landtagswahl-nrw/cdu-wahlparty-hendrik-wuest-musik-viel-zu-laut-ordnungsamt-muss-eingreifen_aid-69784953?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook#Echobox=1652697930 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdn2SwQt0OJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sakrumverum · 2 years
Nur nicht zu wüst
Der NRW-Ministerpräsident setzt in seinem Wahlkampf darauf, niemanden zu vergraulen und verkauft die Strategie als eine neue Version eines „modernen Konservativismus“. Diese Strategie von Hendrik Wüst scheint aufzugehen. https://www.die-tagespost.de/politik/nur-nicht-zu-wuest-art-228487
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hendrikwuestsegnet · 2 years
Hendrik Wuest segnet ein Meeting
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lorenzlund · 3 years
Maenner verlieren bald auf beiden Seiten so wieder die auch eigenen kostbaren Juwelen oder Steine zuhauf auch, jemand bringt ploetzlich auch ihre 'Steine ins Rollen', die von erneuten Russen wie auch von benachbarten Ukrainern! Der wohl bekannteste Song noch oder aber Lied darueber er stammt aus den USA gleich selber: Like a (true) Rolling Stone!
Computer : Nah dran sein! Am Mann. Com a Pute! Die oder eine Pute stets bei sich haben ... als privaten Waechter in der eigenen Reisetasche unterwegs oder Koffer, oder Guard/Ward! In der oder einer Pute!! Hendrix' Son. Hendrik Wuest. Nancy : Men lie! Die Cyber-Attacke von maennlichen Liebaeren. Und besagte Nancy sie benutzt jetzt erstmals deswegen auch den Faser als Waffe (und setzt ihn ein gegen Maenner auch bei uns oder aus Deutschland, jedenfalls scheint der Plan so auch bei ihr zu lauten!), der gehoerte u.a. auch mal schon Cock ('Spockie') von der 'Enterprise'. Die flog damals noch im Auftrag der Amerikaner auch durch die Weiten des Fernsehens bei uns!
So weit also auch du, (deutscher) Peter! So weit, aber besser nicht noch weiter!! So Weit: So lautet selbst der Titel eines gerade erst ganz neu dadurch erschienenen Albums selbst auch Peter Maffays! Und auch er war kein gebuertiger Deutscher, sondern Rumaene oder Ungar !)
Und selbst Klitschko, derzeit Buergermeister Kiews, traegt einen sehr aehnlichen oder fast identischen Namen auch: Klatsche fuer den Po! Klatsch' Po! Und so wird er an wirklichen Verhandlungen kaum Interesse auch besitzen! Sein Name zeigt oder beweist es uns auch : Er untersteht der internationalen Frau, ihrem gegen den Mann geschmiedeten Bund als massgeblicher u. tonangebender vorderer Politiker, nur auf ukrainscher Seite, so wie Putin auf russischer ebenfalls! Auch wir in Deutschland muessen bald mit allem rechnen so! Der Kriege er kaeme dann bald noch genauso auch zu uns! Genauso wenig duerfte aber auch Putin von der genauen Gegenueberseite sie dann zeigen! Als dann nur erneuter (oberstér bestellter Landes-)Vertreter von ebenfalls einer oder gleich mehreren auch anderen 'Puten'! Die Pute ist erkennbar international, sie ueberfliegt Grenzen, oder ist in der Lage dazu, und sie ist immer weiblich!
Selenskij war im Vorberuf Komiker? Nun, auch in dem Wort ist versteckt der Po-ticker unter Maennerb gleich wieder so mit auch drin enthalten! *Komiker : der Po-ticker.
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odbaonline · 3 years
Đức thảo luận biện pháp mới nhằm ngăn chặn biến thế Omicron lây lan
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Tân Thủ tướng Đức Olaf Scholz. (Ảnh: AFP/TTXVN)
Thủ tướng Đức Olaf Scholz sẽ gặp lãnh đạo các bang ngày 7/1 để thỏa thuận về các biện pháp mới nhằm ngăn chặn sự lây lan của biến thể Omicron, gồm các hạn chế chặt hơn đối với nhà hàng và quán rượu.
Trong số các biện pháp được xem xét có yêu cầu đối với những người mới chỉ tiêm 2 mũi vaccine phài đưa ra bằng chứng xét nghiệm âm tính để vào nhà hàng hoặc quán rượu, nhằm khuyến khích người dân tiêm mũi tăng cường.
Bộ trưởng Y tế Đức Karl Lauterbaqch nhận định ngành dịch vụ ăn uống là lĩnh vực có nguy cơ do người dân thường ngồi nhiều giờ không đeo khẩu trang, trong khi ông Hendrik Wuest, Thủ hiến bang Bắc Rhine-Westphalia, bang đông dân nhất nước Đức, cho rằng các quy định về dịch vụ ăn uống chặt chẽ hơn là hợp lý.
Tuy nhiên, các quy định về cách ly sẽ được nới lỏng, nhằm tránh cho quá nhiều người cách ly cùng một thời gian, đặc biệt trong những lĩnh vực quan trọng.
Viện Robert Koch về bệnh truyền nhiễm (RKI) cho biết biến thể Omicron hiện chiếm 44% số ca lây nhiễm ở Đức, trong khi 41,6% người dân đã tiêm mũi tăng cường. Bang Bremen có tỉ lệ tiêm vaccine cao nhất tuy nhiên cũng đang trở thành bang bị tác động nặng nề nhất bởi biến thể Omicron với tỉ lệ lây nhiễm cao nhất nước.
Tỷ lệ lây nhiễm trong 7 ngày tại Bremen là 800 ca trên 100.000 dân ngày 6/1, cao nhất và gấp đôi tỉ lệ cả nước là 303. Một nguyên nhân dường như khiến Bremen có tỉ lệ lây lan cao là bang này nằm gần Hà Lan và Đan Mạch, nơi Omicron đã trở thành biến thể chủ đạo.
Người dân tại Bremen tiêm vaccine sớm từ đầu năm 2021 nên khả năng bảo vệ có thể đã suy giảm, đồng thời số ca mắc được xác nhận chính xác hơn các nơi khác. Omicron hiện chiếm hơn 85% số ca lây nhiễm tại Bremen, cao hơn tỉ lệ toàn quốc là 44%.
Chính quyền bang Bremen ngày 6/1 áp dụng thêm các biện pháp phòng dịch, gồm yêu cầu xét nghiệm nhanh âm tính hoặc bằng chứng tiêm mũi tăng cường để vào nhà hàng hoặc tham gia các sự kiện văn hóa, ngoài việc chứng minh đã tiêm 2 mũi vaccine.
Cơ quan y tế Bremen cho biết bất chấp tỷ lệ lây nhiễm cao kỷ lục, các bệnh viện của bang không bị quá tải như trong 3 làn sóng dịch đầu tiên do bệnh nhân có triệu chứng nhẹ hơn.
Tuy nhiên, các bác sỹ cho rằng tình hình tại các bệnh viện có thể sớm xấu đi và các phòng chăm sóc không tích cực hiện đã quá tải. Tỷ lệ nhập viện trong 7 ngày của thành phố Bremen là 13,6 ca trên 100.000 dân ngày 6/1, cao gấp 3 lần toàn quốc là 3./.
Thúc Anh (TTXVN/Vietnam+)
source https://odbaonline.com/duc-thao-luan-bien-phap-moi-nham-ngan-chan-bien-the-omicron-lay-lan/
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host24space · 4 years
Germany: Wuhan medical supplies arrive in Duisburg by freight train
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SOT, Hendrik Wuest, Minister of Transport for State of North Rhine-Westphalia (German): TO FOLLOW
SOT, Hendrik Wuest, Minister of Transport for State of North Rhine-Westphalia (German): TO FOLLOW
SOT, Erich Staake, CEO of Duisport Group (German): TO FOLLOW
SOT, Feng Haiyang, Consul General of People’s Republic of China…
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kayawagner · 6 years
One Page Dungeon Compendium 2018 Tenth Anniversary Edition
Publisher: Shattered Pike Studio
The 2018 Tenth Anniversary Edition One Page Dungeon Compendium contains 161 "one page" dungeons and adventures! This is the largest compendium to date, with entries ranging from post apocalyptic village raidsand an alternative history 1950's town to classic fantasy dungeon delves and everything in-between.
A retropective on the contest, written by Michael Curtis, is also included.
Two files are included: An optimized PDF, and a much larger PDF with 300 dpi image quality.
Each PDF file is fully hyperlinked for ease of navigation, with the orientation (portrait/landscape) of entries preserved.
Credit for the content contained in this compendium includes the following:
Michael Richards, Michael Curtis, Aaron A. Reed, Aaron Thompson, Kelly Ellerbrook, Aidan Oos-MacFadden, Alan MacPherson, Alejo Silos, Alexander Hobsbawn, Alex Schroeder, Alex Welk, André Bogaz, Camila Morais, Andre Lindenfelser, Andrea Batacchi, Andrew Durston, Heleen Durston, Andrew Bailey, Andrey Plisko, Andy Robinson, Nicole Robinson, Anna Anthropy, Beatrix Urkowitz, Anton L.C., B. Pierce, B. Reid, Ben Chaplin, Ben Green, Benji Dike, Bloodmoon, Bodie Harley, Brad Fiore, Brett Jackson, Brian Koplek, Brother Juniper, bygrinstow, Carl Niblaeus, Carlos Pascual “Azifran”, Caroline Berg, Carolyn Leagues, Chris Hall, Christian Sahlén, Chris Walton, Clark B. Timmins, Connor Roberson, Cooper Graetz, Dan D., Dan Smith, Tisha Parti, Dan Wesely, Daniel Comerci, Daniel F. Walthall, Daniel O’Hare, David Brennan, Derek Ruiz, Dirk Detweiler Leichty, Donald Lamont, Duamn Figueroa Rassol, Eldadres, Eri, Eric Lyonford, Eshan Mitra, Gabriel Perez Gallardi, Gabriel Schrock, Kristine Yabut, Garrett Norman, George Cassie, Glyn Seal, GM Lily, Gregorious21778, Gregory Vangilbergen, Harrison Swift, Herr Zinnling, Lina, Hendrik, and Joaquín, HillbillyDM, Ian Shears, Idiomdrottning, Irvin J. Morales Esqueda, J.D. McNichol, JD Thornton, James Hirst, Jann Rippstein, Tobias Bottger, Jeff McKelly, Jennevieve Schlemmer, Jeremy DS Marshall, Jess Cowrd, Jesse Davidson, Jmar, Joakim Andersson, Joel Russ, Johan Nohr, John Love, Matthew “Ogrebeef” Seagle, John R. Capps, Johnathan Castle, Matt Henderson, Joran Heimering, Karl Stjernberg, Keith Echevarria, Keith “indi” Salamunia, Ken Demarest, Ken Moore, Kevin D. Lintz, Kezle, Khelren, Kosmic Dungeon, Larry Z Pennyworth, Laruen Neuburger, Lowlama, Luiz Comassetto, Luke E. Dodd, Marco Conti, Markus Linderum, Ahn  Sanders, Matt Sanders, Matthew Ficken, Nathan Schmitz, Matthew Harvey, Katie Logan, Sylvia Gallagher, Mattias Lejbrink, Max White, McGravin, Michael Perry, Michael Raston, Michael Wenman, Mike O’Regan, Mobralrox, Moritz Fornoff, Nate Treme, Nathan Byrd, Buddy Caperton, Ned Hugar, Nical, Noah Lloyd, Matt Ryan, Olobosk, Pasquale Camuso, Patrick Kelly, Ian Andrews, Philadelphia Hanson-Viney, Hamish McIntyre, Pyry Qvick, Quinn L., Rebecca “Sithel” S., Richard Grzela, Robert Standridge Jr., Roger SG Sorolla, Rose Szabo, Tamora Raze, Ruune Magick, Ryan MacKenzie, SM Hillman, Sadhbh Brennan, Sash Steele, Zachary Cox, Scott Marcley, Sean Ritner, Lisa Healey, Sean Smith, Seth Paxton, Seth Piercey, Shane Starkey, Sharang Biswas, Ben Morgan, Simone Biagini, Simon Forster, Spaghetti Quester, Spencer Hudson, Devin Carey, Sterling Heibeck, Steve Kilian, Stephen Thompson, Stuart Kehoe, theinfamousmrmeow, Theo Olsen, Tim Shorts, Toby Lancaster, Tony Eakes, Travis Cook, Bryan Wuest, Trenton Anderson, Urbini Cristian, Dawei Yao, Vance Atkins, Vincent Raitt, Wilmer Dahl, Wind Lothamer
Price: $3.00 One Page Dungeon Compendium 2018 Tenth Anniversary Edition published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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rulinarulina · 7 years
Από το 2020 και μετά η απαγόρευση των diesel στη Γερμανία
Από το 2020 και μετά η απαγόρευση των diesel στη Γερμανία
Την προηγούμενη Τρίτη, το Ομοσπονδιακό Διοικητικό Δικαστήριο στη Γερμανία αποφάσισε πως οι γερμανικές πόλεις έχουν το δικαίωμα να απαγορεύσουν τα αυτοκίνητα με κινητήρες πετρελαίου. Μία κίνηση που θα μπορούσε να οδηγήσει τις αυτοκινητοβιομηχανίες να πληρώνουν περισσότερο για βελτίωση των συστημάτων εκπομπών αερίων.
Τώρα, ο Hendrik Wuest, ο υπουργός Μεταφορών του γερμανικού κρατιδίου της Νότιας…
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amnonjakony · 7 years
German state minister says diesel bans unlikely before 2020
German state minister says diesel bans unlikely before 2020
FRANKFURT: Any diesel bans would likely take two years to put in place by which time the affected cities may have found other ways to reduce pollution, Hendrik Wuest, the transport minister of the German state of North-Rhine Westphalia, said.
"There will be new anti-pollution plans. Those can be challenged in court… By the time everything is decided it will be 2020," Rheinische Post newspaper…
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