#hi i redid marys too dont mind me
amethiosspouse · 9 months
it's time for mari's random infodump:
i was originally going to make this a very long post about my yumes but anai's character as a whole is too confusing and honestly, not even game theory could dissect the amount of lore anai has:
scrapped ideas and an ungodly amount of anai lore from multiple different franchises:
-anai was actually supposed to be shipped with malleus (because i liked him at the time) but due to the age gap, i scrapped it (i didnt like how mal was 600+ and anai was 17) -they were then shipped w riddle for quite some time and i even ended up making ship art of them. -anai was based of the white rabbit but i didnt wanna whitewash (is that the right term) them so i just made them random ass rabbit -their overblot form was a whole withered bonnie mech suit mixed w some BATIM-style aesthetic -anai's dorm uniform was based of this:
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now, moving on to enstars anai :>
-from memory, anai was originally shipped with kohaku and they were the producer for crazy:b -i sort of followed some kind of rich prince x pheasant sort of trope for their ship -anai's family wasn't as rich as kohaku's family and (from memory) his family prevented him from hanging out with anai. -i forgot most of the story but all i remember is trying to make some kind of ai cover for anai and kohaku to sing Just Be Friends (it never worked) and that at some point, Tsukasa was actually gonna be anai's love interest
-genshin anai was made all the way back in 2021 during my horrendous xiao era. -they were the pyro yaksha basically and from memory, they were rebirthed? idk -WAIT, I REMEMBER -ok so bear with me here, anai was basically this young girl from natlan who died in the archon war while trying to see their father again (who was in liyue). from memory, zhongli used ANAI'S DEAD BODY to try and sort of bring back to life the dead pyro yaksha but failed to do so because of 1. the body's horrendous state and 2. the power was too much for the body to handle. -they were obviously shipped with xiao -BUT THIS WAS SCRAPPED AND LATER REUSED (we'll get to that) -i remember anai got shipped with albedo as well as kaeya but i eventually settled for scara. -now back to the dead body part -this version of anai's story is much more messier -anai was a descendant of murata - the pyro archon. it was never specified if they were a direct descendant or just had some muratan?? blood in them. -anyways they were basically this very famous dancer who was prett well known (who was a half human half hybrid rabbit faunus or smth) and their name wasnt anai, it was clover. -basically clovers sister was jealous of their success and they killed clover. -murata literally did the same thing that zhongli did to anai in their earlier stories but she tried to bring back the dead pyro archon -it somehow worked -i honestly dont know how anai met scaramouche but basically they met him when he was still known as kabukimono/kunikuzushi (keep in mind, all of this was written before 3.1) -i basically ripped off dirty little traitor for some reason 💀 -after scara ran away w the gnosis and whatnot anai lore kinda just became messier from there -after the events of 3.1 i redid the whole ending for anai -THEY WERE SHIIPED WITH CYNO CUZ SCARA PUSHED THEM OFF HIS TRANSFORMERS ROBOT OR SOMETHING -no more genshin anai lore because its hurting my head just trying to remember how badly i fucked up their lore -LIKE THEIR LORE IS SO BAD NOT EVEN MATPAT COULD SOLVE THIS GAME THEORY
im literally getting so tired of explaining every single little tiny detail of what happened to anai in every single canon universe i threw them in so lemme spare you some details and whatnot
obey me anai: asmo's boyfriend (im not even joking thats all i remember of obey me anai)
prsk anai: they werent an official niigo member but they did help out w lyrics (cuz mafuyu was their sister omg wow !!), shipped with toya
milgram anai: they were basically hanging out w the wrong group of people due to how naive they were when they were younger, anai was 'forced' to blow up a city mall as a dare but they backed down last minute (their friends ended up detonating the bomb and at good portion of the mall was blown up and quite a number of people died, they were framed for that incident and was sent to the milgram prison, they were shipped w fuuta and from memory they were related to es
hypmic anai: spoiled daddy's girl. basically all them stereotypical mean girls who'd be like "my daddy can sue you" and whatnot. they had a good amount of backstory but theres no way im typing that all out. they were shipped with doppo
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farmermary · 2 years
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jessica sula | she/her | cis female | hey, you know mary regis? i’m pretty sure they’re 26 and have lived here for 2 years. they spend most of their time at her farm but also go to the beach a lot. if you ask me, they can be adaptable, but also rash at times. if you want to get on their good side, give them a blueberry wine next time you see them! | kirby, 23, she/her, cst
full name: mary phyllis regis
age/d.o.b.: 26, october 27th 1995
gender/pronouns: cisfemale, she/her
sexuality: pansexual
height: 5′5″
+ traits: adaptable, friendly, energetic, attentive
- traits: rash, pushy, stubborn, pernickety
hobbies: fishing, knitting, gardening
friends: amelia kelso, sofia torres, shane bailey (according to her)
“i dropped everything, and moved to the place where i truly belonged.”
mary was born and raised in zuzu city, to a pair of hardworking parents. they were your traditional family in just about every sense - dad worked, mom stayed home with mary, and mary went to school and strived to get straight a’s. they lived a pretty simple, cookie-cutter life in their little town home, but they were happy.
from the very get-go, mary was a delightfully happy kid that wanted to take part in everything. she joined every extra curricular she possibly could, even if she didn’t really care about it. (dictionary skills? yeah right, c’mon mary) she just liked being included and she liked learning new things! as long as she was busy and in decent company, she was happy.
applying herself was her favorite thing to do, so when she was getting close to the end of high school, she started looking at job opportunities in the area. as much as she wanted to travel and do more with her life, she figured staying close to her parents when she was so young would be smart. so it took her a while to land on a career path, but she eventually found a job that she thought would be fun: travel agent. the job description was glowing - help people find their dream destinations, watch them living their dreams and having fun. it sounded fulfilling, and like something to pay the bills in the meantime.
it wound up being more boring than she could’ve imagined. all the fun, exciting, fulfilling opportunities promised to her at her job wound up dissipating into desk work. cancelling reservations, booking tickets, researching bundle discounts. the most fun she had at that job was the boss’ birthday where a balloon artist came in to entertain them, but they were told after the fact that having balloon animals on their desks counted as distracting décor and that they had to trash them. to put it simply, it sucked, and every other job opportunity that presented itself sucked equally.
it wasn’t until mary was twenty-four, her soul mostly sucked out by her job, that a conversation with her mom spurred an idea. her mom’s college best friend (a woman she knew as aunt lacey, despite only being facebook friends) was selling her father’s farm out in pelican town, a decently long bus ride away. mary hadn’t done a hard day’s labor in her life, yet she used her savings to buy the old, overgrown plot of land and moved out there the following month.
it took... a while, but mary fell into a groove at the farm. she figured out growing crops, got the hang of raising animals, and even found farmers made a pretty penny selling produce out in the big city. it was a huge adjustment, only made possible by her dear friends and neighbors amelia and sofia, but she got there. she adores her little, quaint life in pelican town, and feels like she finally found the place she belongs.
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