godsofhumanity · 5 years
I very vaguely remember you saying that October asks are closed. So if you're going to answer this in November that's all right! You talked about how Hades is pretty much Thanatos' dad. But what about Thanatos' biological, Erebus? I never see anyone talk about his parents, Nyx and Erebus, in any Greek god ask blogs. How do you feel about them? Personally I think Thanatos has the MOST powerful family in all of Greek mythology. Even down to his nephews from Hypnos. Zeus himself even fears Moros.
Okay now let’s get into this.
So in my imagination, I feel that because Thanatos is constantly with Hades, delivering souls, etc. therefore Hades has sort of unintentionally assumed the role of Thanatos’ dad. But of course, yes, Thanatos does have biological parents- Nyx and Erebus. I guess in my interpretation, Nyx and Erebus are sort of just busy out there, y’know, being the night and silence and all that, and I think that sort of could be plausible considering that Greek mythology doesn’t really abide by linear family structures to begin with. 
Nyx is an interesting character in my opinion. As the personification of the night, I like to think of her as sort of, really in-tune with the universe. She gives really deep and spiritual reflections when it hits night time and she also can throw a hella good party to be sure. 
Then Erebus, who personifies darkness, and was born from chaos, becomes sort of the perfect soulmate for Nyx. He too prefers the night to the day, and maybe he’s not a party freak but he’s not a gloom to be with. Erebus I feel is probably quite erratic at times, given his roots with Chaos, but Nyx has a sort of calming effect on him (since she is the night = sleepy time). Also Erebus is THE go-to person for dark jokes.
As for Thanatos’ family being the MOST powerful family? I mean, on one hand, yeah, Thanatos and Hypnos alone are a fearsome duo. Then you add in Moros (god of impending doom, gloomy i know), and then the Keres (female spirits of violent deaths and terminal illnesses, ouch), and well, wow that’s quite a load. So I suppose yeah they could be. 
On the flip side of the coin, I’d argue that death in itself isn’t really what defines how powerful you are, if we’re talking about the ability to inflict suffering, or just the general ability to make an impact. Therefore, it’s what CAUSES the death that makes one powerful. Let me point you to a line by the metaphysical poet John Donne to help me explain it better, “Death be not proud, though some have called thee mighty and dreadful for thou art not so... Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men, and dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell, and poppy or charms can make us sleep as well...” (Death be not proud). What this means, is that death is in fact subjected to whatever caused it to begin with. So like, death is powerless without something or someone instigating it- it’s war that causes death, or poison, or sickness. So from this angle, I’d say that actually the main Olympians are in fact the most powerful because they are directly responsible for causing death and violence- Ares and Athena with their war, Zeus with his thunderbolts, Poseidon with his tsunamis, Hera with her jealous spats, etc. (I don’t know if I wrote that out clearly, but hopefully you catch what I’m trying to say) and Thanatos and co. simply are just there to help all the poor souls who fall victim to the Olympians get on their way to the afterlife.
Anyways, I think they’re all valid opinions. I personally think that they’re all pretty tough and pretty scary, and I don’t think I’d want to be enemies with any of them. Each of them have their own pros and cons, and of course, having a role as a minor or major, or subservient or leader type god doesn’t necessarily dictate whether you’re weak or strong. Thanatos and Hades are a prime example of that- neither one is a force you’d want to reckon with (yes, we are ignoring that one dude in Greek mythology who knocked Thanatos out and kept him under his bed because he didn’t want to die).
Thank you for the ask, love! This was really thought provoking and I really enjoyed it :) ((sorry for turning this into a mini essay))
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beadmotion · 6 years
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Now that Steven's on hiatus, could the diamonds please crash another wedding?
Thanks to @higaimou for giving me the idea to make more crossover comics!
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nanimoshitakunai · 5 years
higaimou replied to your post: Dude, I gotta say... Netflix’s on it! They made an...
Netflix never did anything to make Violet Evergarden. There’s a very good video on YouTube that tells the full production history of Violet Evergarden, and I assure you that Netflix has zero participation in it.
Oh, ok, got it, I’ll fix my post then, but Violet Evergarden is on Netflix and that’s what got me thinking...anyway, thanks for the warning!
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godsofhumanity · 5 years
Hi, it's me again! You haven't posted in a really long time. Are you okay? Ah, as for the question... What do you think of Hades' daughter, Macaria? She's the Goddess of Blessed Death, so she's often considered to be Thanatos' pair, which I ship wholeheartedly. But what do you think of her?
IM SO SORRY FOR GETTING TO THIS SO LATE!!! Also it’s really sweet that you’re looking out for me, ily
Anways, to part ii of your ask, I absolutely ADORE Macaria!!! I’ve never really shipped Thanatos and Macaria romantically, mainly because I’ve always pictured him to be sort of a big brother to her? Like since he works for Hades, and Hades is pretty much his dad, i’ve always just made them a brotp? That being said, I can definitely see Macaria and Thanatos turning into an echo of Persephone and Hades- Macaria definitely inherited Persephone’s sass (i know that her biological mum isn’t really mentioned, so im just gonna make Seph her mum anyhow) and Thanatos is just an awkward lil’ kid (like Hades) so I think there is something there :)
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godsofhumanity · 6 years
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Haha no worries @higaimou! You can ask me anything anytime! It’s my fault though- your ask came through so late because I currently have 62 posts in the queue and I usually add asks and requests to the queue so it takes a long time to get published. But fear not, I promise I have answered them.
If anyone wants an ask answered quickly, just tell me and I’ll boost it to the front of the queue or post it straight away!
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