#her finalized one is fine but man the punk swag of those beta designs... unparalleled
son1c · 1 year
Following your account has made me want to consume more Sonic media, and I'm finally reading through the IDW Sonic comics. Are there any characters that aren't in the games that you particularly like design wise? And, are there any that you've given redesigns to? Because I'd love to scour your art tags for any that I might have missed. For me, Clutch the Opossum and Dr Starline are my current favorites.
(hoping to provide a change in subject if you need it)
there's a lot of characters that aren't in the games whose designs i like! whisper and tangle look awesome. i also really like how lanolin looks. the fluff >>>
but unfortunately i only draw the same 3 characters over and over because i'm diseased
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