#hey everyone should be treated nicely and kindly and be happy excluding only a few war criminals
anyone else have those moments when they realize that they'll be depressed forever. like there's no cure for this shit till you die. like fuck me every inch of this thing is made to inflict misery. and people always say, "do everything you can, it'll get better!" but it won't. I've sat and said, "it'll get better!" to myself for years and the only thing that has happened is me being even more stubborn in not giving in to my urges. wtf am i supposed to do Linda? snort your powdered concealer? suck your husband's dick? let you ignore me so i can slowly rot until you can sit at my funeral and cry and say, "she was such a nice girl, such a shame, nothing could have helped..." as if you gave a shit while i was alive? fuck no. have fun sucking your husband's dick, Linda.
it won't "get better" unless you help me, because I've done everything I can. and if you don't care, I'll just leave and find someone who does. i may be suicidal, but i sure as hell know that no one should be treated like this, and since that excludes everyone, that means me too. can't wait till I get on antidepressants.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 6 years
Love Potion Extravaganza Ch. 10
Once again, a big kiss and thanks to @pizzansunshine for her help in editing and finishing this fic of monstrous proportions. Thank you @shasta627 for helping me pick out songs even though we had to exclude Math of Love Triangles and the Sireneas for the sake of the story. Maybe next time. Also thanks to @missnobodynobodius for her enthusiasm and love for all these Crazy Ex Gf songs and inspiring me to finally write a fic to combine these two loves. Lastly, thanks to @lostbutterflyutau for her continued comments and enthusiasm for the story even though I kept stabbing her heart. 
The last three songs are “One Indescribable Instant Reprise” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XlEqPHOADMc
“The Magic Within You” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_3Kp8y02Abg
“A Real Life Happily Ever After” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uEiD2kpx5AA
Mateo paced uneasily outside his workshop. He knew he should have gone in and just do his usual magic practice and studying and probably clean it up. Naomi and Olivia admitted to leaving it a terrible mess when they had been making their own potion, but Mateo was just too distracted.
His head was still stuck on the magical hours he spent with Elena, in love with her and she feeling the same way. He knew now they had been under a love potion. That her actions while under its effect probably meant nothing to her. Like how she had suggested that they should be in a triple wedding with Manuel, Valentina, Gabe and Naomi. But to him, her actions still meant so much.
He got to bask in the glow of her smile. He knew now, what it was like to feel Elena love him. Her sweetness and affection directed only toward him. He knew how it felt to have her curled up in his arms. The feeling of elation at the thought of becoming her husband and spending the rest of his life with her. Now he knew it was it like.... His crush on her had become unbearable. He had taste of what it was like to be Elena’s boyfriend and he couldn’t let it go. Before he had no idea, he only had his imagination and at least that helped him keep some of his feelings under control.
But he now knew how wonderful it was. When they walked back to the palace, every time he looked at her, he felt tingles spread across his skin where her soft hands had touched him and hugged him and cuddled him. Her laugh sounded even more musical if possible. He wanted to return to the position of being right next to her. He couldn’t handle all these feelings. He had to admit to her that he had an actual crush on her. One that had started long before today. He knew it would be risky, laying out all his emotions out there for her to reject him. Kindly of course, since Elena was far too sweet to say he would never make a good boyfriend for her. But still...
He might even have to go back to living with his mother. Elena would undoubtedly feel uncomfortable to have him in the palace after he admitted his crush. It was just as well, it would be too painful to see her at all hours of the day. Like right now, his heart constricting painfully against the confines of his chest as he imagined breakfast mornings not at the palace table. Not seeing Elena’s sleepy look as she tried to wake up. She looked so adorable when she... 
“Hey Mateo, are you going to go in or..?” Naomi broke into his thoughts. She and Gabe were staring questioningly at him and his frozen feet.
“Uh” Mateo froze and managed to stutter, “No-no. I can’t concentrate I’ll just join you.”
“Okay,” Gabe shrugged as the three of them walked down the hall. Mateo remained silent, his mind still wandering onto the subject of Elena. Gabe and Naomi, however, were at their easy joking banter, talking about everyone’s hilarious actions during the day. At the moment, Mateo envied how they could easily go back to their lives. Write this off as one weird, madcap adventure. They didn’t have any feelings to contend with.
Once everyone had been released from the potion, Gabe had immediately apologized to Elena for his proposal to date, explaining that his feelings were very much gone. This had been somewhat of a relief to Mateo, to know he was right that Gabe was not after Elena. Naomi had no issues to deal with since she had remained one of the only sane ones. She reveled in telling everyone the gory details of what other people had done and mocked them too. Her favorite target was Alonso after he recalled his very inappropriate overtures to her.
Alonso, for his part, didn’t seem too embarrassed. He claimed that not only did the spell make him fall in love but that it made him revert to his old ways. But he had no real answer for when Naomi questioned that did his old ways include falling in love with malvagos, instead he turned his head away muttering, “I thought she was a sexy stranger.”
Valentina and Manuel, whose time under the spell seemed to have sparked some genuine feelings, were also pretty happy in the aftermath. They had decided to go on a few dates to see how it goes and then they would deal with Valentina’s parents.
It was all a real happily ever after it looked like, for everyone but for him.
He was brought out of his gloomy spiel by Luisa coming over to take his hands, apologizing profusely, “I’m sorry, my dear boy for being so rude during breakfast. Love potion or not, I had no right to be so consumed with my husband to be rude to others and neglect your requests for help.”
“Even with a husband as handsome as me.” Francisco came up behind her with a hand on her shoulder.
“Even with a husband as handsome as you.” Luisa smiled up at him.
“Thanks, Luisa. You don’t have to apologize but thanks.” Mateo replied and they continued on down the opposite direction of the hall.
“Was the whole family under the love potion?” Gabe asked Naomi.
Naomi laughed, “Oh yes. Esteban with Doña, Isabel with..” She gasped and put a hand over her mouth like she said too much.
Gabe nudged her, “Isa and who?” “I wasn’t supposed to say she was under the potion.” Naomi winced at her own big mouth.
“It’s too late now, tell.” Mateo urged, getting a little curious as to who Isabel could have a crush on. Probably one of her school friends like Quique.
Naomi looked down at the ground, silent for a long while but she whispered guiltily, “Gabe.”
“Me?” Gabe asked then he seemed to consider it, “She had a crush on me?”
“Please don’t act like you know! I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone.��� Naomi begged.
“No, I won’t. It was probably a silly crush.” Gabe shrugged it off, but Mateo noticed that his eyes still seemed to be thinking it all over.
The trio arrived outside of the Grand Council room where Manuel was standing guard with Rico. They was an awkward minute or two of silence as they all waited for their friends to come out, but it was thankfully broken when Valentina swung open the door with her usual exuberance.
“Thank you so much for hosting this Elena. This alliance will benefit our kingdoms for years to come!” She waved as Manuel linked arms with her. With a softer tone she turned to her guard, “Let’s go home, Manuel.”
The two walked off, whispering about how the meeting went and of other future things to come.
Alonso gave a half-hearted bow to Naomi, Gabe and Mateo before kissing Elena’s hand which she yanked away with a roll of her eyes at his wannabe casanova attitude, “Till we meet again.”
Before he sauntered off, he turned and pointed a finger-gun to Naomi, “Maybe we can have intercourse next time, blondie.”
“In your dreams!” Naomi yelled at his retreating back, accompanied with a choice finger.  
“Elena, can I talk to you in private?” “Mateo, can I talk to you in private?”
They flushed and looked at the ground after they asked the exact same question in unison.
Gabe looked between the two, grabbed Naomi’s arm, and smoothly exited, “Come on, Nomes. Let’s go to my mom’s to get some nice freshly baked treats. See you guys tomorrow.”
Alone, Elena and Mateo walked silently down the hall that led to courtyard and the palace gardens, both lost in their own worlds.
Elena found that the trade alliance that she had been so eager to host, had been torture to sit through. It had occurred right after the love potion was lifted and all Elena wanted to do was sit down with Mateo and asked if being together felt as right to him as it did to her.
When they had been together under the love potion, it was almost like a piece that Elena hadn’t even knew that was missing from her life fell right into place. That piece was Mateo. Being with  him made her feel, if she had to take a line from Valentina’s song, “totes invincible.” She felt that as long as she was secure in the knowledge that Mateo loved her and cared for her, that she could win over whatever came her way. At least she knew he would be there behind her with some nice cuddles and sweet words of comfort filled with the trust that she could do her duty.
Even without the potion she still felt that. On the carriage ride back to the palace she had decided that she had to tell him her feelings and what he meant to her. She knew it was unlikely he would feel the same way for her. He agreed to just impulsively marry her while he was under the spell. A sure sign that he was not acting his usual, more cautious self. But even though he could not offer romantic love, she still wanted assurance that he would always be there. Always be with a compassionate look, his warm arms that were just perfect hugging, always be a person that she could confide in. Always be one of her best friends.
“I KNOW YOU DON’T HAVE FEELINGS FOR ME!” An exasperated voice shouted from behind Esteban’s room, “It’s still impossible that you would feel absolutely nothing from what happened today! I am amazing! Women have fainted in my arms and asked me to be the father of their children after I merely kissed them. You had to enjoyed it. You cannot walk away without enjoying it on some level. I know you have a heart of ice but still no frozen heart can’t not be melted by Esteban Flores!”
Elena and Mateo curiously peaked behind the door. Esteban and Doña were once again nose to nose in an insult match, their eyes flashing with their usual blazing fury. Thankfully, both were fully dressed in their regular clothes.
“I told you. I. Felt. Nothing. You may have been a good kisser when you were young, but now you need a love potion to boost your skills..” Doña snapped back with a sneer.
“That wasn’t my fault. Besides, we both know you liked it.” Esteban growled.
“And so did you.” Doña glared. 
“I was not the one who begged for more.” His voice took on a sing-song tone of superiority, “If I remember correctly that when we were in the kitchen you had some expletive statements about how you wanted more of me.” Esteban smirked.
The smirk soon faded from his lips when Doña’s taunted, “Not only have your kissing skills faded with age, but you’re- ”
Esteban interrupted her by pressing her against the wall in a passionate kiss, “Now?” 
“Read my lips. Nothing!” Doña spat and he responded by kissing her again.
“Liar! I’m fantastic! Admit it!”
Mateo and Elena closed the door firmly behind them. Elena broke the silence, “I thought Naomi gave them the antidote?” 
Mateo shrugged, “They are fighting again so..that’s a good sign, I guess?”
Elena chewed her lips before inching herself away from the door, “The-they can resolve their issues. We really don’t need to get involved.”
“Yeah that’s-that’s a great idea.” Mateo agreed. They looked at each other and burst out laughing. Whether it was from the nervousness for the conversation about to come or just the ridiculous scene they just witnessed it at least served to break the ice between them. They instinctively locked arms when they entered the garden. Elena led him to a small bench that Mateo had never seen before because it had been blocked by rose bushes.
They sat and lapsed into silence again, unsure of who should start the conversation. Mateo was thinking of how exactly he showed open when Elena blurted, “I like you!” Then with the same shocked gasp as Naomi, she covered her mouth, looking down at it as if it talked without consulting her brain.
Meanwhile Mateo’s brain seemed to have stopped because as he turned the phrase, “I like you” in his head, he couldn’t quite comprehend it. Did she meant as a friend? Was she trying to apologize for today? She had to be, the only other option was..
“I like you more than as a friend. I like you.. A lot. I know you don’t feel the same way but let me explain.” Elena said her voice trembling as she forced herself to look into Mateo’s eyes as she spoke. Mateo’s heart jumped up to his throat than to his stomach. It was doing the jumping he longed to do. She liked him! She liked him back! Never in his wildest dreams that Elena liked him. A part of him worried maybe this was the love potion talking but another part urged him to kiss her before she changed her mind. Yet when he looked at her, how vulnerable she seemed as she admitted her feelings, he knew the right thing to do was to give her the space she needed to talk.
“I don’t know when it started. Sometime after we first went to Vallestrella I think.” Elena was so absorbed in what she was trying to put in words she missed the smile that spread across Mateo’s face.
“You’re- you.” Elena took a deep inhale then exhaled, “You make me feel so many things, Mateo. I guess it would be love in an overall sense. But all these other emotions are built in too. I feel safe with you. I feel like you’re the only one I can trust with some of my worst fears and insecurities. But even better, you’re understanding. I know I can be sad and you will not see me as less of a queen. But but I also feel so happy when I’m with you too. We’ve had so many adventures together like when we transformed into jaquins together. That was so much fun. I love how you go with my crazy schemes even though they’re not always thought out. And that you give me really good advice. And I don’t only love how you make me feel but just you. I love you! You’re so compassionate and sweet and adorable. And the way you’re so passionate about magic, it’s admirable. You’re so brave but modest and you’re a really good teacher to Olivia and to me. And,” Elena took another deep breath. Her mind was spinning out of control, there were so many traits of Mateo she wanted to praise, but she knew if she continued rambling on it might scare him. She was here to tell him that she was still willing to be his friend even if he didn’t like her.
“I love you, Mateo. I know you may not love me back. But that is how you make me feel. I wanted to tell you that even though you don’t want to be my boyfriend, I still hope..if you are willing... Will you still be someone I can confide in? Can I still come to you when I need comfort? I know it might be awkward now but I still need you in my life as one of my best friends.”
Mateo looked into Elena’s eyes. Their large brown irises shined with an irrepressible emotions, emphasized by the spontaneous tears starting to pool at the corners. That passion that Elena put into everything she did, how she put her feelings into her every action. They were all directed at him...because of her love for him.
He put a finger under her chin and guided her toward him. They eyes connected for the briefest of seconds but it was enough for Elena to see his own eyes fill with love. He kissed her. Their lips fit together perfectly, soft and warm and sending a thousand small sparks up and down their bodies. When he pulled away, he swore his curls must have been standing straight up from the electricity between them.  
“I love you too, Elena.” He admitted breathlessly, an inappropriate nervous laugh burbled up his throat, but he swallowed it down.
“I’ve loved you before this day. Before Vallestrella even but I don’t think I even really knew it at the time. What I did know was that I wanted to always make you the happiest girl in Avalor and to help you as you grow to be queen and a master wielding your scepter. I don’t know when my feelings really came but that doesn’t matter. I still want to make you happy. You make me happy all the time. You gave me confidence and courage to do things I never thought I could do. But you don’t only do that for me but to everyone you meet. You are a shining light to the kingdom. But that’s not the only reason I love you. Your endless enthusiasm is contagious, your laugh is as musical as your voice. I feel like they’re aren’t enough adjectives to describe how I feel. I.. I love you. I feel so..honored honestly that you love me too.”
Elena threw her arms around him, “You don’t have to be honored. I’m honored that you love me, my brave, handsome wizard.” Mateo blushed at her “handsome” comment which made Elena smile. He was so cute!
“I guess we’ve been hiding our feelings for each other this whole time.” Mateo said, relaxing as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Well to be fair, we can’t pinpoint when we first realized we had feelings much less when we first had feelings.” Elena pointed out. 
Mateo laughed, “It’s like that song we sang. “In one indescribable instant, the whole world falls away. In one indescribable instant, you’ll know just what to say.”
Elena joined, her nightingale-like voice blending melodiously with his strong alto, “In one indescribable instant, your heart will speak the truth! For in that one indescribable, magical, mystical, endless, incredible instant..”
“The only words you need are “I love you.” Mateo finished softly and kissed her again. 
In his opinion this kiss was almost as good as their first one. The smell of roses filled the air and left Mateo feeling breathless. His heart still clenched in excitement, he still felt like he was floating on air, he still felt the comforting embrace of Elena and he could hear the beating of their hearts as one. 
But it was better because this was genuine. This was going to last.
“Should we tell everyone the good news? Elena asked, making no move to get up from her comfortable position snuggled against Mateo’s chest.
“Tomorrow.” Mateo suggested as the sun started it’s daily dip toward the ocean. “I’m done with dealing with excitement for today.” 
“Me too.” Elena rubbed her head in the crook of her neck prompting Mateo to kiss her temple like he had seen Francisco do to Luisa this morning.
They stayed like that for a while, watching the sunset when Elena jumped up and gave a playful bow, “Shall we dance?”
“I’d be delighted.” Mateo answered and spun her around into his arms. Elena gave him a knowing smile as she hummed familiar tune for them to dance to. 
She gave him a wink when she saw the look of recognition on his face. “Remember your first royal wizard coronation?” 
“Yes, that’s when I first really believed in myself. Because of you.” Mateo answered and Elena began to sing the song that inspired him to fight Fiero for Avalor and for Elena.
He would like to think of it as “their” song.
“The first time that I met you I could see
You were meant to be a hero to us all
Taking on the forces of the dark with your magic spark
And always standing tall.”
Mateo joined in, the words coming to him as if that moment had been yesterday instead of three years ago. “You're starting down a path to find your destiny
So now is not the time to hide.
You have to raise your scepter and do your best for me
Because I need you by my side.”
Mateo and Elena swayed side by side. Every little touch raised goosebumps but the warm contact prevented them feeling the cold night air. “'Cuz there's a lesson you will not find in a book. Inside yourself is where you have to look.
Find your courage and your pride, inner strength can be your guide
And it will always see you through
If you believe the magic within you.”
Mateo absentmindedly stroked her back as they danced which made Elena want to pull Mateo into another kiss. She felt like she was in a dream. A fairytale dream with a real-life amazing boy that she loved with her whole heart.
“But! If! No wait! I can't! These words will hold you down
Instead just say I can! Those words will turn things around
Cast all your doubts away tell all your fears goodbye
Do what you're meant to do and let your magic fly!”
They stopped dancing, taking a pause to have a sweet kiss that made Elena’s toes curl and Mateo shudder with anticipation when Elena peppered kissing on his nose, chin and cheeks before settling on his lips again. “'Cuz there's a lesson you will not find in a book
Inside yourself is where you have to look.
Find your courage and your pride inner strength will be your guide
And it will always see you through
If you believe the magic within you.”
They did one final spin as Elena’s beautiful notes faded in the night, “You must believe in the magic within you.”
Without a word, they retraced their steps back to the palace, giving each other sly smiles all the while. They took the long way back to the library in order to avoid any family members or servants that had decided to stay up late.
“You know. I feel like a cliche princess.” Elena commented when they walked back inside the palace. “I have a handsome lover, my kingdom, Shuriki’s gone. The Delgados are defeated for now. Everything at peace.”
“Do you not like it? Do you want some more adventure? Because I think we can get into some trouble tomorrow.” Mateo teased, bravely taking her hand once they entered the empty library with the secret passage to his workshop.
Elena shook her head and played with his fingers as he opened the entrance, singing softly as to not attract any attention, “I’ve been riding toward—
A real-life happily ever after.
I’m done with all the intrigue.
Sick of kicking ass.
As far as seeking vengeance
Frankly, I can pass.
I’m ready now for something
Of a diff ’rent class—
A real-life happily ever after.”
Mateo turned to look into her eyes once more as they sang so the only people who would know their lovely secret were them, “Screw the potions and malvagos and jaquins
All the magic I need is you.
Journey done, we’re home
As epic endings go,
It’s rather small...
But it’s a real-life happily ever after
After all.”
Mateo cupped her cheeks and Elena placed her hands over his, “I love you, ‘Lena.” “I love you, Mateo.”
And they kissed once more, hearts filled with love and joy in their mutual affection.
As they pulled away, Mateo opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something and abruptly closed it then opened it again.
Elena giggled, “What is it, mí querido”
Mateo sighed, feeling his sudden nervousness fall away at the sound of Elena’s new nickname for him, “I don’t really feel that tired so I’m going to whip up some potions. I was wondering, uh, want to join me?
Elena leaned close so they were touching nose to nose, “I’d love to.”
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