#hi boo ilu it's okay
astaraels · 2 months
drop the warden lore
okay anila you asked and I'll answer! (ilu boo 😘)
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so Madelyn Amell, she's a mage, right? minding her own business in kinloch hold, being a whole prodigy of primal magic (I like to think that ice and lightning are her particular focus but she's also a nerd who loves reading about the different schools of magic and learning magical theory), but then gets told hey, this guy named Duncan is here to recruit you for the Grey Wardens. honestly I don't think Maddy would have actually believed it was real, because no one leaves the Circle unless they run away like her friend Anders (she almost asked him to let her come along on his last attempt but backed out at the last minute), and even then it's not guaranteed at all. so it's not until they get to Ostagar that it actually sinks in that hey, this is for real. this is a new life. you don't have to be locked up and hidden away anymore.
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but she's always been a bit shy, although she's got a smart sense of humor, so when this doofy guy who absolutely towers over her (Maddy is at least a foot shorter than Alistair, hello height difference!) starts cracking jokes and talking smack about the Chantry she's like um are you sure you should be doing that? but Alistair ofc is still riding high on being free from the templars at this point in time and he's like, so what if you're a mage, that doesn't bother me, and his kindness and smart aleck nature really catch her off guard to where she feels comfortable making a few jokes back at him. ("if the king asks me to put on a dress and dance the remigold, I'm saying no." "I'd like to see that, actually." "for you, maybe. but it'd have to be a pretty dress.")
(picture Joyce and Hopper from Stranger Things and you've got Maddy and Alistair's build/height difference)
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over the course of the Blight, tho, Maddy really comes into her own—even at Ostagar her fear takes a back seat and she charges into the fray, refusing to back down in the face of danger to the point of being somewhat reckless. she and Morrigan, Leliana, and Zevran grow close as friends, and of course when she develops feelings for Alistair she gets a bucket of cold water dumped on her head when she finds out he's a (bastard) prince, because what kind of future does she have as a mage to be with anyone? she's still new enough as a warden that she's still thinking like a circle mage (although her friends are like girl just do it, there's an apocalypse on, this is the least of your worries).
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and then Morrigan finds a way that she and Alistair can both survive killing the archedemon! and they do! and Alistair becomes *king*—in my headcanon, Madelyn is the one who kills Loghain, and Alistair keeps goodwill with Anora and her supporters by offering her the title Teyrna of Gwaren and giving her back the lands her father held, so they can work together in rebuilding the country. Alistair rejects the whole idea of a political marriage, much to certain nobles' consternation, although Anora doesn't have a problem with that :p but then Madelyn is named Warden-Commander, and Alistair has to do actual ruling of Ferelden, and they don't get to see each other for a few months, until Leliana shows up at Soldier's Peak with Alistair in tow. Maddy ofc wasn't expecting them, but then Alistair asks her to marry him, and she's like...*record scratch*
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long story short, she agrees and Leliana marries them (she's still a Chantry sister, even as a lay member, so she has the power to perform marriage ceremonies), and is very excited to do so, and the lovebirds get to spend a few days together before Leliana has to get the newly wed king back to his royal duties :p but just before he leaves Alistair calls Madelyn "my queen" and now she's thinking oh shit was he serious? does that make me queen? what the fuck am I gonna do about that?? and she has to have a bit of a crisis about it which is then fully interrupted a few months after that by the events of Awakening (which is when she gets to reunite with her friend Anders, yay! they were friends in the circle but become besties once he's a Warden).
it's only after that that Alistair announces to the court about his marriage to Madelyn (I like the idea that he throws a formal ball or feast or something like that for the Arlessa of Amaranthine to celebrate her victory over the darkspawn once again), and people are too shocked to protest, mostly. in fairness, I feel like after Maddy (and Alistair) kills an archedemon and saves the world most of Ferelden would be like yeah she can do what she wants. she's literally called the Hero of Ferelden, most of the common people either don't know or don't care that she's a mage. it's the nobles that she has to convince, and having someone like Anora in her and Alistair's corner certainly helps smooth over the whole thing.
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this is not to say that her transition to being queen is easy! oh no! she definitely has a lot of learning to do about court life, and handling Chantry officials and templars (oh Maker, the templars and the seekers are Not Happy about Maddy being queen, but she's surprisingly popular with the people, having saved the country and the world and everything). she definitely advances a pro-mage stance at court, too; mages are given more rights in general, apostates are offered protections in Ferelden, stuff like that. in other countries she very quickly earns the moniker "the witch queen" and the Chantry politely pretends she doesn't exist. she's also got the job of warden commander still—she is very upset to come back to her post after months at court and find out that the wardens took away Anders' cat and pushed him into leaving for Kirkwall (where he meets her twin cousins and falls in love with one of them). she's basically splitting her time between the wardens and co-ruling Ferelden for the next several years.
at some point she does meet Carver Hawke and they realize they're related and it's about as hilarious as you can imagine. in my world state there's actually two sets of Hawke twins, and both Jaesa and Jareth Hawke (aka Carver's older siblings) are both mages, and then the poor bastard realizes he's got another mage relative...he can't catch a break :p sorry Carver ilu you're my favorite boy
(I know this is moving slightly away from my girl but the Hawke twins are my and my wife's characters that we thought worked well together as disaster twins—ask me about the Hawke lore if you want more on them :p)
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during the years that the Hawkes are causing mahem in Kirkwall, Maddy and Alistair end up having a daughter named Aldith, who naturally becomes the crown princess. not long before inquisition she has another daughter, Winifred, and a son, Eadric. I know that wardens aren't supposed to have an easy time of having children but fuck you I do what I want!
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during Meredith's reign of terror in act 3 of da2, Alistair and Madelyn announce that they're willing to offer asylum to mages and apostates from the Free Marches—and Madelyn maybe even accompanies Alistair to meet with Meredith and Elthina in early act 3 (as a foreign sovereign and a Grey Warden, Maddy has diplomatic immunity and the templars can't touch her even if she is a mage) just to give some hope to her fellow mages. Alistair is the one who makes the suggestion but ofc he knows that the templars and the Chantry are dangerous to mages—he and Maddy both have first hand experience from opposite sides of the matter, and contrary to popular belief he's not an idiot so as in canon he'd be in support of the mages!
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then in my own concept of inquisition where it's focused on the mage/templar war like it should have been, the rebel mages are still given refuge in Ferelden by the king and queen, and the inquisitor (Nina Trevelyan, another former circle mage—ask me the Nina lore ask me the Nina lore) and her people have to stop a templar plot to assassinate Alistair and Madelyn—Ser Barris is the one who warns the inquisition of the plot and how it's going to be blamed on the rebel mages. basically the royals would have a role in the whole "in hushed whispers" / "champions of the just" combo quest that would be a big turning point in the war and the conclusion of act 1 in my idea of inquisition. after this is when Maddy would call up some old friends (Zevran and Sigrun come to mind) and go on her quest to cure the Calling—Alistair wants to go, but one of them has to stick around and keep things running in the kingdom.
so that's my warden lore! I hope you enjoy reading it—i know it's a lot but I've been developing her for years now and I can't believe I haven't lore dumped about her before now. if you have any questions specifically about her or want me to follow up on anything here please let me know. as you can see I'm very happy to talk about her, or any of my other dragon age OCs <3
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corditeheart · 5 years
@thepricewasright | x
“Good,” she murmurs, tucking herself closer against him. “’Cause I’m still madly in love with you, too.” 
It’s still nice to be reminded, though. 
Xu reaches behind them, tugging down the afghan that’s usually haphazardly draped over the back of the sofa (most of the time turned into one of Gabby’s many forts built all over the apartment), to drape across her legs. 
The commercial wraps; it moves to another one, an ad for some comedy that neither of them watch. 
“Wanna get really wild and stay up until the late movie ends tonight?” 
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cesperanza · 5 years
Endgame babbling
Random list of things I loved (most things) and some things I didn’t love as much:
Things I really liked!
* time travel!
* space travel!
* a goddamned de-aging machine! 
* Steve is worthy!
* Thor loves his Mom!
* Clint’s decline - which I was wtf about, except then I was like OH Clint needs to become a fallen assassin so Natasha can save him the way he saved HER, that’s why he had to have that fallen arc: it’s a parallel! (I love parallels!) (Also Natasha falling like Bucky from the train was a parallel - it’s love, it’s love.)
* Steve the worst therapy group leader ever! - which I was wtf about, but astolat and I talked it over and we realized that it was Steve doing Sam’s job to honor him, and that’s why Sam has to do Steve’s job now: “Pal, I led your damn therapy group for five fucking years, now you do my job for a while ok?” 
* Natasha, head of what’s left of SHIELD - because the other person she respects besides Clint is Nick Fury, so she’s doing his job because HE can’t
* Steve would make you dinner except it would depress you, lol
* There is a universe where Loki escaped with the tesseract!! 
* There is a universe where Rumlow, that schmuck, thinks Captain America is Hydra and so is going to blow the whole game early, lol, the first minute he Hail Hydra’s Steve BACK--whoops!
* I personally really like Steggy, and neither Steggy nor Steve/Nat nor BuckyNat have ever felt really competitive with my Stucky, for whatever reason (unusually for me; I normally don’t do multiples) but also--like, it’s really clear to me that in this canon Steve understood that he could have a life with Peg literally between one breath Bucky took and the next - and we see it happen, and they tell us what happened: that Steve can have as much time as he needs and still be back in five minutes.  Peg is basically in a pocket universe for Steve, which you can make as much of as you want. (I want to make lots of different things of it, actually to run out several contradictory ideas of it, cause that’s FUN for me.)
* Steve Rogers got his accent back! Natasha likes peanut butter sandwiches!  (That was some serious Avengers Tower type communal house shit there!)
* JAMES D’ARCY--first actor to cross from TV, and well deserved! Jarvis ILU. 
* Nebula - who I really didn’t give a damn about, but who came alive for me as a real person. (I personally didn’t like GOTG and didn’t see the 2nd one; ymmv.)
* ScarJo and RDJ were the standout acting talents in this movie, IMO; they acted the shit out of the material they were given. I actually have Plans for Nat - yes, I totally know just the Nat story I want to write, ahaha, death zero obstacle to that story - but with Tony, I mean: I love Tony, I really do, and I especially love Tony and Steve as brothers, but I feel like I have space in that five year gap to tell a lot of the stories I might tell about Tony and Steve’s relationship; YMMV, and I do think people who write Tony got--like, they got good canon, but they got the hardest canon to work with, IMO. OTOH, Tony is a genius, and we know he left that one virtual message; I’d personally lay cash money that Tony has other tricks up his sleeve, I’m just saying. (Voted most likely to have uploaded his consciousness in High School, and also most likely to be a guy you would bother to go back in time to consult if, say, you had a time machine...)
* Did I mention that Steve Rogers has a time machine, de-aging tech, Moljnir, and access to a spacecraft??
Things I liked rather less:
* the fat suit - I actually didn’t mind drunk and playing video games!Thor, but the fat suit was straight up het male anxiety; actually, more controversially, I didn’t love “America’s ass” either because (sigh, and I sound like my mother), I found it coarse, but also (less like my mother) it also reads to me as het male anxiety; dude, it’s okay; men can survive being the object of the gaze for ten seconds.  Signed--All the Women on God’s Green Earth
*  Tony, Steve, and Thor fight Thanos like five times, which--for me--was too many times!  Those fights were too long, and Natasha and Clint’s love-fest fight to die was TOO SHORT, IMO.  Thank goodness the ending battle was short, too - I can’t do anymore giant battles like that, they’re just depressing and dull at this point.  What is scale anymore? 
* Weirdly, I didn’t love the pan at Tony’s funeral - everyone felt pasted in, boo.  It was like a collage of movie posters rather than a community--Marvel, take your victory lap later, this is Tony’s funeral ffs.  I don’t want everyone standing apart with the casts of their films - why bother to bring them there if they look CGI’d?
* I didn’t love the “girl power” moment because to me, it felt fake and pandering; those women are very, very different and just grouping them all in one hero shot felt very unearned--those are not people who should be fighting in one big group
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imnotcameraready · 5 years
chivalry is dead (17)
WARNINGS: disassociation/descriptions of zoning out — i think that's it, but! as always, let me know!
Words: 4203
AO3 link!
MASTERPOST! <– look here!! for the longterm warnings!! including sympathetic Deceit and cursing/swearing! i dont think i’m gonna be adding remus to the masterpost tags though because like. in full honesty? hes not actually a character. he’ll just be alluded to from time to time :^)
chivalry taglist: @starlightvirgil​​​ @forrestwyrm​​​ @daflangstlairde​​​ @marshmallow-the-panda​​​ @askthesnake​​​ @k9cat​​​ @patromlogil​​​ @theobsessor1​​​ @ninja-wizard101​​ @fandomsofrandom
general tag: @jemthebookworm​​​
enjoy !!! ilu !
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“So it’s clearly a trap.”
They were all sitting in the other room, the Thief’s head resting on the Bard’s leg as he laid across the couch, Patton lounging in the Artist’s lap on the ground, Deceit on the coffee table. Logan was the only one sitting in a chair, reading over the invitation with his legs crossed on the seat.
It was finally time to broach the topic of a rescue mission and everyone was fairly apprehensive. Patton was starring at the ceiling, glasses sitting on the Artist’s head, who in turn was gently running his hand through Patton’s hair.
Deceit was flipping a coin around in his hand absentmindedly, watching Patton. He had been quieter as of late. If Logan had a headache, he hazarded a guess that Patton was similarly affected, even if he wasn’t disclosing those afflictions. 
“Definitely. Dragon knows we, uh, well,” the Thief’s eyes flicked over to the Artist, who shook his head. 
“We can’t let the Child get hurt,” the Bard said, “He was….well, not to be rude, the kiddo’s an idiot, but he’s the Prince’s favorite.”
There was a pause as Logan crunched the numbers. Child, Damsel, Dragon, Artist, Thief, Bard, Playwright — they were originally told that there were only seven Romans, right? 
It didn’t add up. He wasn’t going to voice THAT pun in front of Patton, though.
“The Prince? Is there another Roman? Or are you talking about the previous rendering of Roman as Prince Roman,” Logan handed the invitation to Deceit, who nodded and looked it over again. 
“I think he’s another figment, right?” the Bard looked down at the Thief with a raised eyebrow, “He was there on the first day?”
The Thief nodded. “He brought Child to me. Said he couldn’t take care of him, then he disappeared. Probably died, if we’re being honest.”
“Sounds like him. Flaking on responsibilities,” the Artist rolled his eyes.
Patton shifted, turning over so he could look at the Artist’s face. His hand reached up and patted his cheek.
Roman was so pretty. A pretty pretty prince. 
Wasn’t that the whole point, that he wasn’t a prince? Wait, why he wearing Patton’s glasses? Ah, goodness. He needed a Pat-nap, he couldn’t believe he forgot the Artist. 
He didn’t notice the Artist’s slight blush as he ran his hand through Patton’s hair again. “You’re okay, Patt,” he mumbled. 
Deceit raised an eyebrow at them, then looked back at Logan.
“I….don’t think that the Roman we are most familiar with would be so careless, though he has been heedless in the past,” Logan said, “We can hold discussions about the Prince for a different time, though. As for a plan, do any of you know what the castles interior looks like?”
“Why should we? We can figure it out once we’re there!” the Bard said. 
“No, we cannot,” Deceit shook his head in agreement with Logan. “If we are to create an infallible plan, we cannot be lackadaisical.”
The Bard laughed, wagging his finger at Logan. “I can assure you that I lack no daisies, thank you very much.” 
He snapped his fingers and a flower crown appeared on his head. The Thief made a face and Deceit sighed, both already exasperated. Logan, however, ignored his shenanigans and leaned forward to explain.
“Lackadaisical. We cannot be too,” he thought for a suitable synonym, “Laid back.”
The Bard blinked, then grinned in understanding. “Okay, Captain Cogitation, whatever you say.”
“I agree with Logan,” Deceit nodded to Logan, “If we want to pull this off, we’ve got to know everything.”
“Isn’t that your specialty, mister pants on fire,” the Artist asked, still running his hand through Patton’s hair. “You always seem to know more about everything than anyone else.”
Deceit turned to him, eyes quickly flicking to Patton before he raised an eyebrow at the Artist. The Artist stiffened. 
Slowly, he retracted his hand from Patton’s hair. It didn’t feel very welcome anymore.
“Sneaking and knowing are two of my talents, yes, but this is your world. I’ve never been inside that castle. I have to admit ignorance,” Deceit tilted his head to the side, toward the window, ignoring the Artist’s hurt expression, “You’ve been inside though, right?”
“The Prince has,” the Thief corrected, “I’ve been in and out in a few places. Know where Dragon’s hoard room is. I don’t think any of us actually know how to navigate it.”
The Bard not nodded in agreement, lips pursed in disappointment. Truth be told, he really wanted to see the inside of the castle. Interesting to note, in Logan’s mind, that they didn’t share the Prince’s source of knowledge.
“Surely if Roman has been inside the castle, then all of you would qualify as having been inside?”
“Well, yeah. But as the Prince. We,” the Thief pointed around at himself, then the Bard, then the Artist, “Don’t all have his memories in that detail.”
So the Prince had a different connection to Roman, the concept. That was Logan’s understanding. 
Then again, did Logan understand ANY of what was going on in here?
Now, now, don’t be too hasty. He rubbed his forehead, trying to ignore the increased throbbing in the back of his skull. Maybe the optimal strategy would have been to assume that anything goes in the Imagination, but you couldn’t fault him for trying to apply logic to the nonsensical. Perhaps there was some logic to it, with a rationale he didn’t anticipate.
All of the Romans bore some similarities and abilities to the original Prince Roman, but because the Prince was missing in action, dissolved, what have you, then those characteristics were divided amongst the remaining seven Romans. 
He had to understand the range of abilities. “Deceit, can you take notes?” Logan asked, and Deceit wordlessly conjured his notepad as Logan turned back to the Thief. “So, if you do not have exact likenesses to Roman, then what do you all have in common? We must understand the skillset we are working with.”
The three Roman parts all shared a look — apprehension, perhaps? — and the Thief broke off first. “A few of Roman’s strongest feelings and convictions, and some of his mannerisms,” he said, looking back at Logan, “That’s all that carries over to all seven.”
“And who decided that?”
“Who decided what we would take from Roman?” the Thief rubbed the back of his head and looked at the Artist, who shrugged, then the Bard, who….also shrugged. He sighed and continued speaking, though he didn’t exactly want to be the sole voice. “Well, us, I think? Or him. It kinda just happened when we were one.”
“The him that doesn’t exist?” Deceit raised an eyebrow at the Thief, who rolled his eyes and looked pointedly away. 
Yeah, he was done speaking. 
The tensions were heating up again. Patton sighed, scooting closer to the Artist’s chest and snuggling his head into his hoodie. It was soft. And it smelt like Roman.
Smelt like home. Patton closed his eyes. Had it really only been one day? He missed the common room so much, missed sitting on the couch and gluing photos and stickers into the scrap book he was working on. Missed listening to Roman rehearse lines and the flipping of Logan’s pages and the faint music wafting from Virgil’s headphones.
He was excited to see what Deceit’s routine would be when they got back. Maybe he’d want to join breakfasts?
Focus, Patton. He rubbed his face with the butt of his palm. Focusing was difficult, like trying to stand steady on a boat. Earlier, he’d been easy sailing, but right now it felt like they’d hit the currents.
“This is all confusing,” Patton mumbled.
He had to pull himself together! 
The Artist hummed sympathetically, hand reaching up and patting his hair, stopping short of running through. He tutted, then shook his head. “Look, usually there isn’t a rhyme or reason to what we do, we just…” he gestured vaguely into the air, “Do!”
There was a beat of silence as Logan, Deceit, and the Thief all squinted at him, for slightly differing reasons.
The Bard, however, just leaned in and said “A-scoodly-boo! Oop, maybe there is a rhyme?”
Logan and Deceit were surprised, watching the Bard. The Bard missed it, however, and winked at the Thief. Who smiled a tiny bit back. Even the Artist was smiling, clearly pleased.
Were they….was Roman that unaware?
No matter. Logan cleared his throat and the Thief opened an eye. “Can you please elaborate on the differences between each of you, then. There is a clear thematic or, rather, trope distinction between you all, but what are the Roman-esque traits that each of you individually have?”
That was a pretty clear place to start, Logan thought. He, Patton, and Deceit had been forming their own opinions and had their own hypothesis, but it’d be worthwhile to confirm their theories before jumping to conclusions. 
The Thief shifted, pushing himself up and out of the Bard’s lap. He sat upright and pulled his legs up to sit criss-cross. “In terms of what abilities we have, it’s been determined mostly by what we value. I….can fight. I can think calmly for the most part. I’m a lot of what Roman is when he’s alone,” the Thief waved his hand, then drummed his fingers against his thumb in thought, “I guess that’s why I’m so, uh….not-Roman?”
“Same with me,” the Artist said, raising his hand and tapping Patton’s back, signalling to him to sit up himself, “Bard and I, we create. Playwright, too. But because we all have different work ethics, different ideas on what should and-uh, on what to create, because of that we’re split. And our attitudes.”
Logan nodded. “Understandable.” 
Patton sat up and leaned against Logan’s knee. So they were talking about the different Romans. Alright. He was caught up, yeah! They were all different, different in their own ways, but they also clearly came together to be….Roman.
What ever they discussed here, because in truth he knew very little about what they were talking about, he knew they’d have to talk to the Damsel and the Dragon. Were they considering that? 
Deceit shut his notebook and looked up, remembrance written across his face. “That reminds me. Regarding your ability to create,” he pointed his pen at the Artist, “Are you aware of how….dense your creations have gotten?”
They were absolutely not considering that, apparently. Patton winced, turning toward the Artist. The tension returned as his expression flatted, becoming more guarded. The concept of creation seemed to be a touchy subject indeed, if the incident with the palette knife and threats were anything to go off of.
Behind him, Patton was gesturing to Deceit to cut out whatever line of questioning he was entering, waving his hands frantically. He had an icky feeling. The kind that was usually accompanied with nervousness, when he and Virgil would both be worried about something or another, but Virgil wasn’t here right now and this was more of the ball dropping into his stomach than the hair standing on the back of his neck.
It was awkward. That’s what it was, that’s the word. An incredibly awkward situation. Did Deceit know how the Artist was sensitive about his art? Oh, golly, they should have told him.
On the other side, Logan was simply watching Deceit with a raised eyebrow. Surely Deceit could have deduced that the Roman figment named ‘The Artist’ would be, well, unreceptive to critiques?
“Dense?” the Artist asked.
The Bard winced, and the Thief whistled lowly. “Don’t tread on me,” he murmured, looking up at Deceit. 
Deceit looked at him for only the briefest second, lip quirking up into a sly smile. 
He knew what he was doing. Logan had realized earlier and they had to make sure at least SOME of the Romans understood the toll that the Imagination was taking. 
“Dense, yes. Layered. Very well crafted,” his eyes trailed back up to the Artist, whose hand slowly unclenched from his pants fabric.
Ah. Yes, well. He preened a little, straightening his shoulders.
Ah, but this was Deceit. Who knew how honest he was being? The Artist froze, and then leaned down  over on one of his hands, gesturing for him to continue. He should see it out.
Deceit inhaled slowly. Logan glanced at him again, noting how he tensed so much. He couldn’t have been the only one physically affected by their circumstances. 
He reached a hand out and rested it on Deceit’s clenched fist, giving him a soft squeeze. 
Deceit’s eyes flew open. For a second, it seemed like he was going to combust, eyes flicking between Logan’s hand and face. 
Then, he exhaled, features relaxing. It was okay. It was okay!
No tricks. 
“Have you considered,” Deceit turned back to the Artist, who was still watching expectantly, “That the Imagination is too intricate for us?”
The Artist leaned back just an inch. He reached his hands up and ran them through his hair. “Care to explain?” 
Deceit nodded. The most obvious way he could explain it was thusly. “You all mentioned earlier that the passage of time was illogical earlier.”
And that was all he had to say. The Thief swore, smacking himself in the head. The Bard groaned, burying his face in his hands as he leaned forward. The Artist blanched, expression dropping as his eyes widened at Deceit. 
See? Explaining that wasn’t so hard. 
Deceit bit his lip and took off his hat, running his hand through his hair and shaking his head. At this point, his words were burning the back of his throat like bile. 
No more tricks. He didn’t need to hide.
Patton reached over and rubbed Deceit’s knee. “Good job,” he said, a smile playing on his lips
“Ah, fuck,” the Thief turned to Logan, “You.”
The Bard pointed at Logan.
Logan slowly put his hands up. “This seems more accusatory than was intended.”
“No, no, no,” the Thief slapped the Bard’s hand and then pointed his own finger at Logan, “Are you okay? You must be tired. Fuck.”
“Wait, wait, that’d apply to ALL of you,” the Bard snapped in front of the Thief’s face and gestured to Patton, who was watching everything with a confused expression (why were they all so snappish with this?) , “Wow. We knew this would happen! We knew!”
“I’m a fucking moron,” the Artist snapped, taking off his glasses.
“Why?” Patton asked, now turning to him. 
The Artist clicked his tongue and waved his hand in front of the Bard’s face, cutting him off with his mouth open. “By being in the Imagination, especially for so long, you’re subconsciously affecting the world. We built everything in here without your input, so it’s illogical, without morals, without honest emotion or depth. It’s a bunch of drafts that’ve never interacted with another Side. You all being in here means you’re fixing it without knowing.”
Deceit smiled. Sweet, sweet victory.
“But I’ve been in the Imagination before,” Patton asked, brow furrowing, was that what Deceit was talking about earlier, “There wasn’t a problem then.”
“Yes,” all of them looked up at Logan, who took up the helm of explanation, “But that was because there was a unified Roman who could control what we experienced in the Imagination, correct?”
“Mhm, right on the money,” the Thief said, “The city you saw yesterday, Deceit? That sort of stuff would usually be hidden. That’s also why you’ve never seen this town, Padre, nor the characters.”
“It’s like subconscious editing, and you’re all trying to edit everything that’s ever been created,” the Bard covered his mouth, brows pinching in mortification, “Oh, goodness, my darling stars, are you sure you are alright?”
Deceit loved being right. He looked at Logan, who nodded. “A mild headache,” he rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck, “But beyond that, nothing.”
“Are you sure?” the Artist asked. 
He looked at Patton, who was swaying slightly beside him, eyes fixated on the wall directly ahead. That couldn’t be good.
Carefully, the Artist picked up his glasses and slid them onto his face, turned him towards himself. Patton blinked, stare now focusing in on the Artist’s tired but relieved smile. “You’re stretching yourself thin, Patt,” he murmured. 
Patton smiled back, forcing the excited and positively positive expression back out. He was so tired; it was difficult to understand what was happening, as always, but the Romans had verbalized it so well. He was feeling everything. Intensifying every feeling, and then extrapolating the moral repercussions onto every action that every character was making.
No wonder he had been so exhausted. The Artist ran a hand through his hair and Patton’s smile immediately fell again. He let his head lean into the Artist’s hand, eyes closed. 
On the other hand, the Bard stood up and took one stride to stand directly in front of Logan. He gently cupped Logan’s cheek, feeling his head with the back of his hand. “You don’t have a fever. There’s a lot in here — we have a superhero world, that’s been expanded upon after the cartoon episode, but we have a lot of medieval worlds and quite a few fantasy rules that simply don’t abide by laws. Not to mention—”
He continued talking about the worlds they’d made and checking on Logan’s well being, seemingly unaware of how the logical side was frozen stiff in his hands. 
Deceit thought it was hilarious. Logan seemed so flustered with the Bard rushing around him, smoothing out his tense shoulder muscles without any real understanding of why they were tense. 
At least, he thought it was hilarious until the Bard hurried over to him. He immediately took off Deceit’s hat and ran his hands through his hair, tilting his head up. “You, too, Loki, you’ve got to be tired from helping with our storylines. Here,” he moved to go around Deceit, also not noticing how bright red he was, but the Thief finally stopped him.
“Look, let’s….let’s be up front,” the Thief clapped, drawing attention wearily back to himself, “We told Deceit this, but we need to tell the two of you as well.”
“....Wait, what did you say?” the Artist asked.
The Bard grinned at him, then looked down at Patton. Of course! They had to tell everyone. They wanted to share this!
“I love you.”
Patton blinked, then grinned. 
The Artist opened his mouth, but only a choked “oh” escaped. The Bard didn’t wait for his approval, though, turning to Logan as well and saying, “And I love you, too! And I love Deceit! And I love Virgil! I love all of you! So, so much!”
Logan nodded slowly. 
That was
Quite a bit to process. He only just accepted that he loved Patton last night, please give Logan up to 5 business days to acknowledge his emotions. He nodded curtly, though his bright red visage betrayed how flustered he was. 
It was Deceit’s turn to hold his hand. Not too much, but just enough of a firm grip to let Logan know that they were okay. That it was okay.
The Bard didn’t seem to mind the lack of immediate validation, as he continued to bounce in place, positively buzzing with happiness. With LOVE! With ROMANCE! 
He was so GOSH DARN ENDEARING. Patton looked back at the Artist, who was still a blushed statue. 
Patton loved them, too. He loved them!
“I love you, too,” he said, turning to look at the Bard, a honest smile splitting his face.
The Bard’s hands shot up as he patted his own face. “Patton! I love you, too, too!”
“I love you, too, too, too!” Patton laughed, reaching up a hand.
The Bard took his hand and pulled him up in one fluid spin, and they hugged, arms wrapped around each other’s waists. 
This made sense, to the other two Romans. Leave it to the Bard to be able to channel Roman’s romance; he housed most of it, after all. 
They watched the Bard and Patton laugh and sway, chirping about love together. 
And then Patton leaned forward and kissed him. 
Roman froze. 
Slowly, he reached a hand up and ran it through Patton’s hair, cupping his head and pulling him closer. 
I love you, my dearheart.
The Thief and the Artist were frozen, from what Logan and Deceit could see, and it even looked like the Bard was frozen. Their forms shimmered of the deepest red and the brightest gold, for a moment.
The Bard pulled back. 
The Artist fell backwards, then scrambled up to his feet. He looked around at the Thief, who was sitting on the couch, eyes wide at the ceiling, then at Logan and Deceit, who were watching him with expressions of intrigue and horror. 
“I’m — I — Kitchen,” the Artist bolted out immediately.
Logan watched the Bard untangle himself from Patton, only to immediately lean forward and hug him again. That was certainly a surprise to witness. It served as more evidence that the figments of Roman were less tangible as Sides than any of them were, made from the Imagination rather than as new Sides. 
His thought process couldn’t ignore the tight fear that he’d felt when all of them disappeared, however. It was….that was terror. This was what terror felt like.
“I guess his theory was right.”
Deceit was watching the Thief, still frozen, with a frown. Logan wasn’t sure what he was referring to, as they hadn’t theorized that thus far. “Whose?” 
Deceit nodded to the Bard, whose hands were tenderly wrapped around Patton’s waist, kiss broken and face buried into his chest. “True love’s kiss. The Bard thought that that may be the answer to bringing Roman back.”
Ah, of course. Logan let out a suffering sigh. He wasn’t opposed to the idea, but they had all been going so fast. It was already a large realization that he loved the others, compounded with their surprising and enthusiastic reciprocation. Plus, the notion of expecting such a romantic and fantastical gesture was certainly far enough up Roman’s figurative alley that he would include that as a failsafe.
Then, there was a knock on the door. 
“Come in,” Patton called, hands still gently drumming against the Bard’s back. He still felt giddy. Roman loved him, Logan loved him, Deceit loved him — he just needed to tell Virgil! 
The Playwright opened the door, a thick stack of papers in one hand, hair mussed and tousled, glasses slightly askew. He didn’t seem to mind, though, as he fixed them carefully and let out one quick laugh. “That felt amazing,” he was breathlessly pleased.
“What did?”
“The kiss,” the Playwright said, a soft smile landing on his lips as he set the papers down beside Deceit on the table.
Deceit nodded and looked at the top one. It was a sketch, from multiple angles, of a suit and mask. Octopus?
The Artist peeked his head in through the open door and slowly shuffled in again. He looked at the Playwright, who slung an arm around his shoulders and hugged him tight quickly before letting go fast. 
“You felt it?” Logan asked, rubbing his chin in thought.
More fodder to the figurative Roman figment fire.
The Playwright grinned, but the Artist just let out a humored breath. Even he was feeling warm and fuzzy, despite the shock of being….touched. It felt weird still, and it felt weird for it to feel weird. “We’re all Roman, dearest, we all felt it,” the Artist exhaled, letting the nickname simmer. 
They slowly looked up at the Bard, nestled into Patton’s chest, who had the most serene expression. His hands were intertwined behind Patton’s back, swaying on his feet slowly as though dancing to music none of them could hear. Ecstatic.
The Thief finally relaxed, blinking up at the Playwright and the Artist. Best to….not acknowledge what had just happened. “Playwright? You brought some outfits?” he asked.
The Bard did not leave Patton’s hold, but for some reason, the hold was stabilizing Patton’s mentality enough that he turned to the Playwright with everyone else. 
The Playwright nodded, professional tension returning to his demeanor. He gestured to the stack of papers. “I’ve got some outfits,” some was an understatement, as the stack was almost as large as Logan’s 300 page Christmas gift. “If you aren’t opposed, I’ll conjure them up.”
A small bead of silence. 
They were going to reassemble Roman. It was going to work. And they were going to do it with love and determination. 
“....Thank you, Playwright,” said figment turned to the Artist, who was giving him a kind smile. “Thank you for your work. Always appreciated.
The Playwright blinked in confusion. “I…Thank you, Artist,” he slowly smiled back, feeling self-respect well in his chest. “That’s good to hear.”
He looked around to everyone else and pushed up his glasses. He could do this. He was Roman! He was. They were all Roman, and they were going to reassemble themselves. 
They could do this. The Playwright motioned for the first design. “Let’s get down to business.”
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geminimoonbeamx · 5 years
Ok listen I came here to rave about Of All The Things Unsaid because it broke my heart and also took me deep into my own feelings and was just overall so well written and it was so interesting to see you change things up with your style a bit UGH!! But then I saw that a-z ask and I NEED to know the full a-z from you on Bucky Barnes 👻💕 PS ...... can I be added to your tag list ?? I’m on here at super freak times and I feel like I always miss out on your posts! Keep being amazing ilu 💕
Thank you so much boo💖 I’m so happy you liked my depression manifested in OATLU😂! And okay so why was Bucky A-Z so hard? His sensuality was difficult to peg but I hope I did it justice!
Bucky Barnes sexy A-Z
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Bucky Barnes is one needy man after sex- especially after the rough passionate fucking you usaully receive from him after long missions or emotionally grueling days. He’s grabby and literally octopuses his large body around yours
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Bucky’s favorite body part of his is his flesh and blood arm- he knows its a shitty internalized hatred thing but he still wishes he was on that little farm in Wakanda, he'd gotten pretty good at doing everything one handed.
Bucky loves your middle, loves your soft plush tummy and your waist. Would have his arms wrapped around your middle for the rest of hs life if he could
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Bucky loves coming on your ass when he fucks you doggy, he loves how it rolls and drips off of your round cheeks.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Bucky loves toys. He loves to put you in vibrating panties and take ou to important dinners.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Bucky has been around the block- lets be real. Back in the 40’s he had a new dame every weekend(sometimes more then one). He even got ass during the war. But since he got out of Cyro you're the first person he’s even kissed
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Doggy. 100%- he loves your plump ass. But he also likes holding you and fucking you againts walls, just because of your reaction to it, you never thought a man would be able too pick you up.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Bucky’s actually a funny fuck and genuinely gets joy from intimacy with you. He’s made you laugh while making you cum and that's one hell of an experience.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He went AU natural for a long time and that man had a BUSH. He trims for you, keeps it nice and tidy. Its still dark and prominent though. You love it.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He was really awkward about it, it felt weird to let himself get to that place. Now he loves it, the two of you love reading together. Bathing together.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
You love watching him work himself over, he gets so pretty when his fist is wrapped around his cock. Love waiting him writhe and come all over his knuckles.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Bucky loves to be rimmed- it just feels so good when you're blowing him- he totally jumped and almost kneed you in the face the first time you tried it though lol
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Honestly he’ll fuck you anywhere, but he prefers somewhere cozy and safe-where he’s checked all the exits and windows because it gets him in the right mindset.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
He’s not gonna lie- when you get all dolled up and wear that red lipstick he loves he cant help but grab handfuls of you.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He refuses any kind of blindfold play- Bucky doesn't like his senses being taken away. He likes(needs) to be in control.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Bucks a giver- he remembers being tongue deep under the skirts of pretty girls in the back of dance halls. He’s good with his mouth- and you get to be on the receiving end to that.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends and varies. He loves fucking you slow though, loves watching your body take him, all of him.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He’s not a fan of quickies- they remind him of the war and the USO sow girls and gunpowder and his first tastes of death/ He especially doesn't like them with you, he wants to take his time with you. Wants to savor it.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Not really, I mean you guys did fuck in a coat closet at the White House but you almost got caught by the CIA and that's always a mood killer right?
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Three words: Super Soldier Serum. That man has WRECKED you before. Literally 5 rounds back to back. Your thighs shook for days.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He enjoys toys- he’s always been a techie nerd. He loves when you press a vibrator to your clit as he takes you, loves the way you screech.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
You are the tease in the relationship, and he only does it to get you back. He sucks at it even though he has crazy self control. He doesn't want to be disciplined when it comes to you.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s not the most vocal, but fuck, are his grunts and groans so guttural and perfect.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Cockwarming is a favorite of both of yours.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
MOTHERFUCKER IS PACKING. 10 inches, minimum. That serum amped up everything. He was devastated when he hurt you the first time, but like how could he not? You def weren't used to anything like that.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Um? He didn't get laid for the better part of a century. He’d be buried inside you every second of the fucking day if he could.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’s on sleeping and anxiety and a whole slew of other mess to get him to sleep- but that pussy of yours? How hard you make him cum? Better them any pharmaceuticals. He likes falling asleep on top of you, your bosom a pillow and your thighs still cradaling his hips. He’s warm. He’s home
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yo-namine · 6 years
Last KH3 playthrough post! Endgame spoilers are below the cut.
Just a warning: This post is REALLY long and contains, um… opinions.
I’m glad the final battle trailer scenes happen right off the bat. I had no idea what would come next, and it made the experience that much more interesting.
Why do none of these keyslingers know how to block? First Aqua tries to shield Ven with her own body, then Sora does the same for Kairi. Just hit square, guys.
The way Riku and Aqua stepped up to Sora’s side made me think they were going to be party members in another demon tide battle, but nope. Boo.
I’m surprised that Aqua just… let the demon tide take her? What the hell?
Sora loses Kairi, Donald, and Goofy and just… crumbles. He completely gives up and says it’s all over. Riku almost starts to try to soothe him, but instead, he gets up, tells Sora that he knows that’s bullshit, and then faces off against the demon tide (which was polite enough to wait for Sora and Riku to finish their conversation before attacking, by the way). It’s like a moment of tough love, and it’s actually what I was expecting Roxas to do back when I assumed he would be the one to show up in the Graveyard and pull Sora back on his feet. I wasn’t expecting a bunch of reassurances like “no, you’re not worthless, we can still do this, everything will be okay” but rather, “Get up, we’re not finished here.”
So Riku confronts the heartless and Sora just… watches in horror as they take him, too. And he doesn’t even fight back when they turn and come for him. And then the screen cuts to black and shows the final line of the prophecy, and… That was a really effective way to end that scene. Damn.
Yeah, I don’t know how to play chess, but I’m pretty sure you’re not allowed to just conjure extra pieces from thin air, Eraqus. That was a nice line from him, though, about light from the past. Like, “The light doesn’t need time travel bullshit to kick your ass because HEARTS.”
Sora fucking died. Sora actually, literally fucking died. He goes to the Final World because he died. Holy shit.
The Final World is beautiful, and the music is lovely, too. The first thing I did after getting control again was take some selfies of dead Sora, ngl.
Sora’s been to the Final World before in his sleep, and Chirithy just let him pass through lmao.
Who is the first star that Sora talks to here? At first I thought it was Xion, but she says a “somebody” sent her to the Final World, so… Strelitzia? Ava? Skuld? lol I like that Sora just sits down next to her like this conversation’s the most normal thing ever. He’s dead and talking to another dead person, and he just rolls with it. I love this kid.
Some of the optional star conversations really got to me. One of them says that their friends replaced them after they died (“That was my seat. That was my place at the table.”). There’s also one that was apparently a child looking for their father, and that one actually made me tear up.
I’m not sure who the one who talked about being “identical” was. I think a third talks about their mentor, and perhaps that was a past keyblade apprentice? Another says that people teased them and a friend about being an item, and they pulled away from the relationship, and the other person never closed the distance. All of their little stories are just… sad. Jesus.
Naminé has a star! I missed her star on my first playthrough, but I replayed this part just for her scene. I wish I’d gotten it the first time, though. She clarifies that Kairi’s the one keeping Sora tethered to the world of the living. And god, Naminé’s words are so sad. She truly doesn’t think anyone really misses her or that she matters at all. But Sora says that he and the others (including “someone else special,” who I think may’ve been Xion?) miss her and want her back. AND she mentions her conversation with Terra from the orchestra! Holy shit, WHY was this conversation optional? That was important story stuff that explained why Lingering Will shows up when we rehash the fight in the Graveyard. Naminé came through for everyone in a pretty major way, and if you don’t talk to her star (which is VERY easy to miss), you’d never know it. Though… I guess that’s kind of fitting in a meta way. Naminé helping people from behind the scenes and not expecting any credit, I mean. Still, I wish I hadn’t missed this on my first playthrough. Anyway, Naminé’s “Let’s just say I’ve got your back?” was really cute. And then Sora thanks her and gets all flustered. “That’s not the official thank-you!”
I’m… still not clear on what exactly the power of waking is or how it differs from restoring someone’s heart the old-fashioned way (i.e. taking a Keblade of Heart to the chest), but okay.
I liked going through the different worlds to save all of Sora’s friends. It was a nice callback to KH1, when you visit different worlds in End of the World, and when you get to Realm of Chaos and have to rescue Donald and Goofy from Ansem SoD’s heartless… ship… thing. It was really annoying fighting the same boss over and over again, though. It wasn’t difficult (save for one instance where the lich spammed aeroga and pinned me against the ceiling. I only survived because it triggered rage form.), and I get that it was just a series of symbolic battles, but I dunno, maybe just giving him less HP for me to have to mow down would’ve made it less tedious.
So the power of waking is “traversing hearts to reach worlds.” So I guess that’s what Sora was doing while falling through the different Stations of Awakening and then arriving in different worlds.
“There’s no saving you.” Fuck, okay, after finishing the game, this line in the sleeping San Fransokyo hits a lot harder. You think Kid Xehanort knows that Team Nort is planning to snatch Kairi and use Sora’s desire to save her to ultimately destroy him? Because if so… ugh.
Sora and Kairi’s little spin when they reunite is so cute.
“I feel strong with you, Kairi.” Awww but also UGHHHHHHHH because I know what’s coming. And then Sora has flashbacks to Eugene and Anna sacrificing themselves for someone they love, and I’m not 100% sure why. Is it just foreshadowing his sacrifice for Kairi? Is he afraid that her rescuing him will cost her her own life? Whatever it is, Kairi seems to read Sora’s mind and says that he’s safe with her. And again, that’s really sweet, and I like that her PoH powers are FINALLY being explored in some way, but fuck, knowing how this all ends makes watching this scene so painful the second time around.
I was so confused when Sora was revived and we started replaying that confrontation scene in the Graveyard. The first time I played it, I was very seriously considering skipping the cutscene and reloading my save because I thought I’d gone the wrong way or something, but then Lingering Will showed up and the scene changed. Phew. I guess we went in a little time loop there. But wait, if everyone’s aware that Sora revived them, then they must remember how they were taken in the first place, right? If that’s the case, why the hell did Ven run up to Terra a second time? Why didn’t anyone stop him? Why did Aqua have to look “Terra” in the eye a second time to know it wasn’t him? Am I to assume that if Naminé hadn’t summoned Lingering Will, these dingdongs would’ve all lost their hearts AGAIN?
I’m so over demon tide boss fights, but damn if that battle theme doesn’t kick ass.
EPHEMERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT, OF ALL THE THINGS I NEVER SAW COMING. He helps Sora use the keyblades of all the fallen wielders from the first war to fight off the heartless, and you use the names of all those KHUX users who won that KH3 contest as attacks. Oh my gosh, what a sweet tribute. I like thinking that Larkey’s keyblade helped, too. <3
Oh god, when KH1 Riku showed up and Forze Del Male started playing, my entire life flashed before my eyes. I DID NOT want a rehash of that fight. I was relieved that I didn’t have to, but I was also just a little disappointed because that Xehanort shadow that emerges from him looked like a cool potential boss. I feel like there are actually a lot of scenes that happened in the Graveyard that would’ve worked better as actual battles or gameplay, tbh.
Also, that Forze De Male remix was hot as hell.
R.I.P. to all of fandom’s “Yen Sid is useless” jokes. What a way to go.
“You’re a whole pint by yourself, Sora.” I LOVE THIS DUCK SO MUCH.
I like that the maze tries to force you to choose between helping Riku or Mickey first like it’s some tragic moral dilemma. Like oh gee, let me think: Best written character in the series, or corporate icon Ricky Rat? That said, I actually did go to Mickey first just because I couldn’t get past the moving wall puzzle lmao. I wish this area had had a few more puzzles, though. I felt like I breezed through it way too fast.
Riku is really nerfed as a party member. He was CONSTANTLY KO’d in my fight against the Norts. Like damn dude, even Kairi stayed conscious through her battle (all 5 seconds of it, but still).
Repliku tears himself away from his own vessel and leaves it. For Naminé. Fuck, I didn’t expect that at all. What a great scene, and what a better ending for a character whose story I thought ended in CoM. I loved that.
Didn’t love that Riku and Sora just left Naminé’s vessel facedown in the dirt, though. Like… at least prop it against the wall or something guys, geez.
I like that you get a sort of farewell scene between the heroes and all the main villains of the series. It may’ve been a little fanservicey, but oh well. I’m not so hot on it from a story standpoint. Like I know we’re doing the anime thing where “I defeated you in battle, now we’re cool” but it still felt… odd. But at least it’s not as obnoxious as what comes up later with Master Xehanort.
I liked Larxene’s take on this especially, how she’d rather be destroyed than be a Nort. Why she joined up in the first place is still a mystery… And her answering Sora the way she did implies that the Norts aren’t just possessed mind slaves. They do have agency, though I guess that was clear from Even and Demyx turning against them, now that I remember it.
Building on the agency thing, I liked Vanitas’s scene with Ven. Ven wanted so badly for Vanitas to come to the light, but… It really wasn’t what Vanitas wanted for himself. “We decide who we are.” “I did decide who I am.” It’s tragic, but I like that it showed that not everyone was getting a happy ending from this game, and that there are some people you just can’t save.
COME GUARDIAN WAS TERRA’S HEARTLESS AFTER ALL. FUCK YES. I love that theory and I’m so happy it turned out to be correct!!!!! 
And then we finally get a Wayfinder reunion!!!!!! 
“What final words do you have for your superior?” Okay, I know this game is rated E10, but I half expected Axel to just look up and say “Fuck you.”
Xemnas and Axel’s conversation was so meta. Axel bragging about how popular he was, Xemnas calling Axel’s keyblade a joke. Like… Damn, they really paid attention to fandom over the years, didn’t they? I just wish they’d paid this much attention to all the fans who wanted a good storyline for Kairi. Anywho, Xemnas destroys Axel’s keyblade, so we lose two Lights from this scene. I’m kind of grateful that happened, actually. Having Axel lose his spot made it a little easier to accept Kairi losing hers. But only a little. Kairi getting kidnapped AGAIN was still stupid and contrived.
Unlike the other Norts, Xion’s apparently not acting on her own free will when the fight starts. Sora telling her “You can stop now” seemed to break something within her. And then Xemnas turns to attack her, and Sora’s heart reaches out to someone, and then BOOM. Roxas shows up to sass Xemnas and save the day!!! 
I barely did anything in that Isa fight, lmao. I tried to land a few hits on him, but then I realized Roxas could handle him just fine alone, so I just hung back with Xion and cast cure here and there.
I’m disappointed that there’s almost no interaction between Roxas and Sora beyond a couple of nods, tbh. It’s kind of a weak payoff after all the fuss Sora made about wanting to save Roxas at the start of the game. That was what Sora decided to fight for “with all his heart,” and then once Roxas is back, we just keep blazing ahead with the story without a moment to appreciate the fact that he accomplished his goal (or rather, someone else accomplished it for him).
Aww, Xion looked so left out when she stood of to the side and started crying. It was almost like she was hesitant to join Axel and Roxas after she came so close to almost killing both of them. She didn’t even reach for the other two when Axel pulled them into a group hug, she just kept her hands clasped tight together and sort of curled in on herself. Aw, honey. Anyway, I’m glad these three will get to be together again.
I half expected Riku to snap “ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?” when Sora tells him that Kairi’s been kidnapped.
I liked both Xemnas and Ansem SoD’s sendoffs. Kid Xehanort doesn’t give a shit that he lost, though, he just fucks off back to the past knowing damn well what’s about to happen. And to that, I again say ugh.
And then we get… that scene. What the fuck did Xehanort mean by “You need motivation.”? Motherfucker, we are already out here in the Keyblade Graveyard having this showdown. Kingdom Hearts is looming above us. Sora just got done killing all ninety-seven billion Xehanorts. This fight is happening no matter what you do. This doesn’t make any fucking sense. Having Xehanort kill off Kairi was stupid and unnecessary and pointless and lazy and truly horrible, horrible writing. And see, I can’t even give Nomura the benefit of the doubt here because he actually had Xehanort call Kairi Sora’s “motivation.” That was it. That was the only reason Xehanort killed her. Not because she was a keyblade wielder who was in the way of his goal, not because she was a Princess of Heart whose power could pose a threat. Not because of anything Kairi did or who she was as a person, but because she was a THING that was important to Sora. Fuck that. Fuck that entire scene, fuck everything about it, fuck everyone who gave that writing decision the green light. Fuck it. And knowing how this game ends (with Sora apparently sacrificing himself to save Kairi), Kairi now has more motivation than EVER to fight to get him back, but you know Nomura won’t give a shit when it comes time to write scenarios for KH4. He’s just gonna throw Kairi back on the islands and have Riku be the hero. Riku will find Sora, they’ll have adventures together and apart, they’ll continue to grow as characters, and then they’ll go home to where Kairi’s just sitting pretty, waiting to be the perfect reward for everything Sora’s accomplished. So there you go, that’s Kingdom Hearts IV. I just saved you $50 in the future (not adjusted for inflation).
Just. Jesus Christ, of all the idiotic tone-deaf bullshit… To have so much self-awareness while writing Naminé’s dialogue in the Final World and Axel’s scene with Xemnas in the Graveyard and then NONE OF THAT WHATSOEVER when it came to writing Kairi’s final scenes… That’s unreal. It’s almost unbelievable, but I really shouldn’t be surprised. Nomura’s pulled this shit before, so oop @ me for actually expecting better from him. Lesson fucking learned.
Anyway, after we get past all that stupid sexist bullshit that I actively hated, Sora gets ready to leave for the next area. I like that Donald and Goofy literally pick him up off the ground and help him stand, and that they go with him afterward. I just love the Trinity Trio in this game so much. They feel so much like a family now, and since I’m clearly never ever ever ever getting any decent Destiny Trio development, that’s a nice comfort. The other keyslingers stay behind to keep Kingdom Hearts shut, and Xion tells Sora that she can sense that Kairi will be okay, which… Yeah, alright. I just saw Xehanort slash into her back and shatter her into thousands of pieces, but no, I’m sure she’s fine. flskjdf Okay, sorry, I get what that scene with Xion was trying to do, but it just doesn’t make any sense? Xion is Sora’s replica, not Kairi’s. I could buy that she can sense Sora’s heart, but she has no real connection to Kairi’s at all, so how would she know that Kairi’s okay? Maybe she was just saying that as a way to comfort Sora, like a “she’ll always be in your heart” kind of thing, but even that feels off. Like that’s the kind of thing you say to someone a couple weeks after the funeral, not right there at the crime scene. Oh well. I guess it was sweet that she at least wanted him to hear that.
Then we get to Scala ad Caelum, which was kind of a letdown, really. I was hoping to get to explore the city, but you really just have one large area that’s ultimately just a battlefield. The boss battles weren’t much of a challenge at all, and you don’t even have to defeat them all, which was disappointing, but eh. The only tense moment was when Xehanort triggered Sora’s rage form in the final battle, but Donald and Goofy kept me healed up enough that it wasn’t much of a problem.
Xehanort uses the “one sky, one destiny” line from Kairi’s letter. Like it’s not enough that he killed her, he’s gotta plagiarize her, too. Dick.
Donald and Goofy help Sora ward off Xehanort’s final attack! Like they literally, physically help him push back against it! I love these half-pints. <3
Eraqus! He asks Terra to look after his other apprentices for him, aw.
Xehanort gives Sora the X-blade, and there’s no “sorry I killed your friend” or anything. He just goes on to be at peace with Eraqus. Seriously? This dude abuses Ven, hijacks Terra’s body, throws Aqua into the Realm of Darkness, murders Kairi, and he still gets to pass on peacefully into the next life with his bff? Come the fuck on.
Hearing “Always On My Mind” again was nice. That was always one of my favorite tracks from KH1.
Okay, after rewatching the ending cinematic, it makes a lot more sense to me. Riku suggests that they all go back to Yen Sid’s place to figure out how to save Kairi (which… why are we all acting like this is something that can just be undone? She wasn’t taken into darkness by the heartless like before; Xehanort struck her down. We didn’t see her heart leave her body or anything, she just shattered. To me, that looks like an E10-rated game’s version of death.), but Sora knows what he has to do. It wasn’t until the second time through this ending that I realized he was already planning on waking her heart at the expense of his own life. Knowing that, it’s a little odd that Riku just lets him go with a roundabout way of saying “I believe in you.” Kairi’s supposedly Riku’s friend, too, isn’t she? And he knows how to wake sleeping hearts, too, so why couldn’t he go with Sora to find her? 
I loved seeing the Wayfinder Trio laying flowers at Eraqus’s memorial. I also like that keyblades are apparently used specifically for this when the wielder has passed on. That’s a nice bit of world building. And Chirithy is reunited with Ven after all (who apparently remembers them)! Aww. I still don’t know how the hell Ven exists in this timeline, but still. Aw.
I love Xion’s new outfit, and that she and her boys got to go back to Twilight Town together. I’m not so hot on Isa being there, though, and I’m really put off by how chummy he and Roxas seem. I know these scenes are taking place after a little time has passed, so maybe there was some tension between them at first that we just don’t see because it’s not particularly relevant, but still… Anyway, a shadow passes over them for a moment, and I think it must’ve been the gummi ship arriving to pick them up and take them to a party on Destiny Islands. Nice.
When I got to the scene of Naminé waking up in Radiant Garden… I actually started sobbing. Like that’s embarrassing to admit, but that scene hit me so hard. Just watching her open her eyes, and then seeing Dilan and Aeleus lead her out to the courtyard where the ship lands. Seeing her smile when Riku holds out his hand to her… I started crying while typing this up just remembering it, haha. I loved that moment so, so much. I’m so happy she gets to be her own person, that Ansem helped restore her to finally give her a life of her own after everything he put her through. I love that Riku’s the person to welcome her onto the ship, that he’s doing this for the Replica who gave up the vessel for her, but also because she’s been his friend, too (albeit largely off-screen). And the final shot of her laying her hand so gently in his... Holy god, what a finale shot. That scene ALONE was worth the thirteen year wait for me. I am truly stunned that that was part of the ending, that Naminé—of all characters—was the final person they built up to. That was just so much more than I had ever hoped for for her.
And then the actual final scene. You have all the main characters playing on the beach. Xion and Naminé are finding seashells; Riku, Roxas, and Terra are running around doing… something; the Twilight Town kids and Goofy and Donald are making sand castles; Lea, Ven, and Isa are playing frisbee. And then everyone stops to look at Sora and Kairi on the paopu tree. Sora vanishes, and you see Kairi start to slowly curl in on herself as the scene fades to black. And… upon rewatch, I actually like this ending? I was confused the first time I watched it because I didn’t have Kid Xehanort’s words in San Fransokyo fresh on my mind at the time, but when I went back and watched all the scenes together, I understood that Sora woke up her heart, and him “abusing” that power took its toll. I’m alright with us actually not seeing him do this (or at least, I’m not bothered by that by itself. I’m really bothered that it happened like that after Kairi got fridged the way she did, but on its own, it’s fine.). I’m upset that Sora’s gone, but truthfully, I was sort of expecting it. And like I said in my tirade about Kairi’s writing a few bullet points up, you know he’ll be back. It’s just really upsetting to know that Kairi now has to live with the guilt over the fact that he gave up his life for her, and that—as far as she knows—she’ll never see him again. And you just know that Nomura will absolutely, positively not let her do anything about it come KH4, to which I can only say, again: UGH.
I don’t care about Braig being Luxu, bye.
I think I’m still too raw from the emotional highs (and lows) of this game to really analyze everything as clearly as I’d like. There’s still stuff I want to talk about, but I’ll save that for another time. I can’t deny how much I enjoyed everything that happened before Kairi got fridged, but man, that one point really sours a lot of this game for me.
But yeah, that’s all for now.
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mcarfield · 6 years
Me listening to this new James McArdle podcast interview: HIS VOICE IS SO BEAUTIFUL HELP GOD @earlgreytea68 :  awwwww I can't help, sorry I now have to disappear to write my words boo Me: yes you should do that leave me here to die it's fine
MORE THOUGHTS i’m just going to have a freakout on you guys here hi
- omfg James dying to get back to Glasgow, bless his heart <3
- he sounds so exhausted oh my gosh my sweet son. And the shock at how bad Manhattan smells in the summer, haha. oh James.
- omg! he had an emergency operation over the break between London/NYC!!!! HE THOUGHT HE WASN’T GONNA GET TO BROADWAY OMG THIS DRAMA
- His care and attention for the Jewish aspects, like, he’s talked about that before, but he’s so — “you knew in new york they were out for blood if you didn’t” 
- AHA. HERE WE GO. HIM TALKING ABOUT HOW YOU’RE ON SHOW CONSTANTLY IN NEW YORK. “Everything was held at the Marriott Marquis in Times Square, all I can remember is being at the Marriott and shaking — these botox faces “ — this actually is hilarious to me because I competed in a national talent competition (and won, no humblebrag) when I was in high school and every year it was in the Marriott Marquis and it was such a big deal and so I’ve always associated that hotel with the hoity toity Broadway shenanigans ad I love this.
[Me: omg he's talking about how much he hated doing the red carpet in NYC and how you were "always on show" omfg like am i not writing a fic about this literally right now BECAUSE I SEE INTO YOUR SOUL, JAMES MCARDLE
EGT: oh my god lol ]
- James talking about how everyone kept freaking out about how Scottish he was to be playing Louis, okay, someday i’m seriously going to make a roundup of all the times over his career that James McArdle has been Scots-shamed because it is ABSURD and RIDICULOUS and INFURIATING and APPARENTLY PERPETUAL, this keeps happening to him it’s so ludicrous okay i’m calm it’s cool
- and then he's just like, "it went well, thankfully" aksjfd;lasdfklasdslsadfkladsa oh my god the downplaying, i cannot. HE SERIOUSLY HAS NO IDEA HOW PHENOMENAL HE IS. he’s so self-deprecating. 
- AAAAAAND now he’s talking about the UK class system, yes, yes, and “I think to certain audiences I will always be a Scottish actor” YES, DRAG THEM ALL, JIMMY.
(Also it took us a grand total of exactly 6 minutes to arrive at UK class politics because this is an interview with James McArdle and that’s just what you get, god i love him <3 <3 <3)
- omfg when he says that he felt like the new york crowd was baying for blood with him in particular, i 100% agree with this, all the reviews and audience comments i’ve read for this show from NYers, people just seemed so vicious about him not being Jewish (way more than Andrew not being queer), and the critics just couldn’t seem to get over his Scottishness, and it just has grated on me so much guys, i’m so sad that he felt that, too, BUT ALSO LOOK HOW MUCH HE FUCKING SHOWED THEM.
- James about the UK version of Scots-shaming = “They say you’re Scottish but they mean you’re working class, and you’ll never escape that” Yes, yes. He’s hinted at this so many times, and i’m glad he’s just coming out and saying it.
- His love for the James plays <3
(James McArdle, you will absolutely one day play Hamlet, and that fellow RADA student who told you that you never would was probably losing his mind and feeling incredibly threatened because of how fucking incredible you are)
- They're setting Peer Gynt in Scotland because James is Scottish! What! Why are they doing this ahaha! THIS IS SO WEIRD. I MEAN. I WILL STILL SHOW UP FOR IT 8 TIMES BUT ISN’T THIS KINDA CONDESCENDING?!
- “Marianne Elliott is a perfectionist and i love her for that” <3
- Tovey didn’t want to do it, HMMMM, that’s so leading, I think that’s so veiled haha. 
- James saying he views the play as one big play and not two plays is very validating, this is also how I feel! THANKS BUDDY
- oh my god the Mouse Hunt story jklsadf;a
- I love him talking about Nathan Lane lolol
- “by the end of the fucking run they were just clap-happy. Ugh, it’s not a musical” sdf;lafkldsf;klsdfklasd oh my god i love him he’s the best
- “it’s good but it’s better that it’s over” ahahaha GUYS WHAT WAS I JUST SAYING LOL 
- oh my gosh him describing how the fear of the Democracy in America scene got worse over time, and how it actually got "unbearable”!!!!! oh gosh, you can totally understand why he was afraid, too, because like I said elsewhere on this tumblr, the audience often thought he was dropping/missing lines when he was just delivering them so erratically and Louis-y omg <3 <3 James ILU you’re wonderful
- ahahaha omg the description of him dropping the single line though as Louis ahaha, god, he’s amazing, i love that he’s so open about the PSYCHOLOGICAL TERROR THAT IS ACTING HAHA
- his stance on being terrified of complacency is so obvious in everything he does, ahaha, what a good
- “i’m not method or anything, but i’m neurotic” — *rolls up sleeves* OKAY HERE WE GO DSAFKLJADS;F
[EGT: I hope Andrew fucked him out of it
sdkf;akdsfkdskds ]
- James is so proud of being a PACE kid, awwwwww that’s so dorky and sweet
- “I still feel like I’m 16″ sdflkas;fdadskfa; omg the self-deprecation is so real
- “I feel like I’m an 87-year-old woman trapped in the body of an 18-year-old but the truth is I’m just an average 28-year-old man” wait wait DID HE JUST AGE HIMSELF DOWN A YEAR, I THOUGHT HE WAS 29?  ahaha how does nobody know how old he is, i kept having to update his age in my first fic because i kept reading different reports about how old he was, god lol
- "i can't sing. i don't do false modesty and i'm telling you i can't sing."
jsdflsajflasjdljfs;lksdsd okay okay okay
1) lol somehow i already knew he couldn’t sing because he seems like the kind of guy who is philosophically opposed to the idea of himself singing ahaha
2) “i don’t do false modesty” oh my god this is so hot lololol
- i love that he’s telling his RADA audition story, omg <3 i’ve been wanting him to elaborate on this story!!!!! “you cheeky little bastard” — omfg i love him, you are a cheeky little bastard, well done, James McArdle <3
- “James McArdle, you walk like a fucking pogo stick” askldfjflaks;df what ahaha
- how is he still allowed to not say what the play is, WE ALL KNOW IT’S THE IBSEN CYCLE, LOL
- I’m so glad he’s taking this whole month off and SO glad he’s steering clear of the Fringe ahaha, and I’m sorry, barring the press junket for Mary Queen of Scots, what the hell is he doing with his time for the next 12 months, god damn
- ahahaha i’m sad we were deprived of “Mr. Brightside” as an Irish jig. 
- “I also find now, the older I get — I’m saying this like I’m some old, jaded — I don’t even like to engage in conversations about the plays or the play. I just let people — especially people who ardently give you their clever opinion about what they liked and what they don’t like, and I just don’t care.” — James McArdle, I understand this impulse but also I think you might be a wee bit depressed
- “I’m not remotely interested, I want you to say I looked great, my costumes looked brilliant, and I was great.” ahaha. NO FALSE MODESTY HERE lol.
- “I’m grumpy, I feel grumpy!” salkjdfksalfd God he sounds like he needs such a long relaxing happy colorful vacation. I hope he gets it. <3 
(But also I’m really glad he’s talking about how he needs to keep momentum going and find more work soon because this is exactly the plot of the fic I’m writing right now, which is set right now, and it’s nice that I’m keeping it in-character ahaha, THANKS, JAMES MCARDLE, CONTINUE TO BE BEAUTIFULLY TRANSPARENT, BYE)
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soraenun-archive · 2 years
No can do! We are all here to celebrate (& help) you Shannon. There will not be a moment where you're wrong. And if you happen to miss something, clues will be given to you ;) You'll always win bestie :D
I'm so 🥺 that you took the time to listen to the songs I recommended. And it's totally normal and okay to not like certain songs. We all have our own taste in music ^^
Amélie is indeed one of my favourite movies of all time (so great guess!) but I was talking about azur & asmar (a french animated movie by michel ocelot : a masterpiece!) . As for the disney/pixar movie question, let me give you two little clues: BOO & a lot of doors!!! I think this will help you, or at least if I'm still good at giving clues hehe
Of course 🥺 If I make a promise, I try my hardest to complete it. In fact, you gave a few of my favorite elo songs in your answer. While waiting for your answer, I had the time to finish listening to his entire discography. Rose, angel, cupcake, lip service, falling dreams & can't be happy are my fave elo songs <3 We must really have the same taste in music if you had so many correct answers wow I'm impressed!
If I'm being honest, I'm not a sone </3 I know I know, this must come as a shock to a lot of people but I started my kpop experience with f(x) and I was so focused on them that I didn't dive into snsd's music :/ But you still got the correct answer because the other groups mentioned are a part of my fave 2nd gen ggs. Other answers I would've accepted are t-ara & 4minute :)
Well, ladies and gentlemen, tonight's the last show of the shannon game (disappointed oh's can be heard) but alas, there is an end to every good thing. But, worry not! it is for a good cause :D I will finally reveal myself to shannon! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I'M SO NERVOUS!!!
Tonight, there will only be one question, but it is a very important one (drumrolls)
Question #10: How would you describe our friendship?
Folks! That's it! That's the end of the Shannon game :( It was a pleasure being with you for this long and I'd like to thank Shannon for being such a good sport and taking the time to answer those questions. One more time, let's give a round of applause to Shannon (clap clap clap)
Ilu & please take care <3
from 🐘💌 anon
thank you for rigging the game so i can never lose i really appreciate it <3 it would be pretty bad to lose a game that was literally named after me
of course!! i always enjoy a good music rec and i had a lot of fun listening to them even if they weren't all my taste i still enjoyed it since i knew they were songs you liked 💞
oo okay yeah you’re right i have never heard of that!! but it sounds really interesting and it seems to be a pretty popular film and it won a lot of awards and stuff so maybe i will have to watch it sometime!! okay you are way too generous with your clues! you basically gave me the answer but i will accept it because i would have had no idea without that! (it would be funny if i was still wrong but i think i'm right) monsters inc is an excellent choice!! it’s such a cute movie 🥺 idk if i have a favourite disney/pixar movie but monsters inc is a really good one!
wow i can't believe i guessed so many of your favourites either but we really do have similar taste!! can't be happy is one of my favs as well his new album is really good!! i really appreciate you checking out his music and i'm glad you found some songs you really like <3
ohh i really thought you liked snsd because i’m sure i have seen you reblog some taeyeon posts before but are you more just a fan of her rather than snsd? but i’m glad i still got a couple answers right then i can’t be too disappointed <3
aww no im so sad the game is over :( but i’m very excited for the big reveal !! oh this is kind of hard because i’m not very good with words but i think our friendship is like when u meet up with an old friend and it’s like no time has passed and you just pick up where you left off and catch up! sometimes a few days or weeks may pass between our messages but it feels like no time at all… and we have a lot in common so it feels very familiar and comfortable but also we share lots of new things with each other too!!  genuinely your messages are a huge comfort and your warm and kind personality always comes through <3 they really do make my day! 💗💕
thank u so much it has been an honour !! i had so much fun playing <3 love u too bestie i will be looking forward to your big reveal !! 💓
0 notes
univaers · 4 years
kenna!!!!!!! pls know i adore you deeply. your writing and love for all the characters you write is awe inspiring. also you are such a kind and dear friend to me and that means the world to me. thank you for being wonderful and ily a whole lot okay <3
this was squishied in some kiss memes and i love that .     you are just the cutest and please know that i adore you and i adore everyone that you write and you always put them out there with such depth ! ilu boo <3 
0 notes
zaritarazi · 7 years
Please tell me about how Zari and Amaya are doing right now. Are they braiding each other's hair with trembling fingers while breathlessly pretending they're not thinking about kissing each other? Is Zari teaching Amaya to play video games and laughing at her? ARE THEY MAKING OUT?
(thank you for the resend boo ilu)
okay so essentially, zari WANTED to teach amaya how to play video games, but amaya is like, i’ve been on this ship for a while now, i know enough to know i’m not very good and also they make me motion sick. so why don’t i show you a good time instead? and zari is like im listeniiing and amaya is like LETS PLAY DARTSzari: you have- you have got to stop doing this to me
so like of course rip has some antique ass dart board in his office. it’s like not that old. it’s probably a few years younger than amaya and also, side note, rip and sara played darts once and she beat him so badly he refused to play it with her again, but that’s not what this is about so anyway
so amaya doesn’t really know rip very well but he’s got a lot of liquor hiding around his office and she likes his taste in records + that he has a record player, and she puts on something from like ‘35 and zari is looking at her and amaya is like YOU DON’T KNOW THIS? this is a HIT and zari is like i don’t know how to tell you this but most music is banned where i’m from and also, i’ll say it. i don’t understand jazz. i don’t get itamaya: well-zari: you can be my friend or you can explain jazz to me the choice is yours
amaya being like well fine while vowing that she will force zari to Appreciate Jazz if it’s the last thing she doeszari: it is. it is the last thing you’ll doamaya: did i say that out loudzari: yeah everyone on this team monologues like a lot and i haven’t been sure how to breach the subject
so like i think the real thing is that zari, who finds amaya’s enthusiasm endearing but also has shit aim, is like, well maybe we could play strip darts. you know, we do a round of darts, person with the better score keeps their clothes on and loser takes an item off. and amaya is like well that’s not really how you play darts and zari is like amaya can we just take our clothes off without you using the socratic method on me first for once. for once
so amaya, charmed by zari’s big brown eyes and her willingness to pretty much do anything to make zari happy, is like fine. strip darts. have you ever played darts before? and zari is like haha nope. 
this is, i think, more embarrassing for zari than she wanted it to be- like i think firing wind blasts and having precise aim are two very different things, and sure there’s the forced argus training programs but zari was obviously very resistant to that target practice included, whereas amaya has been trained in throwing knives and has throughly enjoyed all of her combat training since she choose it- but the point is, about four rounds in zari is in her underwear and amaya is still fully dressed, and zari is like huh i did not see this going the way i intended
at some point jax walks by the office, and slapping his hands over his eyes he’s like what are you two dOING and zari just yells IM BAD AT DARTS
at this point once they’re alone again amaya has another perfect shot and she’s like here zari i’ll help you and does the standing behind her chest against zari’s back hand on zari’s wrist thing, and her lips are basically on zari’s neck and her hand is creeping up zari’s stomach and of course when zari throws the dart, amaya cups her boob, and zari misses by about 600 feet and i think the dart literally ends up in another dimension it’s such a bad throw, and amaya just politely whispers “oops, guess you have to take off your underwear”
zari: i thought you wanted to teach me dartsamaya: yeah but you made it sexy!!! i’m the victim herezari: i am NAKEDamaya: me, the victim
anyway at this point since zari has lost all her clothes, they need to start exchanging sexual favors for darts, (amaya stops the scene and makes sure zari is good with that and zari is like YEAH IM WILLING AND READY LETS GET ON WITH IT GOD) and it essentially ends up with amaya in that big leather armchair and zari is eating her out 
and amaya is like fuck. you’re so bad at darts, babe. i love how bad at darts you arezari would say fine next time we play strip street fighter III but her mouth is busy
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punkinroses · 7 years
Get to Know Me Tag!
I was tagged by the really awesome @mousiesims (thank you boo ilu) a couple weeks ago, and have been meaning to get around to it, but I got it when I started getting sick from the flu (thanks jonathan) and then thought I had done it and realized I hadn’t SO
Name: MacKenzie Nicknames: Kenzie, Kenz, Ken-Ken (literally by only one person but), Brat, and my Dad calls me Punk (which is actually partially where the url comes from) Gender: Female Star Sign: Cancer Height: 5′3″....if it’s a really good day 5′4″? Sexuality: Demi? Ish? That parts a little bit more cloudy, but I’m Pan. Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw what up Dream Trip: Norway!! I’ve wanted to visit ever since I was a kid, because that’s where my Grandpa’s parents are from. Avg Hours Of Sleep: My sleep cycle was found dead in Miami. Why I Made A Tumblr: God I have been trapped on this site since I was 13 and I don’t remember the full details as to why I did? I remember doing the RP community, but I don’t remember if I had a personal blog before that or not -- I don’t even remember how exactly I found this website. I’ve just....I’ve been here. Dog Or Cat Person: I love both but I’m definitely more a dog person, just because I was raised around Dogs and didn’t really interact with cats a whole lot but they’re pretty cool too. When I Made My Blog: This one I made probably around last summer? I had to make a new one when I moved out of my parents place and to my Grandma's house bc I think my Mom got into my original. Followers: 203! (where did you all come from?? are you lost??) Reasons For My URL: So “punkin” is actually an old nickname from when I was a kid. My Grandpa called me Punkin all my life and my Dad shortened it to Punk. The roses part comes from the suite I live in; the college I live in does suite style living in the residency halls and I live in one that’s named Rosemary, and we call ourselves Rosebuds so roses just fit the aesthetic I guess.
Well, in my room at home
Books. So. Many. Books. Along with like thirty different figurines on the bookshelf. The majority are dragons.
My guitar hanging up on the wall.
Some stuffed animals...that are gonna like cover my room when I come back from college and bring back all the ones I have there.
A record player that’s still in the box because I haven’t found the excuse to use it yet.
A cabinet with golf balls in it that I inherited. It was like my Great-Grandpa’s. That was his whole hobby was fishing out golf balls from places when he’d go play.
Dogs!! Fuckin love dogs!!
Homemade chocolate chip cookies
My amazing friends & family
My sweet lovely handsome butthead of a boyfriend
BATMAN!!!! WONDER WOMAN!!!! okay dc in general but yeah
I’ve been playing sims more frequently, but I’ve been really getting into just making sims in general.
Staying up all night and watching netflix or hulu; the big ones right now are getting through RVB and Brooklyn 99.
Playing Ultra Sun.
Pinterest. I’ve been getting on more and more and finding story prompts and tips, recipes (so. many. recipes. help), and even doing aesthetic boards for characters.
So I finally downloaded doodle face and found out there were games on there and that forrest game that’s like flappy bird? Yeah. I have been playing it nonstop I hate myself.
Sit my happy little ass down and actually write, either for my own projects or for stuff like greyish.
Do whatever I can to just enjoy being home before I get shipped back to college.
Finish reading the books I’ve started and haven’t had time to finish.
Do more of my Norwegian lessons on duolingo.
Go spend more time with my friends and make some more plans, for even when I get to come home on certain weekends during the school year.
Tag 10 followers you wanna get to know better!
I’mma tag: @kohakuhime, @kintatsujo, @va1kryie, @holypegasus, @delightfulmercy, @fire-shadow-dragon-god, @vaxyldan, @minuetoforest, @gwen-skyes and @nightblosssom! And if you wanna do this and weren’t tagged feel free to do it!!
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faejilly · 7 years
@musanocturnis​, @servantofclio​, @probablylostrightnow​, @forgefaerie​, @the-duelling-tophat​, @evilsapphyre​ thank you for all the hearts/hugs/well wishes, ilu <3
evilsapphyre  replied to your post “good morning self, you wanted to start your day with a fraudulent...”
BOO, to the use, but it was good that they caught it super fast
IKR? *YELLS* ... but thanks? *eyeroll* idek
ameliacgormley answered your question “[[MOR] on the one hand I said I would do the thing I want to do the...”
*hugs* I feel ya. Kidlet wants me to chaperone his class field trip and I'm just...cringing because what if it's a bad day for any of the umpteen reasons I have bad days?
bUT i WANT toO? But I don’t want to. But I SHOULD.
But maybe I can’t? (but what if I could?)
It’s very hard to plan when one’s brain isn’t really talking to one. 
joomju answered your question “[[MOR] on the one hand I said I would do the thing I want to do the...”
Cab? Can someone else drive? There are times where I just say "f this" and pay through the nose to do the thing. Worth it.
well, the cab’d be over $100? and I have failed entirely at meeting anyone lately, which is actually a really good reason TO GO ... and yet 
syzara answered your question “[[MOR] on the one hand I said I would do the thing I want to do the...”
Ugh. I hope you can soothe the anxiety gremlin enough soon so you can brain more usefully <3 (does that make sense? to me it does)
that absolutely makes sense! and same here. and thank you. <3
jadesabre301 replied to your post “So I’m giving up on the to do list of doom for awhile And taking a...”
why is she upset with the show? (yessssssssssssssssss ticking off CC)
evilsapphyre replied to your post “So I’m giving up on the to do list of doom for awhile And taking a...”
I watched the first season but I just couldn't go for a second. (Even though I adored Magnus. <3)
lafemmedarla replied to your post “So I’m giving up on the to do list of doom for awhile And taking a...”
Baths are yay! And CC is mad about the show's success?! Go show go.
I have lost track of all my links, but apparently yes, she doesn’t get much extra from it doing well, and she has absolutely No Input, and their attempts to be Not As Racist and Homophobic as the source material have from all accounts been effective and also made some subset of fans recognize some of the gross shit CC does?
‘Cause I didn’t watch it when it first came out, because FU CC. But if it makes her feel bad I’m all for it. 
Also the cast is just so precious. (Especially Magnus. And Izzy. I may add to this list as I get further along. Though, if I didn’t already know what was going to happen in Simon at some point here in S1, I’d be a little annoyed at the S2 banner that gives it away? I mean, I get WHY but it’s kinda giggle-snort-obnoxious at the same time.)
ameliacgormley replied to your photoset “alexanderbanes: magnus bane + waistcoats”
YES WATCH IT!!! WATCH IT AND GUSH WITH ME! (okay parts of it are bad in the beginning but a lot of it gets better, and Magnus and Malec are the source of all things wonderful and good in this world and you need it in your life!!!)
shadoedseptmbr replied to your post “in other exciting gods this is such a fucking monday news I offered to...”
***many hugs*** to be honest both my kids have a huge fear of those Dyson dryers that...move your skin around? Nightmares for both of them the first time and I know my daughter is just like No, I have hand sanitizer in my pocket
I used to do that? I have gotten out of the habit I should get back into it, it is a lot easier on everyone
jessaknits replied to your post “in other exciting gods this is such a fucking monday news I offered to...”
Ooof, I feel you with this day. Also re: children and noise yesterday we sat in the back row of the airplane and kiddo CRIED every time someone flushed the toilet for like, the first hour. Because it was a horrible sound, honestly.
UGH. SYMPATHIES. That sounds like The Actual Worst *hugs*
shadoedseptmbr replied to your post “30 for Maia please! (I think you didn't get that one yet?) <3”
Leah totally sympathizes with Lucy
*angry Ryder fist-bump*
elfyourmother replied to your photoset “New Dollmaker = Hello there, Hawkes. <3”
i'm seriously playing with this one now, haha. I love the updated rococo maker! (good lord do I love Theia's gown lmao I want it for myself)
ISN’T IT GREAT? Gosh, I love new dollmakers :D (I LOVE YOURS TOO. I am making those my fault. AH MARI <3)
argei replied to your photoset “New Dollmaker = Hello there, Hawkes. <3”
if only Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts was like this!
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ddcjas · 8 years
okay, i said i was gonna do this eventually but right now i cannot wait. here is a list of black males that y’all in this community need to make some damn resources for instead of the same ass pasty white boys or gif packs of reece king every time he updates his damn snapchat.
trevante rhodes — he is god. thats all
ashton sanders — my smol son, despite his looks, is 21 years old. he is my lil king. also, see above.
jharrel jerome — he is my second smol son. he is 19 years old. i love him. get on it.
tory lanez — hes small but he has more than enough for yall to make some damn icons or gif icons from. so far, only one person has contributed to the cause and thats @sculglitch. ilu boo
partynextdoor — i’m aware that this man moves in silence but he got four music videos under his belt, instagram videos, and a couple interviews. show my husband some love.
mike colter — UM??????? SELF EXPLANATORY.
bryson tiller — he literally has but one source for gif icons like what the actual fuck is wrong with y’all.
quavo*  — all of the migos, actually.
tyler the creator — he a lil weird but he a ball of sunshine.
asap rocky — listen, i’m aware he has two gif resources but no offense, they are outdated. yall can thank me for the static icons but more, pls.
frank ocean — if he has more resources, i sure ain’t aware of em.
isaiah rashad — i need more gifs of my king.
j. cole — most of his resources are old and outdated. lets get on it, folks.
roy woods — a wonderful man.
chance the rapper — believe it or not, my king has very little resources and i wanna fight all y’all tonight.
dom kennedy — google him if u don’t know it.
kid cudi — all of his are outdated. c’mon, folks. i’ve seen all of two cudi muses.
miguel — he may not be black but he sure needs some resources.
andre 3000 — lmao why not???
sampha — LMAO WHY NOT?????
v**tor p**e jr — i’d be careful with this but i love my honey bear.
d*metr*us h*rm*n — same. just remove the asteriks and figure it out. hes eighteen also, btw.
woody mcclain — he been poppin on social media before new edition, folks.
luke james — A MAN, A LEGEND.
elijah kelly — yall dont remember hairspray???
bryshere grey — he more than just hakeem, now.
trai bryers — HE MORE THAN JSUT ANDRE.
jussie smollett — HE MORE THAN JUST JAMAL LYON.
if anyone can think of anymore lovely mens who deserve to be on this list, please do let me know and add this shit on. but i’m bout tired of seeing the same diet poc characters on y’alls blogs. y’all need some melanin, y’all need some Men. stop playing games with me with that “theres just not enough!” when urban rph blogs can make entire gif hunts just off of snapchat videos of social media stars and thats the tea on that.
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therebl0gmachine · 7 years
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