#hey lily bae <33
amourfae · 1 year
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imwetforyourmom · 4 months
nicks has a girl best friend and they are super affectionate with each other (hugs, "cuddling" on the couch, etc.) and later on her and chris start dating and thats how chris knows she loves affection and is super lovey dovey. nick comments about chris stealing his girl and funny things like that. something super fluffy and cute. please and thanks <3
thank you sm for requests love <33
if you want me to rewrite it, just lmk bae!!
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warnings: none
to my bff: @leah-loves-lilies
y/n snuggled into nick, pushing her head into his side and wrapping her legs around one of his, she wrapped her arms around his torso. nick chuckles as he wraps his arms around the girl currently cuddling into him.
he slides down the couch some to get a better hold on her and to get a bit more comfy from his previous sitting position.
y/n hummed in content and mumbled the the lyrics of an audio playing on nicks phone as she watched.
chris looked at them, from the kitchen he stared at how y/n cuddled into nick like a sloth, looking awfully comfortable just hugging his brother and mumbling words.
* • •
y/n hugged nick, maneuvering her arms under his and situating herself so she was somewhat standing between his legs but also infront of him as she hugged him.
pressing her cheek into him he put his hand on her back and rubbed, before going back to buttering his toast as they stood in the kitchen, simply hugging and enjoying one anothers presence, even if they weren’t talking as long as one was touching the other, even if in a small way like hand holding, leg brushing even the smallest touch made them happy.
nick rested his chin ontop of y/ns head, humming lyrics to himself, before patting y/ns back and mumbling “I have to move, y/n.”
y/n groaned but unlatched herself from him and moved to the counter behind them, leaning into it slightly, watching her bestfriend prepare a meal for himself.
chris was sat in a chair by the dinner table, watching the whole interaction go down.
his bottom lip fed inbetween his teeth, thinking about how y/n was so touchy with nick all the time and how she was almost never seen not touching nick.
it was very clear physical touch was her love language, but what would it take for her to touch him as much as she did nick.
hell, for all he knew she might’ve just liked touching nick and no one else, shes never held or cuddled into chris as often as she did with her bestfriend, nick, I mean, they were all bestfriends just y/n tended to touch nick more than the other two boys.
surely she hugged and occasionally cuddled matt or chris, but as chris let his thoughts wonder, he couldnt help but think about how much he fucking adored her, the way her eyes lit up when she smiled, how gentle she was, the way her hands gently grazed alongst someones (nicks) skin when they werent cuddling of some sort. she just always had to be touching someone, more nick than anyone else.
sometimes he likes to think its because nick accepts the affection every single time, and so shes learned that she can always go to him. and since that shes never tested the waters with chris — chris loved, loved physical touch. he liked touching people in ways to remind them he loved them, in a sense when he touched people it was some sort of comfort overtaking his senses knowing that they knew he loved them.
as chris’ thoughts wondered on and on, he couldnt help but ask “hey y/n, you always touch nick and tell him you love him so very often, but you almost never touch matt and i, why is that?”
y/n turned to look at chris, her lips twitching as she thought of what to say. “dunno, just like touching him. I guess ive never thought about touching- ew, I hate saying it like that. makes it sound weird, all like ‘im gonna touch you’” she giggled, before collecting herself from her soon to be rant. “ive just never thought about cuddling you and matt, ya know? never crossed my mind.”
chris hummed in response, letting his mind wander with what she had just said.
maybe he should start initiating affection aswell?
* • •
it was no doubt that chris had a crush on y/n, and y/n always noticed the stolen glances, the looks on her lips being far too long for friendly, the way his cheeks heated up when he saw or came into the same room as her.
y/n also liked him, she just hadnt noticed how much she made it obvious, but neither did chris so maybe they had it in common?
* • •
over the course of the few days chris and y/n became increasingly closer and closer, but their friendship ended one night, and something else bloomed.
chris mumbled something into the side of y/ns head, his words too muffled for y/n to understand.
she moved her head off his shoulder, loosening her arms from around his body.
“what?” she asked quietly, trying not to disturb the calm and quiet atmosphere they were currently in.
the soft sounds from the tv playing in the background, the lights off but red leds lighting the room.
“I said,” he took in a breath before continuing, “can I be your boyfriend please?” his voice suddenly got quiet, his eyes darting over y/ns face, looking for signs if she was confused, disgusted, concerned or any of the sort, but none present, only a growing grin on her face.
she fully removed herself off his body as joy was slowly but surely overtaking her emotions.
“yes! yes! yes!” she spoke, her hands coming to the sides of his face to pepper kisses all over it, not just his lips but everywhere else aswell.
chris’ stomach swelled with butterflies as he felt her soft kisses all over his face, the feeling of her soft lips on his skin and the words of approval making him grin aswell.
she pressed one last kiss on the tip of his nose before mumbling sweet nothings while moving back to his arms.
• • •
y/n stared at the two boys, nick and chris, currently sitting on the couch on their phones.
she debated on who she should sit and cuddle with, I already cuddled nick this morning. she thought to herself before finally taking in a breath and moving to crawl onto chris.
chris was laying on his back, leaving little space between him and the couch cushions, y/n absolutely loved sitting/laying in the small spots of the couches, because she knew she had better access to the person she was currently sitting with.
she crawled into the little space, moving onto her side and wrapping one arm under and around chris while her legs tangled in his and her head laid on his chest.
she moved slightly so now her belly was slightly ontop of chris’ hip. finding this position comfier she sighed and closed her eyes.
nick sat up, his phone at his side as he stared at the two. his mouth dropping and eyes widening.
“damn bro, you really stole my girl.” nick scoffed, looking at chris, watching as his arm came around to y/ns back, rubbing it, giving y/n all the more comfort.
“shut up, you had her all morninggg” chris groaned, dragging out the ‘g’ for dramatics.
“yeah, well, shes been my girl for months, shes only been yours for a week now.” nick crossed his arms, adding onto the fake/play arguing.
“shhh, im trying to sleep.” y/n mumbled, hushing them, before nuzzling her face further into chris side.
chris looked at nick and gave him a teasing look.
chris was so, so grateful nick was always so accepting of y/ns touches and her words consisting of endless compliments, “I love you”’s, and overall unintentionally showing chris just how much y/n loved showing her love to others.
1303 words.
@luverboychris @luvsturns @meg-sturniolo @junnniiieee07
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hp-imagines-07 · 3 years
hey bae <33
Ok so this is a request? I dont know if you do those mainly because I just found your account since I was banned from my last one and forgot your user :(
But anyways here's a request,
Soft sirius.
Yep, that's it. Soft sirius. So maybe the reader (fem!) is pregnant with their 1st child, and they've been trying for months since they got married (no smut please :D) and he just gets so excited (also, lily and James survived and harry too. Pete didn't betray :( ( I don't know if you don't like him but please make him and Remus and Marlene (obvi) the like 'cool' aunt and uncles! This is long I know but I saw a head canon that made me think of this :) ! If you decide not to - that's totally fine. !! But you also said about needing requests ? Or sending them, so I thought ' hm why not ? ' :))
But ....
Maybe as another request (angst) the reader can have a miscarriage?( where she looses her baby because James and lily died and petunia wouldn't give harry to them) sirius doesn't go to Azkaban,they find out it's peter but not in time to save them ( separate stories of course)
alright... two blurbs in one post... requests can be magic, can't they?
Blurb 1: Happiness and Pregnancy Sickness
Sirius Black x Fem!Reader
Universe: Harry Potter; The Marauders' era
Type: just fluff and funny... Marauders being happy :,)
Summary: The thing Sirius most loves is you and your child, while the thing you most hate is pregnancy sickness.
Request: YES|no
Prompt: xxx
Warnings: pregnancy sickness?
Song: xxx
Word Count: 440 (just a little blurb)
Posted: 24th of June 2021
A/N: thank you for this beautiful request, I've been wanting to write more blurbs so just drop some more requests any time!! and I also have no idea if 'Toad in the Hole' was a thing, but as I had no idea about which dish to put in the story, I had to google about "England Typical Food" lol
My Other Accounts: @imagines-07 (Principal Account) | @stit-imagines-07 (Stranger Things & IT) | @obx-imagines-07 (Outer Banks) | @sw-imagines-07 (Star Wars) | @mcu-imagines-07 (Marvel Comics Universe) | @cm-imagines-07 (Criminal Minds)
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Your eyes trailed around Sirius' gorgeous being.
Many people would look at his dark clothes, long hair, to-be-shaved beard and harsh expression, and imagine a tough man. Not that he isn't tough but, most of the time he's just a... cuttie (as you'd call it).
And seeing him playing with little Harry is just the purest sigh your brain has ever registered - until now.
It's like the world around them doesn't matter as long as Sirius keep putting blocks above one another and Harry slaps his baby hand, making it all fall as they laugh.
For a second you felt your mind drifting to the image of Sirius holding your still unborn daughter and showing your friends how she would giggle with one of the stupid things he did.
Remus, Peter and Marlene would totally blow him off by showing how the 'cool' uncles and aunt would make your daughter laugh harder, while Lily would probably be too mesmerized with her god-daughter features and James would feel really proud of his best friend for having a happy family of his own.
The little smile on your face from the pure sight and thoughts was fastly replaced by a face of disgust as you smelled the scent of Marlene's classic 'Toad in the Hole'. In less than a second, your stomach started doing flips and you felt your mouth watering.
You got up the fastest you could with a 6-months pregnant belly from Lily and James' couch and Sirius (as he had felt the smell too) ran behind you to the bathroom, leaving a confused Harry behind.
As you threw up your breakfast and Sirius held your hair while caressing your back, Lily, Marlene, James, Peter and Remus stood in front of the open door looking at the bathroom with scared and confused expressions. It took around 23 seconds for Lily to remember the talk you two had had earlier about the foods that started to make you sick.
The redheaded's face was hit with realisation as she thought about your voice saying "Especially Toad in the Hole, just the smell makes me sick..." and it didn't take a blink for her to grab the dish from Marlene's hands and throw it in the trash can outside.
"Hey-!" The blond's protests were cut short with you and Sirius walking out of the bathroom.
"I take you didn't know about the sickness..." You said with a sour voice and looked straight at Marlene while Sirius had his arm around your waist.
She raised her arms in defence. "I had no idea!" Her voice was high pitched from confusion and you all laughed.
Blurb 2: All The Bad Things
Sirius Black x Fem!Reader
Universe: Harry Potter; The Marauders era
Type: full ANGSTTTT
Summary: When all the bad things hit you and Sirius, you can only have each other.
Request: YES|no
Prompt: xxx
Warnings: TW - death, miscarriage
Song: xxx
Word Count: 419
A/N: i tried to make this really sad, not sure if it worked but it's still kinda hard for me to describe sad scenes and feelings lol
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Bad things happen when you aren't expecting them. Bad things stab you in the back. Bad things try to take you down.
And bad things can make it worst.
You were never one to believe in that kind of comments, you always thought that the people who said it was just passing through a sad time and they needed help.
But you never thought you could be the one to need help and agree with this kind of concepts…
You had always been the person to support others through their hard times like you did every day after the full moon with Remus, every time Sirius would get into a conflict with his family, every time James would show only to you how he was actually sad that the girl he loved wasn't interested in him…
And that's the exact reason why Sirius had no idea how to comfort you properly as you broke down just after walking inside your home.
Seeing you kneeled on the floor, with both your hands above the belly that once had a little baby growing in there, just made Sirius weak in the knees and realising that yes, it was happening to you.
His right foot closed the door behind him and Padfoot looked at you with tears welling in his eyes.
Your desperate hands tried to get under the layers of clothing you were wearing on a cold day and your eyes shut with tears streaming non-stopping down your face. With your trembling hands finally in touch with the bare skin of the slightly swollen bump, you didn't even care about the low temperature of your fingertips, all you tried was to feel your child.
As you started to realise that your son or daughter (they didn't live long enough for you to find out, even if you felt it was a girl) had actually died, broken and hopeless sobs ripped from the back of your throat.
Sirius fell on his weak knees beside you and held you to his chest while it moved frantically up and down because of his deep sobs and thick breaths.
Yours and Sirius' hands were resting on your now-empty uterus as you cried for Regulus, the betrayal of Peter, the death of Marlene, Dorcas, Lily and James, your god-son being taken away from you, the war and your miscarriage.
Your chests hurt with the pain of so many losses. And, you felt helpless, sadness hopeless, hurt.
But you weren't alone. Sirius was right there, right beside you, to go through all the bad things.
@cheapglitter @Weasleysmuch @potters-heart @writtenbypics @littlemaladaptivedaydreamer @dralf0yy @buff-bork @rd155 @seppys-return-to-madness @luciferedits @old-soul-young-mind @pxtrickhxckstettxr @sleep-i-ness @marauderswhisperer @liberty01 @gweaslvy @weasleytwins-41 @siriuslysirius07 @turtlepad @ilovewinter101 @monimillion @simonsbluee @smokey102 @aberette13 @yourbloodyqueen @loverboyreid @eeshea @susceptible-but-siriusexual @Weareloserstogether @queenofthepouges @gracielou0518 @lukedetails @kiwi-sloan @wonderful-writer @666cookies @kateriinabovos @mflufflion @zzzzzcakes @mysticalmalfoy @lostaurorax @brithedemonspawn @tinylumpiaa @milkshakelol @spookybooisa @sarcasticallywitty15 @Rue-123 @inglourious-imagines @simpforelliie @cruelsummer-s @novelist2 @nottherealslimshady @kimsescapefromreality
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amourfae · 1 year
hi fae 🌷❤️
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omg hey lily bae 🫶🫶 hru?? i hope you’re doing well <33
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