#high at work working late hitting the juul talking about behaviors i have observed since i was on lj in highschool what up
william-s-churros · 1 year
the maia arson crimew identity discourse has so heavily featured one of the most classic discourse tactics ill call "deflection sandwich" which is where you sandwich a semirelated inflammatory opinion in between two slices of a Real and Important Issue and then get mad when people respond to your inflammatory opinion instead of the Real and Important Issue, and deflect criticism by constantly pointing out that Actually your post was about the important issue and by engaging with the semirelated inflammatory opinion, people are showing themselves to be shallow assholes who don't care about the Real Thing that YOU care about and therefore their criticisms dont and shouldnt matter
i like dont even know if people do this on purpose or not, but regardless, the result is the same. tbh if you dont want people to respond to the inflammatory opinion you chose to include, the easiest way to get around that is to just not even include it, because by including an inflammatory opinion, you're inviting people to respond to it. and if you care about the Real Issues, then you shouldnt need to include your semirelated inflammatory opinion in the first place, should you? its like you derailed the conversation yourself to begin with and are now acting like its someone elses fault. i mean idk. but anyway
and an addendum to the above: it does kind of suck when people (especially cis people???? but also. other people who are not trans women/transfemmes. lol) act like the harassment of trans women/transfemmes online for the slightest of "transgressions" is, like, not A Real Issue? its like regardless of what good that trans women/transfemmes do, or any of their amazing accomplishments, its like people are just chomping at the bit for an excuse to justify virulently hating them so much that they feel possessed by the urge to tell them that they should die, they should kill themselves, or they should be punished in some way for being "incorrect". its like even if you ~hate microlabels~ or ~are a reactionary~ i think you can find it in your heart to give her a fucking break and like lay off that shit for five fucking minutes or better yet, reassess your priorities? i mean i think a lot of people would argue their opinions of maia crimew have nothing to do with it being a transfemme but like even if thats not actively what youre thinking i would maybe at least consider the possibility that you have some unexamined hostility to trans women/transfemmes burbling in your subconscious, ESPECIALLY if you dont think that its A Real Issue and doesnt need to be discussed, i guess lol idk!!!!!
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