#hgs2 players
thestorycontinues · 5 years
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Steve McGarrett, District 2 -  Born in a long line of peacekeepers, both of his parents died serving the capital. Very well trained, but he loyalties are not with the capital. He keeps his thoughts very hidden and is hard to read.  Physically and mentally strong, has a high endurance for pain and a drive to never back down.  He always attains his goals.
Muse questions to contemplate: Steve McGarrett 
How would your muse try and get the public’s sympathy (translation: more Sponsors, and possibly food and supplies crucial to their survival) Steve would be very straight forward, not extremely charismatic, though he can speak very well and has a very likable persona. 
How well did your muse do during training? Do they feel as if they have a chance to win? Steve excelled during training. He is self-confident and feels he will win. 
What is your muse’s idea of the perfect day? He loves hiking and adventure. 
How physically healthy is your muse?  Steve is extremely healthy and takes very good care of himself
(from @stevenjackmcgarrett)
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thestorycontinues · 5 years
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Mick St. John, District 12 -  Grew up with his parents working in the mines.  As soon as he was old enough, he too worked there.  Fell in love with a vampire, she tricked him and turned him.  He hates what he is, but he doesn’t want to die either.  Working in the mines makes it easy to disguise who and what he is.  Stronger than most, heightened senses, heals easily.  However flames or decapitation and he is done for.
Muse questions to contemplate: Mick St. John 
How would your muse try and get the public’s sympathy (translation: more Sponsors, and possibly food and supplies crucial to their survival) Mick would be mysterious, as his kind usually is. Though he has a winning smile, he is not good at selling himself with regards to ability in the games.
How well did your muse do during training? Do they feel as if they have a chance to win? He did ok in the training. 
He feels confident unless there are blades and fire involved. What is your muse’s idea of the perfect day? Night. Mick prefers the night.
How physically healthy is your muse?  Mick is fairly healthy for a vampire. He does workout, though his strength is more due to his vampirism than actual physical activity.
(from @stevenjackmcgarrett)
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thestorycontinues · 5 years
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Morrel Singlewing, District 12. - Was born to labor. Has never known safety, security, or affection. Severely injured while freelancing construction work, he recovered enough to keep working, but was severely scarred. Avoids people as much as possible. Doesn't really see the point to anything anymore. Can fight, but generally only for self-defense.
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thestorycontinues · 5 years
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Percy Clayville, District 6. - Middle-class upbringing, loves stories about the Days of Old. Has trained himself to use a crossbow and other medieval-ish ranged weapons. Has never really had to face violence or loss... or at least, that's what people who know him think. In reality, he's determined to do whatever he can to overthrow the current, corrupt and cruel government.
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thestorycontinues · 5 years
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Deecee Oceanburg, District 6. - Parents died in her mid-teens. Scavving is how she's gotten by. Can hold her own in a fight. The small group of social acquaintances she has think she's irritatingly optimistic, because she's always talking about the nice weather or something else irrelevant. In reality, she's just trying to come up with a reason to keep going.
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thestorycontinues · 5 years
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Andy Yablonski, District 12 -  Even though he grew up poor he had an affinity for medicine and caring for others.  He can defend himself, but is not really a fighter.  He would rather heal than cause damage.  But, that doesn’t mean he will be easy to defeat.  He is in love with Reena and hopes to win her back.  To do that he has to survive.
Muse questions to contemplate: Andy Yablonski
How would your muse try and get the public’s sympathy (translation: more Sponsors, and possibly food and supplies crucial to their survival) Andy is very charismatic. He is used to speaking in front of many people. He would rely on his medical background to win over the sponsors.
How well did your muse do during training? Do they feel as if they have a chance to win? Andy wasn’t outstanding, though he wasn’t really the worst out there either.  He figures he has a fifty/fifty chance of winning it all.
What is your muse’s idea of the perfect day? A day with friends, enjoying sports or a good party.
How physically healthy is your muse?  Andy is in reasonable health. He eats properly whenever he can, but he doesn’t work out or exercise much. 
(from @stevenjackmcgarrett​)
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thestorycontinues · 5 years
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Lucius Hawkshire, District 3. - Born into a family of con artists who are willing to eliminate enemies. Trained to fight. Has a reputation for having an uncontrollable temper-- but he can control himself just fine when it's to his advantage. He mostly does whatever he wants. He figures he's not going to die of old age, so he might as well enjoy life while it lasts.
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thestorycontinues · 5 years
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Sidonia Dayville, District 4. - Pretty much done with everyone's shit. She was born into the upper-class, but she's very quietly using her privilege to get people the hell out of the country. She's terrified by the thought that she might be caught-- but that isn't stopping her. Had basic self-defense training, but arranged for actual combat training on the sly.
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thestorycontinues · 5 years
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Miriale Eagledrop, District 5. - Singer and songwriter, avoiding anything to do with politics or... well, anything not involving music or alcohol. Three years ago, she lost her husband to the Games. On the surface, she's all laughter and music. Underneath, she's grief and rage and hangovers. She doesn't really care what happens to her anymore. No combat / self-defense training of any kind.
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