#her fuckin spinstagram (space instagram) username would be like. shyy.gruta or whatever.
engagemythrusters · 9 months
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this was meant to be just a pose/clothing practice by way of a one-time OC for @starwars-art-eventsbut BY GOD I predictably got attached.
Her name is Shyyra and she's a sevent (maybe ninth) generation Coruscanti Togruta. She has absolutely no ties to her homeworld and she's fine with that--she hasn't even beenthere. She's happy on the top level of Coruscant, living lavishly on her upper-middle class money and family connections (we love a networking queen). She's a spinfluencer (space influencer) and she's vain and she's conceited and she deserves to be. Look at her. She's hot. Also she definitely has a THING for clones.
And I fucking love her
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