#and i wonder why it matters to ppl so much that some guy gets his IG story statement right
sasssydaddy123 · 1 year
This might be too "hot" of a take for Tumblr but I really wish ppl would stop treating influencers like politicians.
Fuckin Chris or Madison or whoever the fuck from tiktok does not have any obligation to write a statement about current affairs. Why the actual fuck are we looking to these bozos to give us a consice, well written, 100% factually correct, completely comprehensive statement about wars, the economy, racial injustice, queer issues or reproductive rights again? These people are not politicians and certainly do not have the capacity to be one.
Social media has devolved into a weird pseudo-political landscape that doesn't actually have any real impact on things. So when I see random influencers being inundated with harsh comments about not giving a statement on this or not putting up a go fund me for that or for not wording their statement correctly, I can literally feel my brain melting.
Social media politics gives people the false impression of "actually making a difference" when in reality it doesn't do much. You can write 15 part twitter posts or harass random people online all you want but what are you really doing? Nothing.
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fairuzfan · 6 months
I don’t ask this expecting you have THE answer or that there is one, but I follow a non Palestinian white man on insta (in addition to many Palestinian folks in diaspora and in Palestine) who mostly shares things from Palestinian ppl/sources.
He has several times criticized / shared criticism of charity dinners, music festivals etc raising funds for Gaza with the perspective of, it’s not appropriate to have a dance party or dinner while people are undergoing genocide, but also that in this moment, art isn’t resistance because there needs to be physical resistance, blockades of weapons, etc.
I’ve seen this echoed from some others especially critiquing white folks trying to claim “joy is resistance” right now, which makes sense to me, but i also wonder if it’s reductive to say art or music is not resistance because I feel like it can have a lot of power especially alongside social movements… was wondering if you had thoughts on this or perhaps knew where I could look to learn more.
Please ignore if this is too much, and thank you
I think things like writing and illustration and music feeds into the spirit of revolution and is necessary in that way. You have to energize the masses somehow, and to ensure that your message spreads as far as possible. A good way is to make art, or to sing a song, or write a story.
That's why Wisam Rafeedi wrote his book and different resistance factions make posters and videos — to spread their ideas and garner support among the masses.
It's not as important as putting yourself in immediate physical danger to incapacitate the colonial entity — but I think for Palestinians and other colonized peoples, they do need to make art to really process their thoughts. Of course there's a difference when a Palestinian in Palestine, a Palestinian in the diaspora, a nonPalestinian ally of color, and a NonPalestinian white ally do this. I won't deny that there's a nuance when it comes to this.
But writers who write about Palestinian Liberation historically have been assassinated because of how they participate in liberation actions and also spread ideas of liberation themselves. I don't know which white guy you're talking about but I feel like this is mostly a conversation that should be led by Palestinians if we're talking about Palestine because they understand the nuance of saying statements like "the only resistance is physical." I understand what he's saying to an extent but that does erase a lot of Palestinian resistance the past few decades by making sweeping statements like "art is not resistance" and kind of simplifies the issue at hand.
Charity dinners and galas and that stuff... I don't know what I think about them, I think that people are going to do it either way so my opinion doesn't really matter. Hey, if you're going to raise thousands of dollars for Palestine, I'm not going to stop you at all. I personally think you should try to avoid posting pictures and stuff like that from the gala itself if you're going to host one just out of courtesy.
I guess overall what I'm trying to say, art resistance becomes physical a lot of the time. I think its really reductive to say "art isn't resistance" and also personally insulting considering I have family members and friends who were journalists, creative writers, and artists and killed/targeted for their work.
Here's this article by Fargo Tbahkhi about the role of writing during a genocide that might be a good read. They also mention how Israeli propaganda (calling Palestinians "human animals"/"Amalek" as an example) is specifically a use of culture and writing to energize people to commit genocide. An especially poignant part that I completely agree with, and am trying to get at:
Palestine requires that we abandon this catharsis. Nobody should get out of our work feeling purged, clean. Nobody should live happily during the war. Our readers can feel that way when liberation is the precondition for our work, and not the dream. When it is the place we stand, and not the place we shake ourselves towards. In this way, what the long middle of revolution requires, what Palestine requires, is an approach to writing whose primary purpose is to gather others up with us, to generate within them an energy which their bodies cannot translate into anything but revolutionary movement. This is what Boal modeled for us in his theatrical experiments, which were dedicated to empowering audiences to act, to participate in a creative struggle to envision and embody alternatives. For Boal, theater was not revolution, but it was a rehearsal for the revolution, meant to gather communities together in that rehearsal. Creative work readies us for material work, by offering a space to try out strategies, think through contradictions, remind us of our own agency.  
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streussal · 3 months
i 100% agree with u about the fight, my question is why do you think they even included that scene? i don't feel like it tells us anything we don't already know & it gives ppl who dont remember the original scene opportunity to believe louis was the aggressor.. don't know how to feel about it to be frank
I got this ask after I made this post. Responding almost 4 days later so I don't know if the anon will see this, but I have some thoughts.
First of all, no matter how strongly a piece of media demonstrates who is the bad guy in a situation, there's always going to be people who side with the abuser, ESPECIALLY if the abuser is a white male and the victim is anyone other than a white male. Louis straight up said in the scene (LESTAT'S VERSION) "like you wrapped your hands around our daughter's neck" so it's pretty clear he's responding to Lestat attacking Claudia. On stage, Lestat goes off script and insists that it was wrong of him to drop Louis from the sky, and that afterwards Louis was "a broken thing. I know, I saw, because I am the one that broke him". He then follows this with the admission that he did it because Louis hurt his feelings, not because of any threats or violence from Louis: “I couldn’t persuade him to return my affections. I could force him to love me. And so, I broke him.” If people don't get that Lestat was in the wrong here, I don't think there's anything else the writers can do.
As for why I think the show gave us that scene:
Playing around with different points of view is neat, and showing different recollections of the same event is a recurring thing in this show. (I'm torn on whether this is Lestat's actual recollection or just something the coven added to make Louis look bad - see my interpretation that Lestat is being coerced into participating in the trial - but either way it plays into one of the themes of the series.) Yes showing the POV of an abuser could backfire if it falls into victim blaming but I think the show handled it very well (and there is a portion of the audience that is always going to see Lestat as the victim even when he straight up says he was the bad guy in a situation).
It shows Louis physically protecting Claudia AND prioritizing her over Lestat. One of the major criticisms of Louis is his failure to do either of these things, so I actually think it made a lot of people like him better. Most of the twitter reactions I saw, from people who accepted the scene as 100% fact, was people talking about how great it was that Louis was ready to kill the guy who hurt his daughter.
It allows Jacob Anderson to do something different! One of the reasons I'm suspicious of this version of events with Louis cackling is that I have not seen Louis act quite like that before. But Jacob definitely sold it! Makes me wonder if maybe this is yet another side of Louis! I don't know! It adds rewatch value.
The acknowledgement that Lestat dropping Louis from the sky really did do long term damage to Louis. Not just physically. He became "a broken thing" - there was serious psychological damage. After he got back together with Lestat, we never really saw him push back against Lestat again. A lot of his time in Paris is a reaction against being in an abusive relationship. (And then he gets in another one, which happens a lot in real life.)
But I think it's also significant that right after this scene, we saw Lestat's remorse. And a much more real apology than anything we saw in s1. Now obviously this does not fix anything. (Claudia highlights this - "Can I cry and say sorry too?" - She and Louis tried to kill Lestat and are on trial, Lestat nearly kills Louis and just gives an apology.) But it gives the possibility that perhaps Lestat has changed or realized that he needs to change. And given that the showrunner has repeatedly referred to Loustat as the central love story of the series (link)... we need to see that Lestat is not going to do the same thing again. We want him to be better for Louis. Not that it would ever be an entirely healthy relationship (they are vampires), but not "drop him the sky requiring months of recovery" level awful. (@awildwickedslip wrote an interesting post relating to this here)
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mblue-art · 6 months
Sorry for that question but I really curious!
What made you fell in love with Cross and Lust?
Tell us more!!
😳😳😳 hhuh what rreally,, , ,,, 😳 u wanna hear me yap abt my sillies, my beloveds,,, (i appreciate the enthusiasm tho omg 🥺🫶🫶🫶)
i want to have the yuris with lust and the yaois with cross I I MEAN HWHWAT 🧍‍♂️
haha anyWAY,, (oh gog this ended up long)
cross checks so many boxes for me it makes me go insane. too good to be true. versatile(??)— like it's somehow way too easy to put him in Situations. (he's bf and husbone material??? just -20hp me now; that already kills me) he's. hh. gawddamn there's reasons why he won a utmv sans sexyman poll.
he's like a crush that you can't get out of your head no matter what you do, i'm so freaking down bad for him it's not even funny anymore. ever since simping for cross i have not been the same since. the man has changed me. the attraction/simp feelings hit me like a bat out of nowhere and i don't understand why it's so intense— i. hh.
,,i like when ppl make him dorky. stupidly silly (absolutely love shitpost shenanigans and would absolutely LOVE to get into silly shenanigans with him and with/without his bestie epic). fun to be around when he's deemed you as a good friend. stars, he'd give good hugs. strong, solid, and warm, the kind of hugs u don't wanna pull away from so soon. a little endearingly cringe. fanon simp cross is adorable and fun to mess around with. tsundere cross is adorable and fun to mess with. cute anxious guy under all that intimidating aloofness. when i say his smile is an absolute treasure, i mean that. his blush making him look like a grape or a glowing bulb is adorable and makes me wanna tease him more. anime protag/character vibes so strong i wanna have a cute bl/shoujo manga romance with him type shit yk.
then there's times when he's The Hot Dude and i think it's illegal if he's all confident and smug and dom actually (/hj) cause that makes me wanna fucking fite him HELLO? SIR? ILLEGAL????? (<- the fight or flight response of a tsundere towards a milder tsundere LOL).
-hp every single time. mf gets successful d20 rolls w/ rizz on me and i get a critical hit every time. it's a 50/50 either i fluster to death and become weak or i wanna fite his dumbass
i'll. i can fight him. i'll lose but i can fight him for sure. (why is he so cool⁉️‼️💢💢💢RRRRRRR)
he makes me feel things. lots of things. (mostly fluster but when i'm feelin sooper soff i jst wanna shower his skull in keeses. ima kissy lil guy)
tired cross makes me just wanna take care of him. want him to come home to me without any worry because he thinks i'm his safe space.
when he's being stubborn i want to tell him to chill out for a little while, take a break and watch some funny stuff while drinking choccy milk or eating his fav foods and be cozy. bapping him if he's gonna try to get out of this too soon. he's gonna get the free time he deserves n relax n get cuddles n kithes.
the way he can gently hold my hand and look at me with a sincere look in his eyelights and say something genuinely affectionate feels like cupid shooting an arrow through my soul, but also feels like a balm. (a promise of loyalty and faithfulness.) (a kiss on the forehead? a cherry on top.)
well now i can't be mean to him with all the nice he's saying and doing. i just want nice things for him o(-< (even if he's a bastard sometimes lol<3 all circles back to the silly) (silly is always important)
i love lust. so so so much. the fanon interpretation of him, anyway.
(don't get me wrong, i absolutely adore the feminine slay content of lust; but am i wrong for yearning for more masc lust content?)
i like my lust sans respectful, goofy, sans-like, an absolute sweetheart, and a caring, wonderful life partner. under the flirty personality and charm(ing looks), is a sans behavior that made me fall deeper. (he makes me feel very gender too) (ohmygofd yeah no he actually makes me think of gender sometimes rauauagrrgh<3/pos). i don't have to worry about showing my cring, weird side to him, because he's also a gremlin,, o(-< he doesn't have to present himself all nice and pretty all the time (although he's always pretty in my eyes). he can be comfortably himself; with me 🥺
i want to be his safe space.
i want to see him heal and be happy and be happy with me and give him all the love i can give and care for him and make him soso happy i just want him to feel SO sosososo loved, he deserves so much more
he's the only one who's able to get a certain reaction out of me; to pull flowers out of my heart. to pull out words of love and devotion and appreciation, heart bursting with affection only for him.
for him, i would try. i would live for him. i wish someone like him (the him i've created from interpretations and headcanons) was real irl.
i want to not care i don't care if he's a gorgeous well-known person that people fawn over, or if he's a campus crush, etc.,
i want him to think i'm worthy enough to keep in his life. for him to know how special he is to me, for him to know how much i want him in my life as much as i want him to keep me in his.
my immediate reaction when i think of him is: 😊💕💜💜💜eeeee kicks and giggles and flaps hands teehee
i love him so much i get a heart-on for him (/silly but it is true sometimes; love him so much it aches (in a good way))
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funkii-fox · 1 month
Yandere Josuke Headcanons
I rlly like the concept of a charming guy that has all the girls all over him to be a secret yandere. He’s not who you think he is. Yandere Caesar coming soon maybe? Do u guys want that?
This was hard to come up with. I wondered “why would this guy, that everyone loves and is a pretty normal dude, be a yandere?” And i was thinking abt types of yanderes. I feel like he would have no reason to be possessive type, since he’s popular and all. I wouldn’t think he would be sadistic either. In fact, i think he would be so against you being hurt, he would be more on the overly protective side. BUT what if he was obsessive??…😈
Warning: some nsfw. Not in depth tho
He just can’t get you out of his head. It was cute at first, but now it’s too much. He thinks about you at school. “I hope they’re here today.” In his free time. “I wonder what y/n is doing right now.” While he’s hanging out with his friends or playing games. “I wish y/n was here to have a good time with me.” When he’s studying. “I wonder if i could help them study.” When he’s trying to sleep. “I wish y/n were here snuggling with me.” In the shower. “I wonder what y/n looks like under all those clothes.” No matter how hard he wants to keep you out of his mind, he always catches himself thinking of in depth scenarios of you with him. You distract him from his studies and even his own friends. “Josuke, are you listening? :/” “Huh?! Yeah! :}”
He gets very ashamed when he thinks about you while he gets off. It’s so dirty! We don’t even know each other yet! But he can’t help it! It’s become the only way he can get off. He also started masturbating more frequently. It was originally once or twice a week, now it’s almost every day. Do you not see what you do to him? You turned him into a perverted mess!
He follows you. It’s not stalking tho! He just follows and watches you around town. It’s fine! He pretends to also be doing something in the place you’re in too, as if it were a coincidence. If you’re in a cafe having a coffee, for example, he’s having some tea across the room. It’s not like he’s hiding from you, even if he tries to keep a low profile with different clothes and a seat thats out of your line of vision. He’s still in plain sight! It’s not stalking!
He can’t stop Crazy Diamond from going over to you if you’re in his range. Thankfully, Diamond doesn’t do anything too bad. He may brush your hair or rub your cheek: Small, romantic gestures. It’s very odd to be clearly touched by something not there. “I probably just imagined it.” You rationalize. Josuke gets so embarrassed, even if you don’t know it’s him. He wishes he could ground his dumb punching ghost.
It’s an advantage to have that dumb punching ghost, tho. He can easily steal and look at ur things with his speed and his ability to repair things. He has ripped your backpack and bashed your locker many times before and you’d never know.
He only broke into your bag and locker “just to look” at first, but it morphed into stealing things like a funny sticky note you doodled on. Just small knickknacks that remind him of you and show your personality!
He started to follow you home. It was originally another one of his “normal” “following” moments. But before he knew it, he followed you to your place of comfort. It’s not weird, tho. A lot of ppl know where others live! Even if you don’t know him, it’s fine. Anyone could’ve seen you walk into your house and found out you live there!
He keeps an eye on your place, tho. Just curious about your living situation! Nothing else! He finds out about any people and pets you may live with and your daily schedules. He’s not going to do anything tho! It’s not like he has binoculars spying inside!
He fought within himself to not go into your house. “THAT would be stalking! I can’t do that” But eventually, the devil on his shoulder won and now he literally broke into your house. “Just this once! Never again!” But it happened again. And then again. “I won’t do much, i promise. It’s fine as long as nobody finds out, right?”
One of the only things that you know about his actions is that Josuke looks at you. Its started out as a quick glance from time to time, but it turned into intense stares. He just can’t remove his eyes from your sweet face. The only thing that makes him look away is you meeting his eyes. It’s like a jump scare to him! Your eyes are so beautiful, his heart can barely take it! “Odd… maybe he was just spacing out or looking behind me,” you rationalized, “but if he was… he wouldn’t look away instantly, as if he were caught doing something bad…” you try to brush off the deep blue eyes that drill into you from your peripheral vision the second you look away.
Josuke doesn’t wanna be creepy. Hes supposed to be a charming gentleman!! What would his momma think if she found out!? He can’t help it tho…
He eventually will ask you out, but only after he gets confirmation from his “following” and “curiosity”. He’s very romantic towards you. It gets a little cheesy at times but you appreciate every bit of it. He’s perfect; sweet, charming, attentive. You don’t suspect a thing! Perfect!
But sometimes he can be… overbearingly sweet. It started with VERY expensive gifts. “How much did this cost?!” “A million yen :)” “WHAT?!” It’s suspicious how a high schooler can even afford these types of gifts regularly…
He holds you too tightly, for way too long, and in any situation. He just NEEDS to be holding you tenderly. It feels like he spends every second of his free time with you, you barely have time with your friends or family. It feels suffocating. But you can’t tell him that! He just wants to love you:(
He wants a normal life, but stand business is tough. He’s scared that it might involve you. You could get hurt. Or even worse... Josuke wouldn’t know what to do with himself if you died. Or what if he dies and you will never be together again? You would be devastated. He counters this by being very protective of you. He doesn’t let you learn about stands. And he always has a good scope of the area. He frequently asks about “anything new?” to try to bait an answer. If something odd happens to you, he will FREAK OUT. “What if it’s an enemy stand?!” Yeah, you’re not being let out of his sight for the rest of the week…
I said he wouldn’t be possessive, but that doesn’t mean he would just let someone take you away. He will fight tooth and nail to keep you. He simply CANNOT let you go. You are his entire life…
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redislazy · 10 months
not only for tonight
i got more than 10 ppl checking out my last fic so i wrote another one :> also on ao3
[SMUT] - Minors DNI
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x afab!Reader
Word Count: 7,132
Content Tags: Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, Edgeplay, Smut, Confessions, Creampie, Dom/sub Undertones, Road Head, Blow Jobs in a Car, Jealousy, Possessive Behavior, Romance, Sexual Tension, Porn with Feelings, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
Summary: Ghost stops you from meeting your hookup.
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It's been a tough mission overseas, but it was a well-executed one. With very few casualties, relevant intel retrieved, and the enemy leader dead, Task Force 141 and some men from other SAS units agreed to go out to a bar located in the next city from the base to celebrate before taking a couple of days of break. It hasn't been this lively for who knows how long. For such a long time, there was no cause for revelry. Lost teammates, failed missions, and innocent civilians you couldn't save. It never gets easy, but this is nice. Temporary, but a welcome trajectory. You take a sip of your wine as you sit alone on one of the counter chairs. Everyone else was playing pool, watching sports on the TV, and chatting. You’re one of the only few female soldiers who came tonight, and while you get along with the boys just fine, you just didn't feel like joining their rowdiness tonight.
As you survey the surroundings, you spot your Lieutenant, Simon 'Ghost' Riley doing an arm wrestling match with another soldier. You smile, amused, as this is the first time you’ve seen him have fun like this.
With every pound he forces into the other man's grip, you notice how Ghost feels himself growing more and more distant from the bar around him. It's not as though he dislikes this sort of camaraderie, it's just so different from how he normally feels in these sorts of situations. When he releases the other man from his grip, he grunts and tosses some bills on the counter. "Right then. Any other idiots want a go?"
Ghost then spots you from the counter, and he gestures for you to join him. "What about you, lass? Care to try your luck and see if you can beat me?" He arrogantly says, raising his voice a bit so you could hear from where you were sitting.
You shake your head, giving him a snicker. "I don't plan on breaking my arm today, Lt. I'll pass. I'll be rooting for you, though." You nonchalantly decline before taking another sip of your drink. You motion for him to move along and continue the match as his next arm wrestling opponent is currently waiting. "Alright, suit yourself!" He yells before going at it with the new challenger.
For a while, you silently just watched Ghost do his thing, entertained when he bested each one of his opponents with ease. He can be incredibly stoic and cold, but he is no killjoy when it matters. You are about to take another sip when your phone buzzes. Once you open your lock screen, you immediately notice a message from your hookup app. You were absentmindedly swiping earlier, but you didn't think you'd find a match tonight. Being a soldier and all, it's practically impossible for you to be in a relationship when you pretty much laugh in the face of death regularly. Still, that doesn't mean you don't deserve to unwind and let some steam out now and then.
The guy who matched with you asked if you're down to hookup right now. Seeing as his bio says he's only 20 minutes away from the bar, you don't see why not. You respond, telling him to meet you outside.
You sigh before taking one last sip of your drink. A part of you suddenly feels extremely empty. Resorting to a hookup app because there's no one waiting for you at home starts to sour your mood. You knew you chose the path of being a soldier, but you had your reasons, and you never once regretted meeting the people you are working with now and trusting with your life. Still, how would it feel to have someone be there for you, to love you, to pamper you, to spoil you? You always wondered how nice it must be like, but there is no room for a relationship in your life right now. The only temporary solution you can accomplish to tame the loneliness in your heart is to be held by someone, if, for only a night. Then when tomorrow comes, you'll feel some gratification, and you can pretend that it made you feel less empty.
"Right," You mutter to yourself bitterly.
Before anyone can notice, you slowly slip away, exiting the bar and walking down an alley. You figured you'd just wait here.
It's not that you enjoy sleeping around with just anybody. You're not promiscuous by any means, but it's been such a long time since you've slept with somebody, and tonight seemed like the perfect timing to do just that. 
Out of nowhere, Ghost's sudden presence in the alley startles you. 
"Where's your sense of loyalty, lass?" He growls with a hint of possessiveness in his voice. "I thought you were going to be there, cheering me on." He approaches you, towering over your smaller frame completely.
When he stands in front of you like this, your height difference is so palpable that you start feeling a little bit conscious. You sigh, knowing that the reason why he's being so intrusive is because he's just looking out for you. That's how he's always been with people under his command.
"None of your business, Lt. It's unimportant," You blankly say, your eyebrows raised as you silently ask him to not push it further. Besides, how are you supposed to tell your Lieutenant that you're out here waiting for your hookup?
Ghost's eyes narrow, and he steps closer, towering over you even more. "This 'unimportant thing' of yours seems pretty fucking important if you're abandoning your men to attend to it." His voice lowers threateningly, as he tries to intimidate you. "I think I'm owed an explanation."
He leans down, his face just inches from yours, his cold breath fanning against your skin. Even though he's trying to scare you, there's an undercurrent of possessiveness and need in his eyes that makes him almost irresistible. He wants you to explain yourself, but he also wants you to obey.
"Answer me, lass." His voice is soft, but demanding.
His entire action takes you aback. The way he's so pressed about this makes you feel like should come clean to him to avoid any trouble whatsoever. You give him an incredulous look for a moment, making sure you choose the right way to phrase your answer.
"Just waiting for a guy I matched with in an app," You try to sound as casual as possible, but the discomfort is just impossible to ignore.
Ghost's eyes narrow even further at your answer. He wasn't expecting that. "Huh. You dating?" 
You give him a puzzled look, curious as to why he wants to know further. "No. Only hookup, just for tonight."
He regards your answer for a moment. For a second, he looked like he would threaten you some more, but then a smirk tugged at his lips. "Well, then. I suppose I can't blame you for wanting some release," he says with a chuckle.
He takes a step back, his eyes scanning you up and down before locking his gaze on your lips. "I'm going to make you forget about this hookup, lass. And then you'll see why I'm the only man you'll ever need."
Without another word, he pulls up his mask just above his mouth. He grabs you by the shoulders and pushes you against the wall, pinning you there with his much larger frame. His lips crash down on yours, his tongue demanding entrance into your mouth.
Everything happened so quickly that you are now completely frozen, your eyes wide in shock, but you don't push him away.
You couldn't.
Deep in your heart, you knew you always liked him, but you could never act on it. He was so distant, so serious with his role as your Lt, you just knew he was off-limits. Not that you thought you'd even have a chance with him; he always treated you like one of the boys, and most of all, you are his teammate. Yet, here he was, kissing you with so much fervor, you couldn't help but close your eyes and give in.
You slowly wrap your arms around his back, letting his warmth envelope you as his tongue finds its way inside your mouth. You moan, your fingers trembling as you return the gesture, your tongue swirling and brushing against his. You pull away slowly, your eyes heavy as you look at him. It was dark in the alleyway, but the moonlight perfectly illuminated his masked face.
"Care to explain, Lt?" You shakily whisper, your hot breath grazing on his agape mouth.
Ghost's nostrils flare slightly at the question, but he doesn't answer immediately. Instead, he dips his head down to capture your lips once more, his hands tightening around your ass as you exchange yet another passionate kiss. After a moment, he reluctantly breaks the kiss and looks deep into your eyes.
"Because I wanted to. Because... I can't fucking stand the thought of you in another man's arms. It has to be me. Only me." There's a vulnerability hidden beneath his gruff exterior as he admits his feelings for you. It seemed to you like it took him long enough to finally work up the courage to act on them, and now that he has, he refuses to let anything stand in his way.
Your throat constricts as you struggle to think of what to say. The way he looks at you makes you regret not noticing it sooner. You swallow, your heart pounding so fast that you suddenly feel lightheaded. His words... they took your breath away. You have never heard Ghost this... desperate.
"How long, Lt?" You softly ask.
A low snort escapes Ghost's nose as he hears your question. He tightens his hold on you, pressing himself flush against you as if to remind you exactly how long he has desired you.
"Long enough," he growls. "Fuck, I've wanted you for so goddamn long. From the first day we met, you lit up something in me. But I kept my distance, thinking it wasn't right for me to desire you as your Lt." He trails off, cursing silently under his breath. If he'd known how you felt about him all this time, perhaps things would have turned out differently.
You inhale a sharp breath as you listen to his confession. Your heart is beating erratically, you're not even sure how you're still able to function right now. Ghost, who you've wanted for such a long time... He...
"Kiss me again," are the only words you could manage to utter.
Ghost's eyes widen with surprise at your request, but he complies eagerly. He tilts your chin upward, claiming your lips once more in a searing kiss. Your tongues duel passionately as you explore each other's mouths, your bodies pressed together tightly as if they might merge.
After what feels like an eternity, Ghost pulls away slightly, nipping playfully at your bottom lip before speaking. "You better get rid of that hookup, lass. Don't give him false hope after what is happening between us." Despite the danger in his suggestion, you couldn't help but chuckle.
You pull out your phone and you send the guy a quick text that says "sorry; raincheck, not interested anymore." It didn't even take a second for you to get a response back. "fuckin bitch" You snort as you read it, unaffected by the insult. You then start to uninstall the app, making sure Ghost is witnessing you do so.
When he grins approvingly, you shove back your phone in your pocket, staring at him in anticipation.
"So, now that that's out of the way... Don't disappoint me now," You tease, your eyes salacious, your tone hushed.
Ghost leans forward, capturing your lips with his in a fierce kiss that leaves you reeling. His tongue twists and coils around yours as your teeth click gently together. When he pulls away, leaving you panting, he looks you square in the eye. "I won't," he growls, his hands finding their way underneath your dress to grasp your bare thighs.
In one swift motion, Ghost hoists you up until your legs wrap around his waist, and your groin aligns perfectly with his throbbing erection. "We're going somewhere private to settle this," he mutters against your neck, nipping softly at your skin.
"Then get me out of here," You manage to say between your moans as he marks your neck eagerly. You cling to him tight, your head tilting more to the side, encouraging him to nip on your skin some more.
Without hesitation, Ghost starts carrying you at a brisk pace toward his vehicle. The cool night air whips past you two as he navigates through the dark streets. Once you arrive at his truck, he carefully places you down on the passenger seat before rounding the vehicle to climb behind the wheel. As soon as he's safely behind the wheel, his hand shoots out to cup the back of your neck, pulling your mouth roughly against his for another bruising kiss.
As he starts driving, Ghost glances briefly over at you. His eyes gleam with hunger as he takes in the sight of you.
An idea- or more fittingly- an urge suddenly crosses your mind as you catch his impatient side glances.
"Keep driving- eyes on the road no matter what, Lt," You warn out of a sudden, which visibly makes him shrug in question. Instead of elaborating, you reach into his pants, stroking his length through it, the fabric providing little resistance as his thick cock strains against it. He instinctively groans, but you don't stop. Instead, you unzip his pants and unbuckle your seatbelt before leaning down to his thighs, breathing hot air on his skin. 
He keeps his eyes focused firmly on the road ahead despite his best efforts to ignore your ministrations. Your warm breath against his inner thigh sends jolts of desire coursing through his veins.
When you finally free his aching member from confinement, Ghost gasps loudly in relief, his cock springing free. It stands tall and proud, the tip already weeping with precum. Ghost attempts to maintain control of the vehicle, but his concentration slips as you continue to pleasure him.
"Try not to cum before we reach your place. I want you inside me," You challenge playfully before you dart your tongue out, lapping his ridiculously long length sloppily. You can feel yourself getting wetter, your arousal completely excruciating, making you wish you two arrive soon. Still, you couldn't help but tease him. You want him so bad, your impatience got the best of you. You begin sucking on the tip of his cock, making sure you lick off all traces of precum with your tongue. You teasingly push your tongue on his slit, earning a desperate reaction from him.
"Fuck! You're gonna drive us straight into a damn tree if you keep that up," he warns breathlessly. Despite his protests, he lets one of his hands roam freely across your back and shoulders, digging into your flesh as you work your magic, his other hand secured on the steering wheel still. Every touch from your tongue makes his arousal peak higher, his cock straining harder against your warm lips and eager mouth.
He grits his teeth, stealing glances whenever he dares to look away from the road, determined not to let this feeling pass by unfulfilled. He'd waited far too long for this opportunity, and nothing short of a bomb dropping on your location would halt his pursuit.
"Mhm", You hum as your tongue draws circles around the tip of his cock. "Woah there, Lt, better make sure we don't crash, yeah?" You murmur with a grin as you feel the car slightly swerve, enjoying the way you're making him go crazy. You feel one of his hands grasp your hair tight, which turns a switch inside you. You begin to swallow his entire length, the tip brushing against your throat briefly.
'God, he is so big, I wonder how he'd feel inside me.'  You think as his girth stretches your mouth as you try to take more of him. You bob your head up and down, swallowing his fat cock in and out of your mouth as he struggles to drive to his place safely.
Ghost growls in frustration as he continues to lose focus on the road. Every curve and dip in the road threatens to send the car careening off the road as you pleasure him with expert precision. He glances helplessly as you swallow his cock whole, your talented tongue dancing along the underside, driving him wild with need. He worries that if you don't stop soon, he won't have a choice but to pull over and take matters into his own hands. Thankfully, he starts to make out the silhouette of his house amidst the dark.
"Enough," he barks out, gripping your hair even tighter as he yanks you off his cock.
"Mhm...." A whine of disappointment slips out of you as your mouth is now empty of his fullness. You wince at the throbbing force his grip left your scalp, but somehow, that just turns you on even more. You sit back up against the passenger's seat, wiping a bead of saliva on the corner of your mouth with your finger. When he stops the engine, you turn to the side to look at him, your breathing heavy in anticipation as you give him a sultry look, waiting for him to say something.
Ghost zips his pants back before stepping out of the vehicle. He moves to open your door. You climb out carefully, your eyes locked on his briefly before he beckons you to follow him to the front door silently. He suddenly grabs your wrists, gripping you hard as you two enter his home. He takes you with him upstairs to his bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him.
"I'm going to fuck you senseless tonight," he declares gruffly, his gaze piercing into your soul. "And tomorrow, and every day after that." He pauses, taking a deep breath to rein in his emotions before adding, "If you're game for that, of course."
His words cause your entire body to tremble. His deep, hoarse voice... his domineering promise as he implies wanting to do this with you not only for tonight but also for who knows how long. You grab the back of his head, pulling him close to you so that your lips are only an inch away from each other.
"I think you know how game I am," You whisper. "But I don't want to be just your fuck buddy, Lt. With you, it's different. With you... I.."
Before you can finish your sentence, Ghost captures your lips in a fierce kiss, his tongue diving into your mouth hungrily. He presses you against the door, pinning you there with his large frame. His hands roam boldly across your body, tracing every curve and plane as he explores you. His rough touch contrasts with the gentleness of your connection, showcasing the complexity of his desires.
Breaking the kiss, Ghost meets your gaze, his expression unreadable. "I don't want a fuck buddy either," He trails off, his thumb running tenderly over your bottom lip.
"God, Lt..." You whisper breathlessly as he kisses you fiercely like he's going to devour you if he wasn't going to already. Every spot of your body his hand caresses sends a shiver down your spine. You look at him longingly, your eyes half-lidded and smitten as he continues to run his thumb over your lip.
"It's still absurd to me," You breathe shakily. "How you want me."
"There's nothing absurd about it," Ghost replies harshly. "You belong to me. In my bed, under my protection, where I can ravish you as often as I please, and I can appreciate you right after." He leans in closer, his eyes locked on yours. "From this moment forth, there will be no denying it. No hiding behind titles or rank," he says, punctuating his words with another hard kiss.
His words send shockwaves through your chest. Your want for him intensifies, and you can't do anything else but submit to him.
His tongue glides easily into your mouth, battling yours furiously for dominance, teeth clicking together as your tongues tangle and dance. His hand cups the back of your neck, holding you in place as you revel in your chemistry. With every passing moment, it becomes increasingly clear that both of your passion knows no bounds. You are two souls destined for each other, connected by an undeniable force that cannot be stopped or ignored.
Suddenly, Ghost tears his mouth away from yours, looking deep into your eyes. "Get undressed,"
You swallow in anticipation, and you slowly nod, completely surrendering to his every command. You slowly undress, removing every article of clothing until you stand in front of him, bare and naked. Your cheeks flushed, heated by the way he silently takes in your sight. You shift your weight slightly, waiting for him to say something. You can feel yourself getting even wetter, your arousal so unbearable you might have to beg him soon.
Ghost steps towards you, his eyes not stopping to take in every inch of your exposed beauty. Your skin glistens with light perspiration, and your nipples stand rigid, begging for attention. He reaches out to trail his fingers along the soft skin of your abdomen before lifting his hand to cup one of your breasts. He gives it a gentle squeeze, rolling your nipple between his thumb and index finger. You let out a small sound, a mix of pleasure and nervousness, but you stay put without protesting. Satisfied with your response, he dips his head, taking one of your hardened peaks into his mouth, flicking his tongue over the sensitive tip.
You throw your head back, your pleasure palpable as your moans slowly fill the air. Your wanton hums intensify with every flick of his tongue over your nipple, making your knees weak by the second. You push him off gently, looking at him with need. "Bed... please..."
Ghost hesitantly lets go of your breast, his chest rising and falling heavily as he regains his composure. He leads you to the bed, helping you lie down on your back before hovering over you. His gaze travels down your body, taking in every curve, every crevice as if memorizing every inch of you.
He positions himself between your spread legs. His hands rest on either side of your face, framing your features as he looks down at you. There is both possession and tenderness in his gaze, reflecting the complex emotions that run deep within him.
You bring a hand to his face, his mask which has only been lifted a touch above his lips this entire time rough against your fingers. You hesitate for a moment, wondering if you are crossing any boundaries, but you swallow all of your reservations away.
"...Can I see you?" You whisper tenderly, hoping it won't shy him away from all of this.
Ghost stiffens at your soft query. Despite his undeniable desire for you, he's never let anyone get this close, not emotionally nor physically. To reveal himself would mean opening himself up entirely, exposing vulnerabilities he thought were safely hidden beneath layers of bravado and self-preservation.
However, something within him responds to your request, craving the trust and intimacy that comes with letting someone truly see who he is. After a long moment of deliberation, he nods curtly, reaching up to remove his mask.
Relief washes over you as he nods to your plea. He slowly lifts his mask, pulling it to reveal a handsome, ragged face. With cheekbones so sharp and jaw so well-defined, you immediately thought of how he could have been a model had he not been a soldier. But then the faint scars on his face say it all. Each one with stories to tell. Ghost winces as you trace the old scars marring his otherwise handsome face, his emotions warring within him. 
"You're perfect," You sigh.
The fact that his scars exist only serves as a painful reminder of everything he's experienced—both triumphant victories and crushing defeats. Yet, amidst the turmoil, your simple declaration rings clearly: 'perfect'. The word itself holds such power, striking directly at the heart of his insecurities, giving him hope that perhaps he can find solace in your arms. Despite his doubts, Ghost finds himself unable to resist you any longer. He leans in, capturing your lips in a fervent kiss that speaks volumes beyond mere words.
You eagerly return his kiss, your mouth searing against his in a desperate dance as you both lower your guard down, completely giving in to each other. You brush his fingers over his blonde hair as his tongue moves over yours hungrily.
You then tug on the hem of his top. “How long are you going to stay dressed?” You manage to say in between kisses.
Releasing your lips with reluctance, Ghost looks down at the remnants of his clothes. "Too bloody long," he mutters before starting to strip, piece by piece, tossing them aside as they hit the floor.
He stands fully nude before you, every muscle defined and honed from years of training and combat experience. The scarred evidence of his journey adorns his chest and torso, telling tales of battles fought and lives saved. But that’s not all; his lengthy, thick cock catches your attention as it stands proud against his abdomen. It was dark in the car when you gave him that dangerous blowjob, but seeing it in detail, you couldn't help but suck in a deep breath as you predict how much it will inevitably stretch you.
Without further hesitation, he repositions himself between your spread legs once again. Your eyes lock as he prepares to take you once more, filled with determination and raw desire.
“No wonder all the other women in the unit talk about getting fucked by you,” You playfully drawl.
Ghost chuckles darkly as he gazes down at you. "Is that so? Unfortunately for them,” As if to prove his point, he positions his cockhead at your entrance, his hips beginning to thrust forward steadily, filling you using your convenient wetness in one smooth movement.
“They’re not you.”
Your bodies collide in a rhythmic fashion, creating an erotic symphony of slapping skin and muffled moans. Your legs wrap tightly around his waist, pulling him deeper into your core as he buries himself balls-deep inside of you, setting a pace that borders on brutal.
Grunting with approval, Ghost increases his pace, delivering brutal poundings of his pelvis against yours. His breath grows ragged as sweat beads form along his brow, trickling down his temples to vanish beneath his twitching lower lip. Every muscle in his body tenses with effort as he pounds into you relentlessly, taking what you both want so desperately.
"Look at you," He breathes in awe as he takes in the sight of his cock disappearing inside your hole. His hand wraps tightly around your upper arm, leaving bruises in its wake as he uses it to maintain control during your passionate coupling.
"I,.. please..," You moan obscenely, your hips moving on their own in an attempt to match his rhythm. You're not quite sure what you're pleading with him for, but whatever it is, you want it.
"Don't stop," You beg as your legs tighten around his waist, forcing him to bury himself even deeper in you. Taking hold of your left leg, Ghost lifts it higher, hooking it over his shoulder to provide maximum access. With renewed vigor, he plunges harder and faster into your depths, hitting new angles with each powerful thrust. The slapping of your skin creates a cacophony that fills the room, echoing off the walls as they become lost in a haze of desire. Your gasps and moans intertwine in a symphony of passion as the intensity reaches unprecedented heights.
As he continues his assault on your body, Ghost finally meets your gaze, his eyes dark and wild with lust.
"Fuckin' hell, you don't know how much I've thought of doing this to you. The real thing doesn't even come close."
You let out a gasp as his words overwhelm you. As he thrusts inside you harder than before, you feel your walls pulsating around his cock as his tip brushes against your sweet spot with accuracy. Your back arches in response, your toes curling against his back as you search for that sensation once more.
"Like that,... please... again..." You beg desperately, your cries heavy as you stare at him with stupefied eyes.
Throwing his head back with a primal groan, Ghost grips your hip tightly, using it to thrust his length into you harder and faster. Each pounding motion brings you two closer to the edge, your bodies slick with sweat as you lose yourselves in each other's pleasure. With his mind foggy with lust, Ghost focuses solely on satisfying you, determined to give you everything you want and more.
Reaching down, he slips his fingers between your folds, finding your swollen clit and circling it firmly with his thumb while continuing his savage thrusts. "That it?" He grates out, his voice straining from exertion.
"Yes! Like that," You gasp, your mind hazy with pleasure, your body quivering as he assaults you with both his cock and his thumb. He stimulates your clit so skillfully, you lose confidence in being able to hold your climax much further. You start clutching onto his sheets for dear life, your sex-filled senses overwhelming you as he speeds up his pace, all the while still rubbing your clit gently. You can feel tears running down the corner of your eyes from immense pleasure, your release building up the more he hastens his movements.
Feeling you close to the edge, Ghost quickens his hips even more, driving his cock into you with force. He maintains the firm circle on your clit, knowing how sensitive it is.
"Are you close, baby?" He growls out, his eyes narrowing as he focuses purely on sending you spiraling over the peak.
Just as you're about to reach your climax, he pulls out suddenly, causing you to cry out in surprise and disappointment. "Not yet. Hold it in for me," He commands, rubbing his cockhead awfully slowly against your entrance once more.
"Please... Ghost... I want to cum," You beg shamelessly, spreading your legs even more, urging him to sink his cock inside you again. You want to land a fist on his handsome face for cutting you right off when you were so close, but you know that you are at his mercy right now. You look at him with pleading eyes, your hands reaching up to the back of his neck, bringing him down closer to you.
Ignoring your plead, Ghost leans in, catching your mouth with his own in a demanding kiss. His tongue invades your mouth roughly, claiming it as his. You can taste yourself on his lips, an intoxicating flavor that fuels his desire for you. As the kiss breaks, his hips start moving again, easing his throbbing member back into you at a torturously slow pace. He wants you to suffer alongside him, feeling the anticipation build once more after being denied moments ago.
Everything about this is about dominance and submission. Even as you both lose yourselves in pleasure, there remains a clear distinction between you two - he controls and you accept.
"Flip over," He orders, motioning for you to lay on your stomach.
You do not even protest; you immediately get on your stomach, your back facing him as you bury your face in one of his pillows. The fabric smells so much like him, his scent so strong it erases all doubts you have left in your head. You lift your ass in the air, swinging it side to side impatiently. 
"Hurry," You whine.
Chuckling darkly, Ghost grabs onto your waist, positioning himself behind you. Without further warning, he slams his cock inside you with enough force to create a loud slap. You cry out in surprise, your pussy still vulnerable from previous use. Quickly adjusting, you relax into the thrusts, allowing him to fill you deeply again.
Stroking your hair tenderly, he kisses your ear lobe. "Good girl. Now keep still and enjoy it," He whispers seductively. And with that, he begins to pound into you methodically, matching each thrust with a slap on your round ass cheeks that leaves red imprints behind. He hammers into you with renewed ferocity, his thrusts growing more violent and unforgiving with every passing moment.
You gasp loudly, his hard and brutal thrusts rubbing against your walls in pleasure beyond your understanding. Your knees tremble underneath you, your moans slightly being muffled by the pillow as he spreads your cheeks, pulling his cock out entirely. You can tell how he is momentarily studying your twitching hole like he's enjoying his handiwork before he slowly sinks himself again inch by inch. You tremble, your breathing unsteady, your mind lacking any relevant thoughts besides the way he makes you feel so full.
Panting heavily, Ghost buries himself deep inside you once more, picking up the pace quickly. His hips move with a force born from years of punishing workouts and endless battles, causing you to arch your back in response. The mattress beneath you creaks ominously as he powers his way into you, his thrusts growing more erratic and intense. The room seems to shrink around you, becoming nothing more than a tiny sphere consisting of the two of you engaged in this fierce act of passion. Each time he pulls out, he spanks your ass cheeks harder, leaving angry red marks that sting but somehow fuel the fire burning between you even more.
Groaning, Ghost grits his teeth as you plead with him. The feeling of you tightening around him sends waves of pleasure coursing throughout his entire body, almost overwhelming him. Resisting the urge to explode prematurely, he gives you one final, powerful thrust before holding himself perfectly still inside you.
"Ghost- I want to cum, please...!" You beg as you feel the familiar sensation of your impending climax rising once more. You shamelessly move your own hips, slamming yourself backward, deeper into his cock as you attempt to chase after that sweet feeling. He's torturing you- completely under his mercy.
Instead of granting your wish, Ghost decides to prolong your agony. Slowly withdrawing from you, he circles your clit with his thumb before pushing three fingers into your soaked warmth. Curling them upwards towards your g-spot, he massages and presses against it until he feels you begin to quake beneath him. Just as you're inches away from exploding, Ghost withdraws his fingers once more, removing all forms of stimulation from your achingly sensitive area.
Holding you down roughly, he positions himself at your entrance before plunging back inside, re-establishing contact with your G-spot, only for him to fully pull out again.
"Ghost!!" You scream his name, your need excruciating as he denies you your release once more. Your body quivers to the edge, your pussy extremely slick and wet from his brutal stimulation. You want to cum so bad, but he keeps stealing the chance away from you.
"Ghost, please... please.." You beg wantonly, your cries so desperate as you sniffle, your ass still up in the air for him.
Dark satisfaction courses through Ghost as he witnesses your suffering firsthand. Your pleas and begging only fuel his desire to see you squirm and writhe beneath him. His cockhead leaks pre-cum as it hovers above your entrance, taunting you with the possibility of pleasure before it's cruelly taken away once more.
With a final surge of power, Ghost pushes his hips forward, driving his rigid length deep inside you, claiming what's rightfully his. He groans in satisfaction as your tight channel convulses around him, welcoming his invasion wholeheartedly. "There, feel better now?"
Your back arches once more as his cock's swift, brutal motion causes you to see stars. "Mhm, yes! Yes! Please, Ghost, don't stop!" You beg like a spoiled brat, your whines so needy as you push your hips back, your core swallowing his cock deeper.
Leaning over you, his towering frame blocking out the light, Ghost sinks his teeth to the back of your neck, giving you another visible mark that you'll need to hide once tomorrow comes. Grabbing onto your shoulders, he starts moving inside you with purposeful strokes, his thick cock hitting all the right spots inside your tight channel. Your insistence fuels him as he works his hips, determined to satisfy both his desires and yours.
Feeling you begin to quiver beneath him, Ghost knows you're getting close once more.
"Ghost- Like that, God, I'm so close-!" You grit out as he pounds into you with deliberate strokes, each thrust brushing against your G-spot, abusing the sensitive bundle of nerves with agonizing pleasure. You throw your head back, saliva dripping down the corner of your mouth, your hot breaths filling the room with lascivious noises. You're so close- you begin praying he won't deny you of that chance once more.
Grinning maliciously, Ghost pulls you forward, anchoring your weight on his arms as he holds you down. This allows him to penetrate you even deeper, striking gold as he hits your sweet spot multiple times with ease. His pace slows slightly as he feels the last threads of resistance snap within you. It's inevitable now; you'll cum soon.
And then he strikes. Moving with unparalleled speed and precision, Ghost flips you over violently, pinning you beneath him with one leg pressed against yours, keeping you immobile as his cock ruthlessly fills your wet pussy.
"Oh god, oh god-!" You cry over and over again like a broken record, your body quivering as he commits his brutal onslaught against your sweet spot unforgivingly, each time making you lose all your ability to coherently think. Your pussy constricts around him, your entire body trembling as you can feel yourself on the brink of release.
"I can't... I'm going to!" You wail, your walls throbbing in need as you can feel your climax rising.
Feeling you tighten around his cock, Ghost leans in, capturing your mouth in a passionate kiss, silencing your screams of ecstasy.
"Not yet," Ghost growls out, holding your gaze with a smirk playing on his features. Using your ass as a purchase, he bucks his hips repeatedly, pulling his cock almost entirely out before slamming it home again. His pace is rapid and rough, showing no mercy as he forces you through wave after wave of pleasure that threatens to consume you whole.
Hearing those desperate pleas sent shivers down his spine, enflaming his already intense passion. Gazing into your eyes, he responds to your breathless pleas with a growl, his thumb pressing into the sensitive area of your clit, sending shockwaves throughout your entire being.
"Now." Finally, he gives you permission to let go. He commands, bracing his arms above your head as he watches you surrender to your orgasm. A devilish smile curls upon his lips as he feels your inner wall constricting around him.
Your orgasm crashes like waves against his body, the intensity almost too much for either of you to bear. Your body convulses violently underneath him, milk dripping from your sex onto his waiting cock.
Witnessing your spectacular orgasm sends him hurtling over the edge as well. His hips buck wildly, unloading his hot seed deep inside you as he roars out his climax. After several long seconds, his body goes limp, heavy as lead on top of yours, chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath. Finally, he relaxes, the tips of his fingers tracing lazy patterns across your flushed skin.
"Well fuck," He mutters, still slightly winded from the experience. Lifting himself, Ghost rolls off you to grab a towel nearby. He wipes both of you clean before he lies beside you, pulling you into his side protectively.
You hum in appreciation sighing as you relish in his arms. You stay silent for a moment, still in the process of letting your heart rate come down to normal. Then, you stare at him with a smile.
“I was definitely not disappointed,” You mutter playfully.
Raising an eyebrow, Ghost grins proudly at you. "Better believe that," he retorts, kissing you on the forehead tenderly. Though his voice held a hint of arrogance, it didn't detract from the sincerity in his touch. The afterglow still hung heavily in the air, making every movement feel lazier and slower as if the world were caught in a gentle slumber.
"You did good, love."
Chuckling at his words, you snuggle up to him closer as you let his warmth envelope you. You bury your face into his neck, hesitating to speak for a moment before swallowing the lump in your throat.
“So, I guess you and I are a thing now.” You sheepishly mutter, your breath muffling against his skin.
Catching you off guard, Ghost laughs heartily, his strong arm wrapping tighter around your waist. "Who said we weren't before?" He teases, kissing your temple before nuzzling your nose. His tone softens significantly as he continues, "Of course we are. Didn't you notice how I always looked out for you? How I make sure nothing bad happened to you? Well, it wasn't just because I am your Lt," He explains, smirking down at you fondly.
"You got stuck in my life like a tick, and now...”
You pull your face away from his neck to meet his gaze. You take in his bare face one more time, admiring the way his smile is on display, all for you to see and appreciate. You place a soft kiss on his jaw, then you give him a genuine smile of satisfaction.
“Thank you, Lt., for sparing me a lonely night.”
Returning your smile broadly, Ghost returns your affection with a gentle peck on your lips. "That’s a given," Placing another kiss on your forehead, Ghost closes his eyes briefly, enjoying the peacefulness surrounding them at this moment. His free hand travels down to rest on your exposed thigh, providing comforting heat against your cooler skin.
As you both continue to lie together in silence, content with each other's presence, it becomes clear that your bond has evolved far past mere camaraderie. You share something special, something unique. A connection born from trust, loyalty, and ultimately love—one that will only strengthen with time.
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ca-suffit · 2 months
I was going to say this off anon but I have a second blog for iwtv and I don't want the og one out in the fandom kind of. But I never understood why people say Louis was abusive to lestat and the instances they point out are a) neglect b) not being affectionate c) withholding affection. Which like. Ok. Maybe my inexperience but I just don't think not giving love back in this instance is abusive. Because I genuinely do think he wasn't capable of love in those times. Like early on we see him lying to his family juggling 3 roles to spend time with lestat and shopping dates and what not. He was loving. And then HIS CHILD RAN AWAY. i don't think any caring parent is capable of love in that time. And then there's his malnutrition which ofc lowers his sex drive and the mental toll malnutrition takes is depression and anhedonia. But to call that manipulation??? To call that abuse?? Withholding affection as abuse in this case? Like mf What makes you think he was capable of love you can't deny something you don't have/aren't capable of!? His child is missing. His child is gone do you get it??? He's supposed to be making date plans??? Ik withholding affection and then lovebombing is a thing for abusers but ffs. He's depressed that's why he isn't loving when you're depressed you're literally not capable of it because your brain has drained all of it out WHAT DO YOU MEAN WITHHOLDING LOVE? Same with Armand. His child is dead. A part of Louis died with her. Is he supposed to be ffs. I don't want to type anymore. And ykw both these partners have the power to leave at any time. If you're not getting love that's what you do i get lestat why he wouldn't in America like he'd be pretty much alone and Armand always had that choice too. It's their specific personalities which made them stick with him but at the same time.my guy you're both more powerful than him fucking leave if it's so bad. But that's what love does and they stayed but at no point was it abusive on Louis' end?? At no point did it justify the abuse he's met with at lestat's or armand's hands??? And there's always intent behind abuse and if Louis' is not loving it's not because of some scheme. No his child is missing. The child.is also female and tiny we know what happens to them when they're alone how tf do you not get what state he'd be in?? And to expect love from him? And that's what's actually funny to me about both lestat and Armand like they really didn't think about what the loss of a child would mean to both their respective relationships with Louis. Like they really thought a parent could chill live laugh love with them while his child is gone. Ok. Sure why not. Um yea. Sorry for the long rant. Anyway I just don't think withholding affection applies to anyone here least of all Louis and never Louis no matter what the "pAtTeRn" is with him. No the pattern is depression brought on by the loss of his child. If you had actual brains you'd make that connection but no. No. Since this is the abusive partners yaoi show we have to see abuse where it isn't and minimize where it is. It'll be wonderful when Marius the guy who does loooooooove children will show up. Then we'll surely talk about love and loss and see the connections
ppl just made shit up bcuz they needed to soften lestat tbh. then armand to a degree too.
the angle never was "what are louis' partners doing to help him thru these bad times." it was always "louis isn't loving *them* enough!!" louis is also younger than *both* of them and comes from a different life experience which is still alive for him too, unlike their individual experiences and/or traumas. armand is still experiencing racism but it's not like the antiblackness louis and claudia face.......which then ends up in the trial too?! which *both* louis nb partners have a part in???
u bring up a good point for the marius angle too. this fandom makes me sick lol.
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changbinsboobs · 9 days
im the anon from before: told ya in my chan observations "knowing chan and his tendencies for a victim-complex, pick me, delulu and stuff" bound to cause some issues in his personal relationships but also this is why lee know is my fave out of the two bro would not give two hoots compared to chan who seems always on edge, kinda not trouble maker but doesnt mind stirring the pot to make a mountain out of a molehill.
although I do blame their coddeling from the companies for their inability to have stable relationships because they cant seemingly get out of their own delulu bubble (mainly chan).
u know what im also glad for these readings for? bc it makes me less delulu about certain idols lmao, its weird because some idols i thought would have dreadful personalities or types do not and its the ones that i have suspicions of and chan was one of them mainly due to his overly unhealthy attachments to stay but now i still find him interesting i just dont know if i would date him? yaknow? i think sometimes an idol having very very specific ideals can limit their overal perspective in dating bc theyre not really seeing someone for their personality or their natural charms or anything else its literally all about other attributes that they maybe look too much into and not giving some others enough chance becaude if u only look on the outside u never going to see ppl in different way, its very concieted. like what if chan met someone who fitted the appearsnce he wanted but they also had toxic behaviours or would just use him? he would still prolly date that person. im sure the girl he was with was lovely but no one wants to babysit a grown man. period. he actually gives manchild vibes no fr
honestly if anything i dont want him to be defamed cause she may or may not use it against him even if she sign nda but if hes that toxic it may very well backfire even further. i think he would be better more as friend material than romantic but he said he wanted family as well in snother reading. bro got a lot of growth to do before any of that
i hope other stay who maybe too deluded to see thru his behaviour i hope they somehow learn abt it thru readings cause itd suck to put so much attention and for it to all be unhealthy and shit
So first things first - my personal opinion is that nowadays there's just s HUGE gap between men and women in terms of being a a well rounded, capable, mature human being. Sadly. And so i i wouldn't necessarily put the blame on the companies but rather just on the guy himself - at the end of the day he chose that path and no matter what ur environment is you can still learn and choose to be well rounded human being - like thats on u bro🥲and i also do see him as a man child, sry not sry. Ive noticed that for a very long while actually and i think he knows that on some level too and thats part of the reason why he pushes that "taking care of y'all" image on himself so mich to try and make up for what he on the inside knows that he lacks.
And i think too he would date someone for SURE that he finds attractive but knows they're toxic cuz lets be honest - lots of people do😂 some people just crave toxicity and some people are toxic themselves and like attracts like.
Also i don't think the situation is that bad for him to be defamed - as i said i think the whole thing was much bigger in his perception than it probably was for the girl. I don't think he was toxic to the extent where he would be hurting anyone other than himself. In fact i think his toxic is rather embarrassing than hurtful. Its the type where you just sit there in shock and wonder how someone like him, with a certain image, status, money, power even, life experience etc - can act and be so immature and cringey. I think he could also be someone that would be kinda gaslighting but not out of malice but rather because he's just too sensitive and cant regulate his emotions so well hence why he can't really grasp the situation in a right way. But thats as far as it gets.
As negative as readings like that might sound im actually happy to read on energy like that because as you sed it helps delude people a bit and also just plain shows you a persons bad side (which we all have) and makes them much more human. And the best part - i would much rather stan an idol thats a manchild and is just a bit cringey, than stanning an abuser and not knowing it. That way you at least know his red flacks aren't THAT type of RED iykwim...👀
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jnnmclm · 5 months
Hi! I, JOANNE MACALAM is speaking up towards the infamous notorious donation scammer LAURA DERAMAS.
I am a filipina based in USA. Ive known LD through a childhood friend of mine back home.
Never met her personally. Just like all of you here I too am scammed into some sort by her. As you can see, Laura has been using me as her bank account. Zelle, Venmo, Cash App and even Paypal.
Honestly, it didn’t cross my mind that this is all just her bullshit. Growing up in the Philippines, these things could possibly happen. I started to doubt her when my paypal account was charged with $1,800.00 that was sent by a guy. I informed her about the matter and she told me that it was a guy who scammed her of paying after she sent some “photos/videos” in exchange of money. LOL now up to this day I still owe Paypal $1,800.00. Stopped doing her favors, but she kept on messaging me all the damn time. Calling me even in the middle of my work. Even at night when am already sleeping. Pleading to please do her another favor. I tried calling paypal. There is nothing I can do, I now owe $ 1,800. This girl dont take NO for an answer.
I started giving her my cash app, venmo and zelle since I cannot use my paypal anymore just so she will stop. Always saying it will be the LAST TIME. But of course its not, there is just always something going on with her life. And I keep feeling sorry for her. I can’t give her money, I dont have those. I barely make it here in America plus sending money to my family in the Philippines, supporting my siblings with school. I have 7 sibs btw and my dad has already passed so its just me and my mama. Coming from a poor family, I sympathized for her thinking that there is nothing I can lose if I help her, I can’t help her monetarily so by me being her point of access to help here in USA to Philippines is okay. It won’t hurt nobody or so I thought.
Earlier this year, there was a network outage in my state, after it was back, I can no longer use my zelle. I did not suspect that my Zelle acc was reported by some of y’all. I was thinking it was the network outage. I tried to call my bank, zelle, network provider but I cant get no answer, they keep passing me to each other, I changed my number. Same thing. I can’t use zelle. And instead of dwelling about things that are beyond my control, I just let it go. I told Laura of what happened and that I can no longer help her through Zelle. Now you might wonder, why are you still helping her? Didn’t some of you keep helping her because she just have this fucking annoying tactics that will make you fall for it. The emojis urgh! The HUHUHU every end of a sentence. I am so done with it.
I kept ignoring her, muted her. Didn’t answer to her calls. Because now she is “borrowing” money from me. I dont have money to lend. Then I got a notification of a money transfer in one of my remaining account, checked my messages and then there was her telling me someone send money to me and apologized that she didn’t asked permission. What can I do at this point? Its not my money. When I opened the app and check, with an attached note from “Tmblr”, it poked my interest. Whats in tmblr? Why does people give her money this much? The other night, I created this account and searched for her name. I swear, my yawning was replaced with cold sweat, shaking hands and anxiety. The bitch has been scamming ppl! I saw Kyra45 post about her. I reached out. And I dig deep down to all these mess. Kyra45 informed me that my name, picture even my dog and my plant business in the Philippines was used in an account. I was livid, mortified and most of all, humiliated.
Tonight, what lead me to writing this is because I searched for my name in the search engine and I was dumbfounded. As a woman who is trying to make my life better, leaving my family to provide a better life? This is too much. My trust for this lady is broken, my image is broken. My identity was stolen. She made my brother dead, my family homeless and me going back and barely afford college.
I messaged her tonight, I informed her what I found out and how disappointed and disgusted I am to her doings, making profit out of our brothers and sisters in Palestine and Gaza. This behavior has a special spot in hell.
I apologize for all of you of what Laura Deramas has caused. Unfortunately, I cant make all your money come back. I will stopped my communication with her as I dont want to be a vessel of her scams. From the bottom of my heart, I am really sorry, I should’ve known better. May this be a lesson for all of us. Continue to be compassionate to others and keep spreading kindness.
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Xoxo, Joanne
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reilleclan-blog · 6 months
American Psycho review
Alrighty*claps hands together* I watched this fucking movie. And I find it hilarious hilarious ppl really took what was in that movie and was like "yeah I'm him" genuinely wanting to be that guy. Shows a lot about our society today the "privilege" ppl like him get to have to even remotely even BE PATRICK BATEMAN. Uh I'm ngl I feel bad for the actor who plays him cause I hear it can be mentally taxing for a "regular" person to play a literal killer.
But aside from that, the movie everytime that nigga Patrick was on screen, genuinely terrified me. Scared the living hell out of me. I'd say this movie could be a horror but um yeah. The fact he has these "identities" so much so that at the very end of the movie he's still just "dismissed" from the crimes he committed and that really made me think of "society"
How could this white rich straight man possibly be a killer he has everything. The fact Bateman BLATANTLY SAYS "YO I KILLED OVER 40 PPL" and the dude genuinely thought he was joking is insane to me. Again the ending just SCREAMS THE PRIVILEGE IN UR FACE. I kinda can't take the movie seriously but the fact men like that exist in real time is the most serious part of it all. (Also adding to the fact, ppl would often mistake who he was also showed how all of them(business bros) are so much the same, but they want to be seen as "different" I guess)
The fact the only person that (I guess) "genuinely" cared about Bateman was the white girl that was "so nice" and she "was the girl for him all along". The god damn receptionist. THE FACT HE FLAT OUT STOPPED HIMSELF FROM KILLING HER B/c who the fuck knows. I genuinely don't think it had anything to do with her being the receptionist maybe he just wanted to actually stop? But like who could tell. (Also she is technically I guess, the only person who finds how sick he is and is still alive. It was either branching off into "I can fix him" territory or she just looks at him differently) who can say.
And yeah, rip my girl Christie(funny u never know her actual name , I don't think) I knew she wasn't making it out alive but she had the right idea trying to leave.
(Sidenote: i genuinely couldn't tell the difference between the men and women on the screen they genuinely ALL looked alike. Aside from some features. So when they were talking about some bitch named Evelyn I was like "wasn't that the fiancé" but maybe he just found another girl that was named Evelyn lol. Or he wanted to kill his fiancé by proxy or something EDIT: actually the woman he killed was named Elizabeth)
Um the fact the men were just allowed to be actual dickheads and the women just smiled and waved. Like trophies hung up in a room , was very fitting. And also the idea of being this "perfect" person to fit in made me wonder why do alot of killers( and yes I know, narcissists, I just don't want to be like "all narcissists are killers") think they need to Be "perfect". With Bateman it made "sense" cause he's trying to "fit in" but all that effort he puts in didn't necessarily need to be done. I think he wanted to convince himself it mattered cause when u think about "societal norms" most of it is irrelevant. And or he could've been trying to fit in so hard b/c if he didn't he'd look like a neurodivergent ass nigga around a bunch of neurotypicals. And that couldn't go well especially when ur in "corporate". He walks around with headphones always on, he talks about his special interests(music) and he draws. Definitely sounds like he is on the spectrum.(lol I'm literally him, lookin ass)
Uh this movie made me physically sick and why they needed to add "American Psycho" again poking at America's culture(business culture and white ppl in general) AmeriKa , it's literally true (this movie could've also popularized the jerking off of serial killers as well. .. romanticizing a serial killer romanticizing mental illness. It's a lot and it's very sick) Sidenote Sidenote: Bateman had money he was rich back then shit was cheap as well so he could've easily bought services for help and kept it under wraps but he didn't want to, he wanted to kill those ppl b/c society told him it's ok to be a psychopath if ur rich white and a Man U CAN BE WHATEVRR U WANNA BE👍🏾😬
Edit edit: now that I think about it even more, I think he wanted to get caught so badly. B/c ig the most "interesting" thing this guy could ever say/do was that he killed ppl. He wanted to fit in so badly he never has a "real identity" nobody even knows who he was unless it was ppl that interacted with him daily(friends , receptionist) he was just another face. It's almost like he hated that about himself the most but he "couldn't figure it out"
The fact he's ALLOWED to have mental breakdowns, commit mass shootings, and then go back to his job the next day like nothing happened. It's just fucking classic. Do u know how many news reports there is of BLACK AUTISTIC PPL HAVING AN EPISODE AND THEY ARE JUST FLAT OUT KILLED? Way too many. There was one recently. Kid named Ryan Gainer 15 years old was killed.
It's incredibly cringe the way he's like "this is it for me"*swallows pills* and genuinely nobody gave a fuck lol. As in nobody cares cause he's a rich white dude, and "nobody cares" cause there's no empathy or sympathy when it comes to mental health. (Can tie in men's mental health but most of the shit they deal with is brought upon themselves)
This guy was a genuine nobody but also someone
Sick movie but ngl I did like analyzing it. Some parts of it made me genuinely cry b/c ppl like this have no morals. He's a person on the surface but on the inside he's sick and he's allowed to be. He's told he can be sick and it's acceptable.
(Side note side note side note: I'm not here to convince anyone of anything I'm simply sharing my thoughts and feelings. I'm not here to sugar coat or make u feel comfortable. If I made u uncomfortable at all then I did my job. If u want to stay a dumbass and be willfully ignorant I cannot stop u, but don't think u can comment or repost my shit and think I won't respond or just flat out block u. I have no energy for stupidity. I'm not privileged enough to be a fucking dumbass when all this shit is happening around me. Kindly leave my page and go on with ur life.)
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bravo4iscool · 10 months
Hi, me here!
Honestly idek why ppl r getting SO WORKED UP ovr fuckin FANFICTION and HEADCANNONS-
Like, your hc tht Ghost loves fat girls? YES. I love it!!! And ppl get pressed abt one post??? So much so they harass you in your own askbox???? Jesus fuck those are some narcissistic ass fatshamers- no personality if they give it all to harassing random fat girls.
Honestly, as a super gay person, I see a woman, any woman, and I fall to my knees (respectfully). If she's fat?? Don't matter. On my knees (respectfully)! like yall fat is not a bad thing- on guys or girls!!
The power of the gay in me will overpower any beauty standard ^^ (also the punk in me bcuz the beauty standard is honestly so racist and feels lowkey pedophelic the way they make girls between the ages of 16 and twenty five the beauty standard-)
We shall overthrow the beauty standard >:3
So uh, yeah! Just me, a random tumblr rat obsessed gay, here to offer support and say you are so wonderful!!!
All fat people reading this, yall have my full support and respect! Yall are lovely (and def give the best cuddles!) And if people can't appreciate that, they ain't deserve you, so block them ballsacks, bcuz yall are beauties ^^
(Also, dear fat shamers, just go away if u don't like it. No need to try to be comedians, go find a different audience cause it sure as hell ain't here ^^)
ilysm for that seriously😭🫶🏼.
idk what’s their fucking problem lol. they even stalked my and my sisters instagram?! it’s getting fucking ridiculous💀
i’m sorry, but this is fUCKING FICTION. LEAVE ME TF ALONE💀.
the world needs more people like you, fr✊🏼.
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nori-the-cat · 3 months
Sorry I wanted to ramble a bit bc this been annoying me these past few days
what do you think of tarot readers who might be trying to identify exactly who an idols fs going to be? for instance they may or may not be dating rn or may not want to date. But I seen so many blogs trying to really dig and dig for the info on who they are supposed to be even snooping on random ppls pages and assuming thats who they must be. Either all bc of zodiac orrrr bc they just have that vibe that they assuming. idk shits crazy online nowadays. Without even considering what the idol may or may not want or like in a person or if the idol even want to date at all which again they might not want too.
I also wanted to say I think it got harder to genuinely meet idols and celebs in more relaxed places nowadays than in the 00s or even the 90s were a slightly more reasonable time period for celebs to meet ppl more freely. I also think some idols just going to be wanted for their body or their face, ppl who follow them on tneir social medias just going to be lusting for them and I can think of a few idols that will probs just be used for sex or hook ups bc of the way their companies using their image.
You wouldnt be able to genuinely meet them in casual settings without their fans making a scene about it. One of the super junior guys said they user to dress as female and i thought he was a genius for that cause no one saw who he was when he was with his partner but thats sad too at the same time bc hes old enough by now to surely be able to openly date without stupid behaviour from his fans
Sure there some very very goodlooking physically idols but like there is more to them than their body yet all I see even on their personal tags on this site is just straight up oversexualisation of them to the point it really seem delusional and unhinged, it like ppl aint seen abs before kpop normalised male idols showing abs. So I dont think its actually possible for just to have normal conversation w/ idols if you were to meet them bc like they not going to trust easily and they might not notice u if u arent a somebody with a lot of followers. all in all it seems very vein even if the idols are likeable, I just dont like nor agree with this overreaction that ppl seem to habe toward them and their personal lives. Even i found myself getting sucked into it bc like what else is there besides celebs and idols? there just nothing normal about it anymore.
For instance I was thinking it would be more doable to meet them privately and just treat them like they are normal non idol but it just not possible anymore sadly :c theres many idols I like or wouldve liked to get to know if I had the means too without stalking ro being delulu but its so realistically impossible.
Idols cant even stand next to opposite gender without getting rumors so like I often do wonder how they going to meet their fs if that something an idol might want but then I also am like it dont matter, ik it not me. But like wouldnt you be bit curious as to what it like? yet the downside will always be social media users sending hate if they fs get found out, knetz overreacting, media overreacting, stalkers, sasaengs and so on. Yet I want bts for example to meet their fs already.
Yoongi already seem like he doesnt particularly care if he dont meet his fs but at the same time he got more chances to bc of his popularity and so on. if life wasnt about money i think kpop would ne less toxic overall bc we could then enjoy these groups more than just for the way they look or how rich they are and so on.
sorry for my long ramble but i dont think its spoken about enough cause how normalised it is to be fully deluded about idols and their personal life. anyway i enjoy your readings as they dont poke too much <3
Hello Anon, this was an insightful thought. Thank u for taking your time to share it with me. ♡
Now, you asked me why other tarot readers are doing tarot readings on idols FS. Well the answer is I don’t know. I truly don’t know. I don’t have the answer either. I also don’t want to judge how other tarot readers do their reading or what reading they like to do. I mean I do read idols ideal type, their take on romantic relationships, how they are like as boyfriend, and many more. So, who am I to say something on this? 😅
However, celebrities in general live a fairly private life. This makes them become or seen as interesting. I mean wouldn’t you want to know what your introverted friends do on the weekend? It’s the same with celebrities. The more mysterious someone is, the more other people want to know about their private life and that includes whoever they date or marry. On top of this, celebrities live a wealthy, segregated, and privileged social life which normal people can’t have. The side effect to this is that people would obviously want to know what they do on a daily basis and who they associate themselves with.
I hope that answers your frustrations. Also, thank you for enjoying my readings. ♡
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
Can you explain to me like I'm 5 how Louis being publicly single is this horrible thing? Taking Alycia out of the equation for the moment, I really don't understand why some ppl think it is absolutely necessary for Louis to stunt while he is closeted. Surely, 10 years of stunting and the recent big father performance has solidified his closet enough that he can at the very least have a little time off from full time stunting. He is most likely going to be mia until tour and then he'll be touring so I don't see why he needs a gf (that's if eleanor is out). Idk I guess I wonder, don't we as larries wish an ultimate stuntless existence for hl. Why do we keep emphasising the idea that it's necessary that they stunt. Obviously that's what the industry and society tells them and expects from them but we don't have to agree.
Hahaha I can try! Although I don't think we need to agree on everything, anon. "We as larries" are not a unit, please feel free to have your own opinion, it's totally okay, and I'm not here to dictate or convince anyone. It's just a matter of perspective sometimes...
I don't think they *need* to have stunts, and much less I want them to have stunts. I obviously don't. I just don't think it's realistic to think they can be stuntless and still closeted, that's just not possible. Maybe let's try to see things from this perspective: What is happening right now with babygate could be an attempt to solidify his big father performance, as you said, to a point he wouldn't need a girlfriend to keep his sexuality out of the table. He could be trying to get rid of at least one of the stunts while maybe trying to regain some control of his image with babygate. After all, they literally faked an entire pregnancy and parenthood in order to assure his heterosexuality, that's how scared people were of it. The reason babygate happened is entirely connected with Larry and as time goes by, this gets more and more obvious, especially because larry denials always come with babygate talk, the last one being the ultimate proof IMO - when Louis said that "larry rubs him in the wrong way" and "I love my son" on the same fucking breath. Girlfriends were not enough to shut down the rumours, that's how deep the gay shit goes. But is it enough now? Would he really exchange elounor for babygate? Maybe just liking girls' pictures on instagram is enough to have his heterosexuality assured? I don't have the answers, but it scares me how this works in a long term. I don't particularly think Louis' fanbase cares too much about that, but Louis' sexuality being a topic of discussion connects him directly to Harry. Unfortunately, it's as simple as that.
Let's say they're not out for the next 10 years, and they decide to go beard-free. They would need to work so much harder against rumours, how much further Louis would have to go with babygate to try to shut it down?! How stronger Harry's womanizer image would need to get? How much of their freedom this would compromise? Because of their history in the band, it's tricky for them, they can't just stand still while being closeted, they need something to balance rumours out with some sort of narrative that goes the opposite direction. I don't like the fake girlfriends, but they do make things easier. Because people would eventually notice how there's nothing there in their romantic lives to talk about and it would raise questions. I mean, they're very rich and famous well-looking guys, there's always something. There's absolutely no way both of them can go for long periods of time without stunts, it's too conflicting with their closetings. Not to mention that, from a marketing point of view, girlfriends were always used as a way for people to identify with it and market the songs. What Louis is doing with FITF is huge! But he does kind of still have Eleanor to rely on, it gives a lot of plausible deniability. And like I said multiple times, I think Eleanor being there is harmless at this point, it leaves him in a very comfortable position. So, one way or another, stunts will need to happen eventually. Because I don't think they're coming out any time soon. So all I'm doing is trying to be realistic here, and just hoping and praying for the stunts to be the least traumatic as possible 🫠
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ladymorghul · 7 months
Don’t you think fierce Alysm0nd shippers tend to overrate Alys, acting as if she was going to have some insane amount of screen time? Personally, I’m glad we’re going to get a glimpse of her early life, but she’s still just a side character. Personally, I find this ship problematic since I have read FnB. It's not the matter of shipping Helaem0nd or not. It's the matter of non-con elements and captor-pow dynamics. Moreover, I don’t buy the whole “Aemond left his family for Alys” discourse. Imo Aemond might have refused to follow Ser Criston and Daeron to KL and stayed in Harrenhall not because he suddenly stopped to gaf about his family but due to the fact he assumed Daemon would be somewhere in the Riverlands and wanted to meet him in battle? For both personal and strategic motives?
In addition, I don’t get it why ppl pit Alys against Helaena. Like alysm0nd will happen even if helaem0nd is confirmed. It could be interesting to watch how Aemond’s perception of love, as well as his attitude towards love and (for want of a better word) love interests changes as different experiences shape his personality. Plus, they're two different women, and the fact at some points on their life, they got invovled with the same guy desn't automatically make them idk? Natural born enemies?
I would also like to ask what's you opinion on kind of... "fetishizing" Alys' age and calling her a milf. Like she didn't even look her age, right? So where the hell this estimation of Aemond's sex*al preferences comes from? And why no one calls Melissandre a "milf", although she was literally centuries older than Stannis? Let alone the fact in the quasi-medieval Westeros ther was nothing unusual about women to becoming grandmoters in their early 30s.... Or even late 20s.! So, if we assume Alys wasn't a centuries old witch and just a skilled herbalist, we could risk saying she might have been only 7-9 years older than Aemond!
Sorry for the rant. I simply like the alysm0nd discussion on your blog. I will be honored if you decide to share your more of your thoughts on alysm0nd and Alys as such. BTW isn't it strange fans keep asking themselves if "Aemond wanted Alys with every fiber of his being", "loved her so much that he stopped to care about his family who never cared about him" BUT never seem to wonder if ALYS was really in the position to reciprocate Aemond's feelings?
right! the whole non con element to it and the power imbalance and the differences in life experiences and the implications for the greens just make me go nuh huh.
i think the milf thing is a bit much. i mean at some point it was the only thing attributed to al*s name. and i think it's related to how many alysm*nds reacted to alys' casting as "but she was supposed to have long black hair and be curvy and sexy"
i think calling alys a milf isn't bad per se, but the way some of her fans view/handle talking about her character in relation to her being a milf is sometimes a bit cartoonish... in their heads they combined their image of a milf + the sexy witch trope and bam, theyr kinda went err on al*s' casting
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Hiii love your work and always cant wait for the next chapter!!!! But I was just reading some of your works and then a thought came to my head. What if YN lost somebody important but she didnt want Heethan to know so she tried hiding it. Just wondering if Heethan would like find her sobbing after finding out and tried comforting her or it would end some other way? Also a quick question I think you usually describe reader as foreign so what if the funeral was in a different country would Heethan let her go by herself or would he follow?
Once again love your works and I quite literally scream every time there is a new chapter to anything!!!
Hello!! Thank you so much for the compliment! I love it when I hear ppl enjoy the content on this blog, makes me so motivated and happy. ♥️ today my parents and I are returning from a family trip so DT and MT chapters are coming in hot.
so heethan literally is attached to you like glue. Even when you’re in classes, he has a specific seat he wants you to sit in, and it’s one that’s by the window across from parking so he can see you. Or he’ll pop in your classroom and just hide in the back and watch you until your class iss over, bc he’s on his last year and no one is going to tell heethan what to do (everyone is afraid of him) so seeing you upset and noticing it is very high. If you’re sobbing about something, he’s going to catch you doing it bc he’s always with your or got some type of sight on you. He also loves you (too much) that he notices every single little thing about you, and he’ll notice with you’re acting out of character and upset. So after he finds out you’ve been crying, he’ll console you and embrace you, literally have you on his lap and just shelter you with his arms doing the whole “shhhh shh shh shhhhh” thing he’s known to do from time to time. He’ll run his fingers through your hair and ask you what’s wrong and the moment you tell him, he’ll sympathize with you greatly and conduct every single means possible to comfort you. When you tell him about the funeral, he won’t let you go by yourself, but he will clear everything on his schedule and take you. He’ll get the plane tickets or get everything ready with the car, either way, and take you back home where he’ll bring you to the funeral himself. He’ll watch over you while giving you a moment of peace and allow you to say your goodbyes, while standing off to the side and giving you some space to mourn for the deceased. When all is said and done, as you make your way back to him when leaving the funeral home or cemetery, he’ll embrace you and take you back to the hotel or wherever you guys are staying and will continue to give you some space to mourn while attending to your every need.
He’s very compassionate and understanding when he’s not so enraged, bc he loves you so much that he would do anything for your happiness and comfort. Even when he is mad, he does things that aren’t correct, but he does it out of love for you. So when seeing you upset, he’d dedicate himself to you and would find a way to always hold you, but wouldn’t let his sexual nature get the better of him, despite the fact ghat when seeing you cry, he wants to “love” you bc he knows he can make you feel good and take your mind off of the matter, but in this case, he’d control himself as best he can but I kind of foresee him losing the fight the more hr sees you cry, so he’d initiate it but wouldn’t at all be rough or nasty with it like he usually is. It would be a straight up, romantic, beautiful, gentle, caring, sweet sweet lovemaking event that starts with soft gentle kisses and a slow introduction so you can get in the feeling of it. He’d display teh very soft and compassionate side of his sexual nature like his Ethan side did when he got to see you for the first time after the whole Scott and tiff thing had happened.
so yeah, as much as heethan can be a brute, he really does care and love you and that’s….kinda why he is the way that he is. Sometimes I get messages where ppl express like…a strong dislike for heethan or just will straight up be so mad that they want him gone or something bad to happen to him, or even want someone else to come and take you away from him, and I can understand how they feel but I hope that they all see that heethan does things out of an insane sensation of love and obsession that he has for you. He’ll never truly harm you to the point where you will have seriously bodily injuries, but you might be emotionally (and…mentally) tormented by his punishments from time to time bc he isn’t always right (he’s admit that a lot) but he can’t control it bc he’s so yandere for you that’s literally like a disease. He shelters and keeps you fro himself to keep you safe and his way of thinking is, if he teaches you lessons and keeps you sheltered, you’ll learn to follow his rules which are in place to help keep you safe and happy. So…lol yeah. Very conflicting and unhealthy but, idk bout you all but i love and dig it.
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I will assume (tm) means 'tell me', and I will use this to my full advantage to ramble about my opinions to one of my fav drdt blogs
Also, rest up, pls :)
While I can't deny that you raise many good points about this, I'm more on the fence that David genuinely did care about Xander. I'm not high on copium or an avid Xanvid shipper in denial, but there is some legroom to believe that Xander was someone David did sincerely care about, despite being an easy puppet to manipulate for him. Or, at the very least, Xander was one of the very--VERY FEW--ppl that David did grow to like. David snapped at Teruko during the first investigation when she tried to impersonate Xander, and he didn't have stars in his eyes. David blushed--physically blushed--when Xander said they should be friends. A physical trait you cannot fake. He also didn't disrespect Xander when he was belittling the dead, and you'd think if he was playing the part of the 'big bad villian' he would say something along the lines of "Oh, Xander was so easy" or "He worshipped me, I had him eating right out of my hand", etc. Of course, Arei's nasty personality was an easy target for him to insult, and he wasn't even close with Min (might even still resent her for killing Xander). While ppl can't deny Xander was an easy target for David's manipulation (the whole "David told Xander to kill Teruko" theory looks a lot more promising), there is also some signs that point to him legitimately caring about Xander
Not only Xander, but I also think he cared about Arei as well. Going to get a little side tracked, but still on the topic of David caring about ppl. David also blushed when Arei hugged him and said that he was nice too. Which is weird, cause (now I'm getting even more side tracked) if, according to Ace's account, Arei knew David's secret right off the bat for 'oh so conveniently' looking over Whit's shoulder, why would she take the words of a manipulator to heart? Yes, she was having a breakdown and probably needed some comfort, even if she knew it was a lie and didn't care who it was from, but she still saved Eden from Arturo, which shows that she, in fact, did take David's words to heart and tried to change
But back on topic to David and Xander. Despite my pfp and me still loving David as a character, I'm not putting any bias onto David still caring for Xander. He's a manipulator and was saying lots of insults he can't take back during the trial. I am also one of those ppl who believe he's upping the ante on his personality atm, but I also can't deny there is some truth as to what he is saying (no matter how the secret is worded, it's flat out true). Xander was a great person before the killing game, making positive changes in the world and doing his best to be a good, upstanding guy. And this was someone who listened to David's speeches religiously. Makes me wonder if David's speeches turned ppl into individuals that turned out much like Xander, it makes me raise a brow as to the line "Everyone exist to be taken advantage of", when he's making ppl change for the better
Again, I can be completely wrong about this, and David could be Nikei 2.0 and is really a manipulative and lying sociopath and proud of it. But I feel like while there is room for speculation and believing he really didn't care about anyone there, there is also some things that point to the sign that he did. While David is an S tier liar now, no one can really deduce what's a lie or not, at this point. I'm not going to say there is a 'stark difference' between how he is acting now vs how he was acting when he thought he was all alone in the prologue, but we can certainly see his personality back then is much more toned down than the show he is putting up
Anyways, throwing my two cents in your inbox. Hope you rest well <3/p
Interesting thoughts, though I should probably clarify that (tm) was meant to mean ™, though I'm not sure tumblr lets you put that in tags and I was too lazy to find out.
You raise a lot of good points, though I was mostly being contrarian in my argument in the first place since I knew it was a less popular opinion, but it was one I didn't particularly care about one way or the other. I suppose it's just a matter of interpretation. Since making that post, I've been thinking about it more and more and have decided I am going to double down on my own thoughts with the justification that him blushing was a matter of being flustered and his exclusion of Xander in his ranting was a matter of saving time from a writing perspective, but again, I have nothing against a more favorable interpretation of his character.
(editing this to say I really hoping this doesn't come across rude or dismissive, I just don't have much more in terms of thoughts on the matter. It is what it is to me and honestly, as tumblr's #1 self appointed Teruko enjoyer, I'm just mostly interested in his future interactions with her and less focused on other previous character relationships)
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