#high schooler renjun
liu-yu-xin · 1 year
Kangaroo is cute kun and taeil are definitely on this. Slightly less sure but still pretty sure also yangyang. And i thinkk also renjun and chenle? Or just renjun i cant really tell their voices apart sometimes.
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nanaooyoo · 2 months
nct dream ot7 scenario
request for: anon. They asked for a scenario where the dreamies have a kid say “you’re not my real mom” to their step mom. I tried to write a bunch of different family dynamics where a new woman comes into their life, some are happy some are a bit angsty. Hope you like it! Anyways enjoy ✨
warnings/headsup: fem reader • gender neutral for all the kids • jeno, haechan, jaemin, and chenle have fluffy endings • mark, renjun, and jisung have angsty endings • aged up nct dream or not you decide • mentions of pregnancy • allusions to bad parenting • dream are all good dads • 4.6k words total • 660 word average • open endings • light proofread
blended families: members x reader pt.I/I
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❥ Mark
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Mark was shocked by what he had heard. In his mind, you and his stepchild got along well. Sure the relationship wasn’t perfect and there was definitely a long adjustment period, but that didn’t justify such harsh words over something so trivial. Ever since the divorce his oldest had become uncharacteristically snippy, moody, defiant even… He chocked it up to teenage hormones and the fact that his two youngest had spent much less time with their biological mother and were much more attached to you.
It was the weekend and he was double checking that all their bags were packed, furiously looking at his watch and his phone interchangeably, and anticipating his ex-wife’s arrival any minute. It was her designated time with them and his ex was probably already on her way to take them for the weekend, but you were struggling to get the two littlest ones dressed while also having a distracting back and forth with an already frustrated adolescent.
“I’m sorry but I just really don’t feel comfortable letting that happen” you said as they begged, pleaded, and attempted to negotiate throwing a party at Mark’s the following weekend while you two would be away. You weren’t one to raise your voice but you still had to be firm. Mark had already said no many times and all three kids knew that even if Mark could easily be swayed, when it came to things that could put someone in trouble; it was a no-go. You however, were always a little bit more understanding of the kids wanting to do fun things even if parents and step parents weren’t present. That still didn’t mean you would allow a teen to throw a party with a bunch of other high schoolers without any adult supervision. Mark climbed the stairs as he could hear the muffled grumbling of you two arguing while the other kids giggled and fidgeted and darted around the room.
“Seriously? You’re not even my real mom! Where do you get off telling me what I can and can’t do?” They yelled. You turned slowly to look at them a bit of hurt in your eyes, but mostly just shock. Even the hyperactive elementary schoolers stopped in their tracks. Instead of getting angry you just felt a bit sad, you just shook your head and went back to dressing the much calmer little ones. They looked as if they wanted to say something but didn’t have the vocabulary to.
Mark waltzed in at just the worst moment “___” Lee how could you say something like that? He asked in earnest.
They just mumbled some excuse about it being true, sinking into themselves seemingly surprised by their own words. Before their father could give them a stern talking to, the doorbell rang. You turned away a bit to wipe your slightly watery eyes without anyone noticing and stood up with a smile. “Alright everyone it’s time to go!” You said cheerily patting all three of their heads and ushering the kids down the stairs.
You and Mark exchanged a few pleasantries with Mark’s ex-wife and her boyfriend before loading all the belongings in the car and waving goodbye.
You rubbed Marks shoulder reassuringly. “It’s okay” you said “They regretted it once they said it… I could tell”. You really hoped that was true. Mark planted a quick kiss on your forehead before you reentered the house…
❥ Renjun
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Renjun did everything he could to get his kid on board with him dating again. It had been years since their mother passed away and he wanted to remember her but still move on in his own way. For him that was finding someone new. So far though, there had been no luck. Any time he had a date, mentioned a date, even insinuated that he liked someone that wasn’t them or their mother it did not go well with his only child. Dating with kids was hard enough but not even being able to introduce your kid to anyone was a whole different beast. The one time Renjun did try and introduce someone to them the relationship ended that night. Needless to say, he was nervous when he met you. He felt himself falling for you immediately. You were charming and kind, and your background in child psychology made you all the more appealing. You were so patient and understanding every time he had to reschedule plans due to his chaotic life especially when it came to his kid. Renjun had only felt this way once before, but now that she was gone he really imagined what it would be like to start over with you.
Tonight was maybe your fifth or sixth date and Renjun had proposed the idea of slowly working up to courage to introduce you to his child. You agreed and reassured him that he could take his time and that you were in no rush.
What you didn’t tell him was that you wanted to wait as long as possible for the kid to adjust before you were inserted into their life. He had called one day while he was at home to check in on you while you were sick in bed, and you overheard some snide remark being made in the background. Renjun had brushed it off just really hoping you didn’t hear anything but unfortunately you did.
“She’s an adult why are you even worried?” You heard “Mom would’ve never taken this much of your time-” “I’ll never call her mom you know… you can’t just expect me to be okay with you replacing-“ At the sound of that Renjun cut the call short telling you to feel better before hanging up.
The next day he arrived at your apartment with some lovingly homemade soup and some flowers he knew wouldn’t upset your allergies. He tried his best to apologize for the words that were said but you told him you didn’t hold it against him or them.
It took months of convincing before they finally agreed to meet you and a few years into your eventual marriage before they started to actually let their guard down around you a little bit. The first meeting went about as well as you’d expect there was some animosity, resistance and later on they denied that you had successfully made them laugh when Renjun brought it up. It was still taking some time and maybe they would never call you mom but you and Renjun didn’t want to force anything. It was an uphill battle you both were committed to take on together…
❥ Jeno
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“She’s not my mom though… She’s a step mom” they said. Jeno’s eyes went wide!
“No! She’s your mom, I mean mommy is also your mom but she’s never really been like- she’s still technically your mother but, I mean it’s complicated… It’s like- It’s like, um”… Jeno rambled nervously before he trailed off trying to explain to his toddler that the woman they had spent pretty much their entire existence with was in fact more of a mother than their “real” mother was. You covered your mouth and sucked in your lips as Jeno scrambled and the kid just kept on playing with their toys. “I’m really sorry, I don’t know why they just said that!”
All he had said to them was that him and “mom” (meaning you) were planning on what to order for dinner.
Jeno looked at you with frantic worry in his eyes and scooted a little closer to where you sat on the ground beside him and your child. “Are you okay why aren’t you saying anything?” He asked resting his hand on yours gently.
He noticed how your eyes welled up but he wasn’t expecting that they were actually welling up from laughter. You croaked and snorted in amusement and surprise before you could even fully process what had just happened. You laughed at the child’s blunt delivery and just silently went over to play with them some more. Jeno always looked so cute when he was stressed that you didn’t even have time to feel any negativity. In your eyes no matter what, no matter how old, your kid was always going to be your kid, and you really did consider them yours. The way they shot you an unassuming smile and raved to you about the palm sized toy car you had bought them for just some pocket change the other day melted away any worries. You ruffled their hair a bit and cleared your throat. “Well step mom wants to know what you want for dinner.”
Jeno watched in awe as you two chatted back and forth laughing and talking about various food options as if nothing had happened. “They’re not wrong…” you whispered to your husband with a small chuckle reminding him that it wasn’t an emotionally charged statement it was just the sort of matter of fact tone that was all too common in children (especially yours). “They must have inherited the sarcasm from you”. You spoke with glee reminding Jeno of his similarly blunt tone when delivering news or making quippy remarks. Your sense of humor made it near impossible to push your buttons so occasional sass and dry humor were nothing new to you. It’s something you found cute. You liked that your child had picked up Jeno’s realistic worldview but your silly laugh.
You were finally able to divert the conversation from which miniature race cars would qualify for the Grand Prix and back onto dinner.
You understood inherently that this was a conversation that would probably have to be had many more times again in the future and with many more people. You knew that you would eventually have to start adjusting and evolving the way you explained your familial situation to your child and the not so pretty parts about their upbringing before you arrived, but there was one thing you knew for certain, and that was that they would always be aware that no matter what they had two parents who loved them. You and Jeno would always be there, for the good, the bad, the ugly, and the awkward…
❥ Haechan
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Haechan always knew that combining two families would be difficult but he was determined to do it anyways. Two sets of parents, two sets of kids, and a whole lot of big personalities coming together was bound to create some drama, but Haechan was ready for it. Or so he thought!
“Are you sure a vacation is the best way to go about this right now Haechan?” You asked.
“It’s not a vacation! It’s a… it’s a well planned family trip!” Haechan replied, rifling through his closet for something to wear. “Besides, even if it was a vacation… which it’s not, it would still be a good bonding exercise.” We can just hang out at the beach and chill, the older ones can do their own thing and the little ones already have so much fun playing together. It’ll go great I promise. Haechan walked over to the edge of the bed where you were sitting and gave you a reassuring kiss on the forehead before going back to scanning all his clothes.
“I just don’t know about having them share a room, no matter how big it is, all three of them stuck together like that just feels like a disaster waiting to happen.” You sighed and laid back on the bed.
You and Haechan had been putting off planning a well deserved break for only god knows how long at this point! You had been dating for years and the idea of remarriage for both of you felt so far off in the moment. You had three kids in your previous marriage: two teenagers and one middle schooler. Haechan had two kids: one teenager and one in elementary school. For the most part, all of you got along well. You all got along well enough in fact that moving in under one roof didn’t seem so scary anymore. Still, you had searched high and low for your dream five bedroom home, saving up all you could working second jobs, and extra shifts like crazy. luckily Heachan was good with money and that dream finally became a reality. You were able to move into a space with a beautiful master bedroom for you and your partner, and four extra bedrooms for each kid. No one felt left out and everyone was happy!
Haechan thought you were crazy for insisting that the fact that the older kids had gotten along so well lately was because they had separate bedrooms. Each teenager had their own space and privacy and that to you made all the difference. Less grumpy attitudes at breakfast, less fights over what to watch on tv, no roasts thrown at each other that another couldn’t handle… it was great! They were even voluntarily hanging out with each other! You worried that if they were forced to spend time together that the magic might die a little and they would stop getting along. Haechan insisted that they were all mature enough to not start any petty drama on a family trip.
“Don’t worry sweetheart! It’ll all go fine!”
A couple weeks later you were all sidled up next to each other in the airport waiting for your boarding time. All three of your oldest were on their phones with their own headphones in, but every once in a while you could see them giggle at their screens and all lean over show each other things.
It gave you relief. Aside from the occasional “Y/N your kid keeps elbowing me”, and “Donghyuck your kid is kicking my feet”. It was alright.
Of course when you landed they all had the classic argument of “she’s not my mom she’s your mom, and he’s not my dad he’s your dad.” When it came to unpacking or doing chores but the spaciousness of the vacation house and the fact that the teens had their own bathroom felt amazing. The two youngest had been angels of course the whole way over, finally expending all their energy and climbing on Haechan like a jungle gym while he scoped out the fridge.
Sure it was annoying to deal with all the young people yelling, but so far it wasn’t so bad…
❥ Jaemin
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There was almost nothing Jaemin wasn’t willing to do for his kids. He was occasionally stern with them, a disciplinarian, but he was also just about the most fun father anyone could ever ask for, and he was even more fun once his children had aged into young adults!
He was the kind of dad that called in sick for his kids when they had forgotten to study for a test that day. He was the kind of dad that let them have ice cream for dinner just because he wanted ice cream for dinner. He was the kind of dad that waited until his kids were in their mid twenties (and absolutely begging him to spend time with people his own age) to ask out his workplace crush.
Watching his two kids navigate their way through the beginnings of adulthood unencumbered by the same sort of baggage that weighed on him, back when he was their age filled Jaemin with a complicated mix of emotions.
On one hand he was happy! When he was barely out of high school he had to beg a store clerk to let him get his deposit back on a rented prom tux and a corsage so he could scrounge up enough cash to support his newly pregnant girlfriend. At that age he was thinking about whether or not his parents would ground him for making them grandparents before he graduated college. Back then he was wondering if baby formula and diapers were really as expensive as everyone made them out to be. Thank god the most pressing financial matter on his oldest one’s mind at the moment was how many paychecks would equal a new gaming setup.
On the other hand however, Jaemin was quite a bit jealous… Every time his kids brought home a new partner of theirs, blew their allowance on something stupid, or just generally goofed off, he was reminded of just how much he felt like he missed out on. Jaemin had only ever been in one relationship and all that left him with was two kids and a world’s worth of baggage. Of course he loved his children, but he couldn’t lie. Watching them date around so easily while he had to settle down with the first girl he ever “slipped up” with didn’t always feel good. He wondered how their mother managed to co-parent and still move on with her life so smoothly for all these years. She had little to no trouble finding anyone, so why did he?
Well maybe the problem wasn’t simply finding somebody, but what to do after he had found them.
Jaemin still remembered the first day he had met you like it was yesterday. It was physics class third year of university and the very first day of the semester. You sat towards the back of the lecture hall, just a few seats in front of him and his group of friends. He sure as hell didn’t remember a single thing on the board in front of him but he did remember you. He remembered the guilt he felt for falling for you so soon after the mother of his children had broken up with him. He remembered the way you would nervously twirl your pencil in your hand, and chew the eraser to bits every time there was a pop quiz. He remembered the sheepish yet polite way you would ask him for notes. He remembered the smile you had on your face and the adorable way your eyes twinkled and the corners creased as you pointed to the picture glued to his phone of the two infants who shared his same face. You had raved about how cute they were, and Jaemin could still remember how he was tempted to lie and say they were his nieces/nephews but told the truth instead. Most importantly, he remembered the way your lips curled up and the gentle and warm tone of your voice as the words “makes sense, you seem like a good dad” escaped your lips. Oh the way his heart melted that very instant at hearing you say those words. They were the exact kind of validation he needed at that time and coming from a pretty girl like you made it all the more validating.
Now here he was, years and years later, checking you out from his cubicle as you worked at your desk. You were much more organized now than you were in school. Now Jaemin was the one continuously asking you for help and advice. The day his boss had introduced you two made his heart skip a beat and he could tell that you had immediately recognized him too! You even asked about his kids… could you be any more perfect?
If it wasn’t for one of his kids catching him stalking your social media he probably would have just let his crush on you fester without ever making a move.
“She seems cool, you two would probably get along.” They said nudging their dad’s shoulder and pointing to your profile up on his phone.
Jaemin just scoffed and cleared his throat, attempting to hide his embarrassment. “The only woman I get along with is your mom” he said looking away; guilt still bubbling inside him for some reason “well her and your grandma” he said…
“I don’t need a new mom, I already have one, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t need anyone. Look dad I like hanging out with you but it can’t just be the four of us forever”. His child said solemnly but still giving Jaemin an empathetic smile…
❥ Chenle
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Your whole body ached and you had never felt more tired, but you also felt a whole lot of relief. Chenle was perfectly on time, the delivery process had gone smoothly, and most importantly you had welcomed a beautiful baby into the world.
It was only Chenle’s child second but it was your very first, so you both had a lot to learn and many chances to grow with this new adorable addition to your family.
You could tell Chenle’s kid had mixed feelings about the pregnancy when you had told them. Of course you considered them your child too, but you both were still on a first name basis. Hearing a young person who lived in such close proximity to you call you “Y/N” was strange but you had… sort of, almost, kind of gotten used to it.
Chenle’s first kid had always wanted a sibling, but when it didn’t work out with his ex wife the idea seemed to become more of a thing of the distant past. That was the case, until he met you! Chenle almost instantly fell head over heels for you. It kind of scared you at first. You wondered why a guy like him, would be so into you but you gave him a chance and that might have become the best decision you ever made. He was kind, intelligent, full of energy and life, but laid back at the same time, and not to mention genuine. Almost to a fault Chenle was willing to tell you and anyone who would listen, how he was feeling and what he was thinking. What you had thought to be an act at first was really just the real him, unbothered by the little things in life and so happy to be surrounded by the people he cared about.
You always took the gentler approach when communicating with Chenle’s kid. Not only because it was just a part of your personality, but also because you purposefully walked on eggshells around them in certain situations to avoid imposing yourself. Chenle’s kid saw you more like a fun older friend who spent a lot of time with their dad than a mother, and eventually that stopped feeling so weird. Strangely enough, it made them more relaxed around you. Both you, and Chenle’s first were aware of the sometimes tepid nature of your relationship so it was important to keep things lighthearted when telling them about their brand new sibling. Their emotions were mixed but they still politely gave you a hug and they even warmed up to the idea a bit more (after you bribed them with some ice cream).
They were more than happy to help you pick swatches for the nursery and were over the moon when you convinced Chenle to let them have one of the bigger rooms in the house all to themself and move the baby into their old room. “A baby doesn’t need all this space anyway and ___ is getting older!” You said.
The day your water broke you practically thanked the heavens it happened so conveniently. It was the weekend and you were sitting at home freshly washed up and eating lunch at the kitchen island scrolling through your phone when it happened. You called Chenle who was already on his way home and his kid rushed down the stairs just in time to sit with you and make sure you were okay. You could see the excitement on their face as they tried to remain calm and not overwhelm you.
After being scooped up in the car, admitted to the maternity ward, and taking a few cute photos, you told Chenle to go invite his kid into the room. You felt so proud handing off the baby to them and even in your drowsy state you could tell they were emotional.
“I know it’s weird that I can’t bring myself to call you mom but I am definitely calling them my sibling” Chenle’s child said gently tickling the infants nose with the tip of their finger. It was awkward, but nothing you didn’t already know. Now you were aware for a fact that no matter what, this new baby had three people in their lives ready to love them unconditionally!
❥ Jisung
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“First of all, she’s not my mom let’s get one thing straight—”
Jisung’s kid had a temper like no other! He had no idea where they had gotten it from. It obviously wasn’t from him, it definitely wasn’t from his baby mama, and it certainly wasn’t from you!
Most of the time Jisung’s calm and quiet approach to parenting was really effective but when his child got worked up he never knew what to do. You and Jisung were both particularly mild mannered so it wasn’t in your nature to raise voices, or engage in an immature back and forth, but to an angsty teenager that just meant a free pass to throw fits. Whenever they got in one of their moods it seemed like they couldn’t help but just hurl insults at people, especially those closest to them. And their favorite insult of all? At least when it came to you; calling you anything but their mother.
No matter how long you had been around, how much time you had spent together, how much of a family you all thought you were. When it came down to the wire they knew the thing to say that would upset you the most. You hated that it worked, you hated that it was somehow both true and untrue, and you hated how it made Jisung feel. Even if he wasn’t in the room it would be hard to hear, but watching him in real time as his face dropped, the exasperated sigh he let out, the way he just held your hand and led you out of the room without a word, it was all just miserable.
Your fiancée sat on the living room couch with his head in his hand, the other tentatively caressing your knuckle with his thumb. He rubbed his temples and huffed out not knowing what to say. You watched as Jisung looked to the various venue pamphlets and florist business card strewn across the coffee table and then to the ring in his finger. He let out a strenuous breath through his nose and blinked a few times as the watery-ness in his eyes started to dissipate.
You spoke carefully squeezing Jisung’s hand and giving him a compassionate look. “Maybe we should just push the wedding ba—“
“No!” He responded before you could even finish your thought.
“I just mean, if things are to stressful right now it might not be a good idea, especially since it feels like things could potentially get worse…” you tried to choose your words carefully “maybe now’s just not the time”.
“Y/N how could you say that?”
“I’m not trying to hurt you I’m just thinking about what’s best for us, what’s best for everyone!”
“You’re what’s best for me right now!” He said without skipping a beat “I really can’t do any of this without you and I don’t want to push this back any further” he said “I just love you too much…”
You knew that Jisung’s words were true, and that he really truly felt them. You knew he was being genuine when he said that he loved you and that all these years together had made you a family but you also knew that to his kid, to your kid, that was only true when they were happy, and getting married, having a wedding? That could only make things ten times worse.
You two just looked at each other a little bit forlorn, completely forgetting what had sent the adolescent on a tirade in the first place. Jisung’s tired, pained, but still enamored expression when looking at you helped in the moment. Even if it really just was for that moment, things could always get better. Right?
Your fiancée planted a gentle string of kisses along your cheek and neck eventually landing on the corner of your lips and whispering a feeble “it’s going to be okay” in your ear…
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thoughtsforsoob · 8 months
their s/o is a teacher! - nct dream
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a/n: lmao ig im just gonna have to ignore that hate ive been getting! I'm gonna write for nct dream this time because for some reasons some MOA's are not being very kind towards my work. That is not an attack towards MOA because I am one of the biggest MOA's I know...it's jut not fair that some of the people I should be cool with are being so incredibly rude...over and over. anyways, that is all from me on that. please enjoy! as always, requests are open!
(I'm gonna add a cut off here so if you don't wanna read, you don't have to)
☆ mark lee ☆
he thinks it's so cute, especially if you teach little ones (kindergarten/1st grade)
he loves asking you about your classroom and how your work is going
he even helps you grade students assignments and he loves seeing what they say on their assignments
he also likes seeing their art work
he meets your students when you have a classroom part and he helps you set up
they immediately start to ask 100 questions, like kids do, ad he is totally okay with it.
he enthusiastically answers all their questions and they love him
they always ask for him every day after that
☆ huang renjun ☆
renjun thinks it's funny if you teach middle school
he is too good at listening to what happened during your day
he laughs at all the stories of students running around and causing chaos
he love's looking at the assignments you give them and tries to do them himself
he whines when he can't get something right and whines even more when you tell him you students got 100% on that question
☆ lee jeno ☆
he's one that thinks you teaching the older ones is cool
you're actually a college professor so he think's that's WAY cooler
he enjoys hearing you talk about the subject you teach and love's to hear you talk about your students and the assignments you gave them
when you offer to give him a your of the campus you work at, he is jumping at the chance
he even buys gear from the university you work at and wears it all the time (the letterman style jacket you got him is his favorite! he wear's it often and even wore it during a soundcheck of one of nct dream's concerts).
you bump into a few students and say hello, introducing jeno as your boyfriend
☆ na jaemin ☆
you teach kindergartners and he adores it
you helps you set up the different bulletin boards in your classroom and helps you organize/set up everything else
he loves to ask you about your lesson plans and you always ask him for ideas for activities and he helps you every time
he really want's to meet the little ones so after the year is done and they are graduating, he attends the event
they ask you, "teacher, who is that handsome man you were with? is that your boyfriend?"
they all giggle and go "ooooo!" and you tell them yes, that's him!
they run to meet him after the ceremony
☆ lee haechan ☆
he would probably find it interesting if you teach high schoolers
since the first time you told him about all your students, he always asks about them and want's you to update them about how they're doing
his favorite thing to do for your students is to send them stuff!
he gives you money so you can buy them snacks for your classroom (and other supplies! my teachers in high school always had sanitary pads, tampons, snacks, and other stuff in them in case students needed them)
he wants to help you make sure your students feel safe in their classroom
he also funds the senior pizza party at the end of the year and even makes an appearance!
☆ zhong chenle ☆
I believe Chenle is also good with little ones since he's always posting with his family (especially his, I believe, little nephew)
he love's helping you choose coloring pages for your students to do when they're done with their minute math sheets (the stress it causes is always rewarded with coloring time!)
he also likes to buy nice supplies for you students
you tell hi not to do it, because kids love to break things and lose them, but he doesn't listen
he love's going supply shopping (he get's all the brand names like Crayola :0)
he also helps grade assignments!
☆ park jisung ☆
you teach middle school and he loves it
he loves hearing the stories of your students acting out during class because it makes him giggle
just give him a glare and he will stop laughing at your misfortune
he helps you grade their papers
sighs every time he get's a that says 'idk'
it's all fun and games until get's those papers...then he wants to flip the kitchen table other and help you quit your job
because he knows how much they stress you out, he's always making sure you're distressing at home.
fetching you a warm cup of coffee/tea, making/buying dinner, giving you massages, helping you with other class stuff.
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jenosbliss · 8 months
congratulations on 100 followers!! for the event, can I request 17, 18, and 24 for e2l renjun please? thanks and i hope that you have a great 2024! 🩷
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pairing. gn!reader x renjun | genre. enemies to lovers | wc. 1.3k | warnings. mentions of stalking and a fight scene
a/n. hii anon, tysm! I’m really sorry for the delay and believe me the fic was much better in my head T-T
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“Are you sure you wanna submit this for the final assessment?” Renjun, the vice president of the writing club, tossed a bunch of papers in front of you.
The sky had turned into a pretty shade of red and pink, the kind beauty which appealed to you, heaving a dreamy sigh you were softly gazing at the calming evening view outside the window when Renjun’s monotonous voice was heard, turning the calmness of the moment into annoyance.
“Yes, you got an issue with that?” frowning, you looked up at him and the papers. “No, not at all…” raising his hands in defence he smirked before leaning close to your face “...it’s just that a high schooler could’ve written better than this.” you scoffed at his words, is he for real?
“And who asked your opinion? Who are you… Shakespeare?” standing up you snatched your thesis from his hands and started packing your bags “Shakespeare? Nah. Your project partner? Bingo!” you wondered if he could be any more annoying every time you were together and to your bad luck he was every time. “For Psychology not Literature.” he tsked “Thought you might need some help.”
“I would rather die than seek help from you Renjun.” you hissed before walking out of the room, away from him. “Wait y/n-” God, I can’t stand him.
“Fuck him, what does he even think of himself?” cursing you walked out of the cafe holding your iced americano, the only which can get your mind off Renjun. Why am I even thinking about him?
You were walking down the lonely street back to your apartment trying to focus on the delicious taste of your americano when someone called your name in a slurry voice from behind.
“Y/n… good to see you.” Chaeho slurred, stumbling on his way to you. He was drunk, and the look in his eyes made a shiver run down your spine. “Hi Chaeho, how can I help you today?” you asked moving backwards into the alleyway, he kept closing the distance between you both. “Be mine.” he had you now backed up against the wall, leaning down to face you. “I told you I’m not interested, please leave me alone Chaeho” all efforts to get past him went in vain he harshly pushed you into the wall, hovering above you.
“I told you don’t push me to my limits, what are you so proud of? This pretty face?" Everything happened so quickly that your brain stopped working, your body going limp and a feeling of helplessness settled within you.
He lifted his hand, his fingers about to your face when a voice reverberated in that quiet alley “Touch her and you're dead” Renjun hissed walking towards Chaeho and pushing him off you harshly. He fell down and grunted in pain while Renjun carefully held you by your shoulders, eyes checking your face for any injury.
“Fucking hell…” Chaeho stood up letting out a humourless chuckle, stumbling on his feet to reach both of you. “Get behind me.” Renjun moved in front of you to deal with the drunk man standing in front of him. “Leave before I do something you won’t like, Chaeho.” he said angrily, fisting his hands.
“This is the reason huh? You fucking around with this idiot? Choose him over me? You fucking bitch!” Chaeho had completely ignored Renjun’s warning but what happened next left you shaking in fear.
It happened so quickly that you just stood there for a good five seconds processing the scene in front of you. Chaeho had grabbed a brick lying on the road and lunged at you and Renjun tried to protect you which resulted in him getting hit on his arm by that brick. He kicked Chaeho in the stomach, making him fall to the ground, curling his body in pain.
“Fuck” Renjun groaned in pain garbbing his and turning to you “Are you okay?” Is he for real? He’s the one who got hit and still asking you, tears brimmed once again as you rushed towards him gently grabbing his arms “Are you okay? Let’s go please, let's leave.” you cried pulling at the hem of his sleeve gently.
“Let me first make sure he doesn’t bother you again.” he turned towards Chaeho who was on the ground grunting in pain. “Don’t you ever take her name with this filthy mouth of yours…” Renjun yanked his head up, grabbing him by his hair to face him “... and if i ever see you near her again, I’ll not think twice before beating the fucking lights out of you.” he stood up holding your hand and walking out of the alley towards your apartment.
“Can I walk you home?” Renjun asked once both of you were out in a busy street. “Please.” You still cannot get the image of what happened earlier out of your mind and also the thoughts of what could’ve happened if Renjun hadn’t shown up on time.
“Thank you for saving me.” whispering you shifted closer to him when a group of men passed by you. Noticing this Renjun took your hand in his and pulled you to his side. “Don’t thank me for that… also please stop using such dangerous streets especially when you are alone.”
“I’ll never take that route from now… I’m sorry for dragging you into this mess.” tears streamed down your cheeks. Renjun for you was someone you had hated with all your heart and now that he protected you, a feeling of guilt settled within you. The day he yelled at you for touching his belongings, you had liked him and were just helping him manage his stuff, you have always assumed the worst of him. Whatever he did always made you loathe him more. But now you reflect back on how wrong you’ve always been, how Renjun has never done anything wrong to you and how he saved you.
“Y/n what happened wasn’t your fault, it’s that jerk who does not what a no means. And you did not drag me into anything, I had to show him his place, he should be thankful I only punched him once.” Renjun chuckled trying to lighten the mood but it only made you think about the worst scenarios.
“You could’ve died Renjun! What if that brick had hit you head instead of your arm? Why did you even save me?” If he hates you then he could’ve just walked past by the whole situation, why did he stop? Why did he help you? Why was he even there on that street?
“It's my life over yours, don't you get that?” He had stopped in his tracks, holding your shoulders firmly. “But why? Don’t you hate me? Hate me so much that you won’t even let me touch your belongings? That you’ll point out my flaws? That I’m an unworthy person in your eyes?” All the questions and feelings you’ve been ignoring since years of knowing him just flew past your lips. How can you think straight in a moment of such raw emotions?
“How could I hate you? Each time I see you or am with you I just fall for you deeper… I like you y/n.” He gently held your face in between his palms, wiping the tears cascading down your cheeks as he looked in your eyes “I love you.” He confessed.
“Then why-” would he pretend to hate you all this time? “The day I yelled at you was because I was so in love with you that the sketchbook you were about to pick up was filled with your sketches and I got nervous and just yelled… I’m really sorry.” He smiled, thumb gently tracing over the softness of your cheeks.
“You’re the most perfect person in my eyes, and I always just wanted to help you achieve what you deserve. I had corrected your essay and was going to give it to you when I saw Chaeho and you. I’m sorry that I hurt you, that weren’t my intentions-”
“I love you Renjun.” Pulling him down, you kissed him softly. “Are you serious? You can’t be joking.” Smiling, you kissed him once again, “I love you. And thank you for the essay but mine’s better.”
“No way, It’s so poorly written!” Renjun fake winced, pulling you in a tight hug and confessing again “I love you.”
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masterlist. nct dream | nct 127 | wayv
100 follower event 🌷
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winwintea · 1 month
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PAIRING ↬ bassist!mark lee x fem!reader (ft. chuu, ningning and winter from aespa, haneul from kiof, gyuvin from zb1, soyeon & shuhua from (g)i-dle)
GENRES ↬ social media au (smau), fluff, angst, drama, fantasy au, band au, scott pilgrim au, explicit(?), gay people (ten) help mark find true love
WARNINGS ↬ profanity, sexual jokes, sexual content, (nothing explicitly written out) toxic relationships, character death if you count exploding into coins, y/n lowkey a hoe don't be like her, also cheating! kinda sorta, everyone's a dick
SUMMARY ↬ mark has never wanted anything in his life. the lead bassist for 'dream on', unemployed, and quite literally a loser, mark expects he's hit rock bottom from here. that is until you, the girl of his dreams quite literally skates out of his dreams and into his life. mark has never wanted anything more. but is love really worth the emotional baggage when you have seven evil exes, who each possess superpowers and are intent on defeating him?
UPDATE SCHEDULE ↬ when i finish my renjun smau/whenever i feel like it
TAG LIST ↬ OPEN at the bottom (send me an ask or request here if you’d like to be added! + those tagged will be in the tag list of all chapters of this series!)
PLAYLIST ↬ here!
AUTHOR’S NOTE ↬ hihihi welcome ???? to my scott pilgrim mark smau???? highly suggest you go watch the movie/anime or read the comics. ITS SO GOOD?? most of this fic will be based on the characters from the movie, with some plot tweaks, here and there. when i first watched it i thought it was so mark lee coded i had to write something, and what better way to make it more interesting than to spice it up with a smau? hope you enjoy, i’ve been working on this a lot <33 (ignore my shitty ibis paint skills pls 🙏)
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the cast: one | two
the performance: one ↬ a high schooler? two ↬ watermelon from door dash three ↬ ???
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lattegyu · 3 years
[dream] seeing you in a bikini for the first time !
genre: fluff, suggestive in some.
warnings: fem!reader, sexual innuendos?, pda, confessions, renjun almost fainting, the words 'breasts'? and 'ass'? and 'boobs'?,
words: 2.6k (around 221—383 each)
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mark !
both of you were on a vacation in los angeles with some friends
you decided it was a good day to go to the beach, so you organized you stuff and went with mark.
you were wearing a cute sundress, with your bikini underneath, so mark didn't really see anything
i mean,,, he had see you on your underwear before, but that's different, you were on the beach together for the first time and...
you weren't alone.
he was excited to say the least, he literally looked like a high schooler seeing girls half naked.
the moment you took off your dress then?* he turned into a pepper, his face literally reddened* he was wide eyed and felt himself hardening, immediately covering his lap with the beach towel next to him.
you were definitely gonna be the death of him.
"wow... you look stunning", while staring at you all the time.
he got a bit tense whenever he saw someone looking at you for a bit too long for his liking,* but he couldn't do anything so he kinda just went back to paying attention to you.
lots of kisses all the time
and he practically begged to apply sunscreen on you
mark basically drooled over you all the time
I mean, how couldn't he?
a gorgeous girlfriend, with a beautiful bikini and in a scenario like this?
mark was definitely dreaming and he didn't want to wake up. 
renjun !
he wasn't showing it on the outside...
but he was really excited to go to the waterpark with you — obviously with some other friends, but he didn't really care about them,,,
you both weren't dating for that matter, but you both knew that you liked each other.
he was really planning on asking you out during the trip to the waterpark.
(not even dating and boy is already whipped 😐)
he planned on waiting for you outside the cabin you and some other friends were sharing a room,
with some flowers
and a cute bear — that he bought some time ago but was too nervous to confess before.
that was his plan.
but everything was thrown out of the window the moment you stepped out of that door
in that bikini
looking effortlessly gorgeous.
renjun almost fainted,,,
if he was nervous before, now he was melting on the floor beneath you.
he was going to say some things he had planned, but at the moment, he was speechless.
it was like he didn't know how to speak—
so when you smiled at him? oh,,,,,,,
renjun turned so red you thought he wasn't ok.* "are you okay?", you asked coming closer to him and putting a hand on his forehead.
"i-i-i... a-ah, b-bikini... you-you...", he didn't know what to say, especially when you were so close to him that he almost could feel your breasts touching his chest.
you got so worried and he fell more in love when he saw how much you cared.
"ok, let's take you to the infirmary, you don't look nor sound okay right now."
he shook his head when your hand connected with his to take him there.
"i like you!", he blurted out, startling you.
now you were speechless.
"you like me?", he just nodded at your question and you smiled shyly. "well... i l-like you too."
renjun.exe is not working.
even though he knew that, hearing you say that was almost too much for him.
so you kissed him when he got too silent.
and he melted.
he muttered a tiny "i think you look gorgeous with that on..."
now your face turned into a tomato. 
jeno !
you and jeno were sitting in a towel on the sand
the both of you were sharing kisses and lovingly looks
anyone who looked to you two could see that you were utterly in love and whipped for each other.
your relationship was fairly new, you both had been dating for just four months.
jeno never saw you naked or even half-naked, so it was going to be his first time seeing you in a bikini for that matter.
in reality he really didn't think about it, his main thought was spending time with you.* but, you can bet on the flustered face he had when you lifted your shirt over your head and took off your shorts.
boy turned into a puppy in love and also a very protective boyfriend.
he had heart eyes while staring at you
and a arm always around you.
kisses became more fierce
he almost had you on his lap, he was literally whipped for you — and now for you in a bikini as well.
went into the water with you and carried you around.
splashed you a lot
and when you got out, and he saw your glistening skin in a bikini, with your damp hair,,,,,,,
he thought you were a living masterpiece.* which you were.
and made sure to compliment you all the time.
puppy boy couldn't help but be upset when you put back on your clothes to go home.
but he didn't say anything, just held your hand the whole way home.
you bet he tried to take you more to places in which bikinis were required.
even bought you new ones. 
haechan !
you can bet he was teasing you the entire way to the beach.
saying that he couldn't wait to see you in a bikini
that he bet you would be too shy to take off your dress.
so, since you were annoyed and wanted to prove him wrong
the moment you arrived at the beach with the other members and their respective girlfriends
you took off your dress.
haechan.exe stopped working—
he didn't think you would take him so seriously
but he was loving it.
your attitude with him was different too.
you purposefully bent over to get some stuff right in front of him,,,
boy had to hold himself to not touch you right there.
you knew what you were doing
and again,,,
he was loving it.
"your boobs look good."
"woah, mama, shake that ass!"
"can I touch your ass in public?"
he was embarrassing you to a point that you wanted to smack him.
haechan wasn't doing that on purpose though
(for the first time— smh)
he just thought you looked gorgeous and wanted to make sure you knew.
but his comments were a bit unnecessary* but when you told him that
and he pouted,,,,,,
you just gave up and kept on with what you were doing.
you literally had a baby as a boyfriend.
jaemin !
jaemin is a gentleman,
he treated you right,
he loved you,
he always make sure to compliment you.
but what have gotten into him today that he couldn't even look at you.
you both had decided to use your house's pool and you were excited since it is a pretty hot day.
but the moment you got back from getting changed, he just took a look of you and didn't even get too close.
you were worrying that you did something wrong that you didn't know about.
but the truth is,,,
he was flustered.
and it is rare for someone to be able to get him flustered.
usually, he's the one who makes people nervous.
it's in his own nature.
and what made him flustered was you,
in your bikini,
your body, not entirely, exposed to him.
you didn't show skin that much so he was panicking.
you looked so pretty but he didn't know what to say and how to react.
and you didn't now that's what was happening with him, since you weren't used to seeing jaemin like that.
he got especially more distant whenever you would swim closer to him and your ass would pop up from the water when you moved.
but, the moment you asked a tiny "did I do something wrong?"
with that pout,,,
and the puppy eyes,,,
jaemin couldn't resist you and cooed over your adorable face.
he cupped your cheeks and shook his head, placing small pecks on your lips.
"you just look too gorgeous like this", he motioned to your bikini. "you always do, but today i didn't know how to react" he smiled. shyly.
your cheeks reddened and you were shocked.
oh, how you were gonna start inviting him more to swim. 
chenle !
everyone knows that chenle is rich rich.
you knew that.
but what you didn't expect from that, was him suddenly announcing that you both were going to the bahamas for the weekend.
your eyes widened and you looked so surprised* that chenle started laughing.
you frowned before asking him why.
and he said because he felt like going and taking you with him.
you immediately denied, not wanting him to spend so much money on you.
but the kicked puppy eyes that he gave you,,,,,
you just accepted defeat and asked what time you were leaving.
he said anytime because he had a personal plane.
(idk the name of this kind of planes so im going with that 🤠)
you just nodded.
the good and bad things about having a rich boyfriend.
you felt guilty for not being able to do as much for him,,,
but he reassured you that you didn't have to and he absolutely loved spoiling you.
so you guys went to the bahamas.* the first thing you did when you arrived?
you guys went for a swim on the beach!
your heart just melted when you saw a brand new bikini sitting on top of your side of the bed.
so you took it, got changed and underneath your white sundress was hidden the bikini
just until you got at the beach.
chenle was waiting for you the moment you stepped out of the bathroom, ready for the day ahead.
when you guys got there, you asked if he could help you with the sunscreen and he agreed,
it was innocent actually.
so you took off your dress and laid on one of the chairs provided by the resort.
chenle got so red, omg
he felt like dreaming.
but, deciding on being a gentleman, he passed the cold liquid on your back and under the straps of the bikini,* trying not to touch where he wanted the most.
when he was finished, you offered to do the same.
and he denied.
he didn't know how he would react if your hands were on him,,,
especially when you in that bikini was a sight for sore eyes.
you just shrugged and started to read a book under the sun.
and he decided to calm down by going to swim.
you, in that bikini, wasn't going to get off his mind that quickly. 
jisung !
jisung is nct's official shy boy.
so, it's not hard to make him nervous,
just looking at him sometimes makes your boyfriend get shy.* you both had decided on going to the inside pool of the hotel together, the others too tired to go.
you had put on jisung's on top of your bikini
and he was already freaking out seeing you wearing his clothes,,,,,
so imagine his surprise when you took the shirt off
revealing your cute strawberry bikini
boy stopped breathing
stopped blinking
stopped functioning in general.
you!!! looked!!! even!!! prettier!!!
that was on his mind the entire time you guys were in the pool together.
he would get so shy when you got closer to him
like full on blushing and shyly smiling while not maintaining eye contact.* you broke park jisung.
you were having fun the entire time
swimming side-to-side of the pool and splashing water everywhere.
you looked exactly like an excited kid.
jisung was pretty sure his heart was gonna burst.
he watched you the entire time
he absolutely adored you
and thought that bikini was really pretty on you
(not that he was gonna tell u that because he is a shy baby 🥺)
his heart melted when you said "sungie" on your soft voice to call him over.
he immediately went and you splashed him in the face with the lukewarm water.
his face was like 'the audacity 🤨🤨🤨"
and he started becoming normal again
he splashed you with the water
and picked you up just to throw you in the pool again.
not that you both knew
but the other members saw everything and took a lot of pictures and videos* they were fangirling.
you guys are pretty cute, c'mon. 
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© lattegyu. 2021. do not copy.
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anothershorthuman · 3 years
Stay Alive Pt. 1
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pairings: nct dream x platonic!reader, afab!reader (they wear a skirt, but they/them pronouns are used), ??? x reader x ???
genre: zombie apocalypse au, high school au, angst, fluff, humor, not really horror but it's zombies ya'know
word count: 2.2k
series warnings: blood, injuries & fighting, suicide, character death, swearing, again... zombies.
chpt warnings: zombies eating people, minor character death, swearing, fighting... i think that's everything.
a/n: although I do not mention ages, I do tweak them so that certain people will be in the same grades. Anyone called an upperclassman is a third year. 00 liners and Mark are second years (00’s and Mark are in diff classes tho). Jisung, Chenle and y/n are first years, all in the same class. Mr. Lee is Taeyong. This was vaguely inspired by All of Us Are Dead, but the only thing they really have in common is that its a zombie apocalypse focused on high schoolers.
summary: nobody was ready for a zombie apocalypse. you were definitely not ready for a zombie apocalypse. while contemplating just giving up and accepting your faith, you meet a group of boys. life may seem pointless now, but at the very least, you now have a reason to stay alive. after a terrible day, you and your friends reminisce on the events that lead to that very moment and struggle to decide what to do moving forward.
masterlist : next
“I don’t think we can ever come back from this. I think we’re done.”
Renjun sighed at Haechan’s words, his head leaning onto the back of his chair to look at the ceiling and blink back tears. The eight –no seven– the seven of you sat in some random office building you ran into after a sudden wave of zombies had caught you off guard.
It had been two months into the zombie breakout and the hope for survival was dwindling everyday, but even more today.
The zombie breakout happened on a random Wednesday. You weren't even sure how it started, it could have been a freak accident or a failed experiment, all you knew is that there was an announcement over the intercom during your last class of the day saying that there had been an accident in the nearby neighborhood and all students and staff were to stay on school grounds until further notice. Class finished as usual and extracurriculars started as well, but that’s when it all went to shit.
The soccer team was out on the field practicing their dribbling when what seemed to be a crowd of maybe ten people came running towards them. Mark Lee swears on his life that one of them was holding an arm, blood dripping from it onto the grass. It was too late when the soccer team could see the blood coating these strange people, their crooked limbs and lifeless eyes.
The panic of reality settled when one of them took a large bite from the coach's face. He screamed for help, but everyone ran for shelter to the nearby open gym. Not everyone made it, of course. Only half of the soccer team stepped into the gym, Mark included. His best friend that was also on the team, Lucas, was ushering people inside to shut the doors. When he realized no one was going to do as he said due to confusion, he went to shut the door himself. But he was too slow and Mark watched as a zombie jumped on top of him and sunk its teeth into his shoulder. Lucas was able to fling it off of him but he knew that it was too late. He smiled sadly at Mark and with a shaky breath, he said his final word to Mark, “Goodbye.”
Mark says he doesn’t really remember what happened after, he thinks someone else from the team grabbed onto him and dragged him from the gym into the hall, but he’s not really sure. He doesn’t know how he ended up in this storage room with four other kids. A girl from his class named Yeri, an upperclassman named Baekhyun, his neighbor Jisung, and Jisung’s friend, Chenle.
“Chenle and I were in the locker room when it happened. We were supposed to have basketball practice…” He trailed off as he choked up, Chenle trying to comfort him.
They all jumped at a thump coming from the door. It was followed by a groan that Mark assumed was a zombie. The five high school students panicked, desperately trying to think of an escape route. Yeri suggested climbing into the air vent and they quickly got to work.
“We won’t have enough time to stack things and climb up,” Baekhyun said. He jumped to the railing on the ceiling and hung from it, attempting to yank it down. On his third pull, he managed to pop it open and quickly gestured to the other four. “I’ll give you a boost up.”
Jisung and Chenle went up first. Then Yeri. “What about you?” Mark asked. The zombies were stronger than expected and the door was starting to give out. One of their hands reached through a hole they had managed to make through the wooden door. Baekhyun glanced at the door and shook his head. “You go. I know you’ll be strong enough to pull me up.”
Mark went into the vent and quickly turned so he could help Baekhyun. He jumped and their hands managed to latch onto together, but then the door gave out and Baekhyun was trampled on by multiple zombies, falling from Mark's grip. He let out a strangled cry. He heard Baekhyun yell out “go” and so Yeri pulled him away from the opening and down the air vent.
Haechan, Renjun, Jeno, and Jaemin, the schools most popular group of second year boys. They constantly had girls (and guys) chasing after them. It was a daily occurrence for one of them to be asked to come to the rooftop during lunch and be confessed to. Each boy basically had their own fanbase. Their good looks were the main reason for their popularity, but each one was different and fulfilled the role of a different stereotypical dreamy boy.
Renjun was an artist, he liked to sit outside and sketch the people walking by. He often would doodle on his arm instead of listening in class, not that he needed to, he seemed to already know everything. His lack of interest was not only for class though, as he ignored anyone that tried to approach him other than his friends. Some people liked the chase and asked him out basically on a daily basis, if only they knew that the reason he wasn’t responsive was because there was someone he already liked.
Jeno was the athlete, the baseball team star. Even though he was only a second year, he was a starter and had a mad swing on him. He carried his bat everywhere and was often seen twirling it around mindlessly. He was definitely the kindest out of the four of them, rejecting anyone who asked him out saying, “I’m too busy with baseball and you deserve someone who will have enough time for you,” all while sporting his iconic eye smile. This, of course, only made people fall for him even more. He had his airhead moment every once in a while, not even realizing that people were flirting with him often. Jeno was a people pleaser to the bone.
Jaemin was their bad boy, always wearing his uniform incorrectly. His tie too loose, his blazer unbuttoned and messy hair, he was the archetype of trouble. He didn’t care about others' opinions of him and didn’t care about doing well in class either. He didn’t go out looking for fights, but fights often found him. He fought a bully for taking someone’s lunch, he fought a creep trying to take a picture up someone’s skirt, and he fought the homophobe using slurs. Jaemin’s rebellious attitude and morality made him popular as people came to realize that under his rugged looks, he had a heart of gold.
The other three boys joke that Haechan was only popular by association, laughing when this annoys him and he tries to hit them. Haechan says he is popular because of his dashing good looks and prize-winning charming personality. The truth was: between his sense of humor and laid back attitude, he was brilliant in his own way. People liked him so much they made him class president, something that he never lets the others forget, and despite his frequent jokes, he takes his role seriously. He never misses a deadline, has never missed a meeting, and always goes above and beyond to help out… which is why the four of them were cleaning their classroom when the outbreak happened.
Well, actually, Haechan made it a point to say that three of them were cleaning and Jaemin was just sitting. He was the one to notice that something strange was happening outside the window and called the others over to look. The four watched in disbelief as people were being attacked and… eaten? Jeno and Jaemin rushed to hold the classroom doors shut, just in case.
“Zombies aren’t real, Haechan.” Renjun complained. “Yea, well, why did that dude just bite that other dude’s face off? Hmm?” Haechan was certain that it was zombies and even if he didn’t want to, Renjun had to agree after watching the hell that was happening from the window.
“We can’t stay here forever.” Jaemin said. He looked over at Jeno to see if he had any ideas. The four contemplated their choices, scanning the room for anything useful. Haechan had already tried his phone, but there was no signal.
“I got it,” Jeno suddenly exclaimed. He walked over to his bag and pulled out his bat. “We go down to the storage unit where they have bats and take them for defense.” Jaemin nodded, agreeing with the idea. “Do you think they have nails in one of the woodshop classes?”
Renjun snorted at his question, “What is this? Stranger Things?” Seeing as Renjun is the only one of them that even knew where the woodshop class was, they looked at him expectantly, waiting for an answer to Jaemin’s question. “Um, yea,” Renjun coughed awkwardly as none of them reacted to his joke like usual, “There should be nails there. I just don’t know how hard it’ll be to get there since it’s on the first floor.”
“We’ll take our chances.” Haechan declared. “Empty everything you don’t need from your backpack, something tells me that this won’t be an easy trip.”
Renjun stands up, alarmed. “Wait, we’re seriously doing this?” Jaemin walks over to him, putting a hand on shoulder, “I don’t think we have a choice, Injunnie.”
You were assigned clean up duty that day too, but unlike the boys, you hadn’t volunteered to do it. Why would you volunteer to clean with Min Jeong and Yizhuo? The two girls were basically treated like royalty and it irritated you to no ends. So what if they were pretty? So what if they were trainees at some company? Sure they were pretty, but that shouldn’t have been enough reason for them to warrant all of this attention. And they were complete assholes, so full of themselves, convinced that everyone was in love with them and did anything they wanted.
Yizhuo was Min Jeong’s lackey and was doing all of her chores while she was sitting scrolling through her phone. Yizhuo didn’t do all of the work voluntarily, she complained and whined the entire time, half assing everything. “Why do I have to do all of the work?”
Min Jeong looked up from her phone with an irked expression, “What are you complaining for ? You’re not even cleaning right!”
Annoyed out of your mind, you drop the chalkboard eraser and turn to them, “Will you both just shut up and clean so we can leave!” The other two’s jaws dropped at your statement, was this the first time you had even spoken to either of them? You always sat at the back of the class with a blank expression, never speaking unless absolutely necessary. It’s not like everyone was mean like Min Jeong and Yizhuo. In fact, a lot of people tried to befriend you, but for whatever reason, you would always reply to their questions with short, dry answers and a bored expression. You had made no attempts to make friends and eventually everyone just left you alone. And you preferred it that way, you thought to yourself. Yea, I don’t need anyone. I’m fine by myself.
“Shut the fuck up, weirdo!” Yizhuo yelled. “Yea, since when do you even talk?” Min Jeong added. They had always thought of you as just another loser in their class. You never flocked around them and their other friends trying to get their attention like everyone else. As time went on, Min Jeong was sure that it was because you thought you were better than them and she hated you because of that. But, if you weren’t going to talk to her, not even look at her, she was going to pretend that your lack of attention didn’t bother her.
“Since I grew sick and tired of your bullshit!” You yell in retaliation. Min Jeong shrieks out of frustration and shoves you against the wall. The sudden movement forces you to fall onto the floor, Yizhuo laughing at your demise. Before you can even think to get back up and push back, a group of students and Mr. Lee, a third year teacher, rushed into the room in a frenzy. Mr. Lee slams the door shut and orders for someone else to secure the other one.
“What's going on?” Yizhuo questions. “We’re not sure,” Mr. Lee responds, “but it looks like it could be some sort of virus. Whatever happens, don’t get bitten.”
Min Jeong laughs a little at this, “What, like zombies?” When nobody reacts to her joke as usual, she realizes the seriousness and fear on everyone’s face. Mr. Lee brings up his hand to wipe his face free from some splattered blood, “Yes, exactly like zombies."
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byunbaekby · 4 years
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title: haven’t been caught pairing: badboy!haechan x goodgirl!reader word count: 1.7k genres: fluff, established relationship au, high school au, secret relationship warnings: mentions of weed, suggestiveness, one cuss word, not proofread additional: based on the song “good girls” by 5 seconds of summer. also, big thanks to @florence-cvrt​ for all their help <3
She's good at school, she's never truant She can speak French, I think she's fluent.
“Lee Donghyuck, if you don’t get your hand off my thigh right this instant, I will tell Mr. Qian to fail you.”
You bring a light slap down on his hand, which is threatening to slide up your skirt. Your boyfriend’s hand immediately leaves your leg, innocently tucking it back into his lap. When you turn to him, his pretty lips are spread into a fake virtuous smile and his long hair barely covers his entertained sparkling eyes. Still, he complains, “Wait until I tell the student body that their vice president is actually violent and manipulative.” 
He tsk’s as you show no reaction, instead flipping through the pages of the French textbook. “What would you tell them?” 
Donghyuck leans back in his desk chair where the two of you reside in an empty classroom, adjusting the collar of his leather jacket before running a hand through his hair. “That even though you walk around school smiling at everyone and kissing teachers’ asses, you love hitting your boyfriend and threatening him.”
“You, my boyfriend?” You laugh at him, eyes never leaving the book. “They’d never believe you.”
You’re right, because the school has no idea that you, the It Girl and vice president of the student body council, are dating Lee Donghyuck, the guy who smokes weed behind the school and always skips class for no important reason other than to entertain himself. How you even started dating is another story, but now your relationship is on the infinite downlow.
“You’re right,” he relents, but he’s obviously not given up yet as he leans closer to you. You try not to get swayed by the sudden infiltration of his scent, and continue scanning the pages of the French book. “They won’t. But it wouldn’t be a surprise. I mean, we’d be the hottest couple ever. So, maybe I should put a nice big hickey, right there on your pretty neck. Maybe then they’ll believe you’re not as innocent as you pretend to be,” teases your boyfriend, his voice dipping lower into dangerous territory. 
You roll your eyes. “Sure,” you respond sarcastically.
“If you say so.”
Before you know it, your boyfriend has leaned in to kiss you, lips inches away from yours. When you realize what he’s up to you put a hand up, so his lips meet your palm instead of their intended destination. “No.”
A whine leaves him, a stark juxtaposition from his dark appearance. “Why not?”
“Because it’s not appropriate.”
“Not appropriate?” he questions, crossing his leather covered arms across his chest. “You’re my girlfriend.”
A shake of your head tells him no, along with a teasing smirk upon your lips. “Not right now. Right now, I’m your French tutor. Now pay attention,” you tell him, gaze skimming the textbook page. 
“Fine,” he scoffs, leaning back in his chair. 
“Je suis allé au café et j'ai pris une tasse de café. Translate that for me.”
“That means,” he starts, rolling his neck back to stretch it out, looking less than interested in the lesson. “My boyfriend is so sexy and I wish he would kiss me right now.”
Your eyes narrow, and you shake your head. He speaks up again. “I was kidding, actually it means, Donghyuck, I love when you wear your leather jacket, it makes you look so sexy.” 
You lean forward, capturing your head in your hands in frustration. He just laughs. “Tu es une telle honte, pourquoi je sors avec toi,” you sigh out, exasperated. 
“Oh,” he hums, leaning forward to hold your hands instead. “Maybe that one means, My girlfriend is so beautiful and smart?” You look up at him, raising an eyebrow at his sudden attempt to appeal to you. “Because you are.”
You roll your eyes, a smile spreading over your lips. “Actually I was calling you a disgrace and wondering why I’m even dating you.”
“Not surprised,” he chuckles softly, but immediately closes the French textbook on the desk before the two of you. “Come on, you know I’m not good at this school thing. Mr. Qian already knew that when he asked you to tutor me. How about,” he tilts his head at you, about to put up an offer. “We ditch this tutoring session and go get some ice cream? On me.”
A purse of your lips tells him you’re considering it, and he adds, “If anything, I’m just studying more by being with a beautiful lady who speaks fluent French.” 
You chuckle, leaning forward with pursed lips. “Je t'aime.”
“That one I know,” he smiles as he presses a sweet kiss to your lips. “Love you too. Now let’s go,” he says, standing and pulling you along by the hand. 
'Cause every night she studies hard in her room At least that's what her parents assume But she sneaks out the window to meet with her boyfriend.
Carefully you climb down the side of the house, trying your best not to make any noise against the wall but also trying not to fall to your death. A sigh of relief leaves your lips as both your feet touch the solid ground.
“Going somewhere?”
Immediately you jump, eyes widened as you turn to meet the owner of the voice. “Donghyuck!” You hiss, voice still low. “I thought you were my dad!”
“Well, you can call me daddy too,” your boyfriend says as he approaches you to press a kiss on your cheek. The tip of his light chin stubble brushes on your skin as he does so. 
“Don’t even joke about that,” you roll your eyes, allowing him to slide an arm over your shoulder and walk you down the street to where he parked his car out of view from your house. “So, where are we going?” “A friend’s party. His name is Mark.”
A cautious eyebrow is raised by you. “Will anyone from school be there?”
He shakes his head in response, knowing you can’t be spotted together especially with you under his arm at a college party of course. You’ve got to protect your precious reputation. “Nah, he’s in college. There’s no way he’d let high schoolers in.”
“We’re high schoolers, silly.”
“Well, yeah,” he shrugs before turning and grinning sinfully at you. “But we’re cool.”
“Yeah, keep telling yourself that,” you tease as he releases you and unlocks his car.
She may be clever but she just acts too square 'Cause in the back of the room where nobody looks She'll be with her boyfriend, she's not reading books.
As you slide up onto your tiptoes, the feeling of your boyfriend pressing against you is much too present and you scoff. “Can you stop being a horndog and get this book for me?”
“Darling,” he chastises, reaching up to grab it easily above you. “That’s what I was doing.”
As he hands the book to you, you roll your eyes. “Sure, like you weren’t trying to rub up on me.” 
“Not at all,” responds Donghyuck, dark eyes glinting with mischief. You leave him behind as you turn into the next aisle, searching carefully for the next book you were looking for. As you get deeper into the library shelves, the light gets further away and the tall shelves begin to cast a shadow upon your hidden figures. “Why do you even wear your uniform, anyways? You know it’s not required by the school.” 
“Yeah,” you respond matter-of-factly. “But as the vice president I should adhere to the suggestions set by the administration. Clearly you don’t care,” you say, glancing over his usual outfit of ripped jeans (which definitely didn’t fit normal dress code anyways) and his trademark leather jacket over a white Adidas shirt. 
“Okay, but your president Huang Renjun is a lame virgin with a stick up his ass and even he doesn’t wear his uniform everyday,” retorts your boyfriend.
“More reason why I should have been president instead,” you respond, scanning over the back of a book sounding not at all petty.
“That’s because at the time, you were more focused on becoming my girlfriend than campaigning, you minx,” Donghyuck teases as you slide the book back into its place, unsatisfied with its synopsis. When you don’t respond, instead turning into yet another aisle, he follows you, fingers tugging slightly at your skirt. “That’s okay, I like the skirt anyways,” he says, his famous smirk over his lips as your mouth gapes and a flustered warmth slides up to your cheeks. “S’cute.”
She said to me, forget what you thought 'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught
“Oh my god, Y/N,” Donghyuck already starts as he approaches you in the front of the school, already losing his bad boy personality in the fear that you’d be upset at him. “I’m so sorry.”
The two of you had been caught making out in the bleachers by a few members of the football team after school yesterday. Okay, perhaps it wasn’t the most discreet of places but you swore they’d announced over the intercom that football practice was cancelled for the day! Unluckily, it seemed a few players still wanted to get some practice in. 
Surely, rumors flew in less than twenty-four hours. Y/N, with Donghyuck? No way. Impossible.
Yeah, that was what you thought too, until it happened. You fell for him, for all his rough edges and playful teasing. He doesn’t deserve to be hidden. 
The smile you give him must throw him off, because he blinks. He’s probably forgotten his pre-made apology; he knows how important your reputation is to him. In his silence, you speak up.
“I don’t want to hide anymore. Let’s,” you propose as you interlace your hands, surely feeling eyes on you already. “Show them what a hot couple looks like.” 
He blinks, eyes flying to your hands and it’s probably the first time you’ve seen the snarky Donghyuck speechless. He recovers smoothly, smirking and nodding. “Okay. Let’s blow them away.” 
“But if you fail your French test in third period, I will break up with you.”
A boisterous laugh leaves his lips as he kicks open the doors to the school hallway. “Noted.”
Before the two of you enter the hallway to expose your unlikely clandestine romance to everyone, you lean up and whisper in his ear. “Je t'aime.”
“I know what that means,” he smirks as he presses a proud kiss onto your temple, and takes a step inside. 
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starryseo · 7 years
high schooler!jeno
not updating at 2am for once whoa
lee jeno everybody e n j o y :))))
gonna do jaemin next and i cant wait i think thats gonna be my longest one
ive just been really missing my boi sm arent updating us i just wanna know if hes doing ok :(((((
alsoooo,,, im thinking of doing bts texts??? idk if i wanna make it a series but like my bts side is looking empty lmao riiiiip, so idk yall can send in smth if you want
i just wanted that to rhyme and it did lmao yay me
woo this boi
everyone including me loves him
but how can they not????
hes so c00l damn
quite popular bc hes in the drama club and dance club
and they do loads of school performances
that dont have parents complaining,, looking at you mark, hyuck + the rest of the rap club
so yeah jeno just rolls up to the auditions for the latest drama show and the teacher holding the auditions is just like
jeno no no couldnt help myself there whoops :’) you dont need to audition youve already got the male lead ilysm your acting is 11/10
and hes just like oH :’’’’) hes super bashful and not smug??? which just makes ppl like him even more !!!!
ok so he probs was like but teacheeerrr,, i WANT to audition
seems like the type to like the thrill of auditioning more than acting in the actual performance lmao
so he auditions and everything and obvs gets the part
so hes like !!! yay,, but then hes also sad for the ppl that auditioned for the part he got my poor bby
so he’ll like go around complimenting their auditions and he rE A LL Y does mean it when he says their acting was good
tries slyly giving them advice if they want so that they can improve bc he genuinely wants them to improve so that they can get the lead next time
i swear its the same thing when it comes to dancing performances lmao
gets centre stage most of the time bc his movement is so fluid and beautiful and graceful prAISE THIS BOY PLS
ok so all this stage attention has led him to a locker full of love notes lmaooo
ok well it’s like 60% love notes/ confessions, 30% normal post-it notes congratulating him and then 10% hyuck’s homework with labels like “i’ll give you doughnuts if you do this”
he answers them all wrong and gets the doughnuts anyway :)))
ok so yknow how he likes assembling figures and stuff,,,, he probably keeps like the latest figure he’s working on in his school bag for ‘life or death’ purposes
so he’s always the first to finish eating so he can hurry and assemble the figure
he lowkey sabotages jisung’s figures so that jisung cries and complains to him and then he’ll fix it and asks for dark chocolate in return and jisung is none the wiser :))))))
jeno just blames hyuck or chenle whenever jisung gets suspicious
so yall probably met through the drama club
but rather than being on the performance side of stuff
you were there helping out with the technical stuff/ making props, the whole shebang
so jeno, being a lover of ppl, also appreciates the technical ppl aka you bc they put in just as much work as he [and the other actors/actoresses] does [/do] into the shows
and at every recital he tries to talk to as many ppl as he can during his breaks
and so one day it was your turn to meet him yayy !!!!
he even brought along smth for you to eat bc he noticed how long you had been working on this painting without a break
and so you took it, saying thanks, and he just made like light-hearted chatter before his break ended and then after a while you all got sent home
at the next recital he met up some new people but he didnt get to see you
bc you had gone for a toilet break before he had his break and so he just left some food and drinks where you were working this cutiE
and then you guys just kept up conversations whenever you could, even saying hi and stuff in the hallways and at lunch
and then on the day of the performance, he asked for the mic at the end, yknow, when the acting team’s all standing and bowing on stage
and hes like “i would like to invite the people backstage that helped make this performance possible, from helping with the props to having perfect timing with the lighting” etc etc.
and so he like looks off to the side and ushers everyone to come on stage
and the rest of the acting group is clapping and so is the crowd so yall H A V E to go up
and when you go up and bow, you look at him and hes already looking at you
and he does that CUTEEEEEE !!!!11!!1!!! EYE SMILE HE DOES !!!!! YOU KNOW THE ONE IM TALKING ABOUTTTTT !!!!!1!11!!!!!!
and that is the start of a beautiful friendship/ relationship ;^)))))
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nobodyeverasked · 3 years
prologue, dear dream; nct dream
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(2952 words) - medium
summary ➣ As the prologue, this story begins the deep dive into the perpetually lonely life of high-schooler Y/N and all the boys that make that possible. This is only the beginning, but the ending is in the hands of those willing to write in their own pages.
note ➣ Since I thought of this as a story that would lead to multiple endings, one for every member. It would be cool to hear what any of you thought, because I’ve been pondering on these for a long time and I think a lot of you would appreciate it!
.・゜-: ✧ :- .・゜-: ✧ :-   -: ✧ :-゜・. -: ✧ :-゜・.
Y/N scraped up a loose breath, whatever dignity he had now scattered on the cobbles leading up to the entrance of his high school building. Every day was like this, the stare of the sun hovering over him like a helicopter parent, the springtime breezes that once carried a sweet sense of nostalgia as it caressed his cheeks and played with his hair now gone. How quickly his freshman fire withered, a bouquet of flames he held in earnest kicked to the pavement and ground out like a worn cigarette. Who knew a year and  half could hit this hard?
He pushed through the doors and the chatter instantly flooded his mind, as if it passed through and vibrated inside him. All he needed to do was just roll with the punches at this point, because clinging to when times used to be better never worked for him. Visions of sunflower fields and the melodies of seamless laughter feel so far away, yet they look so close. Those memories teased him so, beckoning him just a little bit further knowing he was trapped on a ledge, a precipice of regrets that left him with his head in the thunderclouds.
“Hey!” All Y/N could feel was something stumbling against his shoulder and the next thing he knew he was on the ground, books played around him, he snapped his head up to see across from him was Chenle. He wanted to pretend he didn’t know him, but hell would freeze over if somebody didn’t know who their star basketball player was. Y/N just stayed frozen on the ground, stuck and rooted, cogs in his mind unlocking one by one as he realized he was the only one left on the ground and people started to stare. “Are you okay?” Chenle stalked forward and bent down to help Y/N with his books, not without rolling his eyes and having an exasperated sigh. Y/N just rose sharply to attention, trying to pick up as much as possible, but Chenle’s question fell over deaf ears. “Hello~” The best point guard in the district waved a hand in front of Y/N’s face, singing into the air that grew more still as Y/N caught the glimmer of Chenle’s black and red letterman jacket.
“Uh- Yeah…” Y/N finally managed to choke out, words trembling on the edge of his lips as the embarrassment creeped onto his neck and sunk into his skin in a deep red blush. “Thanks…” Y/N felt like he was trying to cram a circle into a square hole, was there nothing more he can say than that? A tangle of words was caught in his throat, he couldn’t get it out.
“Don’t worry about it…” Chenle gestured with a curt head nod, short and sweet. “Better me be more careful, though. I got places to be, and I’m pretty sure dropping her just made Jane Austen turn in her grave.” Without a second thought or even one more of his animated waves, he brushed past Y/N’s shoulder and left towards the gymnasium. Y/N just shook his head, jostling himself out of his trance of silence and moved on.
He ducked around the corner, clutching his textbooks tighter to his chest - because dropping your books two times? Come on - until he reached his locker. At least the cool metal against his fingertips was something that would always stay constant, something he could always rely on to greet him on weekday mornings. He did his combination with a few flicks of his wrist and put his books inside with a sigh, but his sigh was cut short when he felt an arm ease around his shoulder. Y/N turned his head and cracked a smile as he saw Renjun leaning into his side, his curly fray of silver like a star in the night sky. Renjun’s been his best friend since midway through sophomore year, he’s the faint light at the end of the tunnel for Y/N sometimes, somebody who is always strong enough to pick him up when he’s down despite him never being strong enough to win a fight over who pays for their milkshakes or morning coffee.
“Hey…” Y/N trailed off as he sifted through his locker for one of the many things he dropped on the floor just a few minutes ago, his anthropology textbook. No tumbling on the ground no matter how much or how hard could ever erase the layer of dust that a lot of the teachers say is ‘a little bit of character’.
“Sorry I wasn’t free yesterday, just had a lot to do…” Renjun nervously scratched at the spine of his own textbook, biting his lips as he rocked on his toes, back and forth like a pendulum. He looked up at Y/N, the tension bound in his chest easing a little bit as he heard Y/N chuckle, or was it a scoff? On occasion he could tell, even psychoanalyze him, but even now, partway into their junior year together and he just couldn’t tell how he was feeling sometimes.
“Why’re you apologizing, it’s fine…” Y/N's voice fell to a whisper as he caught the silhouette of a passerby that looked way too familiar. One that carved out many of his childhood dreams where everything used to be so simple. He tried to look away, break the tether that always keeps him attached to this ideal, but he knows it’ll resurface every morning until calculus makes him too stressed to think about it. It was like a shift in the tide, how those sauntering shoulders made him feel, memories of promises made under gilded skies always washed ashore when he wanted them the least.
The figure turned around only to lock eyes with him, they probably felt Y/N’s stare scratch at his neck and preen at his thoughts like the voice of a bad conscience. 
Y/N forgot how different Jisung looked without his glasses. 
Renjun tried to regain Y/N’s attention, but he didn’t know if he could. Suddenly he felt too small, as if his hold onto Y/N’s hand was a little too loose. It’s not fitting like they always said it did. He wondered if Y/N saw it too. Their conversations were like guilty pleasures, but now he just felt guilty every time he held Y/N past midnight on the phone, and always wondered if his laughter was with him or for him. All he wants is Y/N to be happy, and he knows Y/N wants him to be happy too… 
Y/N looked back at Renjun, catching that faint glimmer of his downcast expression. He nudged his chin up, garnering a giggle. “That’s better… Is everything okay?” Usually Y/N wasn’t the one to ask this question, it always hung on the tip of Renjun’s tongue, standing idle, because he knew high school hasn’t been easy on Y/N, on either of them. He’s been a ball of perpetual sadness since midway through freshman year. One year before they graduate and he’s still holding onto whispers in the past. He has his moments with Renjun where he feels at peace, like nothing can touch him, but whenever they pass something in this stupid town, something always still has a mark his former self left, a constant reminder of who he used to be. Memories of everything, everywhere stain his mind, mar him like scars.
Whether it be walks on strawberry sunshine or carving his hands into the cool winter air, a shadow was always cast down on the light he’s always so desperate to keep close.
Y/N closed his locker, realizing he’s been holding his Anthropology textbook the entire time and groaned again. By the look on Renjun’s face, he knew he wasn’t going to live this one down anytime soon.
“Are we ready to go, good Sir?” Renjun stuck his arm out, brushing past Y/N’s question. He bit back his whine of relief as Y/N slipped an arm around his own.
“Yes, indeed I am.” They let their laughter flutter and dance with the ivory sunlight pouring through the hallway windows and peeled into the hallway traffic, waves of chatter finally realizing themselves as they detached from their little world, a realm where all is just a silent, cloudless sky except for them and Y/N’s belly laughs, one Renjun wishes would be forever. They were just about to head into their homeroom until someone stood in the doorway and didn’t move, the dull shine of a red and white nylon sleeve was in the way and made Renjun’s eye roll clock a seven on the Richter scale. 
All Y/N could do was heave another sigh. Dudes in jackets just seem to be in his way as of late. This dude, though, he wasn’t random. In fact, he knew him all too well.
Lee Jeno was the one thing standing between them and making it on time for class. He was the rock and the hard place, and Y/N feels like Jeno’s made it his priority to make sure that his high school experience is as far from peaceful and normal as possible. It’s like he has a checklist, a quota of insults he needs to meet. 
His presence could be felt around the corner like a heatwave, and that look in his eyes, a dark brown void that held nothing but the slightest glare of sports-captain narcissism. Every time he opened his mouth, it felt like his voice dug under Y/N’s skin, and his words were like embers lapping at his thoughts. He wasn’t shy of abusing his power in the school, as becoming a prevalent varsity baseball player has its perks and privileges in the status quo. Y/N stepped back as he saw Jeno’s friends crowd behind him - even people like Haechan, people he’s never met - a swathe of people who just stared at him blankly. He knows he’s not the only one, that’s what makes it hurt a little bit more. That when he’s done with Y/N, peeling back his insecurities until he’s nothing but nerves and bones, he moves on and does it to somebody else like it's nothing to him.
Y/N picked up his gaze to see Jisung hanging back, lips pursed. He remembered when he used to smile as they locked eyes, but now as they did, all it did was let the sparks in Y/N’s heart ignite not like the lights that traced the wayward paths in the forests near their childhood homes, but a poison. Thoughts crossed his mind of Jisung wanting to say something, but Y/N wouldn’t humor himself with hopes like that. Jisung just sat there, just a whisper of wind in Jeno’s storm.
He saw Mark, too. They've been lab partners a couple times. Their relationship has always been transactional, a study session here, an accompaniment to the back corner lunch table on another day. Sometimes they would even define themselves as acquaintances. 
Jeno clicked his tongue. Ever since he transferred to Y/N’s class to redo his English credits and stay on the varsity baseball team, he hasn’t seen Y/N shuffling to his seat in the center of the room anymore. No more faint embraces of Renjun’s organic tea clinging to his sweatshirts. Y/N couldn’t handle Jeno heckling him from the back row, though; or staring him down and burning holes into his skull as he did so much as think. It felt like Jeno’s stare was hovering over every word he wrote, and it felt as if he was breathing down his neck, waiting, anticipating for a slip up in hopes of bringing it to light under their teacher’s desk lamp. It’s not like Jeno knew any more about rhetorical devices than he did.
“Didn’t see you in class yesterday, too scared to show up?” Jeno chided, folding his arms as he looked over Y/N, who subconsciously took Renjun’s arm and guided him behind his back, the weight of their stares heavy on his shoulders. Renjun maintained his spot, though, the comfort and warmth of Renjun’s reassuring touch made the quiver’s in Y/N’s voice settle just a little bit.
“Did you really miss me that much? Didn’t think you paid attention…” Y/N cocked his head and lifted an eyebrow, soaking in Renjun’s laughter and even a subtle giggle from Mark. He let his chest swell slightly with pride, because he knew that sooner or later, either today or tomorrow, Jeno would make it his mission to stifle his confidence.
“You better watch it, Y/N.” Jeno strode forward, threatening to get in Y/N’s face, but Mark held him back by a fistful of his jacket. “You can’t skip class forever, and you only get so many chances to be a flake. Maybe someone’s gonna have to tell our teacher what you’re actually doing.” Jeno had a low rumble in every word he said, a scorching hiss in the raising of his voice.
“What ideas do you have in your head, Jeno? I bet they’re so riveting and inspired.” Y/N rolled his eyes, him and Renjun making their way towards the classroom. They didn’t even care if the bell already rang in its ear-piercing shriek, and if it did, their vexation surely deafened them.
“You know what-” Jeno forced himself in front of them, Mark wasn’t there to hold him back and make him look less stupid, so Jeremiah pushed himself into Y/N’s space. He let a soft, yet sinister chuckle ease from his lips. “You really don’t want to know, Y/N? Because our connections to the admins at this school will make sure that they stay as a stain on your record…” Jeno’s smile grew wider as he could see the confidence behind Y/N’s eyes fade like a withered flame.
“I think it’s time for you to back off and stop being a dick, Jeno.” Renjun interjected, feeling Y/N’s speechlessness from behind him, a bitter shiver coursing through his spine.
“I’m so scared~ you got your fake best friend to stand up for you?” Jeno’s remark made Renjun falter and stammer, his words cutting deep. This made Y/N trip over his words, too. Jeno knew exactly what he was talking about. It’s like he dug under the patches of marigolds that lined his front porch and unearthed his deepest qualms - the trepidation that burned into his skin as a daily reminder. Was Y/N’s longing for nothing but a vivid memory really stripping Renjun’s colour? 
Jeno eyed Y/N up and down, the shards of sunlight against Y/N’s neck twisting into his flesh like fractals of glass as Jeno’s gaze raked over him. "Later 'mom jeans'~" Jeno shoved past them, ignoring his friends' hesitance to wrap around the corner as they all looked back to Y/N, who just stood by the classroom entrance with the air beaten out of him, words on his tongue running dry. Y/N instantly whipped around with a flourish and yelled back.
"Oh yeah? Well these ARE your mom's!" 
Silence was the only thing that kept them company in the empty hallway, beckoning an echo that made him think twice about what he just said.
"That was terrible..." 
"We need to rethink our life decisions..." 
"Like.. You literally just screamed that into an empty hallway..." 
"Yes... Yes I did."
The whine of the school bell couldn’t have been more welcome as English class finally ended. Y/N couldn’t speak, he barely looked up at the board in fear of Jeno’s snide remarks crawling under his skin and searing him inside out. All he could do was caress the sunlight streaming down on his desk from through the windows, golden threads weaving between his fingers giving him a single moment of silence, where not even his beating heart could intervene on this breath between seconds. He needed something like this for a long time, but he never thought that dozing off in English class after being threatened by his bully that morning would be that.
Seeing all of his worlds collide made him think more than usual, he didn’t want to welcome those thoughts with open arms. Not yet, and not for a long time. 
Before he knew it, everybody was scampering out of the classroom doorway, leaving only a few stray bodies in the classroom staying for their English teacher’s extra help sessions. He felt a vibration under his thigh, his phone screen lighting up with a text from Renjun that he was ‘still free tonight to make up for yesterday’. He could still remember when Renjun put his name in Y/N’s phone on the second day they met, and to be honest, he thought the avocado and the grandma emojis that used to confuse him were now very fitting.
He could feel the stack of homework in his book bag dragging down on his shoulders and he hasn’t even slung his backpack’s straps over them yet. However, he’s been rolling with harder punches than unrelenting biology homework, so he’d find a way out of it. 
He looked out the door and into the hallway, nothing but a sun-stained corridor, the last of the dust kicked up by students rushing home settled back on the floor. He pondered for a moment and felt uneasy in his chair, but he felt this urge to move, to either whip out his textbooks and inch through the questions one by one, or forget about it all. He really didn’t know…
Or does he...
Head downstairs by the art corridor (Mark)
Meet Renjun downstairs (Renjun)
Stay and finish homework in the classroom (Jeno)
Pass by the photography classroom on the way downstairs (Haechan)
Stowaway into the library to finish homework (Jaemin)
Head downstairs by the gym (Chenle)
Finish Homework Outside (Jisung)
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markhycks · 7 years
markhyuck high school au
based on attention by charlie puth (a lil bittersweet n im thinkin of makin a pt 2 but pls leave feedback!)
tumblr’s a bitch to post on so yall can read it here on ao3
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jaynaur · 3 years
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Hello there, sunshine ♡ I’m Ni, your local sleep enthusiast and chocolate lover.
she/her | desi | intj-t | high schooler | minor !!
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While I listen to a lot of groups, I’m only keeping up with/stanning red velvet, nct, enhypen and exo as of now (though there isn’t much to keep up with in exo’s case 🤧)
I ult Do Kyungsoo and Kim Taeyeon !! also bias Kang Seulgi, Yang Jungwon, Sim Jaeyun, Liu Yangyang, Huang Renjun, Kim Doyoung and Lee Taeyong
dnf/i: if you're younger than 15. the basic dnf/i criteria. my dms are not open for blank blogs or blogs with no bio.
byf: semi ia so this blog is mostly run on queue. multifandom so I reblog a lot.
(but !! my hand does occasionally slip and yeah, I do end up writing.)
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tenderlyrenjun · 4 years
𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘺𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘶𝘯'𝘴 𝘮.𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
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➳➳ navi | wip lists | ramblings/scenarios
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some info:
if we have never interacted before, do not offer me criticism
high schoolers (even if you’re 18) and under 18 do not interact
bots + inactive blogs do not interact
do not repost or plagiarize my writing
do not interact if you don't believe in interpersonal racism or if you reinforce negative stereotypes about any minority // MAPs + TERFs dni
I AM A BAD WRITER. take all of my fics with an extreme grain of salt because I AM NOT ASKING FOR CRITICISM. most of you seriously do not know how to give constructive criticism and I am not asking for it. So, PLEASE stop telling me that I am a bad writer; I already know
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Kinktober masterlist
That 90s Love [mini series] | other ideas
various smut/fluff/angst scenes about a few nct 2020 members as SNU's Gators make their way through the hockey season
Let's Play Ball [mini series]
various smut/fluff scenarios about nct's 00 line and Mark Lee as they make their way to the baseball championships; eta January 2022; a very tentative series
contagion (one-shot) | renjun x reader
angst, fluff, suggestive, college au, medical au, law au, enemies to fwb to lovers, gender ambiguous reader, sketch artist!renjun, pharm tech!reader
face to face (one-shot) | renjun x reader
high school au, angst, friends to lovers, older reader, feminine reader, love confessions in a stairwell during prom
the rich truth (completed/ish series) | renjun x reader
half-sns au / half-written, fluff, angst, suggestive, personal favorite, strangers to lovers, girl reader, college au, rich kids au, lost phone au, repost from my old blog, mentions of alcohol, partying, food mention
positions (potentially ongoing series) | renjun x reader
angst, college au, mentions of alcohol, strangers to lovers, gender ambiguous reader (subject to change; sorry)
privacy (one-shot) | renjun x reader
posts about privacy
smut, fluff, historical drama, strangers/friends to lovers, female/girl reader, implied rich kid au, secret identities
quiet down (one-shot) | renjun x reader
smut, female reader, est. relationship au, non-idol au
ready, set, play (one shot) | renjun x reader
smut, porn without a plot, college au, enemies/strangers to lovers, rushed fic
teacher's assistant | renjun x reader
fluff, college au, strangers to lovers, gender ambiguous reader, spin off from wanna go ice skating with me? (see below), food/coffee mentions, reader is shorter than him, set in late fall/early winter, music theory TA!renjun, psychology student!reader
when it comes to us (one shot) | renjun x reader
posts about when it comes to us
angst, smut, college au, strangers to friends to academic rivals to lovers, fem/girl reader, law students, food mentions
when the heart bleeds | renjun x reader
posts about wthb
angst, personal favorite, vampire au, tw cheating, set in Tang Dynasty China, lovers to enemies
away we happened | jeno x reader
angst (like nostalgic sad), personal favorite, college au, rich kid au, spin off from the rich truth (see above), mentions of food, gender ambiguous reader
married (one shot) | jeno x reader
posts about married
fluff n smut, reader's favorite, fem reader, porn with feelings, mutual pining, post college au, wedding fic, slight rich kid au
(prequel*) time out | jeno x reader
smut, *readers' favorite, enemies to lovers, hockey co-captain! jeno, implied rich kid au (like I don't say "hey they're rich!" but there are excessive references to being rich), spin off from teacher's assistant (see above), mentions of alcohol, female reader
move (one-shot) | jaemin x reader
fluff, girl reader, college au, featuring best friend chenle, strangers to lovers, mentions of alcohol
three (one-shot) | jaemin x reader
angst, smut, fem reader, partial college au, best friends, alcohol consumption tw, spin off from married (see above), one sided pining
7 days | jaemin x reader
angst/fluff, personal favorite, college au, rich kid au, mentions of food, spin off from the rich truth (see above), gender ambiguous reader
the one with the halloween party (2) (3) | yangyang x reader
posts about the one with series
fluff, smut, a hint of angst, readers' favorite, female reader, college au, mentions of alcohol, a healthy relationship (!), best friend ten, fwb to lovers, sneaky relationship
wanna go ice skating with me? (one-shot) | yangyang x reader
fluff, college au, gender ambiguous reader, strangers to friends to lovers, similarly height reader, newbie hockey player!yangyang, figure skating champion!reader
netflix and studying? (one-shot) | chenle x reader
fluff, college au, tutoring au, food mention, gender ambiguous reader, spin off from the one with the halloween party (see above)
married (potential one-shot) | jisung x reader
posts about married (jisung ver)
smut/fluff, f reader, college au, est. relationship au, porn with feelings, wedding fic, spin off/ish from married (jeno ver, see above)
stay | jisung x reader feat. jeno
smut/fluff, angst if you squint, f reader, friends with benefits au, porn with very little plot, one-sided pining/ish, implied jealousy
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gohyuck · 4 years
hi, for the dreamie drabble game; jeno with 4, 8 and 6 please ^^
based off of this post
this is highkey a ficlet because it’s 1.7k words but whatever
okay i wanna expand this and make it a full fic with a lot more detail and timestamps but idk if anyone would ever want that so lmk if you do i guess?
4: college
8: childhood friends
6:  “you used to joke calling me little brother but something changed and now you’re my girl.”
[february of 2019]
after being denied entry at not one but two frat parties (dismissed each time with ‘what kind of freshmen think they’re allowed in?’ and laughter that can only be described as mocking) your friends and you find yourselves back where you pre-gamed: the lobby of your residence hall. your RA has been turning a blind eye for quite some time (you mentally thank johnny for being the chillest person alive), allowing all of you to drink almost completely freely in your dorm’s common areas.
as you settle onto one of the beat up couches in the corner farthest away from the entrance, you can’t help but survey your surroundings. mark is getting his ass absolutely handed to him by donghyuck at the center pool table while renjun discreetly videotapes the debacle. you have a sneaking suspicion that he’ll edit it to death (you can envision it now - the camera zooming in on mark’s face after he accidentally hits the 8 ball in prematurely, colors fading to black and white as wasted swims across the screen in bold, brilliantly red letters) and post it on his growing youtube channel by tomorrow night. jaemin, ryujin, and chaeryeong are parked in front of the sole tv, hollering drunkenly at whatever game replay is flashing across the screen. yeji and chenle are bickering over something or the other - “a yellow hat? with that monstrosity of a jacket? are you out of your damn mind, zhong?” - and jisung, who, like chenle, is definitely still a high schooler, sits on his phone in a corner of the room, likely playing pubg.
even in a room full of the people you love most, however, your gaze ends up naturally falling on the person beside you - jeno, who pauses in whatever he’s doing (moving magazines off of the coffee table so he can put his feet on it) to send you a small smile that makes your heart beat out of your chest. he finishes up, setting his bottle of dos equis down on a haphazard stack of time mags before leaning back onto the couch, throwing one of his arms around you as he does. before you can say anything, he pulls you into his chest, pressing his lips to your temple.
you relax into his arms, knowing it’s exactly where you’re meant to be. frankly, you note, it’s a wonder that it wasn’t always like this.
[june of 2012]
you shift awkwardly on your feet as you wait. you chew on the inside of your cheek, you inspect your nails for dirt not once, not twice, but thrice. the door stays closed, though, and you wonder how long you have to stay before your mother calls you back.
after what feels like a true eternity, you sigh, finally giving up. just as you turn around, however, you hear the door fly open behind you, hitting a wall - or a person, you aren’t sure - with a resounding thwack that makes you wince on impulse. you turn around quickly, only to come face to face with a boy who’s wearing the most sheepish expression of all time.
“hi,” you say once you’ve regathered your wits, stepping forward to reach out your hand. “i’m (name), and i live right next door. i figured i should introduce myself, since you’re new.” a lie. your mom had noticed that your new neighbors seemed to have a kid around your age and had all but forced you to go talk to him. she seemed excited at the prospect of you making a new friend. you? you really couldn’t care less.
the boy smiles, taking your outstretched hand into his. he shakes it once, twice before letting go, and you find yourself smiling back before you can register your own reaction.
“i’m jeno,” he finally says, and a voice in the back of your mind tells you that this moment is important. you push it away. “it was nice to meet you,” he says politely, although not unkindly, and you recognize that neither of you have much else to say to each other. it isn’t an unpleasant end to the conversation, but, and you only realize this much, much later, it’s a reasonably pleasant beginning to the most important friendship of your life.
[april of 2015]
“so i went in and asked for extra credit and, surprisingly, he said y- jeno!” you reach across the table to smack your best friend’s hand away from your basket of french fries, only to hand him one of your precious fries yourself once he pouts at you. your friend felix snorts at your interaction, and you shoot him your best pissed-off glare you can muster.
“i can’t believe mr. kim really gave you extra credit, though. he’s usually kind of a hard ass.” somi brings your attention back to your story, and you nod in agreement.
“maybe he just likes (name),” jeno says, leaning across the food court table to finesse another one of your fries. “after all, who could dislike you?” he directs the last part at you, and you can’t help but roll your eyes even as you smile at him.
“you’re just saying that because you want more of my fries,” you state, pulling your tray towards you. your best friend furrows his brow at the growing space between him and his (your) potatoes, but before he can say anything, hyunjin beats him to it.
“we’ll be late to the movie if you two idiots keep flirting, so let’s get a move on, maybe?”
before you and jeno can protest, the rest of your friends are already getting up to go throw away the remnants of their lunches. you simply share a look with jeno that says everything you need to say before you both toss your trash away and move to join the rest of your” friends. as you all fall into step and chatter with each other, jeno throws his arms easily over your shoulder. you fall into his side embrace naturally.
neither of you notice the glances your friends throw at you from time to time.
[january of 2017]
“are you sure you and jeno aren’t a thing?”
somi has always been fairly blunt, and you suppose you can’t blame her for something that’s so inherent. still, you choke on air, forcing daehwi to smack you repeatedly on the back until your breathing pattern restores itself. 
“god no, not at all,” you force out between wheezes. “he’s like - he’s like a little brother to me.”
“so i guess we live in alabama now-” she starts, but before she can finish her sentence, jeno drops his backpack down onto the seat next to you. 
you turn around to greet him, only to be taken aback by just how pissed off he looks. in that moment, you decide it’s better if you leave him alone, though you do make sure to tell yourself to ask him about what’s bothering him after school. after all, he’s your ride home anyways.
“can you find someone else to drive you home today? i have errands to run.” jeno asks you, abruptly pulling you from your thoughts. his voice is low, slightly gruffer than usual. whatever it is must really, really have upset him.
“sure,” you say, shooting him a smile that’s - you hope - reassuring. he doesn’t return the expression, only nodding curtly before moving to pull his notebook out of his backpack. you turn away from him as well to face the board, although you find it hard for you to focus when the teacher starts to drone on and on about l’hospital’s rule.
you started the class period with no worries, and you’re going to end it with two: is your crush on jeno really that obvious? and, speaking of jeno, what’s bothering him so much? it can’t be you, can it?
[september of 2018]
“so that’s it, then?” 
jeno’s voice is steady but as sharp as a knife, and if you weren’t so angry at him you’d stop pacing to ask him if he’s doing okay. unfortunately for both of you, however, you’re pissed. extremely pissed. at him. 
“what’s it? huh? pray, tell me, what the fuck is it?”
“our friendship. it’s over, right? ever since you started hanging out with that prick yeonjun -”
“- he’s not a prick!”
“ever since you’ve started hanging out with him,” jeno continues. “you’ve had no time for me. none! i don’t care if you don’t like me back, but at the very least it would be cool if you made some goddamn time for me!” he slams his hands onto the frame of his bunk bed to emphasize his last point, but you don’t register the noise.
he likes you? jeno... likes you?
“you like me?” your voice is soft, a direct contrast to how jeno’d been speaking only moments earlier. he whips his head around to stare at you, and you see the realization of what he’s said dawn on him.
“fuck...” he murmurs, stepping back to lean against the ladder that’s build into his bed. you take the opportunity to step forward, your chest heaving as you try to let all of your anger go as you realize why jeno’s been acting the way he has.
“i’m not dating yeonjun, by the way,” you finally say once you’re directly in front of him. “how could i, when it’s always been you?”
[back to february of 2019]
“you know, it’s kind of crazy that we ended up together now, just within the last school year, after being best friends for all these years.” you say, looking up at your boyfriend. he raises an eyebrow back at you before leaning both of you over so he can grab his beer. 
“yeah? and whose fault is that?”
“both of ours? duh?” you respond, though you know he’s only messing with you. still, he just laughs before throwing a reply back at you. 
“you used to joke, calling me little brother, but something changed and now you’re my girl.” he emphasizes ‘something’ with just the right amount of pointedness, and you can’t help but roll your eyes at him.
“yeah, that something was me confessing to you, you idiot.”
“you only confessed because i told you i liked you first!” he exclaims, and you can’t help but giggle at his antics before craning your neck to press a kiss to his cheek. before jeno can capture your lips with his own, however, you hear someone mutter a ‘disgusting’ from somewhere above you.
you both look up only to come face-to-face with renjun’s video camera.
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choco-mark · 4 years
Dreamies reaction to being your roommate or how they would be your roommate? idk if that makes sense..tyyy💖
scenario: nct dream as your roommate
concerned roommate
was really shy when he first met you + when you moved in he was all like making sure to give you space and gave you a little tour of the apartment and even told you a little bit about himself which you found really cute
you thought it would be IMPOSSIBLE to break him out of his barrier but he eventually did but damn can this boy be WILD
you don’t let him cook because the last time you left your water boiling and asked him to watch it while you went to the bathroom, it ended up on him, yeah you had to tend to his burned skin even though he insisted HE WAS FINE
gets along well with your friends, though they find him kinda hot and ask you why you haven’t gotten laid yet and orders food for them when they’re over (generous bby 🥺)
and at school??? y’all both go to the same uni so bUs riDes but y’all don’t really see each other THAT much but when it does happen, all the dreamies tease him like you’re his girlfriend and you get all flustered as if y’all are actually dating
y’all know well as hell when y’all go out, y’all be sharing the little crappy earbuds on the bus and listening to some r&b + he loves it when you fall asleep on his shoulder but makes fun of you later
falls asleep everywhere and i mean EVERYWHERE, you name it, the horrible excuse of a kitchen, the bathroom, and you even found him in your own room once which led to some TALKS
does the dishes whenever you want him to and doesn’t really care for chores (?) like he doesn’t want to bother you so like he just does them for the sake of the apartment
y’all are mutually afraid of your landlord, who once came banging at y’alls door at 5 in the morning on a monday and you thought you were gonna be robbed but it was just your feisty landlord who had returned from their trip to australia
breaks things A LOT, and i feel like he would try and cover them up if it’s not that big of a deal like ‘mark, why’s there glass in the garbage’ ‘i, um, broke it’ but you know he breaks shit all the time bc that’s the fifth glass
hangs out with you in the living room even if y’all are doing your own thing but you both feel comfortable just feeling the presence of each other
goes shopping for groceries without you, forgets what y’all actually need, and calls you like fifty times (you make him come with you now)
i don’t think mark would really do pranks on you but he might like try and scare you randomly and you being the paranoid babe you are get all jumpy and ‘MARK!!’
has a crush on you but doesn’t know it himself until you get sick one day since you walked home in the rain and he takes care of you and gets all worried (uwu) and then is like ‘OH SHIT’
you fall asleep on the couch while having (rare) movie nights with him, and kinda wants to carry you to your room after the movie’s over but also doesn’t know if he should and has a mental break but you wake up and leave yourself
realizes that he’s falling for you more and more everyday and seems to like your lips a lot more too
you don’t realize that you’re slowly starting to like him too but every time your friends talk about guys and dating you immediately think of mark (uwu bc y’all are besties)
mark finally asks you out on a day in the summer but he’s super nervous and fidgety that you kinda thought he was gonna break some big bad news to you like ‘i’m moving out’
but he actually asks you to date him and you’re like shocked for a bit just sitting there with your ice cream tub in front of the tv watching tom and jerry and he thinks you’re about to reject him before you nod rapidly
literally no one is fazed when y’all announce it to your friends, and they all saw it coming (hyuck and chenle had a bet on who would ask who out and hyuck won a whole 45 dollars)
responsible roommate
let’s be real, y’all did not get along when y’all first moved in together
renjun was literally the polar opposite of you, liking his space and reading and painting an awful lot, well he’s a fine arts major so, while you’re a little more on the extroverted side, inviting your loud friends over often
y’all had a fight like two days after he moved in about you always having friends over and then being loud and you try defending yourself but you kinda make a fool out of yourself because sweetie is right
a week of so after that you actually think about moving out because you think he like HATES YOUR GUTS and you kinda don’t talk to him at all for a bit
he feels bad after a while seeing you come home and just lock yourself in your room for like…the entire day before you get up early in the morning and leave + wants to make amends but his ego’s too big
ends up just cutting fresh fruit for you around like 2am since you were up doing work (with a frustrated brain) but accidentally walks in on you changing and drops the fruit all on the ground
you swear you’ve never seen a boy so RED before (or have you seen him apologize before) and he literally just STANDS THERE before closing the door
rethinks his entire life on what the HELL he just saw, and why he liked it so much but comes in after you tell him too (you’re kinda embarrassed too, you know, seeing the pretty pink undies hehe)
you apologize first about your friends and stuff though he feels bad for just yelling at you about it rather than like, talking like a normal person and he just is like ‘fancy some fruit?’
yeah, y’all kinda get closer after that, and he even lets you into his room (which was OFF LIMITS before), and you get to see his artwork which is wow phenomenal
y’all cook together and make it like it’s some kind of vlog (though y’all suck at that shit, so it’s just fake youtube), and the food ends up like pretty decent at the end
he doesn’t go to the same uni as you, but since you don’t leave early in the morning anymore, y’all walk together until you have to part ways
renjun has the dreamies over VERY RARELY but he goes out to their apartments often, he won’t admit it but he doesn’t want donghyuck to meet you because you might fall in love with him like everyone else seemed to
donghyuck does meet you though, and it’s safe to say that his flirting did not work on you! which was surprisingly relieving to renjun, and he didn’t even realize he was so relieved that you didn’t give a shit
you now only have your friends over whenever renjun’s not there just for the sake of him, but you usually go out instead too so…sometimes there’s an empty house bc y’all are way too considerate for each other
once you met him on your way back from your friend’s and it was like the spider-man meme like ‘boy, i left because of you’ and vice versa
there isn’t really a big hassle on chores in your apartment unless either of your families are coming for a visit because then it is..like renovating time
‘just take the couch out of the living room, it looks ugly’ + “bitch, where tf are they gonna sit then??’
he once got clothing stuck in the bottom of the washing machine and it was WALKING (i’m not kidding guys, this shit happens) + y’all had to call your landlord who wasn’t too happy
and talk about escalating the relationship..y’all are practically best friends by now even though you both are literal opposites
he doesn’t really ask you out like at all but gets all emotionally defensive when you’re about to go on a blind date that one of your friends set up for you
‘just go with me’
and you’re like…babe that’s not how it works but eventually you get the message (after a while) and you’re like ‘oh, you mean you actually want to go with me’
ends up taking you to the same cafe you were supposed to meet the other guy at and buys you food for the first time but kisses you with a spontaneous burst of confidence
but then it’s all flustered renjun™
feisty roommate
moved in with you bc you both are best friends and thought that y’all had ENOUGH time living in dorms on campus at uni
you literally don’t know how to deal with him at first because this boy is a messy mf and leaves everything everywhere which gets you all riled up
eventually you just threaten to throw his computer out the window if he doesn’t do the goddamn dishes once this semester and does them in fear
it worked the first few times but he saw it coming after a while and just threatened to throw you out the window, while holding half your body out of the fifth floor window
let’s just say the neighbors probably thought you were being abused from your screams, and it was proven when cops showed up at your doorstep about an hour later
that was probably the most terrifying and awkward conversation you had ever had with someone, even though it was mostly jeno talking to them while you were standing slightly behind him with your hand on the sleeve of his jacket
they eventually left and you almost cried because you were so scared you were gonna get arrested for no reason, and because you were too broke to bail yourself out of a jail and jeno was like ‘yeah it happens’
well, he didn’t hold you out of a window again, that was for sure but he made sure to take his time out of playing games and doing work to do some chores so you wouldn’t be doing all of them
jeno doesn’t mind your friends over, though he hates it when one of them try to hit on him even as a joke, and the last time that happened, you ended up just kicking her out because you were so fed up
dreamies come over pretty often actually, and raid your kitchen too which is sad because your stock of cheap alcohol is gone is less than a few minutes
they once all ended up drunk and on the floor of your living room except for jisung, who had been forbidden to drink, and you ended playing cards with him for like two hours before jeno dragged him out of your room
he didn’t invite them over for a month after that because he thought jisung hit on you (the literal high schooler, smh) but didn’t tell you that so you just thought he was mad at them
takes you clothing shopping with him because he has no fashion sense and doesn’t want to admit it to jaemin but you both usually end up at a fast food restaurant eating fries
you both are allergic to cats, but he has three and they’ve grown on you
cooking is usually rare in your apartment, but there always seem to be so many FUCKING DISHES, jeno usually just orders food for the both of you over weekends and breaks while slowly realizing he’s gonna go into debt if he keeps buying sm food
you start playing overwatch because him (which actually just started out as you being curious on how to play) and now you’re hooked, and he’s jealous because you’re actually good
ends up fighting for his computer back because you kept using it, but let you for a while bc he kinda found it cute seeing you sitting in his huge gaming chair wearing oversized clothing and battling like a boss
he doesn’t regret ever moving in with you bc it’s earned him some very interesting experiences that he couldn’t really trade for the world
his heart does a thing when he finds you asleep at his desk past midnight, and isn’t really sure if he should wake you up or not but ends up tucking you into his bed and he takes home on the couch
anyway the couch was fucking COLD but you woke up literally in his scent, and damn were you confused but you found him in the living room under a thin blanket
yeah, you scold him for that because he catches a cold and he’s a whole baby when he’s sick
okay, he’s like barely sick but he’d be like ‘y/n help me, i can’t get up’ and you get all worried bc he looks so tired but he just wants the care (evil jeno hehe)
you feel bad bc it was kinda your fault that he had to sleep on the couch and you apologize while bringing him food and stuff and his heart does a thing again and he’s like..this is my best friend, i’m a fucking idiot
yeah but he’s in love with you, it’s just a matter of time before one of you confessed
bratty roommate
hyper king who was the pretty but loud boy in one of your classes + he asked you to move in with him when he overheard you talking to a friend about needed to move out of the dorm
he didn’t actually think you’d take him seriously, but is glad because he has a bit of a crush on you and is planning on making you fall for him
you know the drill already though, he’s the guy that everyone falls for, so you’re determined not to!!
donghyuck is the definition of a brat, and pulls pranks on you constantly which you always innocently fall for, marking his happiness
you get him back though, filling his shampoo bottle with hair dye that he actually falls for (and you know it from the screech that comes from the bathroom around 3am)
but you’re back in class and he looks like a hot mf with this silver hair, making you regret the fact that you bought silver instead of red
donghyuck actually falls harder and harder for you though, though he’s trying to keep up his whole playboy fanatic and it’s getting hard for you
he sucks at basic things though, and runs away when you tell him it’s his turn to do the dishes (like, he runs out of the apartment)
dreamies are over, but not that much, you kinda think chenle and renjun hate your guts from the way they always eye you (also since you don’t hesitate to kick their asses out)
donghyuck prefers going out too, and planning very intricately how to make your life more miserable!!
is good at cooking but he’s too flirty to actually get anything done without you threatening to stab his eyes out
overheard you complaining to your friend one day over the phone about how hyuck is such a nuisance and basically you’re thinking about moving out because he’s so fucking HARD to live with
gets a little sad knowing that you just see him as annoying and tones down his bratty behavior to a record breaking low (i swear, it’s almost impossible) and you think he’s possessed
comes home one day to you watching a horror movie in the living room with the lights off and you get frightened out of your wits and even start crying
he’s like ‘fuck’ and thinks you’re hurt or something and gets all cuddly and is like ‘babe, what’s wrong??? who hurt you??’
ends up finding out you’re drunk, because you kept sobbing loudly about the guy that stood you up for a date and from the half empty vodka bottle
gets kinda pissed that someone really stood you up which caused you to drink away your feelings (well, you had other issues as well, but the date was a main component) and he’s actually genuinely worried
tries to get you water when you start coughing but you just cling onto him and tell him not to go away and he swears his heart stopped from the way you looked at him with pleading eyes and a pout
‘i’ll never leave you’
pretty sure he’s in love with you by the next day, and doesn’t fail to let you know by trying to flirt very successfully but you just think it’s hyuck back with his antics again
yeah, it’s not, sweetie’s in love with you and you finally get it!! after a really long time because you have trust issues and hyuck seemed to flirt with everyone before, though now…it happened only with you..wow??
he doesn’t ask you out, and kinda thinks that’s overrated so he just kisses you and well you like it
sweetheart roommate
jaemin is the bestest boy on this planet, no one can tell me otherwise
though you guys moved in together because of a roommate switch up with your landlord, you two didn’t really mind it all that much bc y’all got along well!!
the two of you have a pretty calm and very ‘roommate’ kind of relationship because it takes both you a little while to break out of your shells a little bit
it took you a both a month, but the respectfulness of ‘no, i’ll do the dishes’ turned to a more of a friendship at first, though jaemin would admit he saw you as a little more than that, a best friend!!
has a daily order of coffee to your apartment three times a day and offered you a sip once and you could’ve sworn it was the liquified version of the souls in hell
he cooks for you 🥺 mainly because he trusted you next to a stove and ended up regretting it so
y’all go to the same uni too, so the walks there aren’t silent anymore!! before, it was just a side-by-side walk while you both had earbuds in
now that the two of you were closer, he basically treated you like you were his girlfriend and the dreamies didn’t fail to notice that
has a habit of pecking your cheek as a goodbye, which hyuck sees and is like ‘friends don’t do that!!!’ and jaemin’s like ‘we aren’t friends, we’re more than that.’
he meant y’all were BEST FRIENDS but hyuck now thought you two were fucking behind closed doors and made sure to mention it to all the dreamies too
yeah, jaemin doesn’t have hyuck over anymore, if anyone, it’s usually jeno or jisung who are usually more considerate on the fact that you live there and don’t bother you
your parents came to visit one day and fell in love with jaemin, especially your mom, who told you that he is husband material, well she’s not wrong.
bought you colored pencils after you lost all of them at uni, and got really hyped seeing how happy you were because of that and bought you a lotta stuff after that
like it wouldn’t even be planned, like he’d see something while shopping and would be like…’yes this is SO y/n’ and ends up buying it for you 
people at uni probably think y’all are married from the way y’all argue about socks being left all over the apartment, which usually leads to one of you feeling bad and apologizing to the other
helps you with homework and even offers to write your essays when your sick or not in the mood, though he refuses your help like it’s second nature because he doesn’t want to ‘bother you’
doesn’t even realize he’s in love with you until jeno jokingly says he wants to ask you out and he gets all stiff and is straight up like ‘no, bro, that’s not cool’
ends up asking you out because he’s scared one of the dreamies would do it before him and you say no at first because you think he’s high or some shit but he’s being real
yeah and then the fucking behind closed doors becomes a reality
dumbass roommate
i’m not kidding, he blasts music at 4am thinking that you’re asleep and you ARE until you hear the music
the apartment is HUGE, it belongs to him, but put out the second room for low rent because he was lonely and tbh it was a pretty good size for the price
you thought he was a little annoying at first because the dreamies would literally be over all the fucking time because they were in love with the apartment, and both of y’all just didn’t along with each other’s friends
well, you just avoided them interacting with him because he was kinda a lil embarrassing at first, and you thought he was immature (he’s only a year younger though…)
he’s really passionate about music though, and has a wholeass piano in the corner of the living room that you’re not allowed to touch, but you’re so fucking tempted to
can’t do any chores for shit, and doesn’t really try until he sees you washing the dishes and is like ‘this is no good’ and hires a cleaning lady, he doesn’t make you pay extra though, which makes you happy
accidentally used your perfume instead of his own for about a week and smelled like vanilla all day everyday until you noticed that he was the reason why the bottle was disappearing liquid by the day
took you to an arcade when you were really stressed one day and this boy is competitive, so that was a whole RIDE but it was fun to actually hang out with him without arguing or starting a roommate war
yeah, y’all had a whole roommate war, if he was gonna blast music, you were gonna do it too and no one could complain to the landlord because the place literally belongs to him
watches movies with you, even the weird cheesy ones which he usually just makes stupid comments on, or even horror movies where he’s like…‘this bitch asked for death, so she’s gonna get it’
pranks you but not really badly, knows you’re scared of spiders and buys a bunch of plastic ones and puts them in the cupboards to hear you scream in fear in the morning 
the cops showed up at your door too because the neighbors complained about noise, but you both had fallen asleep in the living room before they nearly threatened to break down the door and chenle woke up
dreamies tease him about you as well (like their bitchasses will), but they don’t really think anything’s gonna happen because you’re older but that is WRONG
y’all both have different tastes when it comes to food, but he still manages to take everything you buy for yourself even though he’s the rich one
teaches you how to play the piano one day and his heart does a thing when you lean your head on his shoulder for a brief second, babe thinks he’s falling for you
which is right, and he’s pretty obvious about it like you’d be just cooking wearing some sweats and he’d be creepily watching from the living room thinking you’re gorgeous and you’re like ‘tf is wrong with you, headass’
yeah, it takes him a while to confess because he’s nervous and doesn’t really have much experience in this kinda field (asks jisung too, but that boy literally knows less than him so)
tries to be all romantic with food and shit but he makes a mess and you find it frustratingly cute and judging from the way he was looking at you, you thought he was about to pull out a million dollar ring and propose to you
cutie roommate
you both moved out of your parent’s houses senior year even though y’all hadn’t even graduated yet, but you didn’t think you could deal living with your four silblings and parents for another year
y’all are best friends, and probably do everything together too unless one of you are under a lot of stress because of school work (which might lead to a soft night of like, building forts or movies)
jisung is a mESSY PERSON but y’all clean together, like if it’s time to do the dishes, y’all are doing that together, one person washes while the other ones dries or even cleaning the living room, like y’all have designated cleaning days
you both have your friends over pretty rarely since it’s y’alls dorm uwu, not theirs and you know hell as well all they gonna be doing is stealing food
wears your clothes but by accident, like you might’ve mixed in a shirt or two along with his laundry and he’s wondering why tf it’s so fucking tight on him but still wears it until you’re like…jisung what the fuck
gives it back to you but it’s all stretched out now so :( but he lets you wear his sweatshirts!! 
there’s a nice lil rooftop to the dorm that no one really seems to use other than you two, but y’all usually go up there to escape from the real world, like you come home and sungie isn’t there, check the roof! he’s probably crying his eyes out!!
just kidding, jisung doesn’t cry, he’s a tough baby
all jokes aside, you both stress over exams and classes together, and drink a hell of a lot of coffee too (the machine broke one week, and y’all were too broke to buy another one immediately so y’all saved up while dying inside)
cooking…doesn’t really happen though there is a kitchen, maybe if the dreamies are over and renjun’s in charge, but other than that, y’alls parents send you food or you order stuff
you get a part-time job after a while bc you don’t wanna bother your parents and you come home at like 10pm and babe is already so worried since you didn’t pick up the whole and begs you to quit
you don’t, but he starts working too and you both suffer together!!
y’all have a surprisingly clean apartment, but jisung’s room is another dimension that you cleaned one day he was out for work
he came back and walked into his room, and almost walked out because he genuinely thought he walked into the wrong dorm until he sees you
this boy sleeps everywhere too, but everywhere he’s not supposed to sleep, under the carpet in the living room, in the bathtub, even out on the balcony in the summer once and you thought he died in the morning
you both take walks in the neighborhood together on the weekends, like scheduled regularly occurring walks that even the old lady next to the chinese place says hi to you on saturdays
y’all aren’t even sure when it turned from a friendship to a relationship, though you’re pretty sure it was because of a petty fight over school or something that just lead to him confessing very loudly
it was kinda scary hearing him shout but y’all both realize what he just said and…damn
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jaehotbuns · 4 years
do you love me
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rating: pg
word count: 4864
characters: you x renjun
genre: waiter!renjun, pure fluff (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
song recommendation: do you love me - stephanie poetri
summary: you pick petals off of a flower to try and figure out if the cute waiter at the sushi restaurant next door feels the same way that you feel about him. you stop when he comes to see you on break at the boba shop, answering the question for you.
“What is that?” Your coworker Taeil asked while washing the dishes that piled up from the afternoon rush that you two just cleared. What better refresher was there than a sugary cup of iced bubble tea on a hot midsummer day? He was referring to the daisy in your hand. It had a large green stem until you cut it close to the bud so that you could sit and pick off its petals.
“Trying to answer a question,” you said, plucking off another spongy white petal and letting it dramatically fall down onto the glass table that was in front of the tea bar. Every petal that you picked, you would say in your head like a middle schooler, “he loves me… He loves me not.”
Taeil laughed as he continued to thoroughly wash the measuring cups and drink shakers like the responsible employee that he was. His eyes occasionally looked up from rinsing the dish bubbles off the utensils to see you sigh every now and then as the number of petals decreased. “Are you trying to figure out if Renjun likes you?”
Your head shot up from your lethargy and mopping, which was half attributed to your mind being dominated with thoughts of the waiter that worked at the sushi bar next to your bubble tea shop and half because you kept messing up drinks during the rush because you could only think about him. Your neck twisted in the direction of Taeil, and you scowled at the smug expression on his face. You knew that expression all too well, it screamed “see, I know I’m right.” To rub it in your face he actually said it although your lack of response already gave him the answer, “I know you too well huh?”
You dropped the flower onto the table and collapsed dramatically against the bright orange sofa that you were sitting on. “There’s approximately 30 to 54 petals on a daisy but I didn’t bother counting the one that I picked,” you sighed. “Do you think there’s a chance that he likes me?”
Without looking at him as your head was rested on the top of the sofa and you were staring straight at the hanging lights which was intended to resemble tapioca pearls but actually ended up looking like fish eggs since they were orange to match the store’s signature colour, you knew he was finished washing the dishes when you heard the squeak of the faucet turning. You could already tell he was drying his hands to walk over from behind the bar to sit next to you.
The store was empty after the rush, leaving only you and Taeil. The bright orange and teal decor, bright lights, and repetitive top 100 pop hits were a deterrent to most customers which made your workplace a takeout shop essentially so you didn’t understand why Huang Renjun always stayed here for an hour with only his phone and a jasmine green tea, 50% sugar, and grass jelly. He recently started to order the roasted hojicha blended iced latte because you recommended it but that’s besides the point, why would he come to this dump?
“Of course he likes you,” Taeil said in a reassuring voice as he plopped down on the sofa next to you. He groaned as his leg got caught in the hanging wire decoration that kids always liked to play in and tangle that you’d always have to ask them nicely not to because their parents didn’t bother. “I wouldn’t even drink the tea here, so why would he?”
“Bad taste buds?” You replied to his rhetorical question which was met by him rolling his eyes.
“No,” Taeil said while pointing his index finger at you once you sat up from your odd position to match his posture. “He usually comes in when you’re working anyways,” he stretched his back and his limbs until he looked like a starfish. “I don’t really see him whenever you’re not around.”
You leaned onto the glass table in front of you two to begin questioning Taeil to clear your doubts. “But I’m the newest employee and he was already a regular before I started here.” He must’ve come for the tea and he was already well-liked by the other employees at the boba shop for being bubbly and polite, and ridiculously cute.
Taeil placed his hands onto the back of his head and curled his back into the fold of the two sofa cushions. “Yeah but he always came in like once a week and would drink while scrolling through his phone,” he nodded and was satisfied with his reasoning. “Now he orders some for his coworkers because he wants another reason to talk to you, cash girl.”
You were still not convinced, but little did you know that Taeil was right.
Another petal was plucked from the daisy as you started the ritual again while reminiscing the first time you met him. “He loves me…”
To commemorate a new employee aboard the “boba crew” your manager called it, which made you cringe although you kept it to yourself because you wanted to keep your job, the owners decided to treat all of the employees to a nice company dinner. And by a nice company dinner they meant eating with the owner, manager, and eight old employees at the next door cheap all you can eat sushi place. You’ve been there before and it was good sushi, but they were definitely making it more grandiose than it actually was.
They said to meet in front of the shop at 5pm, which was too early for dinner but the 5-6 window was cheaper than 6pm onwards because that was usually when people came for dinner. As you were the first person there despite being the purpose of the dinner, they asked you through the group chat to get a nice table by the window even though 5pm was when they opened for dinner and no customer was there yet.
You already knew how bad, unprofessional, and disorganized the management was but you sucked it up because your friend Jeno referred you after he quit to go abroad and you were already mutual friends with some of the staff. So you sucked it up and decided to get a table and sit in the empty sushi restaurant until the other employees came.
As soon as you opened the door to the familiar Japanese restaurant with green and blue decor, you were greeted with shouting from a young boy that was hurriedly setting out dishes on freshly wiped wooden tables. “Chenle, you were supposed to be here ten minutes ago. How long does it take to buy us two chocolate croissants!” He must’ve been anticipating another employee as he was shouting at you with his back turned.
Of course Renjun didn’t expect you to be there, looking pretty with a plain black turtleneck, a light beige houndstooth print blazer, black jeans, and simple accessories and light makeup. No one ever came right at the opening and the restaurant’s seats only started to fill up at the 5:30 minute mark.
Having worked there ever since he was 15 as it was his family’s business, Renjun knew when the French bakery across the street started putting their pastries on sale so they didn’t waste it before closing. So he sent Chenle to fetch their favourite, chocolate nutella croissants, before they opened so they could enjoy it on their break. He usually ate sushi at the back of the kitchen while watching whatever Chinese soap opera Chenle played but he’d occasionally grab a drink at the bubble tea shop next door for a lighter meal.
You tried to suppress your laughter and stood there awkwardly as he still didn’t turn around to acknowledge you, “sorry are you not open yet?”
Renjun froze midway from placing the last pair of chopsticks on the table he had to set as he heard your sweet voice. He didn’t know how he could face a customer after yelling at them for taking too long to buy chocolate croissants. When he turned around, face and ears flushed red with embarrassment, he was saved by Chenle who came in with a white paper bag which was overflowing with French pastries. “Oh welcome, why don’t you have a seat. Wherever’s fine,” Chenle said after setting down the pastries on a nearby table and giving you a set of menus after you told him your reservation.
Although Renjun was cursing at Chenle in his head for being late and making him yell at you, he was also thanking him because he would’ve been a bumbling mess when he saw the pretty customer smiling at his dumb mistake. Once Chenle went to the back to put away the snacks and you were scanning the menu, Renjun rushed to the back and slapped Chenle’s shoulder which caused the poor boy to jump. “Hey! What was that for?” Chenle pouted while rubbing the spot where Renjun smacked him. “I got us some macarons too because the lady said they didn’t sell much today,” he grinned.
On a normal day Renjun would be high-fiving him and saying, “nice!” But today, he was horrified and too shy to talk to you although he really wanted to serve you. He could’ve let Chenle serve your table but he was curious about you. “I just yelled at her because I thought she was you!”
As Chenle tied a knot behind his back to secure his apron he tilted his head to the side, “what did you say to her?”
Renjun paraphrased quickly as too many thoughts were rushing through his head, “something like ‘why are you taking so long with my chocolate croissants Chenle?!” He was gesticulating wildly.
Unbeknownst to you as you texted your coworkers on how long they were going to take to arrive, you heard the sharp noise of high pitched laughter behind the curtain that separated the sushi bar and serving area. You suppress a laugh with your hand as Chenle’s laugh was contagious and very loud.
Knowing how loud and identifiable Chenle’s laugh was, Renjun placed his index finger on his lips and shushed him aggressively. “You want me to take care of her table then?” Chenle asked, as both of them were now ready to serve as the sushi chefs and hostess began to take their positions.
“No!” Renjun whisper-shouted.
Chenle giggled and elbowed Renjun’s side to further make fun of him, “why? Is it because she’s pretty?” Renjun’s face scrunched up, refusing to admit it and not wanting to deny it either because he knew Chenle was tease back saying, “oh so you’re saying she’s not pretty,” if he did.
“I’m taking her drink order,” Renjun huffed as he grabbed a pen and a notepad from a nearby desk and stomped out from behind the curtain. When he walked out into the dining area, satisfaction spread as he saw who you were sitting with. Everyone at the boba shop had arrived and was also looking at the menu, deciding how much sushi they wanted to order just in case they ordered too much and had to hide it in their bags to avoid paying the leftovers fee. If you were a worker, he could see you often and you weren’t just another customer who comes and goes.
Taking a deep breath to prepare him mentally to not mess up and stammer in front of you, he walked over to the only table that was full in the restaurant and held his pen and paper in position. “Hello, my name is Renjun and I’ll be your server today. Can I get you started with some drinks?” His breath caught in his throat when your eyes looked directly into his and smiled. He averted his eyes, pretending to listen to Taeil order drinks and writing down what he wanted to avoid your gaze.
Everyone was ordering cocktails until your manager suggested that they get you a bottle of sake to share as a new employee. Really they were just being nice to reel you in considering how many bad employee reviews there were and how many people quit on them. “Sure,” you nodded and Renjun instantly took it down. When the manager said your name he smiled, another thing I know about her he thought.
Once Renjun went to the back to prepare the drinks, you smiled to yourself as your other employees were talking about how to increase their bad sales compared to the bubble tea chain directly across the street. You liked the way he held his head down and silently moved his lips to himself as he walked to the back, the way he looked up in surprise and froze when he first looked at you, and when his adam’s apple moved slightly when you made eye contact with him.
When all of the employees finished eating their fill to the point of popping the buttons and zippers on their pants because they wanted to take advantage of the all you can eat system and stuff themselves with sashimi, you called Renjun over to get the bill. The manager drunkenly took it out of Renjun’s hands and handed it to the owner to pay. You looked around all of your coworkers and realized they drank more than you did although it was to welcome the new employee. They all had at least 3 shots of sake and 3 cocktails while you had a shot and one very fruity and light cocktail.
Renjun came over one last time to give back the customer’s receipt and little complementary guava candies before waiting to apologize to you. While the other employees stumbled out of the restaurant, which Renjun tried to ignore although he found it odd that they were already shit-faced at barely 7pm, you were the last one to get out of your seat to leave.
“Hey,” he said softly which caused you to turn around before you could make it out. “I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier, I thought you were someone else,” he apologized while scratching the back of his neck with one hand and another fiddling with the apron’s knot at his back.
You shook your head gently and waved both of your hands in front of you to reassure him, “no it’s okay.” Before you left you jokingly told him one last thing, “if you still feel bad about it how about a chocolate croissant? I work next door at Bobabee.”
Renjun was overjoyed because now he has an excuse to come and see you without being creepy. He also liked the fact that you were unaware that he was already a regular. Throughout his shift that night, he was excited for your blooming relationship.
“He loves me not,” you sighed again for who knows how many times before plucking off another couple of petals. There was only a quarter of petals left now that Taeil was back behind the bar and making drinks as it was time for your break and you were to cover him after your 30 minutes was up. You hoped that the customers weren’t weirded out by an employee ruining a perfectly beautiful white daisy but if their poor quality and cheap drinks didn’t deter them then nothing would.
In your heart, you had a feeling that Renjun liked you. Taeil did list the reasons that you also thought to yourself that he liked you; he always came in on your shifts, he talked to you the most even if it was simple small talk and getting to know each other, and whenever you came to eat at the sushi place he served your table. But for all that you knew he could’ve been looking for a platonic friend around his age.
Much to your surprise, there he was. When you looked up you saw Renjun still in his employee uniform, a black shirt with a blue short-sleeved kimono on top, black sweats, but missing his apron. He looked hesitant to join the line that was forming once he saw Taeil taking orders and making drinks but his face lit up when he saw you scrambling to shove something into your jean pocket. He walked over to you while you tried to be nonchalant despite thinking about him throughout the duration of your break.
“Hey!” He smiled brightly as he took a seat on the sofa next to you. “On break?” He asked, jutting his head towards Taeil who was calming checking out each customer.
“Yeah,” you said, still flustered at his unprecedented visit. “You are too?” You glanced at your phone’s time and saw that it was 4:45pm and silently cursed at yourself because the restaurant was closed to prepare for dinner service so he didn’t even go on shift yet.
Renjun shook his head, “just thought I should grab a drink before work.” He never did that, you thought. He always came on his break or to bring a drink home after work but you shook it off. In actuality, he wanted to ask you out before work on a date so that during his shift he would be too busy to be excited about your acceptance or sad from your rejection.
You placed your hand on your cheek and used your elbow to support your head as it pressed against the smooth glass surface of the table. “I could go for some sushi right now,” you sighed as you had to close by yourself tonight as another coworker called in sick.
“Why don’t you go after your shift?” Renjun asked. You told him that you would only go to the restaurant occasionally whenever you were finished shopping with your friends or family since it was located downtown but once you two were more acquainted with each other, you both went to your workplaces more often. Your more frequent visits gave him hope that you also had feelings for him. “I sneak you some free tempura, I know that’s your favourite,” he nudged you lightly to try and convince you to come.
You pouted at how you had to reject such a cute proposal from Renjun and on top of that free food too, “I have to close by myself tonight.” Your bubble tea shop closed at 11, which was way too late in your opinion because who in their right mind wants boba at 11, and his sushi shop closed at the same time. Both of you would also have to spend at least 30 minutes washing dishes and cleaning the tables and floors.
Renjun’s shoulders sank slightly. You were his favourite customer because you always came with your friends and both of your exchanges were always overly polite like too many thank you’s and no problem’s and when he turned around your friends would tease you about it. He also liked the ego boost when your friends would try and whisper their acknowledgement of your taste in men by saying, “oh you’re right he is cute.” But his favourite comment that he heard from your table was, “hey you’d make a good couple.”
He still remembers the first time you came to the restaurant with your friends.
“There’s a cute regular that works here,” you told your friends before entering the door and waiting for the hostess to finish with the guests in front of you.
“Is that why you wanted to go here?” Sooyoung asked while smiling up to her cheeks and elbowing the side of your arm as she was excited to see her friend’s love life bloom after being dead for who knows how long.
There were at least 3 all you can eat sushi restaurants that you could think of that were suggested in your group chat of where to go before you went shopping but you turned those done with excuses like, “let’s go to the cheapest.” Your friends all agreed with no idea of your intentions to see Renjun until you told them at the door. For all you knew he could’ve come in for the night shift or was taking a break today.
When you were seated by the hostess, you all sat down with you closest to the inside of the booth. The first waiter that took your drink order was aloof and walked quickly away to get your waters. “Is that him?” Yeji asked after he left.
You shook your head after he came back and set the clear cups of water onto your table. When it came time to order the food, there he was. Huang Renjun with his typical posture when taking orders, pen already in one hand pressed to the notepad in the other. When he looked up to see who was talking his face instantly brightened up at seeing your appearance.
You were dressed more casual compared to the dinner and you obviously looked more like yourself out of your uniform, although the black t-shirt with the mascot patch on your arm also made you look cute. “Oh, it’s you,” he smiled and gave a little wave before continuing to take your friend’s orders.
He turned around to send the ticket to the sushi bar while trying to suppress the large smile on his face. “Ohhh, she’s got herself a cute,” your friends teased as you leaned against the booth embarrassed yet happy that he acknowledged you. “He’s not bad,” Yuna laughed, all of you were excited to watch the cute waiter bring out your food with a unchanging smile on his face.
“Thank you,” you were the only one to say it whenever he came around to serve your food.
“No problem,” he’d reply back, look into your eyes, and then return to the back.
“Oh you too are flirting!” Yeji exclaimed while squeezing her hands into fists at how cute she found the two of you.
“We’re just being polite!” You tried to defend yourself although it was heart fluttering that he only replied to you.
To your disappointment, another waiter brought out the bill when you all finished eating. When you all finished paying and were about to head on with your day, he made sure to catch you before you left as he was checking himself out in the washroom’s mirror to make sure he didn’t look bad from running around the restaurant all morning. He barely caught you out the door but luckily you were sitting inside the booth and had to drag your bag out of the corner. “Are you working today?” He asked which made you turn around like the first time you met.
“No, I have a day off,” you smiled at how he made sure to say one last thing to you before you left. He was disappointed, that meant he couldn’t see you on your break.
“Oh, have fun on your day off!” He waved so that you could catch up to your friends who were already at the door but watching you as you weren’t with them but with the cute regular.
“Have fun at work,” you laughed and he laughed back. That was what he said to you when you first served him.
After you left, even without hearing it, Renjun could see that your friends were squealing at your interaction and he smiled to himself. He must’ve known that you felt the same way too.
“Should I order a drink though?” Renjun asked as despite Taeil being a pro at working by himself at a steady pace, he didn’t want to add to the orders he had.
You knew he was referring to the line of three customers in front of the till while Taeil was mixing drinks for those who already ordered. “You could wait until I’m off break,” you said as it would take that amount of time for Taeil to clear the line and for the customers to die down.
Renjun nodded at your proposal as now he could talk to you even longer as he could order and have a conversation while you made his drink. “You always make the best drinks,” he said. He didn’t say that just because he liked you, for some reason your drinks had the right amount of sweetness despite everyone using the same recipe.
“Is that the only reason why you keep coming on my shifts?” You asked to tease him but also to find out if he came to see you or if you really just made drinks to his preference. Everyone makes the drinks according to the same recipe but when you asked for your usual order of matcha with 50% sugar, tapioca, grass jelly, light ice, on your day off Taeil made it taste completely different than how you did.
Renjun suppressed the blush as if he could control the blood rush to his cheeks, but he tried to shrug it off. “No, to see my favourite employee too.” He looked at your reaction and was satisfied when your lips curled into a small smile.
Both of you reminisce about the time when he first came in after the chocolate croissant fiasco.
“Hello!” You greeted the customer when the door opened to see the cute boy from the sushi restaurant that yelled at you because he mistook you for his coworker who came in with a big bag of pastries. “Oh you actually came!” You were happy to see him. At that time you simply thought he was attractive and cute because of his mistake, so you didn’t know that one day you’d fall in love with him.
He was in a simple dark grey t-shirt which he tucked into his light beige capri pants that was secured by a sleek black belt with gold detailing. He must’ve been going to work for the night shift again as it was nearing 5pm. “Here for an apology,” he said as he handed you a single box. You checked the contents and saw a dainty strawberry cake. You visited the French bakery before and this cake was 3x the price of the infamous chocolate croissant.
“I can’t take this!” You said, trying to give it back to him but he shook his head and moved his hands to behind his back so you couldn’t shove it in his hands.
“How about a discount?” He joked. You agreed which was against company policy but the cake was worth it. You could only give the discount to yourself, immediate family members, or significant others which is funny because you both didn’t know that you were going to be that one day.
“Your name for the order?” You asked after taking his order and payment.
“Renjun,” he said. You smiled, now both of you knew each other's names.
When your break was over, Taeil plopped onto the coach you were on and began reading the daily news on his phone like the quarter aged grandpa that he was. Luckily, the customers took their drinks for takeout and no one else came in. “Are you going to order watermelon or hojicha this time?” You asked once you were behind the bar and at the till with Renjun facing you.
“I don’t know...  How about a special drink?” He asked, mustering the courage to ask you on a date now that Taeil had his earphones in and the store was empty.
“Oh! I made a drink a while ago that kinda tasted like the tofu desserts you find in a packet at the grocery store. Do you like those?” He nodded and smiled at your excitement over your very own secret drink creation. Once you asked for the size, toppings, and his payments, you were excited to make the drink while Renjun was shaking in his clothes.
“Hey I was closing tonight too,” he began and you nodded while putting milk and tea into a shaker. “So did you want to grab dinner after work?”
You nearly dropped the shaker while you were mixing the liquids together at the sudden request. You stopped what you were doing and looked up at him with wide eyes. “Like a…” You didn’t have the courage to say date.
“A date… Will you go on a date with me?” He asked, looking into your eyes sincerely. He couldn’t take you to a fancy restaurant since he was working for his family and saving up for tuition. He didn’t have enough time to take you for a long date either because he was either studying or working but he wanted to be more than friends with you and this was the only way he could do that. To take you out to a 24 hour diner down the street.
“Sure,” you smiled and looked down out of embarrassment.
You both didn’t care that you weren’t dressed nicely or prepared beforehand. You were just happy that your feelings were reciprocated.
“I’ll wait in front of the store when you’re done,” he said.
You remembered the daisy scrunched up in your pocket. You picked it up on the way before work and felt apologetic for plucking it when you didn’t have to.
You didn’t need to pluck the last petal to know that; he loves me.
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