#here in the house of mamadas
hausofmamadas · 2 years
PACHO Y MIGUEL | An enemies to lovers hatestory for the ages
✷✷✷ PT 1 ✷✷✷
Salud a mi gente! This little gif dump is the first of two or maybe three sksks for my df (dear friend) @purplesong1028 and her Pacho/Miguel fanfic, A Perfect Storm. Feel free to gaze at these thurstily and then go read the entire fic. It’s one of those where like it should make no sense? Except like it fully fucking does?? A testament to @purplesong1028’s skills, si me sienten.
From Narcos: Mexico, Season 2, episode 1 - Salva el Tigre
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It’s funny too bc I never would’ve put these two together but like now, I can’t unsee them. Like I never noticed how much Miguel actually, genuinely legit looks like he’s checking out Pacho appreciating mans for the snack that he is por supuesto until the pair was like incepted into my mind. It’s almost like a funhouse mirror where if you turn off the subtitles so you can ignore the canonically antagonistic dialogue, which is anywhere from one of those passive agressive, Real-World, reality TV type of confessionals, to a full-on Untucked brawl with these two pettiest of queens duking it out and just watch them interact, the looks of hate? somehow? Turn into like?? looks of ….longing to hate-fuck instead?? It makes no sense except it fully does. So, if any of that along with Pacho being cool, quippy, and clever and Miguel being hilariously neurotic, becoming undone by his own internalized homophobia and machismo sounds like your thing, fíjatela en chinga, enserio mis cabrones
taglist(have some gifs): @ashlingnarcos @cherixrosa @narcolini @cositapreciosa @purplesong1028 @criatividad-e @tinylittleobsessions @cigarettesaftersunset @artemiseamoon @narcos-narcosmx @thesolotomyhan @mandaloria314 @bellinitini @narcosmx @alreadywritten @drabbles-mc @complete-nonsequitur @narcosmx @dashavau
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narcosmx · 4 years
narcos mexico headcanon list: how they propose to you (pt . 1 )
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a/n: an anon dropped this request??? idea in my inbox and how could i not run with this it’s the cutest shit anyways PART ONE HERE WE GO... RELAVENT SCREEN CAP IS RELAVENT YOU’LL SEE 
you already know his dumb ass needs to involve his plane in this one way or another; how could he not use his fucking biggest flex 
so i can see it being during one of his grand ass gestures
you’ve seen the whole sunset dinner and champagne bit so he’d need to scale it up
it would be spontaneous or at least it would seem spontaneous to you because he’d tell you out of the blue
like one morning you wake up to him shaking you awake and you wake up like “que shingados, amado” and when you turn around to see it’s four in the morning you’re even more grumpy 
and just his stupid excited smile as he tosses one of your bags on to your bed and is like “ya mijita, nos tenemos que ir en hora y media” and he’s packed and is now pulling out your stuff in attempts to help you pack.
and you’re still sleepy, and confused and looking at him lik ?????? and he has this proud/excited little smile and is like “vamos de viaje, es sorpresa” 
and him taking you to this exotic fucking get away whether that be somewhere in south america or somewhere in mexico
i just he gives me like crystal clear water and hidden beach vibes 
and just mansion by the fucking water or some resort her flat out rented out himself 
and he gives me the vibes where he’d be the ones where he tries to hide the ring during your dinner
like sneaking it into your drink or like asking the chef to like place it on your dessert 
get this... my baby is out here to make this the most intimate moment... he doesn’t need to make a big show out of it like some people
it’s just going between the two of you, at home .... the quietest and sweetest shit
takes pride in like producing it all, getting it all ready by himself 
like it would be this thing where he like fake goes to work until you leave the house and then he comes back in and spends the WHOLE fucking day preparing everything for that night 
makes you dinner i am crying... probably burns it a little but he tried and that’s what’s important
picks up the order of like a huge..as..s.. boquet of roses ; half of the roses are for you and the other half is so he can pick out the petals so he can make a little pathway from the door to the dinning room, making it in this huge heart formation, probably has some up in the bedroom just in case this goes right 
gets all dressed up :((((( puts on your favorite cologne, will probably spend way too much time looking in the mirror and practicing what he was going to say over and over again because he’s overthinking it all 
hasta velas tiene el cabron, i just mood lighting, sweet mood music why is this me
when he hears you pulling up, his hands are high key shaking but he has to calm himself down 
standing at the end of the little rose petal trail and him with his little soft smile as he’s reaching out for you wow this is hurting 
 pulling out your chair for you, kissing your forehead and going off to serve you dinner and serve you wine
HIS EYES ARE GLUED TO YOU WANTING TO WATCH YOUR REACTION TO HIS DINNER he’s already apologizing about burning it but it’s so fucking sweet you can’t do anything but smile and tell him how good it is
just these shared whispers between the two of you as he holds your hands the whole time, listening to you intently and the smile... it would the softest shit ever
you notice something is off with him... and if you ask him he gets real quiet and takes one last shaky breath before beginning his little rehearsed speech 
as soon as he starts you know, you’re already in tears because he’s talking about how you’re his literal angel and he thought of not having you as his forver is killing him 
and him shakily getting on his knee to propose to you wow I AM THE OPPOSITE OF OKAY RIGHT NOW
looking up at you and just being like “tu eres la que he estado esperando toda mi vida, bebe...te casarias conmigo” AY NO 
had to plan this shit months in advance because his bouge ass probably had your ring like custom made; he had someone desgin a whole as unique one of a kind ring for you ... so yeah he’s known
i’m sorry miguel can be a fucking attention whore sometimes so i can see him preparing this big ass formal like ball thing for it; would tell you it was for some government shit or something so you get all dressed up and i mean to the nINEs becaue he was psyching you out about it 
sends someone to pick you up, makes some stupid excuse about meeting you there at the party but as soon as he hangs up he goes back to like yelling at someone because something isn’t in place
nervous pacing miguel who is ready to snap at literally anyone.... can’t stop thinking about how this needs to be fucking perfect 
meeting you outide and it’s like excited smile miguelito, immediately hands on your waist, pulling you to him, whispering how fucking beautiful you look in your ear over and over again i cannot 
and like walking through the quiet hallways everything seems normal as fuck but once the doors to the ballroom enter you have to know something’s up 
i just a mariachi starts playing when you step in with miguel, eyes are fucking all on you as you walk in 
you’re looking over at him like what the fuck is actually happening right  now and he just gives you like a little shrug as if he doesn’t know but his smirk isn’t helping him play that off AT FUCKING AT 
but he has to keep you moving even you’re like “que estas haciendo, miguel angel?????” needs to get you to the middle of the dance floor because that’s where amado is waiting with a microphone to him and the little wink he fucking gives to you before clearing the floor 
oh man does he eat this shit up, the attention, the excitement knowing he pulled it off, the look on your face
and he takes the microphone and he just starts talking about there is one reason why he’s been this successful, one person he can attribute all of this to.... and it’s you
so at first it’s him thanking you for staying by his side through this fucking roller coaster, for staying through all the good, the bad, the ugly (probably get some comments from the crowd), for being his guiding light... his north star
and then him be the one to say some stupid shit like i promise to love you forver, and to give myself completely to you...starting with my last name
and you know you’re already getting whistles and yells from the crowd before he events gets on his knee and him looking up at you like “ me harias el honor de ser mi esposa, mijita”
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solohqrry · 5 years
get to know me uncomfortably well
@eatmyshiftsticky tagged me, this was a long one mama i ain’t gonna lie but ily
What is your middle name?
selene (pronounced like seh-leh-neh).
How old are you?
When is your birthday?
January 31st
What is your zodiac sign?
aquarius sun :-)
What is your favourite colour?
yellow!!!! and pink
What’s your lucky number?
i don’t think i have one to be honest
Do you have any pets?
i have two cats, sesame and sage, and two dogs, thor and ginger
Where are you from?
texas yeehaw
How tall are you?
5′7″ (i’m the shortest in m family but apparently i’m tall to other people)
What shoe size are you?
US 7 1/2 or 8
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
i wanna say like 20 pairs, but i haven’t worn like half of them in ages
What was your last dream about?
i have wild, inexplicable dreams i couldn’t even begin to explain what i dream about but last night i vaguely remember there was something about the holocaust involved which is pretty dark, who dreams about that
What talents do you have?
absolutely none, i am talentless my only talent is being a whore, and i’m not even good at that sometimes 
Are you psychic in any way?
i definitely feel like i am, it’s a little mexican thing where we think we have this gut feeling that lets us know when something bad is about to happen, 8 times out of 10 the gut feeling is right
Favourite song?
ugh so many some of my all time favorites are robbers by the 1975, yes i’m changing by tame impala, sign of the times by harry styles, don’t cry by guns n roses, and kashmir by led zepplin 
Favourite movie?
Napoleon Dynamite or Moana
Who would be your ideal partner?
god, i really wouldn’t tell you without sounding like a shallow bitvh. i just want a guy that looks like he hasn’t slept in 6 years, is tall, skinny, has long hair, makes me laugh and loves to kiss and cuddle, maybe a dreamy boy that will write poems about my loving stare and soft kisses who will take me on roadtrips that go anywhere, or maybe a jerk that’s rude and rides a motorcycle and never smiles unless he’s around me, i don’t know though 
Do you want children?
god no
Do you want a church wedding?
no, i want an outdoor wedding during the fall time, in a nice forest with family and friends
Are you religious?
i was raised catholic and go to church but i don’t know if i believe in everything i have been taught. 
Have you ever been to the hospital?
yes i want to say like twice in the past four years
Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
yes :/
Have you ever met any celebrities?
no :(
Baths or showers?
What color socks are you wearing?
Have you ever been famous?
i wish
Would you like to be a big celebrity?
only for the money and to have a bigger platform
What type of music do you like?
indie, rock, punk, rap, spanish music pretty much anything except country, i loathe country music no one can change my mind
Have you ever been skinny dipping?
How many pillows do you sleep with?
four, two under my head, one under my legs, and one to hold onto at night (i’m v lonely)
What position do you usually sleep in?
on my side with one leg hike up and the other stretched out one arm under my pillow under my head the other holding another pillow, or in fetal position
How big is your house?
one story, 3 bedroom 2 bath house, i have a huge front and back yard, i love my house
What do you typically have for breakfast?
a granola bar
Have you ever fired a gun?
Have you ever tried archery?
in middle school, i was pretty shit at it
Favourite clean word?
i say heck a lot
Favorite swear word?
What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
2 and a half days
Do you have any scars?
i have a lot i was a clumsy kid that got into places i shouldn’t have. my most gnarly scars are on my elbows, knees, and one on my hip where a shard of glass stabbed me.
Have you ever had a secret admirer?
i think maybe as a joke 
Are you a good liar?
i am a great liar, i think i could be an actress because i lie so well
Are you a good judge of character?
i am a bit naive if im being honest, it clouds my judgement
Can you do any other accents other than your own?
my british accent is top notch, i can do a super exaggerated cockney accent, and a somewhat good australian accent (don’t quote me on that @eatmyshiftsticky)
Do you have a strong accent?
i don’t think i do, i grew up in a predominantly mexican city so compared to most people here i don’t have an accent but when people from out of town meet me (white people) they say i have an accent, i hear it sometimes in some words but idk 
What is your favourite accent?
i love a french, australian, and spanish accents 
What is your personality type?
neutral chaotic edgy thot, typical aquarius, peace and love, treat people with kindness type bitch
What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
my platform doc martens which cost me a whopping $180, i am very frugal with everything basically so this was a big spend to me
Can you curl your tongue?
if you mean can i make a taco with my tongue, yes!
Are you an innie or an outie?
Left or right-handed?
Are you scared of spiders?
yes i absolutely hate spiders, if i see a spider i am either swatting that thing or running away
Favourite food?
mexican food specifically nachos and enchiladas, and chinese food
Favourite foreign food?
i like italian food 
Are you a clean or messy person?
i’m a tidy person, like i’m messy but not to an extreme my room looks clean at first glance but then you notice little things that make it look messy
Most used phrase?
“on god?” or “no mames” or “mamadas”
Most used word?
i don’t know, i think i say sis and dude a lot.
How long does it take for you to get ready?
ugh makeup and hair and outfit is like a good hour and half, i need time or else i get crabby the rest of the day.
Do you have much of an ego?
not at all
Do you suck or bite lollipops?
suck??? if you bite into your lollipop without sucking it you’re a psychopath
Do you talk to yourself?
all the time, literally i talk more to myself than i do to my family, i’m thinking i should just start a youtube channel so i could talk to myself but with a purpose
Do you sing to yourself?
very badly but yes.
Are you a good singer?
not at all, and i was in choir for two years where did my talent go i wish i knew.
Biggest Fear?
losing my parents 
Are you a gossip?
not really unless it’s like good gossip in spanish it’s called chisme and if someone is a gossip they’re a chismosa, sometimes i’m a chismosa i like drama.
Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
Gone Girl
Do you like long or short hair?
on boys long hair is my absolute weakness, on myself i prefer my long hair
Can you name all 50 states of America?
i think i can name a solid 30
Favourite school subject?
english or history
Extrovert or Introvert?
i’m very introverted 
Have you ever been scuba diving?
no way being in the open ocean terrifies me
What makes you nervous?
driving, talking to people, ordering my food at a restaurant, school, big crowds, literally everything because i have a generalized anxiety disorder.
Are you scared of the dark?
mmm when it’s outside yes, but not inside my house or room or whatever
Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
idk if it’s my business or affects me than yes
Are you ticklish?
YES the sides of my tummy are my tickle spot and i HATE when people tickle me there
Have you ever started a rumour?
no i would never
Have you ever been in a position of authority?
no, too much pressure is not good for me
Have you ever drank underage?
i was given tequila as a toddler by my grandpa so yes i have had my fair share  of alcohol in my 18 years
Have you ever done drugs?
i have had edibles, i have smoked weed, and i have taken molly (please don’t do that it’s only fun while you’re on it).
Who was your first real crush?
i was in love with this boy named alejandro from like 7th grade to 10th i kissed him once, he was a complete ass and broke my heart.
How many piercings do you have?
my ears, my septum and two secret ones.
Can you roll your R’s?
of course i can.
How fast can you type?
on my phone i type pretty fast on a computer i am very slow
How fast can you run?
not fast at all, i can’t run for shit i have baby lungs
What colour is your hair?
dark brown
What color is your eyes?
dark drown
What are you allergic to?
cats :( and grass :( and pollen :(
Do you keep a journal?
no, my therapist always says i should start one but i just get bored or forget about it.
What do your parents do?
my mom is an elementary teacher and my dad is disabled.
Do you like your age?
i’d say 18 is a pretty solid age
What makes you angry?
the world, america mostly.
Do you like your own name?
mmm yeah, i forget i have a name because no one really says it, is that weird? 
Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
i know i said i didn’t want kids but i know if i do have them i am going to name them after planets.
Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
a girl
What are you strengths?
i’m free-spirited and intellectual and loving
What are your weaknesses?
i can be mean, i can take out my anger on people who don’t deserve it, i want comfort but push people away
How did you get your name?
my mom named me after the movie with audrey hepburn
Were your ancestors royalty?
no lol
Do you have any scars?
battle scars dude
Colour of your bedspread?
a nice cream color
Colour of your room?
pastel yellow!
i tag @malibubarbievince @kountessbathory @guns-n-crue and whoever wants to do this, this was fun because y’all get to know more about me so thanks for the tag addy baby!!
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