#hes literally a micro celeb with like 500k followers
sasssydaddy123 · 1 year
This might be too "hot" of a take for Tumblr but I really wish ppl would stop treating influencers like politicians.
Fuckin Chris or Madison or whoever the fuck from tiktok does not have any obligation to write a statement about current affairs. Why the actual fuck are we looking to these bozos to give us a consice, well written, 100% factually correct, completely comprehensive statement about wars, the economy, racial injustice, queer issues or reproductive rights again? These people are not politicians and certainly do not have the capacity to be one.
Social media has devolved into a weird pseudo-political landscape that doesn't actually have any real impact on things. So when I see random influencers being inundated with harsh comments about not giving a statement on this or not putting up a go fund me for that or for not wording their statement correctly, I can literally feel my brain melting.
Social media politics gives people the false impression of "actually making a difference" when in reality it doesn't do much. You can write 15 part twitter posts or harass random people online all you want but what are you really doing? Nothing.
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