#hiding behind their children to shield them from accusations of racism is crazy
tariah23 · 8 months
I hope that white gay couple who adopted that adorable little black child goes to hell so fast ohhhhh
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queenahnhyejin · 4 years
On kpop fans handling problematic behavior
Disclaimer: this is going to be very long and might trigger some people here
So I guess everyone has a story how they got into kpop. Some are casual enjoyers and some are invested. Whatever it may be, it should be a source of happiness and peace for people. And I say people because I feel that calling everyone fans and stans all the time gives them the opportunity to hide under the blanket of belonging and security. People on social media dissociate themselves from their actions as fans which allows them to post and speak in a manner they wouldn't without the protection provided.
Given the freedom provided by anonymity and unity in their fandom, people go off without any censorship or thinking whatsoever. Scandals in kpop aren't rare and you will see, on a daily, a vast number of people posting derogatory and defamatory allegations (read: lies) and insults towards an idol. Notice that they supposedly don't care or hate the idol at hand. Hate breeds hate, and very soon it becomes a vicious cycle with seemingly no end, as no one is held accountable. Why would they? They are essentially nobodys. Idols are public figures with a platform and cancel culture is a way of stripping that influence from them, if they did the wrong thing. However, very quickly people who are in no position to judge a situation do exactly that. (For example: fans defending idols on real legal issues; non black people forgiving or canceling someone for appropriation of black culture, downplaying self harm and so on)
Say a person is accused of a crime or problematic behavior like for example bullying (given current happening with AOA), and faces public accusations. The minute this gets out, people rush to attack, insult, send death threats, cancel and completely dehumanize that idol. All justified by the fact that it's the bad guy here. And why? Because they hurt and insult other people. But you are not, given the fact that you do the very same right now? Mindboggling. And in the process, no one cares about facts and no one gives a damn about the victim. Yeah, sure some will have pity but generally understanding and empathy is lacking. It is more important to dig up receipts than to find a way to handle the situation. And the victims suffer because their narrative is being twisted. Their own story is not in their control anymore.
On the other end of the spectrum you have those who mindlessly defend the idols. Whatever the thing is that they did. Nah. You know better. You know them. They are not bad people. They just do bad things ~ Aight cool whatever you say.
Somewhere between these two categories fit those who insult their own faves for... having a hickey?? Being in love? Having a life? I mean... you do know that's both crazy and dangerous, but that talk is for another time.
Lastly, the point of this long rant is to actually point out that kpop fans are people. You here all live your own lives that are happening outside of the realm of kpop. You are people with own minds, beliefs and principles. I guess we can agree that this is the case. Okay. So.. why is it acceptable in this community to be a butt of a person hiding behind kpop? People cross the line so many times. You cannot justify crime, sexualizing children, racism, bullying, sexism, privilege and many other problematic behaviors idols and companies do. You cannot. If you are not the person/culture affected, you are in no place to forgive someone and "move on". Some things can be fixed by reflecting on the situation and apologies. Others can't.
What you can and should do is point out such behavior. Make such behavior unacceptable and hold those idols, companies, stylists etc accountable. You don't just go off and insult someone no matter if they are the bad guy or not. Calling them out - yes, completely right. Calling them "ugly, ogres, untalented, insignificant etc", saying "go kill yourself, they should be hanged etc" is counterproductive and deflects from the problem at hand. Understand what kind of language and insults I mean. I understand being emotional and that some people do deserve the worst. But it is not justifiable to publicly spread hate, lies or pass judgment on anyone here. Okay? There are other ways please people. Stop using your anonymity as shields and your social media as weapons of mass destruction.
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