#her eye was scooped out by a cop and she doesnt like talking about it
eucalyptus-gl0bulus · 7 months
Is your eye cybernetic?
my eyes are both organic
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Not All Family Is Blood
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Gif credit @bodybebangin.
Hope you all enjoy.
If you would like to be tagged in Yellowstone fics, I'll be happy to tag you so you don't miss out.
Warning: Assault. Mentioning of abuse. Custody battle.
"Daddy Rip"! Reilly, your six year old daughter screamed with a giggle running down to the barn where Rip was attending to his horse. You might be wondering why she called him daddy Rip well it's kind of complicated.
"Hey, baby girl". He laughed scooping her up in his arms and hugging her tight.
"Guess what I made in school today"? She asked excitedly.
"What's that"? Rip matched her excitement. Rip isn't her biological father. Her dad is still alive and somewhat in her life. But Rip has been there since the beginning. You two started off as friends and then the love grew more and you two got together when she was two. So all she knew him as was daddy Rip.
"I made a star from fruit loops".
Rip dramatically gasped as he was surprised but he knew what she was doing. He got her the fruit loops that morning and put them in her bookbag. "That's so cool. Did you save me any"?
Reilly giggled. "No daddy Rip. I used them all".
"Ah okay. I'll just eat your ears". Rip evily laughed as he nibbled on her ears. She was in a giggle fit.
"Put me down". She laughed and became serious when she had had enough. Rip put her down with a kiss to the top of her head.
"Hey baby". He pulled you to him and kissed your lips softly.
"Hey". You smile exhausted.
"What's wrong"?
"Nothing". You nodded to Reilly.
"Riels, why dont you go down there and beat up your uncle Jimmy. I give you permission while I talk to mommy". Rip chuckled as she ran off.
"What's going on"?
"Brian. He wants to take me back to count for custody".
"Why's he doing this now? You just came from court a week ago and they gave you full custody".
"He's being a dick. Just to make me mad".
"You know, that wont ever happen? He's not taking Reilly away from you. I'll make sure of that".
"Rip, you cant threaten him. He doesn't care that you will beat him to a pulp. He'll just use it against me in court".
Rip wrapped his arms around you protectively. "I'm not going to threaten him. I'm going to make sure he doesnt ever walk again. He wont take Reilly away. I promise. So dont worry". Rip kissed your head, reassuringly.
"Alright then. Let's go get our little cowgirl and head home".
"You go. I'm to tired to walk down there". You groaned with a giggle.
"Alright". Rip chuckled and went on his way. As you started up to your car you saw a black beat up car pull in and you knew exactly who it was.
"Bitch, where is my daughter"? Brian yelled from his car. He was to lazy to get out.
"What are you doing here? You cant just show up unannounced. This isn't my home".
"Where is Reilly"? Brian asked once again and this time got out of the car.
"She's with Rip".
"You let him take my daughter, alone"? He scoffed.
"I trust him more that I can throw you".
"Listen, you little bitch. If my daughter isn't in front of me in five seconds. I'm going to call the cops and say you're trying to kidnap her. Dont test me, whore". Brian was right up in your face.
"I dont have to do anything you say, Brian". You looked him cold in the eyes.
Brian clicked his tongue and started nodding his head. That's when you knew he was angry.
Before you knew it, his hand collided with your cheek and you felt shooting pain on the right side of your face.
"I'm going to tell you one more time. Get my daughter"! He yelled in your ear.  You jerked your head back to look at him. Your blood was boiling. After taking years of his abuse, you finally wanted to kill him.
"Y/N"? Rip called out as he walked up to the cars. Teeter and Colby followed him.
"Give me my daughter asshole". Brian spoke stepping in front of you. You still held your face.
Rip handed Rielly to Teeter and told her and Colby to take Rielly inside his place. They quickly left.
"You do that to her face"? Rip jogged up to Brian, pointing to you. His cowboy boots scattered dust as he jogged.
"Bitch, needed to learn. She doesn't disobey me". Brian turned his slightly looking at you with a smirk.
"That's funny. I was thinking the same thing about you". Rip reared back and punched Brian in the face. Brian stumbled back but Rip didn't let up. He punched Brian in the face again. Brian fell down and Rip hovered over him, his fist balled up and ready for another punch.
"You ever come near Y/N or Rielly again. I will kill you where you stand. Do you understand, boy"? Rip stood over Brian as Brian whimpered and groan holding his nose.
"Do you"? Rip growled.
Brian nodded.
"Now get the fuck out of here".
Brian hauled ass back to his car. Picking himself up and jumping into his car. He sped away.
"Are you okay"? Rip took your face in his hands gently looking you over.
"I'm fine".
"Fucking asshole". Rip spat on the ground.
"I can't believe you just did that. I'm going to lose Rielly now". You whispered to yourself. Rip turned his head quickly.
"No you're not. I promised you I wont let that happen and I'm keeping to that". Rip took your hand in his.
"I'm just scared. That's all. I've put up with Brian's abuse for years and I dont want that happening to Rielly. That's why I left when she was a baby".
"It's not going to happen. They have to pry her from my cold dead hands before he gets her. And I'm pretty hard to kill". Rip chuckled, making you smile.
"Thank you. For everything. You saved us". You wrapped Rips arm around your waist as you still held his hand and tip toed up and kissed his lips. "I love you".
"I love you too. Now let's get some ice on that cheek and go get something to eat. I've worked up a appetite". Rip and you took off down to his place.
You knew this wasnt going to be the last time you see Brian about custody. But Rip, had something up his sleeve if it ever did occur.
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thiccymama-blog · 6 years
Jeff the Killers backstory but I'm rewriting it to make it correct
Alright before I get a bunch of triggered people, understand that I saw this was a big complaint of the Creepypasta community. I just wanted to rewrite it. Please just enjoy it.
One of the earliest memories they shared together was playing with the cat. Liu and Jeff had a cat growing up. It was a grey tabby that didnt live to long, Lui doesnt know what happened, but the cat was dead in the backyard one morning.
Its throat was slit and blood coated its soft fur. Its eyes were gone, later to be found in the cereal box.
This continued to happen after that. Cats in the neighborhood would disappear and then reappear dead in the Woods backyard. Jeff seemed nonchalant about it, saying it was probably a raccoon or something.
His parents were mortified and tried to find out who did it. They kept insisting that there was a dog or some animal going around killing the cats.
Lui didnt think so, but he didnt say anything.
The reputation they had in their small town blew up. No one wanted them there and they saw no reason they should stay, Jeffery and Lui's dad got a new job and they needed to move anyways.
The two brothers had very different reactions to moving, Lui wanted a fresh start but didnt want to leave all his friends behind. Jeff however didnt mind. In fact, he never seemed to care unless it was directly affecting him.
They moved to a larger town on the outskirts of a forest. Their mom and dad seemed to have rekindled their loveless marriage once they began to move un. Talks of dates and nights out on the town were all they talked about. Lui was happy about this, his parents have always had such a rocky relationship and seeing them like this made his heart explode with happiness.
One thing that made the boys equally nervous was the prospect of going to a new school. The reality of it seemed to finally catch up with Jeff, due to him being snappy and immediately going to his room once he was done packing to break stuff.
The morning of their first day was the start.
Their mom cooked them breakfast, smiling and wishing them luck on the way out. Lui replied enthusiastically, but Jeff grumbled and started ahead.
Lui looked nervously at his brother as they started the walk to school, he cleared his throat, "So, how are you liking the new house?"
"Its a house. What do you want me to say about it?" Jeff replies staring straight ahead.
Lui wanted to talk more, but the aura that was coming off of his brother made him shut up.
During the day, Lui was quick to make friends. He was a fairly attractive kid with a good GPA so it made sense. Jeff on the other hand was blatantly ignoring everyone who tried to talk to him other than the teachers who he charmed fairly easily.
Lui began to finally feel relief when lunch time rolled around. He had people to sit with and that was all he wanted. Lui sat next to a pretty blonde girl and had a polite conversation.
Jeff on the other hand... well, he wasnt liking all the attempts people were taking to get him to talk.
"Do you think you're some kind of hot shot? Going around and being nice to the new kids? Do you want a fucking medal?" Jeff demanded the SBO who sat there and looked down at her hands. "No one likes you, nor the idea of being your friend. I don't want you to talk to me, look at me or even associate yourself with me ever again, you hear me cunt? You could cut yourself for all I care." He hissed at her.
She moved her brown hair back and scanned him. "I was trying to be nice, I thought you would appreciate it... you didnt have to be so rude."
Jeff moved his black hair back in frustration, "Obviously I dont, there's nothing for me to appreciate, my family just moved into a hillbillies dumpster and now some freckle faced fuck with muffin top is trying to talk to me. What the fuck is there to appreciate?"
He was satisfied as tears welled in her eyes. She didnt reply and walked away, leaving Jeff alone with his sandwich.
After school, Lui was in a chipper mood, walking with a spring in his step while Jeff stalked behind him.
"How was your first day?" Lui finally asked him.
Jeff shrugged and continued walking behind him.
A short while later they came across two kids walking down the street. Lui greeted them, but they seemed hostile after walking past Jeff.
"Did you take something from my pockey?" One of the kids demanded, grabbing Jeff by the front of his shirt.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," Jeff lied easily. "I just brushed against-"
"Put my brother down!" Lui yelled.
"Or what?" The one holding Jeff asked.
Lui started towards him, "Just please put him d-"
A scream rang out as the kid holding Jeff let go and instead clutched his stomach. Lui could faintly see the glow of metal in the sunlight.
Jeff immediately began to run towards their house, leaving Lui. The other boy feverishly dialed the police.
Lui sat with the bleeding boy until the cops showed up. He had a big choice to make, sell out his brother or take the blame. He didnt want to go to jail, but the idea of Jeff in jail made him upset so he took the blame.
"I'm sorry officer, he just has my brother by the scruff of the neck and I was afraid for his life so I... i stabbed him."
He other kid provided no reliable information as he was on his phone facing the opposite direction talking to his girlfriend.
Their parents were informed later that Lui was going to jail. Jeff breathed a sigh of relief. He wasnt going to jail. Not yet.
Jeff's parents were devastated and couldnt believe it.
The woman in the area organized a party for the Woods, a sort of pity party where they would all eat and support each other. It was a kind gester for Jeff's mom, seeing as she was the kind if person who needed to vent her problems rather than hold them in.
The weekend came fast, Jeff doing the minimum in school and going home to plan on which cats in the neighborhood he could get first.
Of course he'd be more careful this time, keep them in the woods rather than his backyard.
But his plans were cut short by his mother proclaiming that he'd be joining her at the mourning session. He saw no point. Lui wasnt dead and his dad didnt have to go, so why did he have to go?
"There's a cute girl who lives there... she's really nice, a 4.0 student and she's on the track team. You should meet her." His mom tried to bargain.
"Like I want to go meet some girl," Jeffery scoffed, "you should really just go by yourself."
She shook her head, "You're coming. You never get out of the house, Jeff. I'm honestly a little worried about you."
The arguement ended an hour later with Jeff letting out a heated "fine" and stalked off to his room to go get dressed.
To spite his mother he wore a white sweater and black pants. She wanted him to wear something nice, she had said so as he stomped up the stairs. But he pretended not to hear her.
The group started at three o'clock, his mom yelled for him around 2:55.
When he arrived he was pleasantly shocked to see the SBO who had tried to befriend him open the door. She also looked shocked but let them in nonetheless. There were plenty of parents in the living room, all giving his their condolences.
God, how Jeff hated Mormons. They find a reason to celebrate everything.
"Kaylee, why dont you go outside with Jeff and the kids?" A mom suggested the girl with freckles.
"I uh, I would love too."
So she lead him outside. He had his shoulders slouched and a cold look on his face.
"So how was your week?" She tentatively asked him.
She recoiled at the word. He found himself enjoying taunting her.
There were a couple other kids their age there. Jeff decided to take a stab at making friends and flying under the radar, so he made small talk and charmed the lot of them.
Freckle faced seemed weirded out.
After finishing a particularly funny story about him and his brother, Jeff decided to leave the group and search for a bathroom. An idea crossed him mind. An awful idea.
"Say, Kaylee, you wouldn't mind showing me where the bathroom is, would you?"
She looked up to him shakily, "I would love to."
She took him back inside where he went into to the bathroom and grabbed a small scoop of the liquid kind unfortunately, he would have much rather preferred the dry version as it's easier to mix with drinks.
He left shortly after, the living room lively with people who had no idea what he was about to do.
Normally he didnt like being this compulsive but the idea of people writhing in pain delighted him.
He sneaked into the kitchen. No one. He slowly lifted the lid off of the drink dispenser and went to pour it in.
"What are you doing?" Kaylee demanded from the hallway.
He turned around quickly and split the bleach on himself.
"Nothing, I'm doing nothing!" He said hastily.
Kaylee ran into the kitchen and out the lid back on the drinks, one of the boys from outside following close behind her.
"What's going on?" He asked.
(Gore warning)
"He was trying to put something in the drinks, but he spilts it on himself."
Jeff began to panic, backing up close to the lit oven. "I did nothing of the sort!" He yelled in retaliation.
The adults had yet to realize what was going on. Brandon began to close in on him and Jeff backed up more onto the oven and suddenly it was very hot.
Too hot.
The front of his sweater was on fire.
The first thing the three teens did was scream. Kaylee tried to put it out with the liquid dispenser but it fell and spilt all over the kitchen floor.
Soon flames began to spread as Jeff flailed around.
The room was slit with flames and Kaylle was shouting "Stop, Drop and roll!" Repeatedly but Jeff paid her no mind.
He couldn't breath and he couldnt take off the sweater. He watched in a sick sort of panic infested fascination as it spread to his skin, making it red.
He looked up and saw adults rushing over with water to out it out, but it was too late, Jeff was gone.
He was gone for a couple of weeks. Coming in and out if existence. He finally woke to bandages all over his arms and his legs.
Doctors and family were in the room, including Lui who looked like he was worried sick.
After explaining that he passed put after the burns and such, he was then told that some of his skin was beyond repair. He asked them what they meant.
They carefully took off his bandages and his skin was patched baby pink, white and his normal skin tone.
"Oh." Was all he said at first. "Its oddly beautiful."
The doctor and his family looked relieved to hear him say that.
He went home a few weeks later. The details on what happened that night were blotchy seeing as Brandon passed out and hit his head and Kaylee was vague on details.
(Gore warning)
"He he he! I'm so beautiful..." Jeff's mom heard, waking up form her slumber.
She saw a light in the hall and got up to investigate on why Jeff was up so late and whispering. She opened the bathroom door and looked horrified.
He had slit his cheeks wide open in a grotesque smile.
He snapped his head towards her as she walked in, "I'm beautiful." Was all he said.
His mom didnt say anything, only started in shock. He walked over to her and placed his hand gently on her cheek.
"Do you want to be beautiful?"
That was when she screamed. Her husband and Lui rushing to her aid, but the knife through her stomach killed her.
They saw Jeff in the bathroom, covered in his own blood and his mothers.
His father wasn't quick to react, but Jeff was and soon his father's blood decorated his body as well.
Lui took off down the hall to his room, but was stopped by Jeff tackling him.
"You'll be beautiful too, maybe prettier than me. We can only hope though!"
Kind of sucked, but I spent forever writing it. I realized I spelt liu's name wrong but i honestly dont want to go back and correct it.
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