#hes like ''welp i guess this is the new normal thats pretty cool'' ''...'' ''didnt mean to do all that wow thats embarrassing''
love hearing the most sappy heartfelt romantic songs and going "yeah this is edd and eddy"
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warning, the following has mainly snarky (and possibly furious) opinions on Spirit of Justice. Reader discretion is advised.
alright... here we go. we’re starting the big one. this... thing is almost over.
we’re going back to........ kooraheen to finish this.
time to strap in for the long haul.
did Dhurke hijack the PP show or was he just watching it and he decided to make that speech at his TV
i honestly can’t tell because of the weird way the scene was set. it looks like a reflection from a TV screen, but it also fades like a broadcast being intercepted...
fuck I'm just distracted by Dhurke’s stupid voice. and uncomfortable at the actress playing Rayfa. imagine being the princess and having your favourite show turn you into a weird damsel in distress being manhandled by ninjas. gross.
also yay! they’ve got the indiana jones orb!! time to melt off some faces...
ok it was a hijacked show... ...why is there a news report on this in America? Are American troupes assisting in the Kooraheenese war?
“Daaaa-aaaad. What’re you up to thiiiiis time???”
i love how not-giving-a-shit-about-it apollo is here. and by love it i mean hate it.
oh, your long-lost adoptive father just happens to pop up on television starting a revolution, and this is the first time you’ve heard from him in like 20 years? huh, no big deal.
oh noooo... he’s one of THESE guys... ururughhhhghghgh
“Wait... don’t tell me you haven’t told anyone about me, son?”
“I’m sorry, dad, it’s just you didn’t exist up until now...”
“you just show up here without warning after all this time... what gives?”
apollo’s got a point there, pa. also Dhurke’s theme reminds me of Coach Oleander’s from Psychonauts
Apollo just instinctively knows that nobody wants to be around him unless they’re getting labour out of him. That’s... honestly really depressing. I mean I know it’s supposed to be a joke but I just can’t bring myself to laugh.
its just... apollo is legitimately so bitter and sad that i just feel awful for him. 
yeesh... this whole thing just started off super sour.
wait, the piano has sentimental value to phoenix? they mentioned he never practiced on it and he didn’t like being a piano player... does that mean this piano is something phoenix just happened to own, and has its own backstory? I WANNA KNOW
ok thats mean but it did make me laugh
the rest of this case can be total shit but at least we figured out the mystery of the discarded red jacket. 
“our houseplant was called apollo”
“was it a cactus?”
“How’d you guess?”
“cause apollo doesn’t get enough hugs, either!”
apollos dad is so cool he reads his son’s personal shit out loud. what a great guy!
“That’s too bad! You seem like you’d be a fun, cool guy to hang out with!”
when he wasn’t being a rebel and not having time for his kids, obviously.
siblings dont know theyre siblings joke is funny both normally and ironically because the writers need to FUCKIN GET ON THAT
also i love that he’s basically like “hey son, this girl doesn't resent me! you should marry her so that i can continue to get favours out of you!”
“What did Mr. Dhurke mean when he said he was the man who raised you, apollo?” i dunno, trucy... think with your mind brains...
“How come you never told me?!”
“Sorry, it’s just, capcom hadn’t butchered my backstory at that point yet.”
I honestly find it really weird that Trucy’s all chirpy about this. She of all people should know the sting of a dad just up and disappearing on you.
Dhurke: I have to steal this orb. I’m asking you two because youre lawyers.
Kay Faraday, sitting in the Capcom warehouse: (sneezes)
Dhurke: I made a stupid gamble. Hope you can bail me out, son I haven’t seen in 20 years!
nooo.... don’t bring Kurain Village into this, pleeeeaaase... I don’t want to have my favourite village ruined for meeeeee....
:3c i chose nope
i wonder what Trucy would do if Zak waltzed in and immediately asked her for a favour. tbf phoenix would probably launch him into the sun before he could set foot into the office but...
Ok... So Dhurke doesn’t actually want to fix the legal system; he just said that he wants to gain immense spiritual power which will somehow give him the legal authority to RULE Kooraheen. 
how does spiritual power have any effect on land deeds anyway? 
“Only the rulers of Kooraheen have ever laid eyes on the orb, Apollo”
and Ahlbi’s seen the box.
“I figured you were poor as fuck so I brought you a plate of sushi!”
ok either A) He thought so little of Apollo that he assumed he’d just be starving on the street
or B) He’s been keeping tabs on Apollo and knows that the WAA doesn’t make a lot of cash, yet he hasn’t made any attempt to contact Apollo himself. Until he needs a favour.
what a.... great guy.
what the FUCK
i can tell theyre trying to do the ‘Hagrid gives Harry a photo album of his family for comfort” but its REALLY NOT THE SAME CIRCUMSTANCES.
His name was... JJ.
~as you know~
also why would a musician perform with magicians? 
y’know, ive seen pictures of Jove Justice so far. and A) he looks like a tool, and B) the designers were lazy as fuck and just slapped Apollo’s hair onto Phoenix’s face. I had a pretty negative opinion of him initially. I was thinking I wouldn’t like any of Apollo’s new dads.
But you know what? If they go deeper into Jove’s backstory and prove that he was a caring father, I’m ready to completely drop any criticisms of him and carry this guy on my shoulders
cause compared to Dhurke ill bet he's a freakin angel 
...welp... back to Kurain village. At least it’ll remind me of bygone days...
...heh, aw. it’s cute. i like the sparrows on the roof.
ooh! an updated theme, too! not quite as nice as the original but it is nice.
he was full of piss and vinegar
yeah, kids run around naked. its not super surprising.
“man, I miss that hut...”
apollo youre gonna make me cry;;
Ema: :) i’ll show you the way to Dr. Buff. SURPRISE, HES DEAD! AHAHAHAHHAHA
id gone on a short break and i come back to this (weep)
does Dhurke have boobs..?
...or just extremely prominent pecs...
phew ok back on track. 
wait hold on. if Dr. Buff is in Kurain village, where is he staying exactly? All the houses in Kurain village are old-style Japanese; this appears to be a modern day number.
“please tell me youre joking”
“as if i’d come out here for a few laughs, Apollo”
yeah but youre not above leading him to the dr’s study and THEN telling him he’s dead WTF
ahah. further proof that stepladders are superior.
i mean i know he didnt actually fall off that ladder by accident or whatever but still
“you could say he died an honourable death...”
...crushed under his nerd books like a fuckin cartoon :T
“I’m so sorry... It seems you’ve had quite a life.”
Why else would she say that except that some poor dialogue translator is secretly begging the series to stop fucking up his backstory
“I mean, middle-aged man with long hair and an eye-patch? You don’t see that everyday.”
just give Valant an eyepatch
hang on. why does an archeologist in America have Kooraheen’s founding orb anyway? I thought it burnt peoples’ faces off. And was super precious. Queen Garananana doesn't seem like someone who’d just hand out a precious ball like that.
oh huh they found an ugly dalek. thats two dalek references in this game now...
did i just... have a ladder conversation about a relic that looks like an airplane.
why does everyone keep making blithe jokes about the doctors horrible death..? does that usually happen or am i misremembering 
god there’s even a coffee shelf. i guess this side of the room is the “Relics of a better game” section.
polly the clean freak. what a sweetheart :)
aw yeah baby
its printing time
oh yeah i forgot this version of printing SUCKS
but i do like the little pap sound it makes when you put down powder
...they have Datz and Dhurkes prints on file.
You guys sure rock at being undercover. 
ill give them credit for having the Dance of Devotion not rhyme in English.
seeing lyrics again just gives me flashbacks to Serenade tho
Guitar, Guitar... Up together to the sky...
wait that has the same number of syllables if you just say the pun
...why the fuck is he in a palanquin 
anybody in a palanquin is bad news ALSO WHY DOES IT SAY RECLAIM THE GLORY OF KURAIN 
oh yeah he’s a bad guy
...king of this fine nation. First of all... America doesn’t have kings. Second of all, Kurain isn’t a country, it’s a small village. Either he’s a moron or SOJ is fucking up at unprecedented speeds 
...did his theme song just ‘wheeee’
“Jerk Q. Public”
i wish you were golden boy. then you'd be morally questionable but entertaining. 
I'm very uncomfortable 
k so we’re back in Kurain and so far we’ve seen Zero women in total apart from Ema.
even the unnamed heckler was an old man.
is this the same Kurain Village I know?
wh- talk??
what do you mean talk???
i dont wanna talk to this guy he's a dickcheese!!!
Trucy’s 17 and she hasn’t studied politics at least a little yet? ...weird
“Its real name is the Crystal of Ami Fey”
wait what
“It’s been passed down for generations in the Atishon family”
is he dicking around or is he distantly related to maya
or is he just totally dicking around
if so how dare he use Ami’s name in vain.
where is Datz from anyway
paul i dont mean to dash your hopes but becoming grand high emperor of kurain village will in fact not make you king of the world
datz sure is a good rebel... getting caught... and put in jail...........
damnit, Vore Machine, what am i gonna do with you?
well Apollo, from demon to deer. thats not bad.
dog-faced cop..??
if youre very sneakily referencing our old pal Gumshoe youve got another thing coming, Vore Machine. In the form of my fist.
“A shut-in? Sounds like it will be a challenge just to get a conversation going.”
yeah.... not like youve.... ever dealt with someone like that....... before....... hehe.... heh..............
how long has Datz been in jail if he already knows the cafeteria itinerary 
um guys; maybe you should be a tiny bit more concerned about Athena??
i just realized the Shichishito is gold. It’s green, you idiots. Or is that one too bent and bloody for display??
thats it folks thats spirit of justice 
apollo has become a living title drop
hes fuckin dead
what kind of bullets were those
yeah apollo, a fledgeling is equivalent to a private.
...also youre not a fledgeling youre near full experience capacity. this is your third... (and last...) year.
so Dhurke is in full stealth mode until it comes to a remotely operated drone that could have literally anybody on the other side? brilliant, pal. 
this is why your revolution’s taken like 23 years to get off the ground, jsyk.
...k komandir?
i thought you were supposed to be a parody of The Soldier. what are you doing calling people by Russian military names? did the red scare not happen in this reality?
it’s so cute. 
im struggling between finding it adorable and being uncomfortable 
“in other words, something caused him to withdraw from the world...”
maybe his mom’s death??? maybe?????
does anyone in this game understand how a bad thing make a peoples’ brain go???
pretty impressive that a woman’s body could provide sufficient cushioning to soften such a drop.
lol. death attributed to random maniac. thanks soj.
“Private Justice! You’ve suffered a loss just like mine!”
“I have... and thats how I know how you feel.”
yes, i can remember exactly happened when i was a one-year old in diapers. exactly the same kind of pain and trauma.
look i know theyre trying to have a moment but there’s a huge difference between growing up orphaned and being recently bereaved. Sure, Apollo’s seen his fair share of hardship and his experiences aren’t to be devalued, but it’s not the same kind of pain as having your parents die later in your life, especially with the mom’s horrific demise.
Honestly, it’d make more sense if he brought up Clay, since Clay was with him since he was very small and his death was sudden and deeply unfair.
dhurke the burk  amiright attorneys 
“the opaque crystal orb is the key”
>needless adjective
>will come into play later in court
um so nobody’s gonna mention the blonde lady on his desktop background or........
i like sarge. i hope they dont turn sour when theyre revealed.
nice boot
ooh phosphorescence! neato!
pearl: hello I'm here to do something ive never done before to provide clues for this case. i hope i’ve been useful! thank you, and goodnight.
...as contrived as this is, i am glad to see someone who actually comes from kurain village.
wow, the gangs all here huh
so they renamed Eagle Mountain “”””mt. mitama”””” eh
“you are at that age, after all...”
says apollo who's like 24
also why is she talking about all the women leaving the village? i thought it was the men. is this why i haven't seen any ladies? they all just shipped off downtown?? and of course there’s no mention of the creepy oppressive atmosphere and strictness of the village...
nice alliteration apollo
rain spirit at a bus stop and you hacks didnt make a Totoro joke?? lame
“Dj’you bring a light?”
how can you not recognize a foreign voice you idiot
“He tried to fucking kill us but he also gave us this flashlight. To um... see our slow death by starvation better I guess?”
“We couldn’t get back to where we started if we wanted to”
if you wanted to??? thats exactly what you want!!!
Klavier: Hello! This is flashback Klavier here to say: Don’t you miss me? Haha. I miss existing too. Oh well! See you next time~ ...i if there is one.
aw, lucky you! you lucked into falling to your death directly to where you wanted to go!
“Yes! Time to find that orb! When we have it, we can....rot here for eternity.”
...ok i know the doc found a way out but still
...oh well, if phoenix can survive it, so can they..?
i love that there are various sea-related items scattered around that give an obvious way out but only yield “durr??? a sea thing??? how this get here??????????” when inspected 
whats with dhurkes’ magic eyes
mmmmmmmm a slide puzzle great
“maybe the ppictures correspond to the song”
what is with this game and not outright stating the obvious? its not like it spoils the player or anything; it just makes the WAA look like idiots
fuck this I'm gonna finish this stupid puzzle without this game’s help or die trying 
...ah. my personal need for pattern and order blinded me to the truth
oh well; it’s open now. i’m gonna smash Eshiro’s stupid smirking face with it.
“opening that box means you're the best lawyer ever! enjoy leaving the series forever!!!”
“A royal stole that orb”
stole it... as opposed to just taking it and doing whatever they want with it because it’s theirs and there’s absolutely no reason to have to “steal” it. 
unless they wanted to frame the rebels i guess but like. theyre rebels. theyre already pretty hated
“it would be seen as utter sacrilege to let a foreign man study this artifact”
oh also it would debunk that whole “explodes your face if you look at it” thing
...here we go...
“he used to be a nice kid, but now...”
he’s an enourmous shitstain?
“he tried to convict trucy for a crime she didnt even commit...”
ok, apollo. there are a zillion valid reasons to hate sadmad, and yes, his reasoning in that trial was shit. but just being a prosecutor and doing what a prosecutor is meant to do doesn’t make him evil. he isn’t about to just roll over because the defendant’s your sis–– er, best friend.
he... could be playing the long game, and interfering could fuck up his plan, Dhurke. Also how was he a rebel and then somehow managed to get into good graces with the royals? It’s already been proven that Dhurke’s Dummy Dragon Gang suck at being stealthy or having any sense of self-preservation. I doubt they just wouldn’t recognize Sadmad
“it’s not conviction that fills his heart; it’s resignation and despair”
are you telling me Sadmad is the equivalent of a guy in a dead end office job taking it out on his coworkers
“The only thing I know for sure is... Nahyuta is suffering, and he is suffering in silence”
edgeworth: been there, done that!
ya sure put a lot of stock in Sadmad, Dhurke. i mean i guess he’s your son but seriously; if you're a proper rebel you’d cut your losses and get on with shit already with or without him
...y’know, this speech about lawyers being like dragons kind of doesn’t have the same emotion impact and gravitas that the non-dragon one in T&T did.
oh how... charming...
*America’s* badge is shaped like a sunflower... and Kooraheen’s is shaped like a buggy eye.
dont DO that
your voice is BAD
“he’s my son! therefor he has to believe in the same thing as me! nothing, not even torture could have changed him!”
cue Gredgeworth’s awkward cough from the afterlife.
“You know, I remember when Nahyuta and I were kids, he used to say with great pride ‘I have the blood of a dragon in me!’”
cue tiny apollo feeling left out and alone because he doesn’t know what kind of blood is in him 
>reform court system
>rescue son
well... i guess there could be worse reasons to start a revolution.
“I mean, what are fathers for?!”
( ‘I... I wouldn’t know...’) 
oh its high tide yay
oh it’s... really high tide
well this is fun. i daresay id really like this sequence... if it wasn’t in this game.
“oh no... the water might carry me up to the way out of here... how awful.”
lol can you imagine if this was timed tho
oh hey it’s the DD panic panic song. i liked that one. it deserves its spot in the suspense music roster.
y’know at this point i kinda hope he really just dies
wouldn’t that be a kicker
not that i hate apollo or anything but I'm just............... so tired
apollo’s pretty calm for a drowning person
i’ve nearly suffocated before and the only thing going through my head was AIR AIR AIR GET AIR GET AIR GET AIR AIR AIR
baby apollo: waahhhh!!! we’re both perfectly dry!!! the artist didn’t bother to make us look wet in the flashback!
A) Little Apollo doesn’t even call Dhurke “Daddy” or “Papa” despite being raised by him since infant hood, possibly meaning Dhurke gave him the ‘You’re adopted” speech pretty early. Or else kids that “aren’t really my son” have to go by name basis. See? Nahyuta calls him father. 
B) Haha! Boys don’t cry, not-son! Suck those sissy tears back up into your skull, or you’ll look gay! It doesn’t matter that you’re like five and you almost drowned to death! Don’t embarrass me!
“Don’t ever hesitate to call when you need me”
oh but apollo your ass gets shipped back to america tomorrow ok
no seriously. on one hand; why did apollo get sent away? why couldn’t he be a rebel alongside nahyuta and fight for his family? on the other hand, why didn’t dhurke send nahyuta with him? if apollo’s going away because it’s dangerous, why is nahyuta staying with dhurke in the path of danger?
to be honest I'm ashamed that I'm crying, but it’s less about this scene being sad as fuck and more about the fact that I know that none of this is ever really resolved. Dhurke is still a piece of shit who made no attempt to contact apollo for years until he needed a favour out of him. and Apollo has to live with this stupid backstory because ESHIRO thought it would be dramatic and cool. Apollo’s going to “go home”, leave the series... He doesn’t even know he’s leaving his last scrap of real family who gives a shit about him behind in America.
Apollo doesn’t deserve this. 
Dhurke, with superman theme playing in the background: Redeeming my character! By saving your life! Redeeming my character! By saving your life! Though only a heartless, shithead person, would leave you behind to die! So this isn’t great.
...is he holding him in his broken arm
wait is that arm even broken
has he just been holding it like it’s in a sling for no reason this whole time
“Still can’t swim, eh?”
oh fuck off 
“Good thing your name’s not Neptune, hahahaha!”
vore machine came out of nowhere and oh
also he is also laughing at a guy who almost drowned
well aren’t these two just the greatest men on earth huh
Trucy: :) lets make this drowning thing seem like no big deal by playing it off and not even asking if you're okay at all :))))
great... now he owes his life to him.... that completely cancels out every other piece of baggage.....
remember........ when edgeworth owed his life to phoenix......... remember how he was 100% okay after that and not fucked up at all................ remember how he just popped back into the series without any changes whatsoever apart from being phoenix’s friend again........................................
y’know in the interim i was thinking 
Rebel Apollo would be great. he’d probably be an enormous goofus but at least he’d be happy and maybe Dhurke’s shitty plan would get off the ground because an actual smart person would be part of the team.
listen to that fuckin “we solved the case” music.
at least apollo is eating.
Turnabout Revolution... End
heh i wish
“Sure wish Nahyuta was here”
I don’t.
you fucking morons. you colossal fucking asshats. i knew this was coming
This is why the revolution has taken 20 FCKIN YEARS to take off. Because Dhurke and his band of nincompoops are all incompetent fuckwits.
huh i can see where Nahyuta gets his magic clap from.
also say it you loser say bitch
say bitch
say bitch
say bitch
A) If the “crystal” is a fake thing, his police report probably wouldn’t check out cause I'm P sure that people can’t just file police reports for anything without proof of previously owning it.
B) Dhurke. You’re a rebel. Shoot someone. Throw a smoke bomb. Gently jog away? Idk if that works in America but it sure as hell works in Kooraheen.
no. don’t do it. don’t you fucking do––
oh, i just saw a ghost.
The ghost of the potential any sequels past AJ had. It blinked at me sorrowfully before CAPCOM busted it and crammed it into the Containment Unit.
(sigh) Ok (most likely) fake shit aside, that would make Atishon related to Maya, and the “heirloom” would more probably be Maya’s. Why is this excuse present at all anyway it’s stupid.
Apollo it shouldn’t fuckin matter; it’s a court case. Just prove the orb isn’t the Crystal of Ami Fey and you win the case. You know that Phoenix doesn’t cheat and you’re pretty certain that the crystal really is the Founder’s Orb, so you shouldn’t be upset about anything. This isn’t a murder trial, it’s a dispute over ownership of an item. You know you’re in the right, so you ought to be able to win the trial. There’s literally no stakes apart from the fact that you’re facing your boss... but so what? That can happen... I assume, I’m not versed in that sort of thing. But either way, lawyers sometimes have to face off against each other... it happens. You had to face Nahyuta. Now you face Phoenix. Unless you think Phoenix will cheat, or that you don’t have sufficient info on the orb, then there’s legitimately no fucking problem. I mean yeah, sucks to go to court, but who gives a fuck? Win the trial and skip back to Kooraheen to overthrow the oppressive regime.
I don’t 
what is the fucking problem
one of you gets payed, you both work at the same place
it doesn’t matter
APOLLO. You KNOW his methods. You know that he wins because his clients are innocent, and would graciously hand over victory if it was clear you were in the right; YOU HAVE TO KNOW THIS. YOU’RE HIS BIGGEST FAN, REMEMBER??
Unless you think he’d fucking cheat for a skeezy politician for money in which case, nice. Gotta love that trust and belief that DD was building up there.
“Can I do it? Can I fight him?” YES ITS NOT EVEN A MURDER TRIAL
“May the best attorney win” 
well so much for finding the truth or whatever. Also Phoenix should be proud that Apollo is willing to go up against him; it shows he’s coming into his own. There’s literally no reason for them to be on shit terms right now.
“A fine mess I’ve gotten you into, son.”
Hey shithead that wasn’t an apology. Also yeah, go on and on about how good a lawyer Phoenix is just to scare Apollo. Brilliant.
“The first step of your revolution, huh?”
The first step. 20 years and he’s only just taking the first step. Not the first step to the end of the revolution; the first step to the revolution itself.
Welp, we’re off to fight over the possession of an oversized marble in court. Seeya next time i guess...
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viralhottopics · 8 years
‘Are You The One?’ Recap: So It Begins
Jambo, morons! Welcome back to another riveting season of where the success rate is similar to the cast members combined IQs: practically non-existent. But hey, were Americans. We love shit that is destined to failwhether its reality shows or President-elects. Its our cross to bear.
ANNNNYWAYS. So MTV had a hard job to do: top the group of idiots that made up season 4. And thankfully for you, but mostly for me, they did just that. Shoutout to you MTV, you da real MVP.
Also, as many of you know, I tend to feature quotes from my loveable, yet incredibly cruel mother in these recaps. You think Im bad? She once called a woman in Starbucks a psycho bitch because she took the last of the skinny vanilla mix. True story. DM me for details. Lets begin now.
This season MTV really went for #culture and decided to have the show in the Dominican Republic. Even reality shows get island fever, I guess. I mean, you can really only throw so many group orgys/luaus so many times on one show.
Ryan Devlin, the host who you feel bad for like 99% of the time, meets up with the cast and is like you guys all suck at and theyve all been trained to say relationships. Of course they all forget their one fucking line and just sound like they are saying random shit.
RYAN: You guys suck at CASTMATE 1: Relationships! CASTMATE 2: Tomato! CASTMATE 3: Unicorn piss! CASTMATE 4: 9/11 was a hoax!
We meet Tyranny (Mom Quote: IS HER NAME TRANNY!?! theyre so cute when they are mildly offensive) says that all of her boyfriends have either cheated on her or knocked other girls up. In the words of Donald Trump: Sad! Very Unfair!
Theres Jaylan who used to be a loser, hit the gym, now gets pussy. Male Laney Boggs. Tale as old as time. Moving on.
Taylor: hottest girl on the show easily, talks about how her dad would kill some of the men she has dated, low-key concerned for her safety and the safety of others.
Theres Joey, the povo as fuck part-time garbage man who spent his last remaining dollars on a gaudy watch. Obviously a very smart investor. Didnt know sent kids on scholarship. Im just happy hes honest about being a garbage man and doesnt try and be like Im a sanitation assistant. Not that any of them know what sanitation means.
Joey is def hot though10/10 would bang, just to get hook up with blue collar worker off my bucket list.
Ryan explains about how they do comprehensive interviews and questionnaires to develop and algorithm that eventually finds their match. You know poor Joey didnt know what was happening after comprehensive.
This season, theres another twist: there are 11 guys and 11 girls, but they only get ten chances. Obviously MTV was giving away too much money with this show, so they made more couples. What? Youre thinking it.
For the first date, MTV acted like a bunch of fucking narcs and sent bios to the contestants’ parents so mom and dad can pick who they think is a match. Everyone is like, Mom dont fuck this up for me.
My mom: If you were ever on this show I would literally never acknowledge you again. (Fair enough.)
Joeys mom picks Carolina, whos like okay cool, whatever. She doesnt know hes a garbage man yet, so give her a break.
Hannah’swho is from my hometown, hey girlfamily picks Oswaldo, a self-described horny genius. Welp, I think a line like that means its time for a shot. Brb.
Anyway, Hannah is like I would rather eat my own spleen then date Oswaldo. (paraphrase)
Giannas mom chose Hayden and they start hugging and are like . Fucking spare me. The other fucking losers have to send these couples to the truth booth after their date.
The castmates get to their dungeon for the next few months and drinks are flowing and shirts are off. I remember my first sip of alcohol.
Cassandra is drunk and is wanting to touch everyones face. She like Im so flirty when Im drunk which is a weird way of saying Im a hoe.
Its Mikes birthday today. Hes like its my birthday so someone fuck me. *plays Birthday Sex* *stares aggressively at all the women*
Mike describes himself as a typical Staten Island boy. His hobbies include moisturizing, mispronouncing half the English language and fapping off to girls who look like Snooki.
Ozzy is a local, so you know he is dirty as fuck. Kathryn goes to Florida State, you know shes hot as fuck, but also borderline brain-dead.
Shes like I WANT TO BE A TEACHER! and its like, sure ya do sweetie, and I want to be a fucking astronaut. Stick to what you know and continue being a TFM girl.
Ozzy and Kathryn both want to be teachers. Snoreeeeee. Shes already like Im in lovewell folks, weve met the stage-5 clinger for the season.
Michael the douchebagnot be confused with Mike, the little man from Staten Islandis laying it on THICK to Taylor and she is not having it. Taylor has officially become my favorite on the show so far.
MICHAEL:Hey pretty lady TAYLOR:Ew seriously? Girls with asses like mine do not talk to guys with faces like yours.
Shes like youre so full of shit and Im like SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK, TAYLOR.
Hayden and Gianna are talking about how they both have dogs and both like corn and other pretty basic shit and decide theyre going to be together forever.
GIANNA: I breathe air HAYDEN: No way, I breathe air!!!
They both have the flyover state bond, with Hayden being from Indiana and Gianna being from Ohio. Its always cute to see two people from middle America bond and discuss the fact that they fucked the rest of us over. True love.
Everyone is like Hayden and Gianna are a match, even though theyve all known each other for 3 seconds.
Joey the trash man is telling people that hes going to be a carpenter, much like a 3rd grader would say Mommy, Im going to be a superhero! Shannon brings me the biggest laugh of the night by asking him to do her carpets, clearly not knowing what a carpenter is. Shit like that makes me miss my sorority.
Ozzy is chain-smoking and being like I DONT WANT TO BE THE OLD ME. Aka, me on New Years Eve.
Kathryn and Ozzy are drunk as fuck and being flirty and going WE WANT TO HELP KIDS!!!! You stay the fuck away from my future children, Rush-Boobs and Ozzy.
Michael is talking to Gianna and starts telling a sob story about how he was chubby and he blossomed. If I had a nickel for every time I heard that one. No seriously, every fucking season they have one of these guys.
MTV CASTING: Ok we need at least one hick, one former fat dude, one ripped black guy and one oddly feminine guy. Search the fucking country.
Michael starts asking Gianna about her open-heart surgery, gets bored halfway through and just starts sucking her face. Okay. Well that escalated quickly. Quote from mom: He doesnt give a shit about her faulty heart. Hes trying to get laid. Profound.
Rush-Boobs wants to make Ozzy jealous and starts low-key hooking up with Mike. Fantastic logic, cant wait for you to educate our youth.
Then we meet Andre, who has trust issues because the girl he liked since 8th grade literally sat on his friends lap. Meanwhile, Tyrannys boyfriends are having children, but OKAY. #dramatic
Alicia is the perpetual sidepiece, aka every womans enemy.
Ozzy and Kathryn already think they are a match and Ozzy forgive Rush-Boobs for hooking up with Mike because hes a cheater too, so this is karma. Wow, how fucking zen of you.
Hayden dresses in camo for the date and Gianna is like You can take the boy out of Indiana, but you cant make him dress like a normal fucking human.
Its very clear Gianna is over Hayden, whereas Hayden hasnt been this excited since he attended a Donald Trump rally last summer.
GIANNA: FML HAYDEN: *excitedly whispers* Build that wall! Build that wall!
Joey just looks like a trash man, like, just in life. He has resting garbage man face.
Hannah does not like Oswaldo, its very obvious. Shes going to call her parents and demand a raise in her monthly allowance for making her suffer through this bullshit.
Gianna starts kissing Hayden and shes like Ill give him a chance. How fucking noble of you.
Carolina and Joey are talking about their parents and Joey tells her that he would never cheat on a girl and Carolina damn near creams her pants. They kiss and meanwhile the whole audience is wondering does she know hes a trash man? That dramatic irony, doe.
ShockerHayden and Gianna to the truth booth. Michael is like WE MADE OUT LAST NIGHT but Im not jealous.
MICHAEL: Im not even mad! NARRATOR: Michael was, in fact, very mad.
Ah, but there is a truth booth twist! They can trade in truth booth and add $150,000 to their prize. But if they take the money then Hayden and Gianna can never get sent back together.
The house is torn. Im torn. Im all out of faith, this is how I feel.
*Starts Twitter poll asking people what they would do*
They decide not to take the trade, which my mom and I both agree is stupid.
And lookie here: No match. So thats done.
Michael is thrilled. My mom thinks he looks like a baby rat. Cannot un-see that.
Gianna gives a speech basically saying that she didnt feel it the whole time and everyone is like okay cool thanks for telling us, *whispers* ya fuckin bitch.
We also very quickly meet Kam, who has a rotation of men because #feminism. And Edward, who has a chest tattoo. Thats it for now.
Gianna goes to hang out with Michael and hes over it. He makes her cry, I dont really care, blah blah blah, moves on with life. Gianna and Michael are going to be the annoying couple this season. Buckle up.
This season they have the blackout rule again but this time they cut the winnings in half if they blackout. Thats way harsh, Tai.
First is Kam and Eddy. Shes building up her newest rotation.
Taylor picks Tyler, who is hot. Wait what? Why did they not introduce the hot guy? What is this fuckery, MTV? They also sound like they could be identical twins.
Kari, dont know her yet so whatever, picks little man Mike.
Casandra picks Kaylen.
Caroline picks Joey.
Tyranny and Oswaldo. Can I just call you Tee? Im going to call you Tee, because Im one letter away from being low-key fucked up.
Giannas dumb ass is up and shes like I HAVE A GREAT CONNECTION WITH MICHAEL so obviously shes going to pick Ozzy.
Tee and Alicia are pissed and threatening to curb stomp this bitch. Fuck yes, this is what I signed up for. Gianna is like Leave me alone everyone, Im proving this to Michael! Literally all you proved was that youre crazy AND stupid.
Hannah picks Michael.
Alicia picks Andre.
Rush-Boobs picks Derek, who is also hot as fuck. Also, Rush-Boobs laugh reminds me of Kitty from. I know. Its all you can think about now.
Shannon, who btw really needs her carpets cleaned, picks Hayden.
Well this is excitingthey get two matches. Not bad for week one. They dont make me want to kill myselfyet.
Ryan gives the follow your heart speech that we hear every fucking episode and the cast goes back to the house to turn the fuck up.
So far, off to an interesting start. Gotta say, good-looking cast this season. Dumb as rocks, but good-looking. Come back next week to see what other shit I can talk about my peers who are doing far worse than I am. Peace, bitches.
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Read more: http://betches.co/2itgoq2
from ‘Are You The One?’ Recap: So It Begins
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