#hi aeghina!!!
undertheopensky · 4 months
Curious about the different studies in Red 👀
Asdfgh I was so excited by this ask that I got up and walked arouind the house without even thinking about it -
Okay so! First you need to know that the Variations on a Theme series - which the Studies in Red are a part of - features Vio being stuck in a time loop where he tries to make the chips in Four Swords Plus fall in a way where everyone lives.
In the first Study in Red, Vio dies towards the end of a loop, and Red - knowing that something had been wrong with him - wishes he could have helped, somehow. And soon finds himself waking up back in the Sanctuary again as if they'd just pulled the Four Sword, and Shadow is there, and Vio is there, and maybe maybe maybe he can fix it this time -
It was supposed to just be a tragic oneshot where Red remembered one loop and did his best to help but they failed a requirement and then Red forgot in the next one and never remembered again, but, uh. Red kind of took over as leader from Green? And kicked ass at it??? So much so that I got indecisive about where to take things because holy shit it was SO GOOD -
A snippet:
Red strikes. With the flat of his sword he swats Blue – lightly – on the ear, then swings and clips Green’s backside too. Both of them yelp and stop to stare at him. “You call yourselves heroes,” Red hisses. “You’ve come across a scene you don’t understand – a disaster, a battle, the aftermath of a raid – and there’s someone in front of you trying to tell you what happened. Trying to give you information that could be useful, or just looking for help. Instead, you’re fighting amongst yourselves about who should be the leader. You should be ashamed of yourselves.”
Crimson was a version where LU happens some time shortly after a winning loop. The Colours are less than pleased to be dropped into a new adventure so fast.
Vermilion was an alternate LU intro where the Chain comes across the Colours trying to sneak out of their Hyrule and offers to escort them to somewhere safe.
Scarlet is ANOTHER alternate LU intro where the winning loop happened a couple of years ago - the four have settled in as individuals, and Vio has recovered from his experiences some.
Since Scarlet is my favourite (and most developed), have another snippet:
"Don’t worry, you’re not special,” Red says casually. "Vio hasn’t spoken in years." He feels a bit guilty at the stricken looks on their faces, but not much. He’s learned to be cutting, if it means defending his brothers. “Vivi,” he adds, "I love having you hanging out, but you know you don’t have to stay down here if the customers are annoying the shit out of you, right?” Pointedly, Vio turns his eyes back to his book, and doesn’t move. “Okay. You let me know if they’re bothering you and I’ll kick them out.” Vio tucks himself more firmly into his chair. Red turns back to the men and pastes a smile on his face. "So! What are you in for today?"
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kheprriverse · 2 months
You incredible person *holds you by the shoulders* I wanna kiss you! That art of Bunny is EXACTLY what I needed to see today (for an unrelated reason) and I'm screaming here and showing to a friend. I love you, keep being great 💕
Yayyyyyyyy I’m glad his presence has helped some 🥰🥰!!
Here’s some more bunny doodling for u, hope ur able to have a good day/night
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bokettochild · 7 months
Day 9 - Bees
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@aeghina sure thing, luv!
Wordcount: 2,753
Rating: Gen
Summary: Usually, when Mister hero comes back injured, he's got the decency to pass out on his ed, or the couch, or that dratted rocker. This time though, he just had to collapse by the bee hives. If Yuga doesn't kill them, Ravio might end Link himself! (If the bees don't kill HIM first!)
  There are many advantages to having moved his business to Hyrule. 
  For one, Mister Hero’s house is, while cluttered and overrun with boxes and chests of gear, a far warmer place than his own home. Once he moved the boxes and whatnot out of the way, it’s actually a very nice place to live too. The place needed cleaning to make a serviceable shop, of course, but he’d had plenty of time on his hands once Mister Hero agreed to take on defeating Yuga and rescuing his princess. He really only had to keep an eye out for the hero returning so he could sell him something or another, but otherwise was left free to move things about and tidy this or that as he wished. 
  Granted, Mister Hero didn’t appreciate having his home reorganized, and they’d ended up arguing over some things. The blasted rocker by the fire is the bane of his existence, second only to Yuga, but it was a concession he has to make because that is the hero’s favorite place to sit when he returns to the house for a brief rest, and much as it is an eyesore, it’s not worth the fights they’ve had over it, although he never puts any effort into hiding his distain over the thing. The rest of the house is very nice though, and the dishware and fully stocked pantry are so very lovely to have at his disposal while Mister Hero darts here and there across the kingdom. The warm bed, multitude of blankets, full woodshed and generous garden are also luxuries it takes him some time to process can belong to someone who, apparently, lacks any sort of title beyond “hero” and holds no power over the rest of the kingdom.  
That said, there are downsides too. Hundreds, dare he say thousands of them, and they come in the form of the buzzing yellow and black demons that swarm about in the back garden from the little hives that Mister Hero apparently made on purpose in order to keep the monsters on his property. 
  Because Mister Hero is apparently as mad as Yuga himself. 
  Generally speaking, he doesn't go outside anyway. There's enough to do in the house as is, repairing items and cleaning and sifting through the endless boxes of gear he can only just begin to theorize the source of. He’s lucky the hero doesn’t remember half the stuff exists too, because he’d never get so good a price on his goods if the hylian remembered this stuff is here to use for free. (The horror!) 
  Unfortunately, one of his responsibilities, other than supplying the hero with supplies, is also to make sure the man stays alive long enough to actually face off against Yuga, which is honestly harder than it should be. Mister Hero seems to have found every single possible danger between his world and Ravio’s own, and he’s running into them headfirst and with far more courage than is probably healthy for a mortal to have. 
  He thinks Mister Hero forgets, sometimes, that he is mortal. 
  It’s usually fine. Sheerow alerts him if the hero’s incoming with some injury or another, and he has ample time to pull together supplies to piece the hylian back together again before watching him pass out somewhere in the house. Usually it’s on the couch, but sometimes he actually climbs into his bed and drops off for a few precious hours. 
  That’s usually, because usually, Mister Hero actually comes into the house first thing, but not today. No, today he’s gotten the brilliant idea inside his pretty little head to just pass out in the middle of the garden! Honestly, Ravio’s not sure what he’s meant to do with this man, although giving him a good shaking does sound like a particularly attractive idea at the moment. He’ll have to do it after cleaning him up though, because the amount of blood spilling into the flower beds is frankly a bit concerning. 
 There’s just one problem: the garden is swarming with bees. He’s not exaggerating either, it’s not just twenty or so, but he thinks the full population of the three hives combined, and they’re all buzzing rather aggressively, although none are harming the fallen hero. Rather, it seems the little devils are actually surrounding him, and the most they do is crawl over his limp form, taking turns at the blood pooling on the flagstones but otherwise doing no harm to the man. 
  Ravio’s watched Mister Hero handle the horrid little things with total and complete comfort many times before, and despite what every book he’s managed to dig up suggests, there’s no use of smoke or protective equipment by the hero while doing so. No, Mister Hero just casually lets the things crawl all over him when he’s home! It’s only after repeated protest from the bunny merchant that he’s stopped bringing them into the house, but even so, that doesn’t stop him doing it while in the garden or by the hives. It’s frankly a bit disturbing, even if seeing the man smile softly at the horrid striped devils is rather endearing, and he's made a point in the past to keep his distance. If he watches, he watches through a window, scolding and fussing to himself and Sheerow at the sheer idiocy of it all. 
  Really, how can someone purposefully approach when bees are around? They’d have to be totally out of their mind! 
  Although, considering Mister Hero is actively seeking out Yuga, searching for a fight, he’s pretty sure it’s obvious just how sane the hylian is, and the answer is hardly at all. Technically, that works to his advantage at least on the Yuga front, but right now... Yeah, right now, if he doesn’t get Mister Hero inside and patched up, the man’s likely going to just bleed to death. But hauling his ass inside means braving the swarm that’s clouded up around him, buzzing ferociously in an effort to (most likely) warn away any enemy of their keeper. 
  And Ravio has no grounds to believe that they will see him as anything less than one such threat. 
  Lolia’s Moon, he’s really got no choice here, has he? 
  “Sheerow, wish me luck.” 
  His little companion cheeps at him, but of course, like he wishes he could do himself, does not approach and instead keeps safely back, perched on a window frame. He’ll have an excellent view of his master being stung to death, Ravio bemoans to himself.  
  The noise of the bees increases as he steps closer, and even though he’s covered head to toe, hands fisting his sleeve ends to close them up, the reality of the situation is that his robes are not the thickest material in the world, and skin showing or no skin showing, he’s not likely to escape this without a few stings. Thank Lolia he’s not allergic. Sometimes people are, or so he’s heard, and he’d be utterly and totally doomed (more so than he already is) if he was. 
  The first step towards Mister Hero is met with a few of the little devils flying at him, and despite every warning, he can’t help but try to bat them away, especially with how they seem intent to fly at the eyes of his rabbit hood. They’re vicious little things, and each step closer to the downed hero is made slower by the need to bat a cloud of bees away from himself. 
  The stings, as feared, do penetrate his clothes. 
  First it’s one, then two, and then so many all at once that he gives up moving cautiously altogether, darting through the crowd of them and towards the body of the hero. It's a struggle lifting him, he’s not heavy but Ravio has never been accused of being particularly strong either. In the end, he resorts to hauling on both arms, tugging them over his shoulders and shouldering the weight of the other across his back as though he’s just the bag the merchant carries with him most of the time. 
  The bees fall back, ceasing their attack for a moment as they seem to register that their target is now partially blocked by the body of their keeper, but unfortunately, they appear to actually be intelligent. 
  Well, shit. 
  Without so much as touching Mister Hero, they manage to get at him all the same. And pain burns up his arms and across his shoulders from where most of them can get at him. Loose clothing across his face and lower half is his only salvation, as is Sheerow holding open the door long enough for him to slip inside, somewhere the bees have apparently been ordered to not enter, because they don’t follow.  
  He ends up dropping the passed-out hero onto the bed, careful as he can, but that’s hard to do with his hands and arms full of stingers. 
  He debates which is more pressing, cleaning the hero’s wounds or freeing himself from the needly hell that is the little stingers stuck in his skin. He settles on binding up the worst of the injuries first and leaving Sheerow to watch their fallen hero, before turning his own attention to stripping out of tunic, shirt and hood and working with his vision unobstructed to remove the countless little stingers that dot his skin. 
  It takes upwards of an hour to get them all out. 
  He does, finally, finish though. It’s then he turns his focus on properly cleaning and tending to Mister Hero’s wounds, which haven’t gotten any worse in the time it took him to fix himself up. There are a few ribs to set and a nasty gash on the hylian’s thigh, as well as what appears to be some slight burning on one hand, but at this point in things, it’s not the worst condition that the hero has dragged himself here in.  
  When Mister Hero awakens, Ravio has already donned clean clothes and his hood again, and all traces of either of their injuries are hidden under ample bandages or else disposed of. 
  There are so, so many stingers in their waste basket, sweet Lolia! 
  “Ravio?” Violet eyes blink open slowly, and the pain that creases the pretty face of his doppelganger makes no attempt to hide itself as it usually might, a sure sign that he’s too far out of it from either pain or exhaustion to realize that he’s failing to mask himself. It’s fine though, Ravio can read their shared face easily anyway, even if certain emotions do look so very foreign on the twinned features of his mirror. 
  “Ah, Mister Hero!” He chirps, because it’s really not the hero’s fault that this happened, even if it is a pain in the ass, “you’re awake at last!” 
  The hylian moves to sit up, only to stop with a gasp and a groan, falling back on the bed with fluttering eyes and suddenly very pale cheeks. 
  “Ah, yes, you might not want to move.” 
  “Thanks for the warning.” And there’s the sharp attitude he’s come to be familiar with! He knew Mister Hero was in there somewhere; he just wouldn’t be him without a scowl on that pretty face. 
  “My pleasure,” Ravio responds, fully aware of how cheeky it is and fully enjoying the roll of violet eyes as he perches on the bedside. “I won’t charge you for it either, although you do owe me a rather pretty sum as of the moment.” 
  There’s a faint groan at the words, dark eyes turning up towards him as bejeweled hands clutch at the blankets settled over the injured hero. “What on earth for?” 
  “Damages, of course. You collapsed most tragically in the middle of the garden, and I dare say that half your hives stung me in my attempts to fetch you back here. Why, I was plucking those little demons’ stingers out of skin all afternoon!” 
  And he’s still feeling the effects. His skin is on fire, and the contact of his clothes is very much not helping. He can’t go without clothes in front of the hero though, especially not the hood, because he’s not sure the hylian is ready to face that particular truth yet. He’s not sure if he is either, to be honest. 
  “How is that my fault?” 
  “Because I never would have been out there if I wasn’t hauling you in here. Now, I should think two-hundred rupees should suffice for compensation.” 
  “Two-hundred!” Mister Hero surges upwards, apparently forgetting his condition but being violently reminded of it once more as he moves, and a choked off sound quickly follows the motion, the other man falling back against the mattress with carefully controlled breaths and a full body wince. 
  Ravio nods. “Indeed, and again, mind your injuries. I’m not charging for the warning, but if you undo all my hard work, I’ll be obliged to make you pay for making me fix it.” 
  The hero’s response is maybe not meant for his ears, but he catches it all the same. “No one said you had to do squat.” 
  “Yet if I leave you to your own devices, neither of our homes will get saved now, will they? You’ll bleed to death, and I’ll surely do the same without a big strong hero like you to fight off the enemy on my behalf!” Mister Hero, despite what Ravio says, is neither big nor particularly strong as far as he’s seen. Sure, he supposes there’s got to be some sort of power to the man’s frame to swing around a sword all day, but the fact that they are mostly identical does prevail. Sure, the hylian is an inch or so shorter and a fair bit more lithe than he is himself, but that’s mostly on account of lifestyle. Their bodies cannot bulk, not to save their lives, and he knows it. 
  Mister Hero sighs, fumbling blindly amidst his clothes for his money pouch and soon after producing the demanded rupees. It’s not the full worth of what he suffered for the hero’s sake, but it’s something, and considering what the hero is suffering for his sake, he supposes a discount is in order. “There.” 
“Good doing business with you, Mister Hero!” 
His only answer is another groan as violet eyes flutter closed and the hero settles back into bed. “Sure, whatever you say.” 
And it is. It is whatever he says, because no price could redeem the suffering a thousand stings. Good gracious, he’s going to be so swollen tomorrow! 
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silvrash-797 · 6 months
Legend and Marin you say? 👀👀👀
- hero-of-the-wolf
@ajscico @aeghina you also asked for this!
I don't have a lot for this one either. Last year Ketto made a post about how Celtic Woman's "Send me a Song" has very Link's Awakening vibes, and I recently finished my first playthrough if it, so I wanted to write a little something exploring that angle
By now, Link knew he was falling in love with her. After this last dungeon, though, the owl had said some things that didn’t make sense, and he’d come to the beach to sort out his thoughts.
A hand waved in front of Link's face, and he startled back, nearly falling over as his mind returned to the present.
Marin looked at him, concern written all over her face. “Link? Is everything okay?”
His gaze dropped to the sand, uncertain if he should say anything to her just yet.
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catreginae · 1 month
I didn't want to add to the chain but here you go @aeghina:
Who was he to deny Wild when he was still kind of hungry? He closed the gap between them and dug his fangs into Wild’s neck, the side of his neck without all of the scars. At first, there wasn’t anything abnormal about Wild’s blood but the longer he drank, the more he noticed that were something kind of different. Wild’s blood had a strange after taste, something kind of like blueberry but with a hint of mint that made his blood slightly cool on his tongue. It wasn’t bad and Warriors had no problem drinking it but it was unexpected.
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Got tagged by @themundanemudperson thank you for the tag!
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
1. Fake Dating AU (mom, dad, meet my boyfriend Scott and his boyfriend Flynn)
2. Going round & round until I’m senseless (please, free me from this cycle)
3. Seven times Flynn
4. Those yellow eyes
5. Crack is whack!
6. I am so tireddddddd zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
8. (Roadtrip AU) Ziggy can’t drive
9. A firefighter, a power ranger and a hero of hyrule walk into a tavern
10. 911 Skyward Sword AU
It has literally been nothing but power rangers RPM lol
@musical-chan @aeghina @lapelle-du-bubblegum-vide @slasherbat @demonadelem @ace-attorney-go-brrrrr @nancyheart11 @jenniferchaulam @skyland2703 @buster-loves-pr @regaliasonata @spookyblazecoffee and anyone else who wants to take part!
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musical-chan · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @aeghina
1. How many works do you have on A03?
14! I only started putting fics on AO3 in October. I used to write fics years ago, some for World of Warcraft and years before that, it was Sailormoon and Utena mostly.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
84,157 Over half of that is my currently-being-updated Fierce Deity Dad fic, haha
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Legend of Zelda stuff right now! AU and Linked Universe stuff mostly.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1.https://archiveofourown.org/works/51754873 Father of Time 2.https://archiveofourown.org/works/51814240 Defeat or Deity 3.https://archiveofourown.org/works/51902788 The Unbearable Weight of Three Days 4.https://archiveofourown.org/works/52201303 You Want to Talk to Link, Right? 5.https://archiveofourown.org/works/50953486 Hey Link!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always, every time. I love engaging with people.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't really do angst that much? Maybe "The Silent Realm", a short fic from the point of view of Skyward Sword Link and how he feels about his trips into that space.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is harder because I usually end all of my fics on a positive note! My silly fics though, "Hey Link!" and "You Want to Talk to Link, Right?" are probably the best endings. "Father of Time" has pretty happy/comfort type endings for all chapters but it's not finished, as such.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet! Please don't take that as a challange.
9. Do you write smut?
Not at all, no. I don't mind a little romance and maybe some implied "behind closed doors" type of stuff but I don't write those sorts of things. Too awkward for it.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Oh, I used to! I haven't recently but I have ideas for some. They may or may not ever see the light of day.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think I'm popular enough for that, haha
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! Not yet.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Oh gosh, for the Zelda fandom it's probably Link/Malon for OOT/MM and Link/Zelda for BotW/TotK
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I think I might finish all the ones I currently. Wait, now I have to check my files. Oh, I did start a "the chain is in Wild's era" fic that probably won't go anywhere so maybe that one.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think that my sentences are clean and easy to understand. I do a lot of editing to make sure I don't sound repetitive. I also output *a lot* of words when I'm in the mood for writing. I think I did 5k one day because I just had to get everything out.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Keeping my tenses straight. Holy shit it drives me crazy
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I try to avoid this because I don't think I'm very good at language building and I don't know enough of any other language to feel like I'm going to do justice to the language in question.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sailormoon. haha, I'm such a neeeeerd
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
"Father of Time", my currently running "Fierce Deity gets out of the mask and becomes a father to young Link" fic. I love writing it. I love reading it. It's everything I've wanted in a fic and it's just this huge part of my life right now.
I'm not sure who I would tag back but if anyone else wants to fill it out because they saw it on my dash, let me know so I can read it.
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zartophski · 4 months
Can I ask about the wip R.I.P. (Really Inconvenienced Paladin)? Are the LU college au playing D&D??!!!
@aeghina asked about this one as well
Yeah, the college AU was originally brought together via an overcomplicated D&D game hfgsjdhk. Everyone met in small groups through classes and extracurricular and such, and when the quad (sky, groose, hyrule, and wild) started up their campaign, everyone came together and became the besties we know and love.
The doc for this fic is empty at the moment, besides another prospective title: "Reviving Incompetent Players". But here's a bullet list from another document on the way everyone met
Wind met Four, Sky, and Groose when Engie dragged him to a Formula meeting on the promise of free pizza.
Wind met Legend in the orchestra, practice/play cello together.
Twilight met Hyrule in bio class, went on a Nat Park excursion with him, met Wild.
Twilight met Time through Malon, one of his classmates.
Legend met Hyrule in creative writing class when they got paired for the semester project.
Legend met Time in Japanese class, took a gender studies class with him the next semester.
Legend met Warriors in a Roman history class.
Wild and Sky go out longboarding together.
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catreginae · 6 months
The snippet I mentioned possibly posting earlier! Tagging @majorproblems77 and @aeghina since they seem the most excited for it!
Context is that Warriors has decided to go to the forest to do some scouting, so that's why he's out alone in the dark.
Once he was sure they were asleep, he quietly gathered his equipment and jumped down the ground. He turned to the right and headed towards the bridge that led out of the village. But then he paused by the spring. He didn’t pay much attention to it before since they all wanted to get the treehouse to drop their th but now that Warriors was stationary and just outside of the gate, something about the spring sent a shiver down his spine. It made him want to turn and walk away from it but he stayed where he was because as much he was bothered by it, he was also curious. It looked normal but it didn’t feel normal. He approached it slowly. The instinct to run intensified with each step he took but the curiosity and the need to know why that instinct was there made him resist the urge to turn around. If there was one way to describe the spring, it was that it was bright. It sparkled in the moonlight but somehow it seemed even brighter than that, though he couldn’t describe how. He squatted down by the lake and reached out, dipping his fingertips into the spring. He regretted it immediately. Warriors cursed, pulling his hand back so quickly that he fell onto his back. His fingers continued to sting, even though they weren’t in the water anymore. He groaned and sat up, using his scarf to dry his fingers. His fingers must have been though they must have only been in the spring for a second or two. They were bright red and still stung in the cooler night air– definitely burnt but thankfully mild. Okay, it wasn’t just the goats or the cats or the bees. It was also the damn water!
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catreginae · 5 months
Fun things about the Vampire Warriors Modern AU (tagging @aeghina who seemed pretty interested)!
He has a sugar addiction. He always has candy in his pockets, cars, and candy bowls in his house. If he felt like getting a job, he brings candy there with him. He also has chewelry!
He's obsessed with keeping up with the times in case people discover that he's actually from another time period entirely (he isn't thousands of years old, Lana dropped him into a time period just a few centuries before the modern AU). He's always on trend and he's one of those annoying people who always the newest phone.
Lana moved him to a new time period to mediate the physical world and the magical world and keep them balanced but mostly separate. Being a vampire means he won't die of old age and being a hero, magical beings are more willing to talk and trust him.
He has the Triforce of Courage! For the sake of the timelines though, he had to find it again after Lana sent him on a one-way trip through time. He wasn't allowed to take it with him.
Warriors still gets jobs and goes to college/university occasionally because he gets bored. His favourite job is teaching what they call Ancient Hylian (it's just Hylian to him and he had to learn New Hylian, which is just Hylian to them). He does that every couple of decades or so.
Warriors has to commit a lot of fraud to inherit his own house, to get jobs, and go to school. He also still pays taxes. Hypnosis is great for fraud, he can get anyone to sign anything.
He's the reason behind a lot of myths and "hauntings". Sometimes, he hears a story and realizes it sounds pretty familiar.
Warriors shares a house with another half-vampire that he turned, so he's responsible. She gets on him a lot if she thinks he's spending too much time not doing his divine mediator job. She's completely in the know about who he actually is and sometimes, she follows him while he's doing his job. She and Warriors tease each other a lot but they really do care about each other.
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