#hh i lov sara sm i'll write about her eventually too lmfao
yharnamopossum · 6 years
okay i’m gonna go off abt netta before bed cus i am POSITIVE i will never give her an actual bio (and her actual full involvement with theo’s fam/story goes wayyy beyond what i’m actually including in my big writing thing lmfao) but she’s still a really. interesting person. so.
her ties to theo begin with his parents actually (and are strongest there), and it’s really just a complete fluke he himself ever actually met her tbh. hand of fate or smthn. she knew theo’s mom sara growing up and always had a huge crush on her but never said a damn thing about it, then she eventually joined the army where she met durante (theo’s dad), who then met sara, who then won sara’s heart, aaand then theo happened LOL. but still, netta just kinda. had to deal??
i mean it’s her fault she never said anything to sara abt her lil crush pfft but still. durante knew abt it, she admitted it to him, and he and netta were still friends (frienemies, maybe?? closer to the friend spectrum lol) despite that, but they still definitely had a little rivalry of like “lol i’m gonna steal your girl” “lol i’ll break your fucking kneecaps if u try bitch” or whatever. innocent (at first ooohhhhh.....)
after a while of fighting together in the army netta discovered that, hey! mercenaries make way more money than foot soldiers!! and she split, and then a rift kinda came between her and durante morally, which then shifted into just... a rift in general? and eventually things turned kinda (very) sour. esp since being a mercenary meant netta could go/stay wherever she wanted, including her (& sara’s) hometown, meaning she saw sara way more than durante ever did and could very clearly see that sara’s already terrible depression was worsening like crazy since her husband was gone so goddamn much (ESPECIALLY after she got pregnant + had theo since she ended up raising him more or less alone)
but netta kept her distance!! from sara i mean, like she’s not the kind to try to hook up with a vulnerable person when their spouse is away or smthn lmfao, so she offered sara support from a safe distance, but it still was just. it didn’t really help. esp since netta wasn’t there TOO terribly much since she didn’t want to step on durante’s toes, which... is a good idea on paper, i guess, but in execution it really just meant that sara’s husband AND her childhood friend were both suddenly distant asf and the poor thing had no idea why
then durante came back for a while to meet his bby son, and... everything went to shit. netta tried to convince durante to join her little mercenary troop so he could stay in the area, but he refused, which made netta even more upset since she saw that as him neglecting his wife, and things just. kept getting worse and worse. in the end netta was the one who [REDACTED] and it was just. bad. like, not her fault!! not really, durante was off the shits, but her fkin rivalry with + bitterness towards him really didn’t help with fkin like. second thoughts in the moment or w/e lmfao.
but that ended up being what more or less led to sara’s death, kinda?? just the whole Being Totally Alone thing. and netta pretty much knew that, so she just fuckin. peaced!! guilt and shame for letting things get out of hand, she couldn’t face sara afterwards and just. tried to forget (tried!! didn’t work!!!) and eventually heard of sara’s death like, not too terribly long after. which she still blamed on durante for just up and fkin abandoning his wife (buuut also somewhat on herself). bad bad bad.
slash cut to like, sixteen-or-so years later!! whomst the fuck does netta find trying to steal money from her camp?? fuckin. big-ass undead armadillo bitch boy who looks a little too similar to sara. guess who!!!!!
but this is kinda where netta’s involvement gets. weird?? cus she like... she pretty much pulled an anti-snape LMFAO cus rather than be like, “ohhh this is the kid sara had with that motherfucker durante who stole and then killed the love of my life and also is intrinsically partly to blame for her death himself since her being pregnant + having a child made everything worse... i’m gonna fucking torture him!!” she got like. WILDLY protective over theo, like immediately, like “i failed sara but i’m gonna keep her fucking kid safe mark my damn words.”
but she also fucking SUCKS as a person, on top of!! being a fuckin. lunatic?? she genuinely has no goddamn sight for distinguishing good and bad, right and wrong, etc etc. she sees an outcome that she deems as good and then ignores the morality of all middleman to GET to that outcome. it’s why she turned to mercenary work without any sort of second thought at all tbh (”money is good, and killing people makes money, therefore... killing people is good?🤔”), absolutely no moral compass. so she finds sara’s kid, she goes “i’m gonna protect him!!” and then her logic for HOW to do said protecting is “i know! i’ll manipulate him into joining my mercenary troop + make him more or less depend on me so i can keep an eye on him :)” like!! bitch!!!! no!!!!!!!!!!!!
but it WORKED!! theo is JUST like his father, so she knew EXACTLY what to say & do to get him to join her. and honestly?? she DID protect him -- force him to do some horrible things under the guise of “that’s just what we do fam,” sure, but protect him nonetheless -- and it wouldn’t have been all too fucking terrible if it weren’t for FUCKING theo’s shitty (second) ex oslo coming in and spilling the goddamn beans about [REDACTED] and throwing a wrench into goddamn everything (Everything Is Oslo’s Fault CANON™). theo said fuck you to netta and left her troop to join oslo’s and she just. she weirdly tends to just drop a subject once the other party has made up their mind, so she didn’t do anything to try to convince him to stay. she just said, “well, i’ll be here if you change your mind or want to talk about it :/” and that was that. peace.
regardless, she like. was never really a good person, but her heart was in the right place, kinda???? like, she really genuinely did/does care about theo and hopes to god he’s alright wherever he is (which ofc once theo ditched oslo that fucker had the nerve to tell netta “oh he died (:” cus he didn’t want to just admit he got broken up with but tbh netta knows better) but i mean. who tf knows i...... am kinda thinking of having her and theo meet again in the far far future to talk things out tho tbh...... hmph
idk man she’s just... weird. very well-meaning, somewhat, but also horribly manipulative and cold. her way of dealing with things not going her way is an immediate “welp! guess that’s just how things be!” quickly followed by a sudden and utter fucking off, which... honestly does more harm than good most of the time. like, if netta had stayed close to sara after durante’s death rather than going “welp! that’s that!” then, let’s be real, sara probably wouldn’t have died cus she would have had someone keeping her healthy. likewise, if netta had fought a bit more to keep theo with her rather than going “welp!” and letting him run off with oslo (who she KNEW would just use and abuse him), then!! theo never would have had to deal with all the bullshit he went through with that asshole!!! (in fact, come to think of it, if she hadn’t just gone “welp!” when theo FIRST declined her offer and had tried to convince him, he wouldn’t have had to go through any of the bullshit with his FIRST ex boyfriend EITHER smh dammit sis), but she’s just too fucking impassive + sociopathic. like, the biggest blow her heart ever had to endure was finding out that sara had died (+ the knowing that she herself had played an undeniable part in sara’s neglecting herself to death), and yet, know what her reaction was after .0003secs when the shock of it all had worn off??? “welp!”
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