#here’s a soft oneshot for all the helen enjoyers(me)
evrensadwrn · 10 months
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Pair: John Wick/Helen Wick
Warnings: None
Word Count: 514
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In another universe, we are living our best life.
Early morning, Helen is next to him on the bed. She snores, John knows that since early on in their relationship. It never really bothered him since it never compared to the noises of the underworld— his past which still lingered in the blank space of his eyelids when he closes them. Each blink a subtle reminder that he’s only here because of them.
John is usually first to wake up. Not from the alarm clock they set after agreeing on a certain together, but from the light of the sun peering in. It hits at an angle that’s directly shining into his eyes.
He turns to look at Helen, asleep in her white singlet and face buried in the pillows. Her sounds of sleep muffled into the cloudiness of their bed.
John can’t get up, he realizes quite quickly.
Helen’s leg is wrapped around his, knee curling at his thigh. It should be an uncomfortable position for Helen, but she’s still sound asleep. John removes the blanket off of him to fully understand how Helen’s leg is wrapped around is and how he can remove it without disturbing her. John puts his hand on her leg, slowly unwrapping it and laying it back down.
Mission’s a successful one like always, now John gets up from bed. He stretches his back and arms before going downstairs before the alarm clock goes off and wakes up Helen.
These mornings go like always, since they moved in together in New York. A rather suburban place in contrast to what people think of New York— a strictly urban landscape where the skyline can pierce the clouds, so easily reminding the gods that humanity can build better places than in the ancient world.
Mornings are a ritual. A habit and a routine that isn’t really written but it’s always done even when it’s not said.
John puts down two bowls, then cereal, then milk. The early morning lights peer in through the windows. Cars pass by and John can watch them as he puts in spoons for the two bowls. The home is quiet. Silence in every room as the warm temperature of the morning starts to settle in and diminish the colder condition of the night.
“G’morning, John…” John watches as Helen slowly comes down the stairs and to the kitchen. She seats herself next to John on the dinner table in the kitchen.
“Good morning, Helen.” John says back.
“Did you sleep well?” Helen asks him before spooning cereal into her mouth.
“I did.”
John’s been having sleep problems. Since a few weeks ago. But nothing pills and doctors can’t help. It’s been getting better. Hours adding more and more each day. John just has to sleep at an ordered time.
“That’s good.” Helen remarks before she’s off to eating. “You know, I was thinking about getting a puppy since we don’t really like children.”
“A puppy?”
“I think we can name her Daisy, no?”
“No, sounds perfect.” John says. “Daisy.” He repeats.
Mornings aren’t that bad.
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