#henry deaver x reader fluff
emmyrosee · 3 years
Emmmyyy, your works on The Kid have been giving me such intense feels, which lead me to this thought. What would happen if you were in the hospital? Maybe it was a car accident, something that would warrant you to stay in the hospital overnight. How would The Kid find out? Who is the primary contact? Would he go to the hospital or wait for you to return home? If he ended up going, how would he react to seeing you hurt? How would you react to him being there? What would he do once he saw you? So many questions, I apologize for bombarding you with this mass of angst! - 🦋
W O A H.
I feel like The Kid, in times of serious problems where you can’t be there with him, can really hone in on the part of him that remembers “the before,” and he gets a really, really strong shell that just keeps him grounded as you usually would, if you were there.
Like he can order himself an Uber. He can check in at the hospital, letting them know he’s your lover and he was with you just before. He pulls out all the things Henry Deaver used to pull out before his life changed. And if they send him home, he does go home, makes the bed, something to eat, and warms up some clothes for you to be comfortable when you get back.
He has the ability to shell up and be a “man,” but the minute you’re stable? The minute you give him your weak smile and call him close? Forget it.
He’d just collapse by your side, sobbing and nuzzling into you gently as to not agitate your injuries further, sniffling and whimpering saying “I was so scared... you scared me...”
And when he has to put up that shell? Like when he has to zone in and be strong for you, it takes a lot out of him. You’ve taken such good care of him, sometimes he forgets how to do it, or that he can do it. And whether you’re at the hospital or at home, he curls up next to you in his small little ball, an arm around your leg or waist and he settles into the warmth of your skin, relishing in your soft carding of his chocolatey hair, making sure to be touching you no matter what as you both doze off.
He’s just..... I love him so much 😭🥺
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darling-i-read-it · 6 years
The Kid x reader
Word Count: 2119
Warnings: None?
Author’s Note: I got very tired of saying ‘The Kid’ so I started saying Bill (due to it being Bill Skarsgard ofc) so I hope that doesn’t get in the way of your reading! Another thing is that I didn’t go along with the latest episodes in his identity, so this is placed somewhere just after the kid got out of Shawshank. Also, I will probably be writing more about him being (SPOILERS) Henry so PLEASE REQUEST THAT IM BEGGING YOU I LOVE HIM and I’m posting just after the latest episode because I feel like we need this out there
Request: By @lxnathelxciddreamer , Can I get some fluff with The Kid from castle rock (it’s ok if you don’t wanna do it)
Summary: Henry drops of The Kid for the night so that he can get some stuff done and The Kid ends up really liking his hostess.
Genre: fluff
Song: Innocent by Taylor Swift
(not my gif)
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When Henry Deaver knocked on your door at 11 at night after not speaking in 10 or so years you were a tad surprised. Rightfully so.
He apologized out front and you asked him to come in because if Henry is back in town he must be here for a good reason. He shook his head and glanced back at the car parked on the side of the road, probably his.
“What do you need Henry?” you asked. He and you had been amazing friends even after he went missing for a few days. It didn’t really matter that it had been so long, you would still probably do anything for him. You weren’t like Molly Strand who you had seen around school sometimes but not much after Henry’s disappearance, who had a major sort of crush on him. You and Henry had really just been really good friends. He took a deep breath.
“I’m about to ask something of you that you do not have to do because it’s a huge favor okay? Hi by the way,” he muttered. You smiled.
“Hello Henry. I ask again, what do you need?” He took another deep breath.
“You’ve heard about the man in Shawshank? They found down there?” you nodded.
“Oh my god Henry did you get him out?” you whispered.
“Sorta. They just kinda let him go? Listen that’s not the point. I can’t have him near my mom and Molly can’t have him with her. I was wondering if you could..I don’t know-”
“Sure. Can I meet him first?” Henry was surprised that you jumped on top of it. He nodded quickly and turned to the car. You waited by the door as Henry leaned into the car window and then opened the door. A very tall man came out. He was tall and looked lean but strong and he seemed incredibly, horribly lost. You met them halfway down the driveway and went to introduce yourself a kind smile on your face.
“Y/N, this is him.” You nodded at Henry and smiled once more back up at the tall nameless man.
“Come inside please. It’s a pleasure to meet you sir,” you told him and gestured for the two of them to come inside. The man walked past you and inside, hestient at the door and then careful on the floor boards. You turned to Henry.
“I have to go back to my mom. You’re gonna be alright?” he asked. You nodded with a grin as you glanced back at the man.
“What’s his name Henry?” you asked. He sighed.
“He hasn’t said. I don’t think he remembers. He doesn’t talk a ton so don’t get discouraged. I’ll come see him tomorrow,” he said. You nodded.
“I’ll see you tomorrow. Say hi to Mrs.Deaver for me?” you asked. He nodded as he got back in the car. You turned on your heels to the house and saw the kid standing there, watching Henry go. “He’ll be back tomorrow, no worries. Come on I’ll show you where you can sleep.” You walked toward where you held your guest bedroom but the kid didn’t follow you. He was still looking around the house. You turned back to him with a confused look.
“Your house?” he asked quietly. You nodded.
“Yep. Been my house since the first grade,” you said fondly. He nodded and followed you through to upstairs. When you entered the guest room you let him go in first. “This is where you can sleep tonight and however long you’re staying. Theres food downstairs and some clothes that will probably fit you in the drawer here.” You pointed everything out as you said it and he followed your gaze. When he didn’t say anything you turned to leave.
“Y/N?” he whispered. You turned around with a smile. He was looking over the piano that was in the corner of the room.
“That was my brothers he played a bit. The piano if that’s what you-” But that was what he meant. He was hovering his fingers over the keys and started to click a few. It hadn’t been tuned in a while so the notes sounded a little flat but he placed both hands down and managed to crank out a beautiful melody. You stood, mezmorized. When he finished he looked back up at you expectantly. “That was amazing,” you told him. He smiled at you and it was a eerie smile but you seemed to remember that he hadn’t smiled at you before so you took it.
“What’s your name? I mean Henry said that you don’t remember what it is but I mean if you could remember? I mean what do I call you?” you asked, your words jumbled into sentences to convey your thoughts. The kid looked at you with blank eyes and you decided he probably wasn’t gonna say anything. He probably didn’t remember. “Can I call you something or would that bother you?” you asked softly. He eyed you carefully. You sat on the bed, finger on your chin as you hummed and tried to think of a name.
“Hum...how about George?” you asked. He shook his head violently. He sat down on the bed beside you. “Ben?” He shook his head again. “Eddie?” you asked. He shook his head again. You sighed. “Bill?” He nodded carefully.
“Bill,” he decided. You smiled and got up.
“I’ll see you in the morning Bill. My rooms just down the hall, first door on the right. K?” He nodded. You smiled at him and turned to walk to your room.
It was pretty late and you were already pretty tired so you decided to go lights out and crawled into your bed, closing your eyes again. Your mind wandered to the man just a few doors down from you and where he had come from. Maybe he really was just lost. Maybe, he knew exactly what was going on in this town.
That’s it.
You fell asleep.
When you woke up you were suddenly very aware of a presence in the room. When you saw the tall figure you screamed, scared out of your mind for a moment until you realized who it was.
“Bill, it’s-” You glanced at the clock by your bed that lit up a shining green time “3:30 hon, what do you need?” you asked, wiping the sleep from your eyes. He pointed out the room and you squinted at him in confusion.
“The door,” he whispered. You got up, throwing your bed covers off you and hissed at the coldness of your hardwood floor. You walked past him and to the door. Someone was knocking on it. At 3:30am. You turned back to Bill who was just behind you, following you closer than your shadow. You tried to look through the peephole and saw nothing, the darkness of the world masking whoever was out there. The knock came back, harder and faster this time and you jumped back, bumping into Bill who caught you by the shoulder before you could knock the both of you over. You mouthed thank you and turned back to the door, hand shaking on the knob. When you twisted it and swung the door open you took a deep breath, grabbing Bill’s arm tightly in fear. The door opened and a women stood there. She looked past you and at Bill, seemingly relieved to find him here. She was older than anyone you knew personally.
“I’m gonna have to take him with me miss,” she said. No hello, no how are you, just stating she needed to take this grown man with her. Bill didn’t protest really but he didn’t move your hand off his arm.
“Who are you?” you asked defensively. She sighed, not expecting you to ask her a question.
“Theresa Porter.” The new warden up at Shawshank, your mind told you. You stepped in front of Bill.
“He was released from that place which you wrongly held him in in the first place, so unless you plan on charging him for something he’s not going anywhere,” you protested. She wasn’t the police she couldn’t charge him for anything but you never know. Bill eyed you suspiciously, you could feel it on you but you didn’t look over at him. Theresa Porter sighed.
“Can I speak with you alone Miss.Y/L/N?” she asked. You glanced at Bill who shook his head softly.
“Anything you need to say to me can be said in front of the man we’re discussing,” you argued. She sighed.
“He doesn’t know anyone Miss.Y/L/N. He’s better under our care up there,” she spoke. Bill watched her.
“He knows me. And Henry Deaver and Molly Strand. He isn’t alone up here Miss. Please just leave him alone,” you reasoned. She sighed and looked at you with soft eyes. She didn’t seem to want to fight you about this and in a way she looked almost, sorry for you?
“Okay. Here’s my card. We’ll take him when you want to get rid of him,” she said, handing you a small plastic card. You took it and shut the door, throwing the card on the table as you turned around.
“Won’t be needing that. You okay? Do you know why she wanted you?” Bill shook his head carefully but was still eyeing you.
“Why?” he asked softly. You furrowed your eyebrows.
“Why what?”
“Why keep me?” he asked. You laughed a little.
“You’re a human being Bill. You don’t get to be ‘kept’. You get to be free and if you wanna be kept then you ask a girl k? Don’t worry about it she’s a creep anyway.” Bill smiled at you and you smiled right back. You then yawned and rubbed your eyes. You were so tired. So so tired.
“Go to sleep,” Bill whispered. You shook your head and sat on the living room couch.
“Not yet I have to make sure she leaves. You never know with the workers up there..” you trailed off. Bill sat beside you, stiff and lanky.
“Sleep is good for you,” he protested. You rolled your eyes but then yawned, only adding to his idea of sleep. You sighed and grabbed the blanket that Bill was handing you. He smiled lightly at you as he watched your eyes shut. As he turned to leave you, you groaned. He turned and you smiled at him shyly.
“Maybe you should stay with me? You never know what those Shawshank guards will do to get you back. I think it’ll be safer,” you told him, trying to be convincing. He smiled again and walked up to you, sitting down by your legs. You watched him as he sat and you pulled up your coffee table so that he could level his legs and you put your head on his lap. He put up his legs and placed a hand on your head, rubbing your temples.
Let’s just say you fell asleep pretty fast after that.
You woke up suddenly when you heard a loud and rather violent knock on your door. You rubbed your eyes and stood, letting Bill stand up beside you. You opened the door, blanket still drawn around you to Henry.
“Hey Y/N, how’s The Kid?” he asked, slight worry in his voice. Bill walked up behind you.
“I like Y/N,” Bill told Henry. Henry grew wide wide eyed and looked at you who just shrugged, sleep still overtaking you.
“We gotta go,” Henry said, still staring at you. You shrugged and turned to Bill, a faint smile on your face.
“Do I have to?” Bill asked. You hugged Bill around his waist, to short to reach his top half.
“I’ll see you later,” you mumbled against his chest. He hugged you back.
“Promise?” he asked. You nodded and let him go.
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emmyrosee · 4 years
50 on the types of kiss with The Kid🥺
“What are you doing?” 
The small voice amid the silence didn’t scare you, though it did make you snap back to reality from drowning in your ocean of work and bills. The pounding in your head refused to let you rest, only growing with each passing hour due to the stress.
“Just catching up on some bills, baby,” you say quietly, not wanting him to worry. The Kid always got stressed when you got stressed, crying when you cried, and you didn’t want to cause even more of a heaviness in his mind; despite him being very in tune with your emotions as it was, you didn’t want to make anything worse.
There’s a catch in your breath from the tears of anguish that threaten to spill, one that forms from being watched by your lover, but you repress it as much as you can, the acidic burn in your throat testing you to cry out from the sensation.
The shuffling of slippers across your floor makes shrills flutter up your spine, and when a gentle hand cups your cheek to tip your head, you follow its guiding touch, waterline gathering tears when your eyes meet his mismatched, soft irises.
“I love you,” he whispers, placing a chaste kiss to your lips. Unable to fight it, you let out a desperate sob into the kiss, but his gentle lips continue to try to peck yours reassuringly.
It’s not like him to be like this, forward in his affection and feelings for you, though The Kid has always been able to calm you down better than anything else.
“I appreciate you... and everything you do for me...” he moves his lips to trail down your jaw and to the sensitive spot along your neck. You gasp around a sob, his lips suckling gently, but enough to rouse a deep warmth to bloom through you. 
“Come on... let’s go relax,” he whispers, warm breath arousing goosebumps along your skin. “I’ll show you how grateful I am for you...”
(#50- A kiss, followed by more that trail down the jaw and neck)
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emmyrosee · 4 years
you know how a service dog can like sense when people are upset and they come to them and whimper or nudge them with their snout to make them feel better? that’s how i imagine the kid comforting you, like he can sense that you’re upset and curls you up in his arms and asks you what’s wrong basically i want one 🥺🥺🥺🤧🤧
He doesn’t like feeling in the air, the tension or the look on your face, and even though he doesn’t know how to fix it, he sorta.. comes up next to you and nudges his nose against your arm before pushing himself though, looking up at you with those mismatched eyes; or, he wraps his arm around you and lays his chin on your head, concealing you from the world.
“I don’t like you sad,” he whispers sadly. “Come here... let’s cuddle and relax for a bit.. please?”
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emmyrosee · 4 years
showing the kid music that isn’t as soft as he likes and you start with lady gaga. baby would be so confused omg i live that soft boy
He would probably be so confused but slowly, he starts to bop his body up and down subtly to the beats, smiling happily and sweetly when she sings. He really loves “Born This Way” and “Lovegame,” but his favorite is “Million Reasons” because she’s quieter.
He also starts to fall asleep to Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac, her voice just always is able to coax him to a state of calm 🥰🥰
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emmyrosee · 4 years
i wanna curl up in the kid’s jacket 🥰 like the cozy fluffy plaid one he wears it just looks so soff n warm 🥺🥺🥺
Poor baby probably gets super duper cold super easily, so he almost always has it on.
But one of his favorite things to do, especially when you’re cold, is to open the jacket and let you slip your arms through the arm holes and cuddle against him, all nice and warm and snuggly🥰
UGH. Sweetie baby🥰
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emmyrosee · 4 years
I see u write for the kid 👀 how do you think the kid would react that the reader knows how to play the piano? Would he try to copy her, would he ask her to play a song whenever he felt off? I’ve had Doug Hammer piano songs on repeat and my recent obsession with the kid has got me thinking of fluffy things 🥺🌸💖
I feel like The Kid’s love for the piano runs deep; as we learned in the show, he knew how to play and the sound brought him some comfort.
And despite his ability to be able to play, he will take your melodic rhythm over his own. He loves sitting next to you and laying his head on your shoulder, smiling softly at the gorgeous sound that plays.
Sometimes, if you’re lucky, you catch him playing- but once he caught you and it turned him skittish and shy for a while. So you’re much more careful about it now.
Piano is one of the few ways to The Kid’s heart and trust, and you’re sure to savor it and indulge him in it often.
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emmyrosee · 4 years
My jaw hurts and I want my koala..... I mean the kid.
The second he sees you in any sort of pain, his first instinct is to just completely latch himself on to you, sheerly based on the fact that your hugs and kisses make him feel better.
And it does help you feel better, in a few ways. Just knowing that he loves you so much it becomes his one and only priority to make you feel better.
He’s a good boy🥺❤️
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emmyrosee · 5 years
Kid doesnt sleep walk, he paces, because the cage was only so wide so you wake up sometimes from being cold only to see kid pacing back and forth, never walking further than a certain measurement because of instinct.,. Also he sometimes paces under a light fixture thats too low and after hes laid back down and then woken up in the morning hes got some bruises that need lovin .
Okay- #1, The idea of Bill the kid being too talk for normal human things is my kink and my absolute pleasure.
#2 you’re hurting my heart and I don’t like it. Poor sweetie boy just mumbles as he walks like a programmable robot back and forth in a repeaded stride. Some nights it’s in squares. Often it’s circles. But it’s always just a contained, rhymic walk.
If you try to guide him to bed, he almost always smack his head on the over head light, letting out this pathetic, sad little whine of pain as his face pinches. When you finally get him into bed, he just curls up and gets into his normal stance of ‘curled into your side’ and just sleeps like that.
In the morning, he’s got a nice bump and headache, pretty much rendering him gone for the day🥺
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emmyrosee · 5 years
if you're not super overwhelmed with requests rn, could I please request some size kink with the kid? like not necessarily in an overtly sexual way (okay maybe kind of in a sexual way hehe), but more in a fluffy "I'm so big but you're so small and you do everything for me so I must shetler and protect you in return" kind of way? (also sidenote, but I've been on a kick of reading your work and I'm so in love).
(Also.... thank you for your support. I’m so glad you’ve been liking everything🥺💕)
But like... this is so fucking cute-
when you’re both inside your house, he’s totally under your control, following around like a needy puppy rather than a 6′4 man who could break a table in half if he felt it looked at you the wrong way.
And outside? The possessive, dominant way comes back. Your hand in his as you walk, his eyes focused on the surrounding areas as if he were a body guard. He only will walk with you if he kept you on the inside of the road or sidewalk, away from the street because you’re so much smaller than him that it’s almost hard for him to not imagine how fragile you’d be compared to him. 
Maybe you’re not even that short, given your environment- he’s just excessively tall. That doesn’t register to him; all he thinks is “small=precious and protect with everything”
and like... let’s just say, for example... if we were to go into sexy detail... those big ass hands just caressing you, making you squirm under his touch and it almost overwhelms you in a way, because there’s just so much of him to handle that it just feels so good.
“am i doing good?” he says, almost teasing at the loud moan you released. 
“So fucking good,” you assure. “You make me feel so good, baby.”
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emmyrosee · 5 years
Touch starved The Kid. Like he’s always so cautious about you touching him and flinching all the time. But when you finally stroke his hair or scratch his back, he just M E L T S 😌
Like the first time, he would tense up, and you’d have to slowly coo him back down to relax into your touch. He’d be so confused because he’s not used to it, but it feels so good and it makes him feel all warm and fuzzy and he’s not sure why it makes him feel that way.
More and more it becomes a common thing. You’d sit next to him on the floor, rubbing the back of his neck and making him slowing inch closer to you for your comfort.
After that? Baby boy is obsessed with you and needs your touch 25/8. You’ll come home and see him on the couch, and he’ll lift his head up like a dog and wait for you to slot your lap under his head, scratching his scalp and gently tugging the knots out of his impossibly soft hair. At night, especially if he has a nightmare, he desperately needs you and your touch, one hair carding his locks and the other dragging up and down his spine, occasionally patting his back as you rub circles with your palm. When you cook breakfast, on hand has to be on top of his, which are folded on your stomach with the rest of him pressed flat, face buried in your neck.
He thrives off of your touch and constantly needs to feel your warmth and presence, needing it constantly. If he goes too long without it, he thinks you’re punishing him for something😣❤
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emmyrosee · 5 years
Kid gets lost in ur house the first night hes there, he just sits down in the hallway and waits until you find him, then smiles really big when you do (🦴)
He gets up to get a glass of water, and he doesn’t turn on any lights because he doesn’t want to risk waking you, so he just sorta wanders around until he finds the kitchen. And once he does, he gets his little cup and puts some ice in it and fills it with cool water, prompting then to get you one because he loves you.
Poor sleepy baby wants to get back to his warm bed as soon as possible, so he pads down the hallway to your room, eyes adjusting to the dark.
Except you’re not in the room. Neither is the bed. Or the bureaus. Or the nightstands. 
And, bless him, The Kid would rather self-combust than wake you up because he got lost, so he keep searching.
And searching.
And searching.
And some more searching.
Poor baby just sighs in defeat and plops himself wherever he is and curls up on the floor, the chilled hardwood making him shiver. He sips his water gently, and just waits for morning.
Back in the bedroom, you’ve been awake for almost two hours, waiting for him to come back to bed and warm you up, but he never does. Shrills of panic flutter down your spine, and finally, you decide you can’t wait anymore and decide to go find him, the dark house probably terrifying the Kid. 
After a few minutes, you finally turn a corner and nearly trip over a large mass in the middle of the hallway, and when it moves, you gasp in fright.
“There you are,” the mound whispers. It sounds a lot like The Kid, and when it extends its arm out to you, whispering “I got you some water. The ice has melted though,” you can’t help but chuckle, extending your own arm out to him.
“Come on, lovey. Lets get back to bed. You can explain everything tomorrow.”
And even in the darkness, his bright smile makes your heart flutter.
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emmyrosee · 5 years
Kid talks in his sleep, he mumbles about bread and water, sometimes whimpers or whines, but after he's been with you for a while, he talks about naps and car rides, and sometimes calls out random colors as if hes coloring something in his sleep, also smiles in his sleep a lot :))))
When he first comes, he just sorta huddles in one corner of the bed, sorta folded on himself as he tries to sleep, every now and again he kicks his little feet, but other than that, he doesn’t do much. He’ll talk about how thirsty he is and whines about how hungry he is, but when he asks “Lacy” for more, you know it’s a weird nightmare he’s having. 
But over time, as he starts to grow more dependent on your touch, he stops that. He asks you silly questions in his sleep, and due to their out landish phrasing, you just assume they’re questions he’s too shy to ask you in real life. He still folds on himself, but this time, it’s close to you, and he’s got a tight grip on your nightshirt for comfort. It’s amazing how small he can contort himself, so small that your arm that’s wrapped around him reaches his middle back snugly. Even in his sleep, when you kiss his head or eyelids, he smiles, or if you gently trace his ribs, he buries his face deeper against you, giggling shyly. 
ugh. My baby🥺
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emmyrosee · 5 years
And the kid makes the happiest smile when he eats his cookies. After he has his cookies he hugs you and says. "cookies were sweet and warm like kisses, can I have kisses please?"
And when you giggle and lean up to kiss his nose, he lets out the neediest little whimper, groaning louder when you literally kiss everywhere- his cheeks, chin, jawline, neck, ears, temples- but his pretty lips.
“I wanna kiss...”
“I gave you kissies, baby boy,” you remind him, gently curling his hair behind his ears. He pouts down at you, and when you roll your eyes dramatically and finally kiss him, the little mewls and purrs he releases are just too much to let go...
GAHD I love him
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emmyrosee · 5 years
I 100% love The Kid with stuffed animals idea, but!! The Kid being a little upset about not having proper jammies. So you surprise him with a few pairs and one is a onesie of his favorite stuffed animal. After he trys it on you hug him in front of the mirror and say. "My favorite stuffie." I apologize if this gave you a heart attack.
OH MY GAH- *flatlines*
Poor honey sleeps and wears the same three shirts and pants every day, and if none of them are clean, he has to wear boxers, and poor baby shivers like a poor little leaf.
So one weekend, you go out super early and buy him a couple of sets, some flannels and some sweats and you buy yourself and him matching onesies, along with one with bears on it, not really expecting him to love them half as much he does.
When you get home, he’s just waking up (thankfully), and when he sleepily asks what’s in the bags, your heart melts.
“I got you some jammies,” you beam, gently laying out the options for him.
And his eyes just WIDEN, clasping the warm fabric in his hands. You kiss his head and tell him to try them on, and when he comes out in the onesie with the bears on it, you can’t help but coo and walk over, meeting him in the mirror.
“Whatcha think, baby?”
“Warm...” he says, smiling brightly. He pulls on the sleeves shyly and you squeal in adoration at him.
“Ugh, you are the sweetest!” You gush, throwing your arms around him and placing wet, noisy kisses on his neck and face, relishing in his little giggles and squirms. “My most favorite, cuddly bear!”
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emmyrosee · 5 years
EMMY WE NEVER DISCUSSED IT BUT IT IS VITAL: how would Bill’s character celebrate Halloween? 🤔 I need it for... you know ... science 🎃🎃🎃
@youaremyfamiliar said OMG Halloween. Do you have any spooky Bill ideas? 😇
(Also suggested by the lovely @little-grunge-flowerz😘)
I love this and I need it so bad🥺💕
Axel is the kinda guy to go full out on Halloween. Scary decorations, full sized candy bars for the lil trick or treaters, all the while watching cheesy scary movies with you. He disarms the doorbell because of little shits who constantly ring the bell. When kiddos come to his door, he acts all spooked out by all the costumes, or cooing at how pretty the princess look, or how dangerous the Dinosaurs look🥰
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Gordan doesn’t deal with the kids. He either gives you the bowl of candy, or sets it outside with a sign to take one at a time (which, he refills every hour or so because you know kids never take just one). He’s a big fan of horror movies, namely classics, but more than anything, he loves the feeling of you curled against him, clutching onto him extra tight when something scary happens☺️
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Henry trick or treats with the little kids in the neighborhood. Everyone knows and trusts him, so while you give you the candy with some friends, he’s out with the little ones.
When he comes around with the little ones, you give them each and extra piece of candy, and when he asks for a piece, you give him a kiss instead, making him smile dopily and blush (especially when you tell him that he’ll get his treat when he gets back for the night)😍
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Mark takes you someplace, rather than staying home. Usually it’s a haunted house or hayride or something, basically anywhere that’s interactive. Despite his laughter about how ridiculous the scares are, you can’t help but cling to him, ready to run away if anyone with a chainsaw comes at you. It’s tradition😌
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Mickey... I feel like Mickey hates Halloween tbh. Like, he doesn’t like the scares, the decorations piss him off, and there’s one little shit kid who always dresses up like a mime and will pop out and scare him😂
He perfers the winter holidays- he loves the snow and the cold😚
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Roman doesn’t mind halloween. He takes Nadia and her friends out and takes them to every house, making sure they get the best candy experience (for him to take from). Watching movies with you once he puts Nadia to bed is his favorite part, and when he gets home and you start loving up on him, it makes it all worth it😉
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The Kid has a love-hate relationship with Halloween. He doesn’t like the scary decorations or costumes, or the little kids coming up to the door constantly, but when you’re there with him, knowing that you’d never do anything to put him in danger, he feels better and will even tell the kids how great their costumes look🥺💕
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