#hernia treatment
kaizengastrocare · 1 month
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आपण खालील समस्येने त्रस्त आहात का?-मुळव्याध (Piles)-भगंदर (Fistula)-हर्निया (Hernia)-अॅपेंडिक्स (Appendix)-फिस्चर (Fissure)-पायलोनिडल सायनस (Pilonidal Sinus)-बद्धकोष्टता (Constipation)-पित्ताशयातील खडे (Gallbladder Stone)
या सर्व समस्यांसाठी अत्याधुनिक उपचार उपलब्ध आहे.आधुनिक उपचारासाठी आजच कॉल कराhttps://www.kaizengastrocare.com/
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obesity-reduction · 2 months
Hernia Surgery 101: Understanding the Procedure and Recovery
Hernias are a common medical condition affecting millions of individuals worldwide. While they vary in severity and location, hernias often necessitate surgical intervention to prevent complications and alleviate symptoms. If you or a loved one is facing the prospect of hernia surgery, understanding the procedure and recovery process is crucial for informed decision-making and optimal outcomes.
What is a Hernia? Before delving into surgery specifics, let’s clarify what exactly a hernia is. Simply put, a hernia occurs when an internal organ or tissue protrudes through a weak spot in the surrounding muscle or connective tissue. Common types include inguinal hernias (occurring in the groin), umbilical hernias (around the belly button), and hiatal hernias (in the upper stomach).
Indications for Surgery: While not all hernias require immediate surgical intervention, certain factors may necessitate surgery to prevent complications such as obstruction or strangulation. Symptoms like persistent pain, discomfort, or noticeable bulging at the hernia site often prompt surgical evaluation.
The Surgical Procedure: Hernia surgery typically involves repairing the weakened area of the abdominal wall through either open or laparoscopic techniques. During an open repair, a single, larger incision is made over the hernia site, allowing direct access to the herniated tissue for repair. In contrast, laparoscopic surgery involves making several small incisions and using specialized instruments and a camera (laparoscope) to perform the repair internally.
Recovery Process: Recovery following hernia surgery varies depending on the type of procedure performed, as well as individual factors such as overall health and the extent of the hernia. However, there are general guidelines to facilitate a smooth recovery:
Postoperative Care: Following surgery, patients are closely monitored in the recovery area before being discharged home. Pain management, wound care, and instructions regarding activity levels and dietary restrictions are provided.
Activity Restrictions: While it’s essential to gradually resume light activities to prevent complications like blood clots, strenuous activities and heavy lifting are typically restricted for several weeks post-surgery to allow for proper healing.
Pain Management: Discomfort and pain at the surgical site are common initially but can be managed with prescribed medications and other non-pharmacological interventions such as ice packs and proper positioning.
Dietary Considerations: Depending on the type of hernia repair and individual tolerance, dietary modifications may be recommended initially to minimize digestive discomfort and promote healing.
Follow-up Care: Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon are essential to monitor healing progress, address any concerns, and ensure a successful recovery.
Potential Complications: While hernia surgery is generally safe and effective, like any surgical procedure, it carries inherent risks. Complications such as infection, bleeding, recurrence of the hernia, or injury to surrounding structures are possible but can often be mitigated with proper surgical technique and postoperative care.
About Dr. Shashank Shah: Dr. Shashank Shah, a distinguished figure in the field of bariatric and laparoscopic surgery, brings a wealth of expertise and experience to hernia surgery. As the Director of the Laparo-Obeso Centre, Dr. Shah is renowned for his commitment to patient care and surgical excellence. With a focus on personalized treatment plans and comprehensive follow-up care, Dr. Shah ensures that each patient receives the highest standard of care throughout their hernia surgery journey.
In conclusion, hernia surgery plays a crucial role in managing hernias and alleviating associated symptoms. By understanding the procedure, recovery process, and potential risks involved, patients can approach surgery with confidence and actively participate in their care journey. If you or a loved one is considering hernia surgery, don’t hesitate to consult with a qualified healthcare provider like Dr. Shashank Shah to discuss the best treatment options tailored to your individual needs.
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habiliteclinics · 2 months
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Find the best Hiatal Hernia specialist in Delhi for expert care and treatment. Choose from top-rated specialists with extensive experience and qualifications.
Read Blog: https://www.habiliteclinics.com/post/hiatal-hernia-specialist/
Call For Appointment: +919999456455, 9910024564 Website: www.habiliteclinics.com Mail: [email protected]
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7 Silent Signs of Hernia
Hernias can manifest silently, often evading immediate notice until symptoms exacerbate. These silent signs may include a dull ache or discomfort in the affected area, typically the abdomen or groin, which intensifies during physical exertion or lifting heavy objects. Sometimes, a visible bulge or lump may emerge, particularly when standing or straining. Despite their subtlety, these signs signify underlying tissue protrusion through weakened muscles or connective tissue, characteristic of a hernia. Ignoring these subtle cues can lead to worsening symptoms and complications, underscoring the importance of seeking medical evaluation for timely diagnosis and intervention.
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plunes-healthcare · 4 months
Discover six effective strategies to prevent hernias and maintain optimal health in this informative video. Learn practical tips and lifestyle changes to safeguard against this common medical condition.
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drpinakdasgupta · 4 months
Why Making Trouble of  Hernia Problem? 
Put an End to Your Hernia Troubles with Dr. Pinak Dasgupta, the Best Hernia Specialist in Chennai
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Hernias can be a real pain, both literally and figuratively. They occur when an organ or fatty tissue protrudes through a weak spot in the surrounding muscle or connective tissue. This can lead to pain, swelling, and a noticeable bulge in the affected area. If left untreated, hernias can cause further complications and discomfort.
But fear not, because Dr. Pinak Dasgupta is a highly skilled and experienced hernia specialist who has successfully performed numerous hernia surgeries. With his expertise and compassionate approach, he ensures that each patient receives the best possible care and treatment.
What sets Dr. Pinak apart from other hernia specialists is his commitment to providing personalized care. He understands that every patient is unique and that their hernia requires a customized treatment plan. Dr. Pinak takes the time to thoroughly assess each case and develop a tailored approach that addresses the specific needs and concerns of his patients.
Not only is Dr. Pinak an exceptional hernia specialist, but he is also a top-rated surgeon in Chennai. His track record speaks for itself, with countless patients who have experienced successful hernia surgeries under his care. Dr. Pinak's expertise extends to all types of hernias, including inguinal, femoral, umbilical, and incisional hernias.
If you're worried about undergoing surgery, rest assured that Dr. Pinak Dasgupta is at the forefront of cutting-edge techniques, including robotic surgery. With his advanced skills and state-of-the-art technology, he performs hernia surgeries with precision, efficiency, and minimal invasiveness. This means quicker recovery times and less post-operative discomfort for his patients.
So, if you're struggling with the problem of a hernia and want to solve it effortlessly, look no further than Dr. Pinak Dasgupta. With his expertise, personalized approach, and commitment to excellence, he is the best hernia specialist in Chennai. Don't let your hernia hold you back any longer – schedule a consultation with Dr. Pinak today and take the first step towards a hernia-free life.
For more information and to book an appointment, contact 
Dr. Pinak Dasgupta at
 +91 8811091676 or 
visit his website at
Your hernia troubles will soon be a thing of the past!
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Sports and Physical Activity with a Hernia: Dos and Don'ts
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Is it possible to play sports or exercise with a hernia? Yes you can. What are the prerequisites you need to take for safe physical activity with a hernia? First, you need clearance from your doctor for your specific case before you can safely perform these tasks. It is important to note that there are different types of hernia and depending on their type and size, you may be required to take different precautionary measures.
There are also several hernia-friendly workouts that are designed to keep you active and healthy even when you are exercising with a hernia. The key is to understand hernia and fitness guidelines and following sports hernia precautions to keep yourself safe. To help you get started, here are the most important, do’s and don’ts for physical activity with hernia.
What You Should Do When Exercising With A Hernia
Use Proper Supportive Gear
Please note that you shouldn’t use over the counter supportive gear that’s readily available. Supportive gear for hernia is prescribed by doctors and ensured that they are the right fit for your body. Gear like a hernia belt can certainly help you during exercises as it provides additional support to the area of your hernia. Just make sure they are medically prescribed and fit you properly, otherwise using them will be of no benefit to your well being.
Perform Low-Impact Workouts
Low-impact workouts are still a great way to remain active and keep yourself healthy. Exercises like walking and swimming are a great way to stay healthy. They don’t take a considerable toll on your physical health and can be a great way to keep yourself healthy when you have hernia. For more information about low-impact workouts, you can discuss with your doctors and physiotherapists.
Focus On Gentle Core Exercises
Core strengthening exercises are known to help with hernia symptoms. However, do note that these exercises need to be recommended by your physiotherapist and not self-administered. Gentle core exercises include bicycle crunches and hip thrusts. You need to perform them carefully and not put extra pressure on your body than what’s safe for you.
Be Mindful of Your Body
As mentioned in the previous point, the key is to be mindful of your body. Pushing yourself beyond what is safe for you can harm yourself and worsen your condition. Any pain or discomfort you feel while exercising should be taken seriously. Stop the exercise that hurts and be sure to speak to your doctor and physiotherapist about the pain you are experiencing.
Talk To Your Doctor Before Starting
Based on your case, the size of the hernia, doctors will be able to tell you if you should exercise or what exercises you should practise. Talking to your doctors before you start a workout regime will help you know that it won’t negatively impact your condition. You will also get the required supportive gear from the doctor to ensure that your hernia is not worsening due to your workout regime.
What You Shouldn’t Do When Exercising With A Hernia
Don’t Ignore Symptoms
If it hurts, you shouldn’t do it. You may think that working out and restarting after a while can lead to pain and hurt, and that’s normal. It may be, but given you have a hernia, you shouldn’t risk it. Talk to your doctors about any discomfort and pain you are experiencing and make sure you get a clearance from them before you try that exercise again. It will significantly help you in the long run.
Refrain From High Impact Activities
As mentioned earlier, low-impactness is the key when you are exercising with a hernia. If you don’t adhere to those guidelines, your conditions can worsen and lead to a lot of pain that could otherwise have been avoided. High-impact exercises like strength training, HIIT exercises, and running can be problematic when you have a hernia. So, either get a clearance from your doctor that these exercises are safe for your condition or just avoid them temporarily.
Don’t Continue Strenuous Movements
Strenuous movements can worsen your hernia symptoms. Running, squats, and sit-ups can strain your abdominal muscles, which can impact your hernia symptoms. To be safe, you should talk to your doctor regarding your condition and opt for hernia treatment before you start practicing strenuous exercises.
Avoid Heavy Lifting
Regardless of the type of hernia you have, doctors will also advise you to stop lifting heavy objects when you have a hernia. It will in most cases lead to worsening in the symptoms of your hernia. Heavy lifting puts a lot of pressure on your intra-abdominal muscles and if you do it repeatedly, it has the potential to make your hernia symptoms worse.
Don’t Self Diagnose
Doctors can teach you how to push your hernia inside the abdominal cavity in some cases. Don’t try to do that yourself. It should only be done by professionals. Similarly, you should also not diagnose what exercises you can do by trial and error. Often the process of trial and error can increase your symptoms and may lead you to require immediate medical attention.
These are some of the most common and important do’s and don’ts regarding sports and exercise with a hernia. So, while you can exercise with a hernia, it is just better to get your treatment first before you resume. This will help you ensure that you don’t have to hold back on your fitness regime and also keep yourself safe while exercising. 
To learn more about hernia treatment in Delhi, check out MASSH. We offer some of the best minimally invasive treatment procedures for hernia that are safe and have a quick recovery time. Visit us today to learn more and avail our world-class medical services.
Source: https://massh.in/
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priyankasahu2021 · 6 months
Types of laparoscopic surgery |Best surgery treatment clinic in Bhubaneswar|
Laparoscopic surgery is also known as minimally invasive surgery, which is performing the surgical procedures through small incisions using a camera and a special instrument. This procedure give benefits such as a quicker recovery.
At Dhanwantaree clinic best surgery treatment clinic in Bhubaneswar the surgeon offer offers various kind of laparoscopic surgeries, here are some common types of laparoscopic procedure which is provides on Dhanwantaree clinic.
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: - This procedure used for removing the gallbladder and is often performed to treat gallstones or gallbladder inflammation.
Laparoscopic Appendectomy: - This procedure used for removing the appendix and specially it performed in cases of appendicitis.
Laparoscopic hernia repair: - All types hernia like inguinal or ventral hernias, can be repaired using laparoscopic techniques.
Laparoscopic Colectomy: - This procedure uses for removing all part of the colon for conditions such as colorectal cancer or inflammatory bowel disease.
Laparoscopic splenectomy: - In cases of certain blood disorders this procedure used for removing the spleen.
Laparoscopic Bariatric surgery: - this laparoscopic surgery performed for weight loss in patients with obesity.
Not all surgeries can be performed using this technique it depends on the patient’s conditions, Visit the Best surgery treatment clinic in Bhubaneswar and treat your self which surgery you need. Book an appointment- 9776655073.
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drsamratjankar12 · 6 months
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If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor to get a diagnosis and treatment. Surgery is the most common treatment for #hernias, but some small hernias can be treated with non-surgical methods.
Consult with our expert now to learn more about hernias and treatment options!
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dhanvantarihospital · 6 months
Can Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery be Performed on Children?
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Yes, laparoscopic hernia surgery can be performed on children. Laparoscopic techniques have become increasingly common in pediatric hernia repair. The decision to opt for laparoscopic surgery in children depends on various factors, including the child's age, the type and size of the hernia, and the surgeon's expertise.
Advantages of laparoscopic hernia surgery in children may include:
Smaller Incisions: Laparoscopic surgery involves smaller incisions, resulting in less postoperative pain and a faster recovery.
Reduced Scarring: The smaller incisions lead to reduced scarring, which can be especially beneficial in pediatric cases for cosmetic reasons.
Shorter Recovery Time: Laparoscopic surgery often allows for a quicker recovery, enabling children to return to normal activities sooner.
Lower Risk of Complications: Laparoscopic techniques may offer a lower risk of certain complications compared to traditional open surgery.
However, the decision to use laparoscopic surgery in children depends on the specific characteristics of the hernia and the child's overall health. The surgeon will carefully assess each case to determine the most appropriate approach.
Parents or guardians considering hernia surgery for their child should consult with a pediatric surgeon or a healthcare provider specializing in pediatric hernia care. The surgeon can provide detailed information, answer questions, and discuss the benefits and potential risks associated with laparoscopic hernia surgery in children.
Choose expertise and precision for Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery in Mumbai. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Bhavesh Doshi, your trusted specialist for minimally invasive hernia treatment.
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kaizengastrocare · 2 months
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Untreated #hernia gets worse with time and leads to complication. Get early treatment to prevent complications, reduce the risk of emergency surgery, shorten recovery time, and lower chances of recurrence.
Say goodbye to hernia with advanced treatment options at #Kaizen Gastro Care in Pune, India.https://www.kaizengastrocare.com/
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medrechospital · 7 months
Understanding Hernia: Causes and Modern Treatment Approaches
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We, at MedRec Hospital, aim to provide you with comprehensive insights into hernia – its definition, causes, and the best treatment options available. Hernia, a condition where organs or tissues protrude through weakened abdominal muscles, can result from various factors. In this article, we delve into the nuances of hernia, shedding light on its causes, types, and the importance of timely intervention.
What is Hernia?
Hernia occurs when the abdominal muscles weaken, allowing organs or tissues to push through, commonly referred to as a "protrusion." This can happen due to congenital factors, smoking, chronic cough, pregnancy, or urethral stricture. Understanding the types of hernia, such as inguinal, umbilical, epigastric, and incisional, is crucial in determining appropriate treatment strategies.
Treatment Options
Importance of Hernia Treatment
Hernia, if left untreated, can lead to complications like obstructed or strangulated hernia. Obstructed hernia requires immediate surgery, preventing potential organ damage due to compromised blood supply. Strangulated hernia, where organs become trapped, necessitates emergency surgery to avoid severe consequences.
Modern Treatment Approaches
To ensure optimal outcomes, modern hernia treatment often involves advanced laparoscopic procedures using 3D mesh technology. This approach enhances recovery rates, minimizes scarring, and reduces the risk of infection.
Types of Hernia Surgery
Hernia surgeries generally fall into two categories:
1. Open Hernia Surgery
Traditional open hernia surgery involves a sizable incision to access and reinforce weakened muscles with mesh. While effective, it comes with a longer recovery period and more noticeable scarring.
2. Laparoscopic Surgery
Laparoscopic or keyhole surgery offers a contemporary alternative with smaller incisions and faster recovery. This method boasts advantages like minimal scarring, rapid recovery rates, and reduced postoperative pain.
Benefits of Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery
Smaller Incisions: Laparoscopic surgery typically involves one to three small incisions, significantly smaller than those in open surgery.
Faster Recovery: Patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery experience faster recovery compared to traditional open procedures.
Modern Technique: Laparoscopic surgery represents a cutting-edge approach to hernia treatment, ensuring a more advanced and efficient procedure.
Reduced Pain: Smaller incisions translate to reduced postoperative pain compared to open hernia surgery.
Mesh Utilization in Hernia Treatment
The use of mesh in hernia repair significantly reduces the recurrence rate. Studies suggest that hernia recurrence rates drop to around 1% when mesh is employed, compared to 20-25% without.
Seeking Treatment at MedRec Hospital
MedRec Hospital specializes in Advanced Laser, General, and Laparoscopic Surgeries. Our services include Piles Treatment, Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy, Laser Hemorrhoids Treatment, Complex Fistula Surgeries, Advanced Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery, Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS), Gallbladder Treatment, Weight Loss Surgery (Bariatric Surgery), and Lipomas Treatment. We are dedicated to providing outstanding surgical and non-surgical care to our patients.
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abhipshasamal · 7 months
Dhanwantaree clinic | Best laparoscopic surgical care in Bhubaneswar|
Dhanwantaree clinic known as the best laparoscopic surgical care in Bhubaneswar and providing high skilled professionals surgeon, advanced technology, and a comprehensive approach to patient care. Dr Ashok Achrya performing laparoscopic procedures are experienced and well-trained in minimally invasive techniques. Visit the website https://dhanwantaree.com/best-surgical-care/ to know all about laparoscopic procedure and if you want to book appointment please call our expert- 9776655073.
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Hernia treatment involves various medical interventions aimed at addressing the condition of hernia, which occurs when an organ or fatty tissue protrudes through a weak spot in the surrounding muscle or connective tissue. The treatment options for hernia typically depend on the type and severity of the hernia, as well as the individual's overall health and medical history. In general, hernia treatment may include lifestyle modifications, such as weight loss and avoiding heavy lifting, to alleviate symptoms and prevent further complications.
Best Hernia Treatment Hospital in Hyderabad
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nixhealthcare · 8 months
Understanding Hernia Laparoscopic Surgery Costs at Nix Hospital, Greater Noida
Introduction: Hernias can be a painful and uncomfortable condition that often requires surgical intervention. Laparoscopic hernia surgery is a minimally invasive option that many patients prefer due to its quicker recovery time and smaller incisions. If you're considering this procedure and wondering about the costs, Nix Hospital in Greater Noida may be the right place for you. In this blog, we will delve into hernia laparoscopic surgery costs and the offerings at Nix Hospital.
Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery - A Minimally Invasive Solution: Laparoscopic hernia surgery, also known as minimally invasive or keyhole surgery, has become a preferred choice for many patients. This technique involves making a few small incisions through which a tiny camera and specialized surgical instruments are inserted. Surgeons use these instruments to repair the hernia without the need for a large incision. This approach is known for its reduced pain, faster recovery, and minimized scarring.
Hernia Surgery Costs: The cost of hernia laparoscopic surgery can vary depending on various factors, including the type and size of the hernia, the choice of hospital, and your location. At Nix Hospital in Greater Noida, you can expect competitive pricing. To get an accurate estimate, it's advisable to consult directly with the hospital or your surgeon. They can provide you with a detailed breakdown of the costs involved.
Nix Hospital - Your Destination for Laparoscopic Surgeries: Nix Hospital in Greater Noida is renowned for its state-of-the-art facilities and experienced medical professionals. When it comes to laparoscopic surgeries for hernia, their team is well-equipped and skilled to provide you with the best care. You can trust their expertise in ensuring a successful and smooth procedure.
Conclusion: Laparoscopic hernia surgery offers numerous advantages, and Nix Hospital in Greater Noida is a reliable destination for this procedure. While the exact hernia surgery cost may vary, you can count on competitive pricing and exceptional medical care at Nix Hospital. Reach out to them to discuss your specific case and get an accurate estimate to make an informed decision about your hernia surgery. Your health and well-being are their top priorities.
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louiemarcgcontreras · 8 months
An inguinal hernia is when a portion of the intestine or abdominal tissue protrudes through a weakened area or opening in the abdominal wall. Common causes of inguinal hernias include heavy lifting, congenital weakness, and obesity.
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