#hes my oc now hehehehehehehehe
brevmoment · 6 months
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cx posting
ft. terra
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milesworld96 · 1 year
Expressing my opinions about matches at All In despite my words simply being irrelevant no matter what I say💁‍♂️
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I know for a fact that Adamjf is not gonna win, but a man can dream😢😢.
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Listen I may sing to Judas when he comes out, but you will NEVER catch me being an actual fan of his. I HOPE his ass gets beat so hard that he’s gone for MONTHS, Will you better BEAT his old ass up. Like put his ass in the RETIREMENT HOME🗣🗣🗣‼️
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Listen….I am a Darby fan by heart forever. But…..Yalls….let’s be real😭 I AM HERE FOR SWERVE AND AR FOX‼️‼️‼️‼️ I LOVE THEM, ESPECIALLY SWERVE🙌🙌 I’m sorry Darby, but fuck yo spooky ass for this match💀💀💀💀
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I will ALWAYS love the Bestfriends, OC, and Eddie, but…. BCC?!?!? AND A (HOPEFULLY POTENTIAL) RETURN OF BRYAN?!?!? YES FUCKING PLEASE😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 I am so sorry but I will forever be at the BCC’s side🙌🙌 (unless the elite is involved💀💀💀💀💀💀💀)
Also I know Bryan is injured and probs isn’t returning but LET ME BE DELUSIONAL!!!
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TK WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU GRRAHXGSHDDH HOW CAN YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE BETWEEN MY GIRLY POP GAYS AND MY BULLET CLUB GAYS!!!!!! (+Takeshita, love you bbg😚). LIKE YOU CANT MAKE ME CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM, I LOVE THEM BOTH TOO MUCH😭😭😭😭 (Buuuuuuuuut If I reeeeeeaaally had to, I’m goin for Hangman’s team🥺 He’s been one of my more recent obsessions as of recent now😔)
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HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE LETS GO LGBT COMMUNITY!!! I AM DYING FOR THE BUCKS TO WIN PLEASE TKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I’m begging let me have one win after the pain wwe has been putting me through I BEG of you tk)
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I don’t care for Saraya, I don’t care for Toni (💔), I like Britt but NO. If Shida does not retain I’m gonna break down sobbing. Do not do this to me. And I swear IF I DONT SEE THUNDER ROSA BACK ON TV I AM GOING TO BE SO MAD!!!! I CANNOT GO ANOTHER DAY THINKING ABOUT HER ABSENCE WITHOUT GOING INSANE
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BUUUUUUUUT IF I WERE TO PICK WHOD BETRAY WHO ID PICK ADAM, BC I KINDA WANNA SEE HOW MJF WOULD TURN OUT IN THE AFTERMATH😈😈 But this is not me praying on their downfall, I hope they stay 2gether and continue their silly little dates🫶🙌
(Also I swear if Adam manages to win I will become someone I will hate, I will become his #1 hater and I LOVE Adam. But my love for MJF is stronger. Sorry xx 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️)
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orginllazyblog · 10 months
In a different universe, female Yuu (Yueme) goes thr the canon story and some events as well
Till one day, Archane Academys announced a grand event and the selected ones required to be:
Sourceress Academy (all girl school): 4th year student
Science Fantasy College(boy & girl school): 3rd year student
Sword Academy (RSA): 2nd year student
Mage College (NRC): 1st year student
How they select the presentives is their school's artifact, not the headmage/principal. For example, in NRC, the dark mirror will choose out of all the first year students to be the school's representative. But out of all of them, none of them were chosen until the Ramshackle prefect and Grim came late (bc of a certain bird man).
Yueme let Grim go first like it has become a habit that Grim goes first before them. That is when:
Dark Mirror: "You!"
Yueme: As in, me?
Dark Mirror: "Yuu, you shall be the one who represents Night Raven College. For you who is selected for the grand event."
Yueme: ?!
Crowley: *shock pikachu face*
the rest of nrc students/staffs: Eh?!
There were some arguments that Yueme shouldn't go as she is a magicless and no background. Yueme agree to which she talk back to the dark mirror.
Yueme: I can't be the one representing the whole school. I don't come from a prestigious background and no magic. Why do you select me when there are others who are better suited than me?!
The ancient school artifact was surprised that someone who talked back at it. They remember a certain queen who they once served to.
Dark Mirror: "You will discover sooner than later, now get ready. For the ship to pick you up and the other one. May you represent a noble crow, my lady."
Yueme: ...Can at least bring my familiar Grim for my safety?
Dark Mirror: "You may, my lady. I also shall give you this for your journey."
(HC: The Dark Mirror address any female Yuu/oc with dignity)
So then Yueme starts packing, only to pack their few clothing: sweat pants, shirts, and other. She made sure to ask Vil for a medicine for Grim in case he gets seasick.
Lastly, an emerald apple shape brooch that was given by the Dark Mirror itself.
They said their goodbyes to the Ramshackle ghosts, the first year's, and the rest as Crowley took them to the east side (mainly for passenger ships)
As she took a step, Yueme accidentally slipped and was about to fall. Until someone managed to catch them.
Yueme: Um.. thank you for catching me on time
???: You're welcome. You could have hurt your head
Yueme: I assume you are a student in Royal Sword Academy?
???: How did you know? I tried to dress myself to more casual so that no one would know.
Yueme: Don't worry, I won't cause any problems. I guess I know why my school's artifact choose me.
Grim: Fnagh! Who are you? What do you want from my henchman?
???: My apologies
Percival: My name is Percival Aelius, a sophomore student in Royal Sword Academy.
And that is how Yueme and Percival meet, soon to fall for each other, and going through the pain and suffer together. (hehehehehehehehe)
Hmm... I might actually write a fic about this, but I have to focus on my other work
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genork-the-fandork · 3 years
Gen honey, your headcanons about florus, zeno and kor reacting to adventurer in a suit inspired me to draw my adventures in suits. Since im a curious gal, can you please make similar headcanons for the rest of the kortia mains? Sorry if it's too much queen
(I promise I'll show my drawings later)
Love ya♡
Hey everyone this is a shameless plug for Erre who creates beautiful OCs.
I would love to cover the rest of the Main 7 definitely not excited to do Gerald's! I hope you enjoy <3
(Long post incoming-)
Luna Reacting to Adventurer in a Suit
Luna already gets a little weak in the knees whenever Adventurer is in the room, because frankly, why wouldn't she be? (She's also waiting for an insult a;lsdkjf;asda)
So of course those knees start wobbling a little more when Adventurer shows up in a suit
See, this is even better if she's still dressed as a maid because now she's blushing from the power dynamic
While normally she wouldn't widen her eyes or show any emotion unbefitting a maid, she can't help but widen them a bit to take in the wondrous sight before her
It's taking a lot of effort to not fall to the ground right now as Adventurer comes striding over
Of course, there is banter. Of course, Luna is blushing. (Adventurer is, too.)
Honestly, the gazes of everyone else are glued to these two because it's sort of fun to watch them flirt so openly
Bonus points if Adventurer tilts her chin up a little and looks her in the eye hehehehehe
She has a hard time sleeping that night without thinking about Adventurer for a few hours first
Dyclos Reacting to Adventurer in a Suit
Obviously he is composed at all times, he is a LORD, he will not succumb to petty DESIRES--
Then Adventurer walks in the room in a suit and suddenly he is just not okay.
Everyone around him is wondering why he's walking like he's drunk. Which he is doing because he's drunk. Well, not totally, just enough to wobble because he needed some wine to handle this all
His eyes keep drifting over to Adventurer no matter how much he tries to pay attention to the conversations at hand
His cheeks are getting redder with each new glass of wine and each glance over at the be-suited Adventurer (and yes, I just made up that word)
Finally, he just kinda slumps into a chair in another room to try and process this all, and of COURSE Adventurer walks in to check on him
He's trying really hard not to look at them, but of course Adventurer has to lean down to check his temperature and all that
Does he pull Adventurer into his lap? Mayhaps. Does Dyclos implode a little bit because he didn't think he was going to do that? Yes.
Now they're both blushing messes and it's possible everyone has already spread the rumor about this scandalous development
Alexis Reacting to Adventurer in a Suit
Of all the Main 7, Alexis handles herself the most gracefully when faced with a suited Adventurer. But even then, she's dying a bit
Unlike the others, she immediately approaches Adventurer to compliment on how amazing they look, wearing this cute little blush that makes her even more of a cutie pie than she already was
So she goes about the rest of her evening minding her business and definitely not thinking a lot about how good Adventurer looks in a suit what do you mean--
She's not sure how it happened, but somehow she and Adventurer end up alone outside or in a separate room as the party or whatever event they're at winds down
I'm not saying Adventurer casually kabedons her (the sexy hand above the shoulder against a wall thing) but I'm not saying they DON'T
It was probably an accident, too, knowing them, and next thing we know they're both blushing like fools when they should be kissing or something, not that I want them to--
Then they hear someone coming and Adventurer basically has to dive away so they don't embarrass themselves, but obviously that didn't really work since they're both blushing a lot
But whenever the person passes by they end up laughing because how funny was that it's like they're in an anime or something
There might have been premarital handholding or some cutesy leaning against each other as they waited for the party to end
Gerald Reacting to Adventurer in a Suit
On the outside, Gerald is completely composed. On the inside, alarms are blaring and his mind is screaming "MAYDAY MAYDAY EVACUATE AHHHHHH"
Have you ever seen an anime gif where like the character combusts and smoke comes off their head? That is Gerald. He has combusted. And Jack is LOVING it.
"Hey Gerald look at how great Adventurer looks in a suit" he says for the billionth time, and Gerald is staring hard into his wine glass like he refuses to ever look anywhere but there ever again
Gerald takes a little peek. Just a baby peek, really. It was just a glance. Just a look. He just looked over his shoulder a little bit, not that much--
Instant KO. Gerald nearly falls to the ground from how amazing Adventurer looks and is just dead. His soul has left his body. Adventurer is too glorious for him to handle. (But he likes it.)
He's so disoriented from all the glory that he doesn't even notice Adventurer coming to check on him (it's almost like Jack planned all this) and he can't hear Jack teasing that Gerald saw something too beautiful for this world
He's about to rouse himself to tell Jack to shut up when he sees Adventurer blushing and looking at their feet because, well, they'd seen Gerald glancing over and have put the pieces together about what Jack meant
Now they're both standing there blushing like idiots while Jack watches, grinning, before saying, "WELL, I should leave you two kids alone--" and Gerald wants to tell him to come back. But he's already gone. Dammit.
Now the rest is up to you all, but I'd say they stand there blushing for the rest of the night before Gerald finally offers to walk Adventurer home hehehehehehehehe
I might have accidentally slayed myself with these.
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long post ahead
Today marks my 20th day of staying at home since my city has declared Community Quarantine in response to the spread of COVID-19 in the country. To be honest, I’ve been enjoying staying at home.Because of all the time on my hands, I had been able to allow myself to do the things I’ve been meaning to do but haven’t because of school, or because I deemed I didn’t have enough time/energy/focus for it. 
I had found a way to keep myself busy the past 20 days:  
cooking (-ish, i don’t exactly cook cook, but I have been able to spend more time in the kitchen)
eating healthily (I have to admit my daily intake isn’t even close to ideal, and it’s a known fact to my friends/family that i’m a very very picky eater, which is why really I’m proud to say that I had been trying - my very best - to eat more food that would be healthy for my body.)
watching tv series and movies (during school time, I prefer not to start on a series that I would likely not be able to focus my attention to or would likely distract me from the tasks I should be prioritizing. I find it hard to focus when I know I should be doing something more important first e.g. school work, duty reqs, or simply studying; which is why I’ve only found the time to do this now)
reading (I’ve probably posted more than once about how I miss being able to read freely and for long periods of time without having to worry about all the other responsibilities I have, which is why this period is the perfect time to finally be able to read something other than nursing books again)
needlework - crochet, cross stitch, embroidery (if you’ve known me since grade school, you’ll know how engaged I was with needlework back then and into early high school; but for some reason, I had stopped doing somewhere in the middle of junior high school and since senior high, I had been meaning to get back into it again because for one, I missed it - it was peaceful and therapeutic and stress relieving and it gave you something to focus your energy and attention to; second, it reminded me so much of Nanay, it was one of the things she had taught me back then and something we would bond over and I liked that doing it again makes me miss her in a good way) 
working out!! (this is probably one of my proudest achievements during this stay-at-home-time not only because I’m known to be very lazy when it comes to physical fitness and any and all related activities [I made sure to make my way out of having to do high school PE, a story for another post i guess, which is why I have never participated in a proper PE class until I was in college], but also because despite my body aching, badly, from it, I’m actually having fun??? +++ I do it with everyone in the  family which makes it more enjoyable)
learning how to drive (I literally had my student permit since I was 17 but had only started learning how to drive now, which I am slightly embarrassed about. the real reason why I hadn’t been able to learn earlier was because my parents believed it was better for me to learn and master driving a manual car first before settling into driving an automatic one, and our manual car had only been recently fixed [about 6-10 months ago]. on the other hand, by the time the car was fixed, I was too busy and tired with school and duty that I opted to use my time on school stuff or to rest during sundays [my father worked on weekdays and I had saturday classes, so he could only teach me on sundays]; my progress has been slow since I only started 3 days ago but I’m really glad that I’m learning na)
learned more songs on the kalimba (I learned Maybe the Night, Here Comes the Sun, How Deep is Your Love, etc. but I have yet to master them heheheheheheheh)
doing household chores (to be honest, doing household chores is actually therapeutic and I additionally enjoy doing them now that I’m not time-restrained and I don’t have to worry about neglecting school-related responsibilities. the smol oc part of me enjoys all the cleaning to be honest)
the biggest takeaway from this is that my family has been spending a lot of time together and it’s been really fun and sometimes it makes me soft thinking that (although, no offense, compared to other families, we spend time, go out, have fun more often than others) we hardly get to spend time like this and do activities for long periods of time without me interrupting that I still have homework or studying to do or without my mom worrying about the business and etc. In the last 20 days, we had cooked, binged tv shows, played board games, worked out together, and had even moved all the mattresses from our bedrooms into the living room floor and we’ve all been sleeping there for a week now because it was easier for us to watch movies together. 
Despite my being perfectly content with having to stay inside for long periods of time, being active on social media and reading current news daily has truly put things in perspective for me. 
For the longest time, I had chosen to ignore engaging myself in political discourse with other people simply because I didn’t have much to say - I knew very little and basic information about what was going on in the Philippine government and had never bothered to learn more. In high school, I was not very invested in trying to figure out and understand how politics worked. I found it boring and uninteresting and frankly, I had found it better not exhaust myself trying to argue about something I did not properly understand and I left it at that for years. 
Because of the response of the government to this pandemic, the shortage of health workers in the country, and everything else happening in between, I have arrived at quite a few thoughts: 
At first, I honestly found it annoying that people kept going out and disobeying quarantine rules. It was only later on that I had realized that I was speaking from a position of privilege. Because of all the discourse online regarding that topic, it was only then that I had realized just how blessed I was to be enjoying community quarantine - to be able to stay at home with my needs provided for and not having to worry about my safety, my health, and my finances. I found it unsettling, that I was not able to think of the millions of other people out there who were struggling amidst the current situation, that I was so focused on myself and the people I knew that I completely forgot to look at the bigger picture. 
Moreover, it was more unsettling to realize that the government was doing visibly minuscule if not irrational and unjust responses to combat the situation and ones without clear compassion for the general public and for the greatly impoverished. It was frustrating to think that from my position, I could only do so little.
On the other hand, what frustrated and bothered me more was that there still are a handful of people who continually dismiss and/or condone the actions made and orders mandated by the government and are too close-minded and apathetic to understand what exactly the general public is demanding for and enraged about. 
To add to my frustration, I find (present tense) it hard to voice my opinions. I am afraid of having to engage in full-on active arguments with strangers, with people opposing the general public’s unanimous views even though I know in my heart that I can and that my stand is valid and important. Perhaps I am not used to debating and fighting for what I believe in, or perhaps I find it exhausting to aimlessly argue with people who have their minds set on one thing. But for now, I merely repost and retweet the things I support and find relevant -  just to let people know where I stand among all of this. I cannot bring myself to voice out entire full-length opinions and to be so out there yet, but I would like to try to voice out my concerns more effectively in the near future. 
For now, I truly hope for more assistance to be carried out for the marginalized and less fortunate - for those without a steady income due to the community quarantine; I hope for more deserved compensation for all the frontliners, for the implementation of mass testing and to abolish the prioritizing of government officials in this process as well as for the government to adopt and embody the responses and values of notable local governments in the country such as Iloilo and Pasig, instead of seeing these as threats to the presidency. Seeing everyone actively engaged in the current issues the country is facing is empowering and inspiring and I’m hoping more people follow suit, in order to send a powerful message to the government. 
I apologize (but not really?) for the long post AHASHASB my mom has been trying to wake us all up early in the morning for the 2nd day in a row now and I have all this ~peace and quiet and calm to myself and I’ve been thinking about a lot - just trying to get these thoughts into writing so it doesn’t feel so heavy. I hope everyone else is finding a means to keep themselves busy and to help in the ways that they can and I pray pray pray that all this will end soon.. Hoping for better days :) char
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brevmoment · 8 months
fuck it
I like the rockman cx romhack but since cx himself is boring as fuck
i made him my oc
here's some drawings of him
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