wondersmith39 · 4 years
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Day 5 of @hetaliaafrica2020 (AU of your choice) which I’m also counting for the free day 7 because this took like twice as long as the others lmao
So yeah metal band AU! My Botswana OC you’ve got as the frontman there was already inspired by the badass heavy-metal subculture in Botswana which is 10/10 worth a google search, so this was an easy logical leap. Seychelles’ look was meanwhile inspired by Babymetal, and @ask-mauritius‘ ridiculously handsome Mauritius OC there on the right is based off James Hetfield and other nice simple classic metalhead looks
This is riffing off a 2009 Rolling Stone cover which featured Green Day, who, while neither African nor a metal group, have some a+ magazine covers. This one specifically was great because it had a flag in it - the one Mauritius is holding is the flag of the African Union, which all three are member states in.
Thanks again to the organizers of Africa Week for giving us all the chance to spread some love for the Africa squad!
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ask-namibia · 4 years
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Day 1: The Past/History
It wasn’t.
Ever since the 1800s, I was told to be more “civilized”, whatever that meant. It made me ashamed of who I was and what I believed, especially when they tried to destroy my cultures. As I was colonized for a hundred years, I longed for the girl I was before all this. All these years, I was taught to be like the white people. Do what they say. Be like them. They failed at this. That only taught me that I shouldn’t be mad at myself for being genuine. I love my cultures. They’re what make me me. It took years but I love my skin, my cultures, and how I look.
I can finally tell myself in the mirror “Ondikuhole”.
//A day late. I am so sorry. 
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hetaliaafrica2020 · 5 years
Prompts List
Here are the prompts for Africa Week! Once again, if you have any problems message me @my-bellanie or on this blog!
April 27-Day 1- The Past/History
April 28- Day 2-Holidays/Celebrations
April 29- Day 3-Daily Life
April 30- Day 4-Family and Friends
May 1- Day 5-AU Day(Any AU of your choice)
May 2- Day 6-Childhood
May 3- Day 7- Freestyle
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helltalia-inc · 3 years
Some of the Hetalia Events that took place in 2020
Note: The links that aren't working might be because of the change in the blog' name or because they could have been deleted (they are still there for reference). Also "some events" because it's hard to keep track of every event, so some others might be missing on this List.
Also, let's pay attention on this considerable number of events... in this "supposed dead fandom", in 2020. Yes, I'm laughing right now.
@tenduw (#aphcountryoftheweek)
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ask-mauritius · 4 years
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[ @hetaliaafrica2020​  Day 6: Childhood
A good portion of Mauritius’ childhood was under French colonization. Formerly being a Dutch settlement, Mauritius was abandoned after futile attempts to live there by the Dutch.Their efforts unfortunately caused much physical and ecological damage to the island. Upon finding him, France took Mauritius under his wing and renamed him Isle du France (French Island), and did much restoration to the island. France wasn’t around often, due to other colonial expats, and placed Isle Bourbon (Present-day Reunion Island) responsible for the projects occuring on Mauritius. Later, France, would give Mauritius the same responsibility over Seychelles. Although he didn’t necessarily agree with all of France’s decisions, he still greatly favours France out of his past colonizers. French is one of the official languages of Mauritius.
This post is a redo of this very old one!
Coloured ver. under the cut!]
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heta-on-the-books · 4 years
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Subject to change but here is April Calender 2020 1.0!
@historical-hetaliaweek @amelietweek @the-transtalia-blog @aph-slav-week @hetaliaafrica2020
Belgium Birthday Englands Birthday!
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wondersmith39 · 4 years
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A bit late again, but day 3 of @hetaliaafrica2020 - daily life 
South Africa is the only place in Africa I’ve ever visited, and I liked it a lot. We didn’t spend much time in Cape Town, but we visited a few markets while we were there that were pretty nice - I can’t have gluten so a lot of the snack food in South Africa was stuff I couldn’t eat, but what I could have was consistently really really good (along with all the rest of the food there tbh, I always love places whose cuisine has taken influence from a whole bunch of different styles of cooking, and South Africa definitely counts)
Design for South Africa by the lovely @ask-namibia!
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ask-namibia · 4 years
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Day 2: Holiday
//In Namibia, the 26th of December is Family Day. It’s as the name suggest; it’s about appreciating families and spending time with them. In addition, this day is also to appreciate one’s cultures and ancestors. No doubt Nami will take the time to talk to many of the ethnic groups’ personifications and talk to them. She will also invite her friends over to just hang out because she considers them family as well. Here, well... this happens every year. RIP Lesotho for being small :’) Yes she’s wearing high heals. Despite Southern African countries having debates and tensions, it’s a day after Christmas, so they get along better that day, especially since Namibia invited them. She’s has those chill vibes.
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wondersmith39 · 4 years
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Michelle? Let me see what you have?
@hetaliaafrica2020 day 6 - childhood
I had all sorts of elaborate plans for big dramatic historically inspired pieces about various young up-and-coming African countries buuuuuuuuut kids are kinda hard to draw so have this meme of babby Seychelles being France’s Problem Child instead
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wondersmith39 · 4 years
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Day 4 for @hetaliaafrica2020 - friends and family
Words cannot express how much I adore @ask-namibia‘s ADORABLE Namibia OC (and her bro S. Africa’s pretty cool too I guess)
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ask-namibia · 4 years
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Day 6: Childhood
“I can’t say much about it if I’m being honest. What I can say is that I can always rely on my land and sky.”
//A Himba woman holding a child Nami. I wanted to do something simple :’) Okay, below are my thoughts on childhood for African ocs that I stumble upon. It’s messy. It’s disorganized. But I’ll finally let out my frustrations after what? 3 years?
Okay, real talk. Making an African country is incredibly difficult. Here’s something I want y’all to keep in mind: I don’t really like the idea of African countries being born around the same time as European imperialism because idk to me it suggests that Europe indeed brought “civilization” to these ethnic groups which is just so disrespectful. The only exception I would think of are island nations where they had no people but then over time, have people populate it, like Seychelles. I’ll bring up South Africa later. But even now as I still develop Namibia, I don’t know when she would be born so her childhood is murky at best.
The first people of Namibia are the Sans (Bushmen) and the Damara people who were there at the very least 2000 B.C. See, the issue that I have is that I want for Nami to be around the same time these ethnic groups migrated there. That would make her a lot older. But should she? Namibia today is a diverse country. There’s Ovambo, Herero, Damara-Nama, German, Basters, and many more people groups. So should she be born when the first people arrived or when Europeans came?
Let me say this too: in Hetalia, I believe that these ethnic groups have to have their own personifications. They have to. And to Namibia, they still exist. They’re still around because the people are still there, the culture is still there albeit smaller than it used to be, I don’t see a reason for them to be killed. So I ask again: should she be born when the first people arrived or when Europeans came? Because it makes sense that if they had their own personifications, there’s no need for Namibia right? But other ethnic groups came much later like the Ovambo during the 14th century, who are currently half the population. But making that her origin also doesn’t sit well with me. Yes, she’s wearing Ovambo dresses (the pink skirt), but Nami would also wear traditional dresses of other ethnic groups for appreciation. As you can imagine, I’m indecisive.
In addition, there’s little information about the early history about Namibia, with the Bushmen, Damara, and Nama people. I can’t find legitimate sources. I always have to cross reference it, make sure it’s from a reliable source, and check if there are biases. Where there is a lot more information is when Namibia was under German colonialism. But I don’t want to start there. People lived thousands of years before Europeans showed up and said it was theirs. I don’t want to erase their history. Namibia, to me, is the personification of all these ethnic groups who migrated here.
Here’s another problem: Were they (the ethnic groups) united? Not really. While the Damara people mixed with the Nama people, there are some groups that didn’t like each other. The Herero and Nama people especially didn’t like each other. They, in fact, went to war with one another. The time they had to unite was when the Germans came and well, commit a genocide against the Herero people.
But this isn’t the same case for all my African ocs. Botswana, although she is the personification of the country, also represents the Setswana group who is the dominant demographic and is the main culture. What I’m trying to say is that this is exhausting when it comes to Nami because I want to develop her and add more details but there’s limited resources and with that, it’s not enough for me to develop her. idk how to explain it but one’s childhood can be incredibly influential but since there’s very limited history, idk what to do.
At the same time, I don’t think I want her like South Africa. My South Africa was as of result of all these people groups under colonialism because that country is incredibly diverse; i can’t see just 1 representative. Just take a quick look at this comedy bit of South African provinces if they were people. I mean, Namibia could be like that, but idk what to do. Should she be born in 14th-18th century when more ethnic group came or when Germany made German South West Africa?
What makes this infuriating is that I’m not a Namibian. I want to get input, feedback, criticism, history from Namibians but I’m not one. Perhaps I can take a trip in a couple of years after this quarantine is over, but until then, I have to go off what the internet says. Don’t get me wrong. I am grateful to have access to all this information, but the best information is from locals because they’ve been there. They know the history. They experience it.
Am I overthinking this?
okay imma lay down because writing this gave me a headache :’v also please forgive me for not being coherent. English was never my strong suit.
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ask-namibia · 4 years
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Day 7: Freestyle
//I’ll end this with a questionable painting (?) of Nami as a mermaid because mermay
//Thank you so much for putting up Africa Week :) It got me a chance to draw Nami more and explain more about her as well as see what other people have in store with their own ocs/canon characters. Hope we can do this next year!
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wondersmith39 · 4 years
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A bit late, but here’s day one of @hetaliaafrica2020 - history/the past
Didn’t go for any one particular historical event, but Egypt and Ancient Egypt are interesting to me since I do wonder a lot what it’s like for the Nations who can identify a specific parent/predecessor. What that sort of pressure does that kind of a legacy put on them compared to those who either don’t have any one clear ancestor to compare themselves to (such as, to use another African example, the Seychelles) or those whose parent/older sibling figure is still kicking and might be a rival (America and England for a canon example, or my personal headcanon for Ethiopia and Eritrea’s very strained relationship for another African example)
Mama Egypt’s cool badass stick is a was sceptre 
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wondersmith39 · 4 years
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day two of @hetaliaafrica2020 - holidays/celebration
based off of photos of parades on Jamhuri Day/Republic Day, celebrated December 12 in Kenya to commemorate their independence from the British Empire (except I like drawing crowds as much as the next lazy artist so ya girl’s going her own parade somewhere more scenic than a stadium lol)
The uniform is based off of that of the Kenyan Air Force, inspired by one Fatumah Ahmed, the first woman in Kenya to reach the rank of Brigadier-General. I know Hetalia nations are most often drawn in their ground forces’ uniforms (America and his bomber jacket being a notable exception) but I really liked the colour of the Kenyan Air Force uniform, and I always associate pilots with being really optimistic and free-spirited which lines up with how I imagine Kenya’s personality
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hetaliaafrica2020 · 4 years
Hi 🤗 Could you confirm me what are the african characters? The Oficial ❤️ Thanks
Officially, Seychelles, Egypt and Ancient Egypt exist.
In Gakuen Hetalia, some of the African Nations are: Ethiopia, Uganda,Kenya, , Zimbabwe,Ghana,Cabinda,Guinea-Bissau,Congo and Sahara
I hope this answers your questions! Any more, please ask.
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ask-mauritius · 4 years
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[ @hetaliaafrica2020 Day 4: Family/Friends
Mauritius absolutely adores spending time with family and friends! He often considers those in close proximity to him as familial. This is especially true with members of the Indian Ocean Commission, whom his free time is mostly spent with. ]
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