always-hetalian · 5 days
waking up on a random October morning in 2020 to see your feed filled with posts tagged #hetalia2020 and #hetaliaisback has to be one of the most surreal experiences ever
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fiore-rosewood9 · 3 years
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No matter what your gender or sexuality is, just know that you are loved and are a valid human being 
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sakotisssss · 3 years
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some pfps i made for you simps to use
if you use them credit me pls! they’re also on my instagram @ spacetalia
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sweetsatine · 4 years
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Hetalia's finally back! 😭
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shayminbraginski · 4 years
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Who are you?..
I’m you~.. Glad to see you back, friend~.
Day 4 (Oct. 24-25) - Bloody Sunset/<>Shadow<>/Ghost Mansion
Hmmm~ I might’ve made that watermark too big.... That’s probably annoying. I’ll fix it. >.<
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ask-estonia · 4 years
What was your opinion of each other when you first met?
First impressions are important
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lonelyinkmark · 4 years
Tbh I was really happy to see that hetalia was getting another season... Like I really enjoyed seeing the hyper emphasized stereotypes of countries doing random stupid stuff. (I know the fandom was problematic but that's a whole other story)
But reading all the negative comments on Twitter really dampened my mood. They just shame people enjoying things from their young teenagehood as if they are some sort of moral police or something.
Like you don't know what I've been through. You don't know my history. Can you stop trying to take away things that make me happy for one second please?
Can I be happy for ONE SECOND please.
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MATCHING ICONS for you and your dear one.
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ask-littlenewspain · 4 years
Hello Again
Hetalia is back, so whe are, because need to "funar" the "gringos", hope you all stay safe
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wisteriawater · 4 years
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In lieu of the tolys portrait I've yet to post, have a sloppy doodle dump of my attempting to reteach myself how to draw anime after my college beat it out of me. Iggs. Iggs everywhere. ((he looks 5, help))  arthur grow a beard or something.
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mitchimiko · 4 years
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Hetalia?? In 2020?? What kind of fever dream is this--
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thewatcherproxy · 4 years
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People act like he’s lazy,you’re stupid
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fiore-rosewood9 · 3 years
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sakotisssss · 4 years
Fear and cancel culture in the fandom about the continuation of Hetalia: why it isn’t worth your time, what you can do and how it’s going to be okay.
With the announcement of the new season - a lot of people have been understandably freaking out. Hetalia in itself can be quite problematic and as we saw in 2013 that can attract bad people. It’s also worrying how people are reacting and calling it “nazi propaganda” and a “holocaust anime”. This show is already controversial without cancel culture so how will it fair now? It’s understandable why it’s worrying.  
We try to prevent 2012 from happening again through cancelling anyone or anything that alludes to it. That doesn’t work and isn’t worth so much stress.
Let me explain my thoughts and alleviate your fears.
1. The fandom is indestructible 
The best and worst thing about this fandom is that it will never die. Think about the amount of controversies that have taken place. We’ve survived fucking nazi cosplayers and ship wars.  We survived on five years of little to no content. This fandom is literally indestructible. We’ve gone through so much and we still manage to survive. No matter what happens, we’ll be okay. We survived the worst and we’ll survive any BS that comes this way.
2. We will not go back to 2012.
Today, people are a lot less ignorant and know better.  The cringey fandom 2012 culture isn’t how people are anymore. There’s always gonna be a few outlines but they won’t be normalized like back then and we won’t allow it. Times have changed and a 2012 fandom is just not possible.
3. Hetalia is and has always been controversial.
People always have had mixed opinions about the show. A lot of people don’t like it. Dealing with that hate has always been a part of being in the Hetalia fandom.  We know that the show has a lot of shortcomings - we just choose to look past it personally. For us, the pros outweigh the cons. We take it as it is - a low budget anime about gay counties. It’s a stupid, silly show and that’s why we love it. But some people can’t see it that way. Now that cancel culture is so rampant, people are going to be even worse about this. Yes there will be threads and people hating on it. Don’t argue with them. Don’t listen to them. That is out of our control and seeing people like that just makes us sad. People are going to criticize us, but it is up to us to ignore them and be above it. We won’t let them control us.
4. Fear is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
If we believe that we are descending towards the old fandom, we will consider small incidents that happen as evidence of that and thus actually get into that because we’ve convinced ourselves that’s how the fandom acts. I’ve seen a lot of posts about how we shouldn’t do x, y, z or else the fandom will be just as bad. If we are cancelling people for such small things, such as not abiding by the long list of rules I’ve seen floating around, this place will become more toxic instead.  Treating a small mistake or misinterpretation as proof that the “old fandom is back” will make us feel like that’s true and act that way. It also convinces outsiders that we actually are bad.
5. A lot is out of our control
We are scared of the future and so we’re trying to control it. Recognize that a lot of things are out of our control:. That’s not us failing as a fandom,  there’s always gonna be a few toxic people and there’s nothing we can do to stop them from being that way. We can’t control their actions, all we can do is make it clear that we don’t accept this.  And we will get through - as we always do.
So what do we do?
1. Why Cancelling is an Ineffective Strategy 
First things first: What I’m about to say doesn’t apply to actual racists, sexists, homophobes, intentional nazi glorifiers (and not misusing that word), Trumpies, etc who hold bigoted beliefs. That’s just being a shitty human being and “cancelling” is appropriate here to show that this fandom has no place for that. This is different than a person making one mistake out of ignorance.  There is a middle ground.
I’ve already seen long lists of what behaviors are okay and not okay since this new season has come out. I understand what we are trying to prevent but it doesn’t work because it’s not that black and white. Hetalia is great because it’s so open-ended.  We are all gonna have different views of what we find okay or not and take different things seriously. Most things aren’t just right or wrong. If we are enforcing certain rules and cancelling any people that break them ironically the fandom will end up being just as chaotic and toxic as we try to avoid.
 Cancel culture also fuels toxic people and behavior. If we’re like don’t do x there’s always gonna be those little shits who will do it because we say not to. Being so strict attracts people who want to start fights and start drama. It gives toxic fans the power to turn people against each other and start drama on purpose from an out of context comment or just flat out lies and we don’t wanna give that to them.  The hypocrisy of these people is half the time they’ve done the same thing they’ve cancelled someone else for.
 This fandom in particular has a bad habit of mass canceling and then realizing there was actually more to the story. Some people are young or just have never been taught certain things where they live. There’s always another side and most people don’t have bad intentions.
 I’ve cancelled people and been cancelled - I know both sides. Hetalia in itself is inherently problematic and we know that. We’re not above anything. Trying to monitor all the small things isn’t worth it. We know what it feels like to be canceled for watching a dumb anime show. It’s stupid and doesn’t teach people anything besides resentment. So why are we doing it to others and treating them we know we hate to be treated? To you, “x” might be offensive. But that’s the logic twitter people use to cancel us. We can’t claim to hate cancel culture then have it control us. It’ll makes us even more toxic than before. We don’t wanna become what we hate.
2. Communication
I think a good rule of thumb is if you were okay with your close friend doing something, let it be. It’s not worth cancelling.  And if you are not okay with it: treat them the same way. You don’t cancel your friend, you talk to them. If after you’ve talked to them it’s clear they had bad intentions, hold bigoted beliefs or refuse to see the other side that’s one thing.  But TALK to people first.  And not openly, but privately. We need to communicate better.
If someone makes an insensitive comment or an inappropriate joke - don’t send people after them and harass them.  DM them and be like “hey I really don’t appreciate how you did x, it’s very upsetting to me because y” and listen to them.
3. Being sensitive about charged words
This is a bit of a personal rant. I feel strongly that we need to stop overusing words like “Nazi” or “white supremacist.”   I’m trying to follow what I preach so I can’t force you guys to agree. But as someone who’s family has been  killed by nazis I  feel strongly that it delegitimizes the actual meaning. A Nazi is not someone who made an out of context comment. It’s so disrespectful to equivocate those two. It’s not woke, it’s harmful to so many people. So stop throwing around the world, please.
4. At the end of the day, all we can do is control ourselves.
We can’t let a few bad people ruin the fandom. Don’t give them that attention. There is and always gonna be those people. They don’t define us and we will make that clear once that issue pops up. Or just do what we do best - make fun of it. We don’t give them the attention they crave yet are showing why its bad.  
If we are more open-minded and kind, we will able to focus on the actual problematic people and make it clear that there’s no place for them. But if we let the negativity of other people and fear get to us, we will become exactly what we don’t want. Breathe in and out. This is a good thing. We will be okay.
Tell me your thoughts. Share this. If you disagree or find anything confusing let me know!
 I spent four hours writing this and posted this on Insta but thought I should here too so please share it if you think it’s interesting!
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sweetsatine · 4 years
sneak peak ehehe
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shayminbraginski · 4 years
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Day 6 (Oct. 28-29) - <>Scream/Superstition/Evil Laugh<>
Whew~ I actually just started the lineart yesterday night, finished base colouring, slept. Then did the completion today, right now. I just finished this about a few minutes ago and decided to quickly post it up in-case I can’t do it later. I don’t know if I’ll be on, later today. So, the day’s drawing is coming in early!~
It’s exactly 15 minutes past 1.a.m. and I’d love to get my sleep. ;v;
Italy - Scream
England - Superstition
Russia - Evil Laugh
(Russia isn’t evil tho, I just threw his sketch in here and started working on it. >.<)
(Also Italy was suppose to be America but welp, my hands decided to draw a sketch of Italy instead. I’m pretty disappointed I couldn’t draw him. I tried literally 3 sketches and they all ended messed up. ;-;)
Alright, g-night! ^w^
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