megaragalanis · 6 years
‘ i wouldn’t have changed a thing . i need you to know that . ’
Immortality, their birthright, everything they once so eagerly fought for – Hercules stopped chasing after their dream the moment she’d walked away. She wasn’t used to such sacrifices, how quickly one would voluntarily give up all this power to be with her, it sounded almost too good to be true and yet – their story was real, as real as their current touch. Slender fingers traced over bruised skin, not minding the blood sticking to her fingers like paint and the mess she created on their arm. Many around them were already yelling at another pair of fighters, hoping they’d gauge each other’s eyes out, bleed, slam each other to the ground – they were all hungry for violence, all simplistic and wild in their yells and desires. Looking to the side Megara immediately focused on Holden standing not too far from the ring, grinning, no doubt hoping for sudden death. Pulling Hercules further back into the darkness she could finally breathe. She’d come to visit Hercules every other day, just for a few minutes if possible, just to make sure they were still in one piece. “You can’t go out there again. The next punch might get you hospitalized and I’m not really fond of changing my busy schedule in favor of your visiting hours, alright? Just take it easy and spare me the trouble.”
Nothing followed, at least nothing Megara would’ve expected as a plausible answer. In silence, or whatever silence these two could create in their corner, Hercules kept on watching her as she carefully wrapped a bit of cloth around their open founds. “I wouldn’t have changed a thing . i need you to know that,” they said, and Megara could feel her entire body tense, though her eyes focused on them, soft and longingly. “I know, and I’ll be forever grateful of your sacrifice even if you now have to suffer through the same hell as I do,” Megara whispered, kissing their forehead gently as her two hands squeezed one of theirs. “But he’s back – and you deserve to be freed from all your weaknesses, Wonderboy.” She remembered the day they’d married back in their own world, how everything fell apart again, how history repeated itself and how nothing of who they were was visible and just a part of their hearts, the simple, fleeting intimacy they just shared. “Don’t play the hero for me, ever again,” she sounded frustrated, angry, irritated – and just for a fleeting moment her hands shook slightly. “Go for his throat and punch as hard as you can, that’s where they break the easiest.” 
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Standing up Megara let their hand fall back into their lap before turning around. Her first steps were hesitant, but with each new step one could clearly see how she regained her composure, before she returned to Holden’s side, arms crossed, head slightly tilted, before her phone interrupted the facade – another deal, another deed – to help no other than them.
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beavforts · 6 years
𝖜𝖍𝖊𝖓: The afternoon of October 16th 𝖜𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊: Corn maze / Apple orchard 𝖜𝖍𝖔: @hercvlcs
Normally Cain isn’t the type to reach out to coworkers outside of work - in fact, he seldom interacts with them during a shift. Much less one he no longer had to see and it wasn’t like he was that close or even fond of Hercules. Oh no, he just wants to prove a point to himself. While physically he isn’t intimidated by the other man, there is still an unspoken feeling of inferiority he can’t shake. So he texted Hercules about a friendly contest with multiple components including speed, creativity, and efficiency. 
“You understand the rules, right? For the love of Zeus tell me there’s something occupying the space between your ears,” they’re standing before the entrance when Cain looks over at the other man. Before giving Hercules a chance to speak, Cain holds up a hand to silence him. With a side eye he adds, “the goal is to be the first one out with at least three of the five objects from the list that should be sent any minute now. Can you handle that?”
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megaragalanis · 6 years
Shadow Preachers | Megara + Hercules
Location: Four Jacks Casino Time: 1:10 AM Date: October 15th @hercvlcs
Everything about them sounded lovable and naive, charming and... perfect. Hercules’ traits had always been something Megara admired and couldn’t switch up with lies that would make her hate them. Their bravery and sacrifices for her had been unexpected and new for her, at least in comparison to everything Lysander had done to her, leaving her after finding someone better, allegedly. To this day Megara felt deceived by her own mind with each time she remembered their shared past, how they jumped into the river Styx to save her, how she got killed so that they’d live. A god? Falling in love with a mere mortal? Some lovestories developed from sacrifice and death rather than hope and a shared adventure. This time around, however, both of them couldn’t just meet in secret and attempt to kiss, hold hands, laugh. Struggling with much more complicated feuds, each of them lived a separate life with different goals, though, at the end of the day, her thoughts returned to Hercules -- which is why she found herself in the Four Jacks after sitting at home for hours, walking up and down, this time eagerly awaiting Holden’s message.
Why? Just to know he wasn’t expecting her today, wasn’t pestering her. With her work attire, meaning her dress and a coat, she dragged herself towards the four jacks, her heels clicking against the stone before stepping onto a softer ground. Even though weeks had past she still wasn’t sure about Fritz or his establishment, but with Hercules working in the secret section of it Megara had to enter the lion’s den with her head held high and visible confidence. Pushing the bodyguard to the side and hearing on of his snarky remarks, Megara immediately looked around within the louder, bloodthirsty crowd. Ah, you’re Holden’s assistant, huh? He’d said, immediately letting her return to the past and distracting her from everything that was happening in front of her. Only after a person hit the ground and everyone’s cheering started to hurt in her ears Megara pushed herself to the front -- and, luckily for her, Hercules was the one standing. “Wonderboy,” she walked even closer to the ring, even moved close enough to almost reach them. “’Thought I’d swing by and congratulate on your win?” In reality she just ceased the opportunity in order to see them -- just see, it would’ve sufficed. “You’re hurt,” Megara murmured, clearly upset and worried. “Come on, get out of that cage. Hide with me.”
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megaragalanis · 6 years
Oneirophobia: My muse has a dream about yours.
Finally, sleep – the only realm where everything wasn’t under Holden’s control. While sleeping itself wasn’t something she normally looked forward to on a daily basis, this time around she’d gone sleeping while still being intoxicated and filled with wine and the deep, lingering pain of seeing Hercules being hurt. She loathed the idea of them getting hurt, how she was made to watch, suffer with them as a sign of dominance. With her body shaking, slightly as if to fight off the cold breeze coming from the window, Megara stopped herself from falling asleep just once more and then – fall into a deep slumber, one like never before.
Her previous encounter with Fritz wasn’t for nothing and regarding Ali she was hopeful to strike a deal with the rather handsome villain, hoping he’d be willing to accept her offer of helping Ali whenever possible, to earn some more money, to outsmart the villain in her own story, a God, no less. Seeing him, this time around in her dreams, only made her relive the encounter, although this time the walls were painted in vibrant neon colors, the people around them laughed as blood dripped into their wine glasses. A nightmare. Large dice rolled around, candy was displayed on some of the tables of which others fed on, filling themselves up with sugar and decadence. Upon glancing in the corners she could clearly see Hercules, bruised and bleeding, flirting with someone – a tall, blonde beauty, legs tall and sleek, a laugh as angelic as she’d once heard from Aphrodite herself, Hercules’ half-sister, no less. With her vision getting blurry Megara immediately shook her head and remove those thoughts as soon as they appeared. “Well, well, well – isn’t this something?” a voice approached her from behind, near her right ear, slender, cold fingers tracing over her arms. “Come on now, ‘eres someone lookin’ for ya,” abruptly her feet gave in to the sudden pressure Fritz put on her and after a few meters she fell onto the ground. “Hey!” Megara hissed, but immediately reacted to the lifeless body next to her. Ali’s eyes were open wide, pale and dry looking. His pupils didn’t move as she violently shook his body. “Ali, please. Please. No, no, no,” she repeated rapidly, louder and louder. “Holden told me about his little bird leaving the cage too often with another street rat. Hope ya didn’t mind the inconvenience. It was his life or yours and, little do I know, he paid me good money to let you off the hook. He might have a thing for ya.” Fritz’ hand jerked forward, grabbing her by the hair and started to drag her towards Holden, who sat not too far from them within the shadows, lurking, waiting, hungry for whatever sadistic finale he had in mind. 
“Let me go,” she pleaded, over and over again, ignoring the physical pain while being overwhelmed with deep sorrow and anger. Upon seeing Holden Megara didn’t break eye contact, glared at him with pure disgust. “That’s how the game works, my sweet and I’m not ready to let you go just yet. You’re mine, forever.”
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@vnderworlds @ali-riffraff @hercvlcs
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megaragalanis · 6 years
fmk hook hades hercules
“I’m not entirely sure if this is meant to be a challenge or difficult to answers, but I feel like this is the easiest answers one had to give, as if you’d ask a child if they want to visit Disneyworld. Obviously I’d like to marry Hercules – my strongest impulse out of these three, so I’m just gonna answer the question out of order. They’re understanding, brave and funny, a bit clumsy, but the only one I could be truly happy with. Second of all let me just go ahead and sign Holden’s death sentence because nothing would give me more pleasure than seeing him clog up the river Styx with his huge ego and pretty amazing, but revolting body -- you know what I mean. This leaves Hook as my last option, so fuck Hook, I’d say. He might be fun -- I’m not sure. I’ve had it with men, so I’m not sure if he’s any different than the rest. I highly doubt it, though I’m not above a good hatefuck. I mean I could get -- hooked. I don’t know.”
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@vnderworlds @hercvlcs @jcmeshook
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megaragalanis · 6 years
Agliophobia: My muse nurses yours after an injury.
Even Gods weren’t safe from harm in this world. They were mere mortals, walking alongside those who they’d ruled over, controlled, punished. Megara could barely concentrate in between the masses of far too eager bidders and their ‘efforts’ to cheer up their favorite. Greedy, little rats. Megara pushed away those who tried to get close, the loudest, the largest – she didn’t care who she had to fight to get closer to Hercules. With them bleeding out of their mouth and at the knuckles, Megara knew Hercules had already won, but at what cost. Did they even establish rule beforehand? Were they allowed to? Megara highly doubted they even cared if one died in these fights; all they cared about was a good show, the thrill of seeing people fight and battle one another, like Gladiators. Entering the ring many started to protest, yell at her for ‘interrupting’ the fight while Hercules’ opponent remained irresponsible, clearly knocked out. “Alright, alright! You all got your one on one duel, you can leave now. ‘Show’s over.” No, they wouldn’t fight again today, not with Megara being around to make sure of that. 
As she softly pressed her hand against their shoulder to support them Megara would feel Hercules getting weaker, likelier to fall over, though as she tried to support them Hercules regained some of their strength, grinning in the process almost as to calm her down. “You don’t have to prove anything, Wonderboy. You’re already perfect, the way you are, including your weakness. No one can take away your strength, not even him.” Grabbing the nearest water bottle Megara let some of its content drip down into their mouth, then onto their hands to wash away some of the blood. Unable to wait she immediately took their hand into hers, softly caressing their rough hands. “Don’t,” she started before gulping causing her to restart her sentence “Don’t play by their rules, Wonderboy. I need you,” Megara whispered “I need you,” she repeated, her voice barely audible at this point. 
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Macrophobia: Our muses are waiting for something bad, and trying to distract each other from the thought.
These thoughts plagued her – a life void of them had been the disastrous outcome of the exodus. So close, yet so far – both were carefully planning each step, though it was Megara who blocked any further conversations, until now. She couldn’t stay away from Hercules, at least not forever. She had to thank them for her life, had to thank Hercules alone for regaining the ability to love, so love would be the answer, after everything. Standing close together just outside at the back of Holden’s law firm, Megara leaned against the wall, arms crossed, head tilted slightly. “Maybe a few more minutes,” Megara answered after seeing Hercules’ worried expression. With Fabletown just awakening and the sun rising, Megara didn’t count herself to all those lucky ones whose day had just begun, who weren’t hiding from death – alas, her reality looked so much more dim with Hercules being here. But them being here felt necessary, just right – like a jump into a pool despite all the warning signs telling them not to. “Come on, Wonderboy, cheer up. I’m still as fit as a fiddle, plus I’m a tough girl, Death’s got nothing on me. ‘Came back to life and all – I’m freaking Jesus,” Megara explained just to lighten the mood. Her smile vanished, as did her happy-go-lucky attitude “I’m doing everything in my power to make sure we’ll be alright in the end – you’ll be okay.”
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megaragalanis · 6 years
send me a ✧ and i’ll bold all that apply to your muse.
I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧   I’d like to spend more time with you.✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal.✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).
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