#heo kyunghee
commajade · 1 year
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i love women and sports
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briwates · 1 month
rewatched the scene where cha kyunghee, heo joongse etc go visit yohan at the hospital after the church fire. at some point hjs puts his hand on yohan's shoulder/upper back and gives him a squeeze, uncaring for how yohan at this point pretty much has a fresh 2nd degree burn on his back. makes me wonder if they even asked after him/were curious abt what damaged he sustained from the fire ? (most probably not).
and yohan looking so disoriented during that scene, still in shock from losing his brother and sister-in-law and seeing his niece get her legs crushed, yet they swarm around him and ask abt the money without even letting him place a word
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fourth-quartet · 2 years
episode two notes, copied and pasted
That shot of the three of them in the hall is so hot
Poly judges for the win
Jinjoo pushing Gaon to agree to dinner
Nah Jinjoo wants to be friends so badly
She does have a thirst for power but not a fully realized one
They bring up that he’s the heir to a rich family a lot
Yohan has a hunting license…
“I have a hunting license for harmful wild animals. It’s really thrilling. Shooting between its eyes when it rushes at you, canines out.”
Is he referring to the bus? Or to the dog scene that was cut w Kang Jisang?
Yohan really pulls that “I can’t taste well” thing everywhere. If he says it enough, he believes it.
Yohan talks in this scene like they’re things he read rather than things you’d actually say in conversation.
“Your father was swindled out of his wealth and committed suicide.”
I think I completely missed the implication of this line being that Gaon’s family was wealthy before Doh Young Choon.
Also Yohan asking if they should get to know one another while simultaneously dodging answering questions is brilliant
Yohan is flirting I hate him
Gaon isn’t lying when he said he has a weak stomach… But for what, is the question
The transition to Youngmin kills me every time it’s so clean holy SHIT
The shots of the homeless with the shots of the VIRUS poster….
Youngmin claims he’s on a safari and then targets something SRF related. How much of it is anger towards his mother and how much of it is genuine classism?
14라 0615 is Youngmin’s license plate
Blaming Heo Joong Se after Yohan tears up- they don’t think he’s capable of acting well.
Heo Joong Se isn’t as stupid as he makes himself out to be sometimes. “Am I the lead? There are too many intense characters lined up beside me. As for me, truthfully, I don’t know my position clearly yet.”
Kyunghee tries to play on his narcissism and it fails and he points it out.
He plays down his logic by playing the artist image.
Heo Joong Se plays Kyunghee against the SRF.
“How dare a mere secretary act this way?” Kyunghee is so dismissive of Sunah, especially when Sunah’s official title is director (of something, can’t remember what)
Seo Jeong Hak immediately throws the blame back onto Heo Joong Se. Kyunghee literally cannot get them to admit to having done it so she doesn’t know who to be mad at—but she doesn’t think Yohan would think to do it on his own.
Approval ratings for the ruling party are up by 17%, up to 53%, following the trial. And Sunah knows Kyunghee intends to run for president.
Gaon sliding on the pavement is so cute
and Jungho hitting him in the face with the ball always fuckin sends me
Jungho brings up the ratings directly after Sunah holy shit??
“My precious sidekick who sits on my left” “….”
I have literally never noticed that table next to Yohan’s desk, those chairs look so comfortable?
Yohan does have a habit of echolalia at times
“Do you think the goal of a trial is justice?”
“What is it if not justice?”
“A trial is a game, where if you cannot prove things, you lose. But it is not a fair game to begin with. The rich and powerful do whatever they can to manipulate and cover up the truth, and bribe investigative agencies. On the other side, there’s just a huge crowd of angry, whining people. Sadly, there is no such thing as justice. It’s just a game. Vicious and unfair.”
Yohan says “he resembles him” like 8 times when the bug is in there and you’re telling me Gaon just ignored that?
Why is Soohyun never in a uniform?
Soohyun chews on the ends of her straws
Soohyun doesn’t blink at the idea that Gaon’s “lover” might be a man
Man I sure wonder if they were sponsored by Sunny Way or something
I know people hate Youngmin but I love him, I really do. He’s such a shit
Gaon does not trust Soohyun’s driving lmfao
372현 9401 is Yohan’s license plate
The kid driving the cars along the windowsill towards the DIKE poster…driving towards justice
We really have no idea why Yohan was out that night but his hair is styled like he was at work. But he’s dressed down, in khakis and what looks like a black sweater.
Headcanon that Isaac taught Yohan to drive
also why the fuck does Yohan just carry a mallet around in his trunk, SIR??
good fucking god yohan is hot
Gaon looks genuinely entertained why Yohan going closer to Youngmin and the car with the mallet, like he looks like he’s trying not to smile
Youngmin doesn’t recognize Yohan from being around his mother.
Yohan just PLANTING DRUGS incredible
Does he know Youngmin does drugs from Kyunghee?
Seriously, I’m pretty sure Jinjoo is just sleeping at the Justice Building
Jinjoo saying she was hired for her looks. At least she’s aware of it
Yohan knew about Soohyun right from the beginning
Jungho is pushing him to look into Yohan, Soohyun fixates on Yohan, but Gaon fixates on the actions and court rather than Yohan himself at first.
But even from the beginning, Gaon is questioning whether or not he needs to look into Yohan. He sees the good Yohan is doing
Soohyun does point out Jungho is asking too much.
Seriously K, my boy, I love you so goddamn much you’re everywhere in this episode
Gaon and Jinjoo are finally growing on each other
Gaon and Jinjoo’s friendship is my favorite goddamn thing
“Fight for a world in which justice is alive.”
That shot of them coming down the elevator?? Yohan leaning against the wall fondly watching Jinjoo excited. And then he says something to her and she grins wider.
He just totally dismisses Sunah lmfaoooo
Sunah is wearing one of her chokers. Collared
(12yo Yohan) Didn’t make eye contact, dark expression, didn’t talk.
Yohan does not care about that bird. He definitely grabbed a ruler from inside of his desk and hit it to get it away from Sein.
He’s also got insanely good posture
He sat in the back of the classroom and read
He looks like he’s older than the other kids in his class too
Things started going missing and they blamed the only kid who didn’t have a seat partner huh?
Yohan teaching Jinjoo to dance is one of my favorite fucking moments in this show.
The way Jinjoo looks to Yohan before she lets Sunah cut in.
“Can everyone be pleased when they have individual tastes?” Yohan just say you’re a homosexual ffs
That back and forth between Youngmin and his parents is so fucking funny every time, they’re both so SICK of him
They think they tamed Yohan. Which means there was a point where Seo Jeong Hak thought they had to tame him.
Seriously how did Yohan get back to his office that quickly
Yohan’s shoes! Again! Sir!
“Why do you do things like this?” “Because I can. Possibility is like a drug.”
Yohan recognizes the bomb first but Gaon processes quicker.
When the bomb goes off, Yohan is clutching Gaon like if he lets go, he’ll disappear
Yohan is limping in the hall.
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thuhqs · 1 year
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WINTER CHAMPIONSHIP - Início dos jogos.
Como vocẽs já sabem, o Campeonato de Inverno se inicia nessa segunda e vai até sexta (de 09/01 até 13/01). O Comitê espera que tenham aproveitado a abertura e o domingo de relaxamento!
O Clube de Culinária se disponibilizou para preparar algumas delícias e refeições aos presentes durante essa semana, assim como o Clube de Música se disponibilizou a ajudar nas torcidas com instrumentos de percussão, tambores, e o que mais vocês precisarem pra fazer barulho!
Abaixo, vocês podem conferir a grade horária dos jogos:
Tarde: 15h00 - Ginástica Rítmica.
Docente responsável: Beverly Mai. Hazel Kim (líder - THU) Kim Hayeon (THU) Choi Jangmi (JNU, npc) Seo Sumin (YSU, npc) Kim Sangah (SNU, npc) Bae Sira (HYU, npc)
Noite: 20h00 - Basquete Masculino Yongsin (THU) x Seoul Knights (SNU, npc)
Tarde: 15h00 - Futebol Masculino. Docente responsável: Sakurai Minoru. THU Dragons Football Club (THU) x KyungHee University Football Club (KHU, npc)
Noite: 20h00 - Vôlei Feminino Jeju Tanneung Red Dragons (THU) x Gyeongsan Kyungil Majors (KIU)
Tarde: 15h00 - Cheerleading Dragons (THU) x Kingo (SKKU, npc)
Noite: 20h00 - Basquete Feminino B-Ball Dragons (THU) x GU Blueminx (GU, npc)
Tarde: 15h00 - Natação
15h00 - Feminino: Hwang “Summer” Ahri (THU) Yoon Hayoung (GU, npc) Min Soojeong (JNU, npc) Kim Seola (JNU, npc) Heo Yubin (KHU, npc)
17h00 - Masculino: Hwa Jiyong (THU) Kang Seowon (THU) Lee Sanha (CNUE, npc) Aizawa Yuto (SKKU, npc) Cha Hyunseong (KIU, npc)
Noite: 20h00 - eSports G.NIUS (THU) x SmokeZ (YSU, npc)
Tarde: 15h00 - Vôlei Masculino Docente responsável: Ahn Chaewon. Hallakyuu Dragons (THU) x Chuncheon Skywalkers (CNUE, npc)
Noite: 20h00 - Taekwondo Oigawa Ryu (THU) x Park Seojun (JNU, npc) Lee Siwan (THU) x Wang Jing (CNU, npc)
Notas OOC:
Como dissemos anteriormente, o Campeonato poderia ser simplificado ou poderia seguir a linha de mais de um jogo como uma copa. Entretanto, marcamos somente um jogo e bem simplificados, senão ficaria muita informação pra uma semana só, e se as competições seguissem por mais semanas, o plot ficaria repetitivo.
Também analisamos e consideramos o empenho dos Clubes e sua organização durante essa semana de preparativos. Teve uma movimentação considerável, mas teve time perdendo integrante no meio do plot drop, teve time ganhando membros (o que foi ótimo e agradecemos o empenho!), mas em geral, considerando a não sobrecarga de ninguém, faremos somente um jogo em uma semana.
E como serão as classificações? O jogo é por conta de vocês, caros players.
Vocês podem decidir entre si se foram classificados ou não, podem fazer sorteio, ou ainda, podem utilizar a ferramenta de dados do discord para decidir as partidas ou o “x1” no caso de competições de performance individual.
No caso do uso de dados, recomendamos que o professor responsável, ou líder ou vice-líder seja responsável por jogar como o NPC. Em último caso, alguém do clube que possa estar disponível. Em último dos últimos casos, vocês podem agendar um horário com a moderação para que façamos o papel de NPC em caso de dinâmica do discord.
Lembrando que POVs e selfparas sempre são bem vindos, sendo vitória ou derrota. Como dissemos, narrações sempre são bem vindas, mas também ficam por conta de vocês nos entregar o conteúdo, como a exemplo dos players da Soccer League.
Como cada clube possui suas particularidades, deixamos livres para que vocês façam as suas formas de jogo e conversem entre si sobre qual seria a melhor forma de obter um resultado. Vale primeiro, segundo e terceiro lugar, respectivamente, medalhas de ouro, prata e bronze. E claro, vale desclassificação completa - o que também gera desenvolvimento, afinal, como haverão futuros campeonatos… Se o seu clube for desclassificado dessa vez, o que e como ele fará para participar de futuros campeonatos? Formas lícitas ou ilícitas? Fica a ideia no ar.
Spoiler: o Campeonato não acaba por aqui, é uma porta de entrada para outros que virão pela frente.
Um bom jogo e, qualquer dúvida, entrem em contato!
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i-futureuv · 2 years
Todos os participantes (incluindo NPC’s)
Abaixo do read more.
YG (fem). Im Kyla (23) — Jinny Park. Kim Somin (20) — Park Chaerin. Jo Nayoung (21) — Choi Eunji (Dia). Kim Yuri (21) — Kim Bora. Kim Bora (20) — Kim Jinha.
MAEUM. Gabriela Park (24) Moon Miso (22) - Karina. Ya Haneul (24) Kang Junho (22) Huh Seojoon (22) — Lee Jaeyun.
Jellyfish Ent (fem). Intira Sangthong (15) — Korranid Laosubinprasoet. Park Mina (14) — Leeseo. Kim Naeun (14) — Kim Seonyou.
MusicK (masc). Park Jinhyuk (18) — Hong Wonho. Song Jimin (20) — Lee Hangyul. Lim Eunhyuk (15) — Lee Donghyeon. Kim Dave (19) — Lee Eugene.
The Match. Gustavo “Hongqi” Wu (24) Ryu Subin (23) Anna Kim (21) Lee Ella (21) Watanabe Akari (18)
Fantagio (masc). Yoo Jimin (27) — Choi Minhwan.
Starship (masc e fem). Lee Kwanghyun (24) Park Chaewon (20) — Shim Seungeun.
Independentes. Park Harley (20, fem) — Heo Jiwon. Lee Byeongho (24, masc) — Woong.
F4M. Sohn Dakho (21) Song Eunwoo (18) Yoon Youngmin (21) Liam Kim (21) — EJ. Jung Kyunghee (19) — Hong Hyeju.
Banana Culture (fem). Lee Eunjung (18) — Liz. Zhang Guiying (20) — Yiren. Hwang Juan (21) — Kelly Lin.
Cube (masc). Bay Kim (22) — Ngô Ngọc Hưng. Haruto Takahashi (16) — Taki. Nakamura Arata (17) — Niki.
KONNECT (fem). Jo Sebin (24) — Yoon Songhee. Kim Yuna (22) — Choi SuA.
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thequillandscreen · 3 years
Alternative titles for the Devil Judge:
Taking down the government, homoerotically
Beauty and the DILF
How I Realized I was Gay: an essay by Kim Gaon
Everyone Hates Yohan
Everyone Wants Yohan
How to Seduce a DILF: also by Kim Gaon
How I Met My Husband by Kang Yohan
That Time I owned a Country by Jung Sun Ah
Living the Fangirl Dream by Oh Jin Joo
I Want to Retire by Lawyer Ko
Fuck This Shit and My Son by Cha Kyunghee
Actor to President to Smithereens: How to Be a Racist Trashcan by Heo Joong Se
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shiningsquareframe · 3 years
Costume and Colour in The Devil Judge
In The Devil Judge, costume design serves to display motives of characters through colour. White, usually regarded as innocence, takes a more vulnerable, more exposed expression. I first noticed this in the contrast between Kang Yohan and Cha Kyunghee when they met in episode 4, where even their cars reflected their outfits: Yohan’s black, Minister Cha’s white.
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I had understood at first a possible subversion — Cha Kyunghee was markedly the antagonist here, so making her wear white challenged this established ‘white-is-good-black-is-bad’ narrative. However, looking at it more closely, at this moment, Cha Kyunghee is vulnerable. This is solidified by her wearing white in a subsequent scene in episode 11 where she asks to meet Yohan. She is being attacked from all sides: the accusations of bribery and corruption against her, the suffering her son has had to endure, and the dwindling support of President Heo and the chairmen. In this scene, she is begging for Yohan to let her go. She is dressed in white because she has no more tricks up her sleeve, and she is at Yohan’s mercy. She cannot abide by his ultimatum either: she has no choice.
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These events lead up to her suicide in the same episode, where she is wearing a lighter colour upon a darker colour — a reluctance to show vulnerability, especially for the act that she is going to commit. It is worth mentioning that in the family photo she holds, she wears white.
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Jung Sunah is a character whose outfits have varied consistently throughout the show. She is introduced as a secretary, wearing clothes that show a fair amount of skin and are usually dark in colour. As the show progresses, Sunah’s outfits change. The instances where she wears white are notable, as they reflect her true feelings. For me, one of the pivotal moments was in episode 7, where she killed her abuser, Chairman Seo. At this moment, she did what she was holding back from having done a long time ago, and exacts revenge for how she suffered.
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Another instance is when she kidnaps Yohan: she wears a long-sleeved white gown, conserative compared to her other clothing, and shares with Yohan what she desires, exposing her vulnerabilities (episode 5-6).
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In the scenes where she visits the Kang mansion as well, she wears white: the dinner with the Kangs and Gaon, where she had still been distanced by Gaon’s making of foreign food rather than Korean food (episode 11).
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When she visits the Kang mansion to reveal herself as being the mastermind behind Gaon and Yohan meeting each other and consequently all their subsequent actions, she wears a white pantsuit, which is unusual of her typical choices of dress (episode 15).
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Admirably, in both scenes that Sunah does her ‘power pose,’ she wears white. For Sunah, the more ‘exposed’ she is (in wearing her short dresses and skirts), the more she is hiding. When she has laid herself bare as she does in episode 15, her clothing choice (the pantsuit) reflects this as well as vulnerability.
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In her taking her own life as well, she wears white. Her last words (tragically, in my opinion), are to Yohan, and are reflective of her true desires. She died leaving her vulnerabilities out in the open.
Colour lightens for the male leads as well when they are vulnerable. In scenes in the Kang mansion where Gaon lives with Yohan and Elijah, all parties wear light-coloured clothing. This signifies their comfort and lack of inhibition around the others. It is developed cleverly, and what I appreciate is in episode 12, where Gaon leaves the mansion, Yohan returns to his darker shades of clothing.
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Storytelling through costume was not a cinematic choice that had occurred to me before I watched this show. I am constantly impressed by how such details are conveyed to an audience, and how they might subconsciously influence the perception of certain characters, or, in my case, tip-off the moods and positions of the characters before they have been established. It is interesting to see how, aesthetically, even clothes can be telling of a character.
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viriyanon · 3 years
THANK YOU THE DEVIL JUDGE'S SCREENWRITER FOR WRITING MY IDEAL ENDING. well, not perfectly but its still what i consider as the ideal ending lmao.
id expressed my disappointment earlier when cha kyunghee shot herself. i literally screamed AAAAH NOOO FUUUUN. cus i expected the end to have three elements:
(1) yohan 'playing' them and tearing them apart in the court room
(2) cha kyunghee, jung sunah, heo joongse, min yongshik, and park dooman pointing finger at each other for their mistakes
(3) cha kyunghee, jung sunah, heo joongse, min yongshik, and park dooman trying to kill each other in front of the nation to save themselves just like what they did during the church's fire
and even though they didnt have a dramatic finger pointing and intense petty fight to blame each other, at least yohan made them try to kill eo for a moment.
however its still lacking of fun cus the revelation of their crimes was... mediocre. like getting a present but the giver had made it obvious that they asked you abt ur preference. yohan didnt even show the evidence of sunah, dooman, and yongshik's crime. as long as i remember its just heo joongse and the dream village hospital's footage. the court looks clearly even more broken and biased.
this is the result of having multiple agendas to be solved at the same time: (1) saving kang, (2) redeeming kim, (3) proving those pople's crime, (4) punishing the antagonists, (5) adding a little yohanxgaon spice, (5) finishing. thats A LOT OF WORK.
thanks to this being a fictional work, they could use a sprinkle of magic here and there so i couldnt really criticize that lol and pressed all of em tgt in one episode. i still think this is pretty disappointing cus they didnt structure the moment of revelation and law process nicely with all the logic that entangled in them but i still love the ending.
and i really praise jung sunah. i thought shed be a chaotic mess, cheap person like the others when yohan exposed her but she planned her own suicide neatly, stayed unfazed, stayed badass, and died her way. thats so cool tbh. thats so so cool.
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kdramachitchat · 3 years
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An uprising that created a dystopian Seoul gave birth to a monstrous judge and a live court trial setting.
The Devil Judge episode 1; A Monster Emerges
Episode 1 of The Devil Judge begins in a dystopian Seoul with chaos everywhere in the streets. There’s a unknown plague covering the entire country that made companies fallen and people homeless. The chaos which made the poor lead an arson and acts of terrorism. This created the Gwanghwamun riot and the Social Responsibility Foundation has send out a press conference.
The virus that created the monster
President Heo says a powerful speech. The economic troubles are part of the past. The plague will be forgotten as it’s been resolved by the government. While President Heo speaks this event, the important guests are being introduced: Seo Jeong Hak who is the Chairman of Social Responsibility Foundation, Cha Kyung Hee (Minister Of Justice), Min Yong Shik (Minbo Group Chairman) and Park Duman (Saram Media Chairman). The president also promises to create more jobs and to bring back Korea to the grand country as it was before. We also see on the screen how donations kept on rolling and another character was introduced. Jung Sun Ah (Executive Director of CSR Foundation) commented how the President overreacts whenever a camera is on his face. They know that he’s a clown and the attitude never goes away.
The president adds, they must rectify their law and order. He has passed a bill for a powerful judicial reform which allows the public to participate as jurors. Im not sure if that is such a good idea. Here comes Kang Yohan who is being introduced by the President as a ruthless judge. Judge Kang will preside over the trials and hands out sentences in a live television setting. Here comes the judge who exudes with much charisma and suave. Alot of concerned questions were raised like how the live broadcast is a anti-humanitarian act and it’s only for show. Another comment was mentioned that Judge Kang punishes too severely and are inconsiderate of the weak. Judge Kang interrupts and asks “Who’s weak?”.  The journalist made a sample of the disadvantage but he retaliates that they are still the defendants. He mentions that he doesnt care if there’s a powerful person or not. Another journalist asked if he can hand down a hefty sentence on a defendant for the live show. A sample was made with Chairman Joo Il Do, who is known for being well connected. He then makes a statement saying “I am power!” and how he exercises the judicial power that was delegate to him and who is above him (the public). He then ends his speech which made many people impressed especially the President and the Minister of Justice. After the speech, Sun Ah congratulates him for the sexy power he has and the rest of the influential people stares at him.
Kim Gaon
We see another character who Kim Gaon using a public transportation watching the speech of Kang Yohan about to go to The Supreme Court. He then enters the office of Chief Justice Min Jungho who is apparently his former Professor. Gaon and Jungho discusses the live program which made Gaon question Yohan and his intentions. Jungho describes Yohan as no ordinary judge. He is a revolutionist who will eradicate court corruption. He is the nation’s only hope.This made Gaon realize that Yohan is extremely popular. As the riots dies down Jungho compares Yohan as a monster that emerges from turbulent times due to the absurb bills he keeps on passing. Yohan doesnt thinks more of a politician, politician for the people. Gaon realizes how Chief Jungho has a dislike with Yohan and asks why he wants him to be part of the live show. Jungho wants Gaon to observe Yohan and compares himself to Judas.
Gaon and Yohan finally meets at Yohan’s office. When Gaon left, Yohan opened his personal information file with a picture of his parents an a article title “We Just Wanted To Do A Good Deed”, “Conned Restaurant Owner Couple Kills Themselves”. He makes a comment on how he looks just like the father. I wonder if Yohan has met the parents before and if he has anything to do with them being dead.
Gaon enters to his office and we’re introduced with Oh Jinjoo (Associate Judge). They both introduced themselves and Jinjoo made a comment about Gaon’s smile. She mentions how he looks good when he smiles and realizes that there’s a criteria on picking judges base on their visuals. Being charming enough creates power.
Bus incident 
As Gaon leaves, we see a group of young students crossing with their teacher. There’s also a incoming bus that is speeding and out of control and is about to enter the Supreme Court entrance. This prompts Gaon to be alert as he sees a young girl about to get hit and covers to protect her. While he does, Yohan was seen shooting the bus driver which made the bus topple. The bus is about to explode with the driver still in it. Gaon continues to be a good citizen and saves the driver on time. There’s a news coverage with the important members of the live show watching. The coverage mentions a arrest warrant for the chairman of JU Chemical Joo Il Do (who was at the presscon) was suspended and the kindergarten driver is connected as a act of protest. The Ministry of Justice says to the President that its a challenge to the authority but SongA responses and says its a outcry. CEO Joo created an incident leak of toxic waste water. Another comment was raised that the many of the public are still out of work and the government can’t collect taxes. If they dont solve this, another revolt would break out. They move on to the live show and asked the Saram Media Chairman how the process is doing. The president mentions that Yohan wanted to do this case personally and makes sure that it goes well.
Gaon sees Yohan leaving and thanks him for saving his life but comments on how Yohan didnt hesitate to shoot. He asked Yohan if he was going to kill the bus driver and Yohan answers back to Gaon with a response like “If i had to?!”. Gaon unsure with his intentions, Yohan counteracts and says if he didnt do anything the bus wouldve continued to spiraled straight. Gaon says that Yohan doesnt care if the bus driver dies or not and makes a calculation stating saving 2 is better than 1.
1st case preparation
There’s a meeting discussing what case they’ll do for the first live show. Yohan wants to take on the JU Chemical case as his first states that it’s a appropriate case and is confident that he’ll go by the law. Yohan makes it clear that its not the people’s court and just wants to make the trials transparent.
Chairman Joo and his lawyer discusses before the first trial. They talk about how hard it is to get clear evidence related to environmental issues. Since itll be difficult to find evidence they’ll plead not guilty. If things turned not well, the judge will charge them with professional negligence resulting death which will lead to 5 years imprisonment. Chairman Joo asks if he can trust the lawyer and says that he will.
Gaon and Jungho talks privately. Jungho asks why Yohan wants the toxic waste case to be his first. Gaon answers the obvious. Jungho also added that Chairman Joo is the biggest donator of the Social Responsibility Foundation. The reason why Yohan is there is because of the Foundation and the Ministry of Justice being his back support. Jungho thinks he has a ulterior motive, despite being in a awkward situation and yet still took the case. Ji Yoonsik and Yohan discusses the bus incident. Ji tells Yohan that he doesnt want to create a scandal and thinks the incident is carelessness but Yohan mentions that its noise marketing (since the incident is related to Chairman Joo). I assume that Yohan only cares for his status and following the law without caring how it affects others.
Gaon makes a comment that the 3 year old is a daughter of the bus driver is part of one of the many deceased related to the JU Chemical Case. The grandmother committed suicide over the case. Gaon internally looks frustrated after Yohan looks like he doesnt care. He says that Yohan rejected Chairman Joo’s warrant and yet want to incarcerate the bus driver.  Yohan mentions that the bus driver was caught on the scene but Gaon talks back and says that they must take the motive into consideration. Yohan says that despite being a victim, does this give them a right to hurt others? Well you have to agree with Yohan on that one though. Gaon then mentions that the bus driver is injured and Yohan says that they have a medical detention center so the issue is solved which lead Gaon to become quiet. Do you think Gaon is putting his emotions over the law?
A news report about the incident broke out that the child named Yu died from the toxic waste water leakage incident of JU Chemical. The grandmother of the child committed suicide. The result of the incident led 11 dead, the rest of the alive victims are receiving treatment.
Gaon and Jungho ate out. Gaon made a private investigation on Cha Kyunghee. During the time Chairman Joo caused trouble as a startup business, Ms. Cha was the person who helped him as a elite Seoul prosecutor. To return the favor when Cha became a assembly woman Chairman Joo is the head of her campaign club. Jungho made a assumption that theyre both helping each other and since Yohan was forced to be part of it, he still wanted to put Joo on a trial. Cha is watching on the sidelines with no objection. What do you think are the intentions of Cha and Joo? It’s not for the good right? Its all speculations for now. They compared the scenario as someone’s first love. Gaon continues to spy on Yohan to find more evidence and puts in spy devices around his office. Yohan almost caught him as he entered the office. Gaon continues to spy and spots Chairman Joo’s lawyer about to enter a restaurant meeting Kang Yohan. Gaon and Jungho meets up after discussing the scenes which makes them even more suspicious over Yohan. They just need to watch him closely at court.
Gaon’s childhood
As Gaon comes home, we are introduced to Soohyun who is a RIT Lietenant who is a childhood friend of his. Soohyun compares the 2 of them and says how the public loves judges with different backgrounds. We learned that Gaon doesnt want to move out as the place reminds him of his parents. Gaon and Soohyun continues to joke around, Soohyun mentions that she has a crush on him but he had rejected her. Gaon didnt want to lose his only best friend.
While Soohyun was doing her rounds, Soohyun hears a woman screaming for help. A highschool student was being attacked on the streets and saves her. This makes Soohyun becoming a likeable character. Ironically a poster above with the caption “A safe Korea will be realized from now on.”. Not so safe yet isnt it?
Ms Jung and Ministry Of Justice meeting
Ms Jung starts the discussion stating that the sponsors are becoming worried with the upcoming trial. The reason why theyre holding the mock trial is to ease the citizen’s anger over criminals. Suspicious to why they put a businessman on trial and if he receives a serious punishment, itll become a negative precedent for the business people. Cha says a rhetorical question if Yohan has ever made a mistake, but he hasnt. Song still adamant and wants the case to be a lighter trial. Asks why Cha is adamant about this being the first case and also mentions that Ms Song has overstepped by being arrogant. Before Jung leaves she commented on how everything from the office to her expensive car was paid by her foundation. Damn, straight fire. I like her. She also adds statistics information that the Ministry of Justice lacks budget and added that her foundation should create more prisons themselves. OMG
The First Live Trial
Before the trial begins, Yohan begins to be reminded of his past with a shadow that looked like Gaon surrounded with fire.
How to watch the trial?
Install the DIKE app, tap the statue and you’re in! While watching the trial 2 buttons will appear: Red button - To be punished and otherwise they can tap the other button. Votes will be collected and visualized in court. The judge will be able to see the people’s opinions and decide easily.
The court case is about a chemical company who caused sewage leak and didnt do any treatment. The water was used by the residents for their daily lives.
Yohan comes a conclusion and decides that there was intent murder. Five years is the maximum. As mentioned during the beginning of the episode, Yohan became a monstrous judge by passing insane bills. One of the bills is about the number of years accumulated for the sentences, based on the victims. To make it more dramatic since its a live tv show, he lowered down the blinds and lights mentioning all the names of the victims. He also mentions that there were 11 dead and 36 disabilities. The case resulted from 5 to 235 years of imprisonment, which equates to a life sentence. Ministry Of Justice watching from behind the tv looked in shock. While Yohan mentions the names the President continues to watches and compliments how Yohan is a true master.
The trial resulted to professional negligence and 235 years of imprisonment. The ratings also were soaring high and the Ministry of Justice is pissed while the President smirks. Yohan speaks to Chairman Joo and wishes him a long life..
The live trial ends and a victim’s relative thanks Judge Yohan. While the victim’s relative was crying and hugging Yohan, Yohan was seen yawning as if he was bored. Gaon saw it and continued to stare at him. Yohan stared back acting like a devil. We see a flashback of Yohan handing out a USB and mentions that there will be a flash of the victim’s pictures will be put out during the show. Yohan then smirks at Gaon. The scene fades with Yohan standing facing off with Gaon. A flashback of his tragic past shows him and a look-a-like Gaon (Yohan’s brother or a former colleague maybe) facing each other surrounded by which looks like a burnt old church. They both continued to stare at each other as the scene concludes. It looks like there’s a past which needs to be disclosed.
+ Good acting (Ji Sung, Kim Minjung, Jang Youngnam)
+ Live trial setting
+ Buildups of the faceoffs: Yohan vs Gaon / Ms Jung vs Ms Cha
+ Buildups of the 1st case
+ Good suspenseful bgm
+Script looks full and engaging
- Dystopian setting looks poor production wise but is made up by the + cinematography
+/- Needs a 2nd rewatch for the pilot incase you miss something out
7/10 so far for the pilot. I look forward for the rivalries and the upcoming cases.
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UNFOLLOW (characters have exceeded a week of in-character inactivity and have been removed from the group)
@fmdsehyung / @fmdseri
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HIATUS HAS ENDED (have not posted in-character for four or more days & not eligible for points this week, let me know if you need an extension)
@fmdtheo / @fmdjunseo
tseng juliet - until june 29th
kang hansol (king) - until june 29th
han yunyeong (xion) / heo gunwoo (kun) / thalia ghim - until july 1st
gan taewoon (trevor) / oon samsoo (soo) - until july 2nd
park yoonah (yonce) / yang kyunghee (ivy) / moon chaeyeon (dita) / kwon arabella (north) - until july 4th
ahn taesung / nam joohwan (rey) / seo eunha - until july 3rd
choi sangwoo - until july 6th
minwoo seo (blue) / ota taisei / ghim yejun - until july 9th
kang junsu (prophet) - july 9th
bae doohwan / yi hyejin (anika) - until july 10th
iseul lee / seo dain (moon) / choi yuma - until july 10th
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commajade · 2 years
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heo kyunghee
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commajade · 2 years
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heo kyunghee
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fourth-quartet · 2 years
copy-pasting my rewatch notes let's go boys
“No justice”
Yohan drives the sports car in the opening
A city folded in on itself, confining
Social Responsibility Foundation
Pandemic lasted two years, and supposedly arson and terror against the wealthy (for surviving, for access) led to Gwanghwamun Riot
Seo Jeong Hak, Min Yong Sik, Park Du Man, Cha Kyung Hee
Mentions of utopia
Heo Joong Se: promises of new jobs, to fix the economy following the pandemic
“An out of work clown” - Seo Jeong Hak
Fix the laws. Powerful and revolutionary justice plan, the entire country is the jury.
They all know Heo Joong Se is just a show figure, even at the beginning
Yohan’s timing is so goddamn dramatic why is he like this
Yohan’s point in his opening press release: he doesn’t see class, but the crimes they commit. He is positioning himself to be the most objective of judges.
Kyunghee is not pleased about his placement
“I am the authority.” Reflective of how Heo Joong Se presented himself. Claiming authority and then saying the people are the authority.
The team really doesn’t look happy with him. Because they know they can’t manipulate him? They acknowledge he knows what’s doing.
Sunah hands him the glass. He only drinks after she corners him into it with a toast.
There’s our Gaon~! Takes the train. A nice coat, looks expensive. The bag is used though. The coat is a gift, maybe? From Min Jungho? Soohyun?
There is security in front of the building, Gaon is forced to show ID
Supreme Court Justice Min Jung Ho. He goes to see him first.
“It is a temple.” Gaon makes the first mention of religion. Jungho takes him to see the Live Court room.
Gaon acknowledges that they’re playing a game.
“He’s the flagbearer of reform to change a corrupt judiciary. The hope which has appeared in Joseon’s crumbling hell.”
Jungho is playing the room with Gaon as his audience.
“A monster always appears during a crisis. The ridiculous laws which he got enacted were not the brain child of a jurist but that of a politician.”
Jungho did appoint Gaon there. To keep an eye on it, not to resist it.
Gaon: are you ordering me to play the role of Judas Iscariot?
Even from the get-go we’re associating Gaon with religion. Interesting, given his similarities to Isaac.
“Easy justice does not exist in the human world.” - Min Jung Ho
Yohan takes him in before approaching him. Comes close, intimidation tactic. Does he know right away that someone put Gaon there because he looks like Isaac? And then proceeds to purposely throw Gaon off. To see if he’s consciously spying?
Yohan is already well-moved into the office by the time Gaon gets there.
Folder on Gaon in his office already.
Jinjoo is already there when Gaon gets there. Homegirl loves pink. I’m obsessed with her
Gaon asks if she plans on sleeping there and she laughs it off. But does she? Maybe she does sleep in her office?
Jinjoo was assigned to work in the countryside.
“People prefer to hear the words of someone they like instead of someone who tells the truth. Charm is power.”
Seriously Jinjoo and Yohan are incredibly alike
When I write the fic where they’re siblings….
I think Gaon is an introvert
Trust in the judicial system fell to 10%.
Gaon goes without hesitation to the girl, even in the face of death.
Yohan is stupid good with a gun. He’s been hunting. Yohan is also not a fan of the security lmfao
Gaon runs into the bus to save the man the way Yohan ran in to save his family. No innocents will die. Gaon is just like Isaac.
Yohan doesn’t flinch at the fire. He dreams of it. Maybe he even had already seen it when the bus exploded. Accepting of his fate.
There had already been in-fighting and Kyunghee might have supported Yohan if Yohan hadn’t had a personal vengeance for her, for K and for Elijah.
Gaon lives in the slums. Soohyun asks him why he doesn’t move, implying he could afford to do so. He chooses not to.
Soohyun is almost envious at first. Gaon is labeled sarcastic but I think there’s some earnestness to it. He means it, that there might be something to it.
Soohyun labels Yohan’s background as a key to success. She thinks Gaon could use his too.
Gaon tells her he rejects her because he doesn’t want to lose her. There might be some truth to a gay man not having the heart to tell his best friend he’s gay.
Ko Inguk my man my love.
Half of his thing is the confidence he delivers it all with, but he points out the courts are conservative and won’t change things. Implying Yohan is progressive.
People are easy to Yohan. He sees it as logic, as a math game.
Yohan doesn’t handle Gaon’s thanks for saving him well. He’s short, seemingly upset. The next time we see him speaking so similarly is when he’s trying to piss Gaon off at dinner, and then when Gaon accuses him of killing Isaac.
Jungho points out why Yohan took the case directly to Gaon, manipulating him into believing there is something going on, to make Gaon look into it. He knows Gaon is insatiably curious.
When arguing about whether or not to imprison the bus driver vs rejecting the warrant, Yohan says “Do you think you obtain the right to harm others if you’re a victim yourself?”
Jinjoo also tries to stop Gaon and Yohan from fighting right off the bat. Fascinating.
Jinjoo is a country girl, from a poor background
Gaon is from the slums of Seoul
Yohan really tries not to argue with him at first by avoiding actually answering his questions. And then he’s purposely an asshole. What a man
Gaon manipulates Jungho back just a little bit several times. He is aware of it, to an extent, that Jungho is playing him.
Ju Ildo supported Kyunghee, and then Kyunghee supported Yohan
Gaon comments about how digging is ruining his own career but he should keep doing it, and Jungho gives him a look.
The first fight we see with Soohyun is her beating a guy up past what she needs and saving a girl in the rain. Interesting foil to the later way we see her leave Elijah to do the same.
“Have you ever seen Kang Yohan make a mistake?” That is a FASCINATING question from Kyunghee, directed at Sunah. Implying they’ve both been watching him for a long time, and they know he doesn’t make mistakes.
Gaon very much lets Soohyun do things and then she hits him when he does. She gives very mixed signals to a guy who doesn’t like her.
Yohan goes people hunting at night. But he never leaves Elijah alone overnight. So she doesn’t notice he’s gone which means he either goes when she’s asleep, or when she’s in her classes.
Yohan also knows that the firefighter is homeless. He also. Hits a guy who touches him without warning and nearly kills him.
Gaon doesn’t know that Yohan isn’t there, we can see him check for him in the office before putting the bug in. Gaon also checks behind the painting.
Yohan’s shoes are so fucking loud what is this
Jinjoo wears glasses
“I don’t think the public is that stupid.” Yohan → Kyunghee. Paired with the comment about him not making mistakes. Fascinating.
“It’s me.” “You did well.” Yohan’s so soft on K.
Ko Inguk meeting Yohan directly under Yohan’s name like that is dangerous unless they did go to law school together. They have to have connections outside of the court.
Jungho put the curiosity in there and then played up the paranoia after Gaon brings it up. Interesting.
Heo Joong Se walks out of infrastructure reform for the trial
The costume itself is a character. It weighs on Yohan like the fire does. The cross, the fire, the costume. He associates them all with one another. “They know not what they’re doing.” Forgiveness for the public who work with him. Savior for the innocents.
I’m still obsessed with the fact that they dress him. Meaning that he’s either wearing a suit underneath or they saw his scar.
The news report: The first trial in the Live Court show will open today. Trust in the judiciary is very low, so can the Live Court Show change this current reality? While the public is waiting for the first trial, full of hope that everybody is equal before the law, it’s interesting to see whether Judge Kang Yohan and his Live Court Show will fulfill these expectations.”
It’s already being referred to as his show. He spear-headed the political reforms, as we know from earlier in the episode, but the President was insistent that it was his idea, his reforms. Already the power is pulled from everyone else and placed directly into Yohan. He is the star, and it is his show.
He looks apprehensive on that first walk. I think even he is nervous.
The Goddess of Justice application, DIKE
Gaon is to his left.
The use of media the way it’s presented in the cases and the prosecution’s opening statement is interesting. They make use of the TV Show status immediately.
And then Ko Inguk, our lad, tries to immediately undermine it, and the show, which really just works against his favor. Explaining later bc my brain isn’t functioning.
That shot of Yohan, there’s no way he’s not sitting there vibing w his friend from law school. There was a slight smile when he looked at Inguk.
He lets them all get emotional and argue and then presents himself as controlled, logical. And then purposely aggravates them again using an Elijah technique. Yohan knows what he’s doing.
Let a reputation speaks for itself rather than dissuading from it. Yohan does this a lot in this show too.
Gaon is playing them too. As much as they argue about it, Jinjoo and Gaon both play the media as much as Yohan does, seemingly just as naturally. And Yohan is proud of them for it.
That shot of Inguk watching Yohan right before he makes the comment about the contaminated water.
“Kang Yohan doesn’t make mistakes.” “I made a mistake, I’m sorry.” Hhhhhh these bastards.
Every time they cut to Inguk I snort
“I don’t think the public is that stupid.” Everything he said before works, but Gaon dismissed a lot of things that were said.
Sorry not sorry but jisung yelling is so hot
It’s only once the plan with Inguk kicks in that Kyunghee starts to realize something is wrong. Which also means this is out of character for how they know Yohan.
Inguk met K, not Yohan?
Yohan weaponizes sympathy where Gaon weaponizes empathy.
Jungho, Gaon, and Kyunghee all realize Yohan is leading the trial at the exact same time.
“There is an article which provides that the sentence shall be within the total derived from adding the punishment for each victim.”
Look at lil Inguk trying not to smile that’s my boy
It’s treated like a game, and the public won.
But the group are only starting to realize the power they just put into Yohan’s hands. Kyunghee is the first to realize, but Park Duman and the Min Yongsik guy are catching on
Yohan and his tablet~ a love story
There is something to be said about the woman he’s comforting having lost her sister and attempted suicide after the fact. And immediately after he sees himself facing Isaac again. Isaac, weighing judgement from above as Yohan just did. He reaches for Isaac, or for the image of himself he sees after the fire. Does he know he could have been there too? If he had lost Elijah too?
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viriyanon · 3 years
that one (or two) #jesusreference that i absolutely love from ep 15
today i officially throw all my biases away and admit that tdj's approach towards finale is super delicious. this episode is the real definition of chef kiss. making the antagonist step on the almighty protagonist an episode before finale? other-worldly. "killing" both yohan and gaon without touching any of them? show-stopping. #jesusreference throughout the episode like hansel and gretel's bread crumbs? love it. this is the first drama that successfully reels me back to my early excitement and anticipation, after those two dreadful episodes full of tug of war, uncertainty, and pessimism.
i kinda had seen it that kang yohan would not actually back down after min jungho and kim gaon's press con. (talking about min jungho i really want to know this man's background) he's always on the civilians' side, never leaving them from his consideration. although it seems like he's pulling a pontius pilate (damn, another #jesusreference), shifting the power of his decision to his people in the name of democracy, it's not entirely wrong. theoretically, it is democracy that we all wished for but couldn't achieve. for the sake of law and order and quick process. but really, it made me question myself again, who are those people to decide that progress should be quick? that the democratic process to reach a consensus must be done in several days, weeks, months? well, i'll get back to this very very later.
then at one point, during yohan's quarrel with gaon in his office, a thought flashed in my head. i used to... question myself, what kind of madness a kang yohan is? what makes his monstrosity more tolerable than jung sunah, cha kyunghee, heo jungse, and their gang, even the jukchang and madame chacha's son? yohan also manipulated people, caused casualties, beat up people, and almost shot a bus driver. even though it's for a good purpose but what is good and what is bad is always subjective to the owner's moral sense. then, it came out clear to me.
"ah.... kang yohan is not a monster. he is a child."
it appeared to me that yohan's childishness didnt stop at his endless bicker with elijah and his pouty pout whenever gaon pulled him out of his tough turtle's shell. he was trying to bring down all hell that these powerful evils created with his childlike mind.
when he said he's just providing "the quick way", and he apologized for all the accusations min jungho threw to him, and the mass didn't give up on him, it clicked. when he was mad at gaon for calling him a monster, and insisted that he's just giving "the quick way" for the poor and oppressed in this corrupted society. it freaking clicked.
kang yohan, people's guardian angel, was a child in a middle-aged man's body. look back to the day he killed the bird for the girl. he SAW fear in the girl's eyes (thats why dont be an overdramatic bitch) and immediately responded to it. he lived with fear every single day without knowing the safe solution to it. he knew how it felt to be very scared and noone stood up for you. so he "killed" the source of fear for the girl.
but then? his friends couldn't understand it. hell, even his teacher just spacedive into conclusion. i assume they didnt even call his dad to resolve the situation. cus it'd be no avail with his jackass dad. plus, self-righteous brother, ignorant maid, and psychopathic same-age maid. young yohan who was not well cared and taught to be empathetic had his character building imperfect and impeded.
im not a psychologist cant really talk abt it but i felt like kang yohan was pictured as a child who was responding to the world, well, in his child way. this reminded me of thag one verse from Matthew about having an innocence of a child. it goes like:
He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
that's why kang yohan placed himself among the poor people, giving justice to the wronged and weak ones. that's why no matter how cruel the accusations he received, he still could humbly admit it and everyone supported him. it's cus yohan was seen and depicted by the writer as a child.
he was like a little boy who hadn't known abt bureaucracy and the nook and crannies of this crooked world, encouraging him to take the dark, quicker alleyway. generally, children are innocent and simple. by opening a live court, he quickly took an action and solved a problem without much complication. therefore, his straightforward approach was more favourable than other formal courts. but some people thought he was being a barbarian.
when he asked gaon to let go soohyun to be able to finish their goal, it felt like a baby's babble. "i want this car toy, i dont want other toy! if you dont buy me this toy, i wont eat." smtg like that.
soohyun needed to be avoided bcs she didnt know anything abt yohan while yohan's just executing his plan that only gaon knew. the people surrounding yohan didnt try to understand yohan too and could possibly mislead her. with soohyun giving gaon false information abt yohan while theyre working tgt, their goal could fail as the judge had to reassure gaon over and over.
lastly, the thing that differentiate yohan and other antagonists is yohan didn't kill, even in the heat of the moment. because the "child" in him knew killing wasnt acceptable and a child usually doesn't have the mean to hurt others completely even until die, unless there are other factors. while those antagonists, their dirty works must consisted of killing one or two men. and that's why they're the real monsters. yohan was a guardian angel that has a monstrous facade.
and he couldn't be understood by the "older" people (gaon, soohyun, the maid, elijah is just another baby, min jungho, the devil gang) bcs he was simply a child who was extra careful to handpick the person he could trust his little secret to. and gaon was the only person who could do that.
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im ahryung (fae) - until june 26th
yoo changki / kang saeun - until june 27th
kim haejun / song jinwoo (jin) - until june 28th
sangmin kwon (théo) / shin junseo - until june 28th
tseng juliet - until june 29th
han yunyeong (xion) / heo gunwoo (kun) / thalia ghim - until july 1st
gan taewoon (trevor) / oon samsoo (soo) - until july 2nd
park yoonah (yonce) / yang kyunghee (ivy) / moon chaeyeon (dita) / kwon arabella (north) - until july 4th
ahn taesung / nam joohwan (rey) / seo eunha - until july 3rd
minwoo seo (blue) / ota taisei / ghim yejun - until july 9th
kang junsu (prophet) - july 9th
bae doohwan / yi hyejin (anika) - until july 10th
kang hansol (king) - pending hiatus due to account issues
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HIATUS HAS ENDED (have not posted in-character for four or more days & not eligible for points this week, let me know if you need an extension)
@fmdamor / @fmdcosmo
yoon danbi - until june 23rd
yoo wooseung (max) / kang dohyun (leo) / kim seunghyun (tristan) / park soojin (lola) - until june 24th
park jaewon / do taeho / nam yena (yenny) / lee minhwan - until june 24th
nam yonsun (suné) - until june 24th
kang ilwoo (tokki) / noah han (crown) / chae hyunmi / sebastian st. germain (ciel) - until june 25th
im ahryung (fae) - until june 26th
yoo changki / kang saeun - until june 27th
song mina / yoon seolhee (holly) - until june 27th
kim haejun / song jinwoo (jin) - until june 28th
sangmin kwon (théo) / shin junseo - until june 28th
tseng juliet - until june 29th
han yunyeong (xion) / heo gunwoo (kun) / thalia ghim - until july 1st
park yoonah (yonce) / yang kyunghee (ivy) / moon chaeyeon (dita) / kwon arabella (north) - until july 4th
ahn taesung / nam joohwan (rey) / seo eunha - until july 4th
kang hansol (king) - pending hiatus due to account issues
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