#her being an android was sooo unnecessary
clementinesmustyhat · 5 months
Alice is only there to nag Kara n the player abt her status , petition to give YK500 models a personality update
“I’m lukewarm, Kara 😢”
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thegeminisage · 10 months
TNG UPDATE!!! triumphantly finished "the schizoid man" and "unnatural selection" just in time
the schizoid man: 0 STARS!!! you'd think i'd be really into it considering data gets possessed, but the villain of this movie was so fucking offputting (the sexism, being mean to data, not offputting in a fun way) that he didn't strike a chord with me. that plus evryone just assuming data was being his usual weird self...not to become one of those people that are rabid about a single character but they do data sooo dirty on this show sometimes!!
what i would have liked was for data to like. fight the possession somehow? express some kind of unhappiness about having been possessed and his off button being found by a malicious party? idk maybe someone asks him data do you hate humans now and he's like of course not! but continues to look troubled. you had a perfectly concept that you totally wasted, lol
i do like that picard FINALLY came to bat for data near the end here. picard doesn't do nearly enough defending data considering the amount of bullshit data gets about being an android!! it was nice to finally see someone having his fucking back
the "love triangle" in this episode WAS deeply bad and unnecessary and i hated it so much, but the "i'll put you in an android body baby and we can be together forever" being met with abject horror was...something. it felt like a cross between requiem for methuselah and what are little girls made of...except in the latter episode, they made you doubt whether such a thing was possible, and in THIS episode they all but confirmed that it was. which is incheresting
like as an aside, i have mind palace ideas (that may never come to fruition) re: the concept of putting a consciousness in an android body and kirk/spock's differentiating lifespans...that in the right scenario one or both of them might be tempted by the promise of not having to be separated, horrible though. ultimately though i needed to know more about how androids worked in tng because i had limited and outdated canon to work with...at least this episode could be good for SOMETHING
unnatural selection: this was a really good one actually! i was very surprised. this was the first time i actually liked dr pulaski, even though she was mean to data a few times. her meanness to data here felt MUCH more like the good-natured verbal sparring bones does with spock, especially because data is such a spocklike character, though it still misses the mark by a good deal because data either can't or won't fire back. so it still feels like a bad power dynamic and bad sitch, but her delivery and his "yeah whatever" faces were much better
i also really like her pigheadedness and willing to put herself in harm's way to save lives...GO girl have a personality! give us something! and she did! she reminded me a lot of bones in this episode (honorofic) and i really enjoyed it. if she was like this all the time it would be really good, and i'm actually kind of bummed now that she's gonna go away and beverly is coming back....
speaking of beverly is there a REASON we have to do this romance thing with picard and whoever the doctor happens to be? the one truly sour note in this episode was that they were suddenly like oh yes she admires picard SOOO much that's why she left ALL her friends and coworkers on that other ship JUST so she could serve with him...that's a bullshit backstory. it's sexist, it's two-dimensional, and he does not need a love interest, SHE does not need a fucking love interest. i actually enjoyed their arguing - him asking for the mercy to be allowed to finish his sentences lol - but making it a bickership thing really took the fun out of it and the wind out of my sails.
NEXT UP TONIGHT: "a matter of honor" and "the measure of a man."
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