diligent57 · 1 year
Abusing the Mercy of God
Oh Give Thanks Unto the Lord!!
When men have too much of God’smercies—strange that we should have to saythis, and yet it is a great fact—when men havemuch of God’s providential mercies—it oftenhappens that they have but little of God’s graceand little gratitude for the bounties they havereceived! They are full and they forget God.Satisfied with earth, they are content to dowithout heaven. Rest assured, my dear hearers,it is…
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diligent57 · 2 years
He is the image of the invisible God
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.   (Colossians 1:15, NASB) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.   (John 1:1, NASB) The Greek word for “image” is eikōn, from which the English word “icon” derives. It means “copy” or “likeness.” Jesus Christ is the perfect image—the exact likeness—of God and is in the very form of…
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diligent57 · 3 years
Biblical Anger Management
He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city (Proverbs 16:32 NASB) Wisdom is silently kept in the heart of a WISE PERSON, waiting for the best time, place, and circumstances, but fools can not with to announce his madness. (James 1:19-20 NASB) Says: “This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to…
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diligent57 · 3 years
Who are the Blessed Ones
Who are the Blessed Ones
I am sure that you will greet someone at some time or point in your life, asking how they are, and they will give a hearty reply, “I’m blessed.” Not placing all the eggs in the same basket, but many Christians consider themselves blessed when they are financially stable and not experiencing a lot of negative drama. In reality, the wicked prosper just as the good, and God will have mercy on whom…
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diligent57 · 3 years
Pray for the Production of Weapons of Mass Destruction to Cease!
Pray for the Production of Weapons of Mass Destruction to Cease!
Regardless of who we voted for, please pray for elected people in government offices to make sensible, sound decisions in all military or potential issues that could lead to war. Yesterday, I decided to check out some History CDs from the library to brush up on my history. As I’ve aged, many things I learned about history are faintly in my mind. Some of the most horrific historical events are…
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diligent57 · 3 years
Sharp Tongues
In my younger years, I had a way with words that was not nice at all. I said mean words and did not give a second thought as to how they affected those to who I spoke to them. Indeed, I realize now that I was pretty bitter about many things. However, that still did not give me the right to hurt people with my abusive words. “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger…
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diligent57 · 3 years
Trials Expose the Quality of Your Faith
Trials Expose the Quality of Your Faith
James 1:2-3 says: “Consider it all joy, my brethren when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.” Every trial we encounter exposes our actual quality of faith and strengthens us. If the believer fails the test by wrongly responding, that test becomes a temptation or an enticement to evil.  While sin does not result in spiritual death for the…
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diligent57 · 3 years
About Spiritual Breakthrough...
About Spiritual Breakthrough…
The term spiritual breakthrough is not in the Bible. For those who believe they experienced a spiritual breakthrough, and depending on the religion, reaching a new level of spirituality is considered a spiritual breakthrough. In the sphere of Christianity, when a person is born-again/saved – this is a spiritual breakthrough. Attaining a higher level of Biblical truth is a spiritual…
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diligent57 · 3 years
Last First and the First Last?
Last First and the First Last?
In Matthew 20:16, Jesus said: “But many who are first will be last; and the last, first.” What did Jesus mean by this statement? Let’s break the statement down to determine what Jesus did not mean. He was not suggesting that by any type of works one would get to heaven. Studying Matthew 19:16-30, we see that it is not by works. So what is Jesus really saying…many who are first will be last? “In…
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diligent57 · 3 years
Guard Against Hackers
Regardless of the intricacy of internet technology, hackers find ways to access and extract vital information from personal computer users and corporate systems. A hacker sets out to steal and destroy anyone. They slither their way into personal information through fake websites, infected downloads, spamming emails, and phishing scams. An unprotected computer firewall is an easy…
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diligent57 · 3 years
Godly Wisdom
Some people spend substantial amounts of time and effort enriching and pampering their physical bodies. These same people may not ever think about their spiritual wellbeing according to Biblical principles. In the Book of Proverbs chapter 3:1, it says, “My son do not forget my teaching, But let your heart keep my commandments; for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to…
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diligent57 · 3 years
Slavery in Biblical days Vs Modern Day Slavery
Slavery in Biblical days Vs Modern Day Slavery
Modern-day people judge biblical slavery by modern-day slavery. Some people are angry at God because God condones slavery in the Bible. According to the Bible, if a person stole something, owed a debt, or became a prisoner of war, they became slaves to pay off their debt or restitution owed.  There were laws in The Bible that governed the treatment of slaves. Though some biblical slave-masers…
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diligent57 · 4 years
God is Sovereign
Of the kingdom of divine intervention God, as Creator, and the God of nature has control over the unbeliever, and he arranges all their affairs, as he desires, yet some are clueless of who He is and have no concern for Him. God is sitting on the throne of his holiness framed by Him in the heavens, where he rules over everything and everyone, including the heathen. God rules over everyone and…
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diligent57 · 4 years
Heart-breaking Secret Grief
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diligent57 · 4 years
The Way Maker
Hebrews chapter 4 verses one and two (NASB) says “Therefore, let us fear if, while a promise remains of entering His rest, any one of you may seem to have come short of it.” To enter into God’s rest is to enter into a fellowship union with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Furthermore, uniting in communion with the Father through His Son. To rest in the Lord or enter into His rest, is to be in a…
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diligent57 · 4 years
The 27th Psalm
As you look at the below presentation and listen to the words of Psalm 27, I pray you are comforted and encouraged. The Word of God (Bible) teaches us and gives us the ability to see our situations and circumstances from God’s point of view. God’s perspective gives us great comfort. Take hold of the Word of God and stand firm on God’s and be encouraged by it. Take a deep breath, relax, and allow…
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diligent57 · 4 years
A Coronavirus Vaccine
Recently, I’ve been praying and begging God to come to our rescue and deliver us from this COVID-19 virus. I believe God will do what He has already planned, according to His will and purposes. There is a reason why we are going through this. We do not know what it is. However, God knows all things and has all power. Dear God, I give you praise and honor for your wisdom, knowledge, understanding,…
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