#hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh for real though i think this is actually changing the way i think about being in pain
star-ocean-peahen · 2 years
babe. that sounds HORRIFIC oh my god please go see a doctor
if it helps, I have some minor scoliosis that is sorta self corrected but its still shaped like an S and I cant really change that, so I have to deal with the compression in my sides. Physical therapy only helps so much for the pain, but its sorta supposed to stop it from getting worse. I cant be sure if you have scoliosis, but theres a test you can ask your chiropractor to do, sometimes the school nurse does it, that involves bending to touch your toes, knees locked, and they usually watch for one shoulder being held higher over the other, if that makes sense. Chiropractors dont really like working on patients with scoliosis, since it can be a liability for them and they dont wanna make you worse, but they can definitely point you in the right direction. Even if you dont have scoliosis, if you have concerns, its always better to be safe than sorry.
I cant really be much help with managing pain through meds, but if you are suffering, take them. I'd be careful of how much tylenol you take tho, something about the liver. Other than that, I'd try hot baths and epsom salts, they really help (i really like the lavender scented kind) and heating pads are a must. I've heard ice be used to help, but it's only made my muscles tighten up and spasm more, but it might be worth a try. I'd also recommend a bunch of anti-inflamitory foods and soothing teas. I really like the sleepytimes for when its late but youre still in Awake Mode- most times, not sleeping just makes the pain worse. I really like the honey-lemon and mint ones. It might sound redundant, but they're caffeine free too
sorry for the blocks of text just. please protect you back, it sounds awful </3
You know I started reading this and tried to think of ways to say it's not really that bad but then i thought harder and realized it actually is that bad hh
anyway im just sitting here holding this ask like mmhh?? its so sweet and kind??
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i just—this is so nice thank you so much
uhm okay about the actual things you said: I was starting to develop scoliosis a few years ago (hereditary) and I was just exhausted all the time so I was slouching constantly and messing up my back, but I believe the scoliosis at least was rectified by chiropractic work before it could become a problem.
The exhaustion thing has continued though, which means it's really hard to break my body out of the habit of slouching (tho ive been doing WAY better with that nwo) and build up the muscles I need to keep myself upright.
It's never been this bad before, but I'm realizing now that it's been.....pretty bad and I've just been ignoring it and got used to it, so I think you're right and I need to do something about it <3
ohno just now realizing how my strategy for taking care of myself is 'ignore it until it can't be ignored anymore' and while that may be necessary due to circumstance it most certainly is not healthy well good thing i actually have an appointment with my doctor on friday
Your paragraph with the advice is genuinely.......really nice to read for some reason? Like it feels like a warm hug. and mmmm lavender scented epsom salts that sounds absolutely lovely.
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