#hes like ohh this is another hard project.... its been sitting here forever.... maybe if u could figure out anything it would be a huge hel
intertexts · 1 month
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awakendreamersworld · 3 years
And here's the final chapter! Let's Stay Together
It was late at night and Doria was sleeping after a long, hard, busy day. Maria got up and packed her personal items into a crab shell bag and set a note on the her bed and started sneaking out out her home, but before she left, she decided to bring Alberto's record player along so they could listen to music together. Before heading above depth, she took one last look at her home and smiled, "I promise I'll be safe." She said and started swimming above depth out of the kingdom towards the current. Maria went inside the current and started swimming through it back to Italian Riviera, where Alberto was.
Alberto woke up the next morning quickly running down stairs and running up to Giulia before she headed out to take care of fish deliveries with Luca. "Hey Giulia, mind if I speak to you for a sec?" He asked grabbing Giulia's arm and heading back upstairs to her room, "What is it, Alberto?" She asked "I wanna get Maria something really special. Like something that means a promise or that we'll stay together no matter what happens!" Alberto said, "Like... and engagement ring?" Giulia said "YES!... What's an engagement ring?" Alberto asked "Its a ring indicating that the person wearing it is engaged to be married, its like a promise to stay together forever." Giulia explained, "Yes, that's perfect!" Alberto shouted "Where can I get one?" "I know someone in town that sells jewelry, maybe they can help you get one." Giulia said, "Perfect! Let's go!" Alberto said grabbing Giulia's arm again and racing downstairs to her bike and hopped on, "We'll be right back, guys! C'mon, Giulia!" Alberto said and Giulia quickly hopped on her bike and started riding up the hill the the person that sells jewelry. Giulia parked her bike by the door and went infront a building with a tent outside on top and a window with jewelry separated in boxes at the bottom, "Ciao, Mr. Miguel, my friend here would like to buy an engagement ring." Giulia said, "What kind?" Mr. Miguel asked, he was bald with scars on his face and a muscular chin and wore an eyepatch over his left eye and was wearing a avocado green shirt with white shorts on and slip on brown shoes. "Well? Which one do you prefer, Alberto? Giulia asked "Hmm, do you have any ocean-like ones?" Alberto asked, "Ohh, I have plenty, Amico. Be right back." He said disappearing into his store. A few minutes later, he came back with a medium sized box of rings, some were silver with ocean blue diamonds on them and some were gold with sapphire blue diamonds on them. There were so many to choose from, they were really pretty too, Alberto had no idea which one to choose, he put his hand inside the box and started moving some of the rings around so he can see what else was underneath them. At the very bottom, he found a ring that Maria might like, Alberto grabbed it and took it out the box, "That's my goddess of the sea ring. You want to buy?" Mr. Miguel asked, Alberto nodded and Giulia gave Mr. Miguel the money to pay for the ring, "Let me get a beautiful box you can put the ring in!" Mr. Miguel said and once again, vanished into his dark home to scavenger around for the perfect box for a perfect ring.
A few miles off the coast, Maria swam up to the surface to see if she was heading the right way, she looked and saw the two islands, one separated and one bigger than it with buildings on it. Yep, this was the place. Maria took a deep breathe and swam towards the island with the town while still holding Alberto's record player with the magical singing lady. Maria's shadow hovered past Luca who was putting his fish herd away, Luca looked up and saw Maria and started swimming towards her. "MARIA!" He yelled excitedly hugging her, "Hehe, hey Luca! Sorry I was gone for so long, my aunt kept worrying about my scars and was trying to keep me home until they were 'ok' on her side." Maria said "Its so good to see you again! Alberto's been missing you, like REALLY missing you." Luca said, "Oh, uhh, well, I'm here now! Where is he?" Maria asked "He's with Giulia, they went to get something I think." Luca said, "Ok, c'mon!" Maria said and started swimming to town with Luca.
Once on shore, Maria headed towards Giulia's home and went inside. Massimo was in the kitchen preparing some food, "Hi Massimo!" Maria said, "Welcome back, Maria. How's your wounds?" He asked, "They're all healed and well!" Said Maria, "That's good, you must be hungry after a long trip back. Please, sit and eat." Massimo said. Maria sat down at the table setting her stuff and Alberto's record player down on the ground and began to eat her pasta. Once finished, Maria went to the tree to decorate it to surprise Alberto. She put seashells around the edges of the wooden bed and set down the record player right in the center, she thought it was perfect and that Alberto was gonna like it. Maria started climbing through the window into Giulia's bedroom and began heading downstairs. Luca went outside and saw Giulia and Alberto heading their way back, he panicked and quickly ran to Massimo. "Alberto's back! Quick, take him with you to catch fish!" Luca said, "But Maria's here. He would want to see her first." Massimo said "Its a surprise! Maria doesn't want to spoil it!" Luca said and Massimo headed outside to Giulia and Alberto setting down the bike, "just in time, Alberto. Come, we have some more fish to catch." He said. Alberto put the boxed ring in his pocket and followed Massimo to the docks and jumped onto the boat and started heading out to the open water. Giulia went inside and saw Maria standing next to Luca, "Maria! Your back!" Giulia shouted in excitement and hugged her, "Hehe, its good to see you too, Giulia! Where's Alberto? Luca told me he was with you." Maria asked, "Oh, he's with my Papa hunting for some fish." Giulia said then looked down at Maria's dress, it had ripped holes from the shark bite and was stained with blood, but Giulia seemed more worried about the dress then Maria's wounds. "Aye, Maria! Your dress! C'mon, lets head back to the tailor. He'll make you a new one." Giulia said grabbing Maria's hand and heading outside to her bike as they hop on and started heading back to the tailor. They hopped off the bike and placed it near the entrance and headed inside, "Ciao, Chipo! We're back!" Giulia said, "Welcome back, Mia- DIO MIO! What happened, Amica!?" He said looking at Maria's ripped bloody dress, "She was attacked by a shark, but she's ok now." Giulia said "Sorry about the dress, do you think you can make a new one?" She asked. "Of course! Anything for a friend! And you need to be careful out in the waters. It may look pretty, but there's all kinds of predators down there!" Chipo said to Maria, "I'll be sure to be more careful next time." Maria said following him to the back so he can make a new dress for her.
Doria woke up and headed to Maria's room to wake her up for school, but her room was empty. There was a note on her bed, she picked it up and it read: 'Dear aunt Doria, I left early, by the time you read this I'm already at Italian Riviera with Alberto! Relax, I'm fine :).' Doria shook her head and smiled then set the note down and put on her crab gear, grabbed her weapons, and headed outside to go start her job on protecting her kingdom.
Massimo started pulling the net up when he noticed Alberto looking inside a small box. "Is that for Maria?" He asked, "Yeah, its an engagement ring! I'm gonna ask her to stay with me." Alberto said and showed the ring to Massimo "I'm sure she'll love it." Massimo said smiling, "I think so too!" Alberto said closing the box and putting it back in his pocket. They continued pulling the net up with another load of fish and started heading back to shore. After waiting a few moments, Maria came out wearing a 1950's light blue rockabilly polka dot Audrey retro vacation summer dress. "Whoa, you look amazing!" Giulia said "Thanks, you think Alberto will like it?" Maria asked "Of course he will!" Giulia said while heading back outside "Thanks, Chipo!" Giulia said waving goodbye to the tailor "Bye, Giulia! Come back soon! And be careful!" He said and Maria and Giulia hopped on the bike and headed back home.
Alberto and Massimo went inside and set the net full of fish down in the corner, "I'll prepare dinner, you go on upstairs to your friend." Massimo said. Alberto went upstairs to Giulia's room and went through the window to the tree, when he was in the tree, he saw his magical singing lady gift he got for Maria and there were seashells around the edges. His eyes widened open to think that Maria was here, Maria headed upstairs with Giulia and the window was open, Maria climbed through the window to see Alberto checking out her decorations. "Do you like it?" Maria said and Alberto turned around and saw her wearing a new beautiful light blue polka dot vacation summer dress, "Whoa, nice dress! Sorry about your old one..." He said "That's okay! Sorry for being gone for so long..." Maria said "... You know how protective my aunt is." "Yeah, I remember..." He said remembering her warning that if he's not careful with protecting Maria, she's coming after him. "Luca told me that you and Giulia went and got something, what was it?" Maria asked, "Oh, right!" Alberto said and grabbed Maria's hand and they both sat down on the wooden board next to the record player.
"Maria, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for 'kinda' faking being in love with you. I just wanted to hang out with you to forget my jealousy of my best friend Luca, he's been hanging out with Giulia all the time and it made me feel isolated. But then meeting you and realizing how much fun I had with you made me realize how much you mean to me, how happy I am with you." Said Alberto,
"Me too! Back at home, I was kind of this kid who breaks the rules and wrecks everything... I even ruined Emily's friendship with her long-time friends. I was just... an outsider... I thought that's how my life was gonna be, just a reckless kid who never learns. But then, I met you! You made me feel like myself again! And I haven't felt like myself in a while, but you helped change that! You showed me that staying with you I'm free to be myself and do whatever I want! And I thank you for that. And when you went after me down into the Midnight Zone, I thought I didn't deserve the rescue since I've done very little to earn it, especially from you." Maria said and smiled "And I'm happy to be with you too."
"Then let's make it official, to stay together forever!" Alberto said pulling out a small, royal blue box and opening it revealing a sterling silver ring with a mermaid on it. "This is a goddess of the sea engagement ring I got from Giulia's jewelry seller friend." He said putting it on Maria's ring finger and holding both of her hands. "Maria, will you stay and live here with me in Portorroso?" Alberto asked, "Yes, of course!" Maria said and hugged Alberto. "Ok... Silencio Bruno..." He said sighing, "what're you doing?" Maria asked "I saw human couples do this, and honestly, its nerve-racking." Alberto said blushing "What?" Maria said. Alberto took a really deep breathe "Silencio Bruno!" He said and quickly kissed Maria on the lips. Maria was surprised, but went with it and kissed back while hugging Alberto, "Ti Amo!" Alberto said ((I love you)), Maria giggled and spoke in her siren language, "Lu fow, that means 'I love you' in Murine Siren language." She said smiling. Alberto smiled back, "Anyways, wanna get some ice cream? My treat!" "Hehe, sure!" Maria said and they stood up and hopped down from the tree and opened the wooden gate to go and get some strawberry ice cream while holding hands.
When they got their ice creams, they went and sat over by the water at the docks and watched the sunset, "I'm really happy to be staying here with you, Alberto." Said Maria, "Me too." Alberto said, "Ah, how nice of you two fish freaks to enjoy a relaxing sunset pretending to be 'normal' when your not." Ercole said walking up to them. Alberto sighed, "Do you mind going someplace else?" "Do YOU mind taking a bath once in a while?" Ercole said while pushing Alberto into the water and he transformed back into a sea monster, Ercole started laughing, "Talk about swimming with the fishes!" Maria then went down to help Alberto up and dragged Ercole down into the water and he was all soaking wet and screaming, "'Talk about swimming with the fishes,' huh?" Maria copied and she and Alberto started laughing. Ercole started getting out of the water, "You will pay for this!" He said and ran off. "I wanted to go for a swim anyways, what about you?" Maria asked Alberto "Yeah, me too. Race to my island? I still have stuff there I want to show you." He said, "Sure." Maria said and they both dove underwater and started swimming towards Alberto's island, Alberto showed Maria all the human stuff he collected and Maria was impressed with the stuff he had. They brought the record player with the magical singing lady and played it, Alberto took Maria's hand and started dancing with her.
"What are you doing?" She asked
"Its called dancing! I basically invented it." Said Alberto twirling Maria
Maria giggled, "How do I do this?"
"Just let the music control your body and it makes you dance." Alberto said
Maria started spinning and skipping like it was a ballet as Alberto watched in amazement. He then grabbed her hand again and they both started dancing with each other spinning, skipping and twirling.
After a few hours of showing Maria all the cool human stuff, they swam back home and ate some pasta. They went back up to Giulia's room and climbed through her window to the tree and layed down together looking at the starry night sky. "This was the best day ever." Maria said happily, "I know, right? And are you sure that you aunt isn't gonna come here and take you back?" Alberto asked nervous that her aunt would return to check if he's taking care of Maria or else, "Don't worry, I left her a note this time. I'm sure she won't come back here." Maria said snuggling closer to Alberto "That's a relief." He said and kissed Maria's head "Goodnight, Maria." He said "Goodnight, Alberto." Maria said and they both dozed off into a deep sleep with Alberto's right arm wrapped around Maria and Maria's head laying on Alberto's chest while hugging him.
Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9
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