#hennyway. my two cents and feelings that have accumulated over the months
macolegacy · 2 years
have you stopped playing the game?
short answer: yeah, for the time being. i played through all class stories multiple times, i played through the expansions (though i stopped playing the newest one from february 5 mins after starting it bc it quite frankly bored me to death) and im pretty much done with it. maybe i'll return in a few years and pick up some stories again but the game doesn't keep me entertained whatsoever. (HOWEVER this does not mean this blog is abandoned, i love my characters very much and still develop and tinker on them, but my artistic muse lies somewhere else rn)
long answer:
ultimately, i have to say swtor is severely lacking some casual map events, that cycle through the day to get some casual player engagement. basically like the monthly ones (gree, rakghoul) but on a minor scale and daily, on every single planet. and i dont mean missions you pick up from a missions terminal that you can solo, i mean things that happen casually where people randomly decide to join in in the spur of the moment - akin to world bosses perhaps?
i feel like its pretty sad that the only 'multiplayer' the game has to offer are flashpoints and operations (the latter hidden behind a paywall), where gear really matters if you wanna play it with some randos, which puts off a lot of casual players (ESPECIALLY with these newest gear changes. LMFAO). and lets be real, 99% of solo players do heroics on their own unless they happen to find someone by chance to team up with so it gets done faster. and they're pretty static so its not really an event either but just a chore to get money (for a market thats so ridiculously out of hand that you might as well just forget buying desireable cosmetics while you're at it)
playing gw2 as my main mmo rn and i find myself actively searching and engaging a lot of map boss events and stuff even without a guild, and its never been an issue of what gear i have or if im good at my rotation or whatever. everyone can jump in and help out, reap the rewards and then everyone parts ways again. and if someone does die, u just band together and revive them. and if the event fails? its whatever because it'll repeat in a few hours anyway so we can try again. eso and xiv have them too and i used to camp at certain event spots all day just to play some silly event and get loot and horse around with random players. these are the moments i cherish in mmos.
u might argue swtor just isn't a game like that but 🤷‍♂️ the game quite frankly bores me so much, it feels very static and undynamic, i usually drop it again after a week of playing. besides story there isnt much to do from a casual perspective, and the rewards for doing fp/ops are... mediocre at best. i dont even have any motivation to do them unlike in XIV, ESO or GW2 where u actually get really cool gear or items of all kinds that you can use for ur enjoyment. and even with those monthly events like the rakghoul ones, it feels more like a competition of who can do the mission faster so they dont have to wait for an object to respawn rather than 'lets do it together and all win' !
so tl;dr : swtor could use some daily active map events where all kinds of players can engage in, with desirable rewards such as cool looking gear, titles, minions, mounts, furniture, whatever, and same goes to flashpoints and operations. and then i'll maybe return long term.
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