#hi ho silver or smth
carwoodron · 1 year
finished watching band of brothers for like the 6th time what now
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mikeellee · 2 years
Twitter showed me sone terrible takes on AM and Izu, nothing new here. But here I'm to rant about this.
I have to say....I get it. No, really, I do. When people make fics where AM is either malicious or too dumb to live...I get why rhey they are doing this...I get where they formed this wrong idea.
For example, when we had a fic where AM is racist towards quirkless- note how those fics skew away from AM being quirkless himself- is bc in canon we never had an in depth on AM's life.
Was his childhood rough or easier? Did he always wanted to be a hero or was a fateful meeting with Nana that lead to his career?
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Yeah we don't know. So I get why people would make fics where he is racist towards quirkless bc is easier and....the fic writer can prop up fanon dadzawa "I don't need my quirk to be a hero" (forgetting canon Aizawa usea his quirk 100%)
But ok...let's go to another type of fics. "AM is too stupid to live" and YES. I get this one. It's the basic plot where AM own stupid allows Izu to fall from grace and be a villain ...
And while I do have issues with AM's canon intelligence here (not about if he can do math or science) we would have to take in account the intelligence of every staff in UA.
I mean....BK is clearly hostile with Izu ( he doesn't hide at all) and tried to kill him several times. Please, HE HAS TRIED TO KILL THE MC MORE THAN SHIGARAKI (Like shigaraki is the villain and all that, but aside the war arc...he never tried to kill Izu or call him "useless" hey....guess who does it?) OR ANY VILLAIN! Why AM can't at very least make him stay away from Izu?
Answer: Hori and his love for the most useless and hateful character I ever come across.
The same question goes to all teachers. No one in UA tries to do anything- Aizawa gives no fucks to Izu and others and the others teachers, while I do think they don't care that much...don't have screentime- I remember seeing a post saying how maybe no one steps in bc "kids with powers can be rough"
Ok fair. But this is not the boys being boys. This is BK being 100% hostile and murderous with his victim.
And even if it was boys being boys...they won't step in? If Izu and Sero fight....UA will shrugs?
I do write fics where either UA is a terrible school milking on AM's good name or is trying to do god but there are forces blocking them.
And all the while I think AM being a teacher in UA- he has no qualifications but lets be real...Aizawa shouldn't be one and "Dadzawa!" Is popular- maybe wasn't necessary. Like, if it is to be part of Izu'a life....why not be a Consulting or smth else? Hell, AM have (?) An agency...why not take advantage of that?
"AM is a bad mentor"
I understand why people have this idea. Hori refuses to let AM be a good mentor. He is so crazy in "humble Izu" that goes against his story. The number 1 hero of all Japan wants to help Izu....but Izu needs to be humble....and Hori's defination of humble is to make his mc still think he is worthless.
Which leads to the last take I saw "Izu is a nepo baby" and like....
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"Izu has everything on a silver plate while BK..."
"Izu never had to work hard while BK"
My guys....Bk never work hard in his life, Hori gave everything for his fav. Izu? He was abused, his father is MIA (I get the fathers in Japan have the costume to work overseas but Hisashi is never once mentioned and please, note how among all the fathers, even the bad ones, they are there) his house indicates he is from poor background....he had no friends...and his abuser was after him for 10 years.
Inko has no friends "ah but Mitsuki and Inko are bffs" is 100% fanon...and I think is a creation of a BdDk fan.
Izu had to work harder than everyone else...even more bc he got a quirk which breaks his bones. Everyone in UA knows how to use their quirks. They were born with it...Izu? He got recently and Hori still goes on "humble his mc"
So...please if anything BK is a nepotism Baby. He is priviliged. He shouts he wants a perfect victory but his victories are given.
Hori refuses to make any plotline that may make people see his bk in a bad light....which is impossible at this point...he is the most hateful and useless character out there.
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ssin-ent · 3 years
SKZ reaction to you squirting!
Ask: just had a thought, how do you think they'd react to their partner squirting like really fast into started to fuck. like, they did foreplay or whatever and then like a few thrusts in, that happens, what do you think they'd do
A/n: tbh they'd all be pretty proud of themselves for being the cause of that it's undeniable but I have some ideas on how they'd individually react so get in yall
Don't forget to let me know you thoughts ;)
Have a good reading!
would be turned on really fast, idk why I imagine it happening as he's eating you out
-for instance, he's really messy and eager when he does it, a lot of tongue and wet all over, most of the times when he pulls out from in between your legs he'd have his lips and chin a mess-
He uses a couple of fingers, curling them right on your g spot as he sucks on your clit. he'd moan so loud as he feels you squirting against his tongue and dripping on the sheets, he'd moan so loudly, lick you faster and get so desperate you could hear him whine against you.
Pretty sure he'd grind against the mattress and cum untouched- would be shy about it how cute<3-
Oh thats one cocky mf. THE SMIRK . You'll never hear the end off of it. He'd get off to it so much. I imagine it happens while he's fucking you hard, from behind maybe and when he notices your legs shaking quickly, almost giving up. He would speed up, gripping your hips tighter and reach his high so suddenly as he feels you squirt around his cock, he'd give you one hard thrust, his hips flush against yours he'd lean over you back, his chest pressing you against the sheets as he'd whisper in your ear things like :
"I'm that good?" "I make you feel that good"
" Don't be shy show me how good I make you feel again"
also his cock would be twitching at lot after that won't admit it but damn boy is turned on he can't stop leaking
sooo I imagine it happening when you have your legs on his shoulder
,- in that one bedroom of his *wink* led lights one*wink* that pretty silver necklace dangling -
he'd be throwing his head back as you tell him how good he makes you feel, begging him to not stop. He'd be panting as he doubles his efforts
- service top ahem-
sweat on his forehead - okay just IMAGINE him with his damp hair, neck on display, adored with your marks- he'd lean down to kiss you as he's close and when you grip his shoulders and try to tell him you're about to cum before it's too late but you end up squirting on his cock. He'd look in between your legs, ears turning red letting out an
" ho my gosh" tbh that'd make his heart melt he'd put your putty legs down on the mattress and lean down to hide his face in the crook of your neck and tell you how hot it was, jiggling like crazy.
As cocky as Changbin.
-Would be so fucking turned on to see you this sensitive, he likes toying with you and would have so much fun touching you all over until you squirt just from his hands and fingers inside you.
-Would want to try to make you squirt in any possible way after that - especially his thighs, please have a look at this pic I just found about-
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-would find it so cute you're this sensitive, next thing you know he brings a towel and you know it's going to be a long night
Really experimental about it, he wants to get to know how this happened and how to make it happen again, flashes that pretty smile of his after you you squirtrd and would pepper kisses all over you, being all like " you liked it a lot uh" despite his sweet smile he immediatly proceeds to wrap his hand around your neck cause I'm pretty sure it would switch smth inside of him.
Would be quite shocked, yet he would start to leave marks all over you before properly touching you again idk, he would smirk so wide and would get possessive because HE did that and he just needs to show your his, and this is you who he is making feel this good, do you get what I mean? yeah would get really passionate about it, no matter the mood before he wouldn't fuck you, he'd make love to you
Would be shocked asf, I can imagine it happening just as you're sinking down on his cock to ride him, it would rub inside you just right and you'd be squirting in a loud moan. He'd look so surprised, you'd start to feel embarassed and stop your movements but he would quickly regain himself and grip your hips to make you start moving again looking at you fondly .
A whore for it. Would be the type to ask you to do it for him as he nuzzles against your neck quite regularly. Would turn into really heated sex, he wouldn't be able to get his hands off of you even more than usually. He'd want you to squirt all over his face and his cock, just want you to use him for your pleasure.
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itsonlydana · 3 years
Can I perhaps request for a sleepover with sbi boys and instead of sleeping you guys build a fort in the room, and phil gets mad or smth.. and yes this is platonic :) I LOVE YOUR WRITING A LOT!!
"password: party pooper Phil" ➷ Sleepy bois
pairing: sleepy bois & reader (gn) - platonic //
⤷ reader is an older teenager like Will and Techno
warnings/tags: some cursing, fluff
words: 1,7k
song: ho hey - the Lumineers
a/n: i have no idea why but everytime i write something with this family dynamic i have early 2000s vibes while i write.. buuuuut i hope you enjoy loves!! <3
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It had become a tradition that every Friday after lunch, you would wander up the street of your little town with your blanket and a pillow under your arm to the big white house with the green front door and the pond in the front yard and ring the bell of your second family.
Before, either Will or Techno had taken you back home, but that was before you found out how many positives there were to just staying over at their place: You could watch more movies, longer board games like Monopoly could be played late into the night (it was either that, or a frustrated board flipping from one of the twins), and generally there was nothing better than Phil's homemade bread that he prepared for Saturday breakfast.
In the last few months, as your tradition had solidified, you had also learned one important thing:
While Monopoly managed to destroy any sibling relationships between Techno, Will and Tommy faster than Will can buy another hotel, those relationships became all the stronger when you teamed up against Phil.
"You sure we got all we need?" you called up the spiral staircase to the second floor, where Will was leaning over the railing and, as he had the last few minutes before, pulling sheets and pillow after pillow from the boxes under the roof, dropping them down to you.
After the last sheet, what you had tossed onto the pile behind you, Will looked down at you, his brown curls bobbing happily with his nod of the head. "Nothing left here!" he replied, and his head disappeared before Will jumped down the steps two at a time. Coming to a skidding halt in front of you, he looked proudly at the pile of stuff outside his bedroom door and turned to you with a grin, "How about those snacks?"
You shrugged. "Tommy and Techno are still in the kitchen, who knows what they're up to." You listened to the faint sounds coming from the kitchen, but both quickly lost interest. Instead, you leaned over to the pile and grabbed an armful of sheets. "Let's get started," you mumbled, your mouth covered by a pillow Will had placed on top and right in front of your face.
An hour later, the four of you sat in the result of your hard work. In fact, most of the construction of the blanket fort had gone off without complication; surprisingly, there had been no discussions or arguments; not even when Tommy suggested the password 'Pog' for the fort.
The fort was huge, Will had firmly claimed you could win a prize for it, maybe even set a record. Even if he was just saying that to get Tommy even more excited about his work, you couldn't agree more- the fortress was gigantic.
The sheets stretched across Will's desk, under which you had a tray of prepared snacks, over the backs of four chairs, to the painting table from Tommy's room that served as the entryway. A floor lamp stood in the center of the fort, holding the sheets high enough so no one had to sit with their backs bent, while also serving as a light source, bathing the interior of your fort in a warm yellowish glow.
Secluded from the world, you immersed yourselves in your own.
The afternoon dragged on without you noticing, not even the setting of the sun reached you, the first silver rays of the moon were blocked by the blankets and sheets as if by a protective shield.
While outside the birds fell silent and the crickets began to buzz, Will drowned out the sounds with his own music, drawing you under his spell as his fingers danced across the strings of his guitar and Techno transported you to another world with one of his tales.
Leaning on Will's shoulder, feet outstretched and braced against Tommy's, you listened to Techno's dark full voice, a bitten cookie in your lap that you had completely forgotten about.
"And when Pan, the shepherd god, challenged Apollo to a music contest Apollo couldn't say no out of arrogance and an overconfidence. They decided to visit the mountain Tmolus as a judge, because no one was as old and wise as the mountains and suitable for it to appoint the better."
"That sounds silly," Tommy interrupted his older brother with a snort. "How is a mountain supposed to be a judge?"
You shoved your feet further in his direction with a flourish, forcing him to pull his closer. "Tommy, it's a myth. Not everything has to be as you know it. Stop interrupting Techno, I want to know how this turns out," you urged the youngest before leaning back on Will's shoulder, who hadn't stopped plucking the strings of his guitar over your little discussion.
Techno cleared his throat loudly, drawing attention back to himself, and Tommy now rested his head on his knees as well to continue listening, even though he couldn't suppress his comments for long.
"So Pan and Apollo wandered with their followers to Tmolus, where Pan was the first to play his instrument, a pan flute. It was a wild tune, but the animals seemed to like it and so did King Midas, a mortal follower of Pan."
Techno fell silent, letting Will play for a few minutes, and the brunette switched to a tune just as wild as the one Pan must have played, because you wanted nothing more than to jump up and dance to it.
"But then it was the god of music's turn. No sooner had Apollo risen and stroked his fingers over his golden lyre than a melody sounded that neither god nor mortal had ever heard. The creatures in the forest froze, the trees prevented even the slightest rustle of their leaves; the earth and air were completely still."
Will's fingers slowed, shifting to a quieter melody, one that embraced you all. No one really dared speak a word, you could only sit there and watch Will lose himself in his own music.
At one point Techno used a particularly quiet passage to continue: "There didn't have to be a wise mountain to declare Apollo the winner, everyone who had been listening fell to their knees in jubilation before the god. Well, almost everyone. Midas didn't like Apollo's music and refused to give victory to anyone but Pan. So Apollo turned to him, offended in his talent, and remember that he hanged the last one who had challenged him."
You could tell how much Techno was looking forward to the coming part of the story, the boy paused for art, brushing his pink hair out of his face. His eyes were wide open, wandering over Will's, yours, and to Tommy, who was leaning far forward, lips slightly parted as if falling over with curiosity.
Techno grinned, aware of what power he possessed. "If thine ears are so dull, mortal, said Apollo, they shall take the shape that best suits them! He took hold of the ears of King Midas and, to his dismay, turned them into those of a donkey!"
At the last part, you and Tommy gasped at the same time, Will also stopped playing and started laughing out loud.
"Holy shit!" exclaimed Tommy, his eyes as big as plates, before he too joined in the laughter. "Don't fuck with my man Apollo!"
"Will, can you play as well as Apollo or will you get donkey ears like Pan?", you blurted out between breaths, and at that Will raised his hands upright to his ears, making his shadow on one of the blankets actually resemble a donkey. You all just laughed louder as Will let out a bad neighing sound, stomping one of his feet on the ground.
The loud unexpected knock on the bedroom door took you by surprise, and as the lights were turned on, the magic of your little fort faded away, as if floodlights were suddenly turned on in the middle of a theater.
"What is going on here?", you could hear Phil. You all felt uncomfortable, he didn't sound really excited and you were a little happy that you were just hearing him.
"Let's pretend to be asleep," Tommy whispered, getting only a shake of the head from Techno.
"Nothing!" exclaimed Will, putting a finger to his lips, mostly directed at Tommy. "We were just playing music."
"At one in the morning? You guys are out of your minds!"
Feeling guilty, you looked at each other; you hadn't realized how quickly the time had passed.
"When I agreed to have (y/n) stay over, I was actually thinking about sleeping and not staying awake into the night.", Phil continued to complain, a few of the blankets rustling as he tried to peek in somewhere. However, he failed, the construct of blankets and sheets was too good and neatly interwoven. "You guys are cleaning this up now."
"Man Phil!" howled Tommy whiningly, his arms already folded childishly in front of his chest. "We were going to sleep here!"
Phil exhaled audibly. "You can't sleep on the floor, it's not good for you. Will you guys please come out now? I don't want to ask again."
You clench your teeth at that last part, it definitely didn't sound good. When Phil spoke like that one should actually listen to it directly and not discuss it further.
"Phil, if you let us spend the night here, I'll be on dish duty all next week," Will continued to discuss.
Tommy stared at his brother as if he had just suggested sacrificing himself, maybe Will was doing that with dish duty in Tommy's mind. "Will, you don't have to do that," he whispered, Techno looked at him with nothing but respect in his eyes.
That only seemed to further validate Will. Swallowing hard, he squinted his eyes. "Two weeks."
You gasped for air, knowing how much Will hated doing the dishes.
Phil also seemed to realize how important this evening was to you, because the lights were turned off again and the ceiling in front of the entrance was pushed aside.
Phil looked at each of you individually, a tired expression on his face. "For one night?" he asked, and you all nodded frantically. His eyes fell on the furnishings of your little fort. Smiling conciliatory, he ran a hand through his blond hair. "Is there room for one more person here?"
Tommy puffed his chest: "You have to guess the password!"
Phil didn't hesitate for a moment.
"Let me guess, pog?"
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dxrkblaze · 7 years
this just in: ru is gay and I love her HHDGSHHDDL THAnk u sm homie I cri,,, ❤️❤️
1) of the fic you’ve written, which are you most proud of?Hmm… probably all my colors? Like, there’s a lot I’d like to go back and change, but at the end of the day it was my baby for a good two plus years and there’s a lot of personal stuff sprinkled in there. It kinda shows my emotional progression throughout high school in the story, and while that’s def not why I wrote it, it’s cool to go back and look at it sometimes to see the things I used to say/think about. Plus it’s one of the only massive projects of mine that I’ve actually completed, lol.
Also I have a lot of love for amc just bc it’s so… different, I guess? Like, I’ve never really seen something like it fleshed out into a full-length story, especially not with silver and blaze. And the fact that it rlly touched several ppl and got them rlly into it… that makes me feel kinda accomplished when I’m not being a self-deprecating prick lmao. I rlly rlly wanted it to be my first fic to get to 100 reviews for a reason!
2) favorite tense (past/present/future)Definitely past, I tried present with the unforgiven and it just made it frustrating to write, lmao.
3) favorite POV (first/second/third/etc)I prefer writing in first person, actually. I think it simplifies things for both the writer and reader, and I’ve always found a lot more freedom to be creative when I write in first person.
4) what are some themes you love writing about?Lmao well, obviously romance is priority one for me, so most of my themes stem from that. I rlly love writing about class struggle tho, whether it’s someone low who’s aiming high or a noble who isn’t satisfied with such a high class. Morality also comes up a lot in my writing, I guess; tryna figure out what the right thing to do is, tryna figure out if this character actually did the best thing, all that good stuff!
5) what inspires you to write?Definitely music… sometimes I’ll stray from it and pick up some inspo from movies/stories/etc, but 99% of the time I’ll be listening to a song and suddenly come up w a fic idea from it lmao.
6) thoughts on critiqueI encourage it!! bc I think it’s the only real way to improve. Sometimes it can make me feel bad if I’m in one of those rlly shitty self-deprecation ruts, but still I usually get over it soon even when I’m like that. I know it’s for the better, and I appreciate everyone who’s ever been kind enough, and cared enough abt my writing to give me critique!
7) create a character on the spot…. NOW!UMMMM OKIE,,, what abt a snow leopard named Kyra… she likes to sit around n read n eat noodles… her main hobby other than reading is dancing. she’s v shy but she loves her close friends n BAM I just made her gay. She’s a lesbian, harold.
8) is there a character you love writing for the most? the least? why?Most - probably silver… his personality is always one I’ve gotten a lot of joy out of writing. He’s basically a walking contradiction, lmfao. He’s also pretty easy for me to self-project onto, idk why. Least - I’m gonna say amy for this one, just because it’s been hard for me to focus on more than one aspect of her personality and flesh all of it out. Plus amy is a somewhat overused character lol, I get a lot more fun out of writing blaze/tikal/others when I need a female role, even if it’s something simple
9) a passage from a WIPOh u kno I gotta dip into royalty au for this one 👀
It was nearly a fortnight before any word was received from King Pyrus. It came in the form of a small parcel addressed to Blaze, which held a note inside for her. The young princess jumped at the feet of the servant who had brought it in, and once it was lowered into her hands, she hurried to her chamber. Once there, she closed the door behind her and jumped on her bed, unable to contain her excitement. With a careful claw and an eager expression, she tore the parcel’s paper away. Before looking at what it contained, she snatched the note from her father, and brought it to her face. It read:
My Little Flame,
I am sorry I could not write to you sooner. I remain busy, but I finally began exploring, and I found something I think you will simply adore. It is a traditional robe (I believe it is called a kimono) from here in the Eastern Isles. It is just as beautiful as the land, and just as special as you are to I, my dear. We must make plans to bring you here one day, it astounds me each time.
Do not fret about the ongoings in the world, how ever much you have heard. Kiniti watches over us at all times, and she will ensure peace among all kinetics. Hopefully, I will depart in the coming few days, and we will see one another soon.
With love,Father Flame
Blaze, of course, merely skimmed over the second half of the note as a formality. She laid the message aside, and her jaw dropped once she held the kimono out. It was a beautiful shade of dark purple, with an equally enchanting design. Trails of dainty cherry blossoms sat on rugged branches, which climbed up either side of the robe. The silk seemed to melt between Blaze’s fingers; it was the softest material she had ever felt. She rubbed one of the sleeves against her cheek, and purred into it. When she turned the robe over, she gasped. A large, pink bow was already tied at the back, as if it had been made just for her. She slipped the kimono over her shoulders, and although the sleeves hung low over her arms, the length was just right. Blaze tied the pieces of ribbon at her waist, just as Pyrus had taught her, and words could never express how delighted she was with the gift. She could not wait to show her father once he returned.
As Blaze was fitting her tail through the bow on her back, Baxton entered the room. Whenever Pyrus was absent, it was usually Baxton who took up the king’s general duties. He signed letters, addressed the people, attended court; it kept him quite busy. The only responsibility he didn’t inherit was any control of he army - the sole post he would be familiar with. Quite the chore it was, but Baxton was always fond of his temporary sovereign role. At least in terms of the power he held, that is. In fact, Blaze assumed that he had been yelling at some servants not too long ago, judging by his flushed face.
The elder cat scratched his head. “Princess, did the king leave a letter?”
Blaze pointed to the note on her bed. Baxton scurried to it, and frowned as he glanced over the elegant handwriting. “Is this it?” he quizzed.
The princess nodded, and held her arms out with a smile. “Look, Baxi! Look at what father sent me!”
Blaze couldn’t quite tell what Baxton’s expression conveyed, but it was something between a smile and a scowl. The note crumpled in a quick motion from Baxton’s fist, and was thrown back onto the bed cover. Blaze didn’t think much of this as Baxton hurried out, and she walked to her mirror to admire the kimono again.
10) what are your strengths wrt writing?Hmm… I get a lot of ppl saying that I’m pretty eloquent when it comes to phrasing/word choices? I’m constantly tinkering with how things are said, even up until like 30 seconds before I publish smth lmao. I also like to think I never just string sentences together and leave it at that when I’m narrating, I pay a lot of attention to how different sentences/phrases flow together.
11) what are your weaknesses wrt writing?My main weakness would probably be going overboard on all the little things, like how a sentence sounds or flows and stuff like that. I end up being a perfectionist with it, and sometimes when I’m crafting/changing phrases around, I end up with a sentence that kinda drags on or tries to do too much.
12) what’s your favorite place for writing resources?Tumblr’s pretty good for me, actually. I rarely ever seek out resources, but I do reblog a lot of them that come to me here and they’ve been very useful to me in the past.
13) who are your favorite writers?Ok first off binch u@aurora-boring-alis (FF: aurora-boring-alis) Then my other peeps who also make the quality goodness™™ I can’t get enough of (some fanfic accounts more active than others)@maliwarm (FF: biteworsethanbark) @lordoftheghostking28 (FF: lordoftheghostking28) @weezernaut (FF: space mercutio)@ebachan (wattpad: witto150)
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