#her original prophecy was about Gandondorf being released but 10000 years of telephone resulted in the prophecies true meaning being lost
soniclozdplove · 1 year
Another mini theory I have
Remember how the original events of BOTW pre-calamity were kicked off by an unnamed prophet telling the King of Hyrule that the Calamity sealed 10,000 years ago would be released? Well, guess who just so happens to be present 10,000 years ago and went around telling all the Sages an enemy that they'd just fought a war against to seal away would be released in 10,000 years only to be fought back by a swordsman named Link. Zelda. I don't think we ever really were told it was Rhoam who was told the prophecy and 10,000 years is a long time for a prophecy given by word of mouth to be distorted into a completely different form...
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