#hiiai: ready- start! saga
“Y-You’re a d- demon, aren’t you?“ Aira stammers as the boy cradles him tighter into his arms. “I dunno where your magical girl is, but… but you’re gonna save us, right!?”
“Save you?” the boy repeats, his smile ever present. He continues to traverse the debris of the mall, blackened with corruption from the witch’s domain, but doesn’t continue speaking, and the silence that follows unnerves Aira.
“You are going to, right? After all, us survivors are trapped here with no chance of escape…”
The other’s answer does little to soothe him. “Fwahaha! Eventually.”
“… Eventually?“ Aira deflates somewhat in confusion, his face scrunching up. “Huh? What’s that mean?”
“Mmh. It’s not my intention to leave you all at the witch’s mercy, but I didn’t come here for you.” He leaps several feet in the air over fallen debris. “You see, I need to bring my big brother home. However, every time I see him, he keeps running away from me.
“I know he is working under a magical girl to defend humanity from what you call witches. It is a part of his contract to guard your kind. He has told me that he’ll terminate his contract only when every single human in the world has died. I can’t wait that long… so that’s why this witch’s appearance is an opportunity I can’t pass. And that’s also why I can’t let any of you leave this labyrinth!”
It takes a moment for him to process the boy’s words, but when he does, Aira can’t hide his astonishment, his mouth gaping in shock. “You’re not… gonna help us leave? You’re not gonna let us leave?”
“He won’t defeat this witch if it’s only me trapped here,” the boy explains cheerily, as if what he had said was perfectly sensible. “But he will if there are humans in danger. Saving you is part of his job as a magical girl’s demon, right? Ahh, there’s always the chance that a magical girl themself comes to save us… but I know nii-chan’s active in this city, so there’s a good chance he comes anyway.”
He pauses, then quickly tacks on, “Oh, do not worry! I will protect you the whole time. Yes, yes, I will help you scavenge for food as well, since you humans need it.”
Aira falters, his stare focused on the smile still present on the demon’s face. A few moments before when he had saved Aira, it was angelic. Now, it seemed cold. Disingenuous.
“W-W- Wait a minute!” When the demon opens his mouth to explain again, Aira interrupts, “No, no, I get what you’re saying, but—what?! You’re endangering all of us, you know! This isn’t right!”
In response, the demon tilts his head. “It isn’t? But I will be protecting you. You’re in no true danger.”
“In no true danger?! We could die any moment to that witch, and you’re using our lives to draw him out! Don’t you think there’s something wrong with that?!”
“Maybe. But if there is a punishment waiting for me, I will gladly accept it after I have taken my brother home with me. I’m sorry if that upsets you.”
Aira raises his voice in exasperation, “Magical girls are supposed to help the weak, no matter what! For goodness’ sake, you’re a magical girl’s demon! You have to help us escape, you have to—“
“I am a demon to no magical girl.”
Aira freezes up at the sudden change in tone, and when he looks up, he finds a stern glare directed down at him.
“You aren’t paired with a magical girl?”
“Mmhm. After all, I don’t want to associate with those I wish to destroy.”
“But— You’re a demon, you’re supposed to contract with a magical girl— what do you mean by ‘those you wish to destroy’?!”
The demon huffs, his stare directing away from Aira.
“… Magical girls. Humans with unending wells of magic. We as demons have realized that magical girls are the key to avoiding our tragic fate as monsters.”
The demon’s frown deepens with each word he speaks.
“I can respect the power they hold, but my brother has been charmed by one. My elders have told me they’re weakening his power as an heir of the Amagi bloodline. I cannot let this happen. My brother must stay the fearsome leader he is.”
As the demon touches down upon solid ground, though, he grins to Aira.
“So cooperate for me. Just for a little while. I know my brother will not leave us for dead.”
But that’s what you’re doing to us, isn’t it?! Aira’s mouth feels dry. In the corner of his eyes, he can see a group of survivors congregating outside a make-shift shelter. “Are you kidding me…?!”
The demon shrugs before carefully letting Aira out of his arms. “If that is enough conversation, human, let me put you in the care of your brethren.”
Aira flinches when he’s set down on his feet, his ankle screaming in pain. But his annoyance soon enough overtakes his fear, and before one of the other survivors can take him in arms, Aira suddenly lunges and grabs the demon by his frill. The demon seems surprised by the attack, smile wiped off his face.
“My name is Aira Shiratori! Not ‘human’!” he shouts, frankly infuriated, “You’re completely misunderstanding what a magical girl even is! Besides that, I don’t care if you’re a demon, but if you let any one of us get hurt even a smidge, I’ll make sure you don’t even get to see your brother!”
He beats a fist against the demon’s chest, his weak assault barely resounding a smack.
In response, the demon’s bemused smile returns. Aira realizes how insignificant his threat must be, coming from a human as small and fragile as himself, but nevertheless, a shine seems to overtake the demon, and he stares at Aira as if he were a precious jewel found in the dirt, whose true value only shone after closer inspection.
“Aira Shiratori… Ufufu! What a beautiful name!”
His hand — Aira notes it is much bigger and more calloused than his own — pushes Aira’s fist away, patting it gently.
“Aira. My name is Hiiro Amagi. I am the only one who can defend you all. I would like it if you treated me kindly because of that fact. Believe me when I say I want to save everyone here, so wait until my strong big brother gets here and defeats the witch for us, okay?” Hiiro takes Aira’s hand in his own and shakes it. “Until then, let’s be friends!”
Aira can only feel further rage.
… In this situation, there’s no way we can be friends!
slides this towards you
[anon1]holy fuck let me Read in the car The ufufufu I love it 😭
he ufufus in canon its so funny not enough hiiro ufufus
[anon1]I’ve never seen him do it but I love it
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snndjSbdnNDB aira: WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE DIDNT NEED TO KISS? hiiro: i thought you knew and didnt care aira: WWWWWHY DIDNT YOU. STOP ME. AFTER THE FIRST hiiro: i liked the kisses aira: ///////// SHEHHUUDFT U I P PO JBVCJHDJB DDMFICUO H !!!!!
[anon1]they r so cute
hiiai my heart my hiiai-rt
poor aira, little does he know that after their first transformation the motion is locked on and cannot be changed >:3c
GEJWVAJSVDJFH [1]kohaku: oh no,, looks like we need a magical girl and his demon,,,, to help us,, it sure would be great if we had a magical girl,,,,,,, and his demon,,,,,,,,, to help us,,,,,,,,,,, aira: CAN YOU STOP LOOKING AT ME
aofokakfjasdfadsf aira (probs covered in dust and debris, as they all were) grabbing hiiro by the front of his shirt, clutching as tight as he can in order to gather enough strength to hoist the ragged and exausted hiiro up enough to smash their lips together with enough force to nearly clack teeth. hiiro's eyes widen, taking in the sensation. the grip on his shirt, small yet unyeilding, the warmth on his lips, soft yet possessing hard--chapped edges from days without adequet water, his hair, stuck together into chunky strands by sweat and dust--tickling the sides of his cheeks, and aira. aira, whose eyebrows have scrunched together. aira, who has closed his eyes unlike how hiiro's have been blown wide, wide open. and aira, who is the last thing hiiro feels as he melds away into a weapon befitting of the boy in front of him. the human who has kept the situation at bay, the boy who loves the magical girls he so loaths, the thief of his first kiss.
[1]kohiiai…. so true
[replying to og meeting idea post]im taking it back it does work because you see, half-corrupted hiiro apologizing to aira for dragging him and the other victims into this mess, because if he had just killed that witch in the first place theyd be perfectly fine, and while pulling one of hiiro’s arms over his shoulders, intent on dragging him away from the active witch attack, aira tells him to shut up and run. and despite never getting to see rinne again and failing the mission his village put him up to, hiiro decides to take responsibility and asks aira to leave him for dead so he has a chance to distract the witch and give the rest of them a fighting chance and airas like Boy if You Dont
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magical girl au in my brain…. the first time hiiro and aira meet, its entirely by coincidence, though perhaps its fate’s design— a witch descends upon the mall complex aira’s in, pulling a good amount of people into its labyrinth, and right as aira’s about to die to one of the witch’s familiars, hiiro swoops in and dices it to pieces
hes only there to find rinne and for no other reason. expecting his brother to show up soon, rather than defeat the witch itself, hiiro simply protects the witch’s victims, hinging on rinne to show up and save the day and then hiiai kiss or something i didnt get far
[1]snkdbf to hiiro’s surprise, rinne does not show up to aira’s, neither do any magical girls its been a couple of days, and hiiro’s very visibly pushed to his psychological limit with keeping the humans he could find from killing each other (or themselves). in this time, he and aira talk — aira learns of hiiro’s desire to “destroy all magical girls” and hiiro learns of aira’s love for magical girls. they obviously start off on the wrong feet but fighting for your life will very quickly acquaint you with your allies so they cope, with aira placating the other people he’s with and hiiro handling matters of protection and resource allocation (they need to Eat and Drink Water after all </3)
except in all this time, the witch has only become stronger and stronger. hiiro’s back-up plan for escape falls through when he can no longer find an appropriate ‘exit’ to the labyrinth, and the witch’s familiars are only becoming stronger, smarter, and more cunning, and the psychological influence of the witch unnerves the victims hiiro is protecting, though aira is immune due to the latent well of magic within him. on top of all this, after cutting down a familiar that nearly does another human in, hiiro’s subjected to his hubris in the form of corruption rendering him immobile from an internal magic tug-of-war, trying to keep himself from becoming a monstrosity with the belief that he could be a danger to the rest of them, hiiro opts to kamikaze it and kill the witch with the resulting explosion when he turns, except aira offers to form a contract with him and then hiiai kiss again or something eccentric party night suddenly popped in my head
hiiai kiss so real
their transformation sequence should involve kissing /j specifically because of this au i started watching futari wa precure research purposes bdjdbfjf after defeating the witch, they learn the reason why neither rinne nor any magical girls showed up, and its because rinne fought off every magical girl from interfering, hoping to pressure hiiro into thinking of the victims’ sakes first before rinne’s didn’t work of course but hiiro and aira forming a contract is Also a satisfactory conclusion to his gamble, and thus rinne allows himself to be arrested and taken away by the Magical Girl Police (akatsuki?) before hiiai can get their bearings post-witch-defeat
[anon1]LMAOOO magical girl police 😭😭😭
[anon2]i can believe magical girls but I draw the line at rinne willingly giving himself up to law enforcement /j
HAHAHSISHKDJFF he doesnt go without a fight i assure you but kuro slaps him across the face and rinne goes down easy
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magical girl au masterpost
*** Warning! In development! Details may be iffy, fudged or subject to re-conning! You have been warned! ***
a fusion of madoka magica and soul eater (kinda) demons make contracts with humans to fight monstrosities (demons that were corrupted and turned into monsters that go into the human world and are the cause of natural disasters). when a contract is made, the wish of the magical girl is granted but in exchange they must share the burden of corruption with the demon (which collects over time). by defeating monstrosities they can clear up the amount of corruption that has accumulated, but each defeat only clears a certain amount of corruption. so contracts always have some sort of time limit attached to prevent any one demon-magical girl combo from lasting too long and accumulating too much corruption. to fight a monstrosity magical girls use the magic bestowed upon them by their demon, which is best/most easily/most commonly utilized by turning the demon into a weapon to fight the monstrosity with (not always the case). but sometimes there are extraneous circumstances that create beings known as “witches.” “witches” are like monstrosities+, with more power due to greater accumulated corruption. there are currently two varieties of witches, determined by how they were formed. the first variety is the “bonded witch,” which happens when a demon-magical girl pair refuses to break their contract after it expires, and the eventual over-accumulation of blot ends up corrupting both the magical girl and demon into one super monstrosity— or, witch. the second is the “pure witch,” when one member of a contract breaks/dispels the bond by force when more than one being’s worth of corruption is accumulated, causing them to turn into with an extreme amount of power. these witches, notably, regain at least part of their consciousness.
Tags: #magical girl au ->posts abt our madoka magica & soul eater inspired magical girl au (notable tags: #magical girl masterpost, #mayo host, #hiiai: ready- start! saga)
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