#hey bub !!! i just ranked the five love languages based on what taehee mostly does and placed more examples under the cut !!
jeontaehui · 3 years
what would you say is/are taehee’s love language(s) and how has it been shown through her interactions w the members?
taehee’s top two love languages would be acts of services and words of affirmation !!! she’s willing to go out of her way to help someone, and so she always always puts others before herself.
taehee likes knowing that the people around her are happy and comfortable, like that one time she woke up earlier than the others just to make sandwiches for superm when they slept only three hours after filming the ‘tiger inside’ mv, or those times when she and hyuck were caught arguing over the bill in restaurants or who gets to pay for convenience store items by fans. taehee’s manager just watches behind them with an amused gaze, sometimes she’d go and pay for the herself and the two would complain once they realize. she’s also there to cheer and comfort the members with her words! jungwoo says that taehee somehow always knew the right thing to say, something that would also give motivation and assurance to the members whenever they feel nervous or anxious. she’d help ease sungchan’s nerves before his debut stage, even offering to help him practice his lines for the interview. the members appreciate the little post-it notes taehee would leave on their laptops or bags, with little messages saying stuff like ‘don’t forget to drink water!’, ‘get home safely!’ or ‘you did great today <3’ taeyong, mark, and a few others have admitted keeping those notes somewhere tucked safely in their rooms, a dimpled smile growing on the girl’s face at their confession.
now taehee would be a little bit more subtle about quality time and giving gifts. the members would mention it during a radio show or for tmi questions, and you’d see her deny them or get shy. usually, it’s because the dreamies always expose her for these kinds of stuff. “noona is actually very observant, 진짜,” jisung says, “renjun hyung and i really wanted to see this movie, but we kept pushing it back and forgetting about it because of our schedules.” while renjun agrees with him, understanding hums come from the other people in the room, except for taehee who had a small smile on her face. he continues, “then when we were on the way home, i think it was the day before our day-off, noona sent tickets to that movie to renjun hyung.” “she bought the tickets?” the host asks. this time renjun answers, “yeah, when she gave them to me i was surprised because we don’t remember talking about it with her.” they all look towards the said girl, prompting her to explain, “i just watched the trailer on youtube and thought that the kids would want to watch it. i asked if they had already so the tickets wouldn’t go to waste when i buy them, and they said they hadn’t so..... tickets!” her sheepish chuckle by the end causes the boys to coo at her, hyuck and chenle specifically. 
“ah noona is so cute~” 
“taehee noona, thinks about others so much but she doesn’t want to admit it,” hyuck adds, “we came home one day, this was with 127, and the older members were a bit tired, but i wanted to watch a movie. i asked around and no one wanted to watch, but then noona was like ‘okay, i’ll watch with you.’” the older girl eyes him suspiciously, but it was clear that she was flustered with how they were telling nice stories about her. “why are you all saying nice things about me? do you want something too?” as mark chuckles with her, hyuck continues. “noona doesn’t watch movies or dramas that much, but she’ll watch one with you if you want company.”
moving on, taehee is a bit hesitant on giving physical touch / skinship (because of *certain fans*) but she has this habit of linking arms with the member beside her whenever they walk in the airports or go out during their rest days. the only time she’ll ever go beyond that point is when she’s babying jisung !!! she’ll boop his nose, hold his face in her hands, hug him from the back, etc. she’ll jokingly lean in for kisses on the cheek and the maknae would always shy away from her. other than that, she receives skinship pretty well from the other members as long as they’re the ones to initiate it. the boys, especially the hyung line, would ruffle or pat her hair as a sign of endearment. some members like mark and jeno would wrap an arm around her shoulders or waist when talking in front of the camera or taking pictures. it’s also very obvious how hyuck likes holding her hand or playing with it (even if he sometimes gets pushed away by her), the same way taehee likes floofing or patting his head in between shoots. in jungwoo’s relay cam though, taehee’s more affectionate side shows when she’s sleepy. everyone knows she’s not one to initiate skinship, that’s why it was quite surprising to see her cuddle half-asleep with jungwoo and mark in the video. 
other examples of taehee’s love language with the members is that when she’d tease them or fluster them with her infamous pick-up lines !! she’d always show them off to mark knowing how much he gets flustered over it, but since he’s kind of used to it already (it’s been about eight years, give or take), he’d either a.) carry on with the conversation like nothing happened; b.) roll his eyes at her, though with a knowing smiling on his face; or c.) fire back with another one, but he’s most likely to go with a. it’s also a known fact that taehee doesn’t actually mind the younger boys speaking informally with her, she only makes them do it when they’re in front of the camera. jisung would sometimes just call her ‘jiji’ in vlives and it honestly makes the girl’s heart melt! 
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