#henlo frens it's me Oli
auwuli · 2 years
15 questions, 15 people
tagged by @infinite-orangepeel, thanks friend!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Well yes, sort of. I'm Olivia and Olivier was the name of my mother's youngest brother. He died in his twenties and I never got the chance to meet him. But it wasn't the only reason I was named Olivia. I think? But now I go by Oli. Depressing story right from the start, sorry. But it's okay!
2. When was the last time you cried?
Like... 20 minutes ago? I just started reading Hey There Baby, I could Use Just a Little Help by Go_to_sleep_baby on ao3 (this right here), and got overwhelmed by Steve's awkwardness toward his own vulnerability, and his harsh self-hatred. I have easy tears, but it's a really pretty fic! What can I say?! GO READ IT.
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. I don't want kids right now. But I would like to have some one day, maybe adopting. Give a home to kids that doesn't have one, I like this idea.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Naaawrrrr, never. How would I do such a thing with a brain so tiny, so small? 🤏
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
If I can be myself around them and/or if I can like them. I live in an area where there isn't a lot of alt people (i have blue hair, lots of piercings and tattoos and I am either looking like a gremlin who saw the sun for the last time in march 2007, a scary punk or a dumb pink bimbo), so I know exactly how an interaction would go the second they look in my direction. I call this ✨ trauma ✨ and I think it's beautiful.
6. What's your eye color?
The color of the female rage
Dark brown
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
If I'm sick or sad, happy endings. Otherwise it's scary movies everyday baby! (it's not, i am sick and sad most of the time)
8. Any special talents?
The talent to throw myself in shitty situation. I see problems and go "yeeeess, homie." And I am tired of myself.
9. Where were you born?
Somewhere not too far from Paris, France (hence my poor english most of the time)
10. What are your hobbies?
I change hobbies like I change moods! But I can organize them in 3 categories.
Music: Playing guitar, piano, I listen to 5 or 6 new albums a day, I'm a music freak and I scare myself sometimes, ask me recs and I'll loose my mind.
Reading and Writing: I eat books and breathe fanfictions, I write smut I never let anyone read and drepressing shit I let too many people read because I have shame and no shame at the same time.
DIY: I like to make things.
11. Do you have any pets?
Yes I do, I have 3 cats! Two black cats and a grey and white one. The grey one, Myr, have bad anxiety. He's my soulmate, my dæmon, he's me but in cat form and he's currently the most annoying pain in my ass. I would die for each one of them.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I don't really like to exercise, but I did ballet for almost 10 years! And that my friend, is something you would not expect of me if you knew me irl.
13. How tall are you?
1m56, it's like 5'1..? I only know the metric system sorry! But I'm short and fierce!
14. Favorite subject in school?
French and English, and in uni it was social psychology and classical letters.
15. Dream job?
Stay at home parent?! No, author obviously! Or music critic or something like that.
taglist : do it if you see this and want to because I'm feeling extra anxious and awkward today... so no tag sowwy.
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miridical · 7 years
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Henlo frens it me oli if i fits i sits
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