#hi i love daehyun with all my wee heart so have these headcanons from my old blog!!
eachlight · 4 years
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i haven’t spoken much about daehyun so look out folks -- here’s some headcanons about my favorite reaper!!
keep in mind he’s based upon the reapers from goblin so!! he functions like a normal human being would except... he’s not a human being and has some supernatural abilities!
favorite food?? he’s partial to pizza and any kind of chicken-based dish!
and seaweed soup bc soojin has made it for him every year after the second time he sent her off into her next life :’ )
since they can’t possibly know his birthday, she makes it on the anniversary of her second death/meeting with daehyun bc “ twice might just be a coincidence but i don’t believe in those -- this friendship was fated!! ”
that black hat all reapers have to keep the humans from seeing them? his is a dad hat bc fancy clothes are uncomfortable and impractical for his job
also it would drive him nuts if he had a fancy hat but wore casual clothes!! gross!!
and he just prefers casual clothes overall. jackets are fun and anything other than dress shoes are comfy!
without fail, dae has cried or at the very least teared up every time he’s sent a spirit off
tbh he likes to act as if everything is such a chore, but he’s so soft and sentimental and actually feels really happy to see these souls find peace and is all broken up when they’ve died before their time
ok i’m crying bc he’s crying HE’S AN EMOTIONAL, SWEET BABY BOY
dae: idgaf B( narrator: he did, in fact, gaf
probably gets too attached to the humans in his life bc yeah, they’re eventually gonna die or he’s gonna be relocated, but he can’t help it -- he really loves people
soojin has been picking out names for daehyun since the beginning of their friendship -- daehyun isn’t the first name he’s had, and it won’t be the last
that being said, for the sake of having a backstory in case a human should ask about him, he typically claims being related to soojin and then tries to weasel his way out of having to say anything else
btw he’s really bad at lying my guys
one final thing! daehyun is very much about changing the things you can and not stressing over what you can’t change bc otherwise!! he might drive himself nuts. why is he stuck as a reaper?? well he doesn’t and can’t know, and he can’t change that he’s a reaper, but he CAN reduce his time by hunting down these lost souls, so that’s what he’s gonna do!!
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