#her name was Erica and she was a feisty latina
lonelyassassin96 · 4 months
Don't get me wrong, I completely understand why some lesbians are offended by the word "dyke", and I'm not lesbian myself so I can't really speak for the whole "reclaiming of slurs" for this particular one, but I was raised by a man who used the word to refer to the tool most people now call by its proper name diagonal cutters. Long before I even knew it was possible for girls to like other girls in that way. I still refer to the tool as "Dykes" in my head, it's that ingrained in me. Knowing this, I'm sure you can understand my confusion when I see homophobic posts online that are using the slang term, because my initial reaction is always "What do you have againsts dykes? They're useful!" Even so, I still try to not say the word out loud around people who I know will take offense, even if I'm referring to a physical object and not a lesbian.
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